Zimbabwe 2.0: South Africa President Proposes Land "Expropriation Without Compensation"
What Happens When Whites Lose Their Country
South Africa also ruled their anti-white propaganda is indeed not racist.
so, they will finally be freed from this nigger?
We'll need to keep a beady eye on this, because I've got the feeling that when these groids do try to seize whitey's land, the MSM will either be silent as the grave, or try to slide the story with LE DRUMPF TWEETED SUMMAT OH NOOO
All their farms will be unused, they will beg for gibs and will get gibs while doing nothing.
They should be executed.
I got a sneaky feeling that the groids are going to genocide the whites and the entirety of the western media (and every other group of people other than us.) will do their best to ignore it.
Who knows, maybe trump isn't that big of a jew-compromised orange faggot and will do something to save the whites that are stuck in a country that actively hates them to the point of ethnic cleansing.
They will serve as a warning for the west.
That's not how it works. Rhodesia didn't serve as a warning, ZA won't either.
Rhodesia was before the internet, before the "alt right". Rhodesia also had a much, much smaller white population.
Then look at Sweden, which is collapsing as we speak and has a large white population.
You really don't seem to understand the situation. It's not a matter of waking up (most whites especially those in ZA knows things are bad), it's a matter of traitorous governments still having too much power over their subjects.
I live in Sweden and it's not collapsing as we speak. The non-white population is at 16% and people are waking up at a high rate. I love how americans in their barely 60% white country always claim Sweden is lost.
South Africa will prove to white people, that they can also be the victims of racism and genocide.
Not going to happen because it's not going to be as easy for those niggers to go to Europe as it is for the scum from the middle-east Europe is currently getting, North-Africa and the Levant are close to Europe which makes it easy for them to travel to Italy/Spain but I can't imagine that South-Africans are both healthy and intelligent enough to be able to cross an entire continent.
Oh really? Newsflash: when the police is ceding territory to so called non state actors (Islamists, gangs etc), then yes things are collapsing.
You have clearly never read a book on guerilla warfare, otherwise you wouldn't make such an asinine comment. Oh and look up the oil stain theory while you're at it, which seems to be underway in Sweden.
'Are going to'? Mate, they already are. White farmer in SA is probably the deadliest job in the world.
People were walking across close to 10 countries last summer to get to Europe. What makes you think people from deeper inside Africa won't migrate or get free transportation to get to North Africa?
Tell the niggers there are free white children, they would swim across an ocean to get them.
Dude, that's in the ghettos that the non-whites live in. France didn't collapse when non whites took over their own ghettos and neither will Sweden.
The problem it creates in Sweden is of a criminal nature, but we are nowhere near a collapse. We are one of the most armed populaces in the world, we are the most segregated country in Europe. Racism is growing rapidly and the collapse of the police is leading to the rise of vigilantees.
You do know many police departments up there have no money to operate allowing the parasites to expand their grasp even more. Wake the fuck up.
Ya it doesn't matter what the percentages are. Heres a hint, right now they are hiding everything so the advertised invading population will be artificially lower. When the overthrow takes place your Swedish media will over inflate the invaders numbers to make you flee instead of fighting.
I think I read 16 no go zones in Sweden now and there are huge police layoffs this summer. Not that we will hear what will happen, only the big stories are forced in the media while the Swedish mom and her 2 six year olds being raped by Muhammad will never see the light of day.
What is the video about? Any sources?
Up there is the countryside of some of the least populated states in Sweden, not the populated areas with large immigrant populations.
I do know the about the problems within the police, it does lead to a huge increase in crime, but claiming it is a collapse is just false.
Except Sweden has an alternative media much bigger then the US(predates it too). The media has also become divided on the issue as of 2015 when green party and social democrats were forced to severely limit immigration. Those stories do get out, and people are very pissed about it. But again this is not a collapse you are describing but monumental incompetence and mass migration leading to a crime wave.
Also my number is based on the calculations of an anti-immigration national economist, not the government or media(whom do not publish such statistics).
you blind user? a bunch of white kids barricading the doors - probably in school - and grabbing sticks for weapons while the females worringly pace in the back and niggers bang on the doors
you have those numbers inverted
You people really are hopeless. Collapse is not a sudden event, it's a gradual event and both Sweden and France are collapsing as we speak.
