7/7/17 G20 FALSE FLAG

7/7/17 (Holy triple 7 date) = 5777 days after 9/11. It is also exactly 77 days before Sept. 23rd Tribulation. 2017 = 5777 in Hebrew Jewish Calendar. Trump was sworn in at exactly 70y7m7days of age.

The G20 being held on this date has much significance since
Good luck anons.

Other urls found in this thread:


yup. 7/22 is also ripe
I made a thread

sounds like 6/21 is going to be a hell of a day if it's the signal for all mudslime sleepers to turn on the countries they inhabit.

The 80's are back.

Anything else? Lol

Incidentally, 777 is also the number of cocks OP has sucked.

pic related

How the Fuck does that amount of weaponry get stolen from a fucking armory.

i like to look at financial market at these times and before. Not long ago someone dump like 450 million in silver futures


that is what happens when you let shitskins into your military.

I am the fucking happening.

Spoilers: Nothing will happen.

Some run of the mill event, the likes of which happen just about every day, will happen. Anons who are prone to believing in this sort of bullshit numeralism prediction nonsense will cite that totally inconsequential event as that which was predicted, thus preserving their delusion.

By an intentional 'accident'.
Interestingly a similar thing happened in France before the French Bataclan massacre. Explosives were stolen from a "high security" base in July 2015, and the Bataclan massacre happened a few months later in November 2015.


Sounds like AntiFa protesters are going to die. Or maybe some Globalist cucks?

Fug. Didn't realise I got Adolf dubs. False flag habbening confirmed!

good god user stop!

Oh fug fug. Strap in user. It going to be one hell of a ride!

Lets get this thing going!

Trump was 70 years 7months and 7 days when he took office, I hope this day of 7s doesn't relate to him in some way.

Well, I have no fucking idea how you got your numbers, but I wouldn't be shocked if Muds do as Muds do.

It's 7/7, the 12 year anniversary of when Muslims blew up buses and trains in London.

The Manchester bombing was the 4 year anniversary of Lee Rigby's murder, and the Westminster Bridge attack was the 1 year anniversary of the Brussels bombing.

And here in the UK, the sun's out - Muslims are scared of bad weather.

In short: No shit, there's gonna be a happening.

confirmed. shit is hitting the fan.


is the sky falling yet?


Stupid superstitious christcucks like you, should be shot, for how fucking retarded you are.



What about your common garden mossad agents who usually are responsible for the majority of all mainland Europe terror shenanigans?



It's not that we believe it, it's that they believe it.
You fucking moron


They'd actually do it if they believed in it.
Fuck you're retarded.


Lee Rigby 22-05-13
Brussels 22-03-16
Munich 22-07-16
London 22-03-17
Manchester 22-05-17


Let's hope our Golden man remains safe.

And let's hope that Merkel gets a bullet through her head!


So you admit that you really do believe in it.

Fuck you're pathetic.


Stay triggered cucky.

Do not derail a false flag thread


You proved that you believe in it, you fucking faggot.

You should kill yourself before you make an even greater embarrassment of yourself, if that's even possible.

>Kushners buying 666 5th ave for luck
At this point I know you're not just a garden variety idiot. Here's a pro-tip: jewish women are pig disgusting, jewish "food" is disgusting, and you're all genetic rejects who would serve the world better as fertilizer or landfill.


7/7/05 is one of the biggest terrorist attacks in the UK, after Lockerbie.

The Manchester bombing was 4 years to the day of Lee Rigby's murder (23/05/13)

The Westminster Bridge attack was 1 year after the Brussells attack (22/03/16)

Serious question, did you ride the short bus to school?

Nothing is going to fucking happen.

You're silly, this is silly, and you should be ashamed of your childish retardation.

Whether anything happens is up to the kikes who co-ordinate the attacks. They're the ones who believe in magic numbers.

Ah right, you're a shill.

Thought it was just a "Yeah, this numerology shit is dumb haha"

This has happened twice.

Yids don't coordinate the attacks. This is why this site is haemorrhaging users by the day.

Other than the strange Israeli connection to 9/11, which sounds like they had prior knowledge and were capitalising on it politically - there is very little involvement head on.

Israel has been caught supplying and providing air support to Middle Eastern Islamists because they require a regional power monopoly to function.

They aren't fucking possessing poor innocent Muslims into committing terrorist attacks. Muslims do this shit anyway. They've had 1400 years of inbreeding which created them.

They're thick fuckers, lie constantly despite that, and use these numbers and shit to ensure minimal Muslim casualties.

