Linda Sarsour Calls for Jihad against Trump

Didn't see a thread, so here we go.

Muslims are now 100% transparent about their intentions. They will not assimilate, they will only conquer. Spread this to everyone you know. There is no more time for discussion, the war comes now.

Other urls found in this thread:

She's the sharia woman.

You don't need to post Tucker Carlson reports here. We all have internet access.

I wanted a thread for people to see all the twitter stuff going on. Liberals are defending Jihad now, it's embarrassing. I'm gonna go through and screencap the stuff I see.

What a country

woman, you being here is what is not normal

I also don't see another thread on it, have a bump.

Don't worry, Hasbarafag will defend her.

muslims, always sending their women to fight the battle

They're trying to change the meaning of jihad.

Jihad is a holy uprising against injustice/tyranny, as it's written. tl;dr don't be a muslim really, kike puppet path of self destruction
know your enemy well, anons

So this is the person that the democrats will support and make her represent modern women of America.

Exactly, they're are overtly and clearly showing that they want to conquer America. Ignorance of what's going on should no longer be an excuse for white americans we need to wake everyone up

We have to do it in a nuanced way, though. Cannot just have the herds charging after Mohammadens while ignoring their (((masters))).

The only thing we need to understand about them is that they are brown and they want gibs. Nothing more about them is worth understanding. The only thing we need to understand is ourselves. Not get involved with two sects filled with lying semites. One is enough to deal with and concentrate on. Also, a secret: if you deal with the Jewish one, you've already dealt with the Muslim one.


That's why it requires to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. If you concentrate only on 1 group of locus, then the other group will already eat your field.

No, actually; understanding their views is crucial and key. Knowing that they can never be reasoned with. Informing others of their practice is likely to save lives IMO, shoot on sight when SHTF
bin that turban

Traitors get priority. I'll shoot a mudshit hating kike over a zoo-animal and pompous over-inflated sandnigger any day.

The problem today is not shitskins, it's white people who have been gaslighted into thinking the world is filled with peaceful 'diversity'. If you activate the white blood cells, you win.

AKA get rid of the AIDS that is the Jew on the Aryan populace. Don't treat the symptoms like they're of equal worth concentrating on.

Trump should deport this bitch, the buttblasting will be epic

Agreed on both counts. Israel falls, the muslim problem will take care of itself before we ever to get involved. The PC acceptance is what's going to get a bunch of stupid white boomers murdered with trust in their heart.

More tweets. The dishonesty is so blatant it makes me angry.

This is the same woman who wrote this fucking gem of a tweet. She pisses me off as a Greek who's ancestors lived under Ottoman Yoke! I'll mention what Sharia was like under the "most tolerant" of the muslim Empires the lefties likes to trot out, the Ottomans:

Depends if the mudslimes will take care of themselves. There's still this Muslim Brotherhood which mission is global muslim conquest, especially on the West, and they are very active on that.

Why is it so impossible for normies to get this? I'm going through twitter, seeing people trying to explain ti to liberals, and they just shut down.

Maybe I'm charismatic/persuasive as fuck, but I have been straight up red pilling others on every topic up to and including the JQ, reality of race, the racial origin of civilizations, etc. People's responses have been shockingly supportive or amazed, rarely combative.
Or maybe they've all reported me :^)

Have any other anons had much success with a tactful revelation of power level? Obviously I don't run around screaming GTKRWN but I find opportunities to enlighten others

What is with this retard's mindset? He realizes that the people he's defending are scum, but he does so anyways? Are liberals and non-whites 100% tribalistic with no long term thinking?

4th pic is amusing. After getting called out and the word "Taqiyya" was mentioned, he really went to panic mode by avoiding the question and started to boast its muslim "dominance".

Yes. Remember, most non-whites are just out to advance their own tribe and libs are out to destroy theirs out of some weird guilt complex.

Do spics like Fabian want to become Muslim or something? They're better off with whites than arabs.

This isn't exactly "good PR" tbh.
Not sure what they're trying to do… piss people off?

She has to be a puppet.

Muslims really need to step their game up. She should be stoned, not applauded.

You would think it's bad PR, but literally every liberal is defending her as if it's no big deal.

Because realizing not all cultures are equal fundamentally destroys their world view and their own image of themselves, they will literally not accept it until its stabbing them in the face and even then some won't.

Just reply to them that Crusade has different meanings in different contexts as well.

Oh great, Lamont is chiming in…

It will be interesting to see the male muslim reaction to this.

Seriously, the state needs to do some judge dread bullshit soon. These people are too far gone, if not, suicidal.

Holy shit, I agree with everything she said about normalization. About her.

I clicked on the guy's profile who was arguing with her, and even though he's a soyfaced hippie, he still understands that Pisslam is shit. That gave me a little hope. Are most American white men waking up, even the liberal ones?

Do the Jews know this?
Because why would you flood your cattle paddock with muslims that will enforce that law and ruin their profits?

They would just turn interest into a risk "fee" or some other semantic mutation.

I am so sick of the fake leftist in-groups being the only acceptable in-grouping.

I hate the fake American.

