Switzerland invasion

The current situation in the small town of Brügg near Biel in Switzerland

Diversity is everywhere.

https:// t.co/gAxlQVJzTi

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Don't give up!

You first.

Musel Neger im schweizer Gebirge? Was zum Teufel.

Point out where I said that.
Get fucked faggot, literally the only reason this country was created"', it was never subverted. It even carries the Templar's (=catholic=jesuit=mason/kike) emblem on its flag, it was never owned by Whites, only populated with them, who still sucked kike cock and fought with their lives to preserve the biggest kike bank on the planet, don't think they won't in the future too so they can sit safe and content while real'' Europeans rot.

Seems this was a Christian procession (1 min 17). That's why focussing on Islam isn't the right way, the problem is IMMIGRATION.

What complete nonsense.

Go drown yourself

Some of them appear to be carrying crosses, at least.

That's….somewhat of a relief.

RIP Bielersee

So are you going to do nothing but cry and spew empty words? The Templars even invented the Swiss banking system for crying outloud, Swiss kikes deserve absolutely no sympathy, and in opposition to Germany electing a great man like Martin Luther and telling the church to fuck off, the Swiss remained and will remain good goym to the Cathocucks (who made exceptions for them, and the kikes, not that they're any different) for the rest of our lives as long as they can profit off our misery.

Where the fuck are they going and didn't the Swiss pay a fine to their govt to keep them out?

Poor Mountain Jews. I thought they were safe.

If they were 8ft and being planted every hundred yards.

What the hell? I thought the Swiss were actually strict on immigration and didn't let shitskins in.

Neck yourself.

> implying Zürich represents the whole country of Switzerland

We're all from the Ganges now
We're all from the Nile now
We're all from the Euphrates now
We're all from the Congo now
For now the thousand years are ended

The number of prophecies that foretell this ending in blood are a little ludicrous.

Nope. But Swiss fags kiking on gold and making profit off it literally ever since the country was created by rich banking Templar faggots is a representative of all of Switzerland.

I was only pointing out the very slim silver lining that at least they aren't muslims. At least they aren't going to start suicide bombing the place. I freely admit that they will definitely rape, murder and steal.

They have to go back as soon as possible if not sooner.

Your words. Not mine. You can't awaken Furor Teutonicus by letting things rot. This is one of the most disgusting actual cucked memes.
The Brownshirts didn't wait before things got as bad as they could get, and yes, it could of gotten a lot worse for Germany.
Sweden used to have a lot of National Socialists, as did Germany at one point. I wonder what happened, oh that's right, forced indoctrination and endless propaganda from kindergarten to retirement.

There are more people that are killed every week in America from feral niggers than have been taken out with suicide bombs in the past few years. Suicide bombings are no worse than what niggers naturally do, they just make headlines.

Hi plebbit.
Won't happen, never did it in pathetic Swiss history.
Are you defending the Swiss? If so, why did you describe their mindset?
Lol and?


The savages look like they are in need of a trip to the mountains.

< oh no goyim the banks aren't created and prosper in Zürich it was created through all of Swisterland

Switzerland has been very big in sheltering mudpeople. what kind of rock have you dipshits been living under?
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2758055/Outraged-Swiss-village-1-000-residents-forced-raise-taxes-African-refugee-mother-seven-moves-costs-40-000-month-benefits.html

Why the fuck do these people think they can have socialism and open borders at the same time?

Who bought the lands? Who made the country? There were never native "swiss", the Templars who bought, made your country created the banks, false comparison you kike bent on omitting these facts.

That's the million dollar question, I think it explains why they don't want national borders but rather a massive superstate that can guarantee permanent welfare for everybody.


15 years ago and a measly 3k deaths, practically nothing in the overall scheme. You seem to have no concept of just how bad niggers are. Also

This is a display of strength; This is them explaining to you , the native, "Be afraid, we're her to take your shit". And since no one would dare move: They will.

It is eugenics, you stupid all Holla Forumsacks, what will it take to make you all to truly see? they want to get rid of the whites because they consider them weaklings. In the past eugenics focused on other traits, now its focus is brute strength and dark skin ( probably due to solar radiation?)

