6.0 earthquake in lincoln, montana just north of yellowstone 30mins ago

6.0 earthquake in lincoln, montana just north of yellowstone 30mins ago.

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Confirmed. Strapping in.

How is this Holla Forums material?
Wouldn't it kill a lot of whites?
You happeningfags are really shitty.

a 4.5 and a 4.0 after shocks

with any luck, it will crack the earth in twine

the northern america craton is what is pushing on yellowstone this is not good.

If you happeningfag LARPtards want the world to end, just commit suicide.

but I want everyone else to suffer as well

It will affect the whole earth. But what you have just said is just retarded.

The most what could happen is it exploding, because of the hot spot below and creating another volcano. The explosion may be regional at best, not going any further. Although the amount of ash and generally gasses, could black out the sun on the whole earth for a certain amount of time. Of course, not really "black out" but it will make it cooler as well as darker with the sun getting different colors, depending on where you are.

no fun

montana anons are reporting more after shocks.

I can tell you, that famines will be more frequent because of failed harvests, if you want to have something to be edgy about.

Common happening in or not?

Food riots aren't fun, you monster.

Montana earthquake felt in Spokane, surrounding areas.


Montanon here in Missoula (~100 miles away from Lincoln epicenter). Polite sage for being off-topic. Tiny earthquakes are common in Montana, but that was the biggest I've felt to my memory.

Yeah, there's smaller aftershocks too. Nothing too concerning.

shits going to hit the fan

shits going to hit the fan

Nothing to worry about, it's just Zyklon Ben testing out some of his new tools.

Because you're a kike.

dutchsinse live

This guy's media trained voice inflection is so annoying.

Shiiiet, I knew I felt something and I'm 500 Km away.

The Richter scale is logarithmic.
6.0 is literally fucking nothing.
The greatest damage it could cause is a slight rattling of a glass menagerie.

There have been several earthquakes with the largest so far a 5.2 This is gonna be a big one. Initial reports are lava can be seen on the surface south of Lincoln.

stfu with retarded "initial reports" like that without proper fucking source, you nigger.

you're the nigger nigger. Lincoln Nebraska is being evacuated as I type this. I can hear many helicopters flying over head right now

Lol summer is here

What do they not hunt homesteads in the spring or winter? Or are you talking about drugs.


'Least it introduced me to a nice song.

This is far more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be, Markiplier impression aside.


Why couldn't it be California?

the valley floor is on fire it's hard to breath and I smell sulphur in the air. two more eruptions just happened

ooooh yeah I'm real scared

shits hitting the fan

6.9 in the phillipines just now.

Was just about to mention this.

is there a Holla Forums discord where we can share info?

Pics or it didn't happen. Yellowstone gets about 300-400 earthquakes yearly in the magnitude of 2.0 to 4.3 ish.


Discord would be a honeypot. pics or it didin't happen ffs. Hand date stamp too if serious.


OMG!! another one even stronger than the last several just hit

fuck niggers, that's all food riots are. Famine is magnitudes worse
we're all monsters here, get out while you can faggot


hur hur hur, learn to read sarcasm you fucking halfwit

I'd take that video more seriously if he stopped switching between calling it magnitude 5.6 and 6.0.

Because of the way magnitudes are calculated, those two magnitudes are not that close. A 6.0 is roughly 2.5 times larger but roughly 4 times more powerful.



better get some salad dressing

Acts of god have nothing to do with politics.
Wishing for the end of the world with whites included is faggot shit.
Go be a faggot on another board.
We have a planet to whiten.

Grab a archive link or you will look like trying to honeypot people.

that's hilarious, keep moving those goal posts, strange angry faggot. filtered

Why did post negros, faggot?

Its not gonna happen though, this will amount to kike fear mongering. Plus, Kek isnt even here right now there isnt going to be a massive shit your pants happening until September 23rd

Let it fucking begin already

I don't think the USGS magnitude calculator would work in Archive but if you insist…


Whites will survive, somehow, someway. The happening is Plan B incase we dont manage to bring about day of the rope. Stop being such a fucking newfaggot.

fuck off kike

fuck off cunt

Don't know what to tell you faggot, learn to read the fucking thread. Go the fuck back to 4chan with the res of these white knighting pissing and moaning faggots.

Go be an edgy loser somewhere else. Doubleposting retard. Fuck this happening september shit. It won't happen and anyone wishing for it is a fucking kike butthurt about the recent turning of tables. You'll never get your biblical event. Go circlejerk about your hatred of humanity with /x/. It does not belong here. This thread is pretty much dead anyway. Your Earthquakes are bullshit.

We need a destabilising event to change things up, the status quo is cancer.

