#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Casual Day Edition



- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com


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- twitter.com/PQubeGames/status/758319336603938816
- twitter.com/icejournalism/status/758023920918421505
- techraptor.net/content/techraptor-2-0-kickstarter-live || kickstarter.com/projects/rutledge/the-next-evolution-of-techraptor
- archive.is/ZHOYc || archive.is/VUQRd
- bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-07/gawker-auction-can-proceed-on-extended-timeline-judge-rules || archive.is/QKdi1


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
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• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
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This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


you have any boatboys?

This is huge, spread this shit.

I just wanted to play vidya.

Context pls.

big chance that it trump or Russia that did that. :^)

Click the link you sperg

Doesn't this belong in Holla Forums?


I bet it was the Gamergays, they harassed all the delegates away



I ain't clicking shit without context.

Democracy loves a consensus.

TL:DW Demorats put out an ad for actors to fill seats in the bernout sections

It writes itself.

Why hasn't there been a Hillary edit of this yet?

It's sad that people still think we live in a democracy. This election is absolute shit. This election has the two worst presidential candidates I've ever seen.

Living has no worth.

Good morning faggots!

Now let's start this thread with some HADOUUU~~~~ I mean, Ura SHOUTENNNNN!!!

you're an autist then no one needs to spoonfeed you nigger

The vid also claim white noise machine installed to cancel out any bernouts vocal protests.

Can anyone confirm if that is indeed a white noise machine?

This is news, much less big shit, much less vidya?

Ty for context, but I'm yawning.

Cheer up m8. Pic related.

Talking about false identities to fit to the mainstream ideological trend, you're the one to talk, Shaun "Faux Chocolate" King.

Fuck you, off-topic faggot. Context is a common courtesy. Shills get filtered.


I can't believe I still think about bringing a kid into this world. Like, I'm a fuckup as is. I might be a shit parent for all I know, but this world, "the best place on Earth" is still a corrupt shithole. It's corrupt and it's not even honest about it.

Fuck god damn. Common courtesy to sage here. This is near blogpost shit, and we don't need this now. We need to cheer ourselves up preferably in a way that doesn't involve a meteor, but hey, beggars can't be choosers

You got dubs, that's pretty good.

A white teapot calling the kettle white.


I actually like the God Emperor

tfw were this close to having the first shitposter president
The future is looking pretty bright


Daily reminder that only Katsuhiro Harada doesn't give 2 shits about what the feminists and SJW's are crying over the "unrealistic" beauty standards and male gaze of his female characters, support the cause

The purpose of the universe is suffering. Your failure to create new life will only lead the demiurge to punish us all further.

That face. That's the look of adulation. That concerns me.

I actually dgaf who the next president is, and the only one I respect is Johnson, despite disagreeing with his platform. What I really hate, though, are Trumptards, Berniebros and the retarded. The fanbases suck extra this time around.

I just wanted to play vidya, so I will while shitposting here.

Waifufag devs cannot be stopped.

the greatest gift I can give to my children at this point is not bringing them into this world. They are innocent. They don't deserve this. I suffer in their place

I lost what little respect for Johnson when he supported the TPP.
I wanted Jim Webb.

old bread: archive.is/m559X

Why aren't their hands touching?


Stop being so tsundere Vivian.

That's okay, user. We'll make America great again and then you'll feel better.

Here you go.

On the one hand, I enjoy that. On the other, why not more multiplayer stuff? Like doing dramatic battles, since Capcom refuses to bring them back.

Sage for not being on topic really.

Evolutionarily speaking, you don't matter. Whether you reproduce doesn't really matter much either. Genes are reproduced, or they are not. Your particular combination of genes is both astronomically unique and inconsequential.

Memes are what matter. Memes are our cultural evolution, and every one of us has the capacity to change the world.

It'd be easier just for the oligarch zionists to be lynched at this point.

Single player sells, you might be shocked to know that a ton of people don't ever bother with online in fighting games.

Hell not just fighting games, I mean did you know that only 30% of all Call of Duty buyers play the multi?

You can't ignore single player, the market does exist for it and not having it means less sales.

Confirmation could only come from the people who installed them. Whatever it is, is installed inside the box.
Maybe compare the other sections to see if they have them, I don't know

Memes are eternal. They can't die. They can fall off the collective consciousness, but someone at some future time will see them again, and if they are relevant at the time they'll rise again.

Can confirm. I loved Halo and COD campaigns, and loved LAN parties with Army buddies. When I went online after getting out of the Army, though, well fuck that shit.

Holy shit, got a source for that? That's insane. My brother plays nothing but single player stuff but I thought he was the minority when he played CoD by himself. Also games like Smash and Pokken only work well locally, so those I could see singleplayer content for. But Tekken always struck me as a nearly strict multiplayet experience. Never played many of them though.


Hey, look at what I found on Twitter regarding censorship for the sake of "protecting the children" from nudity!

I enjoyed the single player campaign in one of the last Tekkens, loot drops and all. It is way outside of my normal gaming habits, but I had some fun and I would kill for a diablo 1 meets tekken (or anything really) type game.

What 16-year old hasn't watched porn on the internet? Hell, I jerked off to it at 12.

It's 1968, read the date of the precedent.

Am I missing something here?



I hope this means that cutscenes blend into the gameplay, like in Dragon Ball Xenoverse. There was some other Dragon Ball game where that was a big selling point, but I forgot its name.

Archive: archive.is/3FrvW

Full version: deviantart.com/art/DeepFreeze-Sisters-622225374


Holy fuck, Harada bullied him off twitter

So how do you guys handle the stench of SJWism among your own

It pains me to see my brother becoming as intolerant as the people he supposedly claims to hate(trump supporters), confirmation bias, biased sources, no research, he's falling for all of it and its shitty to watch.

My mom tearfully asked me to not discuss politics with him because she doesn't like to see us argue and I'll listen, but it still breaks my heart a little to see this, I'm losing respect for the man whenever he does this.

Apologies for the blogpost but we're slow as fuck and its been a shit day.

move to a small town, narcissism isn't very fashionable outside the big cities with universities with well to do students looking to one up each other

Ideas cannot be killed.

I usually use cult deprogramming techniques. I grew up in one, so I'm well practiced.

Stab your brother, user.

Call him a cuck. Whenever he tries to reply interrupt him by coughing cuck under your breath. After several weeks of this he will crack.

>There was some other Dragon Ball game where that was a big selling point, but I forgot its name.
Might be Burst Limit, but I'm not entirely sure.

What if Leslie Jones demanded a change in Tekken via twitter. What would happen then?

Noth korea declared war on the US


Do they have nukes yet? If not, who gives a shit?

I wonder how Holla Forums would react if ron paul was pro tpp

I rarly touch online multiplayer. Splatoon is probably my favorite one out of 5 games I played with online multiplay. runscape is still the worst. And the others were some og xbox games.



you hit puberty early

>not jerkin until puberty

souce niggga

Yo, Source Pl0x?

Did anyone here like the Rockeeter?

If so I'm sorry.


They declare war every other week.

I'm just numb to shit like this now.


Not particularly. The art deco poster was the only part I liked, I thought it was boring.
I don't care about any reboot if all it has to offer is faux outrage attempt. Make a movie I actually want to see, but current year marketers and moronic producers and directors are still somehow convinced that hostile marketing, and catering to people who will never buy their products and services is a good business plan.

I don't get this harambe thing.

I don't either.

there isnt much at all to get
its just a maymay mostly adopted by the right, I'm surprised there hasnt been half a dozen articles about it yet

This is bullshit. The rumor about actors is from that obvious troll Craiglist post that was floating around Holla Forums and posted here yesterday:


They wouldn't go through a public Craiglist post if they were hiring actors. And the wording makes it even more obvious it's a false-flag, "we are currently removing a number of people and need to refill their seats" is the sort of explanation that wouldn't be put in a real ad but would be in a fake one.

The "white-noise machines" just look like normal stadium speakers and are over every section if you look at 3:42, not just the Bernie-heavy sections.

Seems more likely to be speakers, She says they're new and specifically over the California section but they're actually over every section.

brothers were against brexit because "it's only about racism!"

mother is voting hillary "because she's a woman!"

one brother still pulling for sanders "you don't understand user, he's going to make college free, legalize weed, and give americans a basic income!"

one brother supports TPP "it will be really good for the company I work for user!"

fucking kill me, anytime I try to refute any of their ideas, they just fall back on "you don't understand"
I would be fucking happier if they at least called me a racist or something, because it's clear when I bring up any information they don't understand it.

you need to give him the D to liberate his mind and yours too

It's about some gorilla getting shot because a black kid jumped into a gorilla exhibit (lol). The gorilla got shot, unfortunately. I'd rather it would've been the kid's mother shot for negligence.

Call all of 'em cuckolds. They'll crack within 7 days.

I know the story behind it, I just don't know why people are running with it so much, and the dicks out for harambe thing.

I would straight up tell those retarded siblings they're dead to me over Brexit alone.