One more thing
Wrong again as the French police never ceded any ghetto to the immigrants. You go to an immigrant ghetto in France and you have police stations. Don't believe me? Google notorious ghettos like "Sarcelles" together with "police". Sure, they get attacked and everything but they have not ceded the territory.
Meanwhile in Sweden, they cede the territory: breitbart.com
Some good comments in there.
What is your media like there in Sweden? I don't mean the news specifically as I assume that it's cucked like in all of our countries, but what are the commercials and shows like? Lots of racemixing propaganda (typically with the female being the white one) and stuff like that? I ask because, as someone from Canada whose media is often American I've seen it increase RAPIDLY over the years as the white population has shrunk while the non-white population has been booming. It's drastically changed the culture for the worse and the idea of "We all are just Americans/Canadians and nothing else matters!" is really being shown for what it is, which is "REEE WHITEY". How far along would you say that's gotten over there?
And I agree with the other user about collapse. I do believe that you're in it, it's just not as obvious perhaps. It starts slowly and then gets exponentially worse. I think the Sweden situation is, like most things here, a bit overblown but yet still very serious and getting worse.
Everyone knows what is going on in the video but I assume he's wondering why they're chimping. I don't understand either. Are they mad at whitey and that devil science n shieet? Or are they just chimping because it's a Monday afternoon?
I believe it happened during this chimp out.
http:// www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/100-books-destroyed-in-wits-library-fire-20161020
I meant a more organized genocide (as seen in Haiti.) rather than the long string of homicides that it currently is.
This is why the '5th political theory' is retarded. History shows that whites will not be allowed to continue existing as a minority by non-white governments.
If they do, thanks to social media it will be easy to redpill normies on the agenda.
If they don't, normalfags will see what happens when you give away your country.
Win win.
Ironically all that goodwill for your fellow man evaporates once the left gets in control and it becomes an entirely racial agenda, just not for whites.
They are taking over their own suburbs in order too facilitate their criminal operations, they aren't an armed insurgency seeking to take over the country. You are also totally missing the organizing of reactionary forces to these events and the radicalization of the electorate.
Most of our media comes from anglo countries so it's just like it is in your countries. We do have that push you are describing in domestic productions aswell, but to a lesser degree then let's say US or Canada(been there so speaking from experience), probably because our population of non-whites is smaller. White guilt isn't as pronounced here because the self-image of swedes is that we are good tolerant people, but anglo SJWism is spreading here.
When it comes to interracial couples they remain uncommon here, probably because swedish men generally look good and because we are very segregated.
Well I can partly agree with that sentiment. I guess it depends on what you count as a collapse. I agree 100% that the situation is serious and getting worse, definetely not trying to claim otherwise.
Tell me about your amazing media once they start talking about ending welfare and kicking those fuckers out.
He will never breathe a word of it. It will never come up.
I never said our media is amazing, it is super bad. But lately they have been forced to report the truth because alternative media started cutting into their audience and the trust of the public.
My point is that they don't get away with hushing those things anymore. Cuz the people don't let them. However I do see a worrying trend of people getting used to this kind of crime, just like how americans gotten used to nigger crime.
Oh really? Then why do Muslims in Sweden try to convert Swedish natives? Why to Muslim hardliners birbe Swedish politicians, aided by Qatar and Saudi Arabia? Do you even have a clue about Islamic theology? Muslims, by definition, want every country in the world to be islamic, to be part of the Dar al Islam!
Please tell which areas of Sweden have been ceded to Swedish nationalists. We all know the answer: not a single one.
Just a FYI: in South Africa, Chinese have been made honorary blacks.
Hence, the South African government might attempt to strip the founding white people of their properties and hand them over to the Chinese for management.
It wouldn't happen, though. South Africans have been pushed as far s they are gonna go. From here, the road forward is the rocky road of civil war.
and they largely fail.
Not sure what you are talking about…
Yes I do, not sure what relevance it has. Islamic radicals have gotten worringly large here but they are nowhere near a threat to the actual state, but remain terrorist scum, doing what terrorists usually do best, attacking civilians.
