I have a friend like this. Shes mid 30s, was chubby but hot chubby not obese when she was in her teens and early 20s. Made some poor choices, ended up with a guy a few years older living in a shit apartment with a house full of cats and her life spiraled down from there. She focused on her job trying to "move up" and kept putting off having kids, tried college and just ended up with debt and no degree, finally by her late 20s their lives together were shit. She was obese, he was constantly angry at life, and eventually he concluded she was the source of his problems because he was working and paying bills but she didnt want kids or to keep their home nice, she prefered working.
So he dumped her, ended up marrying a girl 12 years younger I think. The friend girl? HHAATTESSS it, she CLAIMS she thinks its creepy/gross, but I know the truth, the truth is shes bitter and hates where shes led her own life. She could have been a wife and mother, but she acted like a child and just threw that all in the gutter to play video games, go to work, and waste away her best years. If she saw her ex now that hes married and has kids and is happy? She'd probably break down and cry uncontrollably for days.
But that brings me to my next point
I don't take pleasure in seeing a white woman, no matter how feminized, having been indoctrinated and conditioned to throw away her chance at motherhood and marriage.
These women could have given life to the next generation of our race, to carry on our lineage. Instead, they were brainwashed from childhood to throw away all of that, to focus on themselves, that there would be time to be a mother later or that being a wife/mother was unrewarding and nothing but a burden, that childbirth was disgusting and would ruin their bodies, that being some "uneducated trailer park barefoot and pregnant cunt" was degrading and made them worthless and that thats how all motherhood was, that they'd have to give up learning or growing on their own to be a mother and wife, they'd have to be some mans house slave and cater to him, never being able to be stable on their own and omg what if he divorces you and you're left with nothing?
So, they ran away from marriage and motherhood, and right into college which had been turned into nothing but an excuse to do drugs and fuck by the hippies of the 60s and 70s. Once again being indoctrinated and pushed towards degeneracy, destruction of family, destruction of their bodies. I mean, barely anyone NOW knows that women fucking different men for years has a negative impact on their ability to bond to a mate and be happy with him, the info is out there but its not wide spread. Now go back 18 years and image how it was there. None of these women had any idea these things went on at a biological level. You can say all you want "they SHOULD have known," and to an extent that is true, but they had no way of knowing the true damage they were doing, to them it was just fun and "a part of becoming an adult," thats what they'd been led blindly into their whole lives.
Are they all innocent and blameless? Fuck no. Does it piss me off to see them try to rationalize their poor choices that have ruined so much? God yes it does. But at the same time, I understand these women were indoctrinated from childhood to follow this path, to take every part of it into themselves and DEFINE themselves around it all. Stuff like that is very hard to overcome, impossible for most in fact, and its ruined so many of them.
Which is why I take no pleasure in seeing the state they're in now, nor their tears or misery when they see and realize what they've given up. Most of them truly did not have any idea where the path they were on would lead, they were simply taught from day one to follow it.
Now, would I marry or knock up one of them? FUCK NO! They're ruined, and that lifetime of indoctrination is always going to resurface and make life with them miserable, they'll probably cheat, get or stay fat, be bad mothers, etc. But, if things had only been different, I can see any number of them having been respectable and amazing wives and mothers. But, this is what feminism, led by (((their kind))), has done to the would-be mothers who would breed our next generation.
Do not hate them, do not take pleasure in their misery, for both of those are the things (((they))) want us to do. Simply pity them, and use their situations as examples to teach the next generation of females the dangers of following that same path.