Swedish Green Politician Zaida Catalan who believed in Open borders and "equality of races" brutally shot in the back three times then decapitated while still breathing by subhuman monkeys!

On the 11th of March in the (((DEMOCRATIC))) republic of Congo, several "UN" observers were kidnapped from their Taxi's their bodies were found on march 28th. The rebel tribe today just released the video of the execution and cowardly scream of Zaida Catalan's last moments. The UN is utterly buttblasted. xD


On March 12th the United Nations along with the Congolese government confirmed that six people including an American aid worker, Michael Sharp and his Swedish counter-part, Zahida Katalan were kidnapped in the Kasai Central province of the Congo where bloody skirmishes within the region graduated to near genocidal levels in February. Grim reports this morning are indicating that three bodies were found and among the dead were two white bodies. Unconfirmed initial reporting identified them as the Michael Sharp and Zahida Katalan. This was the first time U.N. aid workers had been kidnapped in the Congo.

Renewed bloody conflict broke out between the Kamuina Nsapu militia and DRC troops in the Kasai Central province in early February, prompting the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), to express concerns over the violence in the Kasai Central region and sent in U.N. aid workers to mitigate a peaceful resolution. Both sides of the conflict have blamed the other for atrocities, with murky accusations by the Congolese government of gruesome attacks against DRC troops and innocent civilians along with kidnapping children for ‘child soldiers’ perpetrated by the militia. As well as other unconfirmed reporting by the militia and citizens within the region that DRC troops decimated an entire village killing 101 people, including women and children. Because of these reports, MONUSCO sent Michael Sharp and his U.N. aid worker team into the Kasai to link up with the Kamuina Nsapu militia to begin peace talks.

Michael Sharp, prior to joining the United Nations, worked for three years with the Mennonite Central Committee in Central Africa. During his time in Rwanda, Michael became very astute in tracking down warring militias unarmed and without any security and successfully negotiating with the militias in giving up their child soldiers and convincing these militias to seek peaceful resolutions to their conflicts. “Part of what M.J.[Michael] has done [in the Congo] is establish relationships with militia leaders,” John Sharp, Michael’s father said in an interview with The Wichita Eagle earlier this month. “Apparently, he had some success in persuading some to give up child soldiers.” And that is possibly what Michael, Zahida, and his six person team of interpreter Betu Tshintela, driver Isaac Kabuayi and two other unidentified drivers were planning to do and set out on motorcycles and headed into the Kasai Central province to more than likely find the Kamuina Nsapu militia and save the child soldiers this militia uses and seek a peaceful resolution, and then Michael and his team disappeared.

And sadly early this morning the bodies of Michael Sharp and Zahida Katalan were found in a shallow grave. Michael’s father, John Sharp posted on his Facebook account late March 27th that said, “We have been informed that two Caucasian bodies have been found in shallow graves in the search area, one male and one female,” Mr. Sharp continued “Since no other Caucasians have been reported missing in that region, there is a high probability that these are the bodies of MJ and Zaida.” As of now no official confirmation from the United Nations, the Congolese government, or the Kamuina Nsapu militia itself has been heard or given at the time of publication.


Other urls found in this thread:


Learn to into archive.

Couldn't have happened to a (((nicer))) cunt.

I'm surprised. Usually they gangrape a white bitch when they get their hands on one before disposing of the body.

one less traitor to deal with.

Yeah I was pretty surprised by this too. They could have done it before the video though, to be fair.

Check em.

da fuck is up with that video, holy cow that's some shit quality, at least cianigger vids are in 4k

Two billion niggers by ~2025 these monkey trainers better pull their heads out of their asses or this whole planet is gonna be flooded with 75 IQ shitskins.

Wish there was a better video.

I mean 2050 but if these people actually cared about humanity they would be sterilizing entire cities at gunpoint.

They only rape you if you resist. Knowing the fucked up mental state of Marxists she probably let them have their way with her as an apology for being such an evil white woman before the executed her.

Of course I'm kidding, I agree that it's weird as well.

Source please.

Fuck your archive honeypot used in academic research against Holla Forums, all content is posted here for the user.

ahahah another traitor fucking killed
who cares? in her last moments she probably found nirvana and total bliss,blacks finally got there revenge on a racist cracka and she was happy it was her

This pleases me immensely. I hope you enjoyed the enrichment you wanted to give to others, (((whore))).

