A dearth of marriagable men has left an “oversupply” of educated women taking desperate steps to preserve their fertility, experts say.


The first global study into egg freezing found that shortages of eligible men were the prime reason why women had attempted to take matters into their own hands. Experts said “terrifying” demographic shifts had created a “deficit” of educated men and a growing problem of “leftover” professional women, with female graduates vastly outnumbering males in in many countries. The study led by Yale University, involved interviews with 150 women undergoing egg freezing at eight clinics.

Researchers found that in more than 90 per cent of cases, the women were attempting to buy extra time because they could not find a partner to settle down with, amid a “dearth of educated men”. Experts said the research bust the myth that “selfish career women” were choosing to out their fertility on ice in a bid to put their careers first.

In recent decades, the gender balance at British universities has tipped dramatically. In 1985, 45 per cent of UK students were female, but by 2000, 54 per cent were women. This group, now in their late 30s, is finding it harder to find a man of equal status, fertility experts said. And the trend is set to steepen in future generations, they warned, with nearly six in ten current students female.

The research, presented at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Geneva, was based on detailed interviews with women in the United States, and Israel. But the lead author said similar trends were likely in the UK, where women are 35 per cent more likely than men to go to university. Prof Marcia Inhorn, Professor of Anthopolgy at Yale University, said professional women found themselves losing out in a game of “musical chairs” because there were simply too few men of the same calibre to go around.

Other urls found in this thread:


(((Yale University)))

Implying it's not a lack of marriage women. Men will do the absolute minimum required of them to get laid. That used to mean you had to have a job and ability to provide for a family. Now that means you just have to puff out your chest with some practice faux confidence, buy the cunt a beer or two, and then pump and dump her in her one bedroom studio apartment and slip out before her kids wake up that morning for school.


In other words they are looking for men who make 6-7 figures who would actually stoop low to get a woman who was past her prime. Why bother with this age group when they can get women that are younger and are not infected by feminism?

Everything about this pleases me.

Their only real option is to act like the men they act like they want to be. Drive by some high school on graduation day and take some 18 year old, horny as hell, teenager and use him as a sperm fire hose to put out her baby making desire fire in her womb. But they can't do that. Because they have to marry up and high school kids who would fuck them in a heart beat have nothing of value to add other than youthful sperm and MAYBE they could be good fathers.

Let me reinterpret this with the facts.
Women are miserable in the workplace.
In academia down through to kindergarten they get indoctrinated to try to be what most women prefer not being, engineers, doctors, tradespeople, and various other career choices that require more education, more investment, more to lose if you get pregnant, several times, often even once (being a lawyer is difficult when taking 8+ months maternity leave).
Men don't want 30+ year old women when they desire kids. Few men fear being a 40 year old father with a 16-24 year old wife. They have time.
Fertility drops heavily after age 30 for women. This is non negotiable. First time mothers over the age of 35 are more likely to have a sickly or genetically broken baby than a healthy child. Most men know this even if they don't understand all the science.
It is not smart to delay motherhood, it is not wise nor pragmatic. Women want to tell biology to conform to their feminism instead of facing reality. Let them burn off, there are plenty of healthy women left.


Sucks to be them!

I already have my virgin young wife practically in the bag. Just go to a poor country and marry/impregnate the first loli I can. Only losers get desperate about marriage.

If you're a man and you cannot find a young virgin, you are probably a creep. If you're a woman unable to find a man of good status, then MAYBE you should have married sooner.

Fucking this!
I wonder how things are going in India (their feminism is a decade ahead of most of the world)

I wish I have the chance to say this to their face.

Are you retarded?

Proof that you can't be Astronaut President CEO Feminist Mommy and also have kids.

I told my ex she was past her prime after we broke up. She cried like a five year old with a broken ankle.

Women in the workforce is an absolute cancer.

Well thank God they avoided the living hell that is pic related.

Good thing they're so empowered. Might make the dark and lonely years ahead more bearable, and they can tell themselves that they're doing just what the TV said they should do.

Fucking ouch, lad!

i would have thught they were a decade behind.

for example, marital rape/presumed consent in marriage was outlawed in the west in the 70's but was only recently outlawed in india.

didn't we have this thread
also jordan peterson did a vid on women's situation

a woman earning her own money is only useful/adaptive if she is going the single mother route/mate with man out of your league just for the genes route. problem is, with child support laws, no man out of their league would give them their genes, one night stand a child into them so they can raise it on their own because those men will be obligated by the state to support the child/pay a higher price then they are willing to.

ergo, feminism's own laws have ensured that the short term mating/single mother strategy is unavailable for career women. unless they go the sperm donor route through a clinic, and even there you have no idea of the quality of the male whose sperm you are getting.

Just think, one day there will be artificial wifes and wombs. That day will be a glorious one.

I love this shit.
Wow that sucks :^)

myself, i am planning on moving to eastern europe and taking all the wealth and knowledge i have accrued with me.

if society wants to push gender communism fine, just don't be surprised when men start defecting to other countries which don't.

no just angry at feminists that are so oblivious
calm your tits redditfag

It is a different story there, lets be real because:

And is still practiced with no fucks given

Enjoy feminism you cunts

Maybe it's because no man wants to fuck you?

Nevermind that most of these women are 5/10 on a good day to begin with, if that.

Well, the good news is, with that lucrative career, she will never want for box wine, microwave weight-watcher t.v. dinners, or expensive cat food :^)

Learn to settle bitches. We did.

Well clearly it's the women who aren't marriageable, who the fuck wants a late 20's or older grad student who's been taking figurative and literal poz up the ass for her entire adult life?

the even better news is that young women can observe her and realize what they dont want to be
we only need more real news to show it
the fire rises

My ex asked me the age of my new gf, which was 10 years younger than her. You could see hearing it burned her raw.

these arent even necessarily high earning women
just having a college degree, maybe a masters or phd means fuck all, they dont want to date the guy that has a hs diploma and does plumbing, even if he has 6 figure income, toolow class for me teehee!

is there like the fire of feminism in their eyes or just despair?
mfw its the same thing

Even the most uneducated woman can do that, what a bunch of failures at life. A lot of good that education did them if success doesn't mean a family.

Best part of it is that they know that it hits them hard because it's all of their mistakes adding up to this. They willingly betrayed their biological instincts by falling for feminism. And now they pay the price.

The proper term is overeducated, they've got so much cultmarx disinfo crammed into their heads that they can't ever see the simple obvious solution to their problems. It's typical for all liberals these days, if the best solution is problematic then let's not even try to solve it.

That's the good thing about being man. You don't have a biological drive to raise kids and create a family, you have a drive to cum.
My 2D trap waifu is better at making me cum than any 3D woman because I don't feel guilty after wards.
Also: I cook and keep house better than the average female so there isn't really anything they can provide me with.

and as a result you do nothing to preserve the white race and to ensure a future for white children, opting for your own comfort instead of taking responsibility like a real man should

kys tbh fam

Men may not hit the wall like women, but whe you're 70 with nothing to show for it but a rancid apartment and a petabyte of 2d faggot porn, you will know regret like these whores do.

And feminists have the shitty personality and mental issues to boot. What eligible man wants to put up with that shit. If you're rich you don't need another earner. Just an attractive woman to raise strong, healthy children.

I can just donate eggs right? I'm beyond cold.

Show me good, white women.


Build a non-degenerate, masculine society out of the ruins we're currently in first, you double faggot.

you risk them being used by a nigger or being raised in an environment not befitting your child. If you don't feel a responsibility to your genes, go ahead, but don't expect Holla Forums to be happy.

This is still your comfort speaking. Either establish dominance or get fucked. In essence, be a good, white man first.

Unfuck yourslef and find one yourself, you lazy blackpilled manlet! I'm not your vagina santa claus and I'm not responsible for your reproduction!

I'd rather come to that realization at 90 rather then 30. Easier to live with the guilt for a few days as opposed to a whole lifetime.

you're a waste of space


Huh, maybe career women are educated, in a sense.

The problem is that you internet aryans haven't left the house for a long time and your worldview is solely based on your internet experiences. Your white, female e-celebs with epic kekistan flags aren't good, white women and even if they were, they are a tiny minority.
If you want a non-degenerate, white woman in mid Europe with an IQ above 90 you're fucked.

Fucking white whore deserved it. How many "first boyfriends" did she had?

The problem is you're excusing your own manlet ways by forcing the idea that having a good wife is a necessity of prolonging the white race. Get over yourself, dedicate yourself to an idea and unfuck the world or fuck off and die in your piss-stained pants under a mountain of porn.

Haven't a bunch of feminist laws been passed recently?

Those men deserve it. As soon as alimony and child support comes up, I would become a proud racemixer as I got to an asian country.

Really, who is subhuman enough to get caught up in that? There are plenty decent countries where they laugh at child support and alimony.

Really, you're going for the 'le virgin basement dweller" meme? Apply yourself, faggot.
You must be looking for cuckchan, it's a few sites over. If you spent any longer than your part-time shifts on here you would know what the opinion of those people is here and wouldn't be embarrassing yourself by posting shit like this.

Yes, she did deserve it, but you are clearly a nigger, If you weren't a nigger, you would have just called her a whore, without mentioning her race. Neck yourself, you greasy mooley.

The worse things become, the better it'll be. Didn't used to think like that, but now I do.

Unlike these women I at least know I'm a waste of space and don't go on a crusade when my fee fee's get hurt.

Ignorance is bliss. Sweet, 2D bliss.

> not knowing whores are unaffected by that word unless you attach race (or some other identity like lesbo if they are lesbians)
Bluepilled first day on Holla Forums?

Kat is shit, even by 2D standards.

How many anons are going Hebe hunting in other countries? I doubt those who are actually redpilled will end up with a city whore girl or one who had an easy life.

this fag has it right. If you know you're a waste of space, fucking own to it, don't go around crying about muh bad womyn. Only you personally have the power to change yourself and it hurts, hurts as fuck. If you don't want to, who am I to force you into doing that? But always remain aware of the truth - it is you who is a waste of space, not those around you. Don't go parading your complexes as "legit issues", this shit will not fly here.

THis is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Women are affected if you complement them in a way they deem insufficient. The fact that you think you have to throw race into an insult to get a rise out of a female PROVES you're a nigger.
The only blue in my future is the skin of your comerades as we watch you all hang from lampposts.

I don't like white people because they have fair skin, I like them because they are orderly, intelligent and creative. Wasting my 132 IQ on a degenerate, religious, white bimbo to shit out 3 retards who'll end up as wiggers, sodomists and factory workers just to increase our numbers is contrary to my, and hopefully your, ideals. I just worsens the problem. A temperamental, 70 IQ white man is just as bad as 70 IQ black man

dark skin waifus will prepare you for virgin wife hunting in the future

Never said that
Never made one

You're assuming a negative outcome before you even moved to act. Responsibility means accepting outcomes as they come and working your ass off towards a good end. If you don't want to dedicate yourself to something higher than yourself and your comfort (as in, "wasting your IQ"), you're no better than a nigger.

Underrated post!

I was in a relationship from when I was 15-19. She went to University whilst I entered the workforce and got an apprenticeship as an Electrician.

It was about a year into her degree when I decided to end it. She wasn't interested in our relationship anymore and I could tell she wanted out but didn't have the balls to say it and to be honest she wasn't the same girl I fell in love with anymore. a year in University had changed her mindset, personality and goals and I knew clinging to this relationship would ultimately be toxic.

Fast forward 10 years and I'm married with 2 kids to a fantastic wife who is also degree-educated but took a non-conventional route towards her goals. To cut a long story short I bumped into my ex whilst shopping for groceries. 29 years old, unmarried, very fat (which was quite honestly shocking), her job had put years on her due to stress and her inability to handle her role. She was off work with stress and depression.

I opened my wallet to give her my card and she briefly saw a picture of my wife and kid, she asked if she could see my photo so I took it out and handed it to her. after about half a minute of staring at it she started weeping.

Tears for a future she denied herself, a husband she threw away, a daughter she never had. a smile she could only see but never wear.

gas yourself


Like when you find out your 4 Aryan kids came from Chad Thundercock, but you take responsibility for those kids for the glory of the Aryan race?

Yes, that is exactly what you fucking do - because you failed to raise them properly and contributed to the suffering of the white race. Accepting failure is being responsible.

May as well just post your ashy fucking hands with a timestamp at this point.

damn right son
damn it feels to be right side natsoc



Jesus christ lad.
Close the browser and seek help.

Yea… Fuck that, I'm not a cuck faggot

I think you misunderstood. The chilren didn't visit a certain Chad, they are his children because your wife slept with him behind your back.

He came to the conlcusion that you're a cuck based on your statements.

If it happens to you user, what would you do? Denial?

yup, that happened.

You are meant to raise YOUR children. So fucking HAVE CHILDREN, you manlets.

I will have children, with a poor young virgin.


This is the ultimate, final cosmic revenge against women who just have to be all strong and independent, be feminist to the core, for who just towing the line and rolling with the natural order of male - female relations is just too much, they just have to be the polar opposite of everything a girl from the 50s and earlier was

We suffer for it in the present but it is fleeting, their suffering is approaching like a giant meteor and when it hits it wont ever go away

You are what we should strive to be

the one living in your head and does not exist in society?

You're trading the future of white children for your personal comfort of having a pure white virgin who does not exist currently. Man up and rustle up a woman, be dominant and assertive or keep waiting.

The only person responsible for your reproductive success as you. Nobody here is obligated to give you pussy.

Women are a beast who longs to be tamed and taken in hand. If you lack the skills and dedication to find a young fresh one and make her yours, then you don't deserve to breed to begin with.

It's stories like yours that inspire me to keep going and start building a solid life for myself from the ground up after hitting rock bottom from my own ex, who decided I wasn't good enough for her anymore and lied about her resentment towards me for years.
Thanks user.

No I don't faggot, just say "leave her" like any self respecting man would do.

Go to another country and make your assets disappear WELL

Actually you can do what blacks do and go out of state




Or you can go to an actual poor country and get a young girl.

Bullshit, they have been fucking most men from the start. Only the Internet made us the truth

I'm speechless

You really do type like a coon, fyi.

Correction, they've had the instinct for hypergamy from the start, that's why we built our entire society around repressing their disgusting biological urges with marital discipline and a complete lack of rights beyond what her father or husband gives to her. When women do not have a strong man in her life to put her in her place when she gets uppity, she seeks one out with progressively bolder shit tests. The current situation right now is a civilizational scale shit test due to the how cucked and faggoty most men are.

The solution has always been and always will be, Masculine men collectively dominating their society and shaping it to fulfill the 14 words.