Its not an accident, its malevolence.

Holy shit, are you actually retarded?

hey jidf

Subhumans are just easier to control is what they think but it will all blow up in their faces.

Swissfag here checked btw
I haven't read a thing about this in the news. Thanks for letting us know.

I passed this on to uncut-news and junge svp btw, do what you must swissanons

Yall better fend off those invaders. They will murder you eventually being a combination of soldiers and soldiers in training(i.e shitaria law). I would have fled/defended myself already if it was that bad.

They're doing this all over europe, and in white lands everywhere like suburbs in minnesota.

They look like Eritreans tbh, you can see them hanging around often in front of Swiss churches or priest's offices. Might be they're getting money from the church or their employees are helping them getting their legal papers done but that's just me assuming things.

Fucking hell, i thought Switzerland was safe from this shit.

Pretty sure it's happening in virtually every White country, sadly.

I used to live in France, and I have never seen that many niggers in one place outside of the largest of cities. It's sad that Switzerland has that in their small towns now. Are these ones that just walked across the border from Italy? It looked like it was organized, somewhat, because some of the niggers were wearing reflective vests and carrying what looked like crosses or something.

The Japanese guy in the picture is a priest that wants more immigrants in Iceland. So much for muh based japs.

They already have over 50k niggers in the country and in 2016. they got 20k more. This year they will probably get 20-30k on top of that which will be around 100k in total. They have also over 400k muslims.

Oh yeah, and they have right wing government in the power at this moment?! lmfao

RIP Swiss.

If he was based he wouldn't have left Japan. You know damn well how it works even his homeland shunned him for being a cuck.

I thought Iceland only got 35 migrants and they deported a bunch?

And they are not even in the EU.

Switzerland, like Norway, is the EU's bitch despite not technically being a member. I anticipate this to be the future of the UK unless they play it smart.

He married some Lutheran woman and moved to Iceland, had some halfbreed kids, and has been helping immigrants since the 90s. Maybe what you say is true, maybe the Japanese who stay in Japan are fine, but all the ones I have met or know of putside Japan have been sneaky rats.

I remember when those idiots said they will take some Syrian "refugees" as well to show their compassion toward EU. Fucking utter morons!

I'm from Croatia and all I can do is watching and laughing at those western european pricks. They are still happy with their shiny smartphones and flat TV's but
one day they'll wake up i realize that their country is gone but it will be too late. Their sons will be learning Quran, their daughters will be wearing Hijabs and
niggers will raging and raping all of them.

The system is already cracking, I don't think this will last much longer. At this point, the right spark will set it off.

No, the right-wing party has the most voters at the moment, leftists/liberals/greens form the majority of the government.

When are the elections?

And just for the record, Biel area has highest islamic population in the country which is near 10% out of total population. They have also lots of niggers just like french region around lake Geneva so videos like this one shouldn't be surprising.

Sometimes I'll see bus loads of chinks stop at a local rest area. They get bussed in from major cities to visit the casinos near me.

Is this like that? Please tell me these niggers are just tourists. please

You think IQ 80 niggers wrapped in curtains have money to visit Swiss? Only in 2016. over 18k niggers entered Swiss from Italy.

Blogpost time.

After spending three years in the loveable liberal shithole that is Hawaii, I got on a plane and met a qt. She introduced herself as L and was a 20 year old student studying abroad from Switzerland. She was flying back to her hometown, a small set of villages totaling less than 3000 people; the municipality less than 20000. We talked for a while before treading into politics, and what she said surprised me. I mentioned the refugee crisis and she said it was 'the biggest issue in my country at the moment' and that 'it has brought nothing but sorrow and crime'. This fun-loving, blonde-haired qt was vehemently against the refugee invasion, because she was in the thick of it. But she said that she thinks things are looking up; more people are standing up and trying to fix the problem. And she was glad that we have a President like Trump; she hopes that they can have a good leader like him.

My prayers go out to her and her family; that town isn't too far from where she lives.

Wrong, they are not refugees.

They are so fucking retarded they just can't win.

