Do you have any game ideas that might seem interesting?
Genre doesnt matter, post em here and lets see how creative you are
Do you have any game ideas that might seem interesting?
Genre doesnt matter, post em here and lets see how creative you are
Other urls found in this thread:
You are not going to steal my ideas.
A game like Hatred but you murder shitposters through their screens instead.
Clever ruse, my friend. You won't fool me.
You marked Mordor, right, though.
i cannot steal something which you cant share, besides give us a hint about your game idea so we may judge if its good or shit.
Here's some of my smaller ideas, I plan to work on some of them some day.
A top down roguelite shooter like Enter the Gungeon, where you fight against modern art pieces.
A very small "MMO" where you play as a skeleton and die a lot. The goal is to kill the necromancer (npc) who resurrected all the players, but he's way stronger than any player.
A MMO where every player is anonymous, you don't have a world map or a minimap, and there's no friends list or message system. The only way to message someone is to find them, or send a mail to a mailbox and have the other player check their mail in the world.
Minecraft-like building game where everything has a weight, structures must be stable or else they collapse, you take fall damage very easily, and it's hard to recover health. The point is to construct everything in a very logical fashion with accessibility in mind where roofs have adequate support and items are transported with minecarts and cranes and each place must have a proper ladder/staircase to it and so on.
Some kind of RTS where each piece of resource is stored in-world. If you want to build a building, you must transport the resources there. If you leave your resources out in the open, they're very easy to steal.
A multiplayer game where you must buy shit from a store. Each item has a limited stock, and your goal is to get a healthy diet and remain happy and not run out of money. Your stats also deplete fairly fast, so you can't just sit around and wait for the best items to restock. The better your character does, the more money you get after each "day". A day passes when you go to the checkout and buy your shit.
Forgot one;
Some kind of roguelite where everything in the game is synchronized to the music beat, except for your player character.
but isnt that bad for MMO?
A role playing game where you uncover and foil various conspiracies. You start as a regular guy that has read about the government putting fluoride in the water and is annoyed. Then you learn about more and more conspiracies, gain reputation of other anti-conspiracy guys, all while learning skills that make foiling different conspiracies easier. Social skills to get information, hacking, physical skills to run away from the police. There would be various playstyles possible. At the end you'd foil a genetically engineered apocalypse designed to kill 95% of the world.
Why would it be?
MMOs is about social interaction with many other people and if you limit that it might aswell be just a single player game with optional co-op
That's not going to limit your interaction. You just can't send messages through magical portal straight to another player's brain. If you want to talk to someone, you'll have to be in the same general area or check your mail regularly.
Well, I used to often chat with my mmo buddies while we were in completely different places, due to level gap.
So it's technically limited for me in this situation.
In that case you're not only playing it as a singleplayer game, but also using it as a glorified skype.
I have many ideas but the only original one is an RTS/FPS/management/polsim game about the middle-east from WW1 to the American-sponsored revolutions known as Arab Spring with a multiplayer mode where its nation v. nation where many players organize each sector of their nation and have RTS/FPS battles. The multiplayer is just basically an amped-up of AoE.
A top-down tactical shooter inspired by Door Kickers, Frozen Synapse and RSE's Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon.
Features a long campaign with tons of missions and a coop mode.
whats wrong with idea thread?
Yeah, we need more threads about cucks and SJWs and favorite waifus.
An game like ace of spades. Only shit I would add is a deployable mg, maybe another gun and bayonets. And an ability to build shit like a howitzer and a tank and jeep. I like trenches concept and want to expand on it a tiny bit, also building your own base and diging and shit.Every so many x minutes you get supplies, you use this for ammo and to build the vehicles. But you only get so much at a time. Rush a tank if you wamt, just enjoy fighting with your knife.
Im a no dev though. If I wanted to dew this what engine should I use.
Is that a picture of Westeros?
made me chuckle
You're in a car and you drift down a hill with Eurobeat music blaring.
