
Adolfcoin is an experiment in trying to defeat the bankers.

We're looking for more people to lend their ideas to the project.

Adolfcoin is different - by design, the currency is devalued into oblivion;

Any (((financially motivated))) individuals are rapidly removed from the system, and the entire mining and coin release process is set up to give as close to zero advantage to those involved in the early days as possible.

It is exceedingly unlikely that anyone involved will actually earn a profit from adolfcoin.

Adolfcoin isn't about money at all. It's a big social experiment. The core idea hasn't been seen before. A form "decentralized fascism".

It's called the fuhrerprocess - the radical idea that a group with shared values makes the right choice when faced with a real decision.

It's still very early, we have no idea if this is going to work, but having a wider community to look at it and criticize or provide new ideas will definitely help.

Other urls found in this thread:**

find it in your hearts to ignore the OP's wierd reddit line spaces. hes probably not from around these parts.


Spoon feed nubs about wut do then see if it does anything.
Some of us no n2 coinage of any kind.

So what have you come up with that's concrete. How are the coins generated and distributed? What can you do with them?

I dunno OP they took away my niggers on my last investment


You cannot buy adolfcoin. I even mentioned first thing no the site that if you pay for it you will lose your money.

Will be following this thread. OP, elaborate some more pls

As cool as ironskynet would be, it's not AI controlled. The coin actually dies every 42 days by design, forcing the community to make a choice about which new variant they want to pursue. This solves the complete and utter inability of every other cryptocurrency to actually keep making progress because muh shekels.

Start by reading stuff on the website If you're not familiar with cryptocurrency, but generally smart, you can look at some of the puzzles….

Yeah, nah. it's not an investment. We're trying to figure out if the process works. You're not going to earn shekels off nazigolds.

The fuck is hilter standing Peter Thiel's mansion for?

Is it a method of exchange then?

It's not intended to be usable as a method of exchange until we are sure that we can keep (((them))) out.

Bitcoin has been all but gone, any dev with clout is on their (((payroll))). The final nail is about to be delivered.

That doesn't mean blockchain isn't the way to go, but it means blockchain must be used intelligently if it's to free society from banksters. Unfortunately it's seen as nothing more than money maker right now and any innovation made has that in mind.

this entire thing is full of hidden messages at every fucking level

Also, check out the video in the second post.

Well you have my interest, ill be lurking good luck.

its working very well so far, we had a jewminer with a huge mining pool hit it hard and we fucked him right up

coins are distributed by mining (using phones, notebooks, whatever).

The algorithm is actually chosen to reward people with shitty hardware the most.

If you come with a fuckhuge GPU rig, you're just wasting your money and time.

peter theil is a fuckhead, don't know why the fuhrer used his house but based on everything else its for a good reason. his house is also opposite an institution of the same name as one that hitler was rejected from. nothing about any of the artwork is random.

God forbid he made his post easy to read. Fuck off with this 'reddit spacing' BS

No, leave.

Fuck off, digesting a wall of text is fucking gay.

shocking, truly

Honestly a better name would be Reichscoin.

adolfcoin rolls off the tongue a lot easier than
reichscoin, reichbits maybe.

then again the name doesnt matter as long
as it makes the normal cryptocurrency shitbags
think its just a shitcoin and they stay away

what the fuck is going on in here?


They already noted that it's a shitcoin that the first-in won't be best-dressed. If you're looking to cash up then this isn't the way.

That actually makes it better in many ways, but there will always be an advantage to early miners. There is no way around it, unless there is some non-linear emission rate. Also I have to say that mug shown in looks pretty nice. If this fails and I can buy one of those for the "currency", at least I will have something.

I had a look at the site, and it looks like some significant work has been put behind it…

There has to be something I don't understand here…

I run one of the mining pools for this. If you're looking for an immediate profit then forget it, stick to something that is on an exchange and tradeable for fiat. I mine it with my laptop whenever I'm not using it. The fact that you actually can mine it like that (and it has potential) is already enough for me. There are about 50 warnings all over the forum and site saying that it's experimental, not to pay for it, not pay for services like AWS to mine it, etc etc, very unshitcoin.

The key is the fuhrerprocess.
Look at conway's law and armdhals law, then look at how every single altcoin (and bitcoin) is developed - the organizational structure. If you take the time to do that, you'll see why every last one of them is going to fail, none of them can scale, it's simply not possible. It's also why the banks are going to collapse but that’s another story. The same reason they can't scale is also the reason they are vulnerable to psychopath takeover, if the development process needs leadership and upfront consensus then it's trivial to buy the devs or use charisma to take it over. Fatal flaw.