White people are drawn to ideals, hence America. But those ideals have to be based on reality: such as the reality of how race impacts personal disposition and, therefore, social organization. Most people only think about their personal experience. I thought I didn't, but I did and still do until I realized some facts.

If I may, one approach I find useful for describing why people's personal experiences do not always match up to that of net/group experiences as a whole is because of what we can predict. I compare sociology/poli sci to physics. In physics, we can predict what massive objects like planets will do. So, in sociology we can predict what the masses will do as a whole. However, we cannot take any individual from a mass at random and be certain about how he or she will respond to a given stimuli. Just like the more we know about a particle's velocity, the less we know about its position, and vice-versa.

These semitic desert rat people would be absolutely fucking hilarious if they weren't currently destroying our ancestral lands.

If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.

Real makes you think


Yeah when I say that we're going to "bring the tenth crusade with the fury of ten thousand suns with the searing light of god at or backs as we cleanse our homelands of the filth that has degenerated us unto madness, so get ready to Deus Vult you motherfuckers" muzzies and liberal faggots are taking it wildly out of context. it's an internal struggle kind of thing, you heretics wouldn't understand :^)

More idiot tweets.

I know I'm a broken record at this point, but goddamn I just cannot wait for that day of the rope. It's like I'm six years old again, but every day of the year is December 24th, and Christmas just. Won't. Fucking. Come.


Is that a fucking kike larping as a white person? I've seen Jews steal a lot of names, but I've never seen them steal Stryker before. That's like a Jew having the last name Hitler or Goebbels.

Shitposting is now officially an act of war.

Good example, calculus and in turn statistics were developed because symbols can never account for all the tiny details of reality. Unfortunately unscrupulous individuals try to argue this means nothing really exists.

Indeed, user. I've often meditated on the incompleteness of language and how this consequentially means that truth can only be derived from within. Language, at best, points us in the right direction. The Post-Modernist (((unscrupulous individuals))) to which you refer are weakening their grasp on the memesphere I pray.
A layman's philosophy for getting around this is that if the truth is relative or subjective then everyone can have their own truth. However, the subjectivity of truth becomes an objective/universal truth. Therefore, one cannot simply escape objectivity by slipping into relativism. I'm not trying to argue this point with any philosophyfags, this is for talking with marginally intelligent people who are just smart enough to get in trouble.

I went and checked his twitter.
He's a fucking kike, and a masonic one at that. Should we doxx him?

She's a US citizen, unfortunately, born in NYC. She is like many other 2nd generation muslims who radicalize.

Seriously niggers, why the fuck would anyone loan you money if they could not charge interest?

If interest rates were enforced to be 0% no one would loan money at all. This is mostly bad for businesses, because that makes it a lot harder to invest and compete.

Any economic model that tries to fight the voluntary exchange of goods and services is destined to end up as Soviet potato-nomics.

The smart thing Hitler did was to NOT think government could run the businesses better, but to simply stake a government ownership in the businesses via taxation, and nurture the domestic market.

hello, muhammad

1. Altruism
2. If default risk is removed. Centralized ledgers would allow creditors to trace and reclaim bux not repaid for durable goods. For consumable goods, maybe legal enforcement of repayment via service.

This bitch as a huge mess of addresses and phone numbers attached to her name. Unsurprising since terrorists to move around a lot lel. I don't really know which ones are current. But I'm sure autism can get to the bottom of it.


They charge a flat fee instead of interest.

Too bad the CIA can't make her fall down a flight of stairs onto two bullets in the back of the head.

Then beat the enemy to death with the empty gun. Then rape the enemy's family with the splintered stock.

why do people hate dune coons again?


CIA could do that, but they wont, because they're the (((CIA)))

I'm convinced people like you are shills. I would never have hated mudslimes until I learned about them about them. Jews would've been another weird background group until I learned about them. Tribalism is important, natural, and healthy, but I never would've accepted that standpoint until I learned about it and why it exists.

The only reason we're winning now is because we finally started to educate rather than expect. It's really stupid to see everything that is going on right now and think that folks aren't being purposefully misinformed and being exposed to narratives.

You don't just try to keep one pit burning, you have to learn how to make fire.

cite dog

A) Have the Government issue loans. You can determine a credit score through statistics, so there is no argument of it being inefficient. Though the lolbergtarians will kvetch at this idea for some reason.

B) Have the Government provide loans on interest, and use the revenue from that instead of collecting taxes. This reminds me of the SS's plan of having a socialistic country without any taxes.

C) Pay a flat fee for credit cards and loans. But prohibit compound interest. It gives banks enough to function, but really neuters them. The middle-east uses this system I believe.

charge her with treason, publicly execute her. set an example.

that's what RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS are for

Islamic sharia lets mullahs rape white slave boys while they whip women for showing ankle skins.

Islamic sharia lets mud drug dealers flood white nations with hard narco while the leaders of islamic nations live in depraved opulence.

There are two sets of rules in Islam - one for active armed forces of expansionism and one for the conquered peoples.

The laws for active armed forces expanding the caliphate's borders are granted permission to engage in any obscenity, any depravity as long as they shed the blood of unbelievers.