But whose blood will it be?

cuckstianity turns people into cucks
all jews must be removed
including the one on crosses everywhere
any good christian should turn the other asscheek and let it happen

Not this time Sissyland, not this time… :'^)

refugee, migrant, shitskins, invaders…
same shit, different name.

Nice to know. When I was in Switzerland years ago I only saw one or two niggers the whole time.

Missing the point entirely.

Maybe in Ticino but in around Geneva lake is nigger-fest. Nowadays is probably Ticino polluted as well because this is the place where niggers are entering from Italy.

And they don't stop coming
And they don't stop coming
And they don't stop coming
And they don't stop coming
And they don't stop coming

Looks like not even Switzerland can stay neutral in this war. Are we finally going to see the alpine niggers unleash their power?

Western Europe is unfortunately doomed.

This was obviously filmed during some event with a higher than normal concentration of niggers. Also Switzerland isn't that bad, they carefully pick their nuggets and they're all expected to have jobs. Welfare in Switzerland is a joke.

That's still a scary vision, but so far they're doing better than most.

Yes, and event is called Illegal migration. Those tribal savages will never asimilate.

It wasn't near Geneva. All the foreigners seemed to be Portuguese.

Do you realize that only in 2016. in Swiss entered over 18k niggers just from Italy and they are breeding like rats?!

You can say for my country that is better than most where you have few hundreds niggers only in capital (Zagreb)
but not for Swiss. (and those niggers in the capital are mostly college kids who won't stay forever)

I know that you all want to be optimists but this is pure deception!

I know that. I'm talking about being there in 2012 in the countryside. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

That is a pic of a coast guard patrol ship in joint operations in the Mediterranean. No migrants come to Iceland by boat, the north Atlantic would kill them all. No they come by plane and most of the ones claiming refuge are caught trying to catch a flight to Canada because who the fuck would want to move to an island in the middle of the north Atlantic?

The Swiss have a shit tonne of guns, its going to be like a Zulu war.

Danke für das Video. Sehr erschreckend.

Aber der Schweizer Dialekt ist echt kaum zu verstehen. Ich weiß nicht was ihr gegen Hochdeutsch habt, aber na gut.

Switzerland is in many ways the heart of Europe. It's beautiful, prosperous, clean, safe, filled with good, intelligent white people. Seeing it invaded just break my heart. It's witnessing the rape of Sweden which was arguably the perfect society all over again.

You know, sometimes, when a Swiss woman tries to be smart, I say shut up and practive wearing a towel. They know it is code for get raped.

Biel sucks taxes away form the whole Canton of Berne, which in turn sucks them away on the federal Level. Bern is commifornia without a sea.

I will laugh my ass off when their roads break down and the whole Canton is shit because they have to feed muh gibsmedaz.

Ihr Trottel habt eure Dialekte, eure Identität aufgegeben. Deswegen sind jetzt so viele Ausländer hier, weil uh, ist ja egal.


Ich zum Beispiel sage: Das ist mir Wurscht und nicht Das ist mir Wurst.

Voll der Dialekt also bei mir vorhanden. :)

Say goodbye to that beautifully clean city of yours. And here I am and can't even fucking afford to get out or claim refugee status due to being white. Those fuckers get to bring the entire family. RIP Switzerland, it is literally too late if you see this happening. I know all of you have guns because many of you have visited this side. But this shit, if you're not fighting this, you're gone. And finally, Europe is gone.

They're only missing weapons and war banners.

That'll change remember the Jews own both the printing industry and have a large stake in (((defense))).

Oy vey moshe, they can kill whites just fine with kitchen knives and by outbreeding them while on welfare

Verreckt und kommt nie wieder, ihr "neutralen" Verräter der Deutschen Nationen.

they won´t stay in switzerland though, right? straight to germany I guess.

switzerdütsch ist sooooo niedlich.

Mir geht immer das Herz auf, wenn jemand aus Bayern, Österreich oder der Schweiz in NRW seinen Dialekt spricht. Das ist die wahre Vielfalt in Deutschland.

awww :3

aber ich finds niedlicher wenn Frauen das sprechen oder feminine Jungs

What? In Switzerland?
Blow the fucking bridges.