It's even better

Back in the days, suggesting women were whore would get you attacked. So my point stands.

and is also the reason proper men can get laid so easily
i dont even fucking try, pussy lays at my feet because i dont apologize for made up marxist drivel and other bullshit, i speak freely and openly when i feel strongly about anything and i dont give any fucks
thats it really
(also helps not being a manlet but im sure every manlet can outdo me if he tries hard enough)

respect user. pure respect

That's actually wise

There's a reason why kali is depicted as being a destructive god of chaos that destroys civilization, and also a slut at the same time during the dark age.

Or in other words, you're a racist Civic Nationalist MGTOW faggot who chugs Marxist kool aid and actually believes the Jewish lies.

Neck yourself you urbanite fedora faggot.

oh lad
if the groundwork of the modern world that the jew laid is destroyed then everything can only get better
be excited

70IQ white men are far rarer out of the population of whites than 70iq black men out of population of niggers
do you even know what IQ is and why its so different between races?

Education is now dumbed down, its a compliance filter, and women fill make work jobs well as long as society can afford this parasitical waste on wealth built up by previous generations.

The women are never as educated as they pretend to be, women excel at book learning, but not implementation or actual knowledge.

So its purely about status, and the delusion that it has any meaning on the mating market, it doesn't, because women aren't men.

whats right is right

Hypergamy floats, this is the obvious rule which has to be explained to the brainwashed modern mind.

These women want only the best for their lovers.


It really amazes me how dumb women are. I mean who actually wants to work in an office? Now I agree that women have made offices worse, but even still they probably were never fun. I'd much rather be a parent.

wew lads
the memes are dead, pls stop

Start lifting. Get a pretty virgin wife. Have kids. If you ever meet her again, your revenge will be her recognition of what she lost. If you never see her for the rest of your life, you'll die a better man than you were. Either way, you win.

What a surprise, the guy mocking religion is a spiritual Jew.

You're hiding behind race-aware Civic Nationalist Utilitarianism to avoid owning up to your admission that you don't actually care about the fourteen words.

And those kinds of Jew arguments stopped working on me a long time ago.

If you're over 35 here your pregnancy is classified high risk and they automatically put you under specialist care. Even if you've easily had other children previously. If youre over 30 they still watch you more closely. This isn't a secret. Doctors and midwives aren't keeping it secret. They openly tell women ok you're in the high risk clinic because of your age. I don't get why everyone is ignoring it. Every woman who has born children over a span of years will tell you each pregnancy is harder. This is why you get 38 year olds having one kid. They can't bear to put themselves through it again. If that's their bench mark experience of pregnancy of course it's terrible.

I can't stress enough how simple to appease the common normalfag is

My mum had me when she was 30. Apparently i came out cuntpunching because she lost the ability to conceive as her uterus lining was stripped bare. It took her 11.5 years before my little sister came along. She's spent now. Make your kids early folks

This is why there's a refugee crisis in Europe, isn't it?

i never said that faggot, im pointing out a redpill to a newfag who clearly is a civic nationalist cuck

i never mocked religion, if you're gonna try to get an identity out of me at least watch the IDs

lad youre paranoia is the jews best ally

lad, planned parenthood tells 15 year old girls to get an abortion and then denies it causes them psychological harm
marxism isnt self introspective

all our feminist laws were passed in the 70's and 80's and 90's.

No significant feminist laws since then

i.e. martial rape outlawed in 70's. sexual discrimination laws in 80's and 90's.

if women aren having children, then politicians need to import some cattle to vote for them

every feminist "win" is a rewriting of history
just like them fighting to "fix the wage gap" which has been outlawed closer to a century and even if it werent where the fuck are all the women only businesses outcompeting everyone else?

You type like a nigger. You talk like a nigger. You have nigger opinions. You oppose the fourteen words. You consider your own blood and flesh to be disposable if it has no value or worth to you, a status that is completely subjective. You do not capitalize or punctuate your sentences.

You are just another shitskin, some mulatto or happa, or maybe one of those beta nigger/arabs, that got into MGTOW and now thinks you can hang around Holla Forums and LARP at being a white National Socialist because you're "woke."

Get the fuck out of here, and don't come back. Filtered and reported.

this time around itll be well documented

that is the problem with gender communism. all the productive men will defect to other countries.

the bill will be paid in due time. i suspect the economic collapse will start occurring when white men move to developing countries that aren't cuckoldrous and leave their college debts behind to be written off by the banks or state. just imagine, massive college debt with no one to pay, and no educated productive workers to finance the pensions. it won't look good.

youve got brain damage and forgot to check for ids, reported for shilling thread with drama

you should write schadenfreude porn.

That picture looks like serial killer shit. Any backstories?

I remember the stereotypes of Code monkeys being lonely. Nowadays tech geeks probably don't want anything to do with career women.

Plenty of men available. "Marriageable" just means the bitch wants to marry up. If she makes $1,000,000/year he needs to make $10,000,000/year. So hard to be a woman.

The very fact that they went to get "an education" instead of marrying proves the opposite. Fucking Jews.

Women aren't meant to marry men of lower status than themselves. That's why pushing up female status is so shit for everyone.

It's why false status of "le college degree and le implied status cause you need degree to work here" isall jewish

Of course it's Jewish. It's all pushed to lower white birthrates; what else could it be but thoroughly kosher?

You are part of the problem. That is spiritually Jewish; liking people (your own people at that) for what they can do, not because they're your people.


Hahahaha, they think they're worth something, how adorable.

They really want you to think they are the ones doing the choosing instead of the other way around.

Kek, she saw the future she could have had in that picture.

In other words they are looking for beta males who spent their whole lives grinding, investing, and saving and latch onto them, and perhaps divorce them and leech alimony for the rest of his life.


Women prefer to echange natural breeds for the slighly hope (for a coulple years at least) that they'll find some Chad/millionare who'll tolerate their bullshit

This is the sign, this won't have and end. These women willl die "alone" thinking they deserve better

In the meantime, what are you going to do?

fug boi pucci

you're missing a few points

You're in no position to judge them.

also begs the question, educated in what?

Educated in garbage is still garbage.

user don't be such a degenerate; 2d is where it's at.

its not really shit, it just reveals how fundamentally conceited women and how shite they are

I expect this to last for no more than 3 generations, assuming we last that long. Natural selection is going to take a very dim view of this shit, both yours and the women in question.

Not that I am criticising you or have any right to so. I object to your acceptance of this shit situation though.

How is whites being unhappy, alone, and not reproducing anything other than shit?

how do aliens on the planet thedar like their coffee?

Desperate feminists are now hijacking nationalism after shaming men to fuck them failed.

thats what ugly people say

Where do you think you are, user?

It's hilarious, because as a sperg, they think my goofiness is really charisma. When I do cool down, they start so swoon harder. Was it always this easy?

Said the ignorant, not knowing what bliss truly is.

Pedo detected.


it's a good feel anons. or maybe I'm just a sadist

The truth hurts those who lie to themselves. Good job lad.

says the "woke af" prepubescent user, not knowing the burden of knowledge

God damn that's a bullseye, user. Well done.

Ding ding

There's lots of career women in their 30s that are unfortunately never going to have kids because no guy who isn't 40 wants to date them. I like how this (((study))) tries to swing it as men's fault. Men who have the qualities these (((educated))) women want aren't dating 30+ year olds. I'm 29 and even I won't date over 26. What's the point?

Our greedy (((politicians))) gave in to the kikes. The monetary system in this country is designed to perpetually fuck us, immigration inflates the supply of low skill labor jobs as does automation, and career fixed women are just the final nail in the coffin.

That looks like a really good book.

Shitskin detected
Kys a few times to be certain

This is something that has always baffled me. Ok so you're not "enslaved" to a man anymore, now you are enslaved to a company. At least with a your man you would have had SOME influence on him. They act like men are hogging all the good jobs that people love to do. No, almost all jobs suck ass. Men do them to pay for womens shit and provide for children. Men want to work but they'd rather it be working to build a house with their own hands rather than slaving away under some affirmative action'd shitskin boss so that you can take out a loan from jews to pay mexicans to build your house. Meanwhile the (((TV))) is spewing the affair meme on many popular womens shows.

Godspeed, user!!
try swimming to get in better shape…plus it heals the soul. Have them beautiful aryan babies!

fixed it.

What i dont understand is how they did not see this coming. Its been proven first of all that men have a much easier time living alone then a women does. Its no surprise this is happening.

I knew this backlash was going to happen about 5 years ago when the whole 3rd wave fem shit started.

Yo to this day, this video hits close to home.

132 IQ or not, you've still found a way to be completely retarded. My IQ is almost exactly yours but because I understand regression to the mean I wouldn't actually have have a problem marrying a

Having played both sides of the coin in IQ scale, the smarter ones I find less boring long term.
It sucks not being able to discuss complicated shit with them otherwise, regardless of topic.

You are implying also excusing any member of your race for anything questionable they might do just because they're (((your people))).
This is the way of the nigger and the jew, you fucking oven dodger. Gas yourself.

Go fuck yourself, kike.

What do you predict will happen? Will the vast majority of millennial women end up being leftover women? Will successful millennial men end up scooping up Gen-Z women when they reach a marriageable age?

Surely Gen-Z women are going to realize the fraud of feminism and avoid it like the plague, unless they want to end up as cat ladies.

keep kvetching.

Women lack both reason and accountability. They are mostly incapable of extrapolating future consequences from current actions, and they are also very, very good at lying to themselves. Combine that with an unending stream of (((pathological lifestyle propaganda))) from mass McCulture, and voila - the modern embowered womyn.

That's what your mates are for though, your wife's role isn't supposed to be an intellectual debate partner, it's supposed to be that of a caring mother for your children. Boring isn't always a bad thing, stop turning the situation into your personal search for stimulation; we're trying to stop the white race going extinct here.

Thanks for the insight, Satan.

>posts picture of a (((Klein))) bottle
Jesus. (((They're))) everywhere.

user please calm your self. This was merely a random image.

This. You've been fed a lie about what your woman is supposed to be. You got tricked. You, as a man, are supposed to feel lonely. It's lonely at the top. It's part of your your burden, embrace the suck. Make some man friends and philosophize with them.

Klein is actually a common Dutch name and plenty of non-kikes use it btw.

The good thing is that not all women fall for this shit, natural selection is going to ruthlessly weed out those that were susceptible to being cat-ladied by the MSM. The next generation after Z will be composed entirely of those why maintain a visceral inner rejection of the kikes schemes, regardless of how much propaganda is pushed on them.

Unless we fail in this generation and the kikes get a chance to end us once and for all. We very much need to not fuck up during the next 20 years.

non-white non-English speaker detected



Tausendjähriges Reich Fur Holla Forums

Meanwhile, guys find vid related to be funny precisely because they recognize–if only intuitively–that it's true!

Theres your explanation.

THOTs lose one again!

What's stopping you?

You think as I do.

Don't pop out kids just for the numbers, and don't marry a woman just for "saving the white race", but because she had enough impact for you to want to marry.

Which so far hasn't happened to me either. Let all these "volunteers" who laugh with superiority become the future "JUST"s when the judge tells them the Alimoney to pay.


Pretending that one extreme is better than the other makes you either stupid or a kike.

I have a friend like this. Shes mid 30s, was chubby but hot chubby not obese when she was in her teens and early 20s. Made some poor choices, ended up with a guy a few years older living in a shit apartment with a house full of cats and her life spiraled down from there. She focused on her job trying to "move up" and kept putting off having kids, tried college and just ended up with debt and no degree, finally by her late 20s their lives together were shit. She was obese, he was constantly angry at life, and eventually he concluded she was the source of his problems because he was working and paying bills but she didnt want kids or to keep their home nice, she prefered working.

So he dumped her, ended up marrying a girl 12 years younger I think. The friend girl? HHAATTESSS it, she CLAIMS she thinks its creepy/gross, but I know the truth, the truth is shes bitter and hates where shes led her own life. She could have been a wife and mother, but she acted like a child and just threw that all in the gutter to play video games, go to work, and waste away her best years. If she saw her ex now that hes married and has kids and is happy? She'd probably break down and cry uncontrollably for days.

But that brings me to my next point

I don't take pleasure in seeing a white woman, no matter how feminized, having been indoctrinated and conditioned to throw away her chance at motherhood and marriage.

These women could have given life to the next generation of our race, to carry on our lineage. Instead, they were brainwashed from childhood to throw away all of that, to focus on themselves, that there would be time to be a mother later or that being a wife/mother was unrewarding and nothing but a burden, that childbirth was disgusting and would ruin their bodies, that being some "uneducated trailer park barefoot and pregnant cunt" was degrading and made them worthless and that thats how all motherhood was, that they'd have to give up learning or growing on their own to be a mother and wife, they'd have to be some mans house slave and cater to him, never being able to be stable on their own and omg what if he divorces you and you're left with nothing?

So, they ran away from marriage and motherhood, and right into college which had been turned into nothing but an excuse to do drugs and fuck by the hippies of the 60s and 70s. Once again being indoctrinated and pushed towards degeneracy, destruction of family, destruction of their bodies. I mean, barely anyone NOW knows that women fucking different men for years has a negative impact on their ability to bond to a mate and be happy with him, the info is out there but its not wide spread. Now go back 18 years and image how it was there. None of these women had any idea these things went on at a biological level. You can say all you want "they SHOULD have known," and to an extent that is true, but they had no way of knowing the true damage they were doing, to them it was just fun and "a part of becoming an adult," thats what they'd been led blindly into their whole lives.

Are they all innocent and blameless? Fuck no. Does it piss me off to see them try to rationalize their poor choices that have ruined so much? God yes it does. But at the same time, I understand these women were indoctrinated from childhood to follow this path, to take every part of it into themselves and DEFINE themselves around it all. Stuff like that is very hard to overcome, impossible for most in fact, and its ruined so many of them.

Which is why I take no pleasure in seeing the state they're in now, nor their tears or misery when they see and realize what they've given up. Most of them truly did not have any idea where the path they were on would lead, they were simply taught from day one to follow it.

Now, would I marry or knock up one of them? FUCK NO! They're ruined, and that lifetime of indoctrination is always going to resurface and make life with them miserable, they'll probably cheat, get or stay fat, be bad mothers, etc. But, if things had only been different, I can see any number of them having been respectable and amazing wives and mothers. But, this is what feminism, led by (((their kind))), has done to the would-be mothers who would breed our next generation.

Do not hate them, do not take pleasure in their misery, for both of those are the things (((they))) want us to do. Simply pity them, and use their situations as examples to teach the next generation of females the dangers of following that same path.

As much as its fun to mock these cat lady losers, its a tragic situation. Women today are given freedom and autonomy they cannot handle and were never meant to have. And it literally ruins their lives. Women lack the ability to conceptualize what they truly want. They are codependent creatures and they rely on others to dictate what they want, for them. In the absence of male authority, they instead obediently follow what the kike media expects from them.