Tell your mom about how hillary conned Hati & caused the deaths of hundreds of kids

Tell your brother how cucky sanders fucked vets over by stopping them from getting painkillers retardedly thinking it will keep them from becoming addicted

They then turned to drugs & booze

please use archive.is/news/article-3711594/VA-fire-revealed-spent-20MILLION-high-end-art-past-10-years-thousands-veterans-died-waiting-doctors.html

use more indirect attacks

tell him that you won't vote for hillary because her husband's a pedophile

Bernie delegates being kept out is fact. All those new people came from somewhere even though its probably not that craigslist ad.

I don't give a fuck if I sound edgy. I value other animals that aren't mudslimes over human lives.

Fuck kids.


I don't think you're edgy, I feel the same way.

People think we're all created equal, we're not and never will be and there's a lot of people that are just a step below the shit I scrape off my sneakers sometimes.


First bombed. It wasn't very good either. Shit will bomb.

If I could choose between the kind of pieces of shit that force women to wear hijabs and burqas as well as our own garbage president for traitorously shilling for them and a full grown panda desperately trying to cling to the edge of the same cliff, you had better believe I'm putting my heart and soul into helping pull it up just enough that that cuddly fucker can spend even just one more year snacking on bamboo and looking cute.

You live in New York and are a jew, correct?

I don't really care that the ape was blasted. SJWs and especially Twitter/Tumblr were mad the monkey was shot and were suggesting there was another way to deal with it like arm chair experts (there wasn't).

I don't know - there are reserved signs, but maybe those are legitimately reserved by fellow delegates? I'd be less skeptical if she didn't obviously believe the rumor about "actors being paid $50" and jump to the conclusion some speakers were "white noise machines", but those make me wonder if she's just interpreting everything to fit her suspicions.

Tranquilizers would not have worked fast enough on Harambe, that's why they shot him, he would have become disoriented and maybe violent while it took effect.

The real issue for me was this:

Where the fuck where the parents?

Where the FUCK was the zoo staff? Getting into those exhibits is not easy, how did someone not notice the kid trying to get in there

He is right it will be great for the company and his bosses, just it wont be great for him when he finds out he is training his early replacment and that he is being laid off.

Being irresponsible niggers. The kid was black.

We need better stun or tranq technology. There is a need for it.

She's a delegate. She's with other California delegates. There are seats for each delegate. Those seats are now reserved for people other than them. It doesn't matter if she's right about the rest or wrong the fact remains that delegates are being blocked for others that are not delegates.

How do I start a real pushback in favor of tits and ass?

Nothing triggers a pathetic "feminist" more than an attractive fictional female being sexualized.

Display lewd(not nude) images of women, both 3DPD and 2D, that'll stick to them like nightmare on a summer night.

Make a character like that. I know the Deepfreeze-tans exist, but I mean like REALLY sexualize it, like say throw her in a two-piece suit, or lingerie.


speaking of them
sketch for my latest one is posted, not sure how long artist will take to color

there was a screencap where these dumb shits thought the kid was white so they were even more assmad.

retarded blogpost, feel free to pass it by

I finished va-11 hall-a
got the "bad" ending, because my dumb ass likes to buy shit. It really wasn't that bad though, which is alright. Comfy, i guess, even though Jill ends up temporarily homeless. At least she's with a friend
The game as a whole makes me all melancholy. it's dumb and I'm sad about my own life. But I'm no more inspired to get off my ass and change anything now that it's said and done though. Im still just sitting here wishing I had someone to hold hands with I'm a depraved piece of shit, I know.


I am gonna bully you.

va-11hall-a got me out of my art slump.
It also hit me hard on a lot of shit cause I relate to a lot of the characters in that game.
I'd like to think I took away some good lessons from that game.

Prominent French fighting game player Kayane talked about being misrepresented by media trying to push a sexism narrative


I don't know the source video and it's probably in french but she retweeted this.

go ahead, I like my boyhole getting invaded anyway.

I've started NG+, I'll work my way to all of the endings over the next few days, I guess.
I'll keep my eyes peeled for lessons you're talking about. A few things resonated with me throughout, but my head is swimming right now, so I'm in no position to reflect on anything specific.

I seen the post on tumblr before. It was a french and there was another older woman with them.



But yea this isn't surprising at all, look how hard they shilled that gook that was good at Overwatch.

The games journos just want someone they can prop up, problem is nobody within the SJW circle is any good at anything so they pull this shit.

another case of internalized misogyny, smdh tbqh fam

I don't speak frog, but if anyone cares to translate to burger, here is the thing.


where's that saria loving cunt when you need…

wait, do we actually need that fucking baguette right now?

What does paying for porn I want to be drawn have to do with anything?

Canadian Here, let me translate that for you.

"I need a baguette and cheese"

French is lame

You forgot "I surrender"

you make drawing lewd things become profitable and thriving. Capitalism takes over. Lewd commissions everywhere. SJWs cry salty delicious tears.

No, thats france. Quebec is more "we may have lost but fuck you we are making the one food canada will be remebered for and keeping our culture until the chinks and muslims take us over from the inside out." and if acadian "haha the rest of progressive kanada is fucking us over like the british fucked over the scots"

I once got into an argument about Zygarde's pronunciation back on /vp/ (I say Zai-gar-day) and someone said French is disgusting to listen to while German is beautiful. I disagreed and stated while German isn't an ugly language it definitely sounds more like nausea than French does.

Tell me there isn't a massive gap between how sexy girls sound speaking those languages in a lewd fashion.

Bernie Sanders looks sad as fuck right now. Don't fucking blame him. He didn't smile once when Hillary complimented him.

The kid was white. And all that Harambe stuff is a fucking meme. I mean, they literally say "dicks out for Harambe." And you think that's serious?

The kid was black. Look at the pictures.

You can say that but I find a sexy latina speaking spanish is some of the best boner fuel

He wants to sit in his plane before veing martyred for hillary.

was he? I saw pics and the kid was black

No, the kid was black. He was first reported as white with SJWs going, "Racist zookeepers killed a gorilla to save some white boy, wouldn't have if it was a black kid" only for it to then come out that he was black. Was pretty funny.

What's he sad about? He scammed 220 million off a bunch of suckers.

What I did at my liberal community college is I brought my laptop with over 200 lewd wallpapers (some of which related to GG) and cycle through them to see how many classmates I could trigger.

For her




I don't believe you.

Post 'em, NOW!

smh = shaking my head
smdh = shaking my dick hard?

shaking my damn head

Unless hillary is getting arested, the democrats have surrendered, a bunch have died, or they made a technical error, I doubt it is verry important. we know what the cunt who hates gg is there, but we know what she will say and we will spam the related tags on all the info when they drag gg into it.

I'm ready leader. What's happening?

smdh=shaking my damn head

She was having coughing fits earlier and she just accepted the nomination, but nothing else is happening.

Generic speech

At least Trumps was entertaining

Did yhe agg bitch go up yet?

Probably unrelated but check out this shit the Clinton Campaign did

I got hit hard by fucking Zootopia. It's a strange kind of feel when you get an empathy feel from pop culture detritus, isn't it?

nothing relevant happening

Didn't a shit ton of that end up going to Hillary?


Shill this on twitter too

Shit i forgot links to the tweets

Might be a happening in a while. Protestors seem to be waiting on delegates outside saying they'll wait all night if necessary, implication being they want to lynch them I guess. So we might get bernouts being gassed by law enforcement in an hour or so.

Ho lee fuck. I am not suprised but very disgusted. Id reach my hand out, but shed scorn it since she probably hates trump more.

Zootopia was a decent movie, as was angry birds. I loved asking "where is the food for the carnivores? Why are their no bug, fish or bird people. Arent all animals supposed to be equal? Guess not. You are only equal if mammal.

I read High Fidelity, and for some reason it put me in a real bad depression. I wasn't happy before but thishe hit me hard. Burned a lot of bridges and tried to kill myself. Not sure why it hit me so hard.

I think most went to jill or are refusing to vote out of principal.

Yeah, she's said she'll vote Hillary reluctantly but still dislikes being represented like that. Also I'm not sure if HFA is directly tied to Clinton or is an independent group supporting her.

Dude, easy acronym Hillay For America.


The developers are from Belarus, a dictatorship, but the reviewer still seems dissapointed it doesn't have explicit enough moral messages or something? It's not very clear, it mostly seems like a lot of text saying nothing. I learned more about gameplay by glancing at the steam screenshots than the review.



Jesus, that pic irritates my tyrophobia itch.

Why is she so perfect?



she's not even my waifu and I had to hide that shit out of disdain

I think I'm going to hide my better galko pics. They aren't safe anymore

The original script answered that. In fact, the original script was much better in general, to be honest. Vidya is not the only medium where great ideas get watered down.

Jesus user, I know about depression, but suicide? It must somehow mirror your life, would be my guess. And maybe you could have picked it up subconsciously.

Won't make enough of an impact fast enough.



needs viv

Just put 'em out there FOR FREE, then.

Maybe. I got about halfway into it, then just spent weeks brooding, and eventually did it. Only other media to hit me so hard is Big Fish. I cry every time I watch it.


