Trump to people of Poland: WE WILL DEFEND CIVILIZATION

>In Warsaw’s Krasinski Square, scene of a Polish uprising against the Nazis in 1944, he singled out both Islamist extremism as well as the “steady creep of government (((bureaucracy))).”
Deserved it's own bread. An epic speech.

Other urls found in this thread:

It was indeed an important speech. He talked about the will of the people . Belief in God, and the importance of families.

Merkel going to be pissed.


World War III would be close to a complete 180 on who is the good guys and bad guys. Gonna be weird.

He should leave Syria. Instead he's hammering Nazi's for the 1488th time to make German plebs feel even more guilty. Right, let's hold a patriotic speech in a country that doesn't matter and make the people of a country that actually matters even more brainwashed. It's 4D chess, goys.

Good speech so far. The comments are the cherry on top.

nu/pol/ is trash


ModernDay+0 is wild.

Seems the Polski PM's missus wasn't too impressed with Trump's visit to the "wall" and let him know in her own way, nice to see there's the odd one in Polskiland that doesn't fall for the jewish tricks.

Polite sage because a thread about the visit to Poland has already been made

You're the only one here objecting to his criticism of jewry


This is the closest he's gone to full 14/88 during one of his speeches, jesus christ.

Does anyone have a full transcript of his speech?

Filter and report, they ruined the other speech thread as hard as they could. This one is gold and they know it.

You could see the difference between clapistan and poland where people don't start clapping every 15 seconds. The poles were actually patiently waiting for the god emperor to finish his speech.


What a fine speech. Bless this president.

you had a good run Poland, to bad she fucked it all up for you

You know what country actually doesn't fucking matter in the modern day? Goymany.
Poland matters more than Germany right now.
Deal with it.

Liberation of germanistan imminent, they will be uncucked by 2024.

The jew with his eternal hate for the German never ceases or maybe you're some patriotard faggot who loves slopping up jewish filth.

Current anti globalization protests in Hamburg (or Homburg?)

It's just Hamburg. Not ever German city has a different name in English

We Poles are chantstant though kek.

Trump is chad af, but OP is a fucking dyke nigger faggot. Bump for trump, not OP.

The Polish could've been the good guys last time around if only retarded kike puppets haven't infiltrated the government and started kvetching about "muh honor" and "oy vey what will the world think".

Yes, I'm an American.
Fuck you.

I lived in Germany for 11 years. There is in fact a, "Homburg," and a, "Bad Homburg." People in U.S. can't pronounce German properly. It's okay though.

Yeah around 10 minutes the Poles couldn't stand not celebrating anymore and went high energy for the rest of the speech.

Jesus fucking Christ

You forgot to mention that he more than once both implied and openly called Russia the enemy of the western civilization.

I was pumped the entire day, the energy of being finally relevant caught up to me. jk Good crowd, nice confederate flags, all h'wite.

Replacing the current morass of kikes and muslim shitskins with a new morass of kikes from Florida and christian shitskins?

Poland is actively saying no to mudshit invasion.
That is more important than muh russia at the moment.

Tell that to Trump.

he said from the south (shitskins) AND from the east (russia)

Russia has a shit ton of shitskins and they're not willing to contain them "because muh integrity". Putin is butt buddies with the faggot who's got connections into that Russian school hostage crysis, what is Russia doing for the white race right now.

He listed people who don't accept that west's values, that's pretty much niggers and slimes. Then went on to say it's time to control the financial crimes (def yids), propaganda (can be both yids and russians) and cyber crime (prob/def russians) but he ends the note with calling Russia to rejoin the fold rather than saying we have to beat them back. I don't know, I'm getting mixed messages.

Your solution is for Putin to genocide millions of people that happened to live for centuries on the biggest country in the world that spans half the globe?

And where did you get that from "Russia isn't willing to contain its shitskins"? Letting them live in their ancestral but conquered land is one thing, but going out of your way to kiss some White Islamist faggots ass because its easier than war, in which Russias opposition has probably done more to inspire revolutionary tendencies than one that'd crush it would, is another.

Hence the oy veying we see in this thread.

Stay triggered, kike.

top kek, nothin personnel Ivan. Russia isn't bad per se but its not anti-ZOG either is what i'm trying to say.

Don't you mean Goymoney?

He was referring to China, not Russia.

Oy Vey, there's not such thing as money for goys. They only have loans.


He posted it on his twatter too.
The salt in the comments is absolutely delectable.

Is Trump finally going full 1488?

You retards are so stupid you will support anything if it's presented right.

What really happened is Trump condemned Russia and called them out for "destroying the western civilization".

tl;dr Trump proven to be a shabbos goy yet again.

It is the first speech he's given in a while where the crowd is 99% white and he mentions preserving our people. soon burger brothers, soon


Your reddit is showing.


Even a dumb nigger knows he was on about

President Donald Trump delivered a speech in Warsaw, Poland on July 6. Read the transcript below:

>It is a profound honor to stand in this city by this monument to the Warsaw uprising, and to address the Polish nation that so many generations have dreamed of, a Poland that is safe, strong and free.


Aren't Europoors always saying its US forces in Europe that keep them from saving themselves? Wasn't Trump saying we weren't going to keep having our soldiers fucking everywhere, at great expense to the US?

So, basically, European D&C: The Initiative? Eastern Europe vs Western Europe war soon fellow 'Nazis'.

>To the citizens of this great region, America is eager to expand our partnership with you. We welcome stronger ties of trade and commerce as you grow your economies. And we are committed to securing your access to alternate sources of energy, so Poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to a single supplier of energy.
Sooooo, you mean Russia?

Germanic good goyim telling Poland how BASED they are… Nice.

My take on the speech is different, user. I'm listening to the speech right now. It isn't quite as strongly bellicose as I was expecting, but it is bellicose enough against Russia. With that said, it seems like this is chiefly a grandiloquent love letter to Poland per se. Perhaps this can be construed and more importantly utilized as a means to actively resist EU mandate to accept invasion by non-Whites.

But Poland wants to have its cake and eat it too. It wants the ECB sugar, the massive military support to array against Russia, and then somehow not participate in the rest of ZOG's program. (Just got to the part about 'we will accept people who share our values'… Is there even any civic nationalist cucks in Poland?) (Also just got to the part: Trump attacks Russia specifically for supporting 'the hostile Syrian Regime')

Let's see how the meeting with Putin goes. A public fellatio to Poland doesn't matter all that much.

No user, I think you just found the only smart nigger on earth.

I hate his, but you are right.

I like how all the shills are forgetting we got proof Russia stole Hillary's fucking emails, hence why Trump is now saying they had a hand in the election.

No, stop calling everyone a Jew. The speech was not terrible and had good hues. But overall it is a giant BJ to Poland, who does not deserve it. And it was quite adversarial to Russia.

Gucifer is Russian government?

Unfortunately this.

But know that Russia is garbage, this much is true. Proofs? The proofs is Russia has anti-hate speech and racism laws and already jailed countless. Tons of shitskin and mudslime worshiping by Putin because he is a limp wrist faggotry manlet pretending he is great. Russia constantly pushes pozz onto the West with his active measures.