The next set of laws are for the slaves, the conquered and the owned. No fun is granted to them - only hard manual labor under a corrupt, sleazy viceroy until they die.

She wont get any heat from the islamic leaders.

t. former islamic state soldier.

Why not both at once with the Pepe Cluster Rocket?

I've seen the commies defend her saying "Jihad just means personal struggle". So did "Mein Kampf", you faggots,so you better start reading it.

So if they didn´t have a higher education, jewish males would find them attractive instead of incredibly grating and bitchy? Of course not.
Look at Seth Rogen, his wife only married him because they are both jewish and guess what? She cucks him! if she was a housewife, she would cuck him even more than she already does!

Being tactfull is self-evident to you but not so much to others…

Listen here, shill. This whole "b-b-b-but the puppetmasters" shit is getting old. They'll be dealt with. In the meantime, let them shake in their shekel holders while white America takes to the streets and genocides every follower or sympathizer of Islam.

a message about the wonders of sarsour & sharia law from boston antifa 3 months ago

Jihad was and is always about expansionist colonialism, and the collecting of gibs and raping the women and little boys. They like baby boy anus for some reason.


they always make that same fucking face

every single fucking time man

Ohhhhhhh snap

They also bring their own kindling to the bonfires.

SJWs unironically start calling everything a jihad, get put onto watch lists in Trump's America.
made this gay thing

or go full on esoteric hitlerian and fight every enemy on every front all at the same time

knew some bitches in HS with the last name Sarsour, bunch of hijab wearing cunts. time for them to die.

My thoughts exactly. Let's stop pussy footing around it and kick all of them out along with the spics, niggers, and chinks too. Every whiny white liberal can go with them too.That's the only way we'll even start to make this country great again.

Jews or numales?

Also, do you have any other examples?

so what is exactly the problem with this bitch?


Back in the days of the clones gas systems would be standard issue, how that changed.

Slaughter, when? I amaze myself sometimes with how much I hate Liberals/Commies/SJW

they aire PAID SHILLS
because it's probably safer for your health than bareback prostitution

What's the difference? The reason numales act the way they do is because they're circumcised and they grew up on Jewish media and philosophy. They're spiritual jews.

I believe these will suffice. Look at Yosef's face up there. Exactly the same. Physiognomy is real, so the guy has to be a Jew, otherwise he wouldn't have the balls to insult Islam.

One of the first foundations in the United States, the New York Foundation was established in 1909 with a gift of $1 million from Alfred M. Heinsheimer, part of a bequest he had received from his brother Louis. This first philathropic gift was augmented by two additional gifts: one restricted broadly to the benefit of the young and the elderly; the second from the estate of Alfred M. Heinsheimer in 1929. Its founding documents list general philanthropic purposes, but its name has always signaled a special concern for New York City.

>((( Heinsheimer )))

The so called 'guilt complex' people are those who don't want to face the abyss - that they've been lied to their whole life and Jews are not trustworthy. That's why telling big lies, work. To call out the big lie would require facing the fact that, yes indeed, the Jews want you dead and they hate you so much more than you could ever imagine.

People who don't toe the Party Line get marked for extrajudicial execution by Left Wing Death Squads.

Islam is antithetical to the western ethos and pathos in its entirety and will NEVER belong.

Well not only that, but that they've been supporting evil this whole time. That's why you need to redpill young people and forget the boomers and older millenials. They could never handle knowing they're not as smart as they claim to be and ontop of that, even less so than the people they've been looking down upon since they were fooled and the others weren't. It also stems from a childhood without parental fortitude. Their parents were absent but somehow they had to keep believing they loved them. At work all day, you don't develop the connection necessary to know what it's like to love someone despite their faults. You don't get to know both their positives and negatives. You get to know a shallow person; one that is no better than watching a TV.

A result of the sought destruction of the family by Jews, of course - since they want the only thing occupying the minds of the goyim to be what the Jews say should be occupying their minds. They do that through media and money.

You do realize that Boston Antifa is satire, right?

Found the brainwashed good goy.

Good, altruistic people will loan goods or money, at no interest, even if it might not be repaid, for the good of the community. If you loan your neighbor a cup of flour, do you worry about them returning it? Do you demand two cups in return?

Ultimately usury is a pyramid scheme: it creates debt that can never be repaid. Eventually those in debt must default, at which point they are enslaved to the Jew. Wash, rinse, repeat for six thousand years and you get ZOGs committing White genocide.

There's a reason usury has been banned in every culture that's been exposed to the Jews, most recently of course the third Reich.

you sound like a retard. There were only about 4 incursions.

well…. kill the dumb bitch already

t. FBI

Nation is inseparable from 'state'. The push for secularize/reify the idea of the nation into the concept of the 'state' is a Jewish practice.

Money lending wasn't outlawed in Christendom. Interest/usury was. Jews don't run businesses to generate capital. (((They))) run businesses to _extract_ capital. After all, running a business and successfully generating capital takes work.

Everyone knows (((they))) don't do work.

The point is that money isn't supposed to be a business but just a tool. In a perfect white civilisation, the only goal of banks would be to keep your money safe.

you fucking kike

meant for

tfw negative interest

The difference between a citizen and a Jew is that the Jew will not offer food to the homeless but a citizen will, to pass on good will within the nation.

