Just a heads up some unironic Maoists are attempting to passive-aggressively attack "nazis" by doxing them

Just a heads up some unironic Maoists are attempting to passive-aggressively attack "nazis" by doxing them.


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I mean good, they're doxing the Alt-Right. It's all pro-Spencer fags

Is that even possible?
Don't people have to read a site for doxing to work?

They're just reporting Kekistan Spencer fags on facebook and calling their employers. This is a good lesson for them not to post their employers on Facebook while supporting Richard Spencer.

You want to larp as a Civic Nationalist then this is what happens.

Me first please

The worst part about it is that I recognize some of these people from when I used to have a Facebook account that I used. Facebook is a bunch of datamining ZOG horseshit, that anyone would be dumb enough to organize on Facebook alone is retarded.

Shame Spencer is always at the center of this, and I can't say I really approve of this kind of thing. It's a lesson they have to learn to stay off facebook and practice good opsec but the rally itself was going to be everyone from Trump rightward, essentially a mass redpilling a draw toward a more radical right.

That's pretty spergy. I was involved with the "They're trying to assassinate Trump" threads when that was happening. It's one thing to call someone's employer and tell them they're threatening to kill someone. It's another thing to call up employers and say

Change the channel

To be fair, I doubt antifa get past Holla Forums's banner much less figure out how to post. Alt-right vs civic nationalism and the Spencer debacle is all home grown. I want him out and gone along with the rest of Dugin's ilk, but I can't justify making the kekistan spergs jobless and hated.

, see

"OMG they are threatening and doxing Jew lovers"

Oh why should any of us care? If these leftist idiots doing the doxing do something against them, it can go either one or two ways.

Either these leftists can go attack people at this Charlottesville rally/antagonize these people for exercising their first amendment rights. OR, they can do nothing other then sit on their dead board with a list of names, many of which are fake profiles (I should know since I was friends with some of these people when I still had a kikebook account) and do nothing

If they attack the Alt-Right, we can tell normies, "hey, you know you might not approve of these people's views but they have a constitutional right to express those views peacefully."

If they attack the Alt-Right, we win.

If they do nothing, we win

Why worry

back to /r/the Donald you go


We're infested with the_zognald redditors right now.
Can we just make it winter again?

Yeah, but, again, doesn't someone actually have to read the site someones dox is posted on?
Nobody reads Holla Forums.

Anyone who has shit opsec and has a Facebook account (complete with employment information) openly going to a "Nazi Rally" (HA!) is a detriment rather than a boon. If their idiocy gets themselves fucked over, that's on them

Spencer is neck deep in controversy from russian money to supporting fags, kekers are just autistic LARPeres who need a push in the right direction. I'm not siding with them I'm just saying it's pointless to dox them or support doxing them.

Stop being a retard.

God damn it Holla Forums get your shit together.


Appeasement only leads to the enemy taking advantage of you like a cuck

Is there a website where I can tell them to suck my everloving cock and then tell them they couldn't for an entire world's ransom? I might get behind that

spoiler that shit

sadly I've had tucker carlson on in the background, it's been full civcucking the entire time.

Best thing would be to have them dox the wrong guys. People who are well connected and that have lawyers.

The chinks are most wise on the "white left".

lmao, leftypol is such an embarrassment.

don't forget that they're a part of the white supremacist group Holla Forums too

>>>Holla Forums1841679


Lol all they're doing is spamming public facebook profiles of people. Those pussies are too dumb and limp-wristed to do anything else with the information.

We will endure. You can't cover up societies problems.

I would alert the PB, they may be a joke, but it would be hilarious to see Maoists vs PB. Or do they know he's a Maoist?

idk im not apart of the proud girls