Think - if they stick to dates which have been used for terrorism before, then their Paki mates are less likely to be caught in the crossfire.

They take pride in this shit. They have subtle celebrations and shit when there is an attack. If they don't, then whatever, the radicals will happily shoot them for "not being Muslim enough"

It's like timing bombings for Christmas - they know it'll be Christians on the streets, and Muslims indoors.

So you do literally believe that the attack will happen.

You're retarded.

Numerology is dumb, and nothing will happen.

Learn to live in the real world, and not your shemitah faggot fuckface world, you inbred moron.


I woke up at 3:33 this morning, saw it was 07/07/17, wasn't a doubt in my mind that things were going down today.
I'm guessing the Netherlands, maybe Germany.

I.E Paki says "Haha yeah it's the 11th of September! Remember when we defeated the infidels? Let's stay home and pray and fuck goats and shit!"

It's a small thing with how they decide the dates and times to attack. They're dumb fuckers, a little more intelligent than your average Border Collie.

But somehow they're smarter than this constant shilling.

I'll say it again:

Muslims choose dates and times which have been used for prior terrorist attacks - because Muslims know that they should avoid public areas on these dates (due to retribution, and now, Pakis use that to minimise Muslim casualties)

Yeah, didn't we catch you out a few threads ago?

Muslims, such as yourself, are like Yids who've been hit by a train.

Instinctual liars, but not as intelligent as your garden variety oven dodger.

Everything the poster you are replying to said is sound and reasonable.
It was you that decided to claim "he" believed in it, whereas his point was clearly that the elites and initiated (judeo-freemasons, Talmudic/Khabbalistic kikes etc] believe in it and pretty much every psyop and terror attack falls into those numerological dates and numbers.

The more you lying kikes act outraged
For the rest of you
ID 0e9f50 is the same jewish hasbara team leader responsible for shitting up Holla Forums over the last few years, by maintaining the astroturf campaign pretending that Trump isn't a massive hoax against the goy working for jewry, he also posts postive pro-freemasonry, pro-isreali, pro-counter-jihad neocons like Tommy Robinson/Gert Wilders and all the rest of the ["so and so" who works for isreali interests is really ourguy, tier posts] pro-Breivik, pro-kosher nationalism, anti-white, anti-Iran/Palestine spam, they even manage every NASA/space pipe-dreams thread insisting nobody could possibly dare question NASA, seemingly innocuous but rather telling once you've been involved with combating lying kike hasbarats online.

His usual retorts to any genuine pol/ak exposing jewish subversion are thus:
Then will post a slew of smug anime girl posts, with zero comment/argument for their position, then make a subtle call for the rest of his team to swarm the poster in question and mass report and harass them until the mods pick it up and ban the offending antisemite.

I have dozens of screencaps and archives showing him and his team of hasbara, their methods and patterns.

His job is to keep Holla Forums in the jew-friendly and controlled zone we've all been upset with over the last few years.

Ultimately, he and his team of organised hasbara wouldn't even be a problem here, had the mods not been actively protecting him and his team of jewish trolls and banning anyone who twigs onto them and calls them out.
Those exposing these kikes get the ban, while these kikes continue gaslighting the goy on Holla Forums.

The guy is an odious hasbara kike-jew, who has a close association with the moderation here


fuck off, smiley.


Wew lad.

No, he literally says that he believes there will be an attack.
That's what he said.

He's retarded.

You forgot the filenames, Hazzy.

Fuck off back to cuckchan you utter fucking mongoloid.

One of the hasbara team sentries, you can tell from the immediate assumption that any antisemite to be found on Holla Forums is just one person that they've given a nickname to in their time of gaslighting pol/aks

Here is some graphic they made to post and direct the team to swarm and harass any dissenting goy found on Holla Forums.
Apparently according to their grahic made, anyone critical of jewry, using any word usually used to describe jews must be rounded on and reported, for being an antisemite



Based on my own numbers which I produced from my own pristine arsehole, the most likely attack dates are within the next week. From today, to next Friday.

Those being now, 7/7 bombings in London, and last year's Nice attacks on the 14th.

We have an average of one attack every week so it's not unseeable. The armoury thing would make it likely Western Mainland Europe - possibly France or Germany.

But they have explicit targets - rarely VIPs, instead opting for Middle Class young whites, and tourists. I'd be shocked if they did choose G20 - there's plenty of weeb festivals and softer targets in Cologne and Dusseldorf - significantly closer to the French border.

