A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa


I was filling out a job application and I got to thinking: why not just lie on the race question? Is the employer even going to bother proving it for whatever reason? It would take effort and there is so much legal shit they would be afraid of. Isn't it sad that I legitimately think applying as a non-white would increase the odds I get the job?

I agree, fuck it just identify as a spic. It's not like your genes aren't still going to be screaming white, who cares what their paper file says.

So they're admitting that the original peoples in North Africa were white huh? DAS RAYCIS

I am already legally a female in Canada.
I don't believe in any of this transgender bullshit, but if it gives me an edge in divorce-court, I'll take it. It's kinda fun to bully turboleftists when they call me a privileged cis-het white man.

Are you legally obligated to tell the truth?

They'd probably rather not. If they can actually sneak a competent white guy in with their diversity quota then they'll probably take it.

Any HR anons able to shed some insider perspective?

It's all down to the company and who the HR staff are.
There's little consistency to be had.

Companies looking for technical staff would probably let it slide so long as your quals check out and you don't fuck up. Though once you do fuck up too much they'll use it as an excuse to give you the boot on a no fault to them basis.

Office workers and anything only semi skilled? The sort of idiots they have doin HR for that tend to be insane. They'll care.

Are you on estrogen?

Is HR a den of SJWs ever more now?

I guess, war, war never changes.

Anyone call you out on it make sure you tell them race is a social construct or whatever. Use leftist stupidity and doublethink against society.

Kek. The more people do this, the more ridiculous this shit will look to normies.

Read his post again.

HR departments are make work programs for true believers. That's what they push all the women and minorities into to meet diversity quotas. So you won't get by HR.

But if you can get a job by bypassing HR such as the interview will be conducted by a higher up in the company or the company doesn't have a HR department go for it. If you get interviewed by HR it's not going to work.

I figure if Zimmerman counts as white, user could count as spic.

Well who knows she may not believe in the transgender stuff but that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't on estrogen.

Wait up Zimmerman is a honorary white because he killed a nigger, he earned that.

There's also Talcum X and all those other transniggers.

No. They're finally admitting that:


No, they're trying to make us believe that sandniggers are equal to us.

You don't fill it out or you put the I don't feel comfortable answering choice. Answering white can put you at the back of the line for the sake of quotas and if a computer does it by "accident" they can deny discriminating why they don't do this to niggers is beyond me.

lel, I've considered doing this sort of shit to see if it'd give me an edge in affirmative action and such

That's a good question. I know that a ton of pooinloos label themselves under "white" because asians get an even worse deal in job/school applications.

They know you're white when you do this.


Okay let me spell it out for you because I'm bored. Look at what he said:
I only first heard "cis-het" yesterday, apparently it means "not a faggot". Apparently that's some kind of insult if your a leftist. It also means they aren't trying to appear feminine in the slightest, that would make him some kind of hero or satanic gender neutral idol to them, not a "cis het" white male.

Some in California are probably looking for whites just to meet their diversity quota.


Lol the last job app I filled out I said I was a black female obviously I'm a WHITE MALE but I was just seeing what would happen and that was 6 months ago and I still have the job and no I didn't try to play it off why bother just cheat the game and say fuck it

While they could mean the original whites that lived there during the Roman Empire and such, I have a feeling that they're including that just to count sand people as whites.

I'm just joking around

if you "joke around" by simulating a bluepilled SJW normie beta-cuck without giving any hint you may be trying to use the Sarcasm, don't be surprised when you get b& for being a moron

Yes but Hispanic has no formal definition.


It might, it might not. Government/civil "service", probably. Anything in the private sector, it's a toss-up. You could score points with both hipster/millennial startups, and with multi-national conglomerates like HP or Siemens (as two random examples) that are looking to pad their affirmative-action/EEOC numbers in the States.

