Here we go, they're already bringing out the water cannons
Here we go, they're already bringing out the water cannons
Other urls found in this thread:
People still do these G* protests? Everything is pozzed to shit, what is there to get angry about?
the chat
God bless you, glorious spammer
Germany is too far cucked to save
who brought the refugees here ?
Reminder that some unknown "professionals" raided a Portuguese military arms depot and stole a ton of good shit.
Could be people prepping for RWDS.
Or it could be part of a plot to kill Trump and Putin, since they're both together in the heart of ZOG central.
Guess you saw my post in that other thread. It's been going for hours lad. No one bothered making a thread.
Use the filter to get only Live streams.
Posting some other livestreams of the riots
Are these "demonstrators" against open borders? No? Because then they're not anti-capitalists.
Saw it on RT and it looked more like a house music street party not that that doesn't sound great
Are people actually rioting?
Germans are so cucked they can't even properly riot.
Are techno parades even a thing anymore?
Does germany always look this shitty?
holy fuck just nuke it already
I don't think so. Loveparade stopped after some cunts moved the location and that caused people to die.
Reuters live stream. Now people are starting to get hurt
Meme it
Anyone seen any Antifa flags yet?
checked and heil'd
Yeah I remember that shit during the 90s, when there were techno parades all over Europe but they seem to have gotten out of fashion at some point in time. Not a loss though, that's for sure.
sage for offtopic
The vast majority seem to be anti-NaziTrashBins types. No sure what stream you're watching but their chants can be heard.
The ZOG likes to let it's useful idiots run amok and have fun from time to time; it's just to keep up appearances.
The Ruptly TV one and the Reuters one are good. N24 has a good one up as well. They're showing the anti-Nazi cucks throwing shit now.
What was that explosion?
I hope none of you had the volume too high and wearing headphone if you were watching the ruptly stream just now.
They need to start blasting them. Bring out the riot guns
Looks like Jew York or chimpago to be honest
RT en Español:
Those water cannons look weak as a piss stream. Seconding this
Who's jewing who here?
They need the fire hoses instead.
Pretty cool trucks.
I see they're attacking dumpsters again.
Why are they rioting?
Why do they keep damaging their own homes?
Which stream? They're marching on the RT stream.
yeah seems right
antifa chants
It was on the Reuters stream.
Aaaargh off by one.
What is it with their obsession with toilet brushes? One of them is using one.
Too bad, user. Maybe next time.
Cheers. On the RT stream they're shooting fireworks.
What a waste.
What are the Police telling them? Please tell me it's something like "you're all getting pummeled in 5 minutes if you don't fuck off".
So the cops just move in and they got a huge group of vermin following them. Seems inefficient.
I'm amazed at the police presence actually I thought Germany was full cuck and was in line with these shits
The left is "internationalist", wich is another nickname for globalist
Anyway, we can't complain since (today) they are the ones with the balls to give (((them))) problems
Not exactly.
exactly, retard
..and the neocon right are zionist globalists
The problem, is the jews behind both sides of the false jewish political paradigm, neither of them are ourside.
By the way
i know but i'm not that aware to do further explanation
Is this really a protest? I hear techno music and see clouds of marijuana smoke coming from the crowds.
Nope, not at all.
No problem mate.
If you support immigration to your western country, you support the growth of the welfare state, therefore you are anti-capitalist. "Migrants" and "refugees" are inextricable from gibs.
The higher ups have to be protected
get back to work while you have it, cnn
Their chants are so fucking retarded and repetitive. It's just as pathetic as what can be heard in North America.
Don't come here anymore. Or at least don't comment until you know something about how the world works
the fuck are you on about
That makes no sense as capitalists have a huge stake in the welfare state. Keep in mind that today, the welfare state is heavily outsourced and privatized (kind of like the military which employs countless private subcontractors etc).
Hilarious coming from someone who can't get basic nomenclature right.
Some of them are chanting in English for fuckssake.
Hilarious coming from someone who can't the basics of internationalism right.
How do I not get the basics of internationalism right? Please tell.
don't start a fucking debate please
I told you not to comment anymore! You listen when daddy tells you something! You need to shut your cunt and lurk more!
Serrious question if not slightly off topic: what would a National Socialist model of enviromentalism look like? Because modern enviromentalism is basically just the strangulation of industry in white countries
Boring as shit.
The only thing with any "bite" was actually the antifa chanting "all your children will become like us", which is kinda chilling.
But otherwise it's like watching paint dry.
This is so tame that it makes me wonder if it's not both parties in cahoots, playfighting.
Please step away from the police or we will start dispensing water (dispensing, yes, not shoot, blast, cannon, but dispense) without warning.
And other toothless things in a mellow northern accent.
You got nothing as expected. Filtered.
Doesn't look jewish to me.
Unless Mike Krüger is a kike, too.
Not that they have the exact same nose, but it's still not really jewish, at least to my eyes.
On a scale of 1 to Trudeau, how cucked are the German police?
Probably a begrudging 8 or so.
Their saving grace is the inherent desire for order and peace.
But they are also obedient.
what do you want them to do? they can't just start hitting people with batons just because they want to you know
Milkman warned us about the Vegan Agenda.
If/when let loose, German police is notorious for brutality. Keyword being if/when let loose.
I know they can't, hence the begrudging.
This was still a yawnfest, though. Almost like playfighting. Too relaxed despite everything.
Also, theoretically they could just start batoning people, but I'd rather see them lob gas shells into the nearest synagogue.
Let loose from the leash
To hunt the Bolshevik beast
I would prefer insect repellent
someone is saying there is a gun inside the protest is he trying to make the police open fire on the crowd.
A lot of G protests have to do with being AGAINST globalism. These people, some of them anyway, are you friends and allies. Don't let the elites fool you Holla Forums. For example, if even Antifa kills Merkel, would you not celebrate?
Hope none of you guys are there right now, I wouldn't want any of you to get hurt :^)
This has historically never worked.
Wonder if it'd work.
Is this a new tactic? Say something so wrong that the opponent cannot think of a way to describe the amount of wrong you are?
It might work, but would also make the police a laughing stock and generally not change much for the positive.
they're not the brightest
That's a load crap. They're anti-whites and pro diversity, just the usual trash only out to have a good time and damage property.
Some pics from the Daily Fail since it looks like the live streams aren't doing anything exciting.
just leave a BB Gun behind just remember to not leave fingerprints.
Aye aye, Adolf!
Why even visit that cancerous shithole?'s just a secret globalist cabal who meet in secret and are completely untransparent to manipulate the future of society and markets. They did that last year, why are you going to protest it again this year? Boring!
one more set
top notch journalism
Takes a lot of discipline not to use that thing when every ounce of your conscience commands you to.
someone give that writer a nobel prize
Kek, see that shoulder tattoo in the first picture? Thats the logo of the German job center.
