Poland wants USA to extradite a 98 year old former Nazi commander
Poland wants USA to extradite a 98 year old former Nazi commander
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It will never end.
Until the DotR.
B-but Holla Forums told me Poland was based!
A good reminder to view Poland (which should be considered an ally) with one eye open while asleep. Slavs can be extremely selfish and disloyal with no thought for long term consequences or higher ideals.
For what purpose? So that someone can have his revenge fantasy?
Classic D&C thread. Realise that the (((Polish government))) is not the same thing as the Polish people. sage for shills D&C'n.
this, they'll be all nationalist and patriotic only if they're being invaded.
I bet poles are all too happy to get him too. Remember that Germany was Poland's enemy during the war – it's natural they want to see their old enemies befallen by misfortune, even if they now hold similar ideals.
Yeah, probably with flammable Zyklon B poured onto the fire with a rollercoaster on rails
Its a good thing it was flammable, those masturbation lampshade soap machines are usually powered by combustion, you know
That's right, Slavs should have been thankful to have their villages burned down
pic related, europe, 1942
many of you speak for nationalism but seem to have real problems understanding wtf it actually means
Being forced to shooting a ppsh-41 at a tiger tank then of getting ran over by it?
truly shameful tbqh, kill your family and yourself
you don't belong here
they should be
after all it was the nkvd and other soviet officials who burned those down in German uniforms to incite resistance in the the population.
didnt they teach you those things in your post communist shit hole??
Based Pooland!!! Fucking Nazis!! Hail Zion!
Gas yourself kike
ffs it's all bullshit and even if it's not who the fuck cares, I don't
Poland started the war by massacring their German minority so it deserved anything/everything it got.
The subhumans also killed more than 3 Million Germans after the war and expelled 15 Million germans from their ancestral homeland.
no matter the bestiality of the red army, the polish and czech civilians always were able to outshine them in that regard
Being exploded in ditch because you're only geared for trench warfare during blitzkrieg? Being forced to eat horse parts sown across the battlefield?
lol, you are retarded. there's no point to dying in vain in an attempt to "defend" your homeland from civilized invaders with no intent to harm the general population like Hitler's troops… if it were Moslems or other subhumans invading, on the other hand…
You're not a nationalist. Leave.
If you lived in a country ruled by a ZOG and national socialists were invading, would you be a good goy and fight the evil nazis for the Jews or let the "civilized invaders" take over and liberate you?
I'm a white nationalist, not a standard nationalist, and I don't think all whites are worth keeping around either. Eugenics is a must after generations of dysgenic pressures.
He handed over half of them to Soviets and planned to resettle a shitload of them so as to grab their clay, while keeping the rest in a puppet state. What the fuck are you on about – Hitler's Germany was clearly working against the best interests of Poles and Czechs
Hitler only handed over half of poland to the soviets BECAUSE the poles were refusing to even negotiate with Germany about the stolen countryparts and surpressed the Germans and were then beginning a genocide in HISTORICALLY GERMAN terretories against the majority population.
something western kekolds and american retards cant understand is that nazis were actually killing people over here
as in, killing peaceful villagers on their 1000 year old family farms
you see, when you are from europe, there is no "white" race
there are poles, there are slavs, germans, anglos etc, but there is no "white" race
when you have ethnic features (americans dont, mixed mystery meats dont), when you have your own language (americans dont), your culture, your history, when you have a complete identity (americans dont), you dont go around inventing "white races", you dont go around inventing melting pots, you dont go around inventing mixed ethnicities, you dont go around inventing immigration
you simply dont, you dont need any of that shit
americans should be range banned 2bh, they will simply never understand
they do not belong to any ethnic european tribe
they pushed islam against serbia
they are the reason germany and all others arent allowed to arm themselves
they are behind every degeneracy, every mixing, every degenerate influence
you literally can not differentiate between america and israel, america, israeli colony, should fuck off from eastern europe
>muh based (((polish))) goverment!
Kurwa, good that USA dont extridite US citizens. But I can see jewdicial system making exception.
This is what Germans belive…
lmao american government kills its own people
ask snowden, he is your citizen isnt he?
Kill yourself.
I bet it's just germaboo burgers.
slavs the the most successful tribe on the planet, slavs have been pushing all other tribes to the west for ~2000 years now, vandals, visigoths, ostrogoths, huns, invaders of rome, they were all fleeing west before the slavic tribes
even today, slavs hold the most physical territory, the most natural resources, the most nuclear weapons, and the least cucked settlements
every ~100 years, slavs push the non-slavs a bit further west
Thats not how you write partisan
no retard, peaceful villagers
people who were growing carrots and couldnt give two shits about raving madmen in city squares, politics, or war
peaceful villagers
first world war was particularly hard on all slavs and no one wanted to deal with another one for at least 500 years
people were seriously enthusiastic to returning to their carrots and potatoes for the rest of their life
Whats next podolski crying about 6 million slavs gassed?
eyo american, your knowledge of history is showing
slavs lost much more, for example 1/2 of serbian males died in first world war believe it or not, look it up
its just you'll never hear us complaining or demanding reparations, we are above that, but you should still know elementary school history
btw even monte negro killed more germans than usa, so i dont know why do you people think you ever even fought in world wars, your knowledge of history seems completely fucked up, guess this is what happens when you grow up on hollywood, you jew pet, literal jewish colony
They like to abduct and extridite to US jewdicial system, not other way.
