Bit the hand

Why did you do this Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Better question: Why do user's still bother to talk about this guy?


check these dubs

How many fucking threads do we need about that fucker

Literally who

Here's your you. YandereDev has heard the arguments from the people here who cared. If he wants to lump the moderates, the fans and the idea providers into the same group as the shitposters, he can fuck himself.


I lost my faith on him long ago, dubs man

Why is it that almost everyone that loses their anonymity on this fucking site turn into a fucking retard?


Plenty of people on 8ch making games, and taking advice from anons, who are a hundred times less obnoxious than this guy

Because anonymity is the only thing controlling the concentrated autism we have accumulated over the years.
And he probably got way over his head with all the reddit praise he got

So, that's why he ignored all our advice? And he kept complaining about the same issues over and over even though we gave him solutions? And he ignored the majority in his polls for the presentation of a major feature? And kept adding memes, even though none of us wanted them?

Your audience is 10yr old FNAF fans and youtubers who play for the dank themes. I hope you're satisfied. And I imagine he is, considering his $5000/m patreon bux.

Because they are.

It always comes down to shekels doesn't it?

Everyone got it all wrong, this was only a facade, Yandev realized he could maybe get some good money from this game, not because it was good, but because all the normalfags memeing it and shit, but he needed an excuse to fully join Reddit, and in creating this drama he succeeded.

Don't blame him tho. Holla Forums has shit taste and ideas, but he could have been honest about it.

Let me explain once again.

Holla Forums is a memeplex, it's a complex of memes.
These memes, these ideas are imprinted in every Holla Forumsirgin's subjective critics of his/her own morality.

If you need Holla Forums's advice to make a game with Holla Forums's memes in it you do not have these memes imprinted in your reasoning, therefore,
Holla Forums

But that was a smart move, if devoid of dignity

Also unanimous praise from reddit. But I'm sure the moolah helps.

No thanks.

Of course he's playing the victim, that's normalfag lingo.

Meme as a fucking idea, not the millenial meaning of the word.

I hate I have to make that differenciation now.

It makes you wonder how thin the thread we walk really is

He's right tho.
While i don't support his pandering (which is debatable for the skirt argument too, cause we all know he's shit at coding and the single grid would have made it easier on him, but also happened to pander to butthurt sjws) you fucking guys lose hope in shit so easily.
It's like you're a huge hivemind with ADD, do you even have a personal opinion?
I think if anything, the game will be worth a pirate.
The faggot wish he was me.


He made the classic mistake, we can't really feel bad for him this far in the game. And the one you're indulging right now too
It could be worth the pirate though
Thread at fucking worst was bant, at worst. I've seen more shit on threads talking about Undertale and fnaf.

This. If you look back, every single tripfag in image board history was an unbearable homo lunatic. Not a single good one exists. I'm glad the faggot's gone since this will reduce the risk of ankle-biters coming here from a fucking youtube comments section.

I'm kind of sad that it ended up like this tho.

It's never fun to see someone loose his way.

Bullshit. Not if he's being coddled by a bunch of Wil Wheaton tier faggots that think being nice is better than criticism.


I just don't know user.
If anything, this exposed him as a complete fag flr the way he handled the hate here.
If i was him i wouldn't have stopped posting here, not for the attentions, but to show i was devoted to the cause and of course to gather criticism.
But anyway the game doesn't look like it will be getting a better graphic engine, and for a game with the one he's using rn i wouldn't pay more than five bucks honestly.
He's probably gonna pull off something like $15/$20 so fuck him, his faggotry and his menorah and let's stick to piracy unless he can prove us the game is really valid.

Let's take a look at the first few posts for argument's sake.


Cuck dev! Cuck dev! You never fooled me!

I just don't understand
you come to a place where everyone can and will speak their mind then you complain that everyone is speaking their mind?
it is kind of a shame that he went full retard but I guess some people can't handle criticism constructive or not
sounds to me like he was looking for a hugbox the whole time

He probably found one on reddit. Those guys will shower him with praise and dick sucking. His game won't get any better though

It's not even that. He does whatever he wants, like when he made a video on the hitman series only to want to make a full on beat em up.

And it's hard to say people bit the hand that fed them when he only put out pre-pre alpha builds, it's still nothing more than a sandbox. It's like going to a restaurant, getting bread as something to eat while you wait for your meal, and then getting kicked out when the cook throws a fit.

To be fair, he did an interview with Kotaku as well which made people suspicious given that I think they shat on him at one point, or it was some other site. And in the thread where he showed back up only to leave, he said he was "working on the game" which given his work ethic is probably bullshit.

Welcome to the internet. Apparently, image macros are called memes now, too. It's practically a meaningless word.

Idea would have been a better word, maybe.

I lost hope a few threads before the skirt thing when Yandev started being far too sensitive to trolls. He gave them more attention than posters with suggestions, comments and praise. It was just getting silly and it was like talking to a brick wall. Add on to that a dangerous amount of feature creep, poor coding and organization skills and you have a project that doesn't look very promising anymore.
Maybe he'll pull it together in a couple of years, but right now the project is a mess. He needs to make a real plan and get the core gameplay down. Fuck the inventory interface, make the game work first!

