Watch this video and notice how every single cast member knew the exact talking points AS they happened. They are too numerous to even type out.
Pic very fucking related.
Watch this video and notice how every single cast member knew the exact talking points AS they happened. They are too numerous to even type out.
Pic very fucking related.
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck forgot link. Also, notice how nothing comes up for "howard stern 9/11 conspiracy".
Old fab here, it's called conditioning. Nonstop shit about saddam, the Middle East, bin laden……there were a few attacks in the 90s that didn't really take off. But by the time 9/11 happened, it was pretty easy to point a finger.
Stern was also a jewish shock jock who was a gatekeeper in keeping out any criticism of the Middle East. It's not that he 'knew' 9/11 was going to happening, he just knew what he had to say, live and on air, to manufacture an enemy.
I watched the first 5 minutes and I don't notice anything off about their body language or tone of voice.
Not only but also
Ehud Barak criminal jew who one hour after the first plane hit, somehow managed to get into the BBC studio and have the entire jewish narrative regarding every player and nation the jews wanted destroyed and subsequently everything that Bush's neocon team went onto do over the next few years.
Every country's mainstream media had the exact same programming, an official telling the viewer the narrative before anyone had any time to even examine any part of the attack as it was happening right them.
Worth listening to and realising that not only CNN but every major mainstream media group across the world is under ZOG control.
There really is a jewish conspiracy, only it's not a theory but a fact
Can't tell if shill or not
The biggest one was the BBC saying tower 7 collapsed before it actually did. This doesn't mean Howard Stern or his C list friends knew about it ahead of time and it doesn't matter even if they did because there is more glaring proof then a couple offhand comments as the towers got hit.
Honestly, it's equally as important as the 20 minutes early report on the WTC7 coming down before it had.
It is the isreali defence minister, literally telling you the entire narrative that the jew media and world governents stuck with for the next few years, only he's explaining it to you within an hour of the first plane hitting the tower.
He names Osama bin laden, Saddam and essentially the entire PNAC plan, which eventually became reality and thus began the "war on terror" which did anything but attack the terrorists and only spread them worldwide instead.
That's because Howard Stern has been irrelevant for the past 10 years but clearly OP wishes to change that.
I'm not, I remember the 90s pretty well, and shit like CNN, or anything on TV, was pretty much gospel. You could read the newspaper, but that wasn't that far from what TV was.
You misread me. I was talking about Howard Stern not your video.
How is he a shill hes telling you the truth, you think radio hosts dont read from prepared scripts?
We called CNN the clinton news network in the 90s and knew it was shit then. Holy fuck kill yourself.
During 9/11 era CNN were the "good" unbiased guys and FOX was the evil war mongers. Not everyone was as woke then as now.
Back to the playpen with you.
CNN the liberal elite marxist narrative vs FOX the neocon elite zionists narrative
That is Mainstream media in a microcosm
Combined they create the path and lead the gullible goy into a JWO, which ultimately means eternal enslavement and servitude to jewry
And heres another popular daytime talkshow guy doing the EXACT same thing:
I'd like to point out a few more highlights from the Howard Stern vid above:
-First thing Howard says is its a terrorist kamikaze
-Instantly knew it was towel heads
-Instantly called for war
-The guy on the couch knew the buildings would fall down, saying "our skylines changed forever" before they even fell
-They talk about how firefighters will never get up there to put it out
-They note how there are no helicopters around, even though we see them in the BG of official footage
-Iraq is mentioned within the first 10 minutes or so
Someone help me fill in more
no we didn't. fuck off underage b&nd
Like this?
I know you weren't responding to me but.
Not sure it's worth arguing about but all MSM has been one long CIA/jew controlled brainwashing machine since TVs very inception.
My point I am making is it's not just CNN it's all of them both of the left & right, just like it's not just George Soros it's all of them including the likes of Kissinger, the jews control both sides of the narrative, both are jewish devices propaganting lies leading the goy to its demise.
Do not side with one network/party over the other, when they are all ZOGs machine brainwash.
Good post though, so please keep on adding your finds to this thread
thats a pretty convincing saudi arabia soundstage
Back to Facebook faggot.
fox WAS the evil zog warmongerers, and cnn was the evil communist subversives
Bullshit thread. You're too young to remember 9/11 or something? Jesus… Everyone knew who to blame right away. It was told to us immediately who did it and no one was like "wtf, not those guys, I don't believe it!"
There wasn't even a real internet back then. Only the news and gossip.