I don't care about slavs though much more should die
is that why the (((soviet union))) built the biggest army in world history in the 1930s?? because they were so tired of war??
Is this why Poland mobilized their army and threatened and killed Germans without ANY reason whatsoever??
Shlomo please
united states = israel
if you are an american, you are a jew, it's that simple
you can only be jealous that slavs arent just another jewish colony like yourself
this time when jews gas you with hormonal milk and diabeter burgers, slavs will carry on like nothing happened
Of course that a jew wants more goim to die
Neither western Belarus or Vilnius were Polish. How many years before stolen clay becomes Polish clay?
True, Czechs and Poles more so were actually justified in fighting back.
He's a 98 year old man. He's probably expecting to die every single time he goes to sleep.
Just let the guy live his last moments in peace. For fucksake Poland. Don't make me hate you.
Whose, Prussians?
what is a difference between american influence and jewish influence?
all american citizens are jewish agents
all americans in eastern europe should be hanged and dumped in the same mass grave with the rest of jews
america = degeneracy
Is it just me or have through hospitals and shit that the kikes have been eager to eliminate anyone who might've been alive during WW2. Even healthy elderly people, they try purposely botching hospital visits to ensure some sort of organ failure and demise.
Either trying to memory hole WW2, eliminate anyone who might possible have inside info about the jew lies during WW2, or other such things involved. But this is exceptionally right out of the blue, and to me at least it screams intention of getting rid of the last remnants of those who served during WW2.
The fuck is your point?
Polish D&C is an utter waste of time, since the only time Poland was relevant is when it was part of Prussian Empire. Only an absolute retard would think that Poland is doing better under its own Jewish leadership. The reason Hitler was tough on the Polish is because they couldn't resist being useful idiots for the majorty of the 19'th century. Just like the once proud Rus Empire. A people that has capitulated and allowed the Rothschild/Jewish banking empire to control their finances is nothing more than a slave nation. You have nothing to be proud of in proclaiming "polish pride." Do you even remember your ancestors who were massacred, tortured and butchered for fighting in the White Army against Bolshevism?
The White Army will rise again, and the spark of Nationalism will bring life back to Europa, but only once the concept of usury is banished forever, and its progenitors are exiled to the desert from which they spawned.
Here you are being a useful idiot again. Yes, America is Jew run, but so is Poland. You are dependent upon the IMF and other Jewish banking institutions. Any nation under these banking regulations can have their politicians moved about like chess pieces by foreign investors and influences. We have nothing to be proud of until we wrest their control from our respective nations. You do nothing but sow D&C , stupid faggot.
Old news.
One of Macaronis mains points for wanting to sanction us is "attempting to negate the influence of a Central Bank", where are you pulling those arguments from retard.
This "Nazi" is a Ukrainian Slav, fucking mong.
Perhaps Poland should have been more reluctant when accepting land that had German minorities, like Upper Silesia which democratically voted German during the plebiscite following the Silesian uprising, but was given to the Poles. It's just the pendulum of territorial claims swinging back to the German side.
It was conquered, no one held a vote for when Polish lands were annexed, faggot.
Based Slavs right guys? russia are even bigger cucks
kek all Europeans are mixed. ever heard of the Norman Invasion?
The kikes posted this thread. They posted it to make us fight because of Trump in Poland. We're uniting and they're getting scared. Listen guys, our race last a long history of doing terrible things to each other and it sucks that it had to be that way but we can't change any of it now. If we let (((them))) make us fight over it then we're going to lose everything. Part of us winning means we have to do something hard and set aside old rivalries and set aside our stubborn pride and see each other as brothers - the one thing that our ancestors never managed to do. Let's be that generation who united as allies behind the blood that we share. We may not be much for our ancestors to be proud of, but damn it let's at least be this. Let's not fight other whites, let's stand shoulder to shoulder as the mighty Aryan race we were meant to have been and crush these kikes into dust once and for all! Then we can go back to arguing if we have to but at least we can do it with a secure future.
What a dumbfuck.
It was war, everybody was destroying villages. People who think war is sterile have watched too much hollyjew.
Poland you goddamn traitors. Once a Bolshevik Jew puppet, always a Bolshevik Jew puppet.
Poland Stronk.
I guess the definition of strength has cultural differences.
Reminder that actual Poles don't give a single shit about German "war crimes" against communist partisans, and it's just Israel's fifth column and butthurt commies screeching.