But it's all the places in between where nobody's going to give a fuck at best, or it would likely work against you.

sage because i'm a doublepostfag

Hey, check out this ignorant shitlord guys.
Xe still hasn't educated xirself to realize that GENDER is COMPLETELY UNRELATED to biological sex in the new mythology.
In other words, a man can identify as female GENDERED and his lack of taking hormones will present no legal obstacle whatsoever to maintaining the ruse.
Hormones = sex.
Gender = purely mental.
Male anons should be registering themselves as females to reap the benefits of positive discrimination and protection from level playing field, especially if they aren't top percentile skill or abilitywise in their chosen career.
It is inevitable the men will do this organically in the end, but early adopters will gain more.


wew lad

I've wondered whether to do this on applications as well for diversity points. They ask you your gender (with multiple options), race, religion, disabilities and even sexuality

Needing white diversity hires

What a timeline

It's like Poetry.

if you fill the job application form before meeting anyone here, fill two of them, one as a straight-cis-het white male, and one as a trans-queer-multi-otherkin mystery meat
don't hesitate to use the exact same cv, just alter something small detail, like your middle name initial/name so that they aren't referenced by the exact same file in their system
give a specific return email on each, so that you know which one got you the answer, and boldly go meet either HR or the professional needing job done
the way job applications are treated, they are discarded as soon as the reader identifies a criterion that is/isn't met, and they actively try to never memorise the crap they're reading because it's a fucking pain
so your details won't ever get recorded on the form that doesn't pass their primary filter

if you get refused because a clown-haired HR cunt bitches at you for not being a true progressive, you have ample grounds to sue them for discrimination
you may even make the company a favor if they didn't know how to get rid of an sjw infestation in their HR department and get hired after you allow them to fire her

The only people looking for a job that can afford to sue already have money somewhere.

As long as you dont get the job twice?

Yeah you should. Move up quickly so you have some hiring power and hire white people. Best thing is to get into HR.

Better yet get 5 friends and make it a group goal to take over the administration of some targeted business. When you get the call that one of them is a bad goy you can drag ass on firing them with bureaucracy.

If you did it with two companies you could fire them and the other company could hire them. Just bounce back and forth.

There's no need to follow humanities jargon. Always act like it's made-up bullshit because it is.

There’s no doubt in my mind that this shit happens all the time.

Back in school, I remember applying for an internship/job with the VA for the summer. My credentials were solid, the interview went really well, and we all ended on a high note with an “awesome, we’re gonna love working with you!” sort of vibe. The director gives me a pat on the back and tells me that I’ll get a n email from HR within the week to take it from there and that he’ll look forward to working with me.

Well, a week goes by and nothing happens. I reach out to the director to see what’s going on. He tells me he doesn’t know, and that there’s some sort of snag happening with HR, and that he’s going to look into it to get it smoothed out. About another week goes by, and he finally gets back to me saying “unfortunately it looks like you weren’t selected” or whatever.

Huh. This is the director we’re talking about. But the situation was that he wanted me, and then apparently something happened in HR and then HR told him that I wasn’t the one? The director doesn’t get to pick the candidate he wants? Obviously I can’t prove jack shit, but it’s the ‘’fucking VA’’, and all of these government institutions always have the strictest (((diversity quotas))). I’m fairly convinced that I lost out on a job that I had in the bag because I was a white man, and that the guy in charge wanted to give it to me, but (((HR))) spit me back out and told him he couldn’t do it.

Now, that was years back and I ended up getting a better job during that time anyway, but the point remains that I was fucked over for being white, I’m fairly sure.

mudshits aren't fucking white

Even better than saying your black or a beaner or a trans: Claim you are a jew

If you have dark hair and/or a big nose you can easily pull it off. I am have italian heritage but Ill be damned if I dont look like a turbo jew.

Wear a fucking star of david around your neck and learn some superfluous shit about the torah. If you get caught, lie your ass off.

No. They didn't even ask.

I was totally against this, and I totally opposed bill C16 too, but since it passed I can legally bully people into calling me "she" if I want to and I can basically force people to be polite to me and stop being mean to me.

It's ridicolous. I never do this to normal people, only women and libs. :D

Don't try this at a job interview. Most people are not retarded and they understand that hiring a histrionic SJW-tranny faggot is a ticking time bomb that yearns to be triggered, so they hire people who are normal.

You mean the tranny thing? Oh god no, I would never do that. I meant a more mild variation, such as claiming you're a white hispanic on your mother's side or something.