HOWEVER. Proximity to Spain means that there may be attempts to target tourist resorts around the Spanish coast. Significantly closer and given the Manchester bombing, a change it target to gain the response of the working/middle class. Which would likely be the breaking point before the white riots.

Are you talking directly to me, or are you the same guy who helped out on the TR thread last time?


Some real (((((pilpul))))) going ITT.
>oy vey goy if you believe we kikes act based on the talmud you must believe in the talmud yourself

Sweet star wars meem kike. Gas yourself faggot


Oh dear.
I hope that's enough for anyone here to see the issue with some posters here clearly being jewish.
Not the endless shilling for neocon kikes and their judeo-freemasonic agents endlessly, every day for the last 2 years?

In fact the jews are the only ones insistent that no conspiracies are ever discussed here, there or anywhere especially in their MSM.

There's a bit of a difference between "Hey, Jews are using political and economic pressure to allow more Muslim immigration" to "Jews are LITERALLY strapping bombs to poor innocent Muslims and throwing them into fucking concerts"

Highly doubtful, the Jews don't want to show that there are problems in Germany.

Trump and Putin in the same room, and snackbars stole a bunch of grenade launchers. I wonder if they'd make a play and see what happens.

That is - Jews don't fucking tell Muslims when and where to attack. They subtly use influence in the media to allow Muslims to act on their own.

BIG difference. The main one being - these last few attacks have all been on dates, on which there have been Muslim terrorist attacks.

So, either today, or next Friday, probably in the evening, there will likely be an attack on a highly trafficked area, using arms seized during a raid on a Portuguese armoury:

Working/Middle Class British tourists in Spain

Middle Class French/German targets in major cities

G20 for the VIPs (hard target, but they have hard weapons)

Targets with minimal Muslim influence - so Tour de France is also a target.

What is:
Lehi, Stern, Irgun?
The King David Hotel bombing?
Lavon Affair?
USS Liberty?
This has been repeated through the years up to 911 and beyond including all the mossad handled terror attacks on mainland europe, with only kikes benefiting from every reactive American military response to each event.

There's lists of 100s (even 1000s) of different zionist terrorist false flags over the last century, where zionist jews comtted terror attacks against their "best friends and allies" and blamed it on their enemies so that their "best friends and allies" would attack isreal's enemies.
This isn;t some newly discovered information, it's pretty much in tandem of the first step to red-pilling.

It's jews attacking their "friends" and blaming it on their enemies and having the dumb goy sacrifice their lives serving jewry's interests, this is standard first step red-pill tier.


I wonder how many IDs ITT belong to that faggot.

Wouldn't surprise me, but this thread is being shilled hard. They don't want people noticing their secret numbers because once they do they'll never unsee them. Maybe today's happening was planned out and can't be shut down that quickly?

Any move like that then we'd win, that's amateur. Remember it's far easier to have one of your tribe make some paperwork disappear about a muslim which allows that snackbar to activate its programming and then use your media to cuck the citizenry at a slow pace eating up the rewards as whites get weaker.

This isn't to say that sometime in the future the US might get a big Muslim terrorist attack so Trump will have to attack either Syria or Iran which will cause that country to ally with China and Russia, destroying the US and Russia. Allowing the kikes to buy up Russia for almost nothing through UN aid and the west will no longer be a problem.

Your guess is as good as mine.

If they successfully took out Trump and Putin then we'd be in a Game of Thrones type scenario. Who'd be legitimate successor? Mike "Cuck for israel any day" Pence? I like the guy well enough but I don't trust him at all. Would we hook up with Don Jr. and Academi to just kick ass and take names non-stop? Russia without Putin would be in a damn dangerous place. There are still lots of (((oligarchs))) there.

Posting here just in case



u wot?

check how many of those aren't (1)s, (2)s and (3)s and how many aren't shitposters

lots of fags in this thread are in habbening denial

If that happening occurred it would really matter what came out of the (((investigation))) which in 2017 a JFK style one just won't work. I could see the Jews trying to tie it to Muslims so we go back into the middle east, maybe if they only kill Trump then they could tie it to Iran.

At any rate Pence would not fill the place that Trump left, there is a real pain in the US on both sides. It would descend into at least a light civil war which would prevent the Jews through Pence to get the US to fight in the middle east again. This is why they won't take take out Trump. Taking out Putin beyond being much more difficult than Trump would do nothing for their plans, probably allow White Supremacy to flourish as Putin is the main actor preventing those around him from doing this. The (((oligarchs))) wouldn't take Russia back if Putin's inner circle wasn't also taken out, only Democracy can put them back into power or a big huge war.