How's Germany working out for you guys? Enjoying all that brown and beige, bucko?
At least the kikes don't beg they actually kill the old people themselves
I'm not a German I just think it's funny you consider a country strong when they are welfare state that their own citizens don't even want to live in
Yeah, I'd rather live in western Europe and get shanked while pakies rape my wife and daughter. Getting arrested afterwards for reporting it to the cops also seems ideal.
Subhuman immigrants who go elsewhere don't want to live in it because its not a welfare state, genius.
So is Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, etc etc a welfare state too? They made us dependent on (((Germany))), faggot.
I'm aware, I learned that after the polish reaction to brexit
Because nobody held votes for conquered territory the last time Germany took Polish land
Then they shouldn't have held a plebiscite at all
I hope that's true. Though there are eternal differences between Teutons and Slavs, hopefully the two can at least cooperate against the much greater threat of kike domination and mud invasion. 2.5 billion African niggers make a lot of this moot.
Over here? you mean in poland? So the same you did in the Danzig corridor prior the second world war?. Poland initiated WW2: You did it. Fuck off.
And what about the Bloody Sunday?
But don't you know? Adolf Hitler was kiked! George Soros controlled the Hungarian SS. Hitler let this Jew kill millions of innocent Bolsheviks! No better than those Ukrainian nazis You can read my article on Russia today.
that rifle needs to be replaced with either an uzi or a dildo.
And so you should focus on dealing with the kikes instead of letting yourselves be divided with them. This is basic wisdom, user.
*divided by them
At the time, poland was 10% jewish or something ridiculous, so it's pretty much the same thing. That's leaving out their 'muh empire' ambitions.
Poles have to be the stupidest Eastern European ethnic group. Czechs, Slovaks, and Hungarians all act like normal human beings, but Poles are basically white niggers.
What a based group of people. I definitely consider these guys as my allies.
Notice how the Pollacks completely ignore the massacre of ethnic Germans that was happening in their land? They are quick to call out da ebul nahtzis though.
Friendly reminder that Poland has been a stronghold of world Jewry since the pre war period.
Nationalism means supporting our Germanic brethren against the polish jew lovers.
This seems to be the mentality among Europosters that get antagonistic with Americans. They would rather ignore the existential threat the white race faces as a whole than pass on a chance to lord their alleged ethnic purity over us.
If you kikes gas yourselves who will then run (((Poland)))?
Bullshit, you fucking kike. Real nationalism is racial nationalism. Your false Jewish civic nationalism would have white men persecuting and killing one another over what happened over half a century ago. That's the kind Jewish farce that gets us into digusting brother wars in the first place.
If we can blame any nation for the Ashkenazi Jew being so numerous, and as powerful as they are now we can blame the Poles for allowing the rats to breed so much.
Shut up Kike
Normally I just use the term "white races" or "european races" so as to not trigger their autism. Many a eurobro has tried to convince me that his extra-special little province is completely devoid of outside influence, has no mudpeople, and is somehow totally unaffected by the policies of the national government.
To be fair, I don;t believe all white ethnicity's are the same or equal myself, but I've also noticed that perpetuating irrelevant ethnic rivalries is the hallmark of the European cuck or civic nationalist. Think jeremy clarkson bellowing on about the Germans to his studio audience of pakistani and pooinloo "british".
I am American with zero German ancestry, unless you count Anglo-Saxon.
Prussia and East Pomerania were never Polish. Poland is not a coastal nation. Before it was German, the land belonged to Pagan Baltic people (like Lithuanians) that are now called the "Old Prussians".
This user has a point though, why are Slavs doing so well? Is it because they are and have always been poor, whereas the superior western Europeans have been softened by a lavish, consumerist lifestyle? Hard times- tough men, good times- weak men?
pic related
Damn, poland just lost all that respect they have been building up here.
Before the invasion started, the fucking Poles had already drafted maps with a new and adjusted border positioned well into the German territory. Such a delusion of grandeur, they got their shit pushed in real good..
Germans were massacred in the millions. Now rapefugees are flooding Europe.
Fuck you, it's kinda late for that. Let's behave similar to all the White traitors. First we'll disintegrate Poland and then we'll scream "no more D&C" and unite the Western world. I am saying this as an American because I am tired of how all those sellouts cozy up to Trump. It's okay, I guess, but not in such a humiliating way while at the same time calling themselves "based."
Trump will probably just say no.
Let's see what the big guy does.