Some user posted it a while back and claimed that he created it, but didn't want to link to any of his other material as he said it would probably result in him getting blackballed.

I masterbated to the video, thanks OP.

Not swedish
some kind of kike infiltrator, frequent visitor to israel

Kinda degenerate, but I don't blame you.
Watching lefties drink their own poison is a real turn-on

Sweden, Yes.

It just keeps happening. Dumb naive libsults.

And worse this time, she is a literal descendant of helicopter dodger




I always wonder what the last thing that goes through a race-traitor's head is.
Is it

Jews love diversity :3 They will love collapsing white countries which protect them, into brown shitholes that will instead decapitate them. It's too late for them. White men checked out too fast, they better Jew fast to get some Raytheon technology up that can control the hoards of shitskins that have no empathy like Aryan people do for all life - so are incapable of being tricked into thinking they're anything but the annoying parasites that they are.

Now, if only accelerationism would kick in and (((they)))'d all go the same way,

You know the only times these beheading videos have good production quality is when the kikes stage one. I know i shouldn't expect more out of subhumans but how fucking hard is it to do a proper killing video. I want to see the blood gurgle on their throat as the diversity is jammed down it.


Even though she deserves it and all the other race traitors too, i still find it hard watching those videos and feel only anger

Imagine South Africa, without there being any strong European countries to interfere with a race war. That's what all Aryan countries will be like.


Looks like justice is a real thing

The based black guys in this video are now officially honorary Aryans.


Its nice to see this shit happen to the people that deserve it the most instead of some teenager getting raped at a pool or snared into some arab sex grooming shit. Its the little things.

Story of my life.

Filter and report obvious kike.

I only hope she was repeated raped by those niggers before they shot her. Traitors deserve to suffer.

They've done more for the white race than either of you have or ever will.

She's not human, user. She's not even an animal or an insect. She's a fucking jew. Save your empathy for life forms.

I typed out your post number to tell you I cannot read what you say because you're filtered. Just in time, too.


Considering the fact Sweden is a distopic nightmare, they probably covered it up.

I had white children.

checkmate no life faggot

also filtered like

niggers are literally a different species. jews have been doing everything to hide this fact for decades.


The problem with SOFREP is the pay wall, but I get it. Up until recently, ultra high quality content, usually the best source for military anything. When they lifted the pay wall, MSM ate up their site for news lol.

Can't find the reason for the huge decline in quality.

This is every Swede dream death, they must be envy and will actually pay reparations to the killers because she wasn't​ much fun and they spent money on bullets at that.

even better

what's the punchline, user?

1000 ways to die


Agreed. Finally someone who deserves it gets enriched instead of innocent white children. I wish these savages would do this to open border advocates in (((Hollywood))). Now that would be justice.


They are speaking in French btw, but the quality is so shit its hard to understand them.

I normally despise edgy goreposts and those insufferable Holla Forums rejects that spam threads with it thinking they are super cool badasses from le deep spooky web.
But then why does this video give me a boner?

Sounds like hes asking them why they are going into the forest, they keep talking about going somewhere, he mentions something about a lot of guns. My french is pretty weak, for understanding people speaking it anyways.


we need a name for these people
we need a compilation



Get the fuck out Swed-cuck

haha, what now, faggot?

This is going to keep happening until people learn.
This needs to keep happening until people learn.

They are not because they can produce fertile offspring with whites / other races.
Scientifically i would place africans as another subspecies.

The liberals are removing themselves from the gene pool. Eventually the cuck genes will be wiped out, and we'll be able to start the real Holocaust.

Incorrect. Lots of species combinations produce fertile offspring, do some research. (for yourself not gonna spoonfeed anons this ain't reddit)
If the word "species" has any meaning, niggers are a different one than Whites or yellows or reds or abos.

Call them suicidal.

Rest in piss you filthy whore


Beautiful. This is the fate of every kike and their shabbos goy–future content for our gore folders.

She actually won because she didn't kill her enemies

can we send all the lefties to africa?

stay mad rabbi

I think what the other user was trying to say is that hominins and hominids have completely separate evolutionary paths since their most recent common ancestor 14 million years ago.