That's about it.
Call it
Eurobeat drift extreme
Downhill Drift Turbo Racing Extreme: Eurobeat Edition (The only edition)
not a game, but an actually decent rpg editor that has gameplay
like an game engine based around mount and blade, looks like any other modern game engine, you just have to make dialogue and new models
seriously, why hasn't anyone done this. there's already tons of nodevs wasting time with rpgmaker, we could have at least made something with decent gameplay if it was a different engine with the same principle
Best idea here
I have one where you walk around in an abandoned mansion and make it sound like a horror game but really it's about finding your sister who turned into a military lesbian.
I shall cal it "Back Home"
There're three games that I'd really like, if not to make, then to just play someday. Preferably soon, goddammit.
First one is this Action RPG sort of thing, basically a Dark Souls game, if Dark Souls was inspired by BLAME! instead of Berserk. You play as a loner on some sort of quest, wandering around this huge… building? Underground complex? Who the fuck knows. You meet strange characters populating this place, find various artifacts and inscriptions that tell you a little bit about the people who inhabited this place a long time ago, and, of course, you run into various enemies.
Interestingly, this sort of idea appears to be relatively popular around here. I once saw user sharing his ideas about this Blame Souls in an AGDG thread, with at least two more anons replying, telling him they also wanted to make this sort of game.
Second game on the list would be a god game. Nothing creative or unique here, I just want another proper fucking god game. Not some mobile pay-to-win shit, not a puzzle game pretending to be a god game. Games like Banished sort of scratch that itch, but they're not actual god games, are they?
So yeah, you have god powers, the more people worship you, the stronger you are, you can be benevolent and merciful or cruel and bloodthirsty, and so on. Also, I'd really like for it to be in a medieval setting, as opposed to usual ancient cultures.
Third dream game I would describe as "Crusader Kings 2 in fucking space". Stellaris doesn't fit the bill, it's a 4X. What I'd like to see is a space grand strategy with hundreds, thousands of independent actors, constantly interacting in a dynamic world. Nations with their leaders and various officials, corporations with their executives, rebel and terrorist factions, organized criminal groups and so on. And, of course, you can be either of those.
copyright user McFaggotson, DONUT STEEL
Make a game, but like, make it good.
That user may have been me. Right now me and my dev partner are still trying to find a decent engine whilst I work my ass off to buy a better computer (I'm the artist, musician, and half the level design team. He's level design, ideaguy, co-writer, and programmer.)
Once I've built my PC we're probably going to use Source 2 or Unreal 3.
Some of our current ideas are things like the level up system, exploration, and the weapons/combat.
What we've thought up is having a "gun mode" and a "sword mode". When you're using blades/ a blade and a gun it's Bloodborne but when you're in gunmode with a fuckhuge blackhole gun or plasma rifle it's Resident Evil 4.
For the levelup we've decided on having various terminals in which a sympathetic A.I resides. This A.I can level you up or save your progress by uploading a copy of your mind.
As for the story it's going to be based on that one cyberpunk story on /monster/. The one with the gasmask dude and the Zdizlaw Beksinski art.
You are a space engineer and your ship has catastrophic failure and all crew except you dies, also 3 hot hot chicks that were passengers survive.
The game is split between solving complicated engineering problems in the workday trying to keep everyone alive and smut-drama in the night where you are the only hope for survival for the passengers.
I call it de-orbit into the love zone
Fuck off gook.
why does this sound like Andromeda Season 2?
Boy, I can't wait to play at one day per minute.
Sidescrolling Contra-like shooter with Worms-esque ninja rope based movement.
Spain instead of France, wut
Are you very social, user?