Aren't you aware Germany forever to receive special privileges? Such a notion can only apply to Poles and the Russians, who are my real distant brothers, hell even the Ukrainians and Poles, but last time Slavs thought of "racial nationalism" when we stopped the Turks marching onto Vienna we were soon to be invaded and split up by the same "White brothers" we protected, leaving MY distant WHITE brothers in Southern Europe to the mudshit horde for CENTURIES. Last time we were fending off the Boshleviks to the East who usurped Russian rule through WHITE German and kike funding we soon found ourselves invaded yet again by the same """White""" brothers, bringing us all down into this mess in the first place. Who wasn't racist, anti-semitic back then? Now almost no one is, and while WHITE Rusyns were under attack by the communist forces and kikes who were released into Russia by German design, White Russians spread the news and wrote down "the Protocols", went up against Israel in the 60s even while the Soviet Union was a kiked shithole, the same White Slavs who would've crushed jewery so fast it'd be nothing but another blip in history if the Germanic kikes didn't fund it for their own benefit, if they didn't imprison and almost kill Piłsudski in Prison; the very same prison Trotsky was in, but was to be granted special treatment, same jewish faggot who got German funding and got literally shipped to Russia because a communist, weak Russia would be "beneficial" to Germany. So much for the White brothers, eh.
"Though deception thou shall make war" is why we hate kikes, so why isn't that applicable to the Germans? Look at them before, and look at them now, the Germanic race is the most KIKED race on this planet, from the savage Belgians chopping up niggers for fun to bringing them over to Europe, harboring the E.U.S.S.R on their soil, to the disgusting nonentity safe havens in Leichestein, Luxembourg cutting corners in profit for the kikes as usual, to the literal Templar founded country harboring and guarding jewish blood money in Switzerland, to the lying, anti-White, autistic krauts who make it their priority to weaken Europe so that jewish poison can seep in. The Frankfurt school didn't just pop out of nowhere, it is based off the Prussian styled school indoctrination, who many Krauts will proudly proclaim was LIBERAL in nature, where kids quickly learnt to be autocratic, mindless robots like we see in present Germany, incapable of thought, only following orders. They are outright dangerous to the future of Europe, and too cucked in their own comfort of selling out their own country, especially in contrast to Stalins origina, plan to do anything but wait for another foreign savior, sucking their own dick off their wooden high horse: just as arrogant and delusional as always.
They don't know how lucky they have it they weren't outright EXTERMINATED because you burgers, who they hate to this day, stopped it, and when Slavs will shell Berlin bringing this whole globalist gay world to an end, it'll be a collective punishment against the kraut kike race also, you'll feel our wrath now subhuman jewish slaves, the whole world will sit idly as we march you cucks in chains and level your cities to dust. It'll make WW2 look like a joke, and it'll a testament to Slavic might, all others will be spared but the krauts MUST be punished.
Even the damn Dutch, who are chill as fuck inflated Rotterdam bombing bodycounts to a factor similar to the red cross kike counts required to reach 6 million, which I find funny.
Anyway, razing villages "by hand" makes little sense.
But, yeah, the SS had nothing better to do than torch some villages down and leave all other places intact even though they blitzed Poland in a flash.
Why did they stop? They had poland by the balls?
If they were that evil, why didn't they focus on evil Poland and purge it before going back to collect the six gorillion kikes instead.
Based Pooland!
Hello, newfriend. Your knowledge of Holla Forums is showing.
Haha, your personal hell shall be being ruled by Anglos.
Then you will TRULY feel the grasp of the jew.
Go ask Rhodesia and then ask the former English empire.
Oh, wait, that's gone, because they fucked their own in the ass so hard that Rhodesia was on the same level of sanctioning as Germany.
Also, Anglos hate the fuck out of poles.
Read the article you retarded faggot, or do you always take things at face value? Hint: he's Ukrainian, no SS there chum, SS files. You could post something that'd get praised here with communist content hidden inside it and retards like you who are only here to comment would be nonethe wisest.
Then why are they all so poor? Could it possibly be that they're fucking retarded?
Modern Jews only exist because of slavs. The US had to block immigration from slavland because of all of the fucking kikes that were streaming out of that shithole.
Could it possibly an ideology funded by Amerimongrels and Krautkikes that aims to distribute wealth? You faggots are only rich because the Catholic church owned you and called for crusades for more wealth to be stolen, you were always a foreign powers bitch unchallenged and WW2 was going back to the past, now you're the E.Us bitch unchallenged """rich""" through niggers who are willing to work for pennies. Well done, my TV is a little smaller but its my utopia tax, you subhuman kike slave.
Oosh, looks like I struck a nerve.
Oosh, I'm not the one seeing niggers on a daily. I come on Holla Forums to berate you, you come here hoping one day another person will save you from your cucked, punished race. Ha ha. Bantz now am I rite?
even when i was a ww2 obsessed anti nazi pro israel good goy, i never liked this shit. It always felt wrong.
Sadly this is true.
You say that like your shithole is some sort of bastion against migrants. Pooland doesn't even keep migrants out of the the country. They just keep going because nobody wants to live in fucking Poland.