This tower should be memed vs building seven. Probably more similar in size and wasn't even hit directly. Small fires. Reported early. Also many still arent even aware of seven.
that pic is bullshit, Yougoslavia used to have the best construction companies in the world, they used to travel to China, Libya and the oil rich middle east countries to build their shit
Holy shit, how did anyone fall for this shit?
reminder that Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 down to the exact players a few months before and then was promptly shoah'd
It was the most horrific thing that most people had ever seen. I remember the day it happened and I was on the other side of the country. Every normie in town was like in a daze, fearful, wide eyed and ready to believe whatever they were told by officials. Though on the internet the conspiracy theories started popping up almost immediately.
The fact that the Federal Government would do this to its own people, and pull off such an incredible lie, is really all you need to know about what humans are capable of.
This fuckhead was either fed information or got lucky.
This topic actually got me to listen to Alex Jones broadcast on 9/11. That was pretty interesting.
Wtf Howard stern is Jewish?!?! First time I heard about this.
Hilarious joke, leftypol.
(((A small faction)))
I hate to tell you this, user, but that's just the tip of the Goldiceberg.
That BBC presenter was filmed in front of a green screen – not a window. The screen shows pre-recorded content of the building burning.
It fucking irks me that people still use it in argument that "BBC knew!". The theory is too easily debunkable by simply pointing out the time of the live newscast: which was after W7 was dropped.
Slide thread. Covering up the thread destroying Russia narrative
The thread that is pinned to the front page?
It is utterly unremarkable that Stern would jump to conclusions about a terrorist attack. WTC 1 had already been bombed by Muslims eight years prior. In fact it was the same Al Queda people who we then went after at the beginning of the War on Terror.
This exactly. user wins the cupid doll prize for being able to sum it up in two sentences. They even have an evil label for people who realize both lanes of the left right highway converge and always end up in the same place.
The label they have been using is "3rd positionist" which means the people that broke out of the paradigm and see that the left right system is a trick and they both lead to the slaughter house.
They have started applying all sorts of perjoratives and nasty attributes to 3rd positionists to to make them look crazy.
I don't doubt it was filmed in front of a screen but I remember vividly that a lot of people noticed that it was broadcast about twenty minutes and that was never debunked. I'm sure some propaganda has been devised since then to make it seem as if it has been debunked but it was never debunked.
You're obviously the one that was too young to remember 9/11. The Internet was already well established in 2001. I remember looking at nude celebrities on pages with tons of frames and barely any graphics other than some word art back then, not to mention the fact that hamster dance and dancing baby both appeared well before 2001. Fuck off you fucking underageb& faggot.
Former Stern fan here, have heard his 9/11 broadcast many times. It's clear they were not ready for this event, as staff member Stuttering John makes a crass joke when shit is getting real. The staff usually loves to jump on John for being inappropriate, but they laughed along with him.
In the unedited broadcast you can hear Stern BEGGING to be let go. His bosses try to convince him he's a journalist, but he knows he just a shitty shock-jock and wants to gtfo asap.
Stern's calls for violence were denounced back in 2001. He talked about "towel head fucks" and them dancing in the streets.
It's also perfectly understadable that his mind would jump immediately to suspicions against Iraq. A lot of people already blamed Iraq for the 1993 bombing. It made sense to the normie mind that Saddam might be looking for revenge after Desert Storm.
A degenerate, disgusting, loud mouth, jew in on 9/11 and pushing conditioning propaganda who would have thought?
jew pushing for US soldiers to fight israel's enemies…….typical
This makes sense. Jews almost have a sixth sense for picking up on what narrative to push to really screw over the goyim. They don't need to be told what to push, they just instinctively know to attack the goyim.
having Netscape back in the day was the shit. After we had Win95, it was VERY easy to use the internet. basically the same as it is now, but with FRAMES. lol
do you niggers even know what frames are?
of course the kike knew about it. all the top kikes in new york knew about it and that's why they were conveniently "out of office" that day.
PS the photoshop hack-job on kike stern's right breast is appalling.
you mean using 2-3 different iframes to build a website, one for a nav, header, body, footer, etc… yeah, i was making those when i was about 12.
Uhhh… No.
I remember the 90s as well. CNN vs FOX was not even a thing until around 2002.
CNN was respected. It was actually considered very unbiased. And CNN International was pretty good, too.
I bet you don't even remember when PBS ran news specials that actually were biased.
Food for thought:
Really makes you think.
PBS ran new specials that were UNbiased.
iframes are different than frames, i mean, they are used to accomplish the same sorts of things but work and display differently
I remember watching CNN as a kid during Desert Storm. I don't remember much except hyped coverage of F-117 fighters and lots of ground to air tracers etc. Seemed like heavy war propaganda.