Chao Garden, but with fairies
An exploration-based RPG set in an alien world's Dark Age. You are an astronaut from some generic Galactic Empire, sent down to investigate the locals and see if they're worthy of technological advancement. You're sent down with a sword, a shield, and lamellar armor, but it soon becomes apparent that the locals don't use any of those, due to their hard, chitinous shells. So you're forced to develop a plan that will allow you to enter their cities, towns and villages without looking like a hideous monster to them. There are several ways you can do this, one involves murdering locals and scraping their shells clean so you can wear them, another involves studying local myths and finding out that one of their religious prophesies is about a soft-skinned hero will rise and bring unity to all the kingdoms. The main quest is very simple though, get the information the Galactic Empire needs to judge these primitive folk, and that information changes if you get involved in certain ways. You can end the game incredibly early by turning in information about their biology, their atmosphere, and a very basic overview of their politics.
Here's something I've been discussing with a friend recently. Unfortunately neither of us are game devs, so I may as well share this here.
I'll stop rambling now you get the idea
stopped reading there.
Honestly it doesn't have to be zombie apocalypse but my friend is obsessed with that scenario because of reasons so that is how the discussion started initially. The game mechanics are the main point, the scenario could be changed drastically
France surrendered and Ireland got drunk and headed off in the direction of America ranting about potatoes.
There was actually this game in development somewhat similar to that concept featured on Gather Your Party a year or so back. It seemed rather dull, really, but if it could be dug up you might be interested in it.
You're completely right.
Repostan an old idea of mine.
Anyway, an idea I had recently is a vehicular combat game about bikes and magic. There are several player characters, all members of a motorcycle club, each with a different bike (chopper, dirtbike, streetfighter, etc). One day they get imbued with ancient magic which gives them superhuman abilities. But there's a catch: the spell binds bikers to their bikes in such a way that they can only use magic while riding them, and the more time a biker spends outside of a close proximity of their bike, the weaker (both physically and mentally) they get.
So the gameplay would consist of riding your bike and battling different opponents - other bikers, police, (para)military, demons, wizards and all this shit. You wouldn't be able to use your magic with bare hands, you would need some object to channel it through, i.e. obrez (starts shooting fireballs and shit), metal chain (able to get longer and easily grapple and pull opponents with no/little magic resistance), bat (play baseball with jeeps), monkey wrench (healing and buffing) and so on.
At first you only fuck up some rival MC, then you meet with a friendly wizard who gives some backstory, then you are chased by the police, then some shadowy organization targets you with paramilitary, then you find out that this organization is actually ancient wizard conspiracy, then you fight them until their defeat and either save the world from them or take control of it yourself.
All of this while Manowar and Judas Priest are blaring from the speakers.
An RTS game where all the units are player designed. Including buildings. The building aspect would either be voxel based or have bigger building blocks like starmade for example. Thered be different system blocks for different jobs or maybe preset bigger models like guns and reactors and shit that youd place on your thing and build around. Youd have complete freedom as to how youd build your shit and depending on the size and strength of blocks the price
would go up.
The fact that youd not only get to make units but buildings too is the difference to things like Warzone or other games. Ive not seen something like that before and i want to see what people would do with it.
Imagine huge experimental tier turrets or artillery buildings. Equally big Tanks. Just turbo autistic shit.
I also liked the campaign of Dark crusade so it would have something like that but generated so it wouldnt be the same maps every time. The enemy AIs units would be either randomly chosen from a pool of units that other players made like spore did it or from a preset dev made group.
please someone make this already. Im too much of a faggot sperg to learn coding. Ive tried.
Oh hey, I found a screencap of a rad idea from local user.
A job class-based RPG where all of the jobs are mundane shit, like Janitor, Chef, Gardener, and so on, with seemingly boring powers that combined in different, interest ways.
The idea I've had for awhile is a game where you play as an incredibly overpowered, but senile wizard. You have tons and tons of powerful spells at your disposal, but because you're so old, you've forgotten which ones do which. This leads to you very often casting a random spell instead of whatever one u intended.