Oh, I know, spiderman 3 was supposed to be 2 seperate movies if I am not mistaken.
and its more or less nice to quote animalfarm while pointing out some species are implied slaves/cattle

I want something that will really hit hard and show weakness in their cult.


3 was such a weak payoff, then again 1 was also not the strongest movie either. 2 was a fantastic movie.

I wish I had read the book or at least seen the movie so I could discuss this with you. Sorry user, but at least I can offer sympathy and empathy.

I swear I had the embed section cleared.


It's weird, because I feel the same about the X-Men movies. Before they did all of the time/origin story fuckery, those three could be described in pretty much the exact same way.


did you check my board?

I just did. Looks pretty good. I knew you'd get some position like that for butthair.

Wake me up.


I wanna shitpost it so bad but I can't muster up the energy.


The other day you mentioned judy wasn't humanized enough for your tastes. How about now?

you know fox agrees with you on that.

Post thatcher pics in the tag. And the corruption.

We already have Marche. Why won't GG stop trying to make me a furry?

Oh, and jill


Meant to reply to


The lady who wrote the terrible tranny for that baldurs game has left the company.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC

nigga thats just a rabbits head on a humans body that still a fucking rabbit

Are you sure it's not because she pissed off literally everyone?

Somehow I misread the thumbnail as Erotic National Convention, and that implanted the idea of Hillary wearing dominatrix attire in my head.

Please, for the love of God bully me! It'll take my mind off of it!

no Hitler, you live with your suffering. That is your bullying

this will help:

Maybe this will finally persuade you…

My guess is that Beamdog are trying to be polite by citing the moving as reason for the departure rather than shoddy community interactions. If I were in Beamdog's position I would make a subtle reference to Amber's management of the "ethics in heroic adventuring" situation.

I'm not a trumpeteer, so no.

What should we do to a naughty boy like you?

try to make the hips and legs more shapely and sexy, otherwise looks like a good start

I'm one of the cult fanbase of the original Rocketeer. Saw the news about the reboot today at work.

I'm just… fucking meh. I actually don't mind the premise of "Cliff missing, 1940s black girl takes up the mantle. It kinda gives me Tuskeegee Airmen vibes and coule be made to suit the setting. I can dig it. But the fact that they announced it the way they did screams SJW Pandering, meaning the actual execution is 95% certain to be utter dogshit.

Also no Jennifer Connelly, who gave me a massive 3DPD crush in that movie and Dark City. She pulls off the Betty Page pinup girl look so well that it pushes the fuck out of my buttons.


It's not my drawing, nor do I draw at all, although I have a whole bunch of sketches for some odd reason.

Well Hitler trips, you brought it on yourself. That or you are having parallel world deja vu distorted recall experience. Where the universe you remembered had a mongolian finger puppet show called Kill La Killary, and a character named Ragyo Kiryuin seems very familiar to you in this universe.

The realization of the true horror will come to you when you see that Ragyo is actually here in this universe, and so is Rei "Huma"ru. But there is no Ryuko, Mako, Satsuki, the elite 4, no Senketsu, no Ishin Matoi in this universe.

But not all hope is lost yet. Milo Mikisugi, Trump Takarada, and a bunch of Nudisto Beech also happens to be in this universe.

Is there a prepatch version of va-11hall-a I can download?

I want to play it, but I want to play it before they censored it and I don't want to support them for censoring it.


That forth image's style looks familiar.

She was interviewed for a Cracked article 2 weeks ago. Even though it was the same writer who is leaving I'm not sure she would have done that if her co-workers were pissed at her for that sort of thing.


gloating about it surely won't harm future sales at all…I bet they all helped load the furniture in the van.

Dunno man, remember how the head faggot defended their fuckups and ran crying to Saint Anita begging for protection?

yea its a recolor
Sinner looks quite a lot like vivian so its not really hard to do


Jesus fuck someone tell the park staff there's something wrong with the bill clinton animatronic and it's scaring the children.

Funny how libs try to be for open relationships & cucking

But multiple ex wives is a no



is she trying to tell us something?


I don't get what Danny Devito is trying to say in the first tweet.

I'd tell him to try having 2 exs in which the male is still in good terms with. Its a fucking statistical impossibility. And remind him that he is no todd mcfarlane, just for shits and giggles.

Speaking of which, is there a comics equivalent of Burch or Rapp? I'm completely out of the loop about the newer, younger writers which are more likely to be cucks have open marriages.

Who's that bald white guy who collects black kids?

And Bernie's supposedly left the Democrats outright now. All it would take is him becoming Stein or Johnson's VP pick to split the left vote so hard that Trump is guaranteed to win.

Matt fraction/ KSD and Zdarsky


Id gamble that there definitly are webcomic makers who are, dunno about professional artists or writers though, many koolaid, bit it seems more tring to be a part of the percived majority. Slott is a cuntbag, but I expect him to flipflop hard if sojus has a big crash. He sounds like the type to do so.

He wont, going by the leaks, and the theory that hillary gets high dessenters killed.


You know, it's just hit me that, for how fucked up he is, even having a festering wound in his taint that he thinks is a vagina, CWC still has more self-respect than Anthony Burch or Jake Rapp. After all, he's always specified that he wants a single girl. Not down with that open relationship shit.

Probably not, yeah. I'm wondering just how bad the split is right now. Like, will these people still vote Hillary out of spite? Or are they moving to Stein/abstaining completely? Because Trump's got a rift going on the right too, but I don't think it's bad enough to keep such a large chunk of the party from voting for him.

No matter who wins nobody will accept them, people are to divided.

Yep. And hillary will declare war with russia, if they do not beat her to the punch first. And I do not think you burgers would win that war and canada will be used as a battlefield, so raze toronto

I hope berntouts try and go for novote.

If Bernie was going independent why would he be anyone's VP pick? He'd do more damage as a 3rd party candidate than Ross Perot ever did.

Is it confirmed or just a hunch? I reckon that yeah they're prime suspects.

I suspect if he went third, youd see the states equivalent of the ndp born.

Sanders was an Independent for like 30 years back in Vermont, he's only been a Democrat for the last couple of election cycles.

So…where's the big Assange bomb? He said he had more dirt on Hillary. She did her speech tonight? He better not have been lying.

Don't forget Kieron Gillen (of RPS) is a comic guy.
pic related

Ok, he looks less off with a beard

I never heard it from any official source, only rumors here on 8ch saying he said it.

yea Gillen no doubt
guy started this whole New game journalism hipster garbage fest that infected what we know today

Holy douche chills Batman.

So, fake rumors started by his detractors to sabotage his credibility.

Shame that didn't last. It was a perfect storm of two shitty candidates, and Jack Layton there to point out how shitty they were. If he'd made it through his illness we might be looking at an NDP PM right now. Nope, just the King of Cucks.

Ok, I need to point it out, while he could have done some good, we did not know if he would bend the knee to all this progressivism shit. Yes, he would have saved the world from the tpp that was a given but the progressivism and pc shit was coming from his own party in a big way, and I doubt he would have stopped it. Though he still would be better than a turd.


Even another term of Harper would've been better than the turd we got.

Did anyone pay attention to the DNC after Tuesday? Most of yesterday seemed to be the MSM spilling its spaghetti over the Trump e-mails thing rather than the convention itself. Today seemed to be pretty dead for the most part, although I could be wrong.

From what little footage I watched, it was basically just a chance to shill for Hillary. Not one mention of a walkout or a party rift or the emails or anything. Just "Oh how great Hillary won everyone's happy yay" over and over again.

They have nothing left but lies.

Gary Whitta's been revealed as a cuck as well, which is sort of a blot on both the launch era of PCG UK and late 90s PCG US in retrospect.

Amiga Power was Doom Pauling the nascent quid-pro-que issues two decades before GG was even existent. Too bad the computer they covered didn't make it as that read was a hell of an asset.

I don't think anyone believes that though, if for not other reason you could hear some heckling during her speech. Which wasn't anything special, about the best you could say about it is that she didn't have a 5 minute coughing fit during it, if that happened the election would have been finished tonight.

Not to mention the ex-Bernie crowd doing what they could to disrupt the rest of the event…


It describes her most problematic encounter with… players. They're extremely defiant and rude to her.

Kinda, but the problem is that there are no term limits for the positions that badly need them. We would have cons again if harper only had 2 terms.

>asian lady or at least asian mix looking shittalking femi ism and double income households
Nice. we are in such a shitty place that 1 income households for a family of 4 was completly feesable for a long time, but now almost everyone needs their own seperate income to live somewhat safely financially

Well of course feminism told women they were bad people and hurting women if they didn't join the work force. This flooded the market with more and more labor immediately so of course the value of labor plummeted and now you need 2 incomes to fund an average household. Feminism should have been more about educating the next generation that women can go to work if they want and men can stay at home with the kids if they want. Instead no change had to be immediate and drastic and now the labor market is fucked.

Yeah, the person posting it was trying to contradict her account that it was journos misrepresenting her, so that's what I expected. She responded by implying it was cherrypicking.