Gerald Gaus, 'transitive reciprocity'. Jews only perform this with Jews. Likewise, Chinese would only do this with Chinese (if they weren't chikes). Same with Japanese. Same with French who perform it with French people.

Being kind to strangers is a way of making traders welcome within your borders, so those they're trading with (fellow citizens) can profit and then those fellow citizens can pass on the favor in transitive reciprocity, etc. etc.

The issue now is globalism because they have done away with the distinction of who is or isn't part of the nation, effectively ridding the country of borders and even standards. Well, standards that aren't whimsically dictated by kikes.

funny thing is that they wouldn't be doing anything but fucking goats without our 'humanitarian aid' and 'values'

ha ha ha ha, you've never been in China, I presume fine, they're more likely to help other chinks, but really, they usually focus backstabbing and stealing

Notice the parentheses? I qualified, if they weren't chikes.

that's a safe or a vault, not a bank. putting your money in the bank WAS a hedge against inflation like the stock market is today. Kill the inflation and people won't even need banks in the first place.

This bot fails the Turing test. That's what you get when you outsource.


wait, you must be a bot yourself.

Whenever this argument comes up, remind them of their Jizya tax they enforce on non-Muslims. Invalidates their argument entirely.

Yeah, no. There are no good kikes, niggers, spics, chinks, or gooks. Only Whites and Japanese have earned respect.

It's a figure of speech, numbnuts

The left lives in an odd little fantasy where Trump is literally Hitler. Everyday is another shoah for them.

SS visit when?

Linda Sarsour is the head US taqiyya agent. Familiarize yourself DEEPLY with this concept, and mercilessly destroy the credibility of all Muslims in the eyes of the kafir.

Thanks for the sticky, mods.

Reminder that kikes and mudslimes are two sides of the semite shekel. Crusade now.

there are two forms of jihad which loosely translates to "struggle"

1) inner jihad: which is the internal strife to live out the Muslim faith to one's best ability and build an islamic society
2) holy war

the islamic banking system is literally the only worthwhile part of that wretched ideology. flat rate out front instead of interest on loans over years (with inflation devaluing currency simultaneously). total antithesis of what we have now. such a shame that, out of all the various shitty aspects of sharia, this is the only one that (((they))) will stop from happening, as it screws up the whole scam

What does Taqiya mean?

Americans don't call for fucking jihads against their neighbor let alone the president.

Yes, it is loan and interest free. But she doesn't mention the yearly tax for non-believers. The Muslims get their money from the kafir one way or another. It's like when a Muslim says Muslims can only attack non-believers in self defense. This is true! But they don't say a believer merely existing is enough of an attack on Muslims for Muslims to attack "back" in "self defense."

Beat me to it. This tax comes from the Qur'an, so no one can say with honesty you're getting this information from slanderers. However, also know Muslims already have a defense for it. Their defense is "the tax isn't 'that' high.", as the minimum amount for the tax is "only" about $200 in gold per non-believer per year. Only a minimum of $200 per year? Surely one infidel can manage $400 in a year. What's wrong with $800 in a year? Eh he he he he he he he he he.

This is what happens when you allow "Moors" to start their sovereign citizen fuckery. They become emboldened like kikes.

got any stories? we dont really get to hear from you guys on this site. what led you to leave? did you realize that your entire cause was being manipulated by foreign governments? also, how the fuck did you end up here, of all places?

you dont have to be too specific, im just genuinely curious how the fuck daesh would end up shitposting on 8ch

Add her to the list.

Yeah, I get that. I don't expect everyone to engage the front lines.

You're an idiot if you think you can get people to exhaust all their energy on pogroming Mohammadens and then turn them to the Jew. Nuance escapes you.

I'm okay with this.

What does Taqiya mean?
Muslims can lie when it benefits them. It is established as an excuse for when Muslims get persecuted. Sounds to me like a natural consequence of thinking God is the "Almighty deceiver"

Explode a muslim before he explodes YOU.

I had a period where I made actual progress in some friends/acquaintances on social media and others, but being from the 2nd most pozzed state of the union I got paranoid about losing job opportunities after long time friends cut contact with me because drumpf was gonna be hitler 2.0 or "They're both criminals, guise!" during the election
I'm doing my time, smiling at all the sick filth, in the world so I can be a greater asset to western civilization when the time comes. I'll come out better trained, better respected from it
Damn it all, why did /namibia/ fall apart, That would have been the most meaningful thing in my life, despite it probably ending in failure

If I may offer some advice, user. You specifically mentioned that you made your progress on social media. I would suggest that social media remain a sort of "I cannot tell what user's true views are based on his Facebook posts" thing. However, of course, it should be filled with opportunities to get your friends to take their selves down the rabbit holes. **U.S.S. Liberty? I've never heard of that, user!"
I save most of my hardcore and upfront persuasions for being in person, where I can gauge responses and determine if I should continue forward.

Serious question, Holla Forums.

I'm basically an atheist, but I'm a chill atheist who accepts the role of culture, heritage, history and religion in the body of a healthy society. Will there be a place for me in the Great Crusade as long as I don't act like a retard trying to "lol disproov God" to all the kids?