Hominids include the all great apes: Gorilla, Pan, and Pongo. The Jews try to include Homo. Because for some strange reason descendants from hominids and hominins can also mate and produce fertile offspring.

As an anthropologist it fascinates me that those things so closely related to Pan (to the point the fucking look just like them) can produce fertile progeny with caucasoids.

Achievement unlocked.

I'm glad she's dead and all, but the amount of cultural appropriation in this video triggers me deeply

I would have lied if I said I didn't saw this coming from far away.

I am also checking your HH id

This image is great, its just missing a Jew though


Edit the face of the one gagging her.

That last name is suspect.

Lot of kikes from Catalonia, Spain.

If she's a jew, NO FUCKS GIVEN.

If she's not a jew, STILL NO FUCKS GIVEN.

Bitch deserved it.


even in nature miscegenation is a no no…

That's a good solution, lets send all our liberals to go help poor Africa, instead of Africans coming here.

Man I was there at the Chicago rally, it still makes my blood boil when I remember seeing all those niggers and mudslimes celebrating their "victory" by chimping out. I'm just glad I didn't park in the parking garage, the people that did were trapped in by rioting animals until the cops made a human barrier to allow people to get out. Fucking disgusting.

Fucking nigger-ass yellow faced birds gtfo our pantry


LOVE IT. Bump, bump it up

Totally in favor of this, we can airlift non-cucked boers back to replace them.


rwds or trick them into humanitarian aid and hand them over to cannibals?
anyone wanna throw together a feelgood internet campaign

Well would you look at that.

pls elaborate for me

She seemed calm af. I guess that's what it's like when you finally realize your entire life was a lie and a couple jungleniggers teach you the most redpilled lesson of your life, except you die.

I bet they raped the fuck out of her, unless jungleniggers are capable of identifying the degeneracy within her.>>10210296

*yes, always

Traitor killed by their beloved pet niggers.



Should of happened in cuckden and happened to a ruling party member this will be dismissed and forgotten.

God is with us, those animals could never have just quietly won. Niggers had to Nig, and the dead-inside feminist had to submit to death.

It's Congo, they probably have been gangraping her for days before the execution.

All of the hybrid animals look like they would be worse at everything than the parents and would have a harder time surviving. Really activates my almonds.

Watching execution videos, why do they just accept their fate? There's never any begging or fighting like in the movies.

I'm not being sadistic, I'm just curious. Why not die with dignity ffs?



Normally I'd be despondent. Stupid liberals brainwashed into genuinely thinking niggers are human. But this smug bitch probably took pleasure in spreading Marxist filth. Was she a kike too?

I don't have much to say except that this made my day. Thank you OP.

It's not confirmed to be her you jackasses. Don't celebrate yet.

Every Christian group has been subverted. How did you think they pay no taxes even on holding property.

It's because they aren't adapted to anything, they have incompatible parts.

the ones willing to fight usually dont get to the execution stage
just theorizing though, i havnt gotten around to executing a lot of people lately

75 IQ? You're being generous


My interpretation of this situation is more like they didn't see it coming. Niggers are just following imulses almost no thought processing. Nigs didn't even knew if they kill or rape them. No grave no ceremony or ritual, just sitting waiting, then suddenly a nigger snaps.
I strongly assume hence the saying never relay around blacks.

Ah, the late, great Mongo Küiller.


Why can't niggers can't aim?

This. You'd think at least one person would vomit through their neck hole too… That would me the money shot for me.

No need for the head to be attached for that, user.

Bullshit, I live in Africa and this was very gentlemanly of them. Look and fucking learn. This is a quick and easy death and it's a fucking blessing tbh. Stop the invaders. Stop hiding your power levels. Learn from Rhodesia, South West Africa, South Africa, Portuguese Angola. This is the future the west chooses.. And this is fucking level 1 compared to the shit they usually do here.

Checked and agreed.

Probably the latter. Hippies are in fucking denial. They will tell themselves bullshit to make them feel superior but the truth is objective and we are all tribalists when the bullets start to fly. They are willfully ignorant if that makes sense.

I used to like her, now she can go get fucked. Why don't these people take on refugees, put them in their own homes, live amongst them. It's a whole fucking story and none of you know what it is like to be living when your head is on a swivel and you never feel safe. I am grossly generalising here, i'm sure many of you have been through what we go through on a daily basis. You want to live the dream? Find an area where you only see your own race or culture, no spotlight, hidden from the world.