"You should be career focused and empowered, and maybe at some point later you could become a mom."

There is no coherent timeline or realistic conceptualization of how this all turns out. They dont question whether its a good idea to waste their precious few years of fertility. These women actually think they can put off child birth and marriage into their 30s and still land a top tier guy.

I can't even feel the least spite or sense of vindication for the karmic punch on her feminist attitudes.

I can only feel some sympathy, more sadness and even more pity for one more White woman going to waste because of jewish tricks and her misguided choices.

You justifiably killed her in self-defense but I can't help but mourn about it.

This. With their amount of agency and capacity for rational thought it's like letting a 11 year old to drive in the highway.

You sound like a Lawyer afraid of losing Divorce customers.

All I said was to not marry to pop out numbers but to marry if a woman has enough impact on you for you to want to marry.

Because otherwise after popping 3 kids you'll be comitting adultery, moving in with the wife you really like, and leave 3 more wiggers for the ZOG.

There's nothing stupid or jewish or aryan in this. It's Universal drive my friend, Universal.

What you want can only work in a Starship Troopers Utopia.

Lol. Women are so fucking dumb.

Yeah, working in a cubicle all your young adult life sure is liberating. Well worth that promotion to middle management and $60K a year. I'm sure you ladies didn't miss anything….

it's men's fault for allowing them into the workforce and the right to vote. they cant be held responsible for their actions and it's our fault for allowing them to put themselves into this position
this is semi sarcastic

If a woman has an "impact" on you, you're probably gay.

Said the projecting user, not personally knowing the extent of one's work and responsibility and obligation to act according to one's level of consciousness.

Nice og AMD digits

Tbh It seems like a pendulum swing.

If you fall in love with a woman, that is Heterosexuality, not Homosexuality.

Unless by "gay" you mean the definition before the linguistic subversion, where "gay" meant happy/joyful instead of Sodomite.

And the glut of unemployed women out of uni will grow.
Same shit happened here, uni turned from 'prestigious education' (boomerfag pov) to a churn business (when wasn't it really..?) where everyone has the same fucking cert.
I got much further skipping go and going balls deep in business.

Don't forget the addition of the Lautenberg amendment in the 90's. That caused all sorts of kikery in the lesser crime arena.

It's not that it doesn't raise their market value, because it does do that. The problem is, they're too retarded to understand that with so many educated women around, they might have to marry down, just like men have been doing since eternity. Equality goes both ways, some are just too slow to get that.

If pussy was on the stock exchange it would be at an all time low.
Women need to bring more then just their pussy to the table if they want to bag a man.

You shouldnt be sarcastic about that. That is pretty much the truth. (though the kikes were the ones behind feminism to begin with)

Alot of alt liters, libertarians, and MRAs, like to bitch about "female responsibility." You can complain about it all you want, but that wont change female nature. The reality is, men and women are biologically different. You cant honestly expect women to exercise the same level of rational autonomy as men. Female sexuality is something that has been restrained throughout history for a reason. Women were put in a role in society that was for their own good and that of the civilization. Once you let that genie out of the bottle, you have pretty much fucked your civilization.

why sarcasm? you're spot on

What i don't get it, it's so fucking easy being a good woman. Just stay fit, be nice and give birth to kids and you would have men falling all over you, fuck, they are already falling all over women who are horrible at all of those qualities.

It's like fucking up easy mode. How is it possible? (Besides being fooled by the jew ofc).

Having a career doesnt raise their market value at all. That is all egalitarian nonsense. Men dont give a shit about that. Just because women look for strong careers in men, that doesnt mean it works the other way around. That would be like assuming men will be interested in women with enormous muscles like a body builder. Men are attracted to fertility, feminine features, and motherly features. Women are attracted to resources and personally attributes associated with attaining resources. It is all so obvious, its painful to have to explain this.

A career women actually lowers her sexual marketplace value, because she has less availability, higher stress, and is less viable as a mother. Not to mention the likely possibility of college debts. And since these women naturally want to marry up, good fucking luck finding a richer guy who has any use for a 29 year old career wife, when he can get a cute 19 year old, to bear and raise his children for him.

This post smells like perma-virgin, try-hard, and desperate lies.

No it doesn't.

Where I work, they're lucky to get half of that.

Truly, this. Stay fit, don't rot your mind with vapid bullshit, and men would be beating each other into comas to have you, and you could truly have your pick of the lot.

A woman who is not too lazy to work, and do well at her job, is a prize of a different kind. I argue that it can, but it's uncommon to be sure.

False. Falling in love is inherently effeminate, therefore gay.

It truly is hilarious that they're unwilling to "settle" for a man making a decent enough living, yet less than they are making. Women are hypocritical cunts who think they deserve the absolute best in every aspect of life. Life doesn't work that way for most people.

Female narcissism and hypergamy override what we would consider basic common sense. This is precisely why women cant be left to their own devices. They will destroy themselves and your civilization.

No. There is no prize there. That actually shows a lack of femininity and produces a lower value. A female lawyer earning in the top 1% has less value than a female daycare worker making minimum wage, all else being equal.

Women tend to marry up but men don't care. It kinda says it all about who the fairer sex is.

You seem to follow the "men are for Pleasure, women are for Breeding" type of thinking.

Just from a mathematical perspective, they don't make any sense. They want to make equal money to men, but they all want men who make more than them. That's literally not possible.

And we wonder why women get more and more miserable, the more we cave into their batshit contradictory demands.

Welcome to feminists / leftist logic.

Can't find that pic showing how 85% of women consider themselves a 8+ and most men

It's not a primary concern, but it is a concern . Of course fertility and such matter more, but if if the women doesn't let career get in the way of that, it's a positive thing. What does lower their value is when they don't want to have kids in near future. That may be a possible result of a carrier, and you're conflating that with the carrier/education itself.

Do you think most if not all female divorce lawyers are single? I don't think even Jamal would hit that if she were in one of those professional women bars looking for a "real man." Cat ladies and crazy are probably nothing compared to shiksas in Jewish clothing; even Chad has something to fear.

Married a redpilled sorority girl seven years younger than me. Most top-tier sororities are the last bastion of anti-SJWism and pro-white mate preselection. She was taught to find a husband, make white babies, be a whore for her husband and a lady in public. She now cooks for me, looks hot as fuck because she's white and from a rich family, knows how to please me and make me nut on her face, loves being a mother and housewife and actively hates feminism and SJWs.

She and her sorority sisters look similar to pics related. Sororities are the last hope for saving the uteruses of white women because they are actively pro-white. Do you see niggers, except maybe a token diversity sorority sister anywhere?

Get yourself a sorority girl for a waifu. I know it's tough socially, because they preselection for Chads, and I'm an autist that looks like a Chad (Tom Brady) so pussy wasn't a problem – but save white sororities. SJWs are trying to get all white sororities to be more "diverse," and white sororities push back saying niggers, kikes and spics have their own frats and sororities.

Get a sorority waifu from a top-notch all white sorority.

She literally is like sorority pics related and redpilled as fuck on both the JQ and niggers/feminism. Yes, I'm a Chad Thundercock that can control my autism level and that's what even got me through the door of sorority girl preselection.

Don't lose hope. There are white uteruses left in the US.

If you're a shitskin, then it's all good.

If you're a white man, you are a failure.

Jesus Christ you're autistic

you're giving pretty lies, and you do it for free

They'll wonder who to blame, they'll start looking at themselves and the ones who are responsible will propose the same "solution" that got them into the problem to begin with.

Such is the result of stupid females who think Jewesses are their friends and not enemies. The Jewesses responsible for feminism.

My god you're a fucking idiot. Go back to your feminist lecture that deems women aren't responsible for anything. You're the problem here. You constantly placate them by shifting responsibility to other. Lefties do it with niggers all the time. You're such a limp-wristed beta cuck.

Careers bring massive investments of time, resources, and energy. Either she will have to take large breaks from her career, in which case that kinda sullies the whole investment (also the student debts arent going anywhere). So the most tempting solution will be to dump your kids in daycare during their formative years, in which case you are shitty parents and you are creating a whole new ticking timebomb of future dysfunction.

There is no getting around that. It is going to get in the way of motherhood. End of story.

Really all of this debate is semantics-tier. Whoever's responsible it doesn't change our situation and it doesn't change the fact women need to be handled by men and jews need an actual holocaust..

The fuck is a thot?

You want to put women and men on an equal intellectual playing field and you're calling me a cuck? You have some lingering egalitarianism you need root out of your psyche. Come back when you actually have an understanding of male/female psychology.

Usually not a problem outside of US.
Only if they prioritize it over kids and aren't willing to sacrifice career for them. Career isn't the problem, insistence on not giving it up is.

Missing those gender roles now eh?

Since there's an education bias for women, what a surprise.

Nigger meme word for a whore. Immortalised in thot patrol memes which I find fairly funny

daily reminder that porn is anti-1488 and kills white children.

Must've been away for too long. Never heard of that meme.

It's mostly a Faceberg meme, hence the filename. Won't show up around here much.

also single mothers breed criminality, don't be captain save a hoe

Well that explains it. I only ever keep tabs on one person there. Question is, why use nigger slang around these parts?

I'm not going to parrot all of the truisms about women molding themselves around strong male opinions that anyone can find by lurking. If you have a young GF, and she's bluepilled, it is your fault and your fault alone.


user that was raised in daycare here.

It helps when parents have the correct mindset. Not even the most pozzed kindergarden/high school/college can override parental mindset which teaches kids the correct way of viewing the world.


I think it was more true in the past. Today even ugly women have unrealistic expectations. At least pretty women are still receiving positive feedback in society for their efforts in keeping their appearances and femininity up. Ugly women get positive feedback for being blue haired land whales these days by society and beta faggots. Honestly these days I think you're just as likely to find marriage material hot women as uggs. Not to mention hot women trend conservative. If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life get your self a beautiful wife and pump her full of babies.
From the daily mail:


Notice how they are happy in the traditionally female fields and miserable in the traditionally male fields. Happiest OF ALL being mothers though.

By mid 30's your options for a top tier guy are fading quickly. Really all they have left are complete beta faggots who won't get them off and guys 25 years older than them. Some girls I know in their mid 30's are dating guys who are pushing 60 because the old guys at least have cash and a house paid for. All the girls her age cringe when they see the old guys though, they're pretty open about doing it for the security. Usually these old dudes already have kids and don't want anymore though. Any younger guy with a house and good income/savings will want a wife who is 22. The situation would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

which one? youd better not say anywhere in asia.

Those eggs are worthless.
Anyone with money who can't find a woman will just hire a surrogate.
Anyone without money is still not going to want their bottom of the bucket eggs, as there's always young women out there, something like 3.8 billion now, right?

These special snowflakes had a decision to make in their late 20s/early 30s.
They didn't make a decision, so now all that's left is shit tier eggs.
No body wants that shit.
Shoulda built a family, now you deal with the consequences.
Enjoy your liberal feminism and your dried out eggs.

Spotted the civ-cuck kike.

Don't encourage him. He's clearly a autistic virgin with a body pillow and a weeb mentality. He thinks he'll go on vacation to Japan and all the schoolgirls will want to marry him. He's just a faggot who can't make it in white society.

There are no jobs here.


not him but a qt boer girl would be nice

You "make it" in a white society by being a taboo breaking, attention seeking, degenerate faggot. These people are your heroes nowadays.

It's much harder to succeed in east asian than in white societies.

Filtered for more weeb whining.

STEP 1: DON'T BE FAT(black women can skip step 1)
no not can't, but CAN

STEP 1: DON'T BE FAT(black women can skip step 1)


Educated men are just marrying younger women. My dad is in his 50s and he recently remarried a woman that's a year older than me. His new wife is 29. My girlfriend is 20. I wouldn't marry a woman in her 30s for anything.

oh and i forgot three important steps for the second set of steps


also step 16 from the first set of steps also applied to your husband, and should also point out that it is impossible to be raped by your husband

I think there is a factor that is being missed here, it's not the fact that women are going to uni for a piece of paper that says they know how to count their toes, it's that they're doing it and failing to leave with a ring on their finger. Which is the reason women ever wanted to go in the first place. They get to choose from the best men before they even hit the market. Now with kike indoctrination and women making fools of themselves on campus in plain sight no self respecting man would ever marry those whores.

search for "conservative" and "ultra-conservative" women. Faggot

Like I said, I'm not going to waste my 132IQ semen to sub 90 trash.

There's nothing wrong with wanting an intelligent woman as a partner for compatibility reasons, and to pass those genes to your offspring. That is, of course, as long as it doesn't keep you from finding a woman.

Men have been settling with woman of vastly lower status for centuries. Welcome to the big leagues, girls.

Can confirm, sororities actually pick out the most attractive women and then they end up usually courting with a white fraternity member. Jews on campuses have been trying to destroy these societies and besmirch them for decades now.

idk tbh fam smdh

These steps are ridiculous.

I can reduce them to 4 simple steps:

1. Maintain the health of the body (don't be fat or anorexic or a drug-addict).
2. Do not have sex (involuntarily or otherwise) with men other than your husband under any circumstances, actually protect your virginity.
3. Do not put financial strain on your husband.
4. Cherish and serve your husband willingly, make him feel good that he actually married you.
5. Develop and entertain no affections for other men (don't rant to your husband about how you think some faggy male celebrity is hot and that you want to fuck him.)

None of this is hard but there's a lot of women who want to abuse their bodies, be sluts, waste money on bullshit (so much of the economy is driven by the decadence of women), laze around neglecting the duties of a householder and scorning their husbands, and emotionally straying fantasizing about other men.

Oh something else to note; a good woman inspires a man to be a good husband. Are you upset your man is becoming despondent and turning into a wreck who uses self-destructive methods to drown out his pain and to ignore your nagging? Maybe you should, you know, become a BASED WAIFU that he can actually take pride in; then he'll have a powerful motivation to live his life and function properly.

If 5 steps is too complicated here are 3 simple steps to being a heroic woman (or man):

1. Practice virtue.
2. Do not make virtues out of vice.
3. Restrain and beat back the inclinations towards vice.

tips fedora

That's not completely how that works, her genes are more compatible with yours (any white person will be over another race) ensuring that your genes are more likely to pass on instead of be supplanted. It's complicated.

If she's white her DNA will regress back toward the mean, idiot. Furthermore, women have less an effect on the inherited traits of children than men do.


Those eggs are gonna stay frozen too. If you can't control yourself and attract a man by the age of 40 you aren't going to get one after that.

kys. If Jim wouldn't have pandered to these scum for so many years we could eventually have a convo about women without you subhuman filth coming in here with your bullshit. Your kind deserves days worth of torture before being put out of our misery.