But that Israel part of Trump's speech, fuck that.

Let's make it clear that for now nobody is chair to white civilisation except Poland and Hungary themselves.


>The triumph of the Polish spirit over centuries of hardship gives us all hope for a future in which good conquers evil and peace achieves victory over war.

>For Americans, Poland has been a symbol of hope since the beginning of our nation. Polish heroes and American patriots fought side by side in our War of Independence and in many wars that followed. Our soldiers still serve together today in Afghanistan and Iraq, combating the enemies of all civilization.
That is perhaps the most Jewish line I've heard thus far. The mudslimes in Afghanistan and Iraq are the 'enemies of all civilization'?
That's practically Israeli propaganda ffs…

>For America's part, we have never given up on freedom and independence as the right and destiny of the Polish people. And we never, ever will.
Except when we totally did after World War II and handed Poland over to the Soviets, right Don?

>It's a fellowship that exists only among people who have fought and bled and died for freedom.

"Kościuszko argued that the peasants and Jews should receive full citizenship status, as this would motivate them to help defend Poland in the event of war."

And so, I am here today not just to visit an old ally, but to hold it up as an example for others who seek freedom and who wish to summon the courage and the will to defend our civilization.
Against whom?

>Under a double occupation, the Polish people endured evils beyond description: the Katyn Forest Massacre, the occupation, the Holocaust, the Warsaw Ghetto and the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, the destruction of this beautiful capital city, and the deaths of nearly one in five Polish people.

A vibrant Jewish population, the largest in Europe, was reduced to almost nothing after the Nazis systematically murdered millions of Poland's Jewish citizens, along with countless others during that brutal occupation.


Were you really not there for when we figured out some of those emails in Wikileaks and shit could have only come from Russia stealing it from Hillary's private server?

What are you "Hmmm"ing about?
Yeah, the Germans who you occupy after WW2, not who's soldiers you station there for protection.
Can't wait.

What great spirit.

>This monument reminds us that more than 150,000 Poles died during that desperate struggle to overthrow oppression.
Jesus Christ dude, could you be more Jewish?

>They watched as the Nazis ruthlessly destroyed the city, viciously murdering men, women and children.
Seems legit.

Whoa whoa whoa - stop.
How did four decades of Gommunist rule come about, Don?
OH! The US - alongside the other 'Allies' - betrayed Poland and left them to the Soviets!
How nice of you to avoid mentioning that whilst decrying the Nazis!

Fucking Putin shills. If Putin is our one true savior, then why does he insist on spilling white blood in Ukraine and Georgia??

The reason why is because he's not interested in anything but self-preservation and greed. Everything, especially his courting the Orthodox Church and reviving nationalism, is all a play to keep the Russian people in line and not questioning him and his little ring of (((oligarchs))). The reason he's in Syria isn't because he thinks Assad is perfect natsoc ruler or whatever you believe, it's because he wants more military bases for Russia and an alliance with the Syrian government is an easy way to do that. Giving his military real world experience by killing Hadjis is a nice perk, as well.

Remember, this guy is Ex-KGB. He comes from the highest echelons of the (((Bolshevik))) ruling class.

And need I not mention banning holohoax exposure.

Don't forget Czech and Ukraine too. Those guys are bros.

Stay mad, Igor.


He made an implicit jab at Nazi Germany while giving a Hitler-tier speech about how Western civilization will triumph and "our people" will thrive while talking to an Aryan crowd. If you still don't see what he really is then I don't know what to tell you, besides call you a kike

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

I'm asking you again, is Gucifer in the service of the Russian government?

There is no such thing as an ex KGB man, silly guy.
>He comes from the highest echelons of the (((Bolshevik))) ruling class
Is that why he destroyed their businesses and threw them all in jail all those years ago?

Are you serious the speech was about ackbar faggots invading and poles standing strong with Will and God. The "we" used was for Europeans the speech was incredibly Eurocentric and these Jewish faggots keep trying to push it as an antagonizing message. Believe it or not you stupid fucks, polands history with the holohoax is much closer than the US' and the ally fellating has to be done in order to maximize the impact of trumps NATIONALIST message.

That the US sold them into.

>Your oppressors tried to break you, but Poland could not be broken.

>A million Polish people did not ask for wealth. They did not ask for privilege.
Jesus Christ dude what is this Jewish trash?

>They found new courage to face down their oppressors. And they found the words to declare that Poland would be Poland once again.
Oy vey goy, dat oppression.

>You stood in solidarity against oppression, against a lawless secret police, against a cruel and wicked system that impoverished your cities and your souls, and you won. Poland prevailed. Poland will always prevail.

(which the US sold you into)

Fuck's sake…


Try as they may, they can't put patriotism in the same category as eugenics and make it crimethink.
The reason they can't do this is because (((their))) favorite leaders were nationalist and patriotic. Castro, Chavez, Stalin, Guevara… All huge nationalist patriots. We need to start correcting people who say Trump is a fascist because he's a nationalist. Nationalism and patriotism is just as much a tool of the left as it is of the right.


Who, Trump?
Who indeed?

>TRUMP: We are confronted by another oppressive ideology, one that seeks to export terrorism and extremism all around the globe.
Oh, of course, Muslims - NOT the Jews who bring them. NOT the Jews ever.

No you aren't. Its your only justification for more Jewish wars in the Middle East.

>While we will always welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism of any kind.
And the good goyim eat it right up.

>TRUMP: We are fighting hard against radical Islamic terrorism. And we will prevail.
Of course we will Don! We've got so much chutzpah!

>We cannot accept those who reject our values and who use hatred to justify violence against the innocent.
Its always the same… Hatred, fear or ignorance. The Jewish narrative.

Wow you sure are booty blasted

Cz rep is pretty good but Ukraine is even more shit and kiked than under Yanukovich, faggot parades and LGBT acceptance are now being pushed by the government along with other leftist pro-EU agendas

Yeah, that part was pretty bad
Its like he wants to ignore the leftist commies in the west along with the Gulf Arab Wahhabis/Salafists as the actual problem

'The West' doesn't exist.

>We urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities in Ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes, including Syria and Iran, and to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself.
Oy vey Putin, stop opposing Greater Israel!

Yet we have none.

Blah blah blah.

>But just as our adversaries and enemies of the past learned here in Poland, we know that these forces, too, are doomed to fail if we want them to fail. And we do indeed want them to fail.
You heard it here folks - Trump will destroy Nazism, and Islam, wherever he finds it.
To defend civilization.

Praise Israel! We will never forget!

The (((community of nations))). The community of the goyim.

And we welcome pajeets, arabs and mestizos who just want to touch that magic dirt.
We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success.
>And we debate everything.
>We challenge everything.
>We seek to know everything, so that we can better know ourselves.
Does anyone have that vid wherein the Jew describes why Jews are hated, which basically matches this sentiment?




As long as they keep selling their oil in dollars, they're the solution.