Playing chimp music now, natch.
Chimp music sounds bad enough in English, it sounds even worse in German.
hamburgfag here sitting at home
Warum bist du noch nicht umgezogen lmao
Are you people called Hamburgers?
guys, did you hear? they smashed capitalism! they actually did it! capitalism is over guys
Understand that their reasons for being anti-globalist aren't the same as ours. The reality is that this is just an excuse for a chimpout and for these leftist punks to feel like they've done something beyond getting high/boozin' while complaining about "the state". If an Antifa member killed Merkel, it would be lulzy, but get real. They never would because their funding would be slashed for biting the hand that feeds them.
These people are still our enemies.
Hahahaha, you just had a 2 rapefugees with Starbucks cups in their hands walk by, wondering where the fuck they were.
That's like the love parade. Gay flags, skinny faggots, ape music and trash for clothes. Modern Germany.
Who the fuck is protesting what, now? I wasn't expecting any kind of happening like this and now there's water cannons overnight?
What the hell does 'natch' mean, anyways? I've heard people use it very infrequently since the mid 2000s and have no idea where it came from. Context never offers any help besides an almost "heh" level of nonspecific emotive underline.
I invite any German (or anyone really) to minimize their browser and just listen to the sound.
And tell me it doesn't fucking sound like your local village "Kirmes".
Welcome to Hell…my ass.
This is so lame.
Is this the reallife equivalent of a slide thread?
This is bullshit.
Har! Getting the State run un-employment agency tattooed on oneself must be some kind of profound social statement.
heimatstadt, hamburch is beste
außer die schanze mit der ganzen antifa kacke die dort hockt
Natch is short for "naturally."
Kurds I believe.
PKK terrorist flags
Protesting the G20 Summit. Probably because Trump will be there, so no wonder he visited Poland first.
For reference, a proper "riot", "uprising", etc.
we invented them and brought them over to you guys, enjoy em!
Quality over quantity.
Strength and health over the weak and soft.
Respecting the gifts of nature and refining it, through eugenics when it comes to humans and through proper stewardship of the animal and plant kingdoms.
PKK are terrorist unlike YPG the PKK will do suicide bombings
That sounds like the kind of thing popularized by skaters and the MTV crowd of the time. That said, I feel better knowing. Thanks.
Not because of what's being discussed, just because he's there? I'm not sensing a coherent message so much as a chaotic rabble.
These leftist Krauts are definitely on par with our own degenerates in Berkeley. Flabby and low energy
I'm sure the G-20 wankers are shaking in their boots.
what do u mean??
Are these commies' slogans really this awful or is the German language just not one that rhymes very well?
It's called the language of poets for a reason m8, this is typical Bolshevik incompetence
Well, the German equivalent of Hot Topic was glad for their business, I suppose.
The former.
Land of thinkers and poets.
…well, some time ago.
Ah, they've got their own detachment of the Homosexuelle Schlachtgeschwader too.
You're confusing Bilderberg and G20. G20 isn't really secret, and you can probably see most of the recaps of it after it ends
called "Colors"
This. Who's gonna be the mascot, a revised version of the blackup?
the police has them in a more open area.
Charging cops in WaPo stream
Ample antifa present, about time for the hippie beaters to come out don't you think
kek, techno party van
fun game: look for anyone in the crowd who looks like they're part of the lower/working class
Coppers are just bullying these faggots right off the streets.
Cops seem to be getting a bit more aggressive.
Ruptly is very low energy
*hugs you*
We're reaching level of autism that shouldn't be possible.
Tonfas out.
Yes that's them. You don't have to be a Turkroach to call them what they are. A bunch of backstabbing terrorists about to get BTFO in Syria. (US-backed SDF is made up of YPG/PYD/PKK)
Yeah I know mate, Kurds are far from the angels they portray themselves to be. But they're not completely stupid, they know exactly how to present themselves to western governments to gain sympathy and brownie points.
Damn, they were passing by a McNigger's restaurant and didn't attack it. Very disappointing.
they do it every time and nothing changes. so why keep doing it? insert definition of insanity meme
It's about going out to a party. It's about looking radical so you can fuck lots of loose, radical chicks. Then you go back to work at Starbucks the next day.
Sign says:
You're sexy, you're cute, take off your riot suit
So who am I supposed to hate more: the central bankers at the G20 Summit or the commies protesting against it?
I really can't decide.
what exactly are they rioting against?
G20 meeting is full of open borders globalists just like them
It's literally the kikes playing both sides
G20 is a meeting of bankers.
Commies do hate bankers too, at least in theory.
Their version of globalists are the so-called 1%.
Meanwhile Bilderberg goes off without a peep, same as it ever was
They don't realise that though.
Though we can use this. Think about it, all we need to do is reveal the crimes of the globalists to them and they'll figure out the rest.
what did they mean by this
Seems they prefer comparatively remote meeting locations and a super-tight security regimen to keep the protestors out.
I tried once
the answer I got was user, you think too much
As in they already hate these people. If we make a concentrated effort to spread redpills about them then it could have a good impact. Like the details on the acts commited by these people, their confessions as well. Thanks to social media we can reach many if we're smart about it.
we need to bridge the gap in their minds between bankers and (((bankers)))
What happened to you user? Do you still want to consider them on your side while they're attacking random people and breaking windows?
what the fuck is this, this is a concert
the fucking left, they're just drunk and partying
German people haven't existed in a half a century faggot. Mongoliod Ruskies raided Berlin and raped the women after Patton fucked America in the ass before he woke up. Every child born thereafter was a halfbreed Communist from birth
Pretty much all I've seen is them do for hours is swill beer and shuffle down the street. They beat up some dumpsters earlier but that's about it.
That's where Germans plant their wives and allow shitskins to rape them in front of the masses
Honestly, I'm here to watch cops beating up hippies to the Glenn Miller Orchestra
F u n n y c o m i n g f r o m a m o n g r e l w i t h a c o u n t r y t h a t ' s l e s s t h a n 6 0 % " w h i t e "
I can't, i just fucking can't
This whole riot is a fucking joke, the police should replace the waterthrowers with something more flammable.
Apparently drinking beer in the middle of a street all day long is legal and considered a way to protest. Doing it while while you wife is getting raped by a Somalian is encouraged.
Hippie beatings have been sadly lacking today though. Perhaps they'll rally and provide some entertainment but I think they're all too drunk and stoned at this point.
I was promised a riot. But this is just faggots being faggots.
Why can't the police beat these retard up?