All the tech geeks around me are married early and most of them have children before they finish their degree.

Once a woman has kids, she already has a husband (or should) and should not care about other men.

It depends on the sorority. Plenty of sorority girls ride the cock carousel.

Many women would love to stay home all day taking care of children. They were raised to fear that if they could not financially support themselves, they will be screwed.

software engineer. where i have a laptop and internet connection i can have jobs.


The problem is male promiscuity also. There are virgin girls that people know are saving for marriage but they get passed up because guys just want to fuck girls they meet for awhile before they feel like settling down knowing they won't get any more sex until they're married. It's this degenerate society created by (((them))) that's the real issue here.

It's called parody you thickheaded fuck.

You forget how aenticing women find navigating social groups/dominance hierarchies. Especially while young and still deep in the naivety of the coddled female life experience. The sheer novelty of the "drama" from live-action role-playing in office politics alone would be enough to draw women in. Add in things like money to indulge in materialism and a cosmopolitan chic identity to adorn and it is no wonder women fetishize white collar work.

Most inventors and scientist that actually contributed to scientific progress were religious.

Most scientist who are also atheists are basically whiners and all they do is criticize everything without taking a look at the merits of it.

Frankly, go fuck yourself. Even muslims are better human beings than atheists.

A word niggers use to identify sluts. The MGTOW faggots think it's hilarious, and because we get spillover from them, some people here use it, too.

How people can complain about nigger culture and wiggers with one breath and use "thot" in the next, I don't know, but there it is.

Blood before religion; always. It's those who betray blood that need to die first, not whether they're muslim, atheist, christian, pagan etc.

Fuck you for acting like Islam is a race you kike faggot.

Chads are usually not as dumb as the stereotypes suggest. They know not to fuck crazy and not to fuck anyone they can't pump and dump

No it's not you fucking retard. Muslims put God higher than their own kin. Blood needs to be the #1 priority and NO MUSLIM PUTS KIN ABOVE GOD.

I suppose that is why Erdogan told muslims in Europe to have 5 kids each.

I do find some of the thot memes funny. Overall, I see it the same way as with ironic niggerspeak like "smh tbh fam". It's just tongue-in-cheek like when we pretend to be jews and say "oy vey! its anudda shoah" while calling each other filthy goyim.

That said, in general, using "thot" is a shibboleth that identifies someone as a newfag/outsider. All oldfags (and I'm using the world "oldfag" liberally here, as in more than like 2 years posting) use roastie, not thot. We already have our word, which is much better than thot.

I'm seriously upset by all this. Before some idiot calls me a jew or accuses me of trying to get you all not to marry, I'm not. I want to get married and have kids, but I am just never good enough and don't know what to do. And even then, there are no women who are decent. Is there any hope at all for us?

Not going to the sperm bank

So they're not strong independent women. They need a man to pay their way.

The silver lining is that it's the leftists, feminists, and atheists who are all removing themselves from the gene pool. So while this is still bad because it means fewer white people overall, at least a growing fraction of the whites that are still around will be conservative, religious, traditionalist, etc. Liberalism is a self-limiting disease.

I don't know the exact stats off the top of my head, but in general, conservative whites are at or slightly above replacement level, whereas atheist libshits like

You wouldn’t let niggers live in your home. DON’T LET THEM LIVE IN YOUR BRAIN.

I can't even think of a single scenario where anyone would possibly want to use their eggs. No man is going to jump through those sorts of hoops with artificial insemination and all sorts of ridiculous shit just to carry the genetic legacy of some washed-up roastie hag.

Having a lot children /= you put kin above God.
The koran talks about this. You are loyal to allah above all else. A loyal Islamist would rather betray their own kin before betraying allah.
With an atheists there's a chance they'd put kin above all else, unlike a muslim, which by doctrine, will never do.

>"(((Experts))) said the research bust the myth that “selfish career women” were choosing to out their fertility on ice in a bid to put their careers first."
They sure do go through such strange contortions of words to deny the problem!

Remember that this is a documentary.

Cos they realised being "liberated" means being left alone at the end with no one to foot the bill, the apparent return of tradcon girls is due to the fact they realised working blows and its easier to pretend to be meek and get money that way, and hey, if you grow tired of that life the laws havent and wont be changed and you can still divorce, get all his stuff and paaaaarty

But where are the decent women? I'm not at all religious so church is out of the question, and even when I used to go the women weren't all that good.

That's exactly what it is. LARPing. I've never worked with a woman who actually did anything useful. It all seemed like busy work and extra crap that wasn't very important. The epitome of paper pushers. And there always seems to be 4-5 women doing the job one man could take care of.

Then that’s your problem. You’re not going to find a virtuous woman elsewhere.


Thank you for writing this!

Then how did people like me come about? I'm not atheist, I just treat others as well as I can and take care of myself. Is it possible for others to exist like me or should I just give up then

Nailed it.

It isn't really about money. There are plenty of male-dominated trades where wages are higher than wages for women with psychology degrees. You won't find many of those women willing to marry a plumber, though, even though he almost certainly makes more money than her, because that college degree makes her think she's special.


Read this. I’d love to have a discussion on it. pastebin.com/VMBdJ9Rf

I don't use either. "3DPD" or "whore" or "cunt" work just fine. "Roastie" is too /r9k/ and "thot" is too nigger.

Consider suicide.

But I agree with it. I am not an atheist. I'm just not religious either. I don't mind if others are or aren't religious as well. I just want to find someone who has some sort of virtues or a set of morals to how they live their lives, the way I try to live.

I use "thot" with women who clearly admire nigger subculture.

Slightly offtopic, but it's strange. I find myself striving to create wealth for myself (having an extended family with a business/trade background helps immensely) so that I can support a family. I find myself interacting with new people so I can find a woman. But the more I interact with women, the more I get assured their intellect is shallow, no matter how educated they are. The woman can be really good in their jobs, but they never go beyond that (could you imagine how boring it is to date a career woman? Their idea of having fun is pretty dull).

In short, the more wealth I manage to create for myself, the more I find women around my age (nearing 30) are basically unworthy of anything in my pockets. The more I achieve, the less I want to share it with these harlots. I personally don't think these women will ever get a man unless it's someone who's using them instead.

Roastie is a Reddit meme from the Manosphere. It's even worse than thot. At least thot actually sounds like an insult.

You can't evaluate women by the standards you would evaluate your male friends. Women don't have the deep, enduring interests that men are capable of, just look for a woman who isn't retarded and has a personality that would be good with children.
Also, don't look for a woman your age, go younger if you can (not full pedo, but you certainly shouldn't see anything wrong with finding a woman in her early twenties).

Your dubs speaks wisdom.

It's just conflicting and frustrating you know. It's almost like all this women want (from the ones I have interacted with) is status. Everything they do is status. They mold themselves for said status. Go to a gym and stay healthy? So they can brag about how healthy they are.

Go travel overseas and see the arts, culture, views and heritage? Just so they can say they're gone and you have not. Oh you've gone to France? You went to the art museum have you?
The moment I switch the question to which piece did you like the most and what made you like it? A good 9 out of 10 of them freeze up. They don't have interests, they just want to impress you, so you're exactly correct. At this point I'm honestly wishing one of my relatives would introduce me to a 19 year old fem autist and I'll be done with this stupid shell game of guess where the brain is.

Not sure what to do in position. The girls of my race are just as bad as many white women if not worse but at the same time going the traditional route and having kids with one also leads to something that benefits the kikes indirectly if the goal is artificial inflation of shitskin numbers.

I envy white pollacks, the decision to bolster your races numbers should be a no brainer.

Here's the problem.

Men, by biological design, have a drive to constantly improve their status to have access to higher quality mates. Women are designed to see themselves as a certain level or plateau that only certain successful males can achieve.

By this degree, all of these business wise career women have created a plateau for themselves that essentially locks out literally every other male. It also seems that, unlike men, women refuse to date lower than their social caste for reasons mentioned above. So, where men would obtain a something inept or in some cases homely women the career women in the same case appear to have no interest doing the same thing.

Plus men don't want educated women. Or I have no issue with her education at least. A few of my more memorable relationships were with real ditzy girls. So, from a personal level, hearing you're a successful career girl does not make me feel comfortable at all. It makes me feel like for the rest of my life I'm gonna be under the microscope for them.

Want to be treated like a man? Well I guess this is the fee, the toll for the road.

I'm 1/4 native, the rest white. I got lucky and the genes don't make it obvious (I look more Eastern European than anything else) but I don't think I'm having any kids because I don't want to continue this either. I don't know what to do in this situation as well.

Nice digits. I think we should. It was a good idea.

I don't think this is accurate. The alternative to an educated woman is an ignorant childlike partner, which I can't see enjoying. I prefer educated women. The problem is women are being miseducated and indoctrinated… maybe I'm playing semantics

I can tell you this. It doesn't matter how educated they are, they're still as shallow as the girl who only have a high school diploma. My only unknown now is whether fem autist would be wired differently.

But that's all women.
Education or not, that's what you're getting. The only question is how unbearable it will be.

Holy shit my sides.

Educated means loaded with debt and acts like an insufferable cunt.

That's all women, "educated" women have just fooled themselves into believing otherwise. Not all women are dumb exactly, but they don't develop the obsessions that lead men to actually learn about things and they're always going to be more childish and emotional than men. A woman who hasn't been indoctrinated with the shit you get at a modern college is more likely to understand this about herself.

She might be into video games.
She might also not be into the shallow and wasteful shopping culture.

Talking to women it seems they're saying they were lied to. They were told men would love them more if they seemed more impressive with careers and other shit. Turns out, men don't give a shit and the top percentage of men have love broke uneducated Cinderella girls.

Modern women will just have to live with the fact that they wasted their lives.

Anyone else slightly concerned what these scores of bitter, barren women are going to do to take their rage out on society?

We already have them, they're called feminist. This gen's feminist are just feminist with college degrees.

Post snark on twitter and neglect their cats?

I can't believe I actually know the answer to this.

THOT= Thought

It's for women with no other quality but being a sexual object. After having sex with her, she's just a THOT (Thought).

I know women and men are different. I also know, however, that they are fully responsible for the things they do, and they need to be punished. You can equate them to a child all you want, but if a child does something wrong, you punish the child. The child is responsible. Shifting all blame onto men and leaving them unaffected gives zero deterrent from further bad behavior. Women need to be punished the same way a child, or a pet, or even another man deserves to be punished for doing wrong. Everyone is responsible for the things they do. No matter what. If your hands do it, or your mind thinks it, or your actions cause it, you personally are responsible. I don't fucking care if you agree. That is the fact. No ghost hand guides a woman's hand and makes her do things. "Manipulation" and "brainwashing" don't physically force women to do what they do. If it doesn't affect one, and she can act like a proper woman, then not a single other woman has an excuse. It's decisions. All of it. You decide to believe. You decide to agree. Look no further than Holla Forums. They decided to agree and to believe. The originators of their stupid ideals aren't to blame for those retards choosing to believe. If you can be persuaded to do wrong, then that's your fault, not the person persuading you. If a person persuades me to rob a store, I'm personally responsible, not that person. I don't accept, nor will I ever, this pathetic shifting of blame that is on par with the very rhetoric Marxists themselves speak.

It actually stands for "That Ho Over There"
t. Anthropologist

No, I mean something more. The mellinial generation is going to have the most isolated female group. Mellinial men already prefer Gen Z and Gen X are too old. It's one thing to assume feminists but think of it this way; these women are going to be dumping literally all of their resources in to destroying men for generations to come. Literally just because men ignored them and didn't want them. They will swarm to the same preachings that ruined them like ants to a hive mind.

That's what I'm bringing up. It will be a highly funded fourth wave feminist movement.

Ah.. Please forgive my virginity.

Don't sweat it. Nobody expects you to be an expert in niggardry my dude.

This whole situations by far so fucking stupid i dont know how to handle it. All facets of normal life is heading off the cliff and full speed plus nos.

That's exactly what they doing now and have been for thousands of years. Did you not read Sirr Glubb and all books on what happens when an empire or civilisation is on its last legs? It seems the moment women get more power, it means civilisation is about to collapse and that's because women are cannot handle power. Look at every female leader in history for example and how things got even more violent under them than under men. After women as a whole gain power and rights in society the men begin to become unmanly and effeminate because their roles are gone, there is no longer any need to be masculine. They will cry for the death of masculinity but then they will miss it because no woman in history has ever wanted a mangina. So we have this cycle, where women begin to lash out at this lack of manly men and then destroy society in their female shitfits by inviting and flooding civilisation with foreigners and invaders, always from more masculine civilisations or outright barbarians who will overtake and collapse the civilised civilisation. Women will then instantly lose their rights and all go back to being cock sleeves Fifty Shades on steroids style because this is the inner most female desire and always has been and all because they decry the lack of masculinity when they campaigned to destroy it to begin with. This is our fault too, we didn't listen to our forefathers. You should NEVER listen to women under any circumstances because women do not know what they want. If and when they finally do it is too late. Civilisation is doomed and now we'll be overtaken by more masculine cultures and savages like Islam and what have you that will properly keep women in their place.

Doesn't matter. Their moms already voted to usher in their brown replacements decades ago (at least in the US). White women are losing their positions as the government's go-to voting block to prop up their growth in return for things like alimony and affirmative action. The dumb bimbos voted for their own replacements, and now they either return to us with their tails between their legs as daddy government will do less and less favors for them, while allowing them to be brutalized more and more by their new go-to voting block, or they suffer. Either way, they won't be doing much to influence society anymore. White women have replaced themselves. Now white men face the full burden of the brown hordes, and their daddy government is leading the charge. We need to resist long enough for this whole thing to fall. It won't be long. White women were the backbone of Leftist politics. Niggers and muds will collapse the whole damn thing out of sheer incompetency. White women were their sword. Now they have a stick dipped in shit. White women can't be allowed to get off for what they've done though. They need to have some of their rights removed eternally.

If their right to leadership is removed, I'll be a happy bunny.

You don't seem to comprehend what masculine is. Traditional European masculinity is worlds away from being like mud "masculinity," which is basically disorganized savagery. European masculinity was always grounded in purpose, not just being dumb, uneducated, wild, and animalistic.

Look at the lower levels. White women are being replaced with brown people everywhere. From low tier government jobs, to universities, to social movements etc. It's all being browned out and white women are being left in the back of the group, told to shut up and follow. It's hilarious to be honest. And it's happening so fast.

This is a lie. If that was true, we would consider the Asians would have the most masculine men on earth but we do not. Instead we consider sandniggers and niggers the most masculine yet subhuman.

t. Empowered career womyn

I'll like to borrow the Asian saying for this. Balance in everything. Asians are simply too autistic about structure and they end up being rigid fedora tippers.