Did the Swiss even bother to bring this up here?

Where's a couple trucks of peace when you need them?

I thought Switzerland would be one of the few countries in Europe that isn't cucked. An actual holocaust needs to happen now.

Nigger, I hope you got all contact info you can possibly get out of her. You need to raid her pussy when the soon-to-happen civil war is settled. Sounds like perfect waifu material.

Will dich nur wissen lassen, dass dein Rot-Grün verpestetes Bundesland und diese Schwuchtel atomar vernichtet werden sollen.

Who is actually Swiss here?

Ich bin auch aus NRW uezs.
Oder soll ich Neu-Kaliphat türkischer Nation sagen?

Ich bin übrigens nicht schwul.


Thanks for talking about switzerland. But they behave, look at the vests some of them got trained and they are using the sidewalk/pavement/footpath/Gehsteig and will disperse after the festivities.
Refugees they must stay in a rayon (certain area) for specified amount of time to not loose points in the intake process (asyl).
As swiss i would be very very surprised if they lived all in one smaller area together.
Ever seen a turkroach marriage in switzerland seem's way worse to me, than few skinny niggers from somalia.
What worries me way more are muslims, like my neighboor wrote rabia on his doorbell, according to (((ADL))) those are pro mursi muzzie-shits, it's basically like i wrote fam. neonazi on my doorbell. But they say they are kurds, so no problem. The signs where there long before that.
To me this is OP overdramatizing, they're fucking small christians, (was trying to make a joke here)
Just reply cause swiss and thye unbearable amount of other slide threads to make pol look like nutjobs.

Man that's a nice hospital boat in the lake…

Fuck off.
Rather here from this cun.t

Kann eigentlich von jedem Bundesland bis auf Bayern und den Ossis gesagt werden. Ein ehemaliger Bekannter (auch aus NRW) hat mir erzählt wie so 'ne Kakerlake in der Schule ständig ihn und seine Mutter beleidigt hat, und dreimal darfst du raten was diese selbstkastrierte Schwuchtel gemacht hat? Genau, nichts.

Erzähl das Özgür, wenn er dich mal wieder von hinten nimmt.


What is this suddenly?
We will all require what this is about.

Don't fall for it. Just make sure all the demolitions are up to today.

Fuck that shit, he needs to put a white baby in there now.

The Swiss are the best armed people in Europe.


lurk more fucking newfag

Who's the guy in the car?

I'd fucking kill myself right now, but I'm too depressed to even do that.
Fuck this fucking planet, no, really… just fucking blow it all to shit and be done with it.

Or going on about IQ's for that matter. It allows a clause for BASED NEGRO MEN if they hold conservative views and claim to have a high IQ. I just want whities

18k niggers only in 2016. is way too much.

this looks fake as fuck. soldiers just dicking around wrecking a car.

Indeed, but compared to what the other countries around us are suffering, I assume in france or germany they would just roam around in the middle of the street. Our niggers better than yours.
There are funnier stories out of switzerland

Something isn't right here.
Wahrschinli en Kryptoneger oder en Juso-Huso

Try to contact her so you can have her tour you around Switzerland, develop a romance, wife her, and save her.

Something doesn't add up.

NRW ist doch schon sehr anders im Vergleich zu Restdeutschland.

Nur weil ich sage, dass feminine Jungs exisiteren, heißt das nicht das ich schwul bin.

Tut mir leid.

lol, wir hatten kaum Türken auf unserem Gymnasium, eine Türkin war in einer Parallelklasse und dann war da noch einer in der Oberstufe

African "Christians" also believe in a lot of non-Christian stuff. Wouldn't surprise me some kept the hijabs.

They believe what they are told to believe.

Niggers will also go to Israel and pretend to be Jews for gibs. Asking Jews for free stuff, imagine that!

BTW is that a nissan gtr in white at 1:19?

That's only because there 6 time more niggers than muds in America.