An isometric game borrowing elements from JA2 or those infinity engine games set in space.
explore, do quests and shit, trade, bounties, etc.
space portion of the game can be handled with something like freelancer, or something simple as the space roguelike game.
i guess it would've been like mass effect, except old, but more sandbox type, and with space exploration
Roguelite game that uses Link's Awakening/Oracles-style mechanics and graphics.
That Penny Arcade rpg did this.
A comfy Bully/Sims mix where you design your character, he/she has certains traits based on the stats you gave him like height, weight, certain physical features, starting status, money, etc, and you live life based on those traits. Conversations with NPC's would be pretty complex and mechanics would be similar to commands in mount and blade hopefully making it more real
I had a pretty vague idea for some sort of PvP dungeon crawler. Players would start on the far edges of a generated dungeon, there'd be items of power scattered around, some expressly for combat and some more for utility, like mobility or seeing enemies through walls. There'd be enemies to fight other than players, maybe miniboss type monsters guarding certain items. It'd be a sort of Battle Royale deal, with players hunting each other, some sort of mechanic to funnel players together like spawning tough enemies to discourage or slow fleeing. I was thinking that the arena would be somewhat mazelike, with a shit-tonne of hand made rooms linked together by short corridors.
I have some ideas for enemies and items of power if any user is interested, hopefully someone might steal my idea because it's pretty cool in my head.
CRAWL sounds like what youre describing. Its local multiplayer only though.
It does have that shitty lazy indieshit 1 pixel noodlearm shit art, but if you dont care about that its pretty good. The gameplay is fun.
Seems like an interesting idea user, but what's top stop people from using third party programs to communicate?
Thanks user, I'll look into it. I was imagining third person with platforming elements, especially with the more utility-oriented items. I had ideas for an item that would allow you to 'blink' in a certain direction, or increase jump power, maybe walk on walls for a short time. I'm seeing it a a pretty fast paced experience, probably with generally decent mobility even without mobilty enhancing items and probably some ranged weapons with the bulk being melee.
Sounds cool user, I love that surreal feeling of exploring long dead ruins. It sort of reminds me of an animation I saw a while ago where humans lived in a sort of city built on top of an old crumbling one, and someone had to go down to find some kind of monster with a huge dong or something, it was stop motion IIRC and the human guy got all fucked up, he was just a head on life support.
Nothing. Just like there's nothing to stop you from going to a wiki and reading quest tutorials and shit.
I guess I'm just unclear on what purpose making in-game communication less convenient serves. Can people intercept your mail, is there a delay on mail delivery, or does instant communication detract from some element of the game?
A little bit, but not quite what I'm talking about. More like Citizens of Earth, I guess.
minimalistic RTS:
hexagonal grid,clicking adjacent tiles to your "empire" captures the tile. speed at which clicks regenerate scales negatively with empire size (ie. more tiles owned= faster click regeneration rate). fully enclosing a section of someone's empire gives all surrounded tiles to the surrounded (or perhaps a capitol tile is implemented, cutting off a region from the capitol cedes tiles to the cutter, surrounding a region with the capitol cedes the cut off region rather than the surrounded region). probably best implemented with a pretty close zoom in order to make larger empires harder to defend without constant vigilance despite the large number of clicks per second they would be getting.
oh, and this would be intended as a massive multiplayer game in the same vein as agar or slither.
can you make love to them?
A digimon-esque setting where you're inside a computer simulation and have your own monster to level and fight with.
The gimmick is that monster designs are procedurally generated by the computer. Behind the scenes there are dozens scores for themes and affinities that change when you level up depending on story choices and enemies absorbed.
There would be countless possible monster shapes, all radically different. Every playthrough would result in a unique monster that the player would feel invested in and they can share with the world as something uniquely theirs.
Fun fact: The continent where Drakengard 1 takes place is literally Europe turned upside down
A Breeding Season clone except its got this one key game changing feature - It's finished
can you provide pics?
I really want a better morality system. 90% of the time it's just black and white shit, where it's rape an orphan or give away everything you have so some guy can keep his store. Or it's a simple meter, like in Mass Effect.