What the fuck are you talking about? Niggers are aimlessly violent and stupid. They directly compete with the women of their race. I consider them the least masculine. You're just a cuck.

IQ isn't inherited from the parent directly absolutely. Your IQ can be more thought of as likely an average of ALL your ancestors with a bias towards your parents.The dumb white man has way more intelligent iq genes bouncing around in his code him while the smart nigger has far more dumb iq genes. Which one is going to pop up? Breeding an intelligent nonwhite is of little importance since they have tons of shit genes, they are just the exception and it will take millenia to fix that uunless we can into CRISPR

This. If women cannot find men they will look elsewhere as they always have and it will mean the death of civilisation and the enslavement of women because this is what they really want. Everybody should read Fifty Shades of Gray, it is a trash book but it is the most important book concerning women in history because it tells you exactly what women want and if it didn't it wouldn't be the quickest bestselling book with women that has ever existed. In my romantic encounteres with women, I have learned that women do not want to be the decision markers. What they say will NEVER match what they desire. Anyone who does what women want is a loser and the women will lose all respect for you. I can get women to buy me whatever the hell I want for example just by being the biggest bastard ever, this is the reality of things. This is why they will be the greatest apologist to subhuman scum like Muslims, niggers, and what have you. This is what women really want.

I meant after though, because you know they'll try this shit again. And this is exactly why dreamers need to get out and stay out otherwise in 20-50 years they'll be fighting to get their whole extended families in again.

Many of these women still have almost decade of child bearing age left in them. I really think that some anons are going to have to bite the bullet and care for a handful of them each. Perhaps 4 or 5 of these broken and humiliated thots could together learn to take care of a man's home.

I don't hate them, for I was as decieved as they. I hated being white after being taught how evil I was in school. I got caught up in disgusting furry hentai at a young age and was going to gay fursuit orgies.


Yet here I am, realizing now how sick I was. I cry out to God, and have been placed on the path to healing. I want to save others who are lost.

Be love to the world. Show them the divine light that runs in our veins. I will not hate the life God has given me any more…

Then that realization that due to a botched circumcision, leaving you with a transected dorsal nerve and shitloads of scar tissue your dick is as sensitive as your elbow and even masturbation is difficult. Cialis since age 22… $17.35 per satisfactory erection.

When your girlfriend of 4 years couldn't make you cum once, refused to try any sort of assisted fertility or even putting semen in manually as "its not natural". And, she is now 15 months later pregnant with some ex con's kid.

Life. Is. Pain.

I hope to kek you dumped her far away before that happened.

Is he at least white?

The gook males still manage to keep their women in place to the point even others find their women the most desirable and they beat their women just the same as Muhammad and Jamal does. All races keep their women in place though, it's just us whites who are cucks enough to give women rights. As for autism, the niggers have the highest rates of autism of any race save maybe the Jews from their inbreeding.

What you think is irrelevant, it is what society thinks and you know society is stupid and this is what they think. Are you honestly going to tell me that society thinks what they call "white bois" to be more masculine that the shitskin savages? No. They do not.

Do I really need to point this out to someone on Holla Forums? "What society thinks" is not what we think it does, because we're too small and isolated to ever know. All we know is what we're told others think as a group by a select few powerful people. The reality we perceive is artificial. None of it is real. What we're told is popular/well liked may or may not be. What we're told is deemed evil may or may not be. The "reality" depicted in all forms of media is an illusion. It's unverifiable bullshit. Neither of us could possibly know what the common person thinks, only what they're told to think, because we're told to think it too. You know who's an inferior rat by who follows, and who disobeys.

Even if they can still biologically bear children is irrelevant since they are at the age where the children are at higher risk of health and mental illnesses and issues than brother-sister incest. Women are only at their peak breeding age in a very small window, I think it was around 15-26 or 28. After that they are causing the death of the species which is why autism rates are higher than they have been ever in human history. Women having children too late.

Women love the criminals, "bad boys" as you call them. Not sure how it works in America though since it seems American women are even crazier sometimes than European women unless they are Swedish or British women.

That's traditionalism for you. What I'm implying is that the actual Asian masculinity that's not the reddit tier version of it (which is really just cultural shock for Asians when women are allowed independent thought) where I've witnessed multiple of my asian male friends who reside overseas who have no idea what romanticism is (note how romantic the entire old west were, despite and even when life and politics are utter shit) and they cannot be romantic to save their lives. The dating game in the Asian world used to be a highly rigid and structured ritual of dowries, processions and even more rituals. It's highly family based (in the extreme pajeet cultures, bride and groom may not have even met each other before the wedding) and in the modern era, younger Asian men are entirely unequipped to independently pursue women. I think at least 7 out 10 of my married Asian friends have their now-wives introduced to them by their relatives and they went on a few very fucking autistic dates and then got married. But they do fucking shit out so many children holy shit

Yeah, he looks surprisingly like me but with dark hair and a buzzcut. From what I can tell he spent some time in prison for trafficking cannabis and possession of cocaine 4-5 years ago

We broke up when I was away for 3 months for school. She's a pharmacist to boot


Masculinity is defined simply biologically by high test. Highest test is which race? Lowest test is which race? It matches perfectly. Yes they are subhumans but that is because women themselves are defective. They will almost always certainly pick "bad boys" and what having you. You can test this yourself. I did, just be a bastard. You will see. You will never have to pay for dinner or anything again as well but you will lose all respect for women once you find out how they really work. Just as in fifty shades the women want to be dominated and stripped of everything.

Also if you pretend to be a part time pirate surgeon vampire werewolf millionaire, apparently you'll swim in pussy.

I have no gook friends to relate to but remember that even in the west that love marriages are a fairly recent invention, most marriages where fixed as well. The gooks as I recall have countless romantic stories going back thousands of years just like Europe but it is meaningless as ours. Women care about status even with love in the mix everywhere and this is proven by the OP itself. Women will always marry up, equality will never exist because women do not want it. They will want bastards like me or Chad with six figure euros. You will need to learn this and wake up. All men must stop putting pussy on pedestal and all the beta orbiters must be slain by the real men for western civilisation to survive. No real man will ever white knight or call himself feminist.

Lying doesn't work so long with women or maybe I'm just not very good at it. Just make sure you never put up with their shit and they always seem to call back.

This is actually true to a degree.

Nah, I actually read some of their works when I was there for business. It's different. Like their autism, their idea of romanticism is much more focused than ours. Their ultimate works of romantic storytelling revolves around the unattainable beauty and lust rather than the perfect coupling or fairy tale endings. The theme of the few of their best works include kings and emperors dooming empires, giving up the mandates of heaven and blessings of the earth to obtain a single woman over the course of her life complete with fratricidal action (note the lack of actual reciprocal love). TBH now on hindsight it seemed more like a cautionary story about muh dick attitude that might come with power.

Lying kind of requires you to believe in your own shit unless you're naturally psychopathic. Anyone on the spectrum will never achieve that state. That probably includes you and me.


Beta Enablers. Wars helped curb them.

Just a friendly reminder that sodomites like yourself are not Aryan and never will be. You are filthy worthless subhuman scum and will be killed along with the other enemies of the white race.


Theres nothing traditional about Christianity. I don't dislike Christians but they are ignorant about how the kike infested Romans invented their religion by combining their own pagan beliefs with the Jewish desert cult. Reminder that Odin sacrificed himself to himself by being nailed to a tree and stabbed by a spear. Instead people now worship a kike on a stick.


Woah, let's not get hasty.

I really need to look more into European paganism.

TLDR version of it is that the yids created nothing.

Why are modern day women so hostile to blue collar men?
So just marry a tradesman, what's the issue? Oh right, cunts want to have it all and being with a plumber isn't something they can brag to their whore gal pals about.
This civilization is on a death spiral.

Generation of Kryptonian bitches.

Find a Lois lane.

Study Shows Porn with Violence Against Women Most Popular Amongst Women


Better chance of winning the lottery.

Not surprised, so many of them lined up for Fifty Shades because deep down they want to be put into submission by masculine authority.

Get ready for the white knight cuckolds on here defending their "aryan princesses." But yeah girls love rape, it turns them on. Hence why they vote for mud slimes so much.

future catlady
roast beef curtains
future lesbian

It hurts

>Do not hate them, do not take pleasure in their misery, for both of those are the things (((they))) want us to do. Simply pity them, and use their situations as examples to teach the next generation of females the dangers of following that same path.

You are a wise man.

Its true
Have a female co-worker. She's a cutie but …..single mom of niglet.
I'll never do anything with her other than a quick fuck if I'm single (even then probably won't happen) but for years I have teased and fucked around with her, walking the fine line of sexual harassment. And she loves it. Probably because its the only attention she gets anymore since having Tyrone's kid.

Meanwhile the office beta worships the ground she walks on, and she probably wouldn't even cuckold his dumbass.

I remember that guy!

more redpilled than current/pol/

Oh boy an oversupply of (((educated))) women, you mean goyified.

This, who else is going to cuck out for Chad's children?

The parent/NEET life was too much for them to handle. Anyone has those trips where an user threw a redpill on the (((50s' family)))?

They're in St. Jacobs Ontario fam.

Doesn't "nationalism" comes from the spic word "nati" meaning birth? As in Jose can come from Mexico illegally and his children here will be nationals of the US.
>tfw Holla Forums memed (((nationalism))) because they didn't know what the word meant

Go join the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Freemasonry, Illuminates of Thanateros, or go do what I do and attend a Church for the purpose of talking theology and metaphysics with the pastor. I'm not even Christian and yet I go to a church quite regularly to have discussions and it's fun. There's no reason you can't come out to these different places (after having studied on your own) and start talking. Also you may go do volunteer work, go to a gym, hang out at farmer's markets all day, etc.

I need to round up all the Holla Forumsacks and bring them on adventures with me. I know so many women I've talked to about white birthrates and other issues that want a good husband but are sick of the liberal cuck males in the area and want a real NatSoc man.

My sides exploded, fucking this.

Yes, just look at his Jewish features, you retard.


That sounded disgustingly painful. You're preaching to the choir, though that anecdote is a fun story to tell to women.

Fuck off shill



Fucking hell, thank you!
It's worse from what I remember.

meant for

I do want to add that (((career women))) reject to get a horny high schooler are their husband, and in poetic justice they end up as catwomen.

I… am intrigued. Tell me more

Stop projecting

I have an immigrant friend that has thought about going to sweden, due to Holla Forums but doubts he'll be received with open arms much less have a future

What is it with women and neglecting the basics of life? If she finds taking care of her house is unbearable, maybe she shouldn't have a closet stuffed full of clothing, a pile of shoes, a ton of jewelery, and random other bullshit.

People need to become minimalist master race again.

That taking care of a house and children is considered slavery is silly. Besides, slaves were pretty fucking happy, they had everything provided for in their life, and only worked 1,100 hours in the south and 1,300 north; both way less than wageslaves. A woman who prefers wageslavery over taking care of house and kids is really fucked in the head.

Great time to invest in pet shops.


"This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence. Hence Rousseau said, Les femmes, en général, n’aiment aucun art, ne se connoissent à aucun et n’ont aucun génie (Lettre à d’Alembert, note xx.). Every one who can see through a sham must have found this to be the case. One need only watch the way they behave at a concert, the opera, or the play; the childish simplicity, for instance, with which they keep on chattering during the finest passages in the greatest masterpieces. If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. In our day it would be more appropriate to substitute taceat mulier in theatro for taceat mulier in ecclesia; and this might perhaps be put up in big letters on the curtain."


It's a brilliant piece about the female nature. Worth a read for every man.


Me, I am not into any of this for women, but what Holla Forums needs to understand is that when you hang out with… shall I say… extraordinary men. Well, it gets you connected, and it can land you a woman if that's what you want and are prepared for. Everyone on here also needs to purge any little bit of egalitarian programming that is in them, switch over to a supremacist mindset, and be ready to actually command others. Women don't respect men who don't stand for anything and don't have the spiritual resolve to defend anything. Also something important, STOP going up to women assuming they're libshits, or worried about offending them. Stop assuming they're going to reject you either. Instead, approach a woman thinking in your mind she's horny, or lonely, or has some need that you can fulfill and you're going to light up her soul. Never get dominated by a woman.

People think stuff like "I'm not a Christian therefore I can't go to Church". It's not like that. You can be whatever you are, and as long as you are interested, and want to have discussions, and conduct yourself with civility, you can go to a Mosque, a temple, a Church, some weird new age hippie gathering, and all kinds of places and nothing will happen to you. You shouldn't be afraid of anything happening to you, worse case scenario you get beat up and robbed, and you now have a cool story to tell others; but everyone in Canada is all pussies that you could shove around and be rude to and they'll just submit like cucks to you.

That's chilling m8, 29 and life is already over, and then we say cavemen lived to 30.


you sound like a feminist


no bro, you married an ex-slut… nothing else

>Seth (((Stephens-Davidowitz)))

We need a female equivalent to this image.

Also thanks for the story user, really enjoyed it. May fun and happiness come/stay with your family.

where are the poorest lolis living in Earth?

That’s total bullshit. But I want it to be true, because otherwise there’s no reason not to kill myself.

It's thanks to Taoism where they worship the law. Similar to the Talmud for kikes. Now both groups are obsessed with rules and laws and think there should be codes for literally anything. Both groups also believe nothing can ever be wrong if it is legal and will be smug in their execution of this belief if you dare to complain. And if you try to act against them they screech till the jewdicial system kicks your ass. The only real way to act against them in the present time is to act within these laws and also try to influence them. That's how they seized power in the first place. If you meet a decent woman with a moderate amount of debt she may still be worth marrying. She got kiked but she also knew what she was doing when she signed the paper. Don't hope for a lighter load, hope for broader shoulders. Debts go away when they are paid for. Use it as a life experience, life is long. And don't waste your precious income. A very large number of men could afford a two week vacation every year if they just stopped buying videogames. I still believe the day of the rope is coming and when it does the kikes will say "oy vey dats not the roolz!" But until then there are plenty of ways to troll and be a bad goy that won't ruin your life or bring uneeded heat while also pushing the boundaries


Literally the opposite from a few studies that I've read. It was indirect as it was transracial studies, but noticed women had a bigger effect.

i actually lol'd. top comment. bitches are so fuckin dumb it makes me hate myself that i forget about it every now and again.

Househusband backlash as high-flying wives ditch men they wanted to stay at home

By Diana Appleyard

There's all sorts of "young man + old woman" (((sex propaganda))) to be found in mass media. For example:

1. Sex and the City: Samantha (on the cusp of menopause), who is undoubtedly barren and syphilitic, gets with some young beefcake and they live Happily Ever After.