Hello. Swiss here. We tend to build our refugee shelters in industrial/factory/warehouse zones as to not pester the actual Swiss citizens. Brügg has a large industry like that and thus has quite a few of those buildings. It's shameful but better than having them around actual people.

Switzerland only has 0.2% jews by total population. That is the same amount as the US by the way. Swiss people are largely alpinid. Nice shilling though.

The Swiss are alpinids. Looks like you haven't read the third reich books on race. Nor a history book. We are descendants of the Helvetii.

You're an idiot, the majority of Switzerland wants exactly that. The problem is getting it passed.

That is one single village and everyone here is very pissed about it. We currently have a crypto in government, she used to be part of our populist party (SVP) but changed sides and now tries to fuck us over by the entire EU rulebook.

Nigger please. Switzerland has been a country of soldiers for several hundred years. When we weren't busy bashing our Count's heads in over taxes we drafted ourselves into foreign legion to stab some mudshits for shekels. We also gave Napoleon some heavy casualties when he tried to steamroll a few of our cantons. You won't find a more rabid people than the Swiss once you piss them off. All our legends of Winkelried and Wilhelm Tell are basically tales of heroic murder suicide against oppressors. Oh and all of us have free guns thanks to the military. Got my SG550 + ammo sitting in my closet.

Wow sure sounds like a lot of jidf/pissed off Germans are flocking to this thread. I live in central Switzerland and niggers are non existent here. You German posters [spoilers]that is if you're not jidf trolling as Germans[/spoiler] need to fix your own country before you complain about ours. Look at your crime rates and debts, then look at ours.

Y-you okay there user.

This, pretty much.

Gott, i hasse Juso-Husos
Gits e Chansite/forum uf schwizrdütsch?

Are they fucked Tessin as well? As I remember Tessin was immigrant free (except italians but they are not mudslimes or niggers).

Glaub nöd…aber bi Bedarf wär's nöd schwierig es Brätt ufzmache da uf em Chrüppelchan

I was in Switzerland this March (whatever the area south of Konstanz is called) I saw more niggers and shitskins there than in Konstanz. Besides I think diversity is pushed harder because muh French Italian German and Romanish. **after all the cucks and rapefuges are killed should Switzerland be divided into Italy France and Großdeutschland or should it stay as its weird unique state?

Fugged up my spoiler

fuckin crosseyed cartoon… people that are attracted to deformities should be executed along with people born deformed.


Hahahahahahahsv ebin black pill maymay all yourup is fucked hahahah amirite my fellow Nazis? kill yourself nigger pill cuck

Ich han eifach mal öppis id Wäg gleitet. Isch zwar nonig viel ume aber ihr därfed ruhig scho mal poste, oder s Brätt eifach i de Favorite speichere und oine basierte Kollege devo verzelle

Unless you were in one of the rare industrial areas for which nobody really has any reason to go you're lying.

Typical German talking big while his country is on the brink of destruction. The envy you guys have on us is super ironic. "N-no dude listen to me I swear Switzerland is full of niggers! It's not my country that is Sweden tier, it's the Swiss!"

That's one pitiful coping mechanism.

I live in central Europe you mong! And while my daughter will have normal life, your daughter will suck some black dick or wear hijab because her dad (you) is utter cuck who doesn't give a fuck for the future of his kids.

> IQ < 85

the fastest growing demographic in America…


There's one ray of hope. Not just the US now, but all of europe, every country, even small towns, you and we all have niggers at our doorsteps now. Not just the big cities, but even the small towns, your home, my home, where your parents live, where your children go to school, there is not a single person left without the experience of being flooded by subhuman rapists and criminals. There can be no more white flight, no more ignoring the problem, no more US making fun of europe for muslims, no more europe making fun of US for niggers. Now that we are all completely fucked, we have no choice but to be in this together, and perhaps, sharing our frustrations, having walked in each other's shoes, knowing true despair, we can soon let the genocide begin.


Should Germany be glasses as an example or used for slave labor since they're all autocratic ant people anyway?


Yeah, they both seem to be smiling at each other after he wrecks the mirror.