So far the best concept I have would be to create a Pantheon of gods with differing values, and you can see what each one thinks of you. Maybe throw in boons and curses if you go to extremes with them.
How about one based on the moral foundations theory?
It'd be six-dimensional.
How is "Sanctity/Degradation" different from "Care/Harm"?
The relevant emotion in sanctity is disgust, while in care it's pity.
It's more about protecting virginity and holy symbols than making sure nobody suffers. The degradation refers more to sacrilige than humiliation.
(It's in our instinct as a heuristic for cleanliness and avoiding disease)
not very original
I didn't know how much I wanted this until now.
So, it could be like Contra 4 but with Umihara Kawase's rope physics? Neat as fuck.
Not the exact concept, but Teeworlds is a nice 2D action game with ropes
A modern Thief game that improves the mechanics and storytelling like video related. No cut-scenes. All story is told through emergent storytelling, level design, item placement, characters you can talk too, and possibly books. You must pay "quick-save points" to quick-save, fixing the flaw of the Thief games of easy save-scumming. And a Zelda: Majora's Mask inspired system of having all guards in the game have family's, lives, and daily schedule's for example: If you kill a guard: you can find his grieving family at his funeral. It may be possible too atop them from guarding the level all-together. A system inspired by Fallout 4 of being able to walk away from a conversation, or kill anyone you can talk too. I can't think of anything more at this minute.
The original thief had cutscenes between levels. They were fine and exposed most of the game's story.
Who the fuck cares?
I agree with everything else you said.
A uninteractive element in a interactive medium is not fully utilizing the potential of said medium.
It aids in immersion for some, and can be completely ignored by those who are indifferent.
Cutscenes help set the stage where the stealing is going to be done. It can be done through other means, if I remember correctly Thief 3 used other means along with cutscenes. But cutscenes themselves aren't some absolute evil in videogames, they're a concise and easy way to give the player all the information they need with minimal effort.
By the way, what the fuck is an "uninteractive element" in a videogame? Anything that isn't the result of you pushing a button? What about features like sound or text? It's not interactive but it can be extremely important for a game.
Those who are indifferent will have to deal with an inferior game in every other aspect. Do you think people don't spend time and effort designing these things? That time could be spent perfecting core features of the game or developing additional content that's actually relevant. And a thief cares about what's materialistic, not emotional.
a game similar to a JRPG following features:
this would be the perfect jrpg game for me
oh and by no edgy jap story I mean no story at all. and no online mode. Just a giant world where you can chill, go kill some monsters, find a few items, defeat some gods, perfect your character stats etc.
so its set in feudal japan ?
You play as a female assassin, your goal is to collect male testicles of somewhat important people. So you go around sneak breeky chopping off balls and stuff. Thing is you can really fight 1 on 1 head on, you get your ass kicked. So you have to come up with various ways to take them down and collect their balls. Some missions require you to get revenge on a ex husband, rapists, other harder ones are like people with power so they have security guards, some missions is like a collect X in limited time.
Inspired by the original theif games.
you mean like Ultima?
unless you mean interrogations like in SC
The idea of Thief is that you sneak past guards, ghosts, robots, and anything else. The blackjack was overpowered anyway.>>10231226
I really hope someone steals my idea but if not maybe in a few years you can see a game it this in it.
Some basic stuff
Now here is the part that set itself apart from the other MMOs
Now about the map itself
If you die you get back to the center, game doesn't have fast travel
this is why Red players would think twice in getting into fights because the Red zone is far away from the core, getting back could lose you a few days traveling to the red zone again, Yellow players on the other hand wouldn't lose too much time getting back to their zone since it's really close to the core.
An ancient evil awakens and you play as it. A grand strategy where you steadily work towards world domination. On the map you can see other nations going about their business whether it be war or otherwise. Expand your influence but at the cost that more and more mortals will sense you and start working towards your destruction.
I wish i could program
Thats not very original but the second part is ok