It's getting closer
As a real nationalist (from the mexican word "nati"), I love how nations are disrupting the (((G20)))
Wish I would have been born in China though…
Dude, who cares who did 9/11. It doesnt change a god damn thing. Get over yourself. Seek Mental Health.
forgot to (((mexican)))
Well of course, trying to raise your hand against that Somali would get you 50 years in prison, while the shitskin would get € 5 Million for being "opressed" and an apology from Merkel personally. Maybe even Trudeau pinches in with a few bucks and a letter of apology.
Don't make me sad. I have to live here.
And nothing of value was lost
They better hurry up and start cleaning the mess. Merkel will be upset if there's poo and broken glass bottles on every street corner.
Huh, I thought that was her goal.
Here's how it was before getting improved
Where do you faggots even come from?
It's kicking of lads
not really, they just started a controlled bonfire somewhere in the street like they always do. It makes it look like a riot while it's literally nothing
Some highly distilled retardation courtesy of Deutsche Welle.
Good one.
It's just a faggy fire with a communist flag over it… I hope that fag burns it.
Also Police is just watching
dumb cunts burning a steel shopping cart
doesn't look like it will be spreading anywhere or do any actual damage
Apparently the turds with flags really want to send a clear message with this controlled bonfire. Where are the Turkroaches invaders when you need them?
surely those flag were not bought through a capitalist medium… right?
Strange to see so many here shilling for the (((globalists))) and their enforcers.
Still waiting on these feds to start cracking pinko skulls
Leftists are like apes around fire, they seem so fascinated by it and not to mention how these retards shout "THIS IS OUR CITY" and start setting fires. These people are trash, they don't care about anything. They just using every opportunity they get to virtue signal their void filled degeneracy.
Also, is it just me or do Germans sound uniquely stupid when they shout?
my child I see in the wild
I am truly user now
The Anti-whites just robbed a store. That's what it looked like to me.
Starting another nazi dumpter fire.
they should boil the water
commie got a shower
like pottery
i just want to see one of them get blown away
The guy controlling the water canon should just aim directly at all the commies on the sidewalk with cameras.
just fucking arrest the flag guy already
The German police are being far too nice about all of this.
German feds have supported those commies since their inception. They can rob grannys, as usual, and the cops won't lift a finger.
Huh, didn't think it would kick off til tomorrow.
the police are not frightening enough, they're just making fun of them. they need to show some fucking dominance already
Germany is so fucked
I know they say fuck the cops but this is a little extreme
The cops went after them for about 30 seconds before walking back and letting them start fire again at the same spot. Hard to follow since one of the stream showing it is switching camera every 15 seconds.
Everyone in this thread thinks the police are on their side.
looks like a habbening
Nigger, we're just here to see sub-humans get the shit kicked out of them.
Nah fam, we're just here for the fireworks.
All you need is a mirror and your own fist.
Do these faggots have any social media pages I can check out? Where have they been organizing/sleeping for their trips?
Did you get lost on your way to reddit?
are they chanting hol' up?
"Muh Ideology"
I can see that you're not a true american.
Just filter the faggot, he's clearly Holla Forums
Got a custom made oven ready for you. Clean U.S. natural gas sub-contracted by our good friends the Poles.
did you read the post?
Yeah, no shit. This riot has been such a failure I got bored.
The NSA thanks you for registering your violent fantasies.
"Its teh j00s!"
whad de fug :DD
The left has not agreed to a libertarian detente on authoritarianism. You'll find that the right is trying to go after people's jobs now as well.
lol, you sure showed that nazi.
Go back to your discord, kiddo.
one for you, and one for you…
Antifa make no fucking sense. They have no idea how jewed the system is.
Read the thread again.
"Everyone I disagree with is a Jew!"
They said similar in the '20s and '30s
Get this fucking kyke out of here. What a faggot
=i'm not your mate==
It's also picking up
They don't even realize the government and the media is on their side.
Pretty sure it's a tranny from Holla Forums. They have a thread up now that is half-full of anons laughing at them.
Still good advice.
And one for you
what stream is highest energy?
What the hell are you talking about? Right libertarians and conservatives who hold a complete Capitalist stance are for immigration because of cheaper labor.
I'm watching RT and WaPo
Right now both are calm
Makes me want to go full Nazi.
newfaggot detected
if these people would only realize that the Jews are behind globalism… we'd have a kristallnacht within an hour.
Again, I am not talking about Neo-Conservatives because if I was I would have said "Neocon". I also love how you conveniently dodged the libertarian part and accused me of being a newfag with out making an argument.
I'm at a loss to understand what more they could possibly want.
They've already got a welfare state that's almost at Scandinavian levels. Hordes of niggers, Arabs and Turks pouring in so they've got diversity. Open faggotry is glorified. Defense spending is a joke so they can't cry about that. So far they're still pretty much Europe's number one in prosperity, infrastructure and education.
What's left? Crying about global warming and evil Drumpf?
You are either a Cuck or a kike. My motto has become "destroy the best kikes".
No police, I guess.
That's because nobody calls themselves libertarians, nor does anyone refer to themselves as capitalists on the right. If anything the right is hostile towards the decadence that was created by industrialization. You POV is that of a redditor.
They've created a fantasy land in their own heads where they're surrounded by "le ebil nadzees" and they're noble warriors of intersectional justice. They believe they're fighting for the rights of people who are already walking all over them and foreigners who are staking claims of their country. It's best not to get pulled too hard into their delusional mindframe. Remember, the left always projects and they consistently believe everyone they're opposed to is a mentally ill subhuman stuck in a world of paranoid delusions. Says more about them than anybody else.
KEK. >>>/liberty/ dumb faggot.
Not to mention you're trying to start an argument because of the semantics of my post. Filtered.
Picture very related. They'd bring us back to the fucking stone age if you let them.
Actual fires on stream. What the fuck. Are these really all niggers? I'm just at a loss. So sad.
You know, I have that image somewhere and thought about posting it but couldn't find it. These fuckers are children who will learn nothing unless it's pounded into their skulls with a rifle butt.
For hippies who buy the 'noble savage' meme, they sure know fuck all about farming.
Subhuman city dwellers who never go out into the country all think that vertical farming makes sense, because they think the world lacks horizontal space and they simply cannot conceive of not building up. Also their complete unfamiliarity with farming means they don't know that plants are solar powered. They unironically propose things like building farms in parking garages with LED grow lamps powered by solar panels on the roof. They think this is a genius idea.
I wonder where that idea comes from
another for the collection
Thank user i forgot about "video games are an art" meme is being pushed by (((gamers))) too.
Can confirm, this one happened in vancouver 2012 and all they did was booze up and dance like junglebunnies.
This is how they'll win the culture war for sure
Aaaaaaaand it's over
took me long enough.
That will teach those nazis!