Look dude, I'm seeing the bigger picture. The speech had multiple voices and part of it is quite good. But if you're calling me a cuck or Russian for not fawning over the over the top praise to the Polish Partisans (ie illegal combatants) and ultra WE WUZ HOLOCAUSTED TOO anecdotes then there's not much I can say.

Sure the parts about 'strong families' and 'our values' are great to us. But what do these mean? Strong families of faggots 'adopting' children given up by THOTS? The values of the St. Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. the Magnificent? Perhaps you are applying your own (right) understanding of the words in the speech while ignoring that until proven otherwise 'our values' is just a euphemism for ZOG.

Ok tell you what, user, let's just see. In my view, you are trying to see the speech from the angle of your choice. I will agree with you that there was a voice or hand within the speech that is /ourguy/ish. But it was mostly a Polish love letter, more sad violins, and a spitting in the face of the current Russia. So let's see if you are right: President Trump meets with Putin tomorrow.

He would've chosen a more appropriate place to say those if you were correct, don't you think Hans.

Race traitor cuck willing to sell out whites for money, pic related

If the US wanted to it has the capability to be self sufficient for energy

as long as*

*Aryans (sorry for the typo)

Good goyim.

>TRUMP: As long as we know our history, we will know how to build our future.
Yet the Poles have clearly forgotten their history entirely, the knife wound in their back not even healed fully yet.

So why did Americans sell Poland to the Soviets?

Which it should be noted: Poland has not.

If not for what? The most powerful member of NATO, and one of only two parties who contribute their required share, threatening to pull out and leave them to the Russians?
Wow, what a surprise.

Greeeeeeeeeat. Sabre rattling as we continue to fall into a demographic collapse. What could go wrong?

No shit. Where's that wall nigger?

But we have to keep our borders open to those who want to share our ideals, right Trump? You said it like 2 minutes ago.


But they didn't!

And on the will of superpowers to hand over smaller nations that they used as bait to lure Germany into a war.

Clearly no.
Absolutely not - unless its obvious Muslims trying to get in. Jews? Mestizos? Non-Muslim Arabs? BRING EM IT! MAGIC DIRT!

You're not even trying to hide it.

You mean the Jews? Hah, of course you don't.
And why don't we have strong families and values anymore Donny? Why?
Due to whom? (((You'll probably blame bureaucracy and mudslimes.)))



Those ebul nahtzees.

Seems legit.

>The enemy never ceased its relentless assault on that small outpost of civilization.

"The name of the street comes from a small village erected in 1774 by prince and marshal August Sułkowski for the Jewish settlers in Mazovia…After World War II the communist authorities demolished the remaining buildings, and the northern side of the street is currently dominated by the gigantic Palace of Culture and Science and the Warszawa Centralna railway station."

What source are you using, user? All the Poles I know never forget to wave around the 'we hit our GDP goals' flag. Are you deducting ECB inflows?

Lay down your lives for Jerusalem, goyim.

The Poles obviously don't have the best memory.

Sorry I fugged up the last post by quoting the wrong post. What source are you using, user? All the Poles I know never forget to wave around the 'we hit our GDP goals' flag. Are you deducting ECB inflows?

Is there a single more autistic topic on Holla Forums other than Polish threads?

Quick perusal of most sources shows Poland sub 2.0% GDP - though, I'll grant, not by much.

Pro-Russian threads and Smiley's "Esoteric threads".

This board is shit and you're a prime contributor.

You were so autistically outraged you went through it all with miniscule commentary, the majority of which was "hahahaha" go eat a gun you stupid faggot

Kek. Its like you think autism is a bad thing, despite it having been proven to be evolutionarily fitness-positive.
Sorry m80, but you're the normalfag now.

Stay kosher.

Oh wow, it really is autistic.

I wasn't endorsing the policy. I'm pointing out how Trump sees it.
The petrodollar has nothing to do with the oil reserves of the US. It has to do with Gulf Arab nations selling their oil exclusively in US dollars, requiring third party nations to own and hold dollars to buy oil.

Stay kosher, normalfag. ;^)


Checked for you normalfag shills are shit at bantz and sharing the same discord.

Stay kosher baby!

Don't get me wrong, we are not at the point where the US President can start dropping red pills on WWII and he certainly would not do it in the center of Poland. But that's my point: If Anons interpret this as a clarion call to defend the territorial and, critically, the ethnic integrity of European countries, they are more optimistic than I am. Trump might have even sort of meant this, but that's besides the point. We've heard a lot of great rhetoric from him, only then to have things completely reset. We are on the verge of another strike on Syria after the April 6th bombing and the at least four subsequent attacks on the Syrian military. Moreover, participation in the Three Seas Initiative is a direct challenge to Russia and a hostile measure.

Summary: We knew ahead of time what kind of message was intended with this visit. I just don't share the opinion of other Anons that this is somehow going to change the non-White invasion of Europe. I hope that I'm proven wrong.


I will, shimon, never you worry. Filtered and reported.

You're trying to reason with people into a cult of personality.
You have already lost.

Now whose buttmad, normalfaggot? ;^)

It is. Stay kosher.

I'm not reasoning with them - I'm pointing at them and laughing while they kvetch and groan because they know everything I said was pretty on point.

Nah. See:

You hit the nail on the head though:
He's good at playing the slaves. That's probably why he was selected.

Guess that means you weren't.

Thanks user. Come to think of it, I did see a stat somewhere that was 1.9%. I guess everyone is letting Poland claim victory when they were close, but in fact short of the 2.0% goal.

The petrodollar could still be maintained without the Gulf Arab states but it would requite a shift in US geopolitics and its hard to argue that the Saudis/Wahhabis are not extremely cancerous to Western society

If the US was smart it would be investing in Iraqi oil industries right now, Iraq is at record levels of production, willing to deal in USD and doesn't pose a significant threat to the US, Russian, Iranian and Algerian crude could also compensate for the loss of Saudi crude and are what i would consider to be the lesser evil in comparison

Eh, further perusal shows they were kind of back and forth - something like 1.7% to 2.1%.

Not that I really care to be honest, its just rather disingenuous to be cupping their balls like that when they've clearly espoused the same things he was indirectly chiding other nations for, if to a lesser degree.
Remember when Trump was saying we should maybe pull out of NATO, instead of sucking NATO's dick at every turn? Yeah, me too… Those were fun times.

That was a really powerful way to end the speech. I loved it.

Don't be so tunsundre Russia kun I-I D-didn't mean it with the Russia comment ! ~

I don't think anyone is saying this speech alone is meant to reverse anything, we're drumming the guy and because happening, and in turn hype, is our main thing if it isn't shit flinging at eachother.
You're right though.

Have you met an autistic person?


You can't go 1488 AND welcome the Third World 'so long as they share our values and love our people'.

Have you?
You have now - or so it has been claimed.

My sides just passed Voyager.

It's a spectrum though. Sometimes you evolve too much kek.

You are mentally ill.


Exactly. Overt specialization can be exceedingly useful in some environs - not so much in others - and every trait functions on a spectrum.