Just because he's passed away, let's not get carried away and lionize Layton and posthumously give him qualities he never had when he was alive. He wasn't a slacker in the cuckold department either. In addition to wrote, if the NDP had won canada would likely be in the midst of debating or implementing the crazy Leap Manifesto. The NDP had been infiltrated by ivory tower, champagne socialists, hard left loons and socjus cancer for a while, and in spite of or even because of Layton's PR skills he was IMO part of the problem.

I'd be considered far right wing by syruplanders simply because I think canada should adopt the 1st and 2nd amendment of the U.S. And even I thought Harper needed to go and stay go, and his overstaying his welcome and his tone deafness was a large part of why he and the cons failed.
Even if Layton was alive, NDP still needed a hard look at itself and to flush out from it's own stable all the accumulated horseshit. Same with all the other 2 major parties, and their choice of leaders.

There was no good choice in canada's last federal election. Barely a lesser of the evil choice, only slightly different flavor of

Yeah I could tell just from watching one of the debates the entire thing was just piling on Harper and insinuating he was racist with nobody really offering any ways to improve things.

go on bully i can take it

A redpilled computer/vidya mag? Now that's something I would pay good money for.

Yeah it's a real shame him and Stapleton were pretty good on the old PCG podcast as the curmudgeonly old men.

feminists were used to lower wages to make an easy excuse for 2× the workers at the same cost.

All elections need a none of the above option, and restructuring to allow for 3rd party and independents a chance.
And layton was not perfect, but he was not bad EXCEPT he did not flush the cancer from the party and instead allowed it to florish.

Well Canada's parliament is now talking about redesigning our entire government and the way we elect people. Shit probably does need to change but the current government being in charge of it scares the crap out of me.


What they pitched is dangerous since it adds favour to the ones who are currently in. And its not just the parliment, its the fucking tourism bureau that needs to knock off the pc crap too. "Muslims helped build canada" my ass. Black folk, yes, asians, also yes, indians, maybe, sikhs, also maybe, but muslims only started showing up en masse in the 90s and were a statistical anomally. Nova scotia is still over 90 percent white, and yet they act as if it was only everyone but white folk who made nova scotia what it is. they are pulling "white people know they helped build canada silly, it does not need to be said" forgetting that things left unsaid, or most likely doing it on purpose, get forgotten.

excuse me for sounding like a Holla Forumsack, but this reverse racism and pc cultural revisionism pisses me off, as does the sacred cowing of muslims and the natives.

and I forgot to put "reverse racism" in its proper quotes. Its still racism. And I do know people who while hating trump and loving stupid progressiveness, cant really argue with racism and prejudice against white people does exist too.

I never implied the implications that you imply I'm implying. 'Until the next election' = / = things will automagically improve.
Fam, that has been my first choice for nearly the past two decades. If there is a legal and binding choice of that on every ballot, we would not even be here talking about it.
That's still pretty bad mang, considering after one of the meetings \ party convention whatever the fuck the Alberta NDP considered splitting from the Federal counterpart. In no small part due to the cancerous elements Layton either genuinely was not aware of which would make him a not so smart leader, or he deliberately ignored in the party which would make him a negligent one. The NDP's rot was happening under Layton's watch.

If the pattern holds true, that obviously the party in power will try to rig the rule to be in their favor. You are right to have a puckered feeling.

Agreed. There is some 'Snowball never won the battle, it was Napoleon who won the war and built the windmill' level doublespeak with that stuff.

I was joking on the implying part mate.
And yes, layton was either neglectful or ignorant of his partys idiocies. I suspect. Ignorant and that he truly did not know though.

Bingo. How long till I have to hear that alexander grahm belle was a black dude? Because lets face it, nova scotia has only 4 big historical things,
And none of those have much to do with much of any minority, aside from alexander having a deaf wife and the negros dead in the explosion, if any.


I covered my ass here yeah I deserve billy, but not mandy

Wow this place is really reddit 2.0. you should all just kill yourselves summerfags.


Well, "redpill" might be a bit generous but non-pozzed would be accurate. Check this out.

Also there's PC Accelerator. I strongly doubt it would be made today. It was basically a combo of a men's magazine and a games mag. It was pretty much perfect tone-wise and the scoring for the reviews was usually pretty decent. I think however there was some kind of internal problem at Imagine that allowed it to be shitcanned but it's so long ago that I can't rightly recall what it was.

Apology tours for dead negros in the explosion. #BLM Canada will be put in charge by Tumblr jr. to make sure it is historically accurate and tasteful. :^)

She sounds like Lisa Lampanelli hosting a roast.

Heh, that's the exact term I was going to use, but thought Holla Forums might not be familiar with the lingo.

Man, it really seems like a magazine like that will never be made again, it's the sort of thing that would fall on us to do it since no one else will. But print mags are going the way of the dodo, and we can't even run a gaming site. Ah well.

He better never politicize that accident that way. It was not just canadians who died in that, a nodic countries vessel was docked at the time and their ship was caught in the explosion too.
I miss the herritage minutes, those were very fair to canadian history.

and I gotta stop watching food cooked online and looking at recipies. They make me too hungry

Can't unhear.

gookanon here. the anti-megalia resistance force in korea begun 'Operation No-Shield'. the readers, consumers and fans pretected authors and artists from the government regulations and censorship for decades, and now the artists declared fully support of megalians, and literally calling consumers as 'useless bug-like readers' and 'money giving slaves'.
the consumers revolting against those entitled artists and saying we will not protect you from gov censorship no more, thus Op No-shield born.

i was surprised how this megalian shit so closely resembles early days of gg. but the scale is far more bigger than gg ever was. it's nationwide korean version of consumer revolt.

the korean doujin scene stick with the megalian force, and people fucking exposing the corruption of korean doujin industry online and reporting them for illegal porn making to gov authority. the people who reporting them now were once defiant freedom fighters who fought against government for artists' rights, and now people wants to see the whole doujin scene to be burned. the sjw corruption in doujin scene of korea is beyond fucked up, they're like corrupted western indie scene and digra/silverstring media shit.

korean comicon is verge of being cancled because majority of rational non-megalian fans leaving the scene like abandoning sunking ship. rest of lessor doujin festivals banned every adult contents. fans betrayed, and now no one's gonna protect those entitled as fuck self-acclaimed 'artists' from merciless government censorship and regulations.

korean people on the internet picked up the doom paul memes from western internet and spamming boards and forum with it. 'you should have listened', 'you asked for this', 'you made your own grave', 'god's gonna cut you down'. it's fucking hilarious.

they asked for this. now they must lie in the grave they digged.
he whole korean sub-culture must be burned to the ground and rebuilt from th beginning. their sjw corruption is beyond salvation.
the rangarok has begun. the corruptes old gods and kings must die. and the new socjus-less golden age will begun from it's ashes.

I can only hope to hear more of people undoing corruption by spending their money elsewhere.
Do the Korean Pauls have Korean text?

On the one hand, it sucks that it came to this, on the other, they passed the breaking point, so this is necessary. You are becoming like the jap otaku

Why, is this your first week here? Furthermore, it'd be negged.
There are Holla Forums-approved gaming news sites. I alone could run one, but as far as I can tell, most Holla Forumsirgins don't actually use gaming news sites very much, since news is ultimately aggregated here. At that point, the options are to cater to a userbase that likely isn't who will read my content, or to present my content in the way that other demographics like, in hoping that some wayward sparks will hit readers who wouldn't normally touch Holla Forums opinions, and potentially spread a fire.

I wish I could follow your lead in my mission to uncuck comics

But comic readers are cucks

You will be foreverially delighted with this, don't you?

Isn't that a death sentence in either Korea?

The only thing rubbing me wrong with this is the use of censorship as weapon.

Good luck gookanon, show those slut bitches, that gamergate will distroy any women it dislikes.

Male Power

good luck, korea

Yep, but its like force, it only should ever be used once all other options are exhausted. And by the sounds of it, the other options were used up a while ago in korea.

I said that on Holla Forums and I'll say it again.

You'll be only hurting yourselves by teaming up with gov on censorship. You won't be able to rebuild the comic scene if you guys will not be able to do so

Most of the good comic artists already fled the scene in korea. You can say that its a bad thing, but they are not trying to save it at this point, but burn it down with the radfems inside.

I mean a site that could have its own thriving audience and, dare I say, community. Also survive financially, that would be nice.

Yeah I reckon the average Holla Forumsirgin doesn't vist many vidya sites, but maybe that's precisely because they're almost all so terrible in the first place. Maybe a vidya site that shat on journos and reviewed games mercilessly would attract them.

Honestly I don't see the issue. Reboots of decades old films don't hurt from having a big change regarding the main character's "identity" and looks.
Hell, ghostbusters being with only gals could've been actually fun and original had they decided to go with competent creators.

okay the rest at the very least I can understand, you just don't pick your info right and can't really analyze it properly; but… who the fuck thinks TPP is good unless you're a disney CEO ? Being apathetic to it, sure, but actually defending it ? I'm sorry user, but I'd say the issue here is your brother's retarded

It's like a month old user.