I bet you think an asteroid impact wouldn't kill anyone beyond the impact point
are you a nigger or just retarded?

So basically nothing of note other than some lost chip oil.

Helena Independent Record: 5.8 magnitude earthquake rattles Helena area


I never thought that when the end of the world came I'd be sitting here fapping to interracial porn and yet here I am, doing it. What would my great great x10 grandpa who was victim of Pompeii say if he could see me now?


Let's pretend it really is starting to erupt. Best to flee to canada or to western united states? Or what are the best ways to bunker down against magma directly? Or against soot fallout what is the best defense? Less doom more practical advice.


don't be there

nothing changes

doesnt matter soot will kill air travel. probably strangle cars as well. cloud will plunge us into winter in days. it'll poison water as well. not trying to sound defeatist but if you don't have a bunker your toast. some will make it out don't get me wrong but they're going to prioritize mud cities.

Same here, user. All the way near Post Falls and my desk was shaking.

you can not breath the ashfall, it's tiny particles of volcanic glass

I know that once soot falls on teh water all you have to do is boil it and catch the evaperation on something to then codense and make pure water. You can still start a wood fire. Also weatherproof a house against soot outside the magma zone. Just turn off the ac and close up any holes on the roof along with shutting/barricading windows.

But what about against magma directly? Are you just totally fucked even in a concrete fortress?

Also still waiting for pics or it didin't happen.

M9 sage

Where the magma will be, the pyroclastic cloud that came before would have already slaughtered pretty much everything in the affected area. If you're close enough to worry about magma, you're close enough to not actually have to worry about it because there won't be anybody there to worry to begin with.


What about with one of these


Trips of truth. Pyroclastic clouds will ruin your day pretty fucking fast, literally. Have fun trying to hide from 1000°C winds traveling 700 km/h

I just want liberals to kick it

don't worry Holla Forums Mary Greeley is on it like a hard black dick

Tell me more about those clouds of gas. Would four layers of sheetrock be enough to stave the heat off for five minutes? If not what would? And how slowly or quickly do these clouds pass through? Sounds quick by that wind.

This is basically a baby version of the Yellowstone pyroclastic cloud. You know how most volcanic calderas that would come after a blast like this are at the top of the mountain? The reason we didn't know Yellowstone was actually a volcano for a long ass time was because the entire fucking park is the caldera. Should put the scale in better perspective.

Webm it you shill I don't jewgle.

This basically, if LA and the SA fault or this shit in montana ever triggered it, the fucking country and planet are done.

Well I for one am going to do the most American thing, shoot that damned cloud. I do have a bunker of sorts to hide in though.

Autistic newfag detected.

All this faggotry over an earthquake in fucking Montana that spread 39 miles GTFO here you summerfaggot teenage cuckolds

report all cuckolds

2 months early, it's not September yet.


It is one of the easiest ways to have the Kali Yuga to end. Even leftists agree that in a happening the current social norms will disappear and that we go the natural laws. After those hard times the strong Germanic people that survived can start creating a new political order without the jews and race traitors.

Epic timeline, more to come soon.

**Didn't we predict happening sep 23 happening 2 years ago*8

Not only you're a saging kike, but you're wrong too. Human history is inherently political, and humanity itself is part of the Almighty God, eternal and creator of all things, which is in everything and contains everything.
(((g-d))) is not God. But (((g-d))) is part of God, sadly.

In literally 3 weeks I'll be in Yellowstone. How fucked am I?

user, you mean tomorrow. July 7. 7/7/17.

Didn't follow this closely but have heard it mentioned a bit over the last few months. Where did Kek go? Why is he coming back September 23rd?

You missed the 1st comment, Chaim!

I am just reminded of this, but didn't Glub state that the death of an empire always comes around their 250th year and it's never about strictly political causes but because of outside effects, like the barbarian invasions of Rome and natural disasters too big to overcome?
What if this is what kicks the barrel down the slope?


It's all bullshit.
Kek is still with us.
Sempembertards gonna september.


The boy who cried Wolf fallacy: The assumption that a claim is false just because similar claims have been false in the past.

Like I give a fuck



That feel when live in southern texas and get to die slowly while fighting cannibals

You jelly?

is this the "fire and brimstone"

you realize a 6.0 is 100 times stronger than a 4.0 right?
that's well out of the ordinary if this is true


are you fucking stupid?
how big is the catastrophe you've formed in your mental image?
i guarantee it needs to be literally AT LEAST a million times worse
the explosion alone would be something crazy like 1500 megatons of power
it's like 1000 goddamn h-bombs going off at once, your 4 layers of sheetrock are going to be fucking vaporized instantaneously as soon as as the shockwave hits, along with you and everything for several hundred miles around the epicenter.
that's to say nothing of the ash and other aftereffects

isn't that a huge underestimation of the ash? I was under the impression that yellowstone would cause an ice age.