Protip: If you're posting on a chan, you're almost-certainly somewhere on the spectrum. And the more you deny it, the more likely it is that you're further up the spectrum toward 8a2e13's image than you think (or at least, would like to admit).

Explain. This should be good.
Does Poland have an ethnic restriction on citizenship?
I know the US used to, but does not anymore.

Sooooo, what the fuck are you trying to say here?

I support depopulation of the human race, and this kind pisses me off too. At least make it so that this stuff, especially the importance of families, shouldn't apply to nonwhites.

Exactly. It's nignog behavior to boast an accomplishment that is dubious or contested. It is Poland we are talking about, we must remember.

As an observation, correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't hear a single reference to Poland pre-1919 (except to say that Poland is 1,000 years old.) If the speech writers weren't retarded cucks and Jews, Trump could have focused on King Jan Sobieski, who really did save Vienna in 1681 (September 11-12 no less). That would have been infinitely better than 'muh Jerusalem Street, muh poor poor Polish Home Army [terrorists]' in driving home what, precisely, Trump's nice words really meant. That is to say, 'our values' unequivically mean Poland for Poles, Germany for Germany, France for French.' We didn't get that. As user points out, , Trump at least gave lip service to literal civic Honda nationalism.

Regarding NATO…Yup, I remember when Trump was against NATO, the army of ZOG. Those were the good days. (Gents, are we being raiding by T_D faggots? There are either Polish nationalists in this thread of cucked chan refugees.)


The current law is the Polish Citizenship Act of 2 April 2009, which was published on 14 February 2012, and became law in its entirety on 15 August 2012.

According to this act, a foreigner may acquire Polish citizenship in the following ways:

By granting. This category allows the President of Poland to grant Polish citizenship to any foreigner who asks for it.
By recognition. A foreigner is recognized as Polish, if they ask for it, know the Polish language, are not a security risk, and meet one of the following criteria:
Lived in Poland for the last 3 years as a permanent resident, and have a stable and regular source of income, and own or rent an apartment or house.
Lived in Poland, legally, for the last 10 years, and currently have a permanent resident status, and have a stable and regular source of income, and own or rent an apartment or house.
Lived in Poland for the last 2 years as a permanent resident, and have been married to a Polish citizen for the last 3 years.
Lived in Poland for the last 2 years as a permanent resident, and are stateless.
Lived in Poland for the last 2 years as a refugee.
Lived in Poland for the last 2 years as a repatriate.
By restoration. Applies to people who lost Polish citizenship before 1 January 1999.

So, yeah, Third World. Of course, its irrelevant even if that were the case, because Trump was talking about 'We', and the US has no ethnic restriction, so it'd be irrelevant anyway.

He mentioned Copernicus and Chopin. But other than that, not much.

No, no, kike. You explain how he magically meant the third world.

Well, the primary benefit is that everyone using the dollar for oil trade means the US can buy raw materials and finished goods from around the world for what is essentially worthless paper. Already you have Russia, Iran, likely Qatar soon, selling their oil in yuan. You wouldn't get the same amplified benefits if countries only needed dollars when buying energy from the US itself.


I just did you stupid Jew.

OK thanks. I will review it to be sure. Even a quick mention of Copernicus and Chopin is sort of pointless. How much of his speech was on the (terroristic) Polish Home Army and Warsaw Uprising? It seems like he spent nearly 1/3rd of his speech on it. (Pic related is what """WESTERN VALUES""" mean to most nowadays.)

wew lads did we meme a literal autist? Knock knock dummy, then you'll end up like the Neanderthals who were smarter than us but too socially autistic to form complex social groups and progress like we did.

Who still isn't against NATO.

Well, knowing Trump, its not hard to see why he focused on what he did.

Haha, stay kosher normalfag.
You aren't actually normal though. Climb that spectrum baby. ;^)

user, have you been paying attention to the shift in Trump Administration policy towards NATO? Do you remember when VP Pence snuck off to a NATO conference amid the Flynn situation at completely contradicted President Trump? And then Trump finally acquiesced and pledged full support for NATO, even continuing the deployments to the border of Russia? Did you not listen to the speech that Trump just delivered?

Y-you too.

Yes and I was among the first to sperg out about it but I meant Holla Forumsacks, your T_D comment in partnership with makes it sounds like anyone is shilling for them.

It's been fun so far

I just hope Poland knows Trump is about to jew them against Russia and Germany.

niggers i need some fucking hope, okay? cant go around talking shit about russian 50% muslim problem, ukraine soros/usa backed nazis, eurabia, trump marrying 100% of his children to jews and licking the magic hebrew wall etc
literally zero hope

poland, and east-central europe are at least /ourguys/ for real, right?

“I came, I saw, God conquered.”

Henryk Sienkiewicz, The Deluge (Kuniczak translation), pp. 815-816

Add one to your collection for this speech. From the jews themselves …

Bashar Al Assad sitting in a room being photo'd by one dude , probably a body guard in the room too , early evening probably in Damascus and he's looking out at his city through a double glass door.

>my feet hurt

Hah, no.
I must admit some degree of interest in the next genocide narrative though - but who could it be? Certainly not the Jews again…

They didn't figure it out after the first time, why not use it again? The Poles are good bait.
And hell, repetition works - its working with the Americans.

How new are you?

Kosher sandwich. Play both slices.

You think this was typed in jest?

Where did WW3 go.

The audacity of these kikes. The Jews sidestep Polish victims more than anyone else. Hell, they sidestep all victims period and make it only about themselves.

Fuck off already, kike shill. Filtering all 24+ of your posts ITT.

Who do you think he means when he says?
Instead of stopping all Muslim/turd world immigration he only wants to stop the "terrorists" while allowing "good Muslims" through

Not really. There was some reelections and that shit stopped. Plus, Azov was pledging to kill every faggot and race-traitor they see.

Well, I'm a Nationalist not a patriot.

Patriotism: From the spic "patri" meaning father.
< think of the word fatherland

Nationalism: From the spic "nati" meaning birth.
< think of a beaner or a Mediterranean being born in the US

No, I think you're just rather dim, and actually believe it. Kikes were never gassed - and they're not going to start anytime soon by the look of things.

Muslims might though… Or at least, they'll be put in camps or something, and after the fact one side of the war will make it look like the other side was killing them.

My guess would be its shaping up that the Russians/Eastern Europeans pull ahead, and then are pushed back by Western intervention, maybe with Chinese assistance, with the latter claiming to have found 'Muslim death camps' wherein the Muzzies were gassed or raped or some other horrible shit at the hands of the ebul Russians.

To be fair, realistically, Trump followed suit - he completely avoided mention of the whole 'yeah the Allies said they'd defend you but then just gave you to Stalin instead' aspect of the end of the last World War.

Checked for filtering is concession.

Bingo. He basically said as much outright in that last bit.
I mean, who the fuck is trying to enter Poland to become a citizen? Who is trying to enter the US to become a citizen?
By the numbers? Its Third World muds, not upstanding White folk.