2. Don Jon: Very young horny dude whacks off waaaay too much and watches (((porn))), but (((it's okay goyim, it's actually cool, don't you want to be like him?))). Then he gets with some old used-up hippy hag, they watch (((more porn))) together, and live happily ever after.

(((They))) are trying to meme it.

This is delicious. Our revenge will come in time.

Women really dislike marrying down. Men don't mind, and probably prefer to be the earner. I saw the catladies coming the moment I learnt women were earning more degrees than men. Since I'm not an expert there's simply no way the people behind it didn't see it coming long before then.

tips fedora


This indeed. The moment you fuck up this the relationship is dead.

Maybe you should get the fuck out and go hang out with your based black brothers in christ if that's how you really feel :^)

I got cancer…


Maybe you should kill yourself

Bless you and your family. I hope you're not stopping at 2 kids, and have many more white babies.

I'm 25 years old, and I see this same tale happening all over. I'm morbidly curious what will happen when my generation, as a whole, reaches that 30-35 age range and fucking implodes and self-destructs due to all the horrible life decisions being made. It's like a ship slowly creeping toward an iceberg, but nobody can change course.

I mean, sure, the feminism meme really kicked into gear in the 60s with the sexual revolution, but that was just the beginning. We are the children of the baby boomers, and therefore the first generation to be raised by the people who were indoctrinated in the 60s. We have record numbers of white women going to college, going into debt, getting useless degrees and becoming "strong independent career women". Right now, they're perfectly fine partying it up and starting their jobs and riding the cock carousel. What happens when they all reach 30-35? What happens when they end up permanently childless with rapidly-deteriorating looks because they thought their value was higher than it really was, just because of some job that no man actually gives a shit about? What happens when we have this giant demographic tidal wave of spinsters?

Pretty much this. Picture related.

I would rather marry an atheist white girl than a theistic non-white woman… and I'm a theist (panentheist to be exact). You need ROPE if you think a nonwhite is a suitable partner for you just because it gives lipservice to your religion.

you don't understand a bit of geopolitics…

1) He's a muslim or he has muslims lobbyists
2) He has to deal with muslim in his country
3) His country has become more pulled into the shitfest going on in the Middle East
4) He's not in Russia's or China's interest list
5) He has to compete with the EU's markets

I can go on and on, but that pretty much describes his weak pandering to muslims AND him being cheeky to the EU.

That wasn't a very christ-like thing to say, friendo :^)

Forgot to add

Stay-at-Home dads are cucking themselves.
See: medicaldaily.com/more-chores-husband-does-more-likely-marriage-will-end-divorce-242815

Your fee fees were hurt? of course not

Just settle for a men with lower ed and wages, you dumb b***es!
Pay for dates, ignore your lying cuck parents and peers telling ya to dig the gold.

True. Things will change biggly soon enough.

If by spic word you mean the language of ancient Rome, you retard. They come from the same root, natus, because English is like half Romance language.

On a tangential but related note, it's interesting to see how we prefer words with Anglo-Saxon roots to those with Latin roots, as a rule. We prefer a 'hearty welcome' to a 'cordial reception', for example.



Oh, sorry did I not
loudly enough for you?

Being a parent is great, you are bound to life for life, being a parent of a diseased child is hell, all your instincts tied to make your life hell and for a deathly reward of having your child die before you.

Only by being useless, does a husband find happiness with an empowered woman :^)

That's what happened to my parents. Their first child was a crippled retard vegetable. It still hasn't died yet but all it does is shit itself, vomit, etc.

I need to meet and exist with more people that are fully redpilled. It's hard work giving people all this info and mostly getting "uh yeah i guess you're right" most of the time.

Here, let me try:

It's not that I hate niggers per say, I hate that they ruin communities, steal, kill, receive 1 million dollar from tax payers individually. If Japanese would start acting this way, I would still watch their cartoon but I would start to hate them too, so really I don't mind using nigger speak as it's just shit-posting just like watching anime is shit-watching.


Anyway, that will literally never fucking happen. Women are evolutionarily programmed to "date up" and be attracted to men who have status and can provide resources. This works just fine in a traditional society where women don't work, and instead tend to the home and raise the children. But it completely falls apart when women also think that they need to get jobs, and be man's equal when it comes to careers, salary, etc.

From a purely logical lolbergtarian "free sexual market" perspective, this problem would correct itself when these career women keep getting rejected by the men (the 9/10s) that they keep going for, and that they would naturally lower their "standards" bit by bit until finally settling on a "true value" where both the man and the woman agree to date/marry/etc. Except that doesn't actually happen, because women aren't rational creatures. They would literally rather die as childless cat-ladies than marry men who make less than themselves. You see this phenomenon happening all the time, with attractive women hitting their 30s and committing suicide because they're single and childless.

Someone who doesn't understand this from a psychological aspect would say "this doesn't make sense! why would this attractive woman kill herself over being single! she could get any man she wanted!"
That's technically true, except women like this perceive themselves as being 9/10 because they work a good job (even though no man gives a single fuck about women's careers) and they therefore will refuse to be with any man that's not at least a 9/10. But all the actual 9/10 men would never date these career women.

Begone, we're having a high level discussion.

Your last post was a run-on sentence defending nigger-speech. You aren't fooling anyone with this bullshit.

Kinders with sex ed or in which they teach gender neutrality, or encourage reversed gender roles.


you really dont get it do you
no man gives a fuck if his woman has zero money or millions of networth
not one straight man gives any shit when hes looking for a wifey to get pregnant
the few who look for such women are going to be playing the court game and getting male alimony

And yours was simply too stupid to even put the effort of dismantling it. Raise the standards.

Nigger, you have contributed zilch to this thread other than faggot nitpicking and crying over baby diseases. THis kind of linkara style pomposity belongs on Reddit.

← Webm
This isn't how it was supposed to be.

Seems like women are already punished by their own biology.
Yes, you are both responsible, especially if the other guy provided you with a gun, and workup of the floor, where they keep their safe. how to open the register etc.

pic related better version

women dont know virtue and cant be virtuous

Found the problem.

And you continue to whine instead of making this thread great again, not at all taking responsibility in your retarded post nor pointing actual errors in mine that I may have committed, are you zog?

there is no source thats a bullshit statement

your genetic code holds exactly 2 sets of all genes
no more no less
there is NO such thing as "regression to the mean" get educated you lazy fuck

Nigger, find someone else to play ookie-cookie with.

I'm in a frat and I'd say disregard sororities,they're all full of coked up daddy issue whores who have had a train or two run on them in there time. I found myself a qt hipster who I enjoy being around and am trying to find ways to have her stay with me. Good for you, though, bro. Enjoy your life.

I think he meant the children and the children of the children traits will regress back to the mean.

Are you saying that as in the vast majority or as an absolute? I'd say 99% of all white women and 100% of non-white don't know virtue. I know a few white women who are tremendously virtuous though.

Don't disagree, but sorority girls are like the Amish, they ho themselves out for a couple years, learn how to fuck their men like porn stars and then go into full wife mode afterwards. Couldn't ask for anything better, tbh fam.

Sororities are the last bastion of pro-white selection and white breeding. Kikes know this and always have a niggress throw a (((diversity lawsuit))) when the niggers isn't accepted to a top-tier white sorority. The frat and sorority lawyers win because kikes and niggers have their own exclusionary frats and sororities.

Do you see a nigger in any of these pics? No, because the white college Greek system is meant to filter out niggers, low energy whites and kikes from breeding with attractive and socially apt white women.

If you think sororities aren't the last bastion of white uteruses, you're probably one of (((them.)))

Why do you think kikes had to make their own frats? Spics? Niggers? Frats and sororities and completely redpilled on the Jewish Question.

Are you retarded?

Pill me on this.

Quite impressed, user.

Is that what they call whores nowadays?

Posting women and bolding your text isn't going to make me go for any woman who is anywhere near a university. You are full of shit

That's a load of fucking bullshit, if a girl has had so much as 1 previous sexual partner, her chances at a successful marriage halves. If I remember correctly it equals to a man who had 20 or something previous sexual partners, it seems pretty high but I can't find the source.

and that is completely bullshit
there is no genetic mechanism to make that possible

Dubs confirm.

Just because they are shallow does not meant they are not White males in their core.

Can you sue? It might help cover the costs of reproductive technology.

literally absolutely, dont be a leftist and pull the never say never card with me


We've been through that, Mehmet.

Continue to stay virgins masturbating to 2D traps.

not quite halves but the numbers speak for themselves

The mechanism is two people having babies dumbo. You got your VETTED IMMIGRANT that comes in with his mighty 115 IQ, hardworking dentist, you gotta let him in right? It will benefit the country right? He'll have children with his wife he imported and his children, along with the children of his children's IQ will start to regress back to the mean of 85 a generation at a time, each dumber than their parents.

Stay bitter

we know whats taught in universities/colleges you double nigger
redpilling a girl thats 18 or over and is already diving deep into marxism is counterproductive when there are plenty of girls AOC to 18/19 who have not swallowed the cultura marxism propaganda

The root 'natio' describing a race of people goes back to Cicero.


Nice sources, I'm actually jealous because I only get shit out of my ass

Son, read this book and talk to me about regression to the mean, after that we can discuss psychic abilities and super powers like flying.
Two smart people are more likely to have smart children (provided they aren't so smart they waited until the female is 35 to have kids).

They usually resort to jewish shaming tactics when they repeat their propaganda, this regression to the mean meme is right up there along with woman holding the male genetics of every male they slept with (not that there aren't plenty of good reasons not to get tied to a slut).

Bro, every spic and European knows Latin.

Of course the word "birth" comes from the word "birth". Congratulations on proving " nationalism" means Paco having a family in the US makes his children American.

Nation and country are separate and very distinct words. Nation refers to group of people and the secondary meaning has been bruteforced by (((scholars))) to mean country ever since natonalism and patriotism became "bad" things.

Which reminds me, why is there a fucker who posted about finding an Aryan wife in a sorority?

I was actually thinking about the fact the other day that not all posters here are males. Without full knowledge of who is posting it make a lot more sense than any other theories.

Nation refers to where you're born, it's on the fucking spic word. Heck, it's even on the Latin.

just means you have to pull yourself up and get a engineering degree or some other degree that will get a good job.

Kikes' plan proceeding as scheduled I suppose.

Meanwhile the only way I can think that you can still think that regression to the mean is not real is thinking that babies are clones of the parent, but then it's the clone of the mother or the father? Ah fuck it's just too stupid.

Read the thread mr intello, the guy talked about a IQ 132 fucking a IQ 90 and getting babies with less than 132 IQ, regressing to the mean of whites of 100.

It's obvious Holla Forums is infested with pro-liberated women, cucks, and other woman-brained shills

You're correct at some level.
Nation means birth. You can't be born to a country but you can be born to a nation, your parents, who are part of a genetic group.

If you aren't fit for breeding by reason of illness, poverty, and perhaps genetic defects; but have an undying desire to serve your race and ensure its survival what should a man do with his life?

All my life I have just wanted to live on a farm and have a wife and children and to pass on my blue eyes and blond hair and tall (6'4") genes. The problem is that I can't afford it, I can't gain or keep a job, and my health problems just get worse and worse. I have a fucked up face that kills my aesthetics, a ton of scars all over me that scare not insane women off, and I'm very fucking fit / strong which means I can't say something like I'm too weak or fat or whatever because I'm not, I already do the whole routine of eating healthy and staying fit, and am not going to give that up as long as I live but it's definitely not enough to qualify me as worthy of reproduction. My life is worthless though and there are healthy white males who are just so much better than me. I do almost fuck all with my life because I'm sick all the time and even though I can (very poorly) work nobody wants to deal with my depressing attitude and dysfunctions. I'm also right in the middle of "not damaged and retarded enough to get gibes" and "nowhere near competent enough for anyone to want to employ me". I think I have early onset Parkinson's or something, I can barely write, and my hands shake all the time very noticeably when I'm eating, trying to write, or doing many other things. IDK what my exact issue is but I've done everything I can for a decade to fix myself and I'm still where I started; I have fixed nothing, not improved at all. I don't want to live like this. I'm always pressured to start a family and reproduce but my mother controls my life and I can't get any dependence from her and no woman ever will want me.

No it doesn't. It stems from a root word referring to birth because it's something you're born into. In other words, something that connects you by blood, aka ethnicity. Nationhood does not refer to some patch of dirt you happened to be born on. This is a new-age perversion of the concept of nationhood.

>implying the babies get their genes from an (((racial bank account in the ether)))
What, you want to charge interest there too rabi?

I wouldn't want it any other way. Holla Forums has always sharpened my debating sklls and helped me drive points home that have no rebuttals except ones that are already cunningly prepared to be countered by me, you can spot the leftists by the rising anger in any debate that then turns into a shouting match (in person discussions).

The other user has you covered, friend.

Sophistry at its finest:
I bet you also believe Trump plays actual 3D chess with Baron after watching anime.

I've seen firsthand that they also tend to use this somewhat vague diagnosis to get gibs.

Farmer's markets are good places to find women. Look at what they are buying; are they buying ingredients for food, or stuff that can be eaten as is?

Context for that image?

Why don't more people accidentally kill their potatoes?

That would be a damn shame for the 132 IQ parent but then the "regression to the mean" would be an act of the parent and not a genetic mechanism, correct?

It's not getting to 100 instantly, it's probably going toward it, meaning regression to the mean. I can't ask if you are dumb now because I already know, although maybe you are just bootyblasted, anger can shut down parts of the brain, mainly the conscious logic parts.

Oh also, my mother's side of the family is nothing but the tale of "people who shouldn't have bred but did anyways because mistakes or idiocy"… and my father is probably the worst compared to all his brothers. I seem to have inherited exactly the worst combination of defects from both my father and mother. I got none of the positives of either side.

Pushing stories like "I met my redpilled wwife in a whore house, saving her virginity" and "I met the mother of my Aryan kids in a crack house, because only whites do crack" are NOT discussions. Just propaganda being pushed for (((someone's))) benefit

hmm youve got your solution there
even if you have to go live at a homeless shelter for a few weeks and work a minimum wage job you will only get better when you stop acting like a childlike parasite

Living the NEET life bro

Humanist egalitarian insanity that dictates every life is equally valuable and which in practice plays out as all the resources and time going to their invalid while their other offspring that stood a chance get neglected and turn out shit as well because mother and father are stressed and have no time for them, they got to take care of the fucking vegetable.

By your logic, there's no difference between a nation and a state, because they're both just chunks of land. But if that were the case, then the concept of a "nation-state" would be a redundant phrase.