I was in kreuzlingen

Are you projecting or retarded? First I said after the rapefugee problem, second I never said Switzerland was full of niggers. I said where I went was. Besides Switzerland is naturally more diverse, you have frogniggers Italians and Germans in your nation and 4 recognized languages, all Europeans but still Switzerland has a large romance population naturally.

Lelelelelele Swiss and Austrians aren't Germans Austrians and Bavarians aren't anything simmilar and Swiss share nothing in common with swabians or Badener. I was only asking what the average Holla Forumsack thought about pangermanism in the form of a shitpost. No need to get so assblasted

That's blackpilled faggotry no matter how you sperg out in reply
How's the mental gymnastics going? Generally Holla Forumsacks are expected to have IQs higher than 100 you clearly are not near that expectation.

Pardon? Miss a few grammar lessons in English class or just got words mixed up, because I have no idea what the fuck uou are trying to say.

Just like when the second Reich formed from the various German states a united Germany now would instantly become one of the greatest nations on earth. As it is most Germans fued with other Germans (norddeutche and süddeutsche, swabians and Bavarians and badener ect.) I dont see why in a state when all German nations are free of Volkveräter and shitskins they shouldn't unite. That is literally on page 1 of Mein Kampf. Hitler states that all Germans should be together in one reich even if it is economically detrimental to do so.

I presume he means glassed … so you know getting turned into a nuclear wasteland.

Ah gotcha, could've been gassed too, but auto correct is a bitch.

Pic related.
Ok? Is your autism over irrelevant shit kicking in to the point where it has to be written out? lol so you can relocate native Swiss with niggers?

It's hard to reply when I don't know what you mean.

Someone put banners above the autobahn, one with a swastika one with eg. gas the jews.
direct link is better due to javascript image slideshow[/spoiler]

If you can't take care about your country that's OK with me but once you retire don't come to central Europe like germans are flooding Hungary because you are not welcome.

fuck off with your stupid country nationalism

you probably have german ancestry anyway, fuck you

stupid scientific racism of the 19th century

All Semitic ideologies and their adherents must be destroyed. It's the only way to save the white race. You can't have separate nations when there are ideologies that try to transcend national identities, and when people supposedly part of those nations care more about their Semitic cults than their own race.

Judaism is an ethnic religion meant to preserve the kikes by any means necessary which is why it has to be destroyed. Christianity is the first attempt at global government, and the only thing Christianity tries to preserve is itself so it must burn as well. Islam is what you get when an ethnic protectionist religion like Judaism fucks its globalist cousin Christianity that ends up producing a retard baby that doesn't have any identity on of it's own so it tries to be everything; law, politics, religion, and lifestyle.

The Semitic mind is the greatest disaster of evolution.

Nope, I'm pure Slavic and we will wait you armed on the border because we don't need cucks in our country. Fuck off and enjoy with all those niggers and mudslimes. Salam Aleikum cucko!

The blood of the enemies, traitors, and the apathetic. On the plus side they almost all point to us coming out on top, but like Atlantis, coming out of this shit is going to cost us more than even Holla Forums can imagine.

Yeah… your head is all full of fuck. I can't imagine where you got that shit from but that's not Switzerland. It's German and Austrian and French and Italians and Spanish. Jews? In Zurich and Geneva a little bit. It's a nice WHITE place.

There are non-whites in all those countries, you stupid nigger. It's fewer than in the west and people hate them, but they are still present. Czech Republic has niggers in the bigger cities and Poland has some as well. There was a very famous case years ago of some nigger infecting Polish leftists with AIDS. Hungary also has some niggers. Again, it's very few, but no country is untouched by this scourge. We are all in the same boat.

They have very small population of niggers and those countries will never have lots of them because they don't give them huge welfare and they protect their borders. Majority of those niggers are students and this is a huge difference.

On the other hand you must start deporting illegal migrants or your countries will turn into the same shitholes they came from. Look US cities with big nigger population like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis or for example Washington DC
which has 4 timer more violent crime than Mexico city.

There are ways of making the planet a better place while killing yourself.

Comfort yourself.