There is nothing wrong with being an atheist so long as you put your race first. A race-loyal atheist is a million times better than a race traitor cuckstian.

crusade against Linda Sarsour

that is those identifying as jews, and their proportion to -whites- has stayed the same even by their numbers.

that's nothing new.

that is retarded. can we save this shit until after we've removed bagel

>advocating against usury makes user a kike

You are one stupid motherfucker.

Sounds like two sides of the same coin.

I converted my actual autistic technician friend jesus fuck if anyone makes an autistic AI overlord it's him as to the mudslime/spic issue, JQ popped up from the guy in our state saying it's good white people kill themselves.
"What a self-hating piece of shit"
"Did you realize he's jewish?"
"Really?! Fucking kike"
Another friend (European as they come) noticed the change and told me "I bet you're reaaallll proud of yourself, user"

The answer is you're a derailing faggot and the other user responding to you is your sockpuppet.

Utilizing things that come up in the news is the perfect catalyst for a red pill. I'll just be like "Sure, user, I ended up looking into the Jewish people once I started to notice how many were in positions of power. You know me, I am always interested in the exercising of power so I was curious what made these people so disproportionately represented. Did you know Jews don't identify as white?!"
If your Eurofriend from one of the pozzed nations? I have a Ukrainian friend who is highly susceptible to our perspectives.

Now I understand why both are in bed with each other.

Jesus Christ, this bitch is crazy.

Use this to pound the fact that "islam" is a political ideology, and has no protection for "religious freedom"

West as they get, asian waifu too. The converted one has family in Germany so he has a natural concern over the tide of change

These Asian girls… most of them lack a soul. I don't get it.

Some of them clean themselves up really nicely, and muh asian pussy.

Sam Harris had a debate with some muzzie (the name escapes me but Im sure its still on JooTube) about the teachings of islam, etc. The guy was such a lying takiyya agent ("thats just metaphor"/"that has multiple meanings"/"we dont literally believe that"/"that's not what it says"/etc. ) that Harris ultimately said this guys' definition of islam was "infinitely flexible" to the point of being meaningless. Harris never directly addresses takiyya in the interview but if you want to see it in action, I recommend tracking down that video.

and look to alien to fug anyhow. I don't get it either


so : kike

Very, very few are hot, I will admit that. But even if they are hot they overwhelmingly lack the "life spark" that makes a living being interesting. Even some dogs have a spark of life. I dated an Asian chick for a while before becoming race aware, she was boring af Obviously anyone from any race can be boring, but the numbers speak for their selves.

What do you mean? Mutilated vagina and illiteracy? Keep them mustafa, up you muslim ass, and with Bacon.

Ahh, linda sarsour. That crazy bitch that wants her own rights taken away. I dont know why people on both sides wont just ignore her and move along.


Not trying to a fucking sage, but why do people even talk about religion.

From what I've seen, they'll put up with super-autistic behavior, act feminine and fuck off to the corner or another activity when they realize the activity isn't their scene. We played Call of Cthulhu and Deathwatch when she was around, despite not understanding what was going on, she just let us all play without opening bitching about needing attention the whole time. It was really eye-opening, compared to another guy's local gf who bitched endlessly over stupid shit, they had to end up leaving.

I think the WMAF trend is possibly the greatest threat

gingers have more soul than dem der asiuns

our people IS our religion


this thread is very dead now


chill the fuck out

Oh I forgot, you limeys call muzzies "asians"

daily reminder that this place is run by kikes, always pinning shitty threads, trying to distract you by getting you involved with armchair activism to help the (((Republican Party))), trying to subvert Hitler as our symbol with a retarded green frog, and censoring any discussions that might go "off the rails" of their prescribed ideology.


Call me when the next attack happens


That was my point

(816) 512-8200

When can we wipe them out?

lol no
I've seen an infographic on how this works. Basically, instead of paying interest, the bank just either
or something like that.
They're just jewing their god through semantics (and trying to do the same to us). It's pretty much "tie a clothesline around the block to redefine what a home is"-tier jewing.

user gets it, but they do this already.
embed related for thread theme?


the muslim brotherhood wants jihad.


Deus vult

So like…less than 5%?
Wow, they're gonna bitch about Trump and kill white people, go to jail and nobody will care much beyond that.
Maybe they'll get the gubment to come down on them and turn that 5% or whatever into 0.
There arent enough of them in America or enough pro-muslim sentiment to do shit to the president unless they start getting violent, and that will only end in the end of more of them.
Stupid fucking brown pieces of shit.

Would it really be so bad if Ivanka and Kushner died?


Am I in the twilight zone?


Good ?
where the fuck are the dox?

Commie fake Muslim Jew bitch

Are you fuggin blind?

Don't jews have to racemix so their kids don't get tay-sachs and die?

All we want is to be left the fuck alone in our own white ethnostates. Why do all these subhumans constantly meddle in our fucking affairs? Do they want to FEMA camps?

Why do muds think if we learn about their garbage faith we will suddenly be okay with it? The more I learn about it, the more I hate it. Its not compatible with western civilization at all.