You're not Rain Man, you fucks. Every single autist I have ever met was a social invalid with a bad work ethic.
exactly. open borders = globalism = the anational elite of every country conspiring to sell out their own working class to enrich one another
top kek
That's from nu-deviantart though
Assburger here, can confirm that jobs are the bane of autists
im stuck in transit and I can say this is something awesome
that and (((NATO)))
Oh you…
Can it be undone, at least?
Any user in Hamburger? Will you barricade more than usual because of the G20?
Can you legally use a spoon to protect your family?
What did he mean by this?
oh shit I never noticed that. fug.
Hopefully the NSAs fuck ups will cause leaks this year. Everytime something is released relating to G20 or some other zog event they are always out of date by like 5-10 years.
There are more flags around the place, looks like a fair for tourists or something like that. What I get from the image is that (((multiculturalism))) doesn't become a problem without open borders, the kind of thing you could post on Faceberg.
Are small towns in Germany safe enough? I want to take my wife to a small place in the south we will probably go to Norway as well
I have been twice in the past 3 years. I can not suggest to you enough the small town of Tubingen. It is absolutely stunning.
sadly i saw an antifa sign as it is a college town
I didn't see a single shitskin so you should be just fine.
If you are going to move, why not the US where you still can defend yourself?
Not very diverse…
antifa are all (((white)))
Just to visit. Thanks, I'll tell my wife to see what she thinks of Tubgirl, sounds lovely
And then there's that retard who doesn't protest anything corrupt in particular, just the fact that someone is very rich and doesn't give him gibs. Pathetic.
German, especially Hamburg leftists are probably the lowest sub-subhuman trash in existence. Murrican leftists are considerable humane compared to that. I know it because as an edgy 15 year old i hanged out with a few of them, and in university i had to be in contact with them too.
t. former Hamburger
Oyyyy Veyyyyyyyyy
Try harder, Moishe.
This user gets it.
god it's so hard for me not to be blackpilled
Why so glum user? In this thread in particular
Thankfully, Generation Z promises to be something the Left will be terrified of.
The problem with the environmentalist left is what you said and also that they want to give pic related niggers hyper developed fossil fuel industry so they can "catch up" economically to countries who were busy inventing satellites and the internal combustion engine instead of sticking sharp sticks in lips for a millennia.
Portuguese here, allow me to give my two cents.
Back in the 80's, our country was in the shit.
The right-wing authoritarian state fell in 1974, for the next 10 years we had marvellous Left-Wing comrades rulling us. You can guess how that went.
So a lot of people migrated since we had no jobs nor food.
Portuguese people can be found almost anywhere in the world. They usually keep smal mementos from our country in their house and will happily talk to you about it.
But, they incorporate the local culture pretty quickly. From learning language, custumes, you name it. In Germany, there's a neighbourhood I visited once with a typical Portuguese coffee shop. I can't really describe it, it's just really "portuguese looking". You walk in, everyone speaks portuguese, and it's like a slice of Portugal planted in the middle of Germany. But the people visiting there can take 20 steps away from it and bam, they start speaking german again.
Basically, we take the "When in Rome" saying pretty seriously. And that's why you haven't seen a country complaining about Portugese migrants. Poland doesn't mind. Neither does Switzerland, France or the UK. We go legally, work and integrate.
I'm lucky enough to have found a job in my own country though 80% of my family is emigrated throught the world.
Muslims are diferent. The example I gave, about the coffee shop? Imagine that but more hostile. If a non-muslim approaches a muslim comunity, you're in deep shit. And once their comunity gets big enough (read: 100 members or so) it expands like a cancer. The "core" members will speak the local language and make an attempt at integration. But the "fringe" members, the little boy Mohammad (aged 32) that arrived to marry his 2 cousins won't. He doesn't have to and doesn't care about it. Neither does his little brother, uncle or cousin.
What's the main diference?
A Portugese knows that if he starts shitting in the streets and stealing shit, the local comunity will rally against him.
The muslim is protected by law safeguarding things most people would be sentenced for.
Did you just accuse of a muslim of doing something wrong? You're a racist and biggot.
Did you just accuse a portuguese of…
No wait you didn't. Because the Portuguese did nothing and will probably pay you a beer if you like footbal.
Massachusetts begs to differ
Yes, exactly. In effect that is what they are.
The Portuguese should try to recolonize Brazil. Such a huge country rich in resources being ruled by animals.
I overheard some libtards on twatter saying something about Trump not being able to get a hotel room or some shit like that. on a scale of 1 to CNN, how blatantly untrue is that?
As in the state that's even mocked by Norwegian comedy musicians who are insanely talented for officially being the faggiest state in the USA?
Everything is booked far in advance, and it is retarded to believe that a major ally, no matter who is president, would be slighted by not getting a hotel room.
Why are the signs in english? Isn't this in Germany?
Face it, faggot. The President of the US getting snubbed for a hotel room just ain't gonna happen.
Except it isn't true. How many antifa fags do you see in muslim countries?
I like that one person decided to take "fuck the police" literally.
Earlier it looked like Trump couldn't get a suitable room in Hamburg's Four Seasons and the media reported he's just gonna book a room in Berlin and take helicopter rides back and forth. This would have fucked with the German security forces and been expensive as hell while only being a mild inconvenience for him and in the end he got a place to stay in Hamburg. Supposedly it's a government owned villa.
Seems like Trump doesn't back down the way passive-aggressive libtards were thinking and ge got a better deal out of it in the end.
Probably safe until mother merkel or some other cronies after her decides to build refugee center just outside of it. Of course mudskins will outnumber the town 2:1 at least.
The building would have burned down in the 9th frame. Also, why the fuck are they nude? Shit like this is why I hate leftists.
Kinda. The further you go from big cities the less shitskins, but that also means cops take 40+ Minutes to reach you and remember, no guns if you dont want to larp as a sport shooter, and even then you probably get into shit for using them in self defense. All in all its too difficult to predict right now with elections right around the corner.
Lefties can't meme for shit
"Natch" has been in use since before MTV existed.
I agree. The use of water over fire on protests is the ridiculous manifestation of political correctness.
In fact, best thing to use is zyklon B in these circumstances, particularly in confined containers of some sort.
>implying this isn't the result of promotions and payment by (((certain elites))).
Actually the smartest go beyond us into the wickedness of psychopathy.
People that see others as nothing but tools.
Where will we grow future supplies of crops user?
Or will we be eating muck like the matrix soon?
People have seen it.
At this point the cognitive dissonance is why nothing has happened.
But I've certainly had a rise in "interesting" conversations about them with mates. One literally cannot stand what they do either.
It started as a provocative meme, but it's growing into the real thing. Not merely poe's law either, clearly the meme sent people looking - and they discovered the horrifying reality.
That's been a meme for about 15 years.