The ash settling on the ground is different from the ash that causes the iceage. The ash on the ground after the initial eruption is what that map shows, the ash which causes the ice age does so because it gets shot into the stratosphere for about 4-5 years (then comes down all over the world as rain droplets condense on it over time.)


The lastest yellowstone eruption had an estimated yield of 875,000 megatons. Can't run from that kind of energy.


nevermind just found it, i guess the other source i was looking at was shit

these events can and are used as catalysts for sociall control ala fema… never let a good habbenin go to waste

death grips lead singer user…..

Double dubs confirm
Does this mean God is named Ben?

Is this why Covington wanted all the whites to move to the PNW? To be culled? >:(

does anyone actually know how large an eruption would be? it's obvious 99% of the people who have heard of this have been informed through tabloids

anyone know a geologist they could ask or something? i feel like the doomsday surrounding this is entirely media fabricated, although it is probably not a light matter still

I live in DFW, TX. Do I got a shot at outrunning this bad Mama Jama?

Unless I'm mistaken there are even more active supervolcanoes in Italy and Java that don't get any love.

This. Vesuvius is more likely to explode. When it does at least all the shitskins in naples will die.

Perhaps ye doth..

You discord kikes need to fuck off. What the fuck do you think this board is for?

It's fucking nothing

didnt answer the fucking question faggot

If the lakes haven't boiled off, it's not about to blow, and if the lakes were boiling off, they'd obviously evacuate the park and at least the parts of the surrounding states in the "Initial Kill Zone" and most likely the "Hot Ash Zone", so it's not like you'd be able to get in. (See map at for reference.)

Sorry, the map is in >>>>10207985

We're already the world's minority you stupid pile of shit. Just because you post anime doesn't mean you're not a fucking faggot. What do I have to be "butthurt" about? Nothing is happening or going to happen. You're fucking stupid and you out yourselves as kikes everytime you cheer for catastrophic shit happening in white parts of America. Bet you're real butthurt about your media empire dying, huh Chaim? Only a kike could cheer for some dumb shit like this.

Why don't you learn proper English before you post anything ever again?
Fucking idiot.

"Happening" doesn't mean "I think that this thing that is happening is a good thing", you fucking autismo. It just means a significant event is impending.

No, fuck it, you're not even autistic, you're a fucking jew. Everyone here is intelligently discussing the potential threat of this event, the danger area and where to avoid, how to survive it, what dangerous things you need to look out for, how the climate and economy will be effected, Signs to look out for to determine when this event will actually happen, the science involved, etc.

Top kek what a way to go


It's not the ash that causes global cooling it's the sulfide gas release, which isn't directly constrained by the size of the eruption. As a bit of an aside it's now thought that the same thing applies to asteroid impact. If an asteroid hits a high sulfide area, like a shallow offshore area, it'll cause much more damage than an impact in a sulfide poor area.


The Vesuvius is controlled by experts day in and day out and the Italian army has already stated that it will take about three days total to evacuate the whole area. The damage to people would be very low, sadly, as any suspicious activity that might warn of incumbent eruptions would start a month before the happening, AT WORST.

t. Neapolitan shitskin

you're thinking of Apulia and Sicily, AKA Albanians and Moors

Are you really that insecure about your intelligence you need to concoct your own conversations where you can be right?

I can tell you without a hint of doubt that while the core of Naples IS white, it does a stellar job in not only having another 70% of its population look like fucking Moors, but in acting like shitskins, too. Also while Muzzies and Eastern Yurops abound, they're mostly kept at bay thanks to the local population not giving a shit.

But it's still a terrible place to be.

If it really is that bad, then why worry? Yes, I'm being completely serious. If this thing erupting means death for everything and everyone on Earth, and if there's nothing we currently possess to stop it, what point is there getting worked up over it?

22mins ago a 3.8 hit Lincoln, Montana.

Fucking newfags.

They expect some of us in the wreckage, brother.


Anons! Yellowstone may be a red herring! There is too much synchronicity going on. Yellowstone, Mammoth, and Camp Flegrei are all showing the same signs and quakes, but Mammoth Mountain is showing the most ground upheaval.
Mammoth Mountain is already known for spewing poisonous gasses at deadly levels, and it's showing massive ground upheaval. I suspect these sites are all linked, and I suspect Mammoth Mountain is the one that will blow!

AHA my men. Make it happen

Lincoln, Montana is where Ted Kaczynski lived in his cabin. Poetic justice.


call me when we get a 7.5 or so at the caldera. That's when you should start worrying.

Kek above, please don't bless this post with happening numbers.