This will never work. Trust me, I've had to deal with jews for a very long time now. You think your typical Holla Forumsack has good jewdar? It's NOTHING compared to the chosenites themselves. They always know who their fellow people are, even if nothing specifically or overtly jewish is mentioned. It's not as simple as saying "how do you do, fellow chosen people!". There's more to the appearance than having dark curly hair and a big nose. It's everything to the glint in the eye to tone of voice to the cadence/lexicon of your speech and all these other things that other yids pick up on subconsciously alarmingly well.

It will work with non-jews. They will want to hire you to fill their diversity quota.

AA never works like that.

Non-jews think jews count as white people. At best they think it's just another subset like irish or polish, and at worst they think it's just a religion.

The only time the jew card gets played is when it's with another chosenite. Which is VERY common. Trust me on this.

Pick one

You need to get out more and talk to normalfags if you honestly think they consider jews as nonwhite.

If you tell your typical normie that jews aren't white, they'll look at you with a confused expression.

Well, yeah, they're also programmed to think "One race! Human race!" but you'll still get a ton of subconscious sympathy.

"There are more Jews that died in the Holocaust than there are stars in the universe."

Literally proves they have been using the same excuse all along.

If you get your DNA tested and you have 1% African or something then you could legally claim to be a nigger, since America goes by one drop rule.

They often flash their symbols to me and bring up cultural stuff like Jewish meals they eat on the sabbath. They follow their laws when trading goys between themselves. They do view you as property. Interestingly, I find that many who have a family also adopt one or two children. They never talk about the accomplishments of those children in conversation, only their biological children.

Arabs count as white in the USA.

Yeah, why Jews are something like 50% of Harvard students.

I personally know kikes that only got into medschool because they interviewed with a fellow chosenite and ended up talking about kike shit, and the kike in the enrollment office rubberstamps them through. This shit happens all the time.

In fact, studies show that there's an "affirmative action effect" when it comes to jews in higher education. That is to say, even when they have lower scores and worse credentials, they end up getting into better schools and placements, just like niggers, except unlike niggers, there are no official policies propping them up. it's all unspoken rules of jewish nepotism

Ffs… easy to see where they are going with this… they substituted the sand niggers for the spics to inflate crime stats.
Find out where this "definition" came from if you can, whether mandated by the govt. or some shit the company made up.


It's not that simple. On which grounds could they reject him? If push comes to shove, he COULD sue, although that requires, of course, a hardcore pokerface and deep pockets.

This. NA was white as snow at one moment in time, due to the Romans, but also the Berbers. That's why people often exagerate the rape baby factor in Spain. Many of those invading Muslims weren't Arabs, but Berbers.

This. People make disdainful jokes about the Spanish Inquisition, but they really fucked the kikes hard.

That's true, unfortunately. One could always look for a pro-bono lawyer, though, I'm sure they exist for such high-profile cases.

A female foreman where I work cried in the HR office when they were firing her and they actually let her keep her job. So yeah, the HR department is led by massive fat bulldykes with purble bulldyke hair. This one fat HR broad even has colored pictures her little girl made for her which were all gay pride related. If im ever taken to HR im going to put on the lispiest gay performance imaginable.


No women on the internet.


The key phrase here is "original peoples". Ancient Egyptians and Greeks were white.

Fuck it, I'm putting Latino on every job ap now. If they throw a fuss I'll say I clicked wrong. Bawww. Thanks Holla Forums.

Your ancestors probably got moor'ed up. Sucks for you I guess.

HR depts are literally only staffed by leftist cat ladies who have been fully brainwashed and indoctrinated. This isn't even an exaggeration; they're like straight-up caricatures.

The ONLY time I had an HR lady that wasn't a total libshit catlady ranting about diversity quotas was when I worked at a biotech firm staffed by a ton of Russian expats, and she was a Kazakh.

Don't get your point. Of course spics are latins, genetically as well as linguistically. No discussion there at all.

If spics are latin then so are frogs. Even English is 30% based on Latin, so are eternal anglos latin now?

Spain has no rightful claim to latin culture and the name is a disgrace to Italians. Spics are filthy mudpeople from the disgusting spanish pigs breeding with local fauna. Why do they get to use the name "Latin"?

Stop talking about shit you have absolutely no clue about, kike.

there is no diversity quota to meet for whites. non-whites are under no obligation to make sure whites have a proper representation. only whites have to hire non whites.

Correct, I very definitely consider the French a latin people.

Less latin than the French, but more than the Krauts, that's for sure.