Bottle lands at young lad's feet.
Picks it up, takes aim and lobs.
Hits balcony faggot in head.
Fucking WINRAR
The Future is Vegan, meatboi. Whachu gonna do about it?
I thought the future was us plebs eating roaches for protein while the (((global elite))) (the jews) dine on pork roast.
two cops had their holsters kicked off and their magazines stolen so far :')
They behave and appear like fucking orcs.
The lack of self-awareness boggles the mind.
Don't forget:
any good streams?
this sure will make people like leftists more !
This guy clearly never listened to Kollegah der Boss.
Everytime a Portuguese returns to Portugal for vacations, we hear about how wonderfull the place he lives/works at is. And they bring gifts too.
Except from Massachusetts. They hate the place and all they bring is shit or tastes like shit.
Not exactly.
Is Turkey going to be the richest country in the next 10 years?
I cant understand these faggots motives to just break other peoples shit at random
hamburgfag here sitting at home
Leftists are just white niggers
get out. takes pictures and vids.
Fuck off you summerfag
cause they are 'anti capitalistic' they fight the state the establishment the capitalistic way while they organize on their pcs and samartphones and on twitter
they are like edgy kids that never grew up, they have this faux revolutionary spirit in them
but in the end they are nothing but hooligans, out to destroy shit
There will be a campaign to declare 'dirt-grown' food as disgusting.
mmmm cancer cancer cancer
Emotional outlet. It's the roman games for agressive degenerates. They can destroy shit and vent their anger, and then vote the politicians who protect them from the evil legal repurcussions. Meanwhile the "moderate" left just watches and applauds them, or pretend to dislike it to appease to normalfags like muslims do. It's just a premade (((demonstration))) like any other which allows the scum of the earth to do as they please, while the less agressive useful idiots among them think they change they world by waving things, screaming words and kicking trashcans.
Kikes got to keep their pets happy, especially now that german votes are not far away.
kipp Benzin vom Balkon
Vid: Antifa / Black Block probably on their way to burn some more Renault Clios.
Pic: According to multiple news sources (Hamburger Morgenpost, Bento, Standard) they also stormed a Kita / Kindergarten in Hamburg Ottensen to flee from the police. Pic is confirmed message from other kindergarten in the area to parents. Other Kitas are now being evacuated by the police because they can not guarantee the safety of the kids anymore.
German bros - these are mostly city faggots right?
I didn't really meet any antifa faggots living in rural Germany, so I'm curious if these are bussed in like Soros/kikes funded protests etc.
Is there any action to try document this or find out? It can be quite discrediting.
they dont even have to be bused. they will come on their own.
pretty sad to see my beloved city being ruined like this
My city is full of ANTIFA flyers telling you to got to Hamburg and fight G20
Can you take a photo showing them and a landmark so we know where it is? E.g. proof Antifa is bought from e.g. Berlin, to destroy Hamburg.
Beware of EXIF data - copy your picture image into a 'blank' photo document and save or strip EXIF with a program..
Thanks, user. This will be good red-pill usage for others.
I would not say they are bought.
More like the local Antifa cell rallying its troops.
Gonna go out and take a picture this afternoon.
Swiss Antifa is also going to Hamburg:
They even have extra trains(!):
They do. Friend wrote me he saw dozens of team busses arriving on his way to work. Antifa seems rather fine with rich people if they give them free rides and pay them for participating.
Near Altona station?
They're not only coming from other German cities, antifa pays their members' transport from OTHER COUNTRIES. Last year during our independence day in Finland, they came from all over Europe to shit on our nationalist organized march, and threw fireworks, flares and water on women and children. One fucking scumbag threw a firework into a baby carriage.
Thankfully, they got the living shit beat out of them by the Finnish riot cops.
If you don't then you've just surrendered all your will.
Confirmed by someone else. Right near the Ikea close to Altona Station.
Lmao why do they hate IKEA so much
It's the last bastion of Swedish identity.
because it represents globalism and capitalism
even though the majority of these fuckers probably owns IKEA furninure
I once met with one of these antifa chucklefucks who had been to several protests to "beat police pigs" while wearing all black garb. He had IKEA furniture, a huge flatscreen TV and the latest goy toys that I couldn't afford. But the company I worked for and gave less pay than his was of course terrible.
Melania is trapped.
They are alternative globalists. They don't want the current neo-liberal globalisation, but they do want worldwide communism.
It is the same as everyone calling anything authoritarian fascist. While most of the time it is a different flavour of authoritarian. It is just newspeak to frame the conversation a certain way.
antifa said they would riot in france even if their guy macaroni won… soros wants every nation destabilized for the elites
i keked
Nigger, this isn't about licking boots - this is about the preservation of law and order also, seeing commies get their fucking heads kicked in with truncheons.
Rioting is not permissible in decent white society. We ain't havin' it.
How many Jaegermeisters with deer rifles you think it would take to clear these faggots out?
Good work.
And the average skin color gets more and more brown the further their shit "progresses".
There is no law or order in Germany. Police raids people's homes for anti-government posts in social media, meanwhile niggers and muslims aren't even arrested for rape, murder and robbery.
What you are doing is literal bootlicking. Please go, you don't belong here.
If you belonged here, you would know that Germany isn't even a legitimate country and shouldn't exist at all. Kill yourself cuckservative retard.
So dozens of officers were injured just yesterday mainly because Merkel isn't letting them do their job. Isn't that nice? Just keep standing there and watch the bricks come straight at you. JUST.
Any idea how German police are taking it? Could this lead to a breaking point for them?
German police are antifa sympathizers first, and completely incompetent second. Because anyone engaging in wrongthink has been purged from the force years ago.
You are a complete retard. Germany officially isn't a country, but an occupational zone without a constitution and all it's agencies still answer to the CIA, just like in the cold war.
Anyone supporting German police or government is a race traitor. Nice shilling attempt tho.
Very doubtful user. Similar situation in France, where even the union told it's members to vote Macron or else. Imagine that.
I didn't imagine German police being uncucked or anything but even pussies must get tired of having rocks hurled at them.
Wait, hold on.
So what did Trump do to make Merkel cry because good god is that bad optics for Germany holy shit your fat frau of a "leader" crying at a summit of world leaders is fucking embarrassing
"CUM QUEER"? How does anyone take them seriously?
You shouldn't consider whatever this is to be a protest.
They do. A lot of them actually. You just never hear about it because (((Media))) either won't mention it, or mention the few biggest ones in combination with nazis and the good lefties who (((counter-protest))) those ebil racists. Also most rational people go to work or know that protests won't do much, so they don't do it often and in lesser numbers, while lefties get both paid for protests and have nothing better to do since they don't work.
Stop being a defeatist. Germany isn't too cucked to save as long as there is at least one legit german left alive.