Can I at least buy that "Work Sets You Free"-mug if I pay with these coins?

What's the use if they have no value?

Once the process has been honed in and there's enough data to be fairly sure that it can't be hijacked like Bitcoin, only then will there be a marketplace where you can use the currency to buy a mug, if you want. That's when it will be safe to actually use as a currency and list on exchanges etc.

Based no doubt on the nigger genius of Zimbabwe's currency with expiration dates.

Jesus fucking Christ, how could any human being be so economically illiterate?

so why would I use this?



The node dies every 42 days, not the currency. Mined coins are not lost. This solves a problem where development can't proceed because there aren't enough nodes 'signalling'.

when do you think you'll release for mac? I got given one and its needs to be used for something



There's no use case for this currency at present. If you can envision a future use case, you might want to mine it. If you can't, you obviously won't.

Please explain how that works exactly… Or are you just a dumb troll?

What pisses me off the MOST about this is that you kikes are utilizing the name of the glorious FÜHRER to self-aggrandize your (((JIDF))) project.

If I knew where you lived, I'd LITERALLY kill you.

I have absolutely no idea what any of this is. Did I unknowingly skip ahead 3 months in time, or why is no one asking what this money-less currency is supposed to be, what is implied with mining(?!) and why there isn't even a link or anything to transfer you over to their website? To me, this couldn't sound any more suspicious, so what's the deal here?

I'm wondering the same…why should I spend my hashing power on this if there is no reward?

I guess there is always the ideological aspect of building up a community… BitCoin was worth shit when I first started to mine it but I still kept mining.

It's (as far as I'm concerned) true that other coins are either scams or jewcoins (perhaps aside from ETC), and now BTC seems to go down the drain as well…and to be fair; BTC was always a first step.


If you knew anything about crypto you would understand why having 0 initial value is essential… any coin that can be exchanged to/from BTC will be pump/dumped to hell.

That is; if you don't want to create another shitcoin.

I'll still admit I don't "fully get it", but you could have said the same about BitCoin when it first appeared.

t. cryptotrader.


fuck off and take your scamcoin with you, kike

I went to their website, it's It was mentioned further up.

I don't really see anything suspicious about it, on the contrary, there is no mention of money anywhere…

What I don't fully understand is the ultimate goal… rename and become the new BTC?

kekistani shit does scream alt-right cancer.


No. I'm pure master-race. You're probably some burger mystery-meat, so the oven is all yours…


The ultimate goal is a currency that is scalable. Conway's law suggests the only way that can possibly happen is using decentralized development. A neat side effect of this is that if development is truly decentralized it becomes immune to manipulation. Data from other projects suggest that decentralized development might be possible, but it's far from guaranteed.

There is a difference between making a text easy to read by using paragraphs than putting a line between every fucking sentence.

Agreed. "Kekistani" screams cancer. However; for all we know, the creator can be literally Satoshi trying to make BTC 2.0 (in theory) and is not fully aware of the culture here.

If you look at the photo posted earlier with the mug, that looks like some original merchandise. Then you have the website which is well done and the stickers with the logo. Whoever is behind this has put time and money into it…

So what can you tell me about the current developer(s)? Looks like some work/resources has been spent on this already…

Get practicing you dumb fucker. Don't let your drawings be outdone by Japs.

ackshually, the difference is considering one sentence to be a paragraph.

1. Create yet another alt-coin
2. Slap some "edgy" branding on it
3. Pump and dump it on Holla Forums
4. Profit.

feet are on glass railing, friendo

Not even OP or the pool-owners, but how the fuck do you suggest a coin with NO VALUE is pump and dumped? I actually read some posts, and they tell you to NOT buy it (and you can't).

That's not how pump/dump works.

Do you even crypto?

Bait and switch. The crypto-jew hopes to give his alt-coin value by getting more people to use it. He'll lie through his teeth to accomplish this, he has no morality.

The same jackass has been trying this exact same shit on Holla Forums several times in the past years.
>"Hey Holla Forums, check out my [Trump|Nigger|Adolf|etc]coin for reasons I can't quite explain. Don't worry, I'm not trying to make any money off this! Anybody who tries to pull a coherent explanation out of me is a jew who's jealous of this new BASED alt-coin!

Shit, thought it was a glass window. Now he's got his leather chair and desk exposed to the elements, but I suppose Hitler would have someone to help him move his furniture inside and out at his leisure.