Heavily disagree, Hispania was one of the most romanized provinces of the Roman Empire. Ethno-genetically they're a wild mixture of PIE natives, Romans, Carthagians, Germanics and Berbers, depending on the region.

To be honest, this always was a bit of a meme. Mexicans and Central Americans sent their worst people northwards, but the South American in South America is quite ok. Chile, Argentina, even Peru, Ecuador, Colombia… those are nice countries, if you have the money and basic street smarts. They're not the dystopic hell-holes they are often made out to be here. Travelling a bit I certainly didn't find LatAm on average worse than the US, and the Latin Blacks are not nearly as violent and obnoxious as US niggers.

Well, you don't have to like it, but the Spanish language IS a very close offshot of original Latin, and the Spanish genetic admixture is huge. Those are undeniable facts.

Isn't French the closest Latin offshot though?

That's bullshit. Whites will never be a diversity quota even if we're reduced to 0.1% of the population, like a rounding error of a blemish on this progressive state.

No, not by a long shot. I learned Spanish as a foreign language, and it makes reading Latin infinitely easier. French is… I don't know why it got so garbled, but it's very distinct from original Latin, although of course the vocabulary clearly shows the influence.

Makes sense considering what some anons have been redpilling about Hitler: He regarded Mexicans above the American

I always thought Italian was closest to Latin followed by Spanish. I wonder if American would have become Spanish speaking after the revolution, we would have had a better relationship with the Fuhrer.

Source: (((Table Talks)))

I know 2 SA blond/blue eyed that went thru college as AA minority scholarship

…which is why you claim to be a black/latinx/native-american genderqueer trans-popsicle.

A million times this. I just started a new job, which pays really well and has a lot of potential for me, and part of the hiring process was to run me past a Jewish bloodhound for a sniff. I don't know how she wedged herself into the hiring process (her position had zilch to do with HR or management), but I had a one-hour sit down with the jewiest Jewess who ever jewed a Jew.

Being, effectively, from Holla Forums, I knew right away what was going on. As soon as I spotted her, I had to choose between "shabbos goy" and "fellow Jew" for my persona. Physically, I can just about do either.

I've had a lot of experience with kikes, and right away I knew this woman's word to HR was enough to get me in or get me passed over. So I thought "fuck it," and I went full Jew.

We made small talk about how expensive real estate is, and I told a few anecdotes about members of my family who made a killing on it, and then I tossed in a few kikeish jokes – you know the type: think Alan Alda on MASH, Jews like that stuff – and I generally did my best impression of a heeb.

Long story short, she spotted a fellow Jew and put in the good word. I got the job, and I shouldn't have to meet her again. And looking at a few of the other people who've been hired/passed over kek, I'm sure the J-factor played a role.

At no point did I have to say "I am a Jew," or anything similar. Technically, the topic never came up. But it was there all the same.

It always amuses me to no end when one of us fools a Jew into thinking we're one of them. I don't think anyone else on the planet could pull off such a thing.

Confirmed. Holla Forums is like a superpower.

Sounds logical, but apparently Italian underwent its own evolution during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Regarding closeness to Latin, I would rank Spanish first, Italian second.

>(((Table Talks)))
The authenticity is often doubted, but what arguments do deniers bring to the table (sorry)?

Supposedly Romanian is the most similar.

t.Spanish native speaker

English: Kill the niggers.
Latin: Macta illos nigros.
Spanish: Mata los negros.
Italian: Ammazza i neri.

Spanish's still the closest, I think, but Romanian is definitely a, well, romance language. Don't have a clue about that one and can't give an example, though. I don't know why, but Celtiberians and Dacians/Geto-Thrakians (the ancestors of today's Romanians, I think) rapidly and completely took Roman culture as their own.

The editor admitted to changing some content, the book was published post-war and painted deeply held beliefs as hated by Hitler, and the veracity of the conversations contained in the book were never confirmed.

Stick to Mein Kampf or the speeches they gave. Anything published during the war or before it are much more credible because it's possible to confirm their veracity.

All valid points, but the problem is that the TT are by definition private and off-record musings, so public speeches and official proclamations can a priori not be unambiguously used to confirm or deny their veracity. I think they should be taken with huge grains of salt, but at the same time not be discarded completely.