Give me a minute, on it user.
Give me a break I just woke up, it was 4am when you sent this

That shit's even worse than the original look

God bless gook

why isn't there more evidence and sources for this whole thing

because there are only so many people interested in korea beyond k-pop and their shitty dramas

It could also be one anons elaborate LARP.

why not just do that here though

Can't make money here.

Anonymous imageboards work on the principle of low signal-to-noise but very high output. A site that, shall we say, concentrated the signal would be nice. Not a substitute for Holla Forums, but as an addition.

I can see how a site built around Instig8iveJournalism/Fitzthistlewits/Mechagamezilla/ActionPTS in article format would be appealing to imageboard readers. GatherYourParty has some great shit, but they're painfully slow on updates, and don't have edutainment, which is a big draw nowadays, and especially to Holla Forumsirgins.

This guy is right. You're playing one dangerous fucking game, and this simply does not end without your rights being trampled.

Whether you give a shit about the comics scene or not, it's paving the way for much worse than just that. Either way, you won't get to have a replacement comics scene afterwards if things get out of hand, and when it comes to censorship, they always will.

we ain't ned any shits from those corrupted zionist socjus extremists. we got internet. there's fuck shit ton of alternatives from outside.
you have no idea how entitled and corrupted those korean artiats are. they fucking calling consumers as 'fucking useless moneygiving slaves' on twitter now. and saying 'your mother's a whore' to any fans who politely, desperately persuade thm.

korean webtoons and sub-culture shits are inferior and fucking jokea compared to foreign ones. we are the one who make them rich and famous solely out of patriotism and loyalty. and now they acting like they the one who has control and rules above consumers. just like fucking spoiled kids.

this is fubar. they wants violent gender war and calling readera as slave. we nees the cleansing flame. fire is dangerous but sometimes we need it.

we betrayed by the ones who we raised up our own. it's time to show who's the real boss and rule of the nature.
gather around you spoiled kids, it's capitallism lesson time. let's see how you can sustain without consumers as you claims.

I'm not Korean but was Park Chung-hee like Pinochet?

here's the Operation No-Shield logos made by OC legion of anti-megalian army.

just like the good ol' days of gg. just like the notyourshield.
it's time to fuck some sjws up. the gooknarok has begun

But what are they even trying to gain, aren't these artists mostly male? Do the feminazi acknowledge them? I know we have the "male ally" cucks in the west but this seems even more retarded.

Damn, someone knows their vector tools.

Most of the males supporting seem to be oblivious to the fact megala said "fuck off men" even to their own. They want NO MEN ALLOWED from what I read in gooks other posts, but I could be wrong.

don't forget to take pictures when they drag them out into the open and flay them alive.

i reckon they are the same sheltered hipster kids like the sjws here?

maybe worse than pinochet. park was once imperial japan officer who totured and killed loads of korean reaiatance pwople, and then converted to nork Juche communism and conspired to red communization of korea.

We're just getting started. We're gonna pull the whole thing down. We gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased corrupt temple down on their heads. It's gonna be Biblical.

haha, male allies? they're megalians. they declared to burn this country up with violent gender revolution and genocide of all men. gender is not important. they wants to kill us, so we protect ourselves and the one we love.
that's important.

I hope that when you are lords of ash you have already made plans on how to rebuild and prevent this from happening again.

Here are the translations.
Story short, she talks about her first time in a game community, how she wrecks retarded guys who want to look cool in front of their friends, and how they insult her because they just got humiliated and can't take the heat: since she's so young, it gets to her pretty hard.
Personally, I don't take it as an accusation of sexism or anything; she even says so at the end.

>You're not gonna enjoy what's about to take place. I keep quiet while he jumps onto the sit as if at home, without caring for a second about me being there. I must not lose to such a guy, filled with contempt for me and ready to humiliate me. His behaviour even seems to say I don't matter. My age, my gender make me not belong here. His friends tell him to not destroy my childhood, and to treat “the dwarfette” kindly. I can't take it anymore : organizers, the crowd, now him !
>The fight is about to start. My Kasumi against his Jann Lee. Game is loading and, rather than focus, he puts his controller on the ground without a word. What is he doing ? Is he quitting ? He notices my confused look, and says with a grin I can start without him :
>From the outside, I keep my cool. From the inside, I have only rage and anger. I am going to combo him the hardest I've ever comboed someone in my life, I'll blow him up, and it'll ruin him so hard he'll feel like crying. But I'm just smiling there.

>He starts laughing and asks then, sincerely, if someone's pulling his leg. I'm fuming. I'm seeing myself facing him at Dead or Alive and getting him to bite my dust for making fun of me. I can't tell if he's playing, but I feel like demolishing him. Too busy with my thoughts and since I don't know how to react to him, Joanna does the talking for me. Despite her explanations, the staff keeps going and I see the big sister I've been given today about to lose her nerve.

>I couldn't understand anything to what was going on, aside from the heartache. Even if I looked like it wasn't getting to me, the negativity was piercing me. Why are they saying I don't belong ? Some people had no problem coming to shake me by the shoulder to the point I fell off my chair, some to ask for my name. Where I came from. What cheatcode I was using.
>I couldn't answer much and lost my composure in front of boys sometimes twice as old as me. 'That sucks, my brother's there and they're doing something like that… I just replied coldly in short spurts, hoping they'd stop. My nausea was growing, churning at my stomach and making me breathless. I came to make game friends and everyone's pushing me away.'' I had to wait an hour for Max to come back so I could finally breathe again. Weirdly, now that my big brother was next to me, no one was pushing anymore.

Thanks frog.

What kind of retards are these people? Were they all literal niggers or something?

Assange himself says something of the sort in this interview:


Well it's a fighting games community after all :^j
It's when she was 17, must've been around 10 years ago, mentalities, especially in France, were much, much harder regarding gaming. No one ever thought games were for anyone but greasy loser men. So, sadly, it means that it convinced greasy loser men to be attracted to games.

Bullshit 2006/2007 had plenty of gorl gamers and games w mainstream by then.

That was the 360, PS3 and Wii era not the Atari 2600 era.

Sounds like banter and retarded teenagers to me mate

I don't waste my breath explaining shit anymore, I just shout them down. drowning them out is the only tactic that works.

see above

what the fuck does that even mean
this meme is shit and whoever made it should die

buy games with tits and ass in them

are you the faggot who kept shilling that piece of shit and made reaction images of it?

oh nevermind, it was you. kill yourself you fucking faggot. I hope you die in a fire.

he's a beaten dog fit only to lick up whatever scraps shillary left on the floor

I expected it to be cancerous furshit but it was actually bretty gud

please continue, I love seeing the waifufags get triggered by this

good fucking riddance

memedog needs to get firebombed

well whaddaya know, the namefrog came in handy for once

retards gonna retard

where does it say that? from your translation it sounds like she was younger.

Ah yeah no, I'm retarded, the one bantering her is the one being 17. It's possible she was younger indeed.
you're a retard and you're making all of GG look like doofus morons by doing that. Your entire post sounds like an edgelord's. Fag.

Oh I think so too, it's competitive communities alright, but for a young girl who gets in the middle of so many boys who get mad at her constantly, her first time is quite a fucking rough patch nonetheless.

I just realized I read everything in a perfectly neutral american accent when in reality I would people be hearing a different accent for every post if that one time we had flags on, on /gamergatehq/ was anything to go by.

I am only suprised they did not use asian slurs at her in a noticable way. Youd think that they would go for the asian stuff before female stuff.

Well many people in fighting communities are blacks or asians as well, so I doubt they'd use that kinda shit there.

Dead benis.



DEAD !!!


Haha, screencaps of that please?


I don't have twitter. Could someone tell the guy to search Maria and Escort?

Trying to become relevant again? Attention run out?

This thread is just a DM group circlejerk LARPing as anonymous, strange to see an actual user here.



One of these things is not like the others.

What are you talking about ? She's actually saying that there are sexist assholes but they don't represent an entire community, and that making a big deal out of them is retarded. Can't you read ?




Cranked up saturation and contrast to make him look more sick, haggard and old than he is…

And then they wonder why their credibility goes to shit. Modern journalists: Almost as trustworthy as politicians.

is that anna anthropy?

No five o'clock shadow.

No, it's France's leader of the institution that helps finance videogames basically. She's honestly a fucking cool woman who is a bit normalfag-tier but grasps quite well what videogames are about.

She has to go home



Is she subliminally throwing Andrew Dobson under the bus?




Meanwhile, at the Twitter office


Would you look at that. Gawker is chastising Buzzfeed on ethics.


And to make things better, Gawker writers apparently are too stupid to NOT publish articles that have a thick "DRAFT, DO NOT POST" in the headline.


It feels good of pissing twatter off. But one thing seems strange though. Every popular account that seems to support milo are getting the familiar stalkers for some reason. Wikileaks as an example

Gawker and Kotaku are going all out before the final nail

The banana wu kickscammed article mentions a bunch of journos who promoted her crowdfunding campaign, was any digging done on them?