Even from the good goy perspective hitler was a monster that wouldent hesitate to kill his own people. We saw hitlers surrender announcements as ironic. We assumed most of his troops as brainwashed or acting in fear. We assumed deniers were brainwashed or kept in the dark. I dont know who could possibly be ok with this. Even jews i knew thiught it was weird. Not that they opposed it, they were apathetic.
Nah, I say this like I don't have turks and niggers running rampant raping my women and dictating cucked Krauts into submission. wew lad how can you weak faggots even allow one hundred women to be sexually assaulted and have fire works thrown at them in one place? Soviet rapes might be nothing but another "holohoax" where the German women fawned over superior Slavic seed, just as they beg for dumb niggers over the "old Germans".
samefagging this hard Holla Forums
If (((they))) would care about Pooland as much as about Germany, you would be Brazil by now. Shutting down all your gibs and your women will drive to Germany to get fucked by rapefugees with a smile on their face.
Polacks should be eliminated. Most are ethnic jews mixed with slavs like the bolsheviks. Poles killing germans is the reason hitler invaded poland. He arrived and poland was just a bunch of slavs cucked by jews.
Poles are no better than the eternal anglo
I was adding to what i had said, dipshit.
So what was all the outrage about, just as we got our social benefits (that mudshits are attracted to) to boost White families? Posturing from the E.U about the rapefugees? Many German """nationalists""" right now will tell you "oh it wasn't so bad when we just imported them to work!", it affected us too but we didn't need "extra workers" and we told them we aren't taking anyone. Wake up from you delusional fantasies, Ahmed, they are focused on us, we didn't cuck out, like normal people.
Yawn. You had your chance, game over faggot. You have no allies but the mudshits by a stretch, top kek.
Nice Jewish history revision you got there, Moshe. Woodrow Wilson wasn't German or Jewish. He funded the White Army against your wholly Jewish Red Army led by the kikest Leon Trosky.
Maybe you had one too many real in your mind gassings that made you forget.
He funded the White Army against your wholly Jewish Red Army led by the kikest Leon Trosky.
Read the rest faggot, the Germans captured Trotsky and purposefully treated him good in prison and released him back to Russia with pockets of German marks because a red Russia will be beneficial to them.
100% true Trip-ler
how triggered are you after yesterdays speech, kike
D&C harder
(((JEWISH D&C)))
The OP d&c kraut that spams the same image macros everytime wouldn't show you this:
The Polish judicial system mills cases at a slug's pace but its hardly political, esp. anything pre PRL. It just operates on the input it was given. If you have historical proof the old fuck din du nuffin send it to the judge.
So is this how all the hollywood pedophile like (((Roman polanski))) escape then ?
Seems like poland is a good haven,maybe podesta and other american pizzaparty entusiasts take refuge over there.
mr.hollywood nazi doesn't understand what ethnonationalism is,please comeback when you are free from cia control in your movement.
Who wants to bet they will start trying to extradite the children of supposed nazis. Of grandchildren. Or try to take over/ruin businesses that were bought out from or taken over from nazis.
There must always be a boogey man for the Jew. If there is not, one must be created
Can you be more hysterical and bitchlike?
I don't remember Polanski, I'm assuming he got away on a technicality. USA doesn't send us our commie era criminals all the time either. "Durrr, it's political, we don't send away political cases, hurrr".
As for pedos, we chemically castrate them, thankyouverymuch.
Listen you underage b& summerfag that doens't know who the fuck Polanski is… The technicality was he fled the US the day before he was to be sentenced to 50yrs prison for raping a little girl.
Eternal Pole.
No German nationlist will say that because it's common knowledge that the Kalergi Plan began with the so-called Turkish Gastarbeiter deception, i.e. the government promised to send them back again. But Germans did not have a say in this anyways. Without German nationalist you wouldn't even know about the Kalergi plan.
What are you talking about? You were a Soviet satellite when it all started..
Nobody cares about Pooland. Pooland was and will never be a threat. The function of Pooland is to drive a wedge between Russia and Germany. The Pole will scream in pain "muh Russia" while he leeches from you.
And just around the time for Trump's visit!
Reminds me of the old spic that got deported in the US.
You're delusion if you think they're not already doing this.
Kill yourself.
Livestream your suicide.
We do?
Nvm, just a butthurt shill
> not knowing what racial hatred is
The German race became to hate the Polish race due to propaganda (nor using that word negatively) in Germany regarding the treatment of Germans in Poland.
Germany's actions regarding this matter was recorded by the Polish as their hatred for the German race became vivid.
Trump said Europe needs to follow Poland.
Nobody immigrates into poor countries and poor countries arent jewish Propaganda targets. Eastern europes immigrate into Western Europe, and the leftovers are those "based" nationalists. No need to shit on slavs though, most if them are decent people and just dont know better, thinking Hitler invaded for nothing.
Real Nationalism means doing what is best for your people, who are by defination your blood folk. Poland gains nothing of value dragging some senile old man that's about to die anyway halfway around the world to stand trial in a kangaroo court for crimes that probably didn't even take place.