No they don't. You fucking rats shit out 5 dozen kids.

Subhumans will always covet or seek to destroy that which they cannot accomplish for themselves. They are crabs in a bucket.


she does't support the muslim brotherhood she apart of Cair democrat muslim larppers.

CAIR's headquarters:

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It's curious how "jihad" has started to replace "crusade" as a catch-all word for "struggle". Probably because there hasn't been a crusade in hundreds of years while jihad is at least a monthly occurance, so it's more relatable to the average person.

I'll bet that Muslims don't use "crusade" in the same way, not even to be le funny and ironic

fucking figures

Jihad ≠ Crusades

The Crusades were unique events because only a Pope could proclaim it, while jihad is a permanent state of being decreed by Islamic law. The Caliph must wage war against infidels once a year, and this is referring to physical violence against non-Muslims not some abstract spiritual struggle.

I don't know if I want a subservient woman or an equal woman. They both have their positive traits. Either way, she'll be white.

I would be interested in a study that shows the quality of life for Islam->Christianity converts and Christianity->Islam. I've read studies that show that being an active participant in a church community improves longevity and increases quality of life. I am sure that, to some extent at least, Muslims also benefit from this effect. I wonder, though, who benefits from it more/most?



There are the ones who are genuinely interested in what I have to say (regarding redpills), mostly younger folk. I think most of them believe me because they feel and know something is very wrong in the world.
The older ones (at least, older than myself) already have an unshakable image of the world, and thus aren't swayed as easily. Though repetition does wonders.

Just slightly below you in intelligence and competence. You want her to look up to you, but you don't want her so subservient that she needs to be instructed on every little detail to the point that she can't accomplish anything on her own. That's the wife that calls you 10,000 times a day because she can't decide whether to buy ketchup or catsup.

You also want her to be smart enough to remember what you said when you DO express a preference on some mundane matters, like what bath soap you like or your preferred meals. She should also be able to handle small emergencies without you having to hold her hand, such as if the kids get sick at school and need to be picked up early. A completely subservient wife is a helpless wife, and annoying in her helplessness.

literally kings

I saw a college-aged buddy of mine today and he immediately jumped into "Satan runs the world, everyone at the top is evil" and then some bullshit about flat earth, which I didn't bother refuting because studying flat earth will just send them down a bunch of other rabbit holes. If they're smart, they'll come out the other end having picked up crumbs of knowledge, rejecting falsehoods. So I think you're right, the younger generations seem to see how insane the mainstream culture is right now.
As for older folks out there, don't give up on them. I enlightened a good portion of my extended family on race realism last week. When I left my uncle said "White power" to me, lol. My dad has gone from hardcore Republican to understanding even the JQ. Be patient, and always be prepared with an arsenal of facts.


I've found an effective strategy in being, initially, self-depreciating as a white person. In that, I mean I would make very benign "white people" jokes to get people to loosen up around me and the concept of racial humor. It also does wonders for countering, in their mind, the idea that I would be some sort of white supremacist. Then I slip in a jew joke. Again, benign but funny. Very slowly move the overton window towards occasional racial jokes or comments - this will put the race filter over their pozzed vision whether they know it or not. Sooner or later, they will be talking about the JQ. I have done this with at least 4 people who are all now fully red pilled and basically diving off the edge into Bill Cooper/Mystery Babylon type stuff already

The Middle Way. Yeah, those girls are out there. I don't think I ever met a woman who was more intelligent than me hubris but I have had a few highly intelligent girlfriends. High intelligence in a woman just means she has the capacity to manufacture an endless stream of concern trolling questions and complicate everything without being able to transcend her own intellect. The smartest and most stable women I have met do not need men to make their way, but they still know when to allow a man to lead.

dox for the holy crusade

This user gets it. Subtle shifts in the individual's perception. It helps to have lots of non-white friends. For years, most of my friends were either non-white or first gen immigrants. I did not get along Chad and Chelsea White. I thought I was just more (((open-minded and accepting))) than your average white American. But in the last few years, I realized it wasn't me that was the problem. Immigrants and non-whites befriended me because I am honest or "real". White people recoiled from my truthfulness. Thus, I can discuss race realism with my non-white friends and get along with them better than many white people out there. That said, I think in the past year or so thank you Trump white people are way more open to these discussions. We have both sensed it, I think, user.

I won't.
Just some months ago, my employer surprised me by mentioning the Jews won WWII. Goes to show even babyboomers can think straight.
Also, while some of my colleagues/friends don't believe me about the jews, by repeating statements and making jewjokes all the time they are slowly beginning to turn.

Careful, user, the eternal cryptokike may be lurking. I think the Boomers may have received the last bit of oral tradition from their grandparents, but they thought it was bullshit and didn't share it with their children. Maybe if we can identify popular oral traditions among our older generations we can draw parallels between what the boomers heard as kids to the facts we have at hand today. I have talked to some boomers about various divisive issues and they sometimes say "Oh, my grandfather was telling me about that." And I am like, damn, grandpa was based af.