And this shit:
This shit is Jewish.
Jewish as fuuuuuuuuuck.
This is that American CivNat prospect-nation bullshit which derives DIRECTLY from Jewish sources, and no other.

The Founders didn't have some shit like that, they explicitly said "free Whites of upstanding character", because those are the only people who CAN and actually DO share our values and love our people. The rest are just pathogenic hominids.

Is this >>>/tumblr/

That's nice, me too, but that wasn't the context of discussion.

It's nice to know we Nationalists are growing on Holla Forums, though some are saying that if it keeps up, then Holla Forums will go back to be half spic.

Problem is, I'm an Ethno-/Racial-Nationalist, so I actually don't agree with you at all, and your commentary was still retardedly out of context for the discussion.

You have to go back… But, you probably won't, until we start killing each other, which I'm also fine with frankly.

Nigger what?
They had a fucking gay parade 3 weeks ago
Meaningless rhetoric, remind me when something actually happens

So, a patriot?
< from the spic word "patri" meaning father (fatherland)

Nah, a Patriot is not a Nationalist, which I am.
You're a Civic Nationalist.
I'm an Ethno-/Racial-Nationalist.
A Patriot is neither of those, assuming they are not also a Nationalist, which they rarely are.

Of course, now you're arguing like a Jew.

I'm a Nationalist.

From the spic "nati", meaning birth.
United States is very Nationalist because (as per the definition), you belong to the nation you are " nati" (born).

americans cant know nationalism, because they are american
you dont have the ethnic traits you can see in only your people, you dont have that sense of belonging, there is not even your own language, let alone history or culture

america is the pinnacle of globalism


Reported. Try harder.


You are a Civic Nationalist, yes. You define the nation on a civic metric.

I am an Ethno-/Racial-Nationalist, yes. I define the nation on an ethnic/racial metric.

And semantic arguments remain amongst the most Jewish of arguments, yes. They are purposeful deconstruction of terminology for the purpose of muddying the waters of discussion.

The United States is not a nation of any meaning via my metric - the people of America, 'The American People', who are a European-derived population who were 90% of the population of the United States for ~85-90% of the state's existence.
A Patriot loves his country.
A Civic Nationalist loves his country, believing it a nation.
An Ethno-/Racial-Nationalist loves his people, for a nation is a thing of blood or not a nation at all, and does not love a state.

And as 'nati' derives from birth, it clearly better fits my definition than yours - if an Nigerian is born in Mexico, does that make him a citizen of the Mexican nation? Hardly.
He is still a citizen of the African/Nigerian nation, into which he was born by blood - the geographic location of his spilling from betwixt the dusky thighs of his mother, his father no-doubt nowhere in sight, is irrelevant… By my view of things, at least.

And you'll still have to go back - at the point of a rifle, or otherwise.

==K E K>>10209655


wew lad

jebać czarnuchów

I'm guessing the "Trump is a Zionist" shills are going to be working overtime for a few weeks.

You know, men aren't supposed to shake hands with women in Poland. These are our customs.

Poles do not care about Syria at all. Ukraine is a far more important matter for us and Russia still has our airplane and won't hand it out. Of course we will hate Russia for everything it represents and does.

What am I even doing with my time here…
Anyways, I hope Trump will help us in times of war. Be it Eurocucks, Goatfuckers or tracksuit-wearing-Drug-Addicts.
Also Poland was always on the good side. On the side of itself, trying to push for its own interests… and also sadly wrongly relying on its allies… (Western betrayal, if you don't know what I'm talking about)

Wew lads if a crusade gets announced I'm fucking signing up.

West is already broken.

Broken from within. Not via invaders.

There is only delaying the inevitable.

yeah sure just dont try to replace everything with mc donalds and dildo parades
the whole reason eastern europe is great is because americans had no presence in it in the last 100 years

americans are the ultimate weapon of the jew, where ever you have americans, real culture disappears, and you have nato thugs protecting the dildo parades

M8, I doubt that'll happen. Doesn't appear that Trump wants to turn Poland into the 51st state of the US, it just seems like he wants Poland to be able to defend itself as Poland, and is willing to provide support against the EU.

american influence must be stopped
american influence ruined the west
american influence must be expelled from the east

interaction with americans should be in raw materials only, all american persons should be shot on sight
t. actual eastern european, brazil 2.0 can fuck off trying to brazilianize us too


brussels receives orders from washington

we must build a wall

Uhm, no. Russia is far more destructive.
Just look at the economy. If Russia happens to you, your economy gets set back over 40 years.

Americans are our allies, they might even be our closest powerful allies. At least until we will be able to stand on our own feet again, as we used to do in our golden era.

Americans aren't the problem. Communists are. Actually, you know what, the Globalists are the same as Communists, so stop spreading bullshit that the US is causing all of this. Next thing you will claim that the US invented Communism.

Brussels receives orders from israel


us is the new world communism, its easier to start a business in china than in usa
usa, world's largest gulag state, with its tri letter alphabet org commissars, spying on everything, bloated bureocracy, cant even launch things in space anymore
united states, the no.1 peon of israel, should not have anything to do with eastern europe

united states should already unite with brazil and they can speak spanish happily ever after, not prance around and push their dildo culture in eastern europe

the whole fucking reason eastern europe isnt marxist liberal leftist degenerate shithole is because it had no USA presence

Uhm… We had to deal with Russians? If you really think that was better in any way or form, while the West was striving, then go ahead think that. But that would be stupid.

And btw, Communism originated in Germany, so is Germany now also part of it?

Why so Anti-American?

We truly are living in the best timeline.


Wew, lots of sperging going on in this thread, but why? Trump blew his usual civnat-lite dogwhistle, do any of these sub-nigger IQ morons actually think he's secretly an ethno-racialist? Our perspective before the election was that he's a stepping block, a wedge in the door to buy America some time to spread racial awareness and maybe slow the march of mud people past our borders.

To my fellow burgers: stop deluding yourself into thinking this guy is our savior. Only weaklings look for saviors. To the eurobros: yeah we get it America fucked you over in the past, but to be fair, you spent most of your history slaughtering each other anyway, so don't pretend european lives are suddenly sacred to you.

50% of their army are filthy fucking muslims that have no mental capacity to fight, muslims are retards that cant think critically because of their retarded quran and were never a problem to the eastern europeans
thanks to america, none of the western europeans are allowed to rearm, they are toothless babies and are no threat or concern to us
america is the ultimate source of total absolute degeneracy, with nothing to offer to eastern europe
everyone caught speaking american out loud in public should be shot

americans should just send us the hardware, steel and nothing else, not even their jew controlled money, but just pure raw material, not even electronics from nsa with software from india, but just pure fucking iron and copper

america can go to habla espanol speaking hell together with the rest of mutliculti degenerate world, american influence in pure, destilled, unmatured fucking cancer
be useful and invade russians, from alaska, and fuck off out of our territories

trump, franz ferdinand, merkel, they should all be shot on sight, all foreign scum and every single one of their politicians, and their corpse left to rot in public sight

Because they attacked him?