Well first the Jew would have to create an exchange for money changing, is anyone using real dollars or some form of money to purchase coins? If not then its just time wasted by processors, of no value.

While it is possible that it could be this mysterious coin peddler, that I havent personally seen any such threads from, this particular project seems pretty well fleshed out for a fly-by-night scheme, and seems to likely had a fair amount of money and time invested.

I remain skeptical, but you should check out the site and concept, seems like it could be legitimate and, if successful, useful to the cause.

The jew hopes to get people using his coin "as a meme", in the hopes that it will snowball and demand for the meme will rise like dogecoin did. Before the inflection point he starts selling coin that he mined to particularly dumb idiots, cashing out before the crash when the meme loses popularity.

This alt-coin has absolutely nothing to do with national socialism. It has absolutely nothing to do with Adolf Hitler. All he did was arbitrarily slap a brand on yet another alt-coin. It's branding you dumb fucks.

The neugrundung reset cycle is a pretty funny way of trying to get more people to use it. So is The 777 manifesto begging people to please not share it with 'cryptocurrency' people because a bunch of pump and dumpers will flock to it and fuck it up.

Alt-coins scams are performed by autistic jews and pseudo-jews. Do not confuse the products of their talmudic autism with anything worthwhile.

Yeah fuck standards right buddy? Shove the dildo a little deeper.

Coins don't expire, per OP in this very thread. He'll retain the coins he's mined, so that he can later sell them before the inflection point.

But you CAN'T buy these coins. All the others were sold, and indeed pump/dump shitcoins (or even tokens). Nobody is trying to SELL coins here, there is no money involved.

Well, exactly. You can't exchange it, so it's pretty much like BTC was when it was new. I mined it, even though it had no value back then… if you want to "recreate" a new BTC, you need to avoid "value" early on, with so many people having huge farms to mine all coins now. New times.

Look at the site + the pictures of merchandise etc. This is obviously not someone looking for a quick shekel. The person(s) behind this have printed stickers, made mugs, a real home-page, forums etc. None of the others had that….

I second the question at the end of your post, but to be fair, he never deflected those questions, as they were yet to be asked. (Directly)

fuck it I'm mining this

so what the fuck is a shitminer and how do I not become one?

You haven't understood, it's a lot more complicated than coins expiring or not expiring, what he wrote is correct but simplified. It's up to the community anyway, not the developer, (that's the whole point).

I suppose it's predictable that this got slammed as a scam simply because altcoins generally are, but after actually doing some reading I think that could turn out to be a mistake.

How does it further national socialism? Probably by the whole point of the entire experiment being to create something that cannot be taken over be jews like bitcoin and every other altcoin that becomes worth something. Removing jew control of the money system is no easy fucking task.

Currently. OP plans on selling them before the inflection point. He's using lies and deceit right now to get early adopters. He's targeting us because he thinks we can kick his attempt at a meme into high gear.

Just bought a few, I feel it in my bones that this is a great chance to make a YUGE profit


IF you could somehow destroy the Jew's banker-schemes, it would be a HUGE step forward. Not saying this will succeed, but it looks like an attempt of some kind. Like BTC could have been, but now it will get Jewed with SegWit.

I don't know what a "shitminer" is, but to me it sounds like someone who tries to mine up as much as possible of a fresh coin using massive hardware. I've seen that happening with new coins, basically premining it…

Sell where and for what? Do you think any exchanges will list ADOLF, seriously? The name is obviously chosen to avoid listing..

I'm curious, because it looks like the people behind it have actually planned this well and put a lot of effort/resources into it. Why? I don't know yet…

You can't buy them….?

Tried to set it up on my phone, the original poland testbed and full release. Never got it to work, never got any indication as to what I did wrong.

Then what the fuck did I buy?

Cool. How much profit can I make from it?


Do you really think you need an exchange to pass around cryptocurrency? Please try not to be this dumb.

I downloaded the windows binary…**

It works, but I've only found two blocks… any way to show hashrate? May have set it up wrong…

No idea. Where did you buy it?

So … I'll send you 0.1 btc if you promise to send me 10 ETH back…? Awesome, sounds like a bulletproof method.

i was just thinking about a similar thing, but calling it "Pepay". The idea would be taking old coins and CNC engraving pepe on them, thus increasing its value for private trade.

OP here.
I haven't deflected a thing. Whether you understand or not is your problem (especially since you're being an asshole).

