It's been too long. The cringe has been stacking up. Show me your best. The one to provide the most cringe will be declared winner.
Cringethread: Brainwashed Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Seeking AIDS infected sperm in your ass isn't an insult?
should called him a pozzed bugchaser
That's not even cringe that's just funny. Stupid faggots. OT, the thread that's up rn about the "right" being a "paper tiger" is pretty cringe
report that shit thread
sage because this cringe thread sucks
Literally just saw this. I suck at linking across boards. pls no bully.
There's no point it's either Alison whatshername's boy friend (the nintendo chick) or Bill Nye's music video. That's the sort of cringe that makes you want even your enemies to stop embarrassing themselves, just because it's to a degree that brings down humanity in general.
awe fuck here's a better one.
It's fucking PATHETIC.
heres a relatively old one
I don't get it. That's a perfectly normal way for an autist to plan a date.
gay thread
Go back to reddit.
gee that guy seems like a rabid bernie supporter
This must be the fag in OP's screencap.
Wouldn't surprise me with these niggers.
Excuse my autism here in a moment, and mind you that I don't even care that much about Trump but:
Fuck, every time I see the "grab the pussy hurrrrrrrr" shit from SJWs/feminists I want to just burn every dictionary in sight since clearly words hold no fucking meaning anymore in Current Year + 2.
Holy shit lmao.
Thread doesn’t need to exist.
Full house of truth, so it seems.
This nigga looks like he's the frontman of some incredibly shitty indie rock band from fucking Portland or some shit.
wehuntedthemammoth com/2017/05/19/pol-on-female-privilege-and-how-unfair-it-is-that-women-are-allowed-to-vote/#more-27688
Water - the official beverage of White supremacists everywhere. PoC should boycott water and refuse to drink it until race problem in America is over
I'm gonna bet that "homeless" isn't accurate and she's rooming with some other sub-100 IQ loser(s) but still.
wew lad
That's Pisspig Grand Dad. He volunteered to fight with the Kurds, and has since been championed by antifa/leftypol/ironycels as evidence that they are ruthless killers.
Cyberspunk dystonia
You type it like this
>>>Holla Forums786447
>>>Holla Forums786491
Shit, I'd need a bigger hard drive to store nudes of that thing.
Kekistan is surely up there in terms of cringe. Fuck these normie faggots.
I had to make a 15 minute fucking video that goes through the shit they have done both online and in real life. These people truly are the new Chanology.
Pic strongly related
meant for , , and
the cameraman must have known that purple land cetacea's knees were about to give way… he took the pic at the perfect moment. you can literally see the meniscus tearing apart as the knee inverts itself under pressure.
I've got to move out the city and start learning how to hunt rabbits
Oh god, tell me that the second pic is shopped… no way that someone is that autistic. Pic related is me right now.
I can't stand living the city anymore sage for double posting fuck this gay city I live in
Horsefuckers: Not Even Once.
Bunch of mentally ill fucks. It's old now and a distraction. These assholes don't count. If anything, use them for testing new life ruining techniques.
>a nigger imagination couldn't even conceive of such a concept even though, to the white mind, there's nothing terribly ground-breaking about the science fiction/ fantasy vision of a planet that is one giant city
This faggot wrote a pedo fantasy thing called "Stockholm" and shit got deleted.
that board is 95% bait.
Is that CWC tier autism? Look at the investment in this. There's even columbine pony spoof. Look at that map. The replies. Where do you even begin laughing at this shit, it's too much.
Jerry Peet also has an autistic fixation on hating and wanting to kill trump, too! To hell with his already fucktarded "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences", if it's someone who he believes is "worse than hitler", then it's justified!
At least her IQ is over 200
What is this app? Looks like it would be fun for the sole purpose of seeing what kind of insanity lives near you
this is why bullying is necessary
I get the urge to start punching a lot of these losers and I'm not a violent person. It's just… the only thing i can feel is utter contempt.
I agree you faggot
i saw your video, it was good. Make more if you want to.
how come we didn't come up with that one?
Acid isnt kept in plastic bottles, unless its vinegar lol.
Well, when I first saw the pic, it just made me laugh so I saved it. But I decided to look into the story. It was in fact muriatic acid that he was pouring into the pool. He has admitted it numerous times over the decades until his death in 2007 iirc.
The hotel manager was a guy named Jimmy Brock. He had originally desegregated his motel a few years prior to this incident in the pic, and received quite a bit of backlash from segregationists. The hotel had been vandalized numerous times and Brock himself had been threatened with violence. Furthermore, White patrons, who were the majority of his guests at the hotel, had started a boycott and were refusing to stay at his hotel. So after a few years of this, he acquiesced to the segregationists who were ruining his livelihood. In a compromise, he re-segregated the hotel's pool and diner.
But at this time, Martin Luther King Jr. had just been arrested at a motel in the area for refusing to vacate the room "because he was black". Under MLK's urging, local protesters began rallying outside of, boycotting, and vandalizing area hotels/motels. One method they were using was to have White desegregationists rent rooms at a given hotel to gain access to Whites Only areas of the establishments. Once inside, they would open any gates/doors/entrances and allow black protesters to flood in. Often these protesters would create fucking havoc. In this case at Jimmy Brock's hotel, they stormed through the Whites Only diner, shouted slogans and generally made a scene, and bumrushed the pool. They had also damaged some things in the parking lot and hallways. Jimmy Brock repeatedly asked the unruly mob to leave the property, but they merrily continued their trespassing and vandalism.
Jimmy Brock had had enough. He had suffered the ire of his own people for years, nearly ruining him financially, so he could "do the right thing" and desegregate his hotel for these people. During his desegregated period, negro groups and leaders did not support him or his business. None of them encouraged their respective groups to patronize his business. None of these protesters showed up to counterprotest against the White boycotts. But now, after years of this inaction, the desegregists are here and wreaking chaos after only a few weeks of him closing his pool and diner down to black guests (he didn't even make the entire hotel Whites Only - just the pool and diner). Basically, he felt like he couldn't win with these people, and that they were hypocrites.
But pouring the muriatic acid (which was normally used to clean the pool) was still not meant to cause any actual injury. He knew full well that the small amount of acid he was pouring into the pool would be diluted to the point of harmlessness. But he wanted to scare the protesters out of the pool. It initially started to work against the black protesters, but many of the White protesters also knew that the acid was harmless due to the level of dilution. Several Whites even began drinking the pool water to prove the acid was harmless. Once it was confirmed that the acid was a paper tiger, the protesters/trespassers continued in their childish antics
10/10 IRL bait, would murder in broad daylight with 2000 witnesses
I know these people exist IRL but I never see them. I swear to fucking god I attack a person like this if I ever saw them in public. I don't know where these people are that I can never find them.