Because there was a putsch ousting the democratically elected president, financed by the (((west))) with the goal of taking over the quite important military harbor that Russia has in Crimea (a region that belonged to Russia until some drunk Soviet gave it to the Ukraine and is still mostly inhabited by ethnic Russians).

And as a little bonus: Joe Bidens son Robert is now a top dog in the Ukrainian gas and oil field.

Pick one, motherfucker. Brazil is as diverse as Commiefornia. It still has functional whites fighting to keep it in one piece, specially in the southern states.


His sole purpose was to slap the eu around like the bunch of cucks they are, isn't it?
I can't wait for the war.

Wait… Are you an angry Mexican?

Come on now, that's clearly bullshit. Half or more of Russian history was spent suffering under and dealing with Muslims. Racially they were Mongols (Golden Horde etc.) instead of Arabs, but Muslims nonetheless.

This. Southern Brazil has more whites than Texas and California combined. Most have no idea what mongrelized hellholes the southern US states are.

why beat around the bush?
pic related is what americanism brings
pic related is american culture and american values in action
pic related is all usa has to offer to eastern europe

our women go to church
they want to push feminism worldwide
our politicians have war scars
their politicians are draft dodgers, trump former fucking democrat, jewish showman puppet
our citizens proudly serve in the national army
their patriots fight their own government
our politicians are ran out of parliament at bayonet for treason
their politicians drone their citizenry down if they object to defending israel

im telling you people, if you are eastern european, you need to run the americans out tooth and claw

this is related to my americanism post, the end result of americanism
eastern europe clearly doesnt need this shit

Once Central Europe is strong enough to withstand possible Russian attacks, then there is nothing speaking against that.

This isn't the case though, which means that the US is a very important ally for us to prevent the Russians from invading us again.

This is a great speech and a wonderful message. I feel happy for the Poles. As a Croat I'm aware of all the horrible things they've been through, and I know they deserve some recognition.

Hopefully this leads to further uncuckening of Europe as a whole.

holy shit picture upload yourself

You know, it's actually a good thing he brought up the "nazis" because the first step to being able to redpill a nation is not making them afraid of the word "nazi". CNN and liberals did it for us in America, and now it's time to do it elsewhere.

In Poland we aren't using the term "Nazis" so much… We are using "Germans". And Soviets.

russia has smaller gdp than italy
fuck off
move to dildoland yourself, dont bring the dinduland here

Really? That's interesting. Is there any signs of people realizing Hitler may have been right, or is there still too many jews?

Misleading. In good old maskirovka tradition, Ruskies never tell the truth regarding statistics. We just don't know, but one thing is for sure - as a country, they are infinitely more tough than my macaroni-eating friends.

This is Poland we are talking about and I am also Polish.
Of course we won't forgive the Germans nor the Russians for what they did. Genocide on our people.
So of course nobody will say that Hitler was right, because he mostly wasn't.
But there is more hostility against arrogant jews, who are screaming holocaust all the time. It was fucking genocide and we do not care about jews dying. We care about our own people dying.

american influence is patient zero of all western degeneracy
we need to return trump back to israel

we are literally untouched by all this bullshit, and now ofcoure america is going to bring it all in, with tanks no less
USA lost to fucking goat farmers, rice farmers, never won a war outside call of duty, killed less nazis than MONTE FUCKING NEGRO, their whole military budged it selfare program
anyone from eastern europe here?????? anyone heard of ptsd???????????? 99% of their troops never saw combat, 99% of out troops saw combat

fucking hell im personally skinning the next western politician alive that comes here
turn your own nation into israel plantation harder but leave us out of it

Oh and something I forgot to add…
We, Poles, saved their jewish asses so many times. But instead of repaying us our hospitality in WW2, they abandoned us with the Commies and today are trying to push the narrative that we participated in the killing of jews.
This is also another reason for a more "hostile" approach towards jews. Although can't really say hostile… But distrustful.

But don't the Poles have deep roots in Judiasm?

compare polish foreign aid to israel to american foreign aid to israel
all answers lie there
go die in diabetes american pls
back to dem projects, 1/8 tyrone

Why should we? We are deeply Christian. Catholic to be specific and we were always acting independent to a certain extent from the Vatican. This is why Copernicus wasn't witch-hunted for saying that the Church's theories of the world are false.
You could say, we have our own religion.



I think it was kind of implied. He kept saying "you know what I mean" when referring to the threats against the west. Of course, it's a vague statement that's open to interpretation, but I feel like the invasion and population burden of the browns is part of that meaning.

wew, got a bee in your bonnet lad?

Hitler did nothing wrong.

That's pretty encouraging to hear. I do worry when I hear "catholic" though after how cucked the Pope is, but if you guys are your own branch of Catholicism, that's pretty rad.

I'm saying that I don't give a shit about Russia. In fact, I hope we stay away from palling around with Putin.
I don't want anything done to Syria or any other country in the middle east. And I surely don't give a shit if Trump is a meanie-face to Russia.
It would be nice to have an alliance, but then again, I really only care about Burgerland. So long as he's not threatening war with Russia, I don't give a shit.

Don't have an opinion regarding the rest, but this is a myth.Copernicus never was ecclesiastically persecuted for his scientific theories. Contrary to the black-legend stereotype propagated ny Anglo-Protestants, the Catholic Church never was especially anti-science, on the contrary. Many great European men of science had been monks and priest, Lavavoisier or Mendel for example.

No idea what others think… But my opinion of this "pope" is, that he is an imposter deserving an execution for treason against the church itself.
People are more careful if asked if the Pope should thrown out of the Vatican… Sadly.

I'm glad we see eye to eye.

Putin will never invade Poland like Stalin did.
Pollacks applause

Definitely, that's what many sedevacantists like e.g. the Gibsons believe.

friendly reminder:
americans pushed islam all over europe during the serbian war
if americans didnt interfere, whole souther europe would be muslim free, europe wouldnt even have a single muslim country
but americans prevented this
friendly reminder that americans are arming all muslim extremists in the middle east just because russians are killing them and they cant even fucking find them on the map but are just funding islam because russians are doing the opposite
friendly reminder that americans invented miley cirus, plastic pop music, feminism, mc donalds, hormonal milk, diabetes meat, and everything else bad in this world

friendly reminder that america is the new ussr
we will just end up enslaved once more

eastern europe must expel all foreign influences, with american being no.1 on the list
they literally bring us nothing but misery
next thing you know that kike trump will demand we convert our cathedrals in mc donalds and basketball courts

That's not how that works. He was ordained. The pope could not be an imposter. He was selected by "god" if you believe in Catholicism.
Your problem is with the church, not just the pope.

Replace "americans" with "jews" and you're gucci friend.

Oh look! It's the butthurt Germcuck poster.

You had one fucking job.