Yes, subtle being the key word. The mental illness infecting a large proportion of the millennial generation has many people foaming at the mouth to catch a real life Nazi in the flesh, if not just for the SJW social brownie points. The key key key in this whole thing, that i think you were also alluding to, is PROBABLE DENIABILITY. Having non-white friends, making benign white people jokes, etc. all work to counter the idea in the mind of the SJW that you are a WS, even though you kind of seem like it sometimes. Plus, most of the non-white friends I have are super racist against nogs and jews and are very happy to have a non-cucked white person to joke about it with

I am very careful, believe me. I live in jew central of my country. Thank you for your concern user. Will still be making jewjokes though, as they already are very common here.

The main income of the bank would come, like it originally did, through safekeeping money.

Loans would be issued through the government and would require that a person is verified a thousand times. If they are late in repaying, a small fee would be issued to discourage this behaviour. If they cannot repay, then the bank would have the right of taking away some of the person's property.

This is called "psychological manipulation" and if you are not a Jew, then you have a natural talent in it and should try to get a job where you can use it.

user, I've been called a Nazi/White Supremacist just for saying I support everyone's freedom of speech. They then made public death threats against me. I think the people with these points of view are in the minority, most people recognize them as rabid infections to be excommunicated. However, (((the media))) gives them a platform where they capture the ideological attention of impressionable young minds of all races. (((They))) have truly embodied the spirit of inversion, as they have made good appear as evil, and evil as good. Thus their tumblr-tier rhetoric appears "loving" and our rigorously erudite rhetoric appears "hateful".
+1 to non-white friends being rather quite racist, and none of them hate white people as a whole. I think this is something we can use to our advantage. "If we let in too many Mexicans, this will become Mexico. Is that what you want, Juan?"

Bless you and your countrymen in your irl shitposting efforts.

I'll get my fingers in to politics soon enough

Jesus still loves you, even if your mom doesn't

>yes, my good goyim, stay online and make memes about us instead of fighting these invaders.. heh, I mean refugees. Oy vey! Meanwhile, while you're trying to (((redpill))) everyone, they will be killing your family and raping your women instead of ours! It's beautiful, goyim

reminder that kike shills infiltrate this board to try and get you to ignore the Muslim problem

I'm more Rockwellian than Hitlerian tbh

What's the difference?

To fuck with people.

All muslims must be executed.

OP didn't say that at all, you gay retarded sandnigger. Go be MIDF somewhere else. You and jews are both semites will therefore be gassed in the same oven.

Sorry, but she says standing up against their oppressors will hopefully count as a jihad.

By all means spread it though. More anti-mudslime ammo is always good.

wut. enlighten us on how a bank makes money by guarding money

This is the slowest moving sticky ever

Recognize the angry civil rights nigger speech. Same cadence and repetition.


Man the day is gonna be great.

>"You're just a bigot thinking I want death to America simply because I'm a Muslim", says Muslims

vid related

Our message needs to be clear and frequently elucidated by corresponding action:

There is NO place for Islam in the West.
No mosque will stand taller than a cathedral, no sharia-sympathetic will be treated as a human with rights. In our home we make the rules. In our lands we define what is permissible. For too long they have run amok with impunity being told by traitors above that we must capitulate in accordance with a wholly jewish fallacious morality.

no more.


no mosk

"little mosque on the prairie"? like the sitcom? is she seriously telling me that she learned everything she knows about Islam from watching a shitty Canadian public-TV sitcom about a family of Muslims played by non-Muslim brown people? what is it with liberals and being unable to tell fantasy from reality?

The whole point of this shit is the Jews to maneuver us into WW3 against the Muslims, since they are the only group left that would oppose Jewish spiritual dominance. And of course they want greater Israel.

Why do so many activists like her put on a fake nigger inflection in their speach?

They are Narcissistic Children. Devoid of any real suffering they take in our enemies as pets to unleash against us. It took 50+ years to get these faggots to slit their own throats for (((Social Justice))), they just lack the common decency to bleed on the sand .

That was a comfy road to drive, user. Thanks for reminding me about it.

Your Welcome. I was strangely drawn to it. I don't know why. What is happening?


Because activism is just chimping out with a thin veneer of purpose haphazardly plastered on?


I want the fedora treecuck faggot to leave

Because they worship niggers.

Christcucks in a nutshell.

That's quality cringe. Learn about Islam from a Canadian government funded and written sitcom. New levels!

What's good about this, is that the cunt (being out of her mind) has revealed their plans. Not only don't they wish to integrate, they want to impose their medieval form of government. It's a win boys. Even lefties can't defend this shit.

We already knew you just wanted to shitpost and never actually do anything. Enjoy your 50 years of FAIL like he did before catching a bullet.