How do you propose to further national socialism when the entire banking system is controlled by Jews? How does that work? What are you doing about it? What this experiment, and it is an *experiment* is intended to do is eventually, perhaps one day, yield something like Bitcoin which *cannot* be commandeered by Jews or any other rent seekers. If humanity can't do that, we are fucked regardless. Things like the elimination of Whites through forced mass immigration and a whole shitload of other nasty things are *only* possible through control of the monetary system, while they have that there's very little that can be done about it in reality.

I've never been on Holla Forums before, I don't know how things work here. Some people will see past that and some won't. The rest of the community thought it would be a good place to get some feedback and maybe even find new people to bring into the community, but like everything else it's an experiment and the result isn't very surprising.

the website way back when had a purchase option

Sure thing moshe, 0.1 btc (251.83 US Dollar) for 10 eth (2481.6084692918 US Dollar)


Now I know exactly where youre coming from. fuck outta here with your bullshit.

reported you for shilling this thread, you're a fucking autist. I've seen you in other threads, I hope you get a permaban you redittor faggot.


this user is kinda right

Exactly as predicted. Gas yourself kike.

Ok, the other way around then, just send BTC to my address and I'll send 1000 ETH to you later ;)

Thanks for saving the White race with your shitposting!

OP may not have solved the problem, but at least he does a better attempt than (((you))).

I've had this idea that's similar to burst-coin where you would be able to store website data. Basically you would have HDD Miners store this data website or cloud data, where the mining may be similar to burst coin where you are constantly plotting data to 'mine'. This would increase website speeds for some large websites such as YouTube for instance, if someone in your town is a 'miner', as they wouldn't have to connect across the globe to the YouTube servers. This would also be more cost beneficial as we see with Burst coin is that data storage is very cheap from these HDD miners. The data wouldn't just be store one one persons storage though, it would be distributed to thousands of miners worldwide, to help increase the website speeds in certain areas where they have these miners nearby.

Have you seen SiaCoin?

Anyway, this is a different realm than a pure currency, although it could be interesting. Imo the most pressing problem right now is there are no good *currencies*.

Deflection. OP is a scammer and uses dishonest rhetoric and trickery.

I don't even care if it's datamining/botnetting, I don't even care that the name is shitty, I'll still put ten bux in and run a passive two core miner on it a few hours a day for shits n gigs

Jihad Linda Sars Sour puts me off in a big way.


This seems like a honeypot to be honest but decentralised banking must happen either that or the death of money as we know it and seizure of all the banks in the world.

So what do you mean?

Who cares though? I agree with the fact that decentralised banking must happen though


so you want us to put our time and effort in a altcoin that can only become worthless over time ? How … jewish.

Go back to reddit

Exactly. Point proven…

It's funny, I remember people saying that about BTC when I started mining…

I'm NOT saying this will go the way of BTC, but most people said exactly that when BTC was new.

That can be ascertained on paper (thought experiment) and doesn't require people to spend electricity and cycles to actually mine something of no value.

Uh? Quoting github ReadMe:
Shitminers will be purged every 42 days and lose their coins.

I've submitted 2,000,000 hashes across 2 pools and received Pending Balance: 0.00000000000 ADOLF so far.

The trips have it.

Cryptos are still just money laundering, drugs, and speculation. Sure someone speculating on BTC would've made bank; but what's its actual long term value? I remember people complaining about ETH when it peaked, running into issues with withdrawing at certain times and losing value as a result. I'm not a trader, why should I pursue holding my wealth in a nerd/drug dealer's medium?


Well I am curious, but the big problem I see is one person coming in and shilling for these all thread, acting like they don't know about it but constantly answering questions, and using a posting style that is sticking out like a sore thumb (2 line spacing and ellipses in basically every other sentence) telling us the poster is not a native channer. The question remains if he's a kike, a Natsoc who isn't a native channer, some kind or plebbitor or whatever else
Holla Forums has a fair amount of notoriety, I'm sure we are just as well known to other WN groups as we are to the kikes, so shill-kun's posting style doesn't necessarily mean he is an enemy, but definitely an outsider to the board
If this is actually real and not kikeshit, good luck Op, I don't know enough about crypto to make any judgements on that, so I will just point out the outsider in our midst for anons to make their own opinions with more clarity

The reason btc is going to fail is costs per transaction increase as the number of transactions in the network increase.

How does adolfcoin avoid this? Does it do a sync operation every year on 4/20 and truncate the transaction history, and the bankers smoke weed because they can't do transactions?

Does it split into decentralized subchains and register transactions only within and between them?

It is a fork of monero so I assume it has the same dynamic blocksize algorithm. Basically miners can decide how many txs to include in a block but they have to pay penalty if they increase it a certain distance from the median size of recent blocks.