But the left called them fucking heroes when they revealed informant names and troop movements in the middle east, why the sudden concern? Oh, right, because they showed the left is filled to the brim with corrupt assholes

Oh dear


holy shit

though I don't know if someone made digging

hue hue hue hue That one is true on more than one level I guess, hell of a job for Gawker to be telling more than one truth.
I had to look up what TK means, apparently material 'To Come' later.

Which Lena are they talking about here? I'm suddenly curious if the man-on-the-street inserted tweets are simply manufactured propaganda or the result of outright promotional agreements with some of the sources in question.

Obviously Lena Dunham. Also even more proof that those retards' job is to literally just visit facebook/twitter/instagram accounts of celebrities and to comment on it, and nothing else


Why not both.bmp
I've seen yellow journalism in print ressurrected in online clickbait, and digital clickbait in turn injecting itself back to print and other news media. I've seen dead trees edition reference online clickbait churner as if it's a credible source and trying to make that the new normal.

No I'm not. I dont shill for games. Wouldn't I have had to finish it right away to have shilled for it anyway?

it happened on DC Inside's Webtoon gallery for short period of time. nothing spectacular, just extremly hilarious.


Is it finally over? Can we come out again?


nah, we're forever dead. go back to your grave.



Delusion is one hell of a drug.

Could you post the webm of that thread? I never saved it.

I have some bad news for you.


The best sitcom americlaps ever made is americlaps themselves.


Trump is winning with 42%. Hillary has 24%.

That dude

She got away with it, so the feds don't matter, and her voter base remains.

This is what delusion looks like.

Better one, with more comments: kickscammed.com/project/revolution-60/


Actually, people are still going after her for perjury among other things, and the IRS is looking to nail her ass to the wall on top of the unkown leaks still coming down the pipe
But don't let that ruin your shilling

Nigger I'm not shilling, I'm facing reality. The FBI and IRS are cucked by the clintons and the retarded didn't stop being retarded after the leaks.

Is that a black mirrored pepe?


Time to lock up Galko. She's being used as a weapon of terrorism.

meme terrorism?

What if Holla Forums gained control of Rea's powers?




Why always?

Why should anyone care about sensitive joss whedon?

Hows being a misogynist shitlord whedon?


goddamit feel free to bully

god damn this man is spineless

Billy this nergal

mo==m's ==spa== ==gety



I thought republicans were the ones with crazy conspiracy theories?

Also, have any of you ever gone down one of trump's tweets, the replies? Holy fucking hell liberals are crazy, and unbelievably hateful.

it's so on the nose that I don't know if it even qualifies as virtue signalling. Is there something bigger we could use as a term? Virtue boasting? Virtue shouting? Virtue evangelising?
We get it Joss, you're a nuMale intersectional feminist. You'll surely be rewarded with increased ticket sales in your next project from all the bored 20-somethings with their Buffy and Firefly DVD collections

What I dislike most about that article is how it paints options (which I assume the author doesn't particularly like) as requirements.

Much like how a bunch of supposed serial harassers chastised mainstream video game journalists on ethics. I won't hold my breath for when/if Gawker manage to uphold some standards without a lot of people having to tell them first.

Archive: archive.is/AIVe9

Link/archive? All I found was this video.

Poor Sensitive Joss the Purple haired dumblr whales will never forgive him.

I have, and a good chunk are shills, for and against, and the rest rely on a foundation of corruption, double standards, fear, and hate.

Respectful winking.

Fucking let him, there is no salvaging that show.
It was declining for a long while but fuck me that last doctor had to give me a reason to get mad every single fucking episode. It's like they don't fucking know what the show is about anymore.

Capaldi is decent, its the costar who is annoying as fuck. And its not the actresses fault that shes some super mary sue control freak, its shitty directors and writers. and they made the cybermen into zombie ironman clones for the season finale



See that's what I mean, they have good actors and they still turned it into the biggest shitfest I've seen in a show, and "annoying as fuck" is an understatement, she fucking outdoctors the doctor, she's always right, she keeps saving the day just fucking kill her already.
Also you forgot to mention they turned the Master into Mistress and he keeps referring to Doctor as his boyfriend the entire season. That fucking cliffhanger at the end of part 1 where Clara says she's the doctor, what's even the fucking point if you're going to just go "lol jk" within a minute of part 2?
Also black zombie ironman had to save the day, because saving the day isn't what the Doctor does anymore, someone else has to do it for him the entire fucking time. How the fuck did he get off Gallifrey in the first fucking place? Literally every single fucking thing in this season apart from the 2d invaders episode pissed me off.

I'm surprised it's taken this long to get that bad based on the dangerous obsession tumblr-types have with that goddam show. It's a fucking cheeseball SF series that is occasionally pretty good but the amount of attention it gets is bizarre. I thought things couldn't get any worse with all the River Song garbage but I've never been that big a fan.


I also only noticed rewatching ironman 1 on tv that they changed the actor for rhodie between the first and second movie, and the first movie's rhodie was better

YouTube's new updated policies seem to be intended to weed out any critics of SJWs. Expect Sargon, Harmful, Thunderfoot etc to all get their shit taken down.


River song could have been handled better, but the payoff did not match the buildup which did not match her introduction. not to mention the piss poor way they killed off pond and rory

How do these retards respond to being called entitled little bitches both about "muh representation" and forced diversity?

This shit's months old and it's been discussed to death already. Faggy slowpoke.

So will they take down anitas videos then fo enciting harrasment of developers?

Time for mediagoblin.org/ alternatives.
And don't forget to download your favorite videos off of YT.



Sorry. Saw it on Holla Forums and thought it was new.

It's okay, I was just billi ing you

Then nothing is being enforced? All my comments are still up and they encourage as much hate towards socjus cultists and mudslime savages as possible.

Also, is it true you defend these subhumans?

I liked the cheesy SF, it was very cheesy, dr lands, has some very cheesy adventure, comes up with a churaazah plan and saves the day. It was fun.
That fun has been sucked out of the show completely, everything needs to have some impact on the doctor's psyche, everything has to be 2deep4u, everything has to be so fucking emotional.
I miss the days when dr was a cheeky motherfucker taunting his enemies while casually walking away from explosions.

Start reporting every tumblrina and goon making smug videos mocking sargon, thunderf00t, the sperg from the sarkeesian effect and other such low hanging fruit.


Yes, I love it when muslims blow up my country and murder my countrymen, it's totally enjoyable
what do you think you foreskin

Val pls

He loves it!

What a cuck!

Now you're Val the Cuckold Frog.

Sounds terrible. If there's one thing I absolutely hate about media nowadays is that there's some obnoxious need to explore every little fucking thing about the way characters feel and why. Needing to overanalyze everything about a world's mysteries and force them to become explainable just so the audience won't have any stupid questions to annoy people with on the internet.

It's absolutely fucking disgusting and one of the reasons John Carmack is my role model and philisophical inspiration for the games I'm going to make. Story in a game that is not an RPG other grand adventure or tale of action only matters as far as establishing the setting in which you while give the player the reins to freely have as much fun as possible. Just like Doom.

Hell, most game writers go into detail overload, and it perfectly shows why they do not have any bestsellers.

What, all black people look alike? You didn't notice they replace Cuba Gooding Jr with Don Cheadle? Racist.

More like I did not rewatch 1 before seeing 2 in theaters.

More likely that it's to protect Clinton and shutdown that Clinton Cash documentary.

Literally how fucking hard is show, don't tell?

I can personally think of entire scenes of romance with as little talking as possible.

It's happening, bon voyage, rpg goblin.


Now Todd Howard can reign over western gaming unchallenged by any inferiors.


it's not Cuba in Iron Man, it's Terrence Howard


Looks like they're getting ready for the inevitable and well deserved backlash once its revealed that Ryder is a tranny.

I dunno any of those names you may as well call them all alex.


What I'm wondering is if anyone is going to bother with archiving the forums, like with httrack.com/.

W00T! Dance thread, goys?

Every day I am glad that I stopped reading the big two and pretty much have given up on comic books compared to all these cucks.

Is this the end of rine?

Idw is pretty shit too. And image kinda exists, I guess? You never hear much about them anymore.

End of Rine folevel.


I think I got some form of advanced cancer from reading those replies.

It really is amazing how these people live, how they just take concerns people have about things and just boil them down to nothing purely to mock people, they just ignore all criticism of how poorly done something is, no clearly its just man children.

Fuck capeshit, gif related is the only place it belongs.

Stanry Woo has actually been gone for a while.


You could say its the end of the line for the Bioware Forums



Image iirc publishes Walking Dead, which I'd imagine got a boost with the tv series.

IDW and Image have been shit for a very long time. Honestly, only a few darkhorse comics and judge dredd shit is good anymore. Even then, I kind of only stick to the goon, judge dredd, predator, aliens, and some hellboy stuff.

The worst part is this is the tip of the iceberg. You have most of the calarts faggy cartoon creators saying the same shit. Some of the people who make Bojack horseman sperged out about how the leaks for Hillary were impossible since it makes her look as bad as trump in their eyes.