Large swathes of the countryside, smaller towns etc etc. I guess it depends on what you count as "ceded", because nationalists do not try to drive out police from their neighbourhoods. But nationalism is growing rapidly, membership for NMR is on the rise, SD is the largest party and growing. 70% is against immigration(16% is pro immigration) etc etc…
What social media? the ones that loathsome jew faggots like Zuckerberg own?
If your lucky the genocide might make it on some site like Liveleak.. but only because that's what those guys jerk off too these days.
It is my belief that the chinks will stop the genocide of whites in Africa and depose of the ANC (to be replaced by a more chink friendly alternative.) just because that's another chunk of resource rich land they don't 100% own yet.
More likely the chinks will seek to play the whites out agains the darkies and take over their property for themselves.
I looked up that bone and it´s just a bone with random markings which people now use to support their "we wuz kangs" theory. These people are so desperate that they have to cling to theories of stuff that might have happened over 27000 years ago because deep inside they realize that the niggers of today are worthless.
Do the whites have a chance in hell of weathering this storm, they won't win and take back anything they lost but do they have a chance of just beating back the hoards of niggers until next time? (or until the chinks just take everything over?)
Don't count them out yet, white south africans are a tough bunch. Niggers are even dumber then you think.
Swedes have converted and keep converting, thus it's a success. Maybe it's not going as quickly as they would have liked but they're achieving their goals.
God dammnit are you dense! You really have to be the most stupid person I've ever talked to on Holla Forums.
Why do you think Muslims are a protected class in Sweden? Could it be because Swedish politicians are bribed for just this purpose? Could it be that the Muslim leaders in Sweden who bribe Swedish politicians do so with money from Saudia Arabia and Qatar?
LMAO, you are CEDING TERRITORY TO THEM at this point you fucking idiot!
The definition is very clear. Territory has been ceded if it is in the hands of a certain group with the original group having lost all authority over that territory AND having physically retired from that territory.
French ghettos are not ceded territory. The Swedish countryside is not ceded territory. Järva is ceded territory.
Not Zimbabwe. Rhodesia.
Cecil Rhodes literally did nothing wrong.
Cecil Rhodes was an honorary kike, to be honest. Got nothing against Rhodesia and Rhodies, but the guy was a cunt, not to mention 100% Rothschild-owned. Read up about his political exploits to fuck the Boers up, it's kosher as fuck.
They're not achieving their goals, almost no swedes are converting to Islam.
Ehhhm no, it is because they are cultural marxists with the ideology that comes with it.
First of all the police isn't ceding the territory, they do still go there and they do still investigate crimes, a police station being shut down over our shitty government giving them less funds is not going to change that.
Well get a grip mate, the police still goes there, just like the french does, and we are talking about criminal gangs selling drugs, not ISIS.
French ghettos are just as ceded as Järva, you don't know what you are talking about.
But whatever if you wanna be dumbass go ahead, I wont waste more time on you.
Pretty much all of Malmo is ceded territory at this point.
The "not sure what you are talking about" is a kike tell user.
I grew up in Malmö and moved to the states in the early 2000s. It was really bad then and it's even worse now.
The immigrants from Eastern Europe fucking hate the arabs too, so maybe they'll remove kebab. I doubt it though.
Muslims try to convert Swedes, Swedes are converting to Islam. Thus, they are achieving their goals. The speed at which they achieve that goal is irrelevant.
Ehhhm yes. It's very well known how Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund Muslim orgs in the west, orgs which then bribe western politicians. Quite amazing that someone on Holla Forums of all places would deny this.
Except they are.
No, not just like the French police does. French police maintains a phyiscal presence in the ghettos whereas the Swedish police has already retired from at least one area!
One and the same thing you fucking mong, ISIS are narco terrorists!
That's very possible.
Most of his immediate family are jews, he leads a country that's like ~15-20% nigger, revolved his entire late 90s/early 2000s political explorations around countering Pat Buchanan's "anti-semitism", tried to put a literal nigger in charge of the DHS. What side do you think he's going to be on?
What a crock of shit. Mesopotamian Script and Chinese developed independently from Hieroglyphics. The Mesopotamians in particular developed a primitive form of it even before Egypt.