Remember, though… People seem to forget that 9/11 didn't happen and then boots were on the ground immediately after.
9/11/01 happens then it's not until around April of 2003 that we finally put forth a campaign in Iraq.
Meanwhile, we had already established that Iraq had nothing to do with it. Anyone familiar with the situation could tell the hijackers were (((Saudis))).
It was later that Mossad fed the US intelligence that Iraq had WMDs. This was meticulously planned, but anyone with a brain could tell that Iraq was going to be a mistake and there were no WMDs.
Quite simply, if Iraq had WMDs and they were responsible for 9/11, they would have used them on 9/11 instead of what actually happened.
But again, this was intelligence coming from (((Mossad))).
I was 12 years old and what was this and I remember much of the same. Lots of embedded reporters in the first Gulf war. Lots of outlandish reports of what Saddam was doing. But even then, still more unbiased under Ted Turner than it is now.
He fucking repeatedly said "nuke them!" as it was happening.
I'm no fan of Stern, but I don't remember ANYONE in the aftermath of 9/11 saying anything but that they should all be ruthlessly murdered.
I don't recall any reporters saying, "hold on you guise, let's not jump to conclusions." I remember very well that everything was extremely somber and I do remember everyone destroying expensive French wines and changing the name of French fries to "Freedom Fries" because the French thought we were warmongers.
Millenials will never understand exactly what 9/11 was like.
The BBC didn't know shit. The only reason people keep on perpetuating this is because they've never bothered to actually watch the BBC's coverage from that day. You can watch archives of news footage from that week here:
The second plane strike happened at 9:03am. Do yourself a favor and watch the BBC's coverage when that happened. Watch what you see them broadcasting, and listen to what you hear the presenters saying.
I'm encoding a webm of the clip right now so I can drill this into your brains once and for all.
it was a test of a superweapon based off Nikolai Tesla's research regarding disintegration of metals. Osama and the planes was a cover-up, the jew owner of the WTC got insurance money, Israel got their war in the middle east, and everyone "won".
I can't tell you exactly what happened. All I can tell you is that whatever the fuck they said happened is not what happened.
Just like the OKC bombing. I'm not sure what happened or why, but I can tell you that what the media told us happened is not what happened to varying degrees.
I only make my claim based off the most convincing argument I've ever fucking seen regarding 9/11. The fact this lady's been silenced by even Alex Jones makes me feel like it's probably true.
Watch the BBC's coverage of the second plane strike. You will learn a whole new meaning of "what they said happened is not what happened".
I was in school at the time and kids kept being picked up by their parents… I thought there was a bomb threat or hostage situation near by. Teachers refused to tell us anything ( female run school it was cancer)
When I got home. I saw the 911 coverage and it didn't phase me in the slightest I watched for a few mins switched the channel period. I didn't see the big deal… sand nigger blow things up it was only a matter of time before they blew something up in a major city. I was in 8th grade.
Dr. Judy Wood fam. Her name's been blacklisted on basically every single major website.
I signed my enlistment papers a few weeks before 9/11 and by random chance had been at the WTC complex as a tourist merely a few months before. It was a big deal to me.
Don't listen to this guy, Judy Wood is a deceptive kike with some truth attached to science fiction. Check out CluesForum instead
Sup Alex? Your products still working?
I'll have to check this out.
I was actually in the army in Germany at the time and I never went over anything about 9/11 except basic normie shit.
Redpill me on X tier threads are garbage, so I've been wanting to ask someone about where to start with 9/11.
By the way, for more /x/-tier shit, for anyone that doesn't understand OKC, watch embed related.
ah well I should have said I lived in a suburb of Pittsburgh PA and had no connection to NY at all except for a relative who had moved out of there years before.
The plane that crashed in PA….the women teachers thought they were going to crash it into our insignificant school in a trashy suburb which was hundreds of miles away from where it went down…..That school was fucking terrible so much estrogen.
I always thought OKC was just another insurance scam that could also be used as a way to demonize the right wing, but I knew even as a kid one single bomb couldn't do that much damage.
Thank christ my school had an in-service day that day. I was at home and watched it on TV live.
Really depends on the bomb, doesn't it? After all, a "bomb" isn't exactly a standardized unit of measure…
It wasn't to demonize the right wing in general. The target was very specific. Right-wing Militias.
OKC gave them authority to infiltrate every militia in America and entrap everyone willing to die for their country who wasn't in ZOG.