You got one thing wrong, it wasn't a putsch that overthrew that fellow it was Soros funded NGO's that did that after laying the ground work for it some years before that. The UA had nothing to do with the overthrow.

its your western kekold's jobs to expel your washington jews
now ours
expel your fucking jews and then you can visit
we dont want your kind here

no for real our women still go to churches while yours worship nigger dick, you need to contain your bullshitn in your own borders, fuck off, goodbye, pls dont come here and pls dont spread that crap

wanna play a game of 'spot the eastern vs western culture' game in this post real quick??

I don't listen to posters from muslim countries lad.

america has more islam than eastern europe
america has lesser quality of life than eastern europe

american visits to eastern europe are literally the worst thing that can happen to us, how is this hard for you to understand? are you a half nigger? do you need to press 2 for inglesias? what is your problem, we just dont want the hell of you jew colonies to spill over here

seriously, we have absolutely nothing to gain here, name 1 place that survived american influence
its ok i'll wait
no go ahead, ill wait some more

About that…

Reported for D&C spam.

Brilliant jewish word games.

You must understand, if American troops left Germany today, by tonight they'd be rounding up jews and nominating a new Fuhrer! It's those damn Americans keeping Germany down, surely Germans have not become their own worse enemy!

fuck this thread, fuck this website, im off, i am going out to beat the first american fat lard piece of shit jew pet i see, all english language websides are pure kosher garbage, hope muslims and niggers make a short work of you all, jew colonies

Reported for not even trying.

Well, you see… It's because those foolish American soldiers pumping their money into the German economy that Germany is doing so poorly.

Sure, see you tomorrow in another thread.

yes thx for proving my point raceless mongrel
america = degeneracy
we have established this
you have nothing to do with eastern europe, other than contaminate it
you are literally that retarded

Wew lad you're on another fucking level of stupidity.

This yid is diamond mad.





I think racemixing is an abomination, but if you think only American women are engaging in it, you're a fucking knuckle-dragging mongoloid.


It's not just American women, it's white women.

Asian women, too, but that's not my problem. That's Asians' problem.

Yes, I save lots of leftist propaganda for when retards like yourself say it doesn't exist.

Apart from distopic dictatorships such as England, France, Germany, and Sweden, it practically doesn't exist.

this really made me smile, thanks user

hes right tho, dumbass.
hell, forget about just ordinary citizens, america is the father of modern islamic terrorism


Not many Holla Forumsack know what real autism looks like, I personally know one who opens my service room's window every fucking day just to watch the washing machine for hours he also likes to stack a bunch of magazines in my window.

Israel founded modern terrorism on 9/11 which was all just a ruse to get W to attack Iraq and destabilize the middle east so they could plunder the resources and claim the land they need for Greater Yidsreal.
Who provided the intelligence that Iraq had "WMDs?" Mossad.
Who blew up the towers on 9/11? Mossad/Israel
Who provides aid and weapons to ISIS?
When will you learn that Israel needs terrorism? They need ISIS to serve as their proxy army. They need sand niggers to come into western countries and erase the culture of whites to ensure that nobody will every be bound together and stand up to them.
Israel, you fucking retarded kike.

Or the east in terms of China you dumb dumb.

What Israel part?

I don't remember Israel in the speech at all.

Polska superpower when

why do cucks like Germany that lost the war get to be the richest goys in europe
I highly doubt that a kike puppet would give such an unambiguous middle finger to the Jews.

This is the most direct blow to globalism and the most direct defense of western civilization that any world leader has ever stated. Period. You can support Trump or remain skeptical of him and his administration, but I think we can all agree this was an important speech, perhaps even a historical one, and I fully expect this to have far reaching implications on Nationalism, both ethno-Nationalism and (((Civic-Nationalism)) alike

I can't take this formatting seriously. You are not one of us, fuck off back to where ever to came from.

Fuck right off kike.

Come on now nigger. Lets not get too high off your own hyperbole.

He's been giving them middle fingers since he took office. This just gets added to the list.

There's probably more, but the past few months have been such a blur.

Just fuck all the shit up


Sorry, I meant in recent times


you meant "less dumb" right?

It's called lead by example dumbfuck. Poland is obviously an example of what we want to be like right now and this speech helps draw attention to those ideals in a country which displays them. And let's totally pretend Trump hasn't given similar speeches here too right? Or are you in Tel Aviv?

Muh based Pooland
t. Burger who has never been to Europe

Why do faggots insist on Americans being the problem instead of the Jews and the EU?

For fucks sake we're the only Atlantic power with a Nationalist president, fuck right off.

Get on my level, I can get a young virgin wive anytime. And I'll get them to serve the US government in politics.

By them I mean our children

That's civic nationalist president

Butthurt and jealousy.

Fuck off bong, Poles are better than you.


>(((Warsaw uprising)))

Bongs are instantly recognizable by their irrational hatred of Poles.

Wow Pooland hates shitskins, that makes them fucking based and the saviours of western civilization (not people just the culture because that's racist)!
What else do Polacks have going or them other than hating sandnigger's?

This. Eastern European too and can confirm. America and it's shitty NGOs are an absolute cancer here.

I strongly believe eastern european nations must seek independence and sovereignty as much as possible, because all the big powers do is to exploit us and most of our cuck politicians do is want to suck up to either Russia or America.

Spoken like a real bitch.

Blatantly a bong.

Maybe because America is run by the jews and is from the ground up a jewish organization?

I fucking love trump.

Fucking MAGA!

Who let you out of your cuckshed, prussnigger?

Daily reminder prussians are, have always been and forever will be the CUCKS of the world, their race forever doomed to being buttfucked by Poland and be the laughing stock of Europe since those uppity little shits decided they wanted their fief to be a country. Don't forget their hatred of Hitler and the eternal sabotage they carried out against him, never forget how they aided the Jews through their blunders over the years. Truly they are a blight upon the European people and shouldn't be perceived as white or European at all.

Note how the pole projects his insecurity onto the superior Prussian. How his mental gymnastics makes him think that Poland wasn't made into Germany's bitch on every occasion.

And no other Atlantic president even has that.

Hell Hungary is the ONLY white country with an explicitly ethno-nationalist president.

are people aware that america and israel are inseparable yet?

Note how the Prussian attempts to perform damage control and fails miserably. He pretends that Prussia as a whole wasn't literally NOTHING compared to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for over a thousand years and that every single power in Europe looked down upon it. He pretends that the divided, weak Germanic tribes had any power compared to that great Commonwealth. Anyone with the slightest amount of historical knowledge would find such claims preposterous, and yet here you see the Prussian, held back by his utterly inferior genes and stunted brain development resulting from his inherent flawed genome making an ass of himself on an anonymous imageboard because he simply can't live a day without reminding the world around him of the task he was born to perform: suck cocks and cower in fear beneath others, forever reeling in his impotent rage.

What do we say to the prusscuck when he reveals himself? Shoo, prusscuck, shoo! Back to your cuckshed you go! You wouldn't want Ahmed to find you using the internet without his permission, would you?