The Proto-Siniactic script he is talking about is only from the 18th century BC. It is also found in Egypt despite how he tries to connect it to sub-Saharan Africa, and Egyptians aren't niggers.
Do these people just hope people won't research their bullshit?
whites built south africa, no discussion, the concept of south africa didn't exist to blacks, they were roaming the planes.
so the hypocrisy is that they want lands that they didn't own themselves, fuck 'em all
go boers, fuck their shit up
Already fucking happening and been happening since the niggers took over. Tens of thousands of Whites have been slaughtered. Raping and pillaging of White farms is their national pastime. Meanwhile the kike media is still whining about how terrible apartheid was.
look zuma just wants a boogeyman to blame and appease the dumb blacks who want free gibsmedats.
the question that Holla Forums should be asking how and where to report these horrendous crimes committed against whites?
They literally don't know. You're talking about a nigger who lives in a mansion designed by whites, in a political system whites made, in a formerly prosperous country made by whites, and he's no better off than the typical cow-piss afronigger. He's surrounded and supported by people who believe sorcerers can cast lightning bolts out of their fingertips. He thinks prosperity is a spell he can copy from whites.
Every time I think of South Africa, I remember that Creepshow skit with the cockroaches who take over that guy's clean apartment. It ended badly.
White South Africa – Why you no Klan? You don't even have to do much killing or commit many atrocities. Just spread rumors that you're cannibals and ghosts, and watch the Orange Free State empty out.
White SA let Rhodesia die. Fuck them.
This is fucking ridiculous. There has to be SOMETHING we can do to help
Your criticisms are bullshit.
So did America, Britain and Europe.
They will be freed from having a stable currency.
I don't think the Niggers are planning on breaking the chains of debt slavery. I think they are planning on printing some more spending money for the government. And Zuma. And his friends.
You're a fucking kike, not a Swede. Die slow, Chaim.
lol the niggers did so much better when whites were running everything ironically. Now even the wealth inequality between whites and niggers is higher than it has ever been in history despite the black rule. Niggers can't do anything right.
South Africa everyone.
Great doco series btw. Recommended viewing for any Holla Forumsack.
Then maybe you'll waste some time on me, din naiva jävla svenne.
When cop cars, ambulances and fire trucks are damaged, destroyed or stolen when going to a ghetto - that means the state doesn't own that area. It means the muslims own the area.
The country IS being islamised by having islam creep into things here and there (hell, even the swedish church has employed an imam), no matter how much you deny or say that it's just small areas.
Your countrymen are really fucking naive. You're slightly less naive, but you're still one of the reasons the mudslimes will take over your country in the end. And you'll sit there, work your 12 hour days and pay your taxes so that Mohammed and his 10 kids can take your money.
I live right next to a försäkringskassa and their only clients are … brown people. The future of sweden.
And your point is?
breddy gud, thanks for posting.
Oh boy time to short the rand again!
Americans have always been boastful try hards its part of american identity. If the US was 20% and Poland was 95% white they would still talk shit and pretend they can turn it around, its who they are.
Don't talk so high and mighty when we were close to your demographics a century ago. I can't wait for your demographics to plummet so I can laugh at you shitheads who perpetually hate white Americans for some reason.
WHat? They are already coming, Europe is full of Somalians, Liberians and Eritreans. They just go through Gibraltar and Spain, instead of taking the sea route.
We would stop them if the EU didn't threaten to fuck us over even more.
But there's been talks lately between the moroccans, the Portuguese and the Spanish governments, so maybe we start doing something about it.
Remember that the sandniggers hate the niggers as much or even more than us.
Adorable. I'm a frog and I see a new nog face every day on the street, and those black as charcoal types aren't from Afghanistan.
I'm in France, the collapse is coming. Quality of life has gotten worse from 2005 to 2015… and 2015 to 2017 was twice as bad, in a fifth of the time.
This is with every single one of these violent invaders given unconditional gibs, healthcare, everything. More money than retirees who contributed for 40 years. And the invaders are barely kept in check. The exponential number of terrorist attacks, while statistically insignificant in itself, is a 1:1 reflection of the increase in assault, robberies and generally hostile behavior.
You claim everything is fine as you turn your back to the tidal wave looming closer and closer.