NJ millionaires-on-welfare

NJ millionaires-on-welfare sting: 12 additional individuals charged

Guess (((who)))

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Bump this Lakewood story is huge. The gift that keeps on giving.

Oy vey you fucking niddah it's not illegal to defraud goyim

I like how kikes scrambled to call in to authorities with the obvious intent of trying to weasel out of charges.

Jews are the biggest abusers of welfare per capita in the country. Look it up. They only got away for so long until recently when their power started weakening. Better run to Israel quick you rats.

These people are fucking disgusting. They file all of their houses as church property to get tax exemptions and they slowly bankrupt whatever town they colonize. Lakewood used to be a white town, the hasidic kikes moved in and bankrupted the municipal government and destroyed the property values. Now it's basically half kikes and half niggers because the niggers moved in to pick up the cheap property. They're trying to colonize my town in Ocean Township and even the non-hasidic kikes hate these parasites. They're absolute cancer and they deserve nothing but a long, painful death.

That's how they got away with this shit with their crazy powerful kikenections for so long but it doesn't work anymore. The goyim know.

This came to mind for some reason.

The dead can't collect (unless another kike steaks their identity).


I'm sure they are. That wouldn't be a bad idea to make a meme infograph of something like that. Do you a site for that would have that statistic? Like welfare fraud by religion/race?


My God, they are all clones.
Even worse than kigurumi.
Picture related.


Far left is a tranny I think . Used those gibs for the procedure

That's them after the gassing they'll receive.

Yeah, the face is off. Creepier than typical kikes. However, the other sows have man-hands and shoulders which doesn't help.



This thread deserves much more replies
Maybe even a possible sticky

They all look alike, I guess that's what keeping the money in the family does. Healthcare costs for them and their inbred kids must be 10x the average considering the learning and physical disabilities. What is it with these people? They smell a little money and go crazy, marry their cousins and producing defective kids, all for the shekels, sick.

*shekelgrabbing intensifies


Literally Oy Vey

They should be executed.

checked 7/7 perfect dubs on this beautiful summer day
and the rest of the scum of society shall be purged and the day will go down in the history books as the greatest day ever.

Someone tweet this to David Duke lol

The Ocean County prosecutor's office is looking at upward of 1,600 flagrant felonious Pharisaical fraudsters. The actual number may be higher. I was also told that the Prosecutor is serious about sending all of these people to jail for a 3 year sentence. I told my contact that I cannot imagine that this would happen.

What we need to do is keep this story front and center. These Jews move into towns and literally become cancers.

They are probably just going to get a small fine.


Isn't the poorest county or town in the US an enclave of orthodox jews that just vacuum up welfare, etc? This seems like a common scam for them. They make tons of money, hide all their assets, and take every public assistance they can apply for.

This is 100% true. I work with a guy who first hand saw this happen. I talk about kikes all the time and he doesn't like when I verbally slaughter them but he definitely had something to say yesterday when I brought this up about Lakewood. They are doing it to another town but those antisemetic goyim posted signs to not sell their houses to them lol

Reminder Hasidics make up about 10% of Israel's total population, are Israel's fastest growing demographic by far with an annual 5% population growth, and they do the exact same thing to Israel they do to the USA but on a country wide scale. Even if another literal Hitler doesn't happen, the Jews will bankrupt themselves into destruction anyway. Sorry, I didn't save the graph with this information.

Don't dox yourself bro. At least you live in a country with free speech.


Does anyone know the name of their group? It looks like the one that took over my neighborhood in Waterbury Ct. They only interact with themselves. Have their own housing, schools, etc. Even a security car that patrols pubic streets. They imported them by the tons from NYC.

How many will escape?

Has anyone redone the cantina with merchants yet?

Fuck that's jewish, and so clever. Can we do this?


From what I can see, the poorest places are red indian american, then latin american, then nigger places, then whites in pockets of kentucky

It's not clever - the town goes bankrupt and you end up in jail. It's the opposite of clever.

Not if it's technically legal property of a synagogue, or church

Those schemes only work if you're being covered from above

gas the welfare jews 1st
then gas the rest of the jews

i've never seen a crackdown on these welfare jews until the god emperor trump crushed their tax payer leech shekel scheme

They should investigate pic related too, just in case.

Considering the IRS scandal, it's obvious he's guilty as hell but they probably smashed the HDs.

then they would just collect the insurance.

I know exactly where you are talking about. The 'hood between Colombia blvrd and Cooke st. I did lots of remodeling work up there.

They get married in the synagogue but not legally. The wife then has 5 kids and gets every government program known to man.
The family members all own each others houses and gets them set up with Section 8.

So they live rent free and at the same time collect the Sec8 money from the city.

All you see up there is NY and NJ plates on the cars so they are not even paying local taxes.

They are total cancer on a community. They suck the blood out from every angle.


The founding population of the ashkenazi in europe only had a couple hundred people. Combine that with how their movement was rightfully restricted then you've got a recipe for a great big genetic mess.

what ya sliding, shlomo

russian user?

http:// www.nytimes.com/2011/04/21/nyregion/kiryas-joel-a-village-with-the-numbers-not-the-image-of-the-poorest- place.html