He probably asked "So, how's the family. Oh wait."
What are they chanting?
they look like they walked out of some kind of Rammstein Clip.
fine, but only if you can learn how to use fucking grammar.
I followed the riots a bit here and there and it seems like some officers just enjoy themselves and punch antifa fags to their hearts content. Gives me hope tbh fam.
fuck right off faggot.
you poor cuckfaggots
you can't even respect culture, get the fuck out.
The terms you're looking for is "useful idiots". They're in no way allies.
fucking christ you can't make this shit up
man you must be one sad faggot.
learn your language or perish you dumb cunt.
Warsaw is the location of one of Europe's largest far-right rallies, with tens of thousands of extremists from throughout Europe gathering on 11 November every year to mark the country's independence day. Last year, 50,000 attending the rally, burning EU flags and chanting anti-Islam and anti-EU slogans.
shame their women race mix the most in UK and such.
Somebody wanted insurance monies.
yeah but they punch ALL the rioters right or left, football or other.
Well its 2 hours til sundown in Hamburg, do their rioters go apeshit after dark like America's?
Anti-facista and anti-capitalista I think. Some retarded italian bullshit from the 40s.
Certainly possible but seeing how german police and army saw a denazification similar to post WWII the last few years, it gives me hope that some are still letting out their hatred against these disgusting communist degenerates.
However, my argument only stands assuming the police doesnt necessarily have to punch rioters. From what I've seen so far they only throw a few punches in situations where they either already captured someone or during hectic situations. So just for the sake of it.
I hope I got my point across.
There will be a few arsonist attacks the following nights, that I'm sure of, but they won't go around like niggers looting walmarts or the german equivalent.
They just want to destroy property and attack the police and that they can do during daylight hours since they are masked and get away with it anyway. The police doesn't intent or even try to fully stop the riots anyway because it plays into the hands of the government.
antifa are paid rioters with no real goal other than do what the people paying say to do. they are an agitation wing operating outside politcal goals of their own
Washington appoints ex-NATO envoy Kurt Volker to handle Ukraine crisis
Well boys, germany is fucked. Far leftist cucks, and islamic terrorists, all marching in hamburg. Is germany even recoverable at this point ? Sad.
its gonna habben, we're going to fully ally with Russia
Yeah, as if police would ever dare to actually hurt upper-middle class kids LARPing as revolutionary communists. Violent crackdowns are reserved for plebs holding right wing demonstrations and rowdy football fans, not children of politicians.
There's another stream for today
Is Satan telling us there will be blood today?
This is a deal with the devil. He may have given us the news, but will it be the news we long to hear?
Russia, shame on you
Doesn't seem to be live at all it's just looping shit or am I just completely crazy?
Hey can some local user maybe add some acid to the water of these police water cannons?
Yeah, it's looping
I found another one
this one seems to be legit
Danke user!
Dennis the menace
Just use sewer water
Fucking cowards are picking on garbage receptacles again.
Nah. Hope still for Sweden.
Natsoc party NMR (NRM in english) attending this summers big political event on Gotland.
Some jews built a shoe scultpure because muh holocaust
@SoerenKohlhuber on Twitter is a shitty antifa (((journalist)))
Littering: It's cool if it's advancing our ridiculous political agenda.
A wiser man than me has expressed what I feel right fucking now.
No, user, it's (((art)))
Why is the guy dumping plastic recycling bins into the bonfire? He's not worried about noxious fumes from burning plastic?
And now they're fucking with some repairs
I hope the scaffolding collapses
WTF do you have to do to have the police stop you?
Some of the evil nazis started cleaning up the (((art))) but the police stopped them.
Notice the faces not blurred by the media. They always blur commies and immigrants.
Wouldn't that be racist? Germans are more scared of that word than of their own extermination.
Stupid question, but is shit still going on over there?
It's so pathetic, where is the needed violence
Yep more innocent trash cans have been assaulted and the faggots are scaling buildings now.
yes, antifags are still rioting and burning stuff, and the cops are slowly ramping up their shit.
I see more cops than yesterday too
My favourite dance.
The best thing that can happen is AntiFa attacking Putin… he will feed the commies their own intestines and skull fuck them until their souls throw up.
Is there any chance the cops are giving them a false sense of security to round them up? Hey a guy can dream right?
Maybe, I don't know how the German riot police does it's job.
Just another day in Hamburger
Is that a dying hawk I hear or is that leftist "music"
Fucking Ruptly cockteasers
https:/ /
This stream is better no looping.
Do these fags actually know how to riot like the niggers in the US? This is urban burning man for euro-niggers.
Uhm… This is Antifa and they did the same thing every time this happened.
Germany is beyond cucked.
When was the last time police presence had become THIS escalated in Germany?
faggots stuck between the anti-trashbins and the cops are getting #rekt.
Most of the cops don't even have shields. What a joke.
Good question. How normal is this krauts?
This is the same stream with better quality but shittier overlays
They are doing it all wrong. You must name, dox and attack a jew, not make Riots that destroy your city and people.
If nearly 200 officers have been injured already, how many fucking officers do they have out there total?
Frankfurt with the EZB protest.
Did it look like Baghdad? Because this shit looks like Baghdad.
They are scared as fuck, probably is not the anarchokids what scares them
You might as well have billions of officers, as long as they literally just stay there and watch, it doesn't matter.
Confused a bit lad? Even without getting paid they'd still do this for fun.
Well payed Antifags are nothing new, but its far more intense than usually. And unlike normal (((protests))) the common opinion of the cucked normies is less positive this time.
German journalist openly trying to get Antifa to chase down independent journalists, some of them got beaten up badly. No actual fascist got hurt though.
Yep it looked even worse.
Are you telling me there is a chance these faggot protestors will get snackbar'd?
Hamburg is a Den of Turkroaches.
With G20 covered by 19.000 agents?
Not in a million years, most peace delivers do their job with (((permission))) and our beloved leaders are too close
Back from work boys, been a good goy all day.
Whats the best sauce currently?
My beer is at the ready.
I guarantee that with all the cops out at the antifa riots there will be no less then 8 rapes and 13 assaults by mudslimes that could have been prevented had they been around.
kys, (((KIKE)))
This one
https //
is german (((news))) with hq live pictures.
RT is repeating shit.
https //
is some random yt livestream
Remember WTO in Seattle? Total cooperation between the city, feds and anti-whites. I can only imagine how bad it is in Germany.
Jesus fucking christ, the kikery of the welt is just unbearable.
Fuck these kikes.
no need to break links
Thanks fam
Dat punct doh
German detected
Been there at times and literally they have antifa flags up in small german University towns when nothing is going on.