That's how I understand it at least. OP please correct if wrong.


The best part of this post was where you explained what the fuck you are actually doing and provided more information where people can get involved and learn more about it.

Nein, Reichscoin ist besser

let's see an archive of this or waybackmachine? not believe ya moishe

shitminers being anyone with huge hashpower (1kh

Bitcoin was supposed to be the "antidote to jewish finance", but we see that it's just slowing the takeover by how it was designed, not preventing it. If you want a truly kike-free coin, and you want to name it after Uncle Judenfrei himself, then design it to succeed where bitcoin failed. The upshot here is that if your "social experiment" fails, it will help debunk a lot of misinformation about Natsoc you've intentionally associated with it, by inspiring people to actually do study what Natsoc was.

wanna bet?

Why would I pay for a coin that's not going to show any profit if I can just spread the values and right choices via word of mouth/not hiding my power levels, being a real fucking man?


Re-read the thread. Completely get it now. Are you the same user that posted earlier this month/last month about something big? I think you are. I'm economically illiterate but i wish you the very best. And it's something I would put forward to if I had any change to spare. Godspeed.

I just want that mug. It's perfect.

Goy I would like to be part of dev team, not JIDF, even got servers to offer

The issue isn't your coins user. You need to dream a little bigger.

Are you fucking retarded? You know nothing at all of National Socialism. Hitler never used that term, nor did his men, only the propagandists of their enemies.
You probably also go around saying "I'm a proud NAZI!" fucking untermensch. Read a fucking book.

Incorrect, he used the term "Herrenrasse".

I mean, you must remember that Adolfcoin is indeed the superior cryptocurrency.


Again, bullshit. He used the word Herrenvolk you disinfo shill piece of shit.

Why not call it a Reichsmark or a Reichscoin?

Explain this. I have some. What stops me from sending it to another user's wallet in exchange for dollars?

This is blasphemy. Not bumping.

I would sell at least some and buy gold and silver, but hey, whatever floats your boat, man.

the middle one

What is caching and data centers with mirroring distributed across the glove?

Verdammt autocorrect

It's much nicer ITT after applying filter.

Official BitBay shill from /biz/ here.

David Zimbeck is /ourguy/

I am also /yourguy/

BitBay is the decentralized marketplace coin that eliminates the middleman merchant, unironically. As a long time lurker and rare poster, I submit this to you humbly folks. Here are a few links for the curious:

Invitation to Slack -

Invitation to Discord -

Double-deposit escrow allows for truly free trade between parties.

As for OP? He's trying to rip you off and see if he can get away with any BTC.

you can't buy the coin on an exchange. not something to make money off of, more about building a community and trying to establish a decentralized development process or #adolfcoin on freenode - anyone can contribute so long as it adheres to the fuhrerprocess



Invest in Commodore? :)

Why not call it SWASTICOIN ?

Are you "oy vey'in"?



user… What i'm trying to say is we remove the middleman. The smart contracting software enables you to be "your own" merchant/middleman/arbitrator. This cuts down on fees and enables a more free market than presently exists in terms of the trade of goods. I ask only that you consider this coin.

no, I'm just saying Swasticoin or


would be a much better name.

I don't have much left in BTC, so I'll keep it. There will always be "BitCoin Classic", but BTC is more or less dead for anything but "legacy".

Lol no.

Offer adolfcoin's to all white married couples who are childless. The debt is forgiven, or loan size is reduced for having kids. Identity/document validation on blockchain going to be very easy soon enough. To register white identity on the chain costs something. Use pool of funds to promote white births and business.

But why?

Ok so I mined this a bit.
The name is stupid. It does not mention National Socialism anywhere. It doesn't even have swastikas anywhere. I need swastikas. National Socialism is not fascism. Read a book. Fuck you I'm going to make Natcoin now. Or Reichscoin. Crypto Reichsmark. Whatever. Adolfcoin is retarded, the Führer is not happy about this kids, you need to be put working the fields for 2 years.

Post your address below and I will send you all of my shitcoin



Sounds completely retarded.

This idea is actually pretty good. Trading rare pepe's IRL.

So is there a blockchain or any kind of decentralized database for storing shit, communications between people etc,etc?

It says invalid address.



The fuhrer has an important message for all of you

James, go back to

this is no fake news

history repeats each 100 years, mark my words

I hope some of it does. But not another kike war featuring the American golems against their European brothers. At least let's make it Europe against Israel or something.

i will never not sage a jew-thread

Get in the oven amerikike.