I don't know where you live, but ammo here is cheap. I'm sitting on thousands of rounds of both 9mm and 7.62x39

pic only tangentially related

it should stay, it's not like we're a big country anyway.

They're as christian as niggers are da real hebrews n sheeit. It's still all tribal voodoo shit.

Yeah those mixed babies will be so cute! And nobody will hate the children because they are white so she won't be having children her rulers would blame her for instead the mother will be able to virtue signal to all those racists how modern she is and get a whole lot of social capital. Doesn't everyone just feel so proud?

if there is a country that needs to be fucked up beyond repair, it's switzerland.
i didn't think like this until i hadn't found out that the swiss give diplomatic immunity and basically a country-like status to big international banks.
pic related from the website of the bank of international settlements.

I hear you Shlomo. This hugely white and extremely traditional country needs to get shoa'd.

As do the Brits with the City of London. You niggers really need to get rid of your James Bond 70's "Switzerland is the seat of international Villainy" fairytales. You won't find a country more openly racist and traditional in Western Europe.

The majority of Swiss immigrants are illegal and we can hardly keep up with shipping them back. Mostly because the Italians don't patrol their border enough. Probably cause they don't mind being rid of them. At least most of the ones found in Switz were usually on their way to Germany cause that's where the big gibs are at.

guess whom i also don't give two shits about?

they have been opportunistic assholes for most of their history, from selling weapons to the ottomans to creating israel.
they followed their pig of a king, into the phoniest religion ever existed.
most of the problems whites had had with shitskin countries, you can trace it back to their management of the colonies.
and now they let pakistanis rape and torture their daughters by the hundreds.

and the swiss have a quasi-almost-circa actual democracy. if they, who have the tools, don't push back, what should or could i do for them?

They do. The left is losing votes every year. The problem is Simonetta Sommaruga and Doris Leuthard. They are sitting in our Bundesrat (that's a team of 7 "presidents" of Switzerland) and are trying to shove as many EU regulations down our throats as possible. The people are seething on social media and the newspaper comment sections are 90%+ anti immigration and pro nationalism. We can undo all their decisions via direct democracy but that takes at least a year.

I don't get why you're so pissed though. Switzerland is probably doing the best of ANY Western European country when it comes to immigration. This video is the most niggers I've ever seen in my country.

Wrong, we have almost none. But I guess that is because they don't want to come here and just go to Sweden instead.

t. Finland

Du bisch äuä no nie zBiu gsi. Oder Lausanne…

You can fuck off with that bullshit. Helsinki is full of niggers, turks, and iraqis, as is Turku, Tampere, and Oulu. Many small towns now have "refugees" living in them, including where my family's summer cottage is and where my brother did his military service. Fuck Oulu even had a fake arab prince driving around in a gold car and a "pizza mafia". Don't you realize that we will basically be Sweden tier in a few years at this rate?

I'd also like to add that our government is utterly cucked, to the point that when an anti-immigrant guy was chosen as the leader of our "nationalist" party, a bunch of people formed a new party in order to freeze them out of the government.

I saw plenty of non whites in Konstanz, they're at all the bus stations on the way to the university

I know I wasn't saying that Konstanz didn't have niggers, but it looked no different in kreuzlingen

Why the fuck did you let 50k iraqi scum in 2015. in your country? idiots

Why did Greece let them enter? Why Did Austria or Denmark or Sweden or any of the other countries between Iraq and Finland? The governments suck. People actually tried to keep them out. Some people tried to block the buses coming over the border with Sweden. The government stabbed us in the back because they cuck for the EU.

Implying not the whole country is fubar.

Every fucking group of them are singing. Oh well at least it'll be easier for the drones to hone in on them.

best of luck.be sure to vote in someone who, not only will stop this shit, but will also undo some. otherwise it's just drifting toward the niggapocalypse they are trying to unleash on you.

and yeah, sorry, i kind of get carried away when talking about banks, which i see as some sort of final boss. i can't help but seeing the swiss as enablers. but that's just my opinion.