(holy trips)
I mean sure, an atomic bomb could technically do more damage than a suicide bomb. I should have been specific, I knew even as a kid, any kind of bomb that could be hidden in a truck couldn't have done that kind of shit. That doesn't matter as much to me now though, as why it happened to begin with. Like what the fuck was the intended outcome? Just demonization of the right? Insurance money?
The Feds tried and failed to build a similar bomb that could do even a fraction of the damage that one did.
Infiltration and breaking up the right-wing militia movement.
What we have today aren't militias. They're basically standard pool parties compared to militias in the 90s.
And the militias in the 90s were formed as a direct response to Waco and Ruby Ridge.
Ah, that makes more sense. Were they just trying to "justify" shit like Waco and Ruby Ridge?
Guess I posted a bit too soon. Makes sense though. God, this fucking kikery enrages me. At least the OKC bombing can be used to compare to the Ground Zero pictures, and show just how bullshit 9/11 is.
Okay, an MP4 will have to do.
Watch this MP4
The second plane crash occurs about 20 seconds into this clip.
It takes the BBC over 5 minutes to realize it happened.
They had no fucking idea what was going on. Their coverage of 9/11 wasn't prescient, it was incompetent!
Not really.
You see, the militias in the 90s were actually a threat to the government and formed mostly in response to RR and Waco.
At one point, they could have probably done some shit that would have really fucked over the government. Now you have Oathsleepers and other retards.
Since OKC, a lot of states have actually made military training while not being in the military illegal.
It squashed any thought of militias actually doing something. You can't join a militia today because 95% of the members are feds.
The federal government has built bombs that can level entire cities. There is absolutely no reason a single bomb can't level a fraction of a building. If they tried and failed, then obviously they weren't trying very hard.
Man, I'll never forget how my mom freaked the fuck out when this happened. We lived in Cali at the time, and it still felt like it was happening just down the street.
That's such bullshit, jesus christ. When can we just go full authoritarian with militant citizens?
They were hysterical……the phrase "couldn't even" would have been accurate if it was around back then.
It would have been amusing if I was not a student of theirs at the time & I was a bit of trouble maker ( their fault really) so they didn't like me very much. High school was in comparison was heaven…. female dominated schools should be illegal.
They tried to recreate the exact bomb McVeigh allegedly used.
The bomb didn't do shit to the weakened structure they created to simulate the OKC federal building.
Using the same materials McVeigh did, they could not achieve anything close to the results that McVeigh did (allegedly).
You could actually watch some things and learn about it or you can go on telling me that the government can blow up anything so McVeigh obviously did it.
They built a replica of the OKC federal building just to blow it up? Color me skeptical. Are you sure they didn't try some sort of "scale model" shit?
Furthermore, if the federal government did it, then why would they claim it couldn't be done? The notion that the federal government tested it and couldn't replicate it is at odds with the notion that the federal government faked it. If they faked it, why would they then set out to disprove their own fakery?
(((controlled opposition)))
Imagine it, you reveal events that really happened, leak it to people with already questionable reputation/sanity, and get them labeled by the public as crazy. Then you can basically admit the truth, they latch onto it, everyone dismisses it, and you have a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Compare the BBC's coverage to FOX5's
FOX5 noticed the second strike the instant it happened, and within seconds concluded that it was terrorism beyond any doubt. It took the BBC minutes to notice the second plane crash.
The BBC was incompetent that day.
What they did was build a smaller weaker scale of the OKC building using concrete and steel supports.
They recreated the truck bomb at full scale and it didn't even take down a single layer of the shit they built. That's what I'm telling you.
The weirdness doesn't end or begin with the bomb. You should really look into it.
In fact, the only reason anyone knows who Alex Jones is is because of his work on OKC.
I found the full documentary.
I don't place any faith in that whatsoever.
The bomb was full size. It couldn't take down a single layer of the weakened scale model. It should have obliterated the model. It did not.
I don't have time to explain all the other things, like reports of the FBI removing unexploded bombs or dozens of eyewitnesses saying two men got out of the truck.
It's many layers deep and the bomb is just the very tip of the iceberg.
Footage of McVeigh in the army after he was supposedly discharged and why that's a big deal.
You seriously should just look at everything and after looking, I highly doubt you believe the official story after that.
What this guy said. There's a certain degree of showmanship that comes with radio which requires knowing how to take an event and spin it for maximum ratings. It's emotional manipulation really, and Howard Stern was one of the first shock jocks to learn how to ride that fine line between controversy and a rabid fan base.
Not saying Stern didn't have a memo of all the talking points to hit as those towers fell, but it's not that much of a stretch for a regular guy to stumble upon all those talking points himself when his entire job is talking.