It's not. A nation-state refers to a state with a homogeneous people with shared blood/culture/langauge/etc (ie, a nation). And a nation can exist separately from a state. The poles were a nation even for the 120 years that the state of poland did not exist. the jews are a nation, even before israel existed. the gypsies are a nation. Nation refers to a people, not a state or territory.

Did you even read my post? I am an invalid. I have severe issues. Have had them for many years. I can't force myself to function. I every once in awhile get a minimum wage job but I'm always fired in a month. Not because of doing anything wrong, but because, I can't fucking function.

I am personally planning on obtaining guns and ammunition from somewhat I met and blasting away kikes then turning myself into jail just for the purpose of making them have to waste away more resources on me than if I was dead. That seems to be the best I can do to hurt ZOG.

Sad thing is, a lot of the male posters here have been serverly fucked in the head with all the bullshit from the king nigger years. Women will keep being filthy sluts, hoping to snag chad thundercock phd. Unlike the current crop of sluts they will not fare as well, with many places not being able to afford the welfare state previous generations enjoyed they will end up dried out homeless shells of their former selves even faster. The amount of homeless women is going up, check out shelters in Seattle if you want to see what i'm talking about. Oh, and before anyone says women can always sleep around keep this in mind, once they put on enough weight and get fucked enough not even the friendly neiborhood crackhead wants them.

Only thing that will fix all this, a huge fucking war. I'm honestly thinking sand niggers will help fix this, let shit get bad enough and if women dont change they'll just get killed.

You play with words to save face on an anonymous message board now? The spermatozoid going into an egg is not some mechanism? The act of the parent is irrelevant, both could be spermjacked then inserted into the woman vagina and the same mechanism would occur. The probability of a regression of the child would increase.

I can't help but feel like people must have some instinct to get rid of defective offspring.

For a moment I thought this wasn't some strange ass fbi story, don't kill anyone.
If you're sick, see a doctor.
Don't live on your parents dime, you always have a choice.

If the 132 IQ parent finds a 132 IQ parent what chance to they have of having kids that "regress to the mean". What does your term even mean other than "breeding with low quality specimens of a low quality race" ?


Actually, English is a shit language. Not only do you have to take a stance with the word "Nationalism", you don't know of another word.

You might know of the word "Patriotism", but do you know Latin derived languages have a word for fatherland?
You read this right, patriotism comes from the root word " father", but they have a word for a place where your forefathers lived and then got you to born.

Mexicans and other latin europeans call it Patria, meaning fatherland. The root word is what you are trying to make (((nationalism))) be

Specially Jewish women

The typical response is the transparent shaming attempt "can't handle a real woman" nonsense. They've literally been brainwashed to the point where they think a healthy, childbearing, loyal young woman isn't a "real woman" because she hasn't had seventy-seven miles of dick in her, polluted her body with chemicals, and wasted four years of her prime on a worthless humanities degree.


dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

Well said. Taking pride in our people being destroyed through subversion is fundamentally anti-white. We need to raise up all of our volk and stop pitting the blame on all the branches instead of the root of the cause.

Their kids can still regress to the mean because IQ is complex and depend on multiple genes and relations between them, I think some scientist claim they are starting to understand the genes relating to height and IQ may very well come soon.

So both IQ 132 parents can pass unexpressed genes they had and have a child with an IQ that is not 132, in fact the child has more chance to not have 132 of IQ, it could even be higher but it has more chance of being lower, closer to the mean. Intelligent parents tend to have intelligent children, if they kept throwing their chances breeding with only 130+ IQ, the children's IQ would remain well above the mean but would still have variability.

This is off the top of my head, but IIRC, the general gist is this.

On average, the IQ of a child is going to be the average of father's IQ + mother's IQ + average IQ of that particular race.
So if you have two white parents with IQs of 132, the child will, on average, have an IQ of (132+132+100)/3=121. Again, on average. There's still a bell curve effect there too, of course.

Your average sorority girl also has had more cock inside her than a pornstar.

correlation does not equal causation
most relationships where the chores are shared are because both couples work….. which is what this thread is alllllllll about son

Just dropping truth, do as you may with it, the idea of a nation didn't exist before as there was religion, remove religion and nationalism will rise, people need something to latch on to, actual meaning, direction. The French dropped it to kill their kings and idolize Napoleon, allowing him to carve his way into Europe like few others did.

We need to rapidly revitalize our immunity to parasites and viruses.

Fuck off you fucking jew.

I agree with what you are saying in this post but now that you have stated fact the term is redundant and or irrelavant, thank you.

So here's a question, what can be done? I mean realistically done? Women nowadays will keep being sluts, and lets face it most likely men will be even more fucked up due to shitty parenting. Better question, who see's the west going the way of byzantium?

And this general gist is nonsense. There are exactly two sets of all genes (most, almost all but not all, some people have a deletion or duplication in genes that themselves are unimportant or redundant) There is not a third set of genes being given from the race average.

And this implied /3 or anything that isn't based strictly on the parents genes is completely incorrect based on all evidence we have of genetics.

I never gave my opinion on nationalism you idiot, with your 40% of politician being Jews in the UK and most of the alt-right being (((coincidentally))) Jews, I'd rather say you want blind nationalism to herd the goys, it doesn't matter to you right, religion, nationalism, globalism, democracy, as long as it's a centralized power you can have your 2% of the population rule over the other 98%.

you can try to help your family raise kids
think cousins

Find a girl aoc-19 that does not have a strong desire to go to college/university and is not jumping to bars/clubs every other weekend.
On a society level? Research proving the revelations of this thread needs to be spoonfed to normies.
Shitty parents don't always result in shitty kids, at least not in the sense of all ideology being passed down to the kids. If this was absolutely true, most of Holla Forums would not be here. Many of us have been saturated in lies and slander of facts and have snapped awake to the jew inconsistency in all of it. You do not need to be above average intelligence to find a pattern and search for the truth.

Look up the porn feminist Belle Knox on efukefukt.com/21134_The_Duke_University_Feminist_Pornstar.htmlt

I beseech you to reinspect your understanding of nationalism and the history of it.
As for unnatural hierarchies that damage those not at the top… remember that traitors hang before the kikes.

That's pretty fucking funny.

Your post mean little, why don't you post your idea of nationalism? I said nationalism is a replacement of religion, religion came before nationalism, nationalism's birth was Napoleonic France.

Do not observe porn.

Nationalism which is the love of your kind is an inherent need of all living things. Get over your incorrect understanding and step it up.

Human intelligence does not follow simple Mendelian pea-plant genetics. There isn't a single intelligence gene that's either smart or dumb. you're looking at it all wrong.

Is this new to you? All women desire to be dominated. Why do you think marriages and boyfriend/girlfriend relationships break and get back together but always stay together when the man beats her or completely ignores her and cheat son her regularly? Why?

Every single woman is a reflection of the strongest man in her live.
With so many beta fathers this only intensifies the problem we have to solve to bring society back to ascension.

Are you 20 years old? All that eagerness with none of the wisdom. I never said nationalism was contrary to

In fact you are proving my point that nationalism is a replacement of religion as I could describe quite a few religions in these terms. Stop thinking like a leftist, it's not bad or wrong it just is. I'm not debating the matter, I'm pointing the facts, I'm not even drawing any conclusions from them. I say you are 20 years old because it's like you eagerly await some moral judgment/guidance while I'm only supplying cold facts/tools.

I'm quite versed in the intricacies of genetics thank you.
This is why there are racial IQ averages and why the jew pushes racemixing so hard to keep their meme of "no separation between races exists" alive.

It's not just Mendellian statistics faggot. Race average is included to compensate for our lack of knowledge in the exact pattern of recombination of genes related to cognitive skills. Pairs of supergeniuses do not necessarily produce supergeniuses. Other than Irene Curie do you have many example of children reaching the anywhere near the prominence of their parents?

I'm aware as the other ID said. It does not mean that somehow genes that do not exist in the parents find their way to the offspring. Anything else to add?

I sometimes find myself wondering how short she cuts her hair these days :^)


Religion is not passed down in the genes. Your national characteristics are.

The facts are that nationalism which is race has existed as long as humans have had eyes. Now find something new to discuss since nothing new is being added here.

Except for you being a pajeet?
Yes. There's a plethora of genes potentially related to intelligence and it's not necessary that what recombined successfully in the parents will be compatible in their offspring, and I assume that happens especially when they come from relatively distant ethnic backgrounds.

In fact there are many genes we know of directly involved with intelligence and general mind functions.
That does not somehow add genes from the general genepool of a race and mix them into the offspring of two parents in whom those genes do not exist.


That is correct, the offspring could fail to inherit the gene combinations necessary.

This is well proven, friend.
Mixed races could take two parents with >145 IQ each and due to incompatibilities produce almost always children that are BELOW the average of either parents nations. There is no good reason to racemix.

I know we have our problems but this place is still the best place on earth.

Of course not but it reflects on the statistical potential of successful recombinations. Let's say that IQ is dependent to two pairs of recessive genes:
and gg/qq being homologous
if the parents are nn, gg and nn,qq respectively then the offsprings will be nn, gq with gq combination being potentially inexpressive.

Now this comes even more fucky if we were to reasonably assume that certain dominant genes are expressed as average cognitive skills.

Race and nation are two different things, in-group preference is instinct, one that was killed off when we were kids through state education, religion does not equal nationalism, but nationalism will rise higher in a secular country which will then become a nation. Large groups of people is new and not very well expressed in our instincts, we prefer groups of maximum 150 people, the way we evolved. Between nation and religion, religion is more natural for our instincts. But go ahead with nationalism, maybe it's actually the better way to live in extremely large groups, maybe, through selection if we ever allow it to happen again, the idea of nationalism will be expressed in our instincts just like religion is right now, yes the tendency for religiosity is passed in our genes.

It's because you didn't add anything or even ask questions. You debate like a politician, only stating your point then sticking to it even when it begins to be clear it makes no sense, if you are not willing to play, people won't want to play with you.

These are barely above high school level and that's only because high shools are pozzed.

I miss the time when Holla Forums would go full graphtist and throw megabytes of relevant pdfs and peer reviewed shit on the subject.

That's how I got truly redpilled in the first place.

These are barely above high school level and that's only because high shools are pozzed.

I miss the time when Holla Forums would go full graphtist and throw megabytes of relevant pdfs and peer reviewed shit on the subject.

That's how I got truly redpilled in the first place.

Why the fuck did I redditspace?

That is true. What gives two random intelligent parents their prowess might cause any "smart" children they have to be autistics with regular seizures.

It's like the board regressed back to the mean.

You also double posted :^)

Kop Tek

Nationalism is alive and well in communities of 50 people or less. In fact it is more severe where northern germans and eastern germans will not accept each other as the same kind. Thanks for expanding on my points!

I would hardly call image related high school but feel free to identify your private school with heavy science funding.


Well memed

The idea of nationalism is that you can meet someone you have never met before and feel a bond with that person, which didn't happened in the 100 people tribes of the past which all knew each others. To them you are a stranger and can only gain slow trust. To meet someone with a totally different phenotype would be like meeting a monster.

Your pic related

Regarding your picture there are three notable examples.
1) Lady Amherst Pheasant X Trumpbird
Predictably duller coloration.

2) Niggerdolphin.
Most noteworthy because Blackfish (Globicephalinae) like the False Killer Whale and Dolphins (Delphininae) belong to different subfamilies and still produce FERTILE hybrids. Note that a subfamily is at least one rank above genus (if you exclude the complimentary infrafamilies, tribes, subtribes etc) which according to liberals' outdated by two centuries definition of species is the upper limit of interbreeding where only infertile hybrids can be produced.

3) Ligers and Tigons. Ligers are bigger than both tigers and lions while male Tigons are smaller than both tiger and lion males. That's due to lionesses having a partially dominant growth inhibitor gene in their Χ-equivalent sex chromosome that guarantees more prominent sexual dimorphism which helps with the pride's hierarchy but as a consequence limits the upper size of male lions.


Even if true, how is this bad? I'd rather be loyal and be able to count on, for help and everything else, my people–my nation–rather than praying to some non-existent god. Modern Christians come out of church talking like the rats coming out of colleges. They're a bunch of "we all bleed red" Marxist filth. As a matter of fact, it was probably Christianity's teachings that allowed these Marxist ideals to so easily root in our culture.

Nations (from the root birth) and it's ideology of nationalism, is where you are born.

Patrias (from the root father/fatherland) and its ideology of patriotism, is where your parents are from.

>tfw Holla Forums memed nationalism with Trump

And they, of their own volition, decided not to, and that lands squarely on them.
Oh go fuck yourself. "Brainwashing" doesn't fucking exist. You are always the sole decider of whether or not you want to believe something.
Rather, they decided to follow those examples, while millions of other women did not. It's on them. Entirely.

Doctors are fucking useless and eugenics is the only solution to most of the burden of the sick.

You're an idiot.

I'm the dead end of my family.

I don't have any. At all. On my father's side he has a brother that adopted a woman. She is really old and childless now though. I literally have no cousins because my whole family got so fucking jewed, they're all bluepilled liberals, that they just didn't reproduce. I am really fucking lonely and bare all the responsibility of continuing the lineage myself but I am damaged too much. I wish I had cousins. ;_;




No that is not the idea at all. Welcome to Holla Forums friendo, lurk more.

My mother was an only child (who was born by mistake, grandpa fucked a whore, and she got pregnant by accident, and grandpa who never had any intention of ever having children ended up being forced to marry her).

My father's side he had some brothers. None of them reproduced. One, who lives in Alberta, adopted a girl who is way older than me and I have never known her. She's not my blood.

My sister is sterile and has shit genetics anyways.

I'm damaged, IDK if because of shit genes or what, and don't function well.

If I were to breed somehow, if some woman was willing to deal with a constantly sick and poor man, I'd probably end up having my children taken away from me because I couldn't take care of them due to my illness and all my children might inherit myriad issues.

So I don't know what to do with my life Holla Forums. I wish my mother didn't breed. I really shouldn't exist and she shouldn't exist. The genetic lottery has not been kind to anyone in my family.

When you can't breed and have a family… what the fuck can you do with your life?

I'll just drop this here. Billy did nothing wrong.


Take your semantic pilpul bullshit and take a hike, kike. Nationhood is by blood. Always has been. You're making a false distinction where there is none, no different than when kikes started arguing that gender and sex are different things.

Become a jew for our cause. Dedicate your life to garnering power and influence (while assisting only whites) and subvert our enemies tirelessly. Then your life will have purpose, children or no children.

Go back to your hut in Somalia you fucking nigger.

That's where being sick and nobody wanting to keep me employed for long fucks things up.