This. Antifa literally has state and billionaire backing. You think they'd do what they do if they didn't? Literally controlled opposition and useful idiots never accomplishing a damn thing.
It's a continental yurofag thing, you wouldn't understand
How about we combine our autism and try to identify as many people as possible from these spergouts?
Doubt it would do much good. German authorities are too cucked to do anything about it.
… Damn even doxxing won't bring anything good. Why is Germany so fucked up again?
Saved and agreed.
They are the foot soldiers of the kike on every level. They view globalism as purely capitalistic, thus globalism is not communism, to them. Us here understand how retarded and wrong they are.
They stir shit up like this to satiate their petty egos, and feel like theyre fighting their enemy. In reality its just a controlled fire, set by the very people these antifa and other assorted anarcho-commie trash, are protesting.
This year DRUMPFLER is there, so hes their target, not Merkel or any of the other pozzed (((leaders)))
Even if they do a proper mass arrest operation I'm guessing they would have to release them all within a couple hours without any sort of consequences.
They're stealing from a supermarket now
Which is why the German police is generally unmotivated. Same with rapefugees.
Is it possible for the police to stage a coup?
How come I get the feeling a good ole fashioned Police Scanner Thread in Detroit or Chicago would be far more entertaining to observe than these anarcho-commie cucks.
Honestly its just disappointing to me. They just aren't revolutionary anymore, they don't really revolt against anything. Sure they smash up some stores and impede traffic, but that's the absolute most of what they'll do. No more taking over political buildings, no more barricades, its like the hyena traded places with the mosquito. I want them to actually be Bolsheviks they claim to be instead of weekend hooligans.
Well, it seems like shit is about to go down according to the police.
no comprendo
Antifas are protected as hell in germany. The Law and Police chiefs are practically slaves or (((supporters))) of politicians, who are mostly leftover communists from the DDR, and every police officer who doesn't follow orders correctly will simply lose his job and become a ebil policeman scapegoat in the media. They won't risk their job and social life just to stop a few cucks burning and destroying a bit of shit here and there. Also, pretty much everyone in German has insurance too, so everyone who has his property destroyed today won't lose out either. A lot of normalfags will even start to hate leftsits because they annoyed them and ask "why didn't the police do anything?" and potentially realize that policemen are shackled by police chiefs and politicians.
Also, if those policemen keep their jobs, they can ensure safety in actual important situations. I mean what would you rather have? German Policemen that lets antifa play cavemen but ensure the safety of actual lives in the neighbourhood, or a new officer in his place called mohammed?
It's the first time the Left has been anti-globalist since 2008. Good for them.
Absolutely disgusting
Where are the rapefugees to steal their phones and shit? Don't tell me Merkel gives them the latest iphone on entry?
what we're looking at may be something far better than we're realizing.
this is a massive horde of germans protesting globalism. it shows that germans are furious about the current state of their country, not accepting. they are however new to this and are currently only at nigger level of rioting where they have a general idea of what they want to tear down but they don't have a vision of what they want the future to look like. they are unorganised and the protest is mostly incoherent rage, there's no leadership or direction.
but they are germans and not niggers, they will organise and find a leader with a vision of a bright future. a leader that will show them who the real enemy is
You do know, that that is Antifa rioting and that they don't want "globalism" but Communism, which is essentially the same?
>implying the people rioting aren't the typical antifa/anarcho-commie faggots who always riot at these summits, like a controlled fire set by (((them)))
No this is BLM-Tier "protests"
Just german wannabe communists lighting shit on fire and beating people up.
Totally not suspicious.
N e w f a g s c a n ' t w i d e p o s t
communism has been presented to them as the go to ideology where power is taken away form greedy rich people and put in their hands. their desire is to bring down the establishment and seize control of their own country which is what the national socialists did.
but they currently lack direction and are waving communist flags because that's what misguided normies do.
also remember that they are protesting globalism and not protesting killing niggers
They're still not allies. They see us as no different than this idea of capitalists, they perceive as globalists. They are being used like the weak willed trash they really are. Fuck commies, PERIOD!
(((blue post is the true post)))
kek. Not a single Hamburg normalfag i talked to today who is not pissed. All of them think negatively about those cucks and videos of destruction are directly sent through whatsapp everywhere with angry messages without the media being able to stop it. I think the left might have given us the biggest this present and surprise this year. Looks like the golem is more out of control than (((they))) anticipated.
Newfaggots can't spoiler in spoiler
See what I mean?
Ideservethe ovens
yesyou do
On other news it looks like it's heating up a bit.
You get to say.
You two get in the fucking oven.
Yes the police is engaging the commies now.
that's the funny thing about how politics are looked at today. people think "nazism" is what communism actually is while they think communism is what national socialism actually is aside from race biology.
My double spoiler was flawless kiketron
Go play pong
Kikes have this impressive ability to make everything inverse, yet seem normal. This is why theyre so dangerous and need to be destroyed.
Now it's flawless
before it was just two spoilers next to each other.
Holy shit, that's a shitload of cops
Looks like they called out the Wolf Brigade lads
They're just letting a bunch of degenerates follow the swat team around. Walked by a huge group of cops and they didn't do shit. Wew.
Rooftop Korean snipers deployed finally?
Antifa is rioting. Commonplace, so I get it.
But for absolutely what purpose this time? Do they have any reason at all for looting stores and breaking shit?
Did some conservative speaker plan on giving a lecture at a college or something? The fuck gives?
one can only hope
also, if someone else wants to supply pix from the stream please do it, I'm on 3rd world internet (thanks Merkel!) and have to watch the stream in 360p
Are you literally retarded?
They're mad because Trump is at the G20, but more importantly, I think at this point, Soros just profits from funding chaos.
The only good Germans were the Prussians weren't they, and (((they))) killed them all.
they're drugged up degenerates, that's all you need to know
We've got guys with rifles taking rooftop overwatch positions. Shit is about to go down, hard.
All Soros shills deserve the bullet.
What's the significance of the different Roman numerals on their riot gear?
Holy shit, the way that thing just came out of the smoke just now was awesome.
It was 80's dystopia movie as fuck.
I mean, Germany in general is 80's dystopia as fuck right now.
Damn, this is just fucking sad. I don't think antifa have ever "won" a fight in any of the shit they've tried to pull in the USA. In fact, they're now basically nonexistent. I had forgotten they were even a thing.
But then you have all the my-little-commissars being good goyim for ZOG in germany. Apparently enough of them will come out of the woodwork to protest "Drumpf" but not to protest the fact that cities like Frankfurt have become minority-german.
Is western europe beyond saving? Is there any fighting spirit left there? Or will we have to throw the baby out with the bathwater and just let the eastern europeans lebensraum it instead?
Fuck off you retarded American
No one with an understanding of reason becomes Antifa in the first place.