This is haram.

don't mind me, checking your ID

He believed he was going to be percieved as based just for lurking Holla Forums.

It isn't like that.
Take the guy that made Postal for example, he made a good game, then a great game, then a game we will pretend doesn't exist. And nobody in Holla Forums gave a shit about if he lurked Holla Forums or not because most of the people here legitimately believe he's based.

It turns out he lurks full/v/, but that was only discovered after Paradise Lost was announced, and by that time he was generally seen as a based guy.

But the word is meme, "idea" is a way too generic term for this.

can someone post that screenshot of him using a shit ton of if/else statements instead of just using switch

I'd post more, if Mark would allow it.

OP is just yandev looking for more attention. You really think an attention whore could just quit Holla Forums after all the replies he gets here?

That's tor you newfag

im going to write a bunch of shit because no one plays the actual game + knows druelbozo and other shit like footsteps

Information of the Game


Tor was all zeros, moron.

Hey Skyline autist, always nice to hear about your rantings.


Oh shit nigga this faggot's back.

Do you guys think Eva makes these threads? At least they're pretty far and few, and if Eva would stop bitching about us they'd end. Also

>Removed the Panty Inventory Menu despite 89% wanting it

Just remember, in the end hes the one stuck with a project he doesn't even like but only did because it was the first time anyone seriously looked at his work, and now that he has other people's money he can't really bail on it. He has to spend at least the next 4 years of his life working almost every hour of the day on a game for 12 year olds.

Meanwhile, you, the NEET, are free and anonymous. Live happy, you're not EvaXephon.

Was this before or after the


Perturbator was pretty cool

Information about Druelbozo

Information about the Yanderedev

If you really enjoy Yandere Simulator, play the game and see for yourself and compare to this promises and the development of the game.
If you think Yanderedev is an alright guy, please check his reddit comments, tumblr posts, his tweets and every other place.


Listen, I liked Yandev up until he went total faggot, but we never needed him here. He came crawling to Holla Forums after 4chan kicked him out, and then he went crawling to Reddit after we kicked him out.

Never did he feed us, if anything, we fed him by giving him ninety percent of his fucking design ideas.

If he did he must be into people talking shit about him.

Then again from what I remember he still lurked 4chan's Holla Forums despite being hated

needing to be supported 24/7 is a sign of weakness anyways. the reviews will crush whatever is left if he ever gets this thing done in any significant amount . "Bottle the hand", my foot. More like the dog barked a few times and he couldn't handle it.

What a faggot.


Copy pasting code from google searches and using someone else models doesn't make you a developer, it makes you lazy.


Little tid bits ill copy paste off that thread

I'm not sure what Kotaku has anything to do with this. Are you implying that you guys hate Kotaku so much, you don't even want me to interact with them in any capacity whatsoever? Sounds like something a possessive husband would tell his battered wife. Or sounds like something a yandere girl would demand of a boy at knifepoint.
There was a part of me that was wondering if they would ask a bunch of stupid-ass questions like "Your game doesn't have any black people, isn't it racist?" However, the interview was actually pretty okay, except for one or two weird questions about sexism or whatever. It was a pleasant surprise.

He was fucking okay getting interview from kotaku

There's a lot of bullshit wrong here, but this here is the biggest and more important thing.


Posting an old Next picture, since I somewhat miss the days when we were all shitting on Josh


Whoops, memory was fuzzy.
Should have been

In that case, we have seen a new height of faggotry.
The only bigger faggots are the ones too gay for /cuteboys/.

Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of fucking self-absorbed imbecile is he that he thinks that we DESPERATELY needed his shitty meme game? When a dev comes to Holla Forums to talk about their game, it's neat. That's it. We have no obligation to worship the fucking ground they walk on just because they opened up Unity and shat out a game. Anyone who defends Yanderedev on the pretense of "You guys are so mean for bullying him away :(" needs to be fucking purged for enabling such childlike narcissism.

There is no middle ground on Kotaku. They stand for everything wrong with the industry. Fuck Kotaku and fuck yandev for helping them get clicks.

first you have to feed the hand, and Holla Forums doesn't care for mediocre cuisines. This isn't called the internet hate machine for no reason.

When down, remember you are not Yandev
Also, didn't he start this game as a hate project against the ones that made Skullgirls, because they said his games were shit or something?

Too many young devs that start here think we actually NEED their games

This is exactly why I keep myself anonymous.

I'm working on a game, a text game on as3 well, a mod well, a mod of a mod and I never expect to get credited for anything, because if people don't like it I'll just remake it and make it better instead of getting depressed, if they like it I don't want to spoil my mind with their possitive criticism.

Keeping yourself anonymous and not demanding credit for your work is the only way to stay unbiased on it.



You'll love this. Remember, im just copy pasta this from archive

I was spending time working on the game instead of shitposting on a message board, like a game developer is supposed to.

What is this meme magickry

Good call

Last I heard he posts daily on Reddit now that we kicked him out, so there's that.

Shit man, he really jumped down the slope

Never stopped him from coming into every thread beforehand to explain himself when we were curious about his direction.