Also, saged for shitty shill thread.
To add
As for your question of why the government would recreate the explosion?
I think they thought it would have had a similar impact on the model they made.
But really it was just tannerite with diesel fuel. It does not have as much pressure as other explosives. Not even enough to destroy their scale model, which they probably figured that it would have.
dubs checked, and this user is correct.
I have no trust whatsoever in their "weakened" model.
I don't believe that OKC was on the level, but I've seen too many videos of VBIEDs in sandland to believe a truck packed with ANFO couldn't fuck up a building like that. Of all the holes I've seen poked in the official story, that is by far the least plausible.
We should be trying to find the fucking truth and spreading it to normies.
No it wasn't. According to the official story it was ammonium nitrate and nitromethane mixed with diesel. Tannerite is ammonium nitrate mixed with aluminum. They both use ammonium nitrate aka fertilizer as the oxidizer but have completely different fuels and therefore completely different characteristics as explosives. The fact that you could conflate these two really makes me question your rigor.
What truth?
That Howard Stern is a degenerate kike? Pretty sure they already know that.
Fair enough, I'm not an explosives enthusiast.
All I can tell you is to look into it. Don't look into if you don't want to.
I can't make you and it happened in 1995. In my mind, it achieved what it set out to do and it's over anyway.
But you probably think Waco was justified too, so be that as it may.
Baseless slander. I've already said that I have severe doubts about the governments story about OKC. But that doesn't mean I buy into the claim that such a bomb could do such damage.
I think there exists some sort of strong psychological bias towards packaging all theories concerning a conspiracy up, such that if you believe one theory you must believe all others about that event, or if you doubt one of the theories that must mean you doubt all the others too. I don't like that at all, I make a conscious effort to separate claims and analyses each individually. One claim being strongly probable doesn't mean all other claims are. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff.
>General Wesley Clark:
I conflated the two because I think they're directly related and some say OKC was a sort of trial run for 9/11.
Even more interesting is this photo taken at Camp Gruber Braggs just outside of OKC in April before the bombing?
You don't know the half of it. Throughout elementary to high school I only had like 10 male teachers over all my classes. Four were PE teachers, one was a health education class led by a different PE teacher, one was a French teacher, two were music teachers and two were science teachers (8th grade science and Chemistry/Chem 2/Physical Sciences in high school).
There are no prizes for figuring out which classes I got straight As in.
Sage for offtopic
The way I remember it, everyone was blaming the Taliban in Afghanistan, then the entire MSM started pushing "it was Iraq" all at once. The shift happened seemingly overnight, just like "Gamers are dead." I was only in high school at the time but I remember how jarring it felt when all these news organizations starting shoving the Iraq narrative down our throats based on the flimsiest of evidence. It was the first time I'd ever seen an obvious media psy-op in action.
what a god awful laugh
this board is clearly under JIDF control with how hard they try to minimize and memoryhole trumps many MANY jewish and zionist connections, which clearly means Trump was the zionist choice for president since JIDF is shilling so hard for him. logic and truth will always prevail, with jews you lose, dump the kiketrump
part one and two is pretty good.
part three has some interesting bits about the mysterious car fires, and the steel girders going wonky.
Does that mean the holocaust could be real?
The internet was hammered that day.
Only in your mind, Chaim.
cluesforum? The schizophrenic spook hangout?
Anyone who can spend more than 15 minutes there is a certified retard. Go ahead and check it out for yourself, these folks are trying to absolve the intelligence agencies responsible for mass murder by whitewashing the whole incident as a "television movie" where no one actually died. Sure is convenient for the criminals behind this event, eh? Too bad the hundreds of thousands who actually saw the event still survive on the internet and in reality, not that those paranoid spook slaves care to believe them. Miles Mathis is another target of theirs, aside from Judy Wood. I wonder why… :^)
I don't post here, I just found this thread interesting, and then you posted and I felt the need to laugh at you in respect for the victims both dead and those still sufferring because of CIA/Mossad psychopathy. Maybe they should have waited a few decades or centuries to introduce that conspiracy theory, seeing how vapid it is.
new OC based on the Dr. Wood stuff. Thoughts?
maybe you should stick around.
lurk some and post a bit.
Holla Forums is love, after all.
Everybody knows they did build that thing with clay, hay and cow dung.
That building volume is mostly air, and steel beams, spray on concrete for fire proofing, a glass and aluminium facade
I would have no problem killing New Yorkers tbh
That middle school html web programming class nostalgia feels. I still remember my first, it was a mega man x page.