Chip into the UK threads more often.
I like where this is going. Has a clear Cyberpunk vibe to it.
People don't seem to get that we really are living in a Cyberpunk dystopia, just with less of the fun stuff.
No one thinks anything in a racial way, only class struggle.
It should be race struggle first, but you know the consequences of americanization of europe after ww2 happened created this.
Jesus Christ get on with it already.
Erm, isnt this how the Ukranian Coup started…with Soros' snipers taking pot shots at Riot Cops and Demonstrators and everyone blaming the Police?
Yes but everybody hates these rioting commies here.
he wants to kick heads but the politicians would put him in jail
maybe this will put us closer to a Putsch
Then the snipers were taking out people on both sides for maximum effect.
Back to the >>>/cuckshed/
IMO we're entering the Cyberpunk era, we're not quite there yet, but I agree with the gist of what you're saying. Cyberpunk is very clearly the direction western societies are heading (yet curiosly I've never seen a "futurologist" articulate that fact).
which stream is best stream?
i get my screencaps from
https //
Don't worry guys, they came to protect our faps
this one has the German cops with the new Star Wars Imperium helmets and Austrian Kobra Special Forces showing off
Some neat images happenign right now
Thanks gents
Man, humans are garbage.
Man those trucks and uniforms are so sci-fi dystopian.
New Bladerunner film looks good
Music to support based german police!
and juden if you can uncuck yourselves
No shit, this is literally Blade Runner. Amazing.
Looks like the opening for Terminator.
1 or 2?
Fucking loving it actually. At this rate we will have empathy boxes this time next year.
Where from?
No, (((they))) are going for end game, (((they))) can sense a Final Solution is in the brewing.
First one, second one is what Israel should look like.
Come to think of it, the first one has similar light effects in some scenes as .
For example when Kyle thinks back of how a Terminator infiltrated their base and shot it up.
That's also what I thought of.
I dont feel like shit is happening currently.
Is the happening over for this evening?
We're a hivemind mate and nice trips.
Let me translate what the officer in the truck is saying via megaphone:
I believe you.
Prussians weren't Germanic. They were Baltic.
Venezuelans were here.
Looks like Lootmas came to Germany this year.
Mike S. King - The War Against Putin; What the Government-Media Complex Isn't Telling You About Russia
Its only two or three stores though.
Still all this Cyberpunk-cop shit is epic
My dystopia fetish is pleased.
Wait why are people running all of a sudden?
I hope Trump gets some ideas after looking at the riot gear germany deploys but sadly doesn't use
The original Prusen, sure, but what we know as Prussians are settlers from central Germany
With any luck we'll have more of this in 24 hours. G20 ends the 8th of July.
oh boy
One last set and I'm off to bed.
Jesus Christ Germany. That's not how you use a fucking firehose. It's the dead of summer, they don't care if they get wet. That shit should have enough pressure to tear faces off.
checked, keked and heiled
I agree hitler turn up the pressure to 55,000 gph
it's the friendly police shift now, they even got a women to plead with them :·)
I really can't understand what they are protesting. Europe's borders are effectively non-existent, the muslim population bomb is well underway and white Europe is almost certainly doomed in 20-30 years. Whites can't work, save money, have kids, not be raped, not be murdered, or really enjoy much of life at all anymore.
What else do these fucking faggot Antifucks want? The white genocide just isn't happening fast enough for them? Their generation is too used to immediate gratification I guess?
Well, at least in my poor shitty country I don't see anything like this. No mudslimes, no niggers, no retarded protests by communists. It's just that people here are trying hard to make a living from shitty factories, but it could be much worse. Thank you, first world countries, for brightening up my day a bit.
You can't call it protesting.
no idle minds, no idle hands, no infantile idiots vandalizing public spaces
it really makes you think..
The phrase about easy times and weak people really shows how true it is at moments like these.
This is awful math, even for a meme.
The source stats don't say who's in the top 1% … they say who makes > $100K a year, which is ~18% of the population.
No they use antifa as a scapegoat to say: see there are people who still fight against brutal capitalists. Rather than having a right wing fascist resurgence to put these kikes in place they prepare their own little controlled op. Antifa loves this because they get to pretend they do something and the elites love it because Antifa will never amount to anything.
why are they protesting? I really don't get it.
The antifa and other leftist rioting idiots have been at it for years and are they any closer to their goals? No. In fact, their presence seems to have accomplished the opposite. Now we have the EU a superstate stronger than ever so fuck the anarchist idiots and we have more wealth inequality and such than ever so fuck the commies and such and the commies will always betray the anarchists as history has shown so they'll take care of themselves anyway. They are propped up by statist and billionaire actors. It's impossible to be bigger useful idiots than antifa.
what faggot here didn't sympathize with Antifa at some-point in their life (hopefully when you were 14-16)
You have to red pill.
I sympathized with them in the early aughts when they were against globalism and wars for Isreal.
I'm now with the far right and national socialists because you're against globalism and wars for Isreal.
Funny how my geopoltics haven't changed, except for becoming aware of the JQ.
Pic related
Another comparison… even has the glowing in the sky O_o
after waiting eons
half life 3 confirmed
>kek. Not a single Hamburg normalfag i talked to today who is not pissed. All of them think negatively about those cucks and videos of destruction are directly sent through whatsapp everywhere with angry messages without the media being able to stop it. I think the left might have given us the biggest this present and surprise this year. Looks like the golem is more out of control than (((they))) anticipated.
Only works if the jew is named.
Anything else IS, quintessentially, more brother wars.
What is that music?
It's truly unfortunate. If they could just see a little bit farther afield, I'd be on their side.
Always hated these commie faggots.
You Americans forced us to take turkish guest workers and you caused the migrant crisis in the first place by starting wars in the middle East.
can I slip in? :3c *rawr* ~~~
*hugs you and nibbles on your ear*
*start gently growling*
Same here. Knew these people personally. The purge is in full effect by now, thank god.
Hast du wenigstens es geschafft ein paar von denen zum Beischlaf zu überreden?
guys dont click this if you dont want to break your nofap streak
is that a Holla Forums meme? Jesus fuck that's awful.
Nigga wut. we wuz Immanuel Kant n sheeiiit. git gud nigger.
The toilet brush is a meme protest object since one was once confiscated during unrest as a "dangerous object". Normies flooded the streets swinging toilet brushes in protest against the police.
We need a new thread lads.
I am not sure if they have recovered yet. Give them a break will you. :^)
why are they crying?
Teargas. Too fat for gasmasks so they're punished that way.
The so called security services are quite woke to what might happen..
I never sympathized with Antifa, even when I was pretty much a Socialist with 12 years.
These are Austrians but the qeustion where are these photos from?
is there a stream up ?