Is this Swiss? lol

I would propose a southstate, southern germany, austria, tirol and switzerland. Meanwhile get some ngos and that other whores to make the goyim in berlin etc. chant for the bavarian refugees like in barcelona, build a wall and then slowly cut the funds for berlin etc. Would be a sight to see.

A frequent delusion from americans that christian sandniggers is better, they are more or less the same steaming pile of dung

The bright side of this situation is that the Swiss are well armed citizens. When shit crosses the line, they will DEUS VULT like their templar ancestors.

Ne they won't, they are too big cucks. If they are "templars" they will guard their borders in the first place. You'll never get rid of niggers, ever!

Nowadays every single shitskin who wants to come to Europe he will do it and you can't do shit about it. Change the fucking government!

Niggress nigs in swiss train gets a politley BTFO "Fick mich n;d a" Hab da was gefunden ge-webm't ist wohl aktuell, auch yt.

I'd break her jaw in no time.

Breivik killed over 60commies and injured as many others. His sentence was to be a NEET for twenty+ years… Go ahead, there is nothing stopping anyone from gunning down nigs and mudslimes in europa.

Christcucks…..Anti-white, Anti Europe…..EVERY FUCKING TIME

20+ year is not that long for such a noble act.

Even if that was efficiant, that is not really efficiant in a grander scale stopping refugees coming here because our politicians and "industrial leaders" are some dumb monkies. Besides that, those kids werent really "commies" but some kids that follow whatever shit trend comes up in the faith of them not being used by some frigid cunts and other low testosterone mongoloids.


Even though most african nations are like 90% "christian" they are complete dumps with crime through the roof. None of them take it seriously. They mostly worship animals.

ya it was


Even though most african nations are like 90% "christian" they are complete dumps with crime through the roof. None of them take it seriously. They mostly worship animals.

ya it was


Voodoo or some similar shit.

why can't i find old swiss photos
scandinavian countries, where's your national archives of photos?

And his biggest complaint is that he's stuck with a PS2….

One man killed 60 and wounded just as many. If even a tiny percentage of the population of europe were to do the same, there would be no mudslimes, commies, niggers, or kikes left.

It will happen, sooner or later. This is Monfalcone, Italy and all european cities will look like this one in matter of years if we don't stop this crazy mass migration.

Bets on someone driving a V8 over 100kph.


Yep. The NorthWest passage fools have been quite for a while now and for good reason.

You can undo all their decisions with your rifles and ammunition, but that takes balls.

There was one with right wing death squads, and it was just a bunch of non-whites being killed in gta.. they took it down a long time ago, do you know anywhere else its mirrored?

If you're Swiss, it's obvious you're gonna say shit like that, but if you're not, oh boy you have no idea what you're talking about. "Filled with good, intelligent white people".. of whom most are extreme cucks. The country may be beautiful and all, but it's still run by reds.

Ok, story time:

I can understand the swisses trying to survive throughout the wars by staying out of the wars many times as possible.

By the way, I love swiss mountains because it's so beautiful.

Are there credible non pozzed lol jew toothgold :DDDDDD resources like books etc. about switzerland in all possible aspects (economy,policy,military, and so on) during that time period? If possible in english/german/french

"Filled with good, intelligent white people".. of whom most are extreme cucks. The country may be beautiful and all, but it's still run by reds.

I can confirm that Lausanne is pretty cucked up, and most of the cities of been to here seem similarly cucked. Get out of the urban zones and it's a completely different story. Like the US, Switzerland is at the mercy of the rural/urban divide. Unfortunately that's not a good trend.

Tell that to the other Swiss peoples. I swear that I've seen other Swiss say that there exists no true Swiss natives, and that's how they explain away their country getting more diverse.

This is practice in all EU countries with lots of migrants. Same thing happeend after WW2 in US when niggers started flooding big cities. If native europeans are so dumb that they can't elect pproper government, they'll run like cucks. But one day they'll need to start fighting because shitskins are spreading like a plague.

With every passing day it gets harder and harder to see any future for the white race…

Every day, I die a little on the inside.

Arm yourself.

There are more invaders pouring daily into Europe than the number of bullets I can afford to buy.

Thats what I call heresy.

Aasians are least based race there could ever be