If you were a 'Real Nationalist,' you would know why it is in the best intersts of all the white races to unite into a joint, outward-facing confederation, no matter how temporarily. But you aren't. You're a slimy fucking shill that oozes intellectual dishonesty and reeks of matzo.
Nobody does this organically.
Are you the retard from the documentaries thread?
Are you retarded? Trosky went to Petrograd starting in NY (where he got his money), docking in Halifax and getting detained and thrown into a POW camp there. Then getting released and passing through Sweden and Finland into Russia.
That's why they established Lebensborn in Poland, right?
What about naturally?
Yes, because of these 3 reasons:
1) Poles were massacring those of German race "near" the border.
2) The area of the Dansig corridor was historically German.
3) Naturally, creating a "living space" in that area was politically necessary for what they wanted to do. While Antarctica was ultimately their goal, it was outside logistical feasibility.
Speaking presently, we said no right now, and you could've had the same reaction then.
This old faggot abusing red text again. Go on Facebook for attention, boomerfag.
I'm a retard I meant Lenin but since I used Trotsky before my mind skipped a thought, pardon.
((( )))
Typical kike, changing the topic of the conversation.
Didnt Hitler only want a needed railroad to eastern prussia in exchange for land, and poland said you get nothing goyim, we have britain behind us, and then Hitler sent a massive fuck you?
You can redtext on facebook?
Mike S. King - The Bad War; The Truth Never Taught About World War II
a rchive.org/details/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII
/pdfs/ thread with more of his content here 8ch.net
You sound like a subhuman Pole, what country are you from faggot?
1) Dansig belongs to Germany
2) You fucks were slaughtering Germans (>inb4 it was the Jews in disguise), even Hitler's intelligence proved that
3) We needed to protect our VOLK, from your race
Pretty much this.
Omitting your retardation again, faggot? Of what use are you if you can't even parrot others refutations right, Amerimongrel. Always leeching off others culture, but making others look retarded along with it. To a German you look like some kekistani faggot, you're embarrassing.
Gas yourself summerfag scum. Nobody buys your "I belong here" act.
The fuck you on about you schizo faggot.n
As are scheming kraut mongrels.
read this boog
Also, I forgot to sa-ge.
No, the only way would've been a violent coup because the government as a whole choose to open the borders without asking the German population. They didn't even go through the Parliamentary Process, thus it was illegal. There was no choice given. A Civil War is only possible if either intelligence agencies escalate a smaller conflict or if there's no more food on the table. Both things didn't happen.
If you, on the other hand, had a choice or politicians that stood up against this, then (((they))) simply didn't care. Because if they've cared they would have replaced all your politicians with puppets and your only option would have been a Civil War also.
Ok, so it's Lenin. Why do you blame Germany? Russia should have dealt with him earlier on. Why didn't they? He was planning to overthrow the Tsar and was sentenced to 3 years in Siberia. Normally people died if this happened. But not so in Lenin's case. He took his mother and sisters with him to a private house. He wrote letter to other revolutionaries and went on hunting trips. Some revolutionaries even visited him. Then later on later Nadya came by and they married. She even brought her mother with her. Why the fuck could he live like that? Only Russia is to be blamed here. He should have died in a labor camp in Siberia long before the revolution.
Glory to Bandera, poolacks.
Because everything I said in relation to Germany giving Lenin money and shipping him to Russia, Germans who oversaw and allowed for his tour across Europe in the first place, is still applicable, inspite of my mistake.
what did they mean by this?
Putting senseless feuds aside, I think that the polish user is right.
Americans are really weird - they really believe in their crazy christian stuff.
They really think that providing for negroes elevates them morally, that this is a burden of a white man or some christian virtue or whatever.
I live in the Eastern Europe and I can't imagine whites becoming minority in my city, like it happens in California and the US in general. It gives mу shivers.
1) It were (((Germans))).
2) He got a lot of money from the (((USA))) also. 3) He should have died in Siberia.
4) The Russian tsar gave amnesty to lots of revolutionaries.
5) A lot of this "Germany financed Lenin to overthrow Russia" is mostly BS to blame Germany again (as always), but this topic is so complex and riddled with lies that you need to go into full autist mode to find the inconsistencies from which you can deduce that something is not right. Then you'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes and what publishing houses are really capable of doing with "ancient photoshop," backdating, Pravda fakes and the sorts.
That's not Americanism. It's not for which this country stands. You don't know what America is.
Maybe I don't. But this is how America looks to me from outside. And seems like not only to me.
dont fall for d&c its that simple
>it were (((Germans)))
And another outright stated it was BOSHLEVIK and later Jewish Poles who "murdered" German citizens, so what? Although this is solidifies as kikes, you can hardly prove that it was (((Germans))).
>He got a lot of money from the (((USA))) also.
True, but irrelevant.