Joke is, the Congolese are some of the friendliest africans you would meet.

RIP Canada. What the fuck happened there? I grew up with some Canadian things from WW2. They used to be real men.

Stop talking like a nigger. You're above that.

It will be too late by that time. Or it will be warfare. It depends on the people's actions. I worry for the former because there are no longer any alpha males in white countries to stand up in what they believe in. I'm not talking about being "racist" or standing up for what you believe in, i'm talking about the lifestyle the west lives. They live in delusions of grandeur not understanding that they are morally and financially bankrupt and that there is a ticking timebomb that is going to blow no matter which way you cut it. It's fucking sad. I'm telliing you now, Agenda 21 is real, so is the cultural marxist doctrin. The perestroika deception is exemplarary and we are living in a bipolar world. The west wants globalism, the east wants provinced power. We're fucked either way so be prepared to die for something you believe in. My advice is to accept and seek out the Lord Jesus Christ (without the help of man made denominations or the religiosity you see of the world). Babylonian influences are what caused this very problem and these days people give God a bad name. They are all parasites in the bigger picture and fuck the religious too. But understand who your creator is and understand the difference between religion and belief. You must be willing to die for your cause. No matter what. Start conditioning yourself because the fucking moslems and niggers and kikes don't give a fuck about you or themselves. Start hardening yourself because things are going to get a lot worse in the coming days.

I'm samefagging now but here's some triva for you. In the first 3 years of development, your eyes are adjusting and learning. The nogs this side strap their babies to their backs. Imagine spending the first 3 years of your life staring at a wall of back. So, you start to wonder why their depth perception is so shit? Well look at how they were raised… I can't speak for USA but at least, that's probably a believable example as to why Africans are bad at driving, etc.

Boatsinker made it.

I used to celebrate and say "They had it coming" and all, but now it's like "So what?" This is the new normal for the Swedish, and they want it no matter how many of them are robbed, raped, and murdered. They can have their man-made Hell on Earth. I'm only interested in helping to keep this garbage out of my own country and neighborhood.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

Every Christian group will always be subverted. Denominations are namefags/e-celebs for religion, and look at how namefags and e-celebs always turn out. Non-denominational is the only way to go. It's like Anonymous for religion. No identities. Just ideas. God doesn't care about man's opinion anyway.

Smashing. I would gladly spend money on getting more liberal politicians trips to war-torn African countries, as well as on getting 4K cameras for Africans so we can have high-quality footage of their execution.


also they hold their guns sideways


I won't defend her for being a traitor, but it will always be a shame when one of ours is corrupted by the Jew.

Is she a jewess? Time to meme this into overdrive.

I was reading some of the posts that said they retired from their shitposting on twitter after the great meme war… are they shills? I saw a few shill threads before writing this.


Traitors are the worst type of enemy.

Liberals never realize they're wrong, as evidenced by the rhetoric of those that survive being kidnapped/tortured/nearly killed by subhumans, which is to still blame whitey.

You need to get it through your head that there's nothing you can show or do to these people to fix them, and they just need to be put down.

Fuck off, these traitorous cunts are responsible for thousands of rapes and murders. This was the price they should have paid years ago.


And here he comes! Exactly as predicted:

Hahaha! Get fucked, I hope every last Green politican "White brother" of mine gets raped to death.

They will still blame whites for this. For example, if whites had not oppressed niggers for thousands of years, the negroes' low socio-economic status wouldn't have caused them to do this.

Some of you are sub 80IQ Untermenschen and won't understand this but try to:
Non-whites are not people, they are animals. JUst like you're not angry with bees who try to sting you because they follow their instincts you shouldn't be angry at non-whites. The real problem are jews and white traitors, they deserve all of your hate and fury.

When there's a pest
You deal with it
Usually by killing the pest

Honestly curious if this was her dying thought. I've always assumed they knew what their lies were? Maybe she just wanted to get raped and was counting on them to be hornier than they were stabby?

Whites oppressed whites for millenia too, and here we are, with proper nations giving eachother nasty looks over the border, not much more.