Something must be done about this sandkike whore.

the only thing you need to do is to send every single one of them back to the shithole, and close the gates

Let them. Stewing in anger always leads to more and more fuck ups.

isn't it illegal to tell people they should go out an do violent acts especially on the prez ? and if so why isn't this lady in jail ? and is her speach protected under the constitution? and last but not least if a white man stands up and uses the same speach REVERSE ROLL with a lets say towards a person of color WOULD the white mans speach be NOTHING BUT EVIL HATE AND RACIST WHILE THE person of colors speach would be BRAVE PROUD CULTURALY EXCEPTIONAL ?


because the government could get you that money back if you can prove that you loaned it out and when you did it and when you wanted it back
it is that simple

USSS moves disappointingly slow for this kind of thing. Apparently they didn't get around to hazing Kathy Griffin until a few days ago.

and no i dont mean the government paying you, i mean the government enforcing the payment of the loan by making the guy who took the loan pay it

Linda Sarsour's defenders right now.

that pic triggers me GOOD JOB


these people are beyond help

Here is a little tutorial in logic for you knee-jerking retards:

1. Jews bring Muslims into our countries
2. Jews bring other undesirables into our countries
3. Jews cause basically every problem we have
4. Muslims are dumb predictable animals
5. Jews are not

So following this obvious line of reason, how do you conclude the priority target is Muslims? There are just a bunch of dumb whores out getting raped, let them get raped for now.
Attack the Jews, stop the immigration.

The line of reason I'm seeing in this retarded thread is like "OH NO THE FAUCET IS ON, TRY TO SOAK IT ALL UP BEFORE TURNING THE FAUCET OFF"
Just completely and fundamentally wrong and RETARDED.

Jew = faucet
Muslim = water
Turn off faucet, then soak up water.

How fucking stupid are you to not realize this, seriously, god you're retarded




Lefty talking points are that Trump promoted violence when he 1. said he'd pay his supporters' legal bills if they got into a fight with his rally protestors, 2. said his second amendment people could help him solve the hillary problem if she won.

1. actually could be construed as promoting violence, but it's utterly absurd seeing as how project veritas has exposed the trump rally protestors as political agitators designed to instigate violence at the trump rallies - literally accusing him of what they were already guilty of. In other words, another day that ends in Y

top jej

we need to remove kebab


holy fucking retard shills

are you even not AI?


Hes a nu male. It's probably just a Twin Peaks reference.

It's officially time to kill these rotten fucks. It's gone far enough.

You have no recourse to dictate who we can and cannot hate, you effete pajamaboy fuckbag.

Dubs ain't lying

"holy shit you're retarded and also someone hired you to say this and I'm not projecting the actuality of my own self onto you at all"

something like this?

If a woman as fat as this were to be chained to the back bumper of a pickup truck, how many miles do you think you'd have to drive before all of the meat got scraped off of her bones?

The MIDF and JIDF will burn together.

Fucking THIS

"little mosque on the prairie"? like the sitcom? is she seriously telling me that she learned everything she knows about Islam from watching a shitty Canadian public-TV sitcom about a family of Muslims played by non-Muslim brown people? what is it with liberals and being unable to tell fantasy from reality?

Rev 2:9 and 3:9 "jews" (edomites) are not semites, descendants of shem the son of noah. rather they are descended of Edom aka Esau the brother of Jacob who mated with caananite and hittite wives, preserving the kenite bloodline of cain. today they represent about 2% of the population and are most easily identified with a blood type factor of RH negative. some can shapehift, as they are a hybrid race.

I call em critters.

It's the fucking Christcucks you need to worry about.

We were bred from birth to hate 'the liberal west' for their 'decadence' and 'sins'. A lot of muslims are indoctrinated to consider unbelievers as 'filth' who want to make them stray from the 'true path' so this was a good step.

Honestly, it was less of me defecting from the islamic state and more about defecting from islam when I realized it was all jew-controlled bullshit about an imaginary war and colonialism and nothing else.

How'd I get out? I stole a truck loaded with guns and drove north back when they had declared their little empire and handed them over to the locals setting up their resistance and told them I was working for the Americans.

Either way, if they find out that I quit, I'm a dead man. I'm gonna fake my death, emigrate to the US legally, and join the army just so I have a chance at bombing these fuckers who invaded our country with their wahhabi bullshit and turned it into a despotic cesspit where the very concept of human rights is 'blasphemy'.

Here's a webm from Marching to Zion about how the jews aren't even jews, it's just another thing they stole and co-opted

nice try Mohammed. Tell Schlumberger that you didn't earn your shekels today

I think a better metaphor is this, the jews are a rotten tooth, and the muslims are the pussy, pain abscesses and infection from said tooth. You HAVE to remove ALL signs of any infection before you can even begin to think about ripping out the source, or (((the tooth))). Just in this case, with physical removal or genocide instead of antibiotics and subsequent tooth extraction.

But you tried, I'm sure The_Donald or halfchan love your "hot take".

I need more of this, and subsequent footage of proud white Americans making her bite the curb or making her praise Jesus as the only true prophet at gunpoint

meme it

No. Stay the fuck out of the U.S. you disgusting shitskin rat. We have enough non-whites flooding our country and replacing our people is. We don't need any more sandniggers arriving here and displacing us further, muslim or not.

you mean the guy who told people to pay their taxes to the romans?
lurk a little bit more instead of talking without knowing and end up embarassing yourself.

Muslim ban in coming.

oy vey, this evil terrorist wants to exterminate the chosen children of G-d
Where do you think you are? The only problem with Hamas is their incompetence at removing merchants.


Where do you think you are? The only problem with Hamas is their incompetence at removing merchants.