Why can't you ever admit anything? They did it believing a red Russia would pull out of a war with Germany, WW1. Dont act like kikes if you don't want to be compared to them.
Don't argue if you brand it "complex" after loosing, I can state the simple outline yes but I can also go in depth, but it is clear you're the unknowledgable one.
if this were true, then the jew has complete control on all minds in all the western world
it is not true and you're just emotional ranting to cause more d&c
We must do everything we can to keep this man safe, Holla Forums
And Germany told the Polish goverment to stop that, but they didnt.
soz lad.
From the outside, Poland looks like a tiny little shit country of zero relevance that parasites off of others while demanding OUT PARASITES. You hate the EU, but are unable to survive without EU gibs from countries that are actually (for the moment) functional and self-sustaining.
From the outside, Poland looks like a giant pile of gross hypocrites.
Yes, that's the one Euro nation I'd like to see eaten, digested, and the inhabitants absorbed as 2nd class subjects by neighboring Euro countries.
It was a generalization.
Poles really do think that Nazis had nothing better to do than torch all the damn villages by hand because MUH NAZIS.
So what's your problem then?
In hypocritical Poland GDP and white birthrate are raising while in morally elevated Judeo-Christian United States these metrics are falling. I'm choosing hypocrisy and high GDP.
Successful white countries will always be targeted by ((them)) and this is why I'm afraid when the US ((politicians)) get their hands on Poland.
That Poles here have the audacity to make themselves feel big by putting down other countries when they are stuffed to the rafters with kikes and only have not economically collapsed because the EU cuts them a check of German and French wealth that they eagerly accept.
If you want Out, then Out, but don't act like you're a big boy when Mommy Merkel still feeds you with an airplane spoon.
Pooland is used to drain the resouces of countries that could potentially be a danger to Jewry. The stupid Pole in this thread thinks that it's a question of whether the money goes to shitskins OR to hWhite Poles. He can't possibly grasp with his little brain that it's not a question of "OR" but a matter of "AND." Money is wasted on social benefits for rapefugees, but the other countries have to ADDITIONALLY provide gibs for Poles. This is unacceptable because it's parasitism and jewish in nature. If this is what Pooland stands for, then I don't really care for their well-being. I would instead be in favor of allying with Russia against them if the opportunity arises because they're at least independent. History will repeat itself. It's always the same.
They can't pretend to be victims if there are no villains to kvetch about.
No we don't, but Ukrainians really did, it wasn't a generalization don't jew me out.
Based Poland defeating those jew hating libfascist demnazis!
What is even cheap raw materials from which you are benefitting when your government sent out your kikes to exploit and bribe the thirdworlders.
Some noble Aryan Master race you are.kek
moron, I obviously meant polanski's case, god
suck more arab dick and die already if you're too dumb for solidarity
It was actually turkics from Siberia doing the rape.
What was their thinking here? I thought it was common knowledge in Europe that Germany had built up a powerful war machine.
What Holla Forums needs to realize about poles is we are a proud people, this isn't because he was a jew killer (we like that about the nazis) it's because he was an invader. And unlike modern germans who punish anti semites and racists while praising their invaders we ARE ANTI SEMITES AND RACISTS and we would die before we let someone, white or nig, invade our homeland
But that's retarded. Luxembourg was invaded by the national socialists, too, and I don't want some old man hunted down because he was part of an invasion 70 fucking years ago.
You weren't there, so why are you butthurt about it? Why don't you hunt down surviving Soviets that killed your people? Is it because Russia would kick your ass?
I expect that when the kikes run out of geriatric Germans to string up they'll have the UN declare that harboring a war criminal declared was a war crime and begin going after the children of these men.
But this guy didn't say that he wants the SS commander to be extradited.
Sorry, user. Dixie has all of those things.
Which is why every last one of your people in my homeland has to go back.
Implying we aren't doing our best to find the records of the commies here and then burn them
No their commies will be dealt with in due time, the bigger worry is our commies which kinda gotta away from us because our previous governments were commie sympathizers
True and I don't really care what happens to this man because I rather focus on purging the disease of western anti christian civilization from my people then lynching some old soon to be dead german
If you had something worthwhile to be proud about your people and country you would understand
The eternal anglo finally gets what's coming to him and he cries out in hate for his betters
If you retards had any intelligence you would let more of our shit tier people in as to stave off the muds taking over
Yeah and they didn't torch down villages and massacre people you kike.
Because ALL of the deaths resulting from communism were self inflicted, all of the one thousand deaths in comparison to millions in Ukraine or elsewhere, deaths from martial law that effectively by passed communist reign into a military one that in itsself inspired future color revolutions that brought communism down everywhere. Where are you pulling those statistics out of your ass? We were to "recieve special Western privileges" and we did, Stalin was our biggest advocate and everyone left in charge KNEW what we were "sold" into, just as they knew it invading Czechoslovaka to stop them from voting the very ideology away, we had our own country, Russia wasn't hostile and we banded together to expel NatSoc invaders, people only ever cry "MUH RUSSIA NOW" when confusing the two with Boshleviks or because communism was partially embarrassing. You aren't clever faggot.
what the fuck does an EU flag do in 1942
They thought that the British and French would march in on day one because they had promised full support. It's why Poland was so belligerent in the first place.