Did snowden just start talking about how wikileaks was wrong to release info now all of a sudden? Did he become a faggot?

He's just trying to suck it up to clinton

He started talking about how wikileaks is too hostile towards people trying to shit on them.





Someone tell this guy

more info pls I forget some bits

Oh, I know, I saw in a Holla Forums thread. Ignorance is certianly not bliss, but danger.

So now its a national security issue, but hillarys emails wernt? And
Realizing that blaming the russians is probably a bad idea? And if it really is state sponsored, its one of your own.

Its bullshit

Really mates


They also say state sponsored, the narritive that trump or assangae did it is kinda hard when it is STATE SPONSORED.

It also seems like snowden is shit talking wikileaks now by saying they are to hostile to anyone shitting on them or asking the big questions like if they secretly are russian plants.

Like snowden has any right to talk while getting all his protection from russia and having actual ties to the russian goverment.

So South Korea has gone absolutely ape.
I think these came from a previous GG thread (it's also mentioned in that Sudden Attack 2 thread they're also starting to claim it's all bullshit. Shills?).

IMO that last one is more shooting themselves in the foot (I think those companies will pander to SJW instead).

We need to get eyes on S.Korea via articles ready for when it gets worse (and it will).
Do we keep emailing Niche and/or Breitbart until they do something? (Gook user says he kept sending messages and got no reply).

Scroll up you dumb homo

What would be great is if we could get some of the news over there and upload it with translation.

Ah thanks man.



Maybe even make an imgur folder of all of Gook Anons's posts. (chronological order if possible)
OP Korean Heatst
OP names make you do stuff right?

It's like you're not even trying.


I suggest he holds back on the illuminati & Zionist stuff tho

The last one is more them saying
They are only going after those who side with the radicals. Remember radicals have heaps of skeletons.

of course. Keep the tin foil to the side for now. There's momentum to be gained if he keeps his spaghetti intact.




Imagine seeing the shit he's seen first hand and NOT spill spaghetti?

I just hope the author filters that stuff- so his audience can be pulled in easier.

Hell, maybe it's the reason Breitbart never replied?

How's about the name OP Yeonn ppuri, instead?

That's nowhere near as catchy. Even if you've never tried it, you know Korean BBQ is a thing, it just works.

OP Bulgogi, then?

I like gooknarock, but yours is catchy, though I hope mama magic does not set gook on fire

Wish I'd saved more of those korean 4komas to make a pic for Korean BBQ.

Someone shop a lewd Vivan (or another OC character from GG) face onto the corner of pic related?

Also, remember we're trying to aim this at gooks, and we need a name that could work in gook. So, Im sure "Bulgogi" would work fine as a Operation name.

Meme magic is him lighting the fire on both SJWs in his own country, and in the west. The MSM lose again not reporting a tragedy not in their interests, SJWs take another hit (much like how Communism took a hit with Venezuela starving), and maybe we save some decent Korean devs- and they get stronger and roll over North Korea- making the West look like asses for not doing it (and proving to gloablists countries can recover from the brink)


That'll work for when we translate. I like it.

No point in translating it into Korean.
Odds are they know, or will never know due to internet censorship.

IMO, it's to spread awareness to the rest of the world.

How's this?

I confess I'm out of the loop on this one. I know it's a subgenre of vidya but it doesn't seem more proeminent nowadays. Could you please clarify?

Got our next bread OP image.
Thanks man!

Its like poetry

Why does Holla Forums have offical pedo site adds?

Fyckin saved.

2cents, I think the target of this op should be the west general public. MSM is already cooking apologetics for these literal baby killers, the Koreans don't need or want our intrusion (not to say we can't express support), so OpKoreanBBQ gets a vote from me, and I'm cooking up OC. What do we need? other than tastefully lewd viv.

wow, there's a shill here already and we've barely started

we are REALLY on the right track here

Anons, I think I'm about to get into an argument over what Cisbusters did wrong, and if it goes on, I'd like to bring up the DmC example, so there's one thing I really need to know:

How well did DMC4SE do in comparison?

as much documented evidence as the claimed atrocities requires

I know that Nu-DmC critically flopped. DMC4SE, I'm unsure.

Made a video debunking the myth that GamerGate isn't about video games.

I'm not a digger, sorry. What do we need for mememagic?

Something Fanny?

1. Album of Gook user's post- AND other sources to legitimize it.
2. Contact info for the relevant author at HeatSt- email and twitter. And other outlets we believe are relevant.
3. List of goals (redpilling west on S.Korea, and comparing it to western SJWs)
4. Get infographic makers to help.
5. Later focus of ops could expand focus on SJW groups in other countries (strike up fear. "Oh god, will [country] be next with their own Megalia?") and email companies to pull out investing in Korean SJW companies (this will later expand to companies investing in SJW companies in other countries.

IMO of course.


So, Denton's about to be assblasted, after all?

Okay, I googled for 'wikileaks turkey' and got a barrage of articles shitting on them, complete with cries of muh alt-right, muh MRAs and muh Putin. I mean look at this shit: archive.is/vRSXW

Of course these cretins all treat "making Hillary's campaign look bad" as a deadly sin. The only thing that they supposedly fucked up was releasing personal information of a shitload of Turkish people, and considering all the sources are pozzed up agenda-driven idiots, I'll have to wait for a decent source to confirm it.

Liberals already hated his guts for talking shit about neo-feminism and now they're in full coordinated hit piece mode after the DNC e-mails. Mainstream media is currently less reliable than a compass without a pointer.

You're welcome. I was going to select another Viv to put in the corner, but I found that picture first, thought of putting that in the thread and then waiting to check for feedback.

Funny how him arguing for freedom of press gets delegitimized by his propensity towards bullshitting.



Yeah, he's boned.

it's too hot to be smug, but yet here smug is again once more

tough year for Nick, and it's barely half over

Ready and willing. Before I cook, I need ingredients:

Need diggers to Trust but Verify. I'll only work with verified™ facts. We have some, but not enough to tell the story.


Vague, but a start. This is the convo to have. Redpill into warning is good structure, but what do we want the target audience to do?

Jesus Christ, is there a point where a guy can have so much disrespect and foulplay directed at civil courts that it can become a federal case?

Will this do?



Header convenient upload for the next thread, maybe.


Shitty sue going @ /a/

Man they are poking the wrong beehive.

Really clamoring for some hateviews

Doesn't mean they ain't getting stun.



wew lad

Tears will flow.

Can we make this can thing?

Wow, that's almost worth another Nick Denton thread


Right after the west stops all mary sue production. aka never

Start realizing SJW shit will ruin the west.
Of course, the problem with showing them the end game might make them think "Oh we won't go that far, it'll never happen."
Needs to be played carefully IMO.

And also to stick fingers up at those who thougt S.Korea was gonna be their secret testing ground.

Change the terms - I.e. The fans of this can't possibly like it.

Or rather, since you don't buy- make a fuss to make investors who don't know any better threaten to sell.

Textbook SJW Tactics 101.

CrunchyRoll might fold on it, but if they do, just redpill them all that the guy who owns that owns Fakku (IIRC?).

I was gonna suggest the one that was an edit of a doujn ahegao face, but it ain't worth struggling to find that specific one.

And nothing of value is lost, and we could easily direct them to commiesubs too.


This is hard to read. It's like finding diamonds in a shit mine, tho.

Why would crunchyroll fold due to the words of a shitty dying website

For those of you who find threads about this in /a/, please do remind them we fucking told them so.

And people wonder why the post count there is down to three people.

Its like the cucks who said


kekeke. Anyone want to Zergrush /a/?

Haha, some of the boards that could have been good died, and when I go look, I find they are shit.
we need a new /a/, and some of the really ded boards, like 0 uids for a year need pruning


People are aware that A-1 is Sony's animation studio next to Shaft right?

Reading comprehension, the first one said that sjws could easily raid 8/a/.
The second one is being a tard.

Also its only Square garbage so far.

They only wanted to learn the languages for vidya since they belived that they would never censor the japanese releases. Sfv and star ocean 5 proved otherwise. It was running from the problem of sjws instead of trying to solve it. So yes, they were cucks.

No it fucking doesn't, and how they where going to fix the problem when those companies are infested with SJWs.

Jesus fuck, /a/ is beyond cucked. A mod removed the thread.

Anime industry is only Japan and Asia since they only buy BDs. White pig go home since white man don't buy BD. Its moving towards the Fujo audience mainly because Sony didn't sell that many BDs in recent seasons.

A few actually wanted to get into localizing small games, they were not cucks, even if it was just fan localizing, but most really did not want to bother trying to infiltrate localization teams and change them from the inside, much like Holla Forumsacks do not really try and infiltrate academia or politics to change them from the inside.

I would try buing some, but it does not help that funi is ass.