Whites never even oppressed blacks in Africa, the African warlords sold the losers to (((trading ships))) which brought them to the US.



Is there a better video that actually shows the beheading?

* Non swedish name
* Huge nose
* Liked to hang in israel a lot

Regarding that image…

…stuff like that starts out as a joke. But in all likelyhood, Apple will think it's a great idea and produce bendable iphones. Like would you be, at all surprised?


Likelyhood… or kikelyhood?

I feel it will eventually reach a tipping point. Most people will continue to talk about something as long as it doesn't directly affect them. Once more and more of these SJWs are killed/raped/etc they will start to change their minds. But it will take a while.


She tried to run after she saw her partner's brains vacate his skull. lel.

But where's the decapitation? Did I miss it? And this low res nokia shit too. Haven't these stone age niggers gotten their NGO funded latest tech gear yet? Maybe the smarter ones buggered off to Italy with the good stuff.


why are the deats of these kind of people being celebrated here?
i mean if they would have returned home, afer surviving some raping and torture and maybe losing a few limbs, they would have had the chance to reevaluate their psition.
now they are dead and the cycle of the next to be dead by their naive worldview continues.

Uh, becasue they're race traitors perpetuating the cycle of gibs in an unsustainable population of evolutionary atavistic animals?

Who gives a shit? I think the murder footage makes the same point as a regretful survivor's monologue. A warning is a warning. Let the wise heed them and the foolish perish.

Can someone explain to me what rebels hope to achieve with these sorts of killings??? Or is it just random nigger behavior???

may be, but on the other hand the media would not report on such 'personal tragedies' and the next one would not search for this kind of content unless they're into gore

This always makes me smile

You know a lot of my life I haven't wanted to believe that. But as it comes to my own experiences of living in city, and it only ever being niggers that want to square up and fight random strangers, and in social media them being utterly incapable of any sort of empathy… like ever.

But at the same time I disagree. They shouldn't be left free. They need to be removed. They are a danger to everyone else. Or maybe I should just give up and leave the city.

You have no clue of history, of secret orders, of worshiping death as it is a part of life.

You are a subhuman who believes that you will live forever, you will cherish your decadent ways, you will virtue signal to others what is moral and just but worst of all you have no interest in the future of your kin. Yet, when we want our morals to be upheld and for there to be no degeneration within society; it is called oppression. You are the one who will ultimately destroy. I care not for the nigger or the arab, they are easy to dealt with, the traitor within gets the guillotine first. We are part of the Hegelian system.

Ultimately, when the financial Kikes fail as they always do from their thrones in New York, they will ensure our rise to power and we will be there to restore order to claim your blood and demand your sacrifice.

So shall it be.


She was as White as stupid gets.

Even if they deserved the chance see:

That's not an assumption. It has happened multiple times.


As an experienced LL'r, seeing niggers execute someone with a gun (outside of war) is actually extremely rare.

They must have really hated these cucks at a high level for this to happen.

Considering they were 'freeing' child soldiers (UN 'freeing' children humm) they probably thought they were the enemy reducing their ranks and also wondering where the UN were going to traffic their child soldiers off to.
Hence the execution.

That makes much more sense.

We tried approaching this on Liveleak in the earlier years of Syrian war before ISISrael spend more $ on propaganda

The actual issue isn't the cameras, it's the internet bandwidth.
They often upload shitty footage compressed for this reason,not because their handycam can't do it.

Hell that cellphone in OP even had an additional lens on top of it lol.

good feel news bump

So this is what real DIEversity is like.

The dub call for a picture.

I literally knew an example of this.

It's like you want the slant eyes to triumph.
Fucking fetishits. Every. Damn. Time.



when they talked about him on local news, his church people were saying he would have been okay dying for this kind of shit, and were praying for the niggers who did it

Remember this before you look for a traditional church girl, this is mennonites even.

They are nutz. He's a peaceful so I doubt he would accept the violence from the niggers so what are they thinking? Anyway the moral story is don't go to the Africa and change their stupid culture.

they're fucked in the head, including the 'victims'. They don't 'not accept' violence so much as live an entire life pretending it doesn't exist. The moral of the story is these people are subversive if they are allowed to do anything other than farm and mind their own business, and fuck africas nonexistent culture, quit feeding and doctoring them.


Good post.