Just like you said before, anyone in your country who isn't one of you is an invader. Right back at ya. Out of Dixie along with the yanks, commiefornians and non-whites.
You're right, it's the next 'slavery repentance' thing. Everyone who 'sheltered a war criminal' must pay gibs to the parasite.
You faggots are missing the point as usual
These cowards ran from justice when they were younger, they need to pay it forward at some point
Danzig was a German populated city since the 1400s when the Polish king gave German merchants a city charter
Damn you mean you shouldn't kill people when you're at war with someone? What a revolutionary thought.
If I was you I would be blaming(beside the obvious - the invaders) western powers and politicians who were in charge who let this happen. When a person fucks with a tiger and tiger attacks that person the first question is: why did you fuck with it.
When you're at war, you're supposed to kill the enemy combatants, not random people who happen to live in the battlezone. At least that's how white people do it.
Quick, Hans, we're almost at the capital, it will be ours by sunset.
No, Dieter. I have to round up this farming village, torture and rape all the children and women and men and livestock and pets and trees and then burn it down.
I mean, that's the point of Blitzkrieg, right? To be as surgical as possible and torch all the citizens!
No, you idiot, what, why are you even saying this, when we break the back of the country then we will be able to use all this infrastructre.
Hans. Hans, stop. Why are you doing this.
Y-you know, Dieter…I kinda d-don't want …to but…something …compels me.
Modern Germany is so much better than modern kosher Poland and those polish were killing germans beforehand so its justified right? vs Modern Poland is so much better than those open-borders Germany and those crazy neo-nazis supporting killing innocents with 100% verified evidence right? Can't you people see this is the most obvious way of shilling, to support division among different factions by creating those divisions to begin with. They support one side while berating the other and the other shills do the opposite for the same effect thus creating a meaningless conflict to drag your attention away from the true enemy.
Stop letting yourself be influenced by these obvious shills and remember that it is always the juden behind it one way or another.
So much for all the bullshit "based" poland.
It seems I have watched too much Hollyjew. I want to know who you refer to when you say 'everybody'. I don't doubt you, I just simply haven't learned anything about it.
What's going on in that picture anyway? Looks like a village that was razed after a war.
You're right, and hating Poland for not liking Nazis is retarded
Nah, kill yourself. If the Nazis were actually bad news for you than Americans saved you from them, and then from the Communists as well.
Funding the Reds and then strangling them economically. Someone clearly won WW2 for the Allies, and it wasn't Poland.
Trump's probably going to say no
Must suck to suck
So true. poles are the lowest subhumans of Europe.
Maybe those random "people" shouldn't have taken pot shots then?
All in all, the mexicans of Europe said they would have been in Berlin in 2 weeks. A POW train was definitely faster.
No shit.
If you would've said battled them culturaly I would've allowed it, but you're one dumb idiot. How strangle them economically when the communists could print their own rationing coupons in exchange for labor as long as there was no one to object it? The Russians literally shelled their own White House to bring over McDonalds and coca cola, and in turn converted your population into Marxism later on. You didnt win shit.
I fixed it for you cuckchan niggers.
This. We desperately need at a minimum positive eugenics. Most of us oldfags are in favor of killing a bunch of low-quality Whites that drag our kind down. Think lemmings for that one.
Fuck off you nocaps kike.
It is the right of independent nations like the Reich and Poland to fight over land if they wish. The only thing I ever had against the Poles is that they harbored kikes, which was a major problem.
Holy shit, you are such a massive faggot. The Jews are everywhere, you dumb fuck. They have leverage everywhere. This is the exact kind of behavior that made Poland a problem last time. They didn't have revolutionaries that wanted to side with the other White revolutionaries. All of Europe (including diaspora in the US, Australia, etc.) must revolt against the kikes. Just stop being such a faggot about everything.
You will be truly embarrassed if we get the kikes off our back before you. We could actually decapitate their actual colony in Israel in two seconds, which is something they certainly understand. It's also something Poland could NOT do.
If you actually gave a fuck about any of that, you would be destabilizing their hold over us rather than bitching about it on a Finnic shadowpuppeteering forum. I guess you would rather hide in your keep than win on the field.
Hitler the jew and the faked world war II
Here are some photos and paintings with Hitler doing masonic handshakes and signs.
https:// hitler-the-jew-and-the-faked-wwii.blogspot. ru/2013/06/hitler-doing-masonic-handshakes-and.html
It's not my fault that you're too incompetent to understand ethnonationalism.
This is awful. fuck these terrorists on an old man!