Well, a tribe up in the Olympic peninsula has stated there would be a massive tsunami on the west coast before the end of the year, and they've taken it seriously enough to abandon the coast and move to the top of the mountains…

The morality of the event isn't the issue, it's a natural disaster. A natural disaster that would immediately plunge us into a SHTF scenario. Yellowstone erupting would take out America and therefore the most powerful ZOG asset. The federal government would collapse, the world would descend into chaos.

And you ask how this is Holla Forums material?

Get your earthquake kits ready just in case. Even if the wagonburners know nothing, as to be expected, it's still a good idea.

pics or it didn't happen.



The JDF plate is moving down diagonally, not into the mainland. The North American plate is being pushed north from California, not west. The hilly terrain of Washington was produced from this crustal action. The Montana earthquakes are geologically unrelated to any activity you might see on the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

It is considerably rare for a tsunami to occur that reaches 100ft. amplitude. Even in great quakes. Only in one area of japan did the waves ever reach 100ft. amplitude and that was due to the shape of the bay where it struck. Also consider that 100ft. amplitude tsunami waves does not mean water will go 100 feet in the air. That's not how it's calculated. The only time you're going to see continental scale Tsunamis with the wall of water scenario is a meteor strike, sufficient volcanic explosion and landslide, or massive earthquake related landslide. Even then, these are exceedingly rare with evidence for only a couple geologically.

"Now look at the height of that tsunami" he says. Good grief, yeah that's pretty big. Based on the scale of the map I'd guess those waves are 50-70 miles high. So watch out.

Suwako is the best frog goddess tbh

You sound like a kike with their coincidences. They are related, by magma flow and pressure zones beneath the surface. These systems are interconnected, and anyone watching the quake maps should quickly become aware of that.


Prove me wrong schlomo. The systems are connected. they usually do turn out to be kikes though…

You faggots need to learn about Taupo.
Largest eruption in recorded history and largest for at least 70k year period.
Various races around the world noted red sunsets from later eruptions too.

Look at a world map. Look at New Zealand. That hole in the middle of the North Island, yeah, that's the crater from Taupo.

The main ash layer can be found throughout the country (are more than that as it erupted many times). It spread 18cm of ash 1000km away on remote islands ffs, let alone meters on the mainland and up to 200m of rock on the central part of this island.
Over 500km³ of magma was ejected.

So yeah, yellowstone goes you guys are fucked depending on the wind most of the country is fucked for food production at minimum.

You can't

Not so sure about that…the Quake in Japan wasn't even their biggest tsunami by a long shot in ancient history.
If you ever visit Osaka, go walking in the hills.
You'll see some stone carved posts well above the city (100m or more up).
These were put there by ancients to warn of where you should not build below, in order to be safe from Tsunami after past experiences.

The 2011 quakes didn't even come close…

Take a 101 level geology class. The magma that would respond/correlate with the CSZ quake would be the magma that fuels Rainier, Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Hellens. Different magma can be acidic or alkaline, depending on the location. Magma is too viscous and dense to travel any great distance underground, not to mention you'd have to go far deeper than what is relevant to any crustal seismic event to reach the 'magma sea' people imagine.

OR, it was a continental class tsunami that provoked the erection of the stones. Continental tsunamis are exceedingly rare.


I looked it up. Don't spread misinformation. Some of them were supposedly washed away.

When you tell people things will be worse than what is likely, they don't prepare. There are thousands of white people living in the pacific northwest, if you ensure them doom is imminent they won't prepare and may otherwise die where they could have survived.

And miss the show? No thanks, I've got a front row seat.

72 days.

How did it happened 30 minutes ago if your thread is almost a week old?

larp thread, sage

Uh, user…

How concerned should i be if i'm on the very edge of the hot ash zone?

Pick one

They're all fed by the same source nigger.


in this thread to increase the activity

If dubs. Orowille dam fails.

Hooboy. If even half the events of Turtledove's Supervolcano books come true…

Don't be afraid, it'll be fun.

Same here user, Time to invest in air conditioned bunker and lots of gas masks

fuck, now I have to do it

Like dresden, your fat will be rendered unto the floor. You will be black goo, mmmm, war crimes.

Time doesn't add up

This user knows

Or move out

OP your post is longer than 30 minutes




You want respirators and eye protection, not a gas mask. If you use a gas mask, it will clog and fail on you. To extend the life of your respirator cartridges, take a tin can and open both sides, then tape it over your filters and put some cotton balls in it and some mesh over the end. This will catch the large particulates before they can clog up the filters, and can cheaply be changed out.
If you live in the midwest I'd be willing to lend a hand building a bunker/shelter. I have the skillset. Although in the heartlands you can find houses for sale that come with cold war era shelters readily.