Lithuania was 80% of the commonwealth's power not Pooland. But taking credit for other's work is the niggers of Europe do. Besides if it was so powerful how did it get absorbed into Russia and Prussia need Napoleon to come and save your asses and make you a country again. I fact Poland ha so to been a country for the past 300 years because other countries had to save you.

im enjoying the bantz though

Inb4 the pole takes my phone's auto correct and sperges out over that

So just listened to the speech, he said a whole lot of things implying

telling stories of how they defended Jerusalem Avenue from muh ebil nazees etc

I don't know, I appreciated it and also got some serious keks out of Trump doing the OK symbol constantly, the memes, but still, speech was pretty rife with kike kosher kontent, you know?

yeh let's hope.

holy shit get ovened

Oy kurwa it's like anudda partition of Pooland

He is trying to Turn them against IRAN and SYRIA. Classic neo-con tactics. the speech was so good until he started railing against Russia and Syria. Then he was sucking up to the jews as well. This was Kike bullshit dress up in nationalism.

Watch the whole speech or you will miss what the real sway of his words are.

Caught you red-handed you blackpilling Kike, no Pole calls his nation part of Eastern Europe.


What you think that chart means

What that chart actually means



I am completely erect
t. Deep Southerner

Holla Forums prevails, Holla Forums always prevails.

Oh I've got a pic for you.

Great speech tho. The jew token insert was annoying and generic but the amount the time he gave to bash communism and emphasize the defense of Western civilization.

keke, could one soundanon edit so -and doesn't get out on that part?

Pretty much everything America does is rife with kosher content, including the Trump administration.

Can you post the one of the guy painting another guy on a horse next?


I only heard the highlights, was it as civic as it sounded?

Honda civic tier.

>(((PiS))) increase bureaucracy

Muh civilisation! European civilisation died in 1789, now what they call "european civilisation" is in fact jewish civilisation that must be destroyed.

This, Hitler liked Pilsudski

The New CSA will ally with Poland first. We will have the best allies.

im not that guy.
just because more than one people think your retarded hypothesis is wrong doesent mean its some shill conspiracy against you personnaly.
anyway what you said isnt even an argument, you burgermann jihadistien


Men greet men while women greet women,
once this is done you say hello to everyone else

It would be odd if Hitler didn't liked german agent

Hebrew your first language?

Either the US is slow or something wanted those end results.

Yeah, wanting the US to extradite a 98 year old man because he was a women killing, baby killing, village burning savaga.

See above.
((( Poland ))).

Do you have a foreskin?

Did this nigga seriously tag flint water as a Trump issue while Obama was giving hundred of millions to Iran instead of fixing it?


They are around 2% now but they owe a lot of money from the past when they were below 2%.

Every other country in Europe except the UK owes NATO more.

Remember what happened when obama gave his speech in Poland?

I dont. But I imagine he spoke a lot of words in an eloquent manner but said absolutely nothing.

He was giving a speech, how he stand with poles, while he was in a fucking glass box, because he dont trust them.
But in general yes.

Shoo, historically clueless cuck, shoo! Back to your cuckshed, and leave your phone outside! I will tell Ahmed you're sneaking phones in there and there'll be hell to pay. You don't want to go back in the chastity cage again, do you?

I understand that Trump visit security paralising Warsaw and ban on carry of firearms in whole Mazowieckie was sign of Trump's trust.

No, polish is my language. What didn't you understood?

England is my city. But its not very litty.

Long live blessed Poland.

Isn't that all that bastard ever did? Say a bunch of "pretty" words that meant absolutely nothing followed by some buzzwords about lgbt shit and equality?


This explains the Sarsour jihad. Mudslimes and jews never say what they mean but certainly act it out.

Wait, did she actually make that jihad speech in response to Trump's speech?

That's pretty fucking hilarious out of context. Did she go back to him after greeting his wife?

The narrative of her snubbing him is fake news pushed by CNN. She shook Melania's hand, and then went for Trump's hand immediately after.

Not sure, but definitely suspicious timing. They never say what they're doing, they claim the opposite with just enough innuendo to give a nudge and provide plausible deniability.

Which is retarded, since Poland is only "based" because Russia barred the former allied anglosphere from meddling with it.
You know? Denazification, etc.
The same shit they did to their own countries as well, along with Germany.
Hence all of them being cucked.

So, any based of let's-not-forget-how-blitzed-hard-they-got…

Is pretty much thanks to external factors.

I'm surprised though that there are any poles left today, seeing how Germans allegedly spent enough time to torch down entire villages and personally execute all the civilians.

Because, of course, if America had gotten its grubby mitts on Poland back then, then it wouldn't be as "western stronk values" it is today.

Too bad poles are literally the niggers of Europe, otherwise WWII could have been prevented or at least delayed and maybe Hitler would have won. But no, every death of WWII and every with death caused by Jewish control since is the fault of the poles.

where did you pull that out of?

ohhh, looks like we got a seven star cough general here.
yeah man WW2 happened out of nothing in a single day in 1939. how about you lurk more


Every interaction I've had with a pole. But that's anecdote.

yeah man WW2 happened out of nothing in a single day in 1939. how about you lurk more
That's 8 star you pleb.

Poland's faggotry pushed Germany into war before they were ready, and thus is responsible for the allied victory, which is synonymous with the JWO


You mundanes are insufferable. Sometimes I wish they had their way.

Ah, literally nothing then.

Ah, so it's NOTHING THEN.

Confirmed prussnigger kike. Shoo, cuck, shoo! Back to your cuckshed you go! has transcripts of everything

so the "i was only pretending to be retarded" argument? you win.



lol die.

It's annoying that the mere mention of Esoterica gets shilled to hell and back by faggots accusing the entire thread of being "Smiley samefagging proxies". There are few topics on Holla Forums that get slid as hard as esoteric Hitlerism, makes you fucking think.

It's literally one guy. One mentally ill kike that's obsessed with Smiley and gets mad at people for seeking any worthwhile wisdom because (((they))) don't want you to know shit.


you aren't fooling anyone with your identity switching tricks

It's latin you illiterate faggot

I have no idea how you haven't been banned yet when you insist on making it obvious you're a kike shill in every thread you're in.

said the jewish king of ban evaders.

Friendly reminder that delusional, mentally ill faggots like you will be hanged on the day of the rope

in Canada? TOP KEK

you're one funny freak, jew tranny

You live in Canada? That explains why you're such a fucking cuck.

give it up, Canadian psycho. you ain't fooling anyone anymore





"Trans and Supertrans (The Ken Schueler story)"

howz that for "understandig"?

how do you know where and what smiley posted, smiley?


the hilarious thing is this insane Canadian ponce actually believes nobody knows when he's "supporting" his own posts by samefagging when it's so friggin obvious. hah hah

There are no words to describe how deluded a person must be to do shit like this. Get help. Seriously. People like you simply can't live outside of mental institutions.

look whoz talking

How can you do this to yourself? The more I see your posts the more you fit your own description of Smiley.

again I say, yid projection tricks don't work here, Schueler. the goyim know.

Your tricks are failing, Smiley. I repeat: get help.


I would rather be an anarchist than a conservative civilization-tard.

Are you implying that Poland not existing on a worldwide recognized map has nothing to do with its current psychology of the nation?