Where is the logic?

1900 german time, 7pm

8:17pm is 77 minutes after 7 pm

Also 8 + 1 + 7 = 16 and 1 + 6 = 7

yeah and 8 - 1 = 7 too! wow illuminati cumfirned!


Typically high priority targets.

Muds don't need to be told twice to kill Westerners.


Can't slide this

Has it happened yet?

no u

Portugal is a corrupt country, it's Brazil lite.

So it Trump is killed overseas we go full RWDS anyways right?


Predicting without laying stakes is nonsensical noise. What do you intend to be your forfeit if you are wrong and nothing happens? Even that faggot on CNN went through with eating the bug as he promised to when Trump won.

False prophets should burn, pour encourage les autres.

Any happening so far?
I've been seeing this at least five times a day for the whole week.
Would be dissappointing if nothing happens.



I bet the happening is going to be at G20 but it's not going to be an attack or anything like that. There will be some agreement between Trump and Putin that is perceived as positive but sets the stage for an incredible escalation in the near future leading to WW3

the bug eating and "go to sleep" shit is some of the most irritating kike bullshit I've seen. It's so disgusting how they push degeneracy in absolutely every single possible avenue of life.

So, has it happened yet?


Gonna get blamed on Iran or Qatar? I bet it will, if anything happens.


What more do you know about Putin's inner circle? You make them sound interesting.

nigger here i am in the happening bunker all day and it dindt even happened or nothing

worst happening ever

maybe but to be fari its not even noon on the east coast

That choosing Pence was a concession to neocons, and maybe a way to get the Christian fundie vote. I don't trust him for the professed Zionism either. Kushner is even worse though. He went to a heeb high school even.

The entire election was a concession to the neocons.

Dubs confirm. OP has sucked many cocks.

are you a complete moron?
he posted the dates of all major terrorist actions that took place in europe in the last few years, and they ALL have some numerologic significance
saying that the terrorists or their puppet masters don't believe in numerology is in contradicton with observed reality, you tard

Is this why there are so many slide threads right now?

if numbers it's not g20 it's yellowstone

You forget the main thing… FULL MOON is also present.

It would have been 7-7-07 you fucking idiot. You can't just delete the 1 in the 17 and make it a 7 because it fits your crackpot happeningfag bullshit. You make actual happenings look stupid. Stop it.
Well there's your problem, all kikes do is think of ways to bring about le biblical end and they've failed about a hundred times. You believing in it tells me you're just as dumb as they are.
The people saying kek's gonna do something are more believable than this jewish gematria horse shit.

It's also the full moon tonight and thus halfway through the lunar calendar.

It's also 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days from Sept 23rd, day of predicted return of Kek.

22 letters/numbers in Hebrew
22 books in Torah
(((They))) killed Jfk on 11/22 on the 33rd parallel.

Dubs and digits are just as if not more important to the kikes which is why our autism helps us see through their shit.

untrue and homosexual

are we stealing kike magic with gets..?

I thought the night of the 8th was a full moon?
t. Burgerfat

g20 confirmed for start of european countries wave of civil wars

why do u say that





Hey now, they still have a few hours.



Smiley is so fucken gaytarded that he'll write a long stupid wall-o-text and when nobody pays any attention to it he'll start switching IDs and complimenting himself on its brilliance. Such a sad lonely fuck. What can you expect from a jew leaf?

Gee, I guess nothing happened.



I'm >>10213463


Donald trump has six older brothers, his father also had six older brothers, he is the seventh son of a seventh son, he will bring about the end of ages.

It's not that we believe it, it's that they do.

It doesn't fucking matter if ANY of us believe in this kabbalist shit, the kikes do, and they take it extremely seriously. Anyone who doubts the relevancy of kike numerology is a fucking faggot who should an hero immediately.


Why are you yelling at me instead of thanking me? also see


I wonder how would actually work out for ya…

So progressive

July 22nd there will be a false flag attack at the Berlin Olympiastadion during a Robby Williams concert. I'm considering going and recording compromising footage.

do you have more info on this and can you post it in this thread?

by the way this will be 1 yr anniversary of Munich "shooting" ^.^


It'd be fucking great, I'd get to live in a world without reddit (((trumpcucks))) like you.


People still pay to see Robbie Williams? Is it still 1999 in Berlin? (I'll admit that I like attached video.)