Really, all the nigga had to do was pop in, say he understood out concerns, and take some feedback regarding the skirt and Kotaku pandering.

Then it would've all fizzled out, but no, we didn't lick the shit out of his asshole like good little followers.

He also streams constantly on Sundays, 100%d MGS5, plays lots of weeb games, probably plays lots of games and watches loads of anime which explains the slow progress

Honestly he's like the indie todd howard, I'm embarrassed I fell for his lies.

That's the nature of Patreon funded game development. There's no deadline, so they are incentivized to ride the money train as long as possible.

He was a tripfag. He was already at the bottom of the ditch.

This is why we'll never have anything good here

Does anyone remember when he complained about game dev because it meant he had no time to play games, even on weekends? Also,


I wonder how he manages to get through the day. His organization skills are worse than mine and I'm a cripple neet.

From the thread:

At least one guy had his head on straight.

Just imagining the reaction of the faggots that defended him in the thread after he sperged out and flipped his shit, I haven't laughed this good in a while

That's probably the worst thing about it, especially crowd funded campaigns. The only thing you'll lose is consumer reputation, but you can probably take the money and run at any time.

I remember that. Even though it's not really his "job" technically, and it makes me wonder what he's doing, he's Phil Fish tier like Fez taking 5 years to make even though it was just pixelshit. I still don't know how he can honestly spend 10 hours a day reading emails, too. Just make like a work account and a account never used so all the fans can dump their questions into


nicely done

Holy shit



Subtle isn't it

And yet people keep falling on the kikestarter pathreon trap

This was basically my suggestion. An account for volunteers, one for bug reports and one for fan stuff. That way he could get to the important emails (volunteers) and put off (bug reports) or even just ignore the others (fan art/cosplay/praise) until he really needs to. I don't remember if he had a policy for replying to emails, but a statement saying that he can't reply to every piece of fan art would help.
All my suggestions were ignored.
This all seems to be a big ego trip for him. He wants to be remembered, not his game, and he wants a community to love him. Or at least, that's how it seems. I guess submerging himself in fan mail feeds that.

Makes me wonder who's giving him money. Pretty sure the 12yr old FNAF demographic isn't, because kids don't have money. Can't imagine the indie clique cares about it either and youtubers want to make money off the game, not donate to it.

Poor user. He did 3 posts in the thread. Here is the first one. Wall of text though.

I visit Holla Forums for the first time in a while, and I find out that you guys think I sided with SJWs? Really?
Take a look at this blog post:
In that blog post, I told SJWs to fuck off (in civil language). I'm also developing a video game about kidnapping, torture, bullying, suicide, and mass murder. So what the fuck makes you think I'm leaning even one degree in the direction of the SJWs?
Yandere Simulator was born on 4chan, designed by 4channers, and has been developed with the "chan audience" in mind. That's the reason why it became popular in the first place; because it has a bunch of weird shit that you'd never see in a game made by cucked SJW developers.
If I start removing content to appease the SJW shitheads, then the game would instantly lose everything that is cool and unique about it. I've known this since day 1, and I've never forgotten it for a single moment that I've been working on the game. That's what my entire blog post was about.
I'm going to try to make some sense out of this. From what I can tell, you guys got pissed about the fact that I proposed an inventory screen that displays panties, then followed up by proposing a similar inventory screen with the panties covered up, which caused you to presume that I've sold out to SJWs, right?
I considered the idea of covering up the panties because it allows for more grid space in the inventory and connects the two separate grids. I said this in extremely clear language in the blog post about it. It's not to appease the SJW shitheads. It might appease SJWs as a completely unintentional side-effect, though. I said that, too, in the same blog post.
On that note, I haven't made any final decisions regarding the game's inventory. I have only experimented with several ideas and made a few concept illustrations. The final inventory might be more lewd, less lewd, who knows.
Now, does that clear things up or is there some other shit I need to address?

I thought for a second "There was no GET on Holla Forums today".

I thought they'd learn after Mighty No 9 and Broken Age. Can't wait to see how John Romero's new kickstarter game turns out.

It's annoying how he never listened to fan feedback despite saying that he always did.

As for wanting a community to love him, that probably all it was from the getgo. He probably wanted Holla Forums and 4chan to shower him with love and never ending praise on how great he is. Not the game, just him.

They will never learn. Most of them probably bought a PS4. You can't teach people that stupid.

Yeah, I noticed this especially with the email issues. Mostly because he complained in no less than 3 videos about it, despite every fucking thread giving him solutions.
He's outright lying, stupid or delusional.
Well, he said from the start that he was making Yansim for 4ch/8ch. His agenda was pretty clear from the start, but we were all hoping he'd still manage to make a game faithful to the original idea.

All for a generation with no games.

I'm going with him being a liar given his history I ignored back when these threads were around.

As for his agenda, I wish he knew it ultimately wasn't about him, but the game itself that people liked. But it went in many different directions without ever committing, and god knows how the final product will end up

Will there even be a final product?

There's gotta be something, the game is already 2 years old.

As it should be, no need to manually sage now

Somehow I doubt we'll see a finished YS

nice bubs