It was an awful thread to begin with

Every single time someone sees an article about X subject that is semi-important, they rush to make the most low-effort, one liner thread possible. It was way too obvious whoever made that thread was from another board. When you make a low effort thread like that, it sounds like you're saying Mary Sue Wrote an Article = Fanservice is Doomed

Whoever made that should've included the link as well as other instances where anime releases were changed, altered, or censored to appease a niche minority. That would've made the thread a much more general topic that's easier to discuss

Japan always have to censor gore and blood for TV release since its a humanity issue law in Japan, kids show get hit harder because of parents complaining unless its one of those premium channels like AT-X or they use streaming sites which allow more freedom, BDs are usually uncensored as an incentive to get people to buy the BDs

Doesn't funi censore some of the wester releases?

Certainly not their DVD releases. They make money off that. Usually only the broadcast ones.

This is an abstract form of bullying

report him
mods spoiled the image yesterday when I reported him for bullying

nb4 hillary edit of your pic related


gookanon here. this is it. Korea's 8th biggest newspaper 'Hankyore' made full support of megalians on the first page, decorating arts with words '메갈리아 (Megalia)'. Picture attached.
FYI Hankyore is owned by Huffpost. picture included.

megalians uploads snuff, gore, and cp videos on the internet through their websites. and they makes false rape accuse and spams gore image texts to people who oppose against them. their websites are full of dead fetus pictures of their boy childs. they insist people to murder men in alllys with 30cm knife and poisoning their male bosses with antifreeze car oils, just like ISIS style.
their idea is make full violent gender civil war/uprise and chaotic division of society.

and they're now the face of korean progressive and feminism thanks to media.
i love how those propaganda articles from leftist medias intentionally not mentioning any crimes and madness done by megalians, and falsely package them as some kind of feminist heroes who fighting against patriarchy misogynistic dictatorship state, while our president is woman.

the filthiest batshit insane criminals and villains are now heroes and the holy revolutionarists thanks to media

you guys always wondered how insane and mad those fanatic culture warriors are. So, I made courage and went to their Daum frontbase called 'Womad'. and made a direct translation of the first post i saw on their website. my body and hands are trambling like i'm low on bloodsugar right now. full of rage, dispair, and hate. and my heart is pumping without reason.

i told you they're fucking batshit insane and i'm having deep as fuck depression right now because all the madness on the internet created by them. i eat fucking shitloads dose of mental pills to confine my desire to jump off the rooftop and die.

i fucking don't know what to do. i never seen anything like this.. insane before. never heard about and never experienced.
we are fighting against the absolute evil, hypocrisy, and chaos. this is fucking end of days.

I fucking want to die, right now.
probably i will be gone for next few days. i just quit my job and now i don't know what to do. i just fucking sitting at the benches for hours doing nothing.

if there's hell, that must be here.

I thought you said people were fighting back? So what if the libtard newspaper endorsed them. You already said they're owned by the people you tied to the organization. Doesn't this help you by proving their corruption?

Trust but verify. We need more than one user source.

i just hope they ended up like Gawker did.
some people digging the shit out of their dirt right now on the internet but we're outnumbered, outgunned, and outmoraled.
they fucking gaining power by each day like israeli land expansion. and the biggest demoralization is that shitloads of people actually support them and agrees with them.
wtf is wrong the humanity.

Holla Forums is right again.


The people who cannot leave others the fuck alone to talk nehind eachother back in peace.

Have some rage, gooky-poo.


Easy. They seem to mostly be zombies to Entertainers. Humans act as if celebrities are their gods. And you know what to do with false idols…

Yeah, I made a mistake, still though, Holla Forums is right again. And the papers say aol at the top, I think.

Nobody Baking, I'll do it then, releasing at 600

Something to change before I drop the bread

List all of the Korean actors and actresses that supports the Harlots of Vagina, Gooky Crook! ALL OF THEM!

Gimme an image regarding Koreans for the next bread I have to wipe out my image folder

Make it


Take two, they're small.

Fine, not regarding North Korea Declaring war to the US it seems?

Gawker will be then

this is webtoon artists list who supporting/comingouted as megalian


아메리카노 엑소더스 - 박지은 작가
용이산다 - 초 작가
중립디자인구역 - 최남새 작가
여탕보고서 - 마일로 작가
우리들은 푸르다 - 문택수 작가
킬더킹 - 조안나 작가(그림)
동네변호사 조들호 - 해츨링 작가
헬로 미스터 테디 - 아지 작가
영수의 봄 - 이윤희 작가(현재 다음에서 우리집에 왜 왔니 연재중)
레사 - 포고 작가
덴마 - 홍승희(채색담당)
안돼요 마왕님 - 마로 작가
낮에 뜨는 달 - 혜윰 작가
공주는 잠 못 이루고 - 하가 작가(전작 시타를 위하여)
내 ID는 강남미인 - 기맹기 작가
하나 - 와난 작가(전작 어서오세요 305호에)
특수 영능력 수사반 - 사다함 작가
나는 너를 보았다 - 모래인간 작가(전작 네이버 좀비를 위한 나라는 없다, 레진 고기인간)
oh, my god! - 강지영 작가


아스팔트 정원 - 이원진 작가
학교를 떠나다 - 버선버섯 작가
웨이크 업 데드맨 - 마늘오리 작가
축복받은 종양 - 이노안 작가
하숙집 도로시 - 환상거북 작가
캐셔로 - team befar


데명의 그림일기 - 데명 작가
내 학생이 싸이코패스일 리가 없어!! - 명왕성 작가
말할수 없는 남매 - 윌로우 작가
단과 하나 - 오리발 작가(전작 비밀 줄리엣)
저승GO - 최가은 작가
미지의 세계 - 이자혜 작가(필명 겸디갹)
가깝다고 생각하면 가까운 - 검둥 작가
수염&멜빵 - 피포 작가(현재 올레에서 둠스데이 시티 연재중)
그녀의 암캐 - 피토 작가(전작 나의 보람)
장인의 나라 - 무화 작가
사랑의 슬픔 - 말룽 작가
히어로즈 플랜B - 인디고 작가
안녕 도쿄 - 완두 작가
모멘텀 - 박지연 작가
파이프시티 - 재수 작가
이상한날 - 노키드 작가
오후 5시의 메이드 - 토우 작가(스토리)
너로 인해 - 류가명 작가
잠자는 공주와 꿈꾸는 악마 - Kirty 작가(그림)
갬블러 vs 초능력자 외 세계제일 시리즈 다수 - 도현 작가(그림)
내 집사는 비정규직 - asura 작가(그림)
양극의 소년 - 은송 작가
무색소녀 - 레임 작가
자해클럽 - 소망 작가
여름밤 소년 - 온잠 작가
극야 - 깡이 작가
드래곤시터 - 지카 작가
리벤지 쑈 - 개숙 작가
소라의 눈 - 썸머 작가
그 남자의 하이힐 - 김지미 작가
감금창고 - 킬러웨일 팀(글, 그림)
건널목에서 만나요 - 씽씽 작가
나만 몰랐던 너의 이야기 - 도미노 작가
맨크러쉬 - 시루미 작가
사랑하는 소년 - 제크 작가
소비러와 존잘님 - 도트리 작가
시크릿스타 - 밍과 작가


붉은 여우 - 하마 작가
경성빵집 - 왕보라 작가
그녀의 그녀 - 유주 작가
영안술사 - 화음조 작가
마스커레이드 - 초롱 작가
(스토리 작가는 관계없다고 해명 blog.naver.com/kdguno) 검은역병 - 악마왕 작가(그림)
사화 - 다미 작가(스토리)
팬피터 - 장마로 작가

프라이드 콤플렉스 - 겨울 작가(스토리, 전작 반중력소녀) +코미코에서 모럴센스 연재중

연재처 불명(루리웹, 베도, 페이스북 등)
사쟈툰 - 사자솜 작가

그마남이야기 - 김밀콩 작가

그것은 어느날 - 참꽃마리 작가

미스터 블루
마이너리티 리포트 - 간부추 작가

안즈 - 챠콜 작가

This. You will need a master list of the ones who supported this. And be sure to keep a seperate collumn open for the ones who try and weasel out of the shit they supported.


Jesus Christ.

Just like all their other threats in the past decade? Every time, they've bitched out


He did an Article on No Shield and wants more info on S.Korea.

Our advice: State what you've stated in the posts here before, but keep the Soros stuff quiet for now.

Don't forget to repost OP Korean BBQ:

There is also other news that needs reposting IMO.

so far only no one gives a shit self acclaimed 'critics' and unpopular as fuck celebrities who tries to rode ride of megalian wave declared support for megalians. they're still many and shitloads but i coudln't able to detect anyone i knew. probably their contract agency won't allow them to declare of megalian right now.

i will post name translation next after i gather the full tr8tor lists. but right now i need rest. i overdosed my mental pills and need peace.

i will contact after i recovered from all this fucking metal breakdown.

Roman text please. The majority of 8ch doesn't speak gook.

Spend a night resting. You deserve it.
Also, your idea of Hell isn't entirely wrong, but there's just a few things missing. Actual warfare and your side losing due to a numbers problem.



TMS hates women game developers?
(pictured game development in progress.)