I think I should just jihad for the white race. It will be difficult for me to get together like 10 thousand dollars but once I got that, that should be enough to get some good guns, plenty of rounds, a rental vehicle, and some explosives to carry out jihad for the white race. Where I am the government pretty much will hand me everything as long as they think I'm a Muslim Jihadist because they want some ISIS to come kill some white goyim. They'll be surprised when I turn on the jews instead. I'm thinking about killing everyone that is employed by CNN.

Can I have a hut in the Canadian wilderness instead?

Go kill kikes, and/or shitskins, sob somewhere else.

Except in roman Europe. Just because you only speak English and don't have a word for fatherland that starts with "patri" doesn't mean the rest of the world is as sad as you.

Even illegal Mexicans have the word "patria", how does it feel knowing you're less than an illegal Mexican?

classic example of talmudic debate tactic.

Are you fucking retarded?

Nah statute of limitations is only 5ish years in leafland

Not an argument, burger rabi. I bet you don't even know your Torah's language, heck I bet it's written in burger "English".

Hmmm actually I have a potential idea. Are there reproductive technologies that can screen me and ensure that I can reproduce without passing on my various genetic issues? Then maybe I can somehow pay a woman to create a child for me or something?

I'll do that but promise me; make me into a meme afterwards ok? I don't want to be forgotten as fast as EGS. I hope memesters will keep my memory alive at least as long as Breivik.

You won't though… What state or time zone do you live in?

I love you idiots.

You can help us raise the fire, brother.

They expect one of us in the wreckage.

The only two ways to become a meme are:

1. Sheer bodycount
2. Extreme brutality (i.e. raping a baby to death and livestreaming it)

Now is not the time for fear.

That comes later.

My plan.

Good plan yes?

fbi pls go

why would a man shoot somebody before throwing them out of the plane?


only retards announce their plans before doing them

No, it's a negative. Any woman who put a lot of effort into building a career is defective and unfeminine. Ideally you want to find a girl who has no career ambitions whatsoever.

I'm behind 7 boxxies and am not being hyper specific and also incapable of actually carrying out the plan.

Nobody gon' do shit about it.

It's something to look forward to one day though if I ever get my hands on what I need.

Slow day at the office, agent?


Why the fuck would a successful, well-to-do man like a plumber marry some worn out career women? Tradesmen make good dosh, we don't have to settle.

No that's just me not the users of the site. I've met Holla Forumsacks and I can confirm they were handsome, healthy, above average intelligence, and fit.

I'm not advocating anyone else doing anything, just discussing ideas as to what I'm going to do, so I don't know why you're throwing this "anyone that suggests, entertains, or talks about violent action" is an agent.

You are probably healthy and therefore need to breed. I'm not. I think it will be a noble thing for me to die fighting for my race.

No, it isn't.

You don't have a fucking clue on what you're talking about. "Cute" is far more desirable then sexy, that's why so many men are drawn to them. Cute fires off that willingness to protect instinct, sexy simply fires off the willingness to knock her up instinct. That same cute plus wants kids, is the winning combination. It's the same reason why when you look through thread after thread, you don't see people clamoring for some girl with her legs spread unless they want something to jerk off to. You see people posting pictures of women in "long dresses, full blouses or short blouses, long hair, demure expressions or happiness."

But let's look at the shit in those lands shall we? China is overpopulaed by nearly 7% more males then females, and the girls will hook up with the shittiest, ugliest, beta male in the west just to get the fuck out. Japanese are basically huddling up, and their birthrates have hit a low so low that it's on par with the 1980's economic collapse. You can find girls there in their 20's and 30's who've never dated a single person. But will drop everything at the sign a white western male has a good job. S.Korean's? Some are conservative-pro big family, etc, some are rabid feminists like in the west aka there's a cancer spreading there just like here. Filipino women are basically in the same state as japanese women, except it's far heavier in the economic reasons to get the fuck out. Round it out if you're devoutly religious and she'll stay with you forever.

There's similar shit going on in eastern european countries as well. But it's not "sexy" being the winning rule of the day, again it's cute, wholesome, etc.

Well thats what happens when women cant abandon million years of instinct and refuse to marry down.

Feminism ho!

What the hell happened to this thread. I know the polls say that 42% of Holla Forums is made up of women but you don't have to literally trash the fucking thread. At least explain yourselves better or something Jesus.

No, this confirms it in thenmost literal fashion you dumb cunts

Then only take two months if that. 1 for the last month and one for the birth month.

Oh yes the most important thing to a man in a woman is what college she attended. Definitely not how attractive she is or how many dicks shes blazed through.

Men are not the problem. Women unchained go around fucking the top 10% of men and then compare all other men to them, and surprise, surprise most come up short. They highly overvalue themselves based on who is willing to fuck them (but not have a relationship let alone fucking marry them).

Oh wow I should have read that whole thing before my rant, women in the late 30s can't find a man to marry? Women in the late 20s are basically fucked. Late 30s they should consider eating a bullet.

Women have always been in the workforce.

Its modern Feminism that is the cancer.

This is true, top tier men are willing to fuck women below their level and this gives those women an inflated ego on top of their logic (lack thereof) that if a guy wants to fuck you, it means he wants to marry you too which then causes their own standards to be immensely high. Couple that with the natural hypergamy of a female and you have thousands of lonely, bitter cat ladies. All because they couldn't lower their standards and focus on finding a mate over a career, of which a guy could give two shits about.

The very language of the article "eligible men" sry i don't shit gold bricks and my cock isn't made of a regenerating chocolate. "eligible men" fuck off!!. There isn't any "eligible women" worth making the effort for.

There is technology for this, though it depends on the condition(s) you are worried about. Talk to a genetic counselor. Look for one that is not a kike.

Sure, my wife may have sucked and fucked the niggerball team while she wasn't in class with her jewish marxist professors in college for years, but she was just getting her fucking skills on par for a champion like me, I don't mind the residual nigger seamen still in her snatch and throat because now she is super faithful to me. Hold on her lawyer is knocking on the door for her alimony check…

^ ^ ^ That's you, you stupid nigger. I'm sure Becky is going to quit hopping on Jamal's cock cold turkey when she's 23 years old and sees you for the first time, cuck.

Traps are not women.

You can stretch out the skin to partially regenerate the foreskin. It will restore some of the glans' sensitivity.

You can get a surrogate mother and ask some white woman to donate eggs. But what genetic issues do you have? Have you gotten checked out for the "early onset parkingsons"? It could lead you to the root cause of the issues.

but user everything is men's fault /s
Womyn are strong and independent now.
What kind of retarded logic is this?

What state?

That's not so good for the child is it?

Most redpilled post

This is very true. My mother had 9 white kids (proud of her and my dad) and by the time the last couple came around the doctors were getting scared.

But there should be male and female only spheres. Women greatly hinder the work of males. Women should only be allowed to work menial labor in between leaves for pregnancy.

Please post moar senpai-user-san


This is a Jew if I ever saw one.

Are you retarded? Have family watch the runt. Grannies are free babysitters.

No. Nonsense.

Women should just accept marrying down economically, and we should bring back whippings and lashings and apply them to cheaters and whores.

they don't exist on some good woman tree. you need to work to find them and you do that with the women you encounter every day.


The reason Japan is experiencing a population decline is actually incredibly simple and understandable. Japan is an island, and their economy simply could not support the amount of resources they'd need to account for their population. Population levels will naturally reduce and fall off until the resulting changes in circumstances make childbirth an attractive prospect again. Contractions like this are perfectly natural and an important process - limitless growth is correctly referred to as cancer when it happens to cells in the body.

It's a much, much more pleasant fate than a declining population which then imports a bunch of brown people to further depress native birth rates and cause so many other problems.

Women fuck who the establishment tells them to fuck. Haven't figured that out yet? Women fuck the dominant men in their culture. Hence why they bang Abdul from Malmo instead of Sven from Stockholm. White women are still women jackass. Look what happened when white women got to vote. Everything went honky dory eh? Not a like a total faggot poz fest was unleashed on the U.S….


Boo whoo not enough "eligible men". I inwardly smile every time i see that image.

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

"actor/writer" is just the normalfag way of saying NEET tbh.


Holy shit this is amazing.

Yawn, no shit. Do we really need to pull out the stats again, this argument's been beaten to death. Despite the immense amount of brainwashing targeted towards whites, whites still racemix the least of any racial group.

Demographics are still close to 50-50 at higher social circles. There ARE men up there. The problem is that men up there don't want them. Men up there are the top half of social standing and can pick whoever they want.

Men were always fine with "pairing down" provided the woman had the right qualities. Just look at royalty, several instances of princes marrying common women even within the past few generations. Royalty is probably the most exclusive social circle on earth and even women can get their foot in the door. Not really the case with men.

Poor 5/10 and 6/10 women become rich 5s and 6s and still want the 8+ rich men. Poor 9s and 10s have access to rich 6+ men and the men want them.

So they freeze their eggs in useless desperation.

Damn, that's a shill bot. The grammar was stilled.

How could discussion have devolved into mgtow cancer? What room is there for such devolution? You want to save the white race? Abstaining from women means not creating children which therefore, is destructive to the race. There's no room for discussion.

You know what, this deserves a cap.

She looks to much like Jazz the kike tranny for me.

Probably it's my autism showing but I don't hug someone I first meet. What kind of pussy shit is that?

This is why the anti-whites on here that blame women instead of pity them need to realize that targeting our own race is the most good-goy approved action to take. You might as well call up Shlomo and ask him for shekels so you can be a defeatist and blame everyone but the actual problem.

i'm sorry anons, i wish i'd known you sooner. even though it's been a happy marriage i still realize that i made a big mistake, but i've never broken an oath.

i don't know if feminism is to blame for making all the white women i dated nonviable as wives or if it was my own fault for giving up, or both

if i'd been redpilled a few years earlier instead of being a cuckservative you'd be calling me a brother instead of a traitor

i don't know how to make this right

Not only that, but libs are already doing the work of killing off their own culture. It's a beautiful thing to look at and realize that the lib marxist ideology of this self destructiveness was meant to capture the entirety of the US culture, soak everyone in with absolution and no other ideas or shit allowed, and then with all the genital mutilation, cuckoldry, and shit, to have it result in the race or peoples that the culture it's infected to end up dying off. Many lib cucks I talk with in neighboring towns/cities around in their 20's early 30's have all discussed and expressed their desire about not having children among other shit. While they go preaching around their cultural marxism, Gen Z is rebelling by being much more conservative and right wing as a result. Then you also have how right wing/conservative and basically regular populace that don't buy into the marxist koolaid bullshit are having kids. And through those kids the anti-communist memes and knowledge are being passed onto the newer generations. Right now libs have the advantage in their school system, but once that's rooted out, both in schooling and in colleges, then combined with libs' self destructive mentality, the communist/socialist memes that have been passed onto these libs are going to end up dying out and becoming unfavorable. Like it or not, it seems the kikes created the communism movement to be a ticking time bomb for the native peoples to die off so another culture or (((people))) can take over.
But what the kikes didn't plan on and are furious over is a bunch of rag tag online shitposters and a president that's knocked over their shit has made it so that when the time bomb does go off (which is looking like very soon as they reach older years) that there will still be enough people that the native populace and right wing and free thinkers will remain and thrive.
I'm hoping I made some sense or got my point across in my tired ramblings

From MGTOW shills, silly.

where the fuck did this first image come from?

You know goddamn well what you would have to do, and you know goddamn well you don't even have the guts to consider it, so why even ask?

There's non-white anons overseas who's help work towards white ethostates in white countries so that jews and ZOG stop interfering with their countries as a side benefit. You can usually tell by the overly white larping. Don't give up.

All the men who've snuffed it over failed romance and they expect us to give women sympathy, hah!


why don't you spell it out, that could be one of twenty things.

i donate, i meme, i assist with various anti-ZOG efforts, hell i even got a pair of white friends to find white wives and breed. it's not going to ever be enough to fix the past but i guess i can keep plugging away.

You all have been missing out on getting a qt hipster grill.

She's been easy as fuck to keep around. Happy with very little because le hipster lifestyle (kinda cute when she does it). Wandered about being a kitchengirl at a nursing home for the filthy rich for half a year then decided she wants to become a cook and attends the fucking cooking school. Girl doesn't even know yet she is setting up to become a great wife and mother.

gamergate, i assume, that's obviously vivian

No, I know who it is. I didn't have the image cued up when I posted though.

Who would had thunk.

Virgin girls know a lot of faggots believe it or not, those are their male friends.

Question: Can women past menopause even carry children? I don't mean naturally, but is it possible even with invitro? Does it increase any sort of risks?

No, with menopause the hormones needed for a successful pregnancy stops being produced and balanced in required quantities to maintain the womb. Artificially having a pregnancy at that stage is also extremely dangerous to both parent and child as if proper care is not taken, the natural prompt of osteoporosis (weakening of bones) will instead cause both mother to suffer from weaker bones and child to be miscarried. Normally you counteract osteoporosis with hormone treatments but I have no knowledge on what dosage you would use for someone who's menopause and pregnant.

That said, there are freak cases of women in their 50s and 60s who have no reached menopause and still manage to give birth from invitro, but they are entirely outliers.

I cannot blame her too much, she desperately wanted children but you couldn't provide that. The real ones at fault here are the fucking kikes responsible.

I hope you're just confused as to what a 'gook' actually refers to.

I still believe the day of the rope is coming and when it does the kikes will say "oy vey dats not the roolz!"
There was an article just yesterday about how CNN is frustrated internally because Holla Forums has been dumping out their dox even though they were so generous as to not do the same to that ledditor. They're having a massive bitch about it because we're not following their dumb rules.

Are you under the impression any of these sorority tarts would be any less likely to cuck and divorce than other American females? Are you aware that in spite of marriage rates falling, divorce rates are still rising? I have fucked girls like this in the past, and none of them were marriage material. I checked up on three of the slags I fucked back in the day and all of them are fat divorcees or single moms. Real women exist in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc. Even the very best Western females are piles of garbage, and they are only pretending to be "traditional" until the alimony time stipulation kicks in.

Thing is, Japan isn't even tapping into the resources needed to support their population. They have more then enough land for food, their only real lack is "raw resources" as an input economy. If your reasons held weight, then a shithole like Zimbabwe or South Africa wouldn't be in the situation it is.

But user i told him not to commit sodomy with diseased degenerates.

I'm redpilled and I'm still tempted to go down your path. Traditionalism is dead in the west.
I figure several half whites are better than zero whites. And given how western women are I sure won't reproduce with them, if I did they would ruin the child and strive to make it a traitor.

Before people suggest Slavs, I live in the UK, I have seen Polish women and they were hot as hell. Then I saw them act slutty as fuck and I gave up on that, unless other Slavs are magically different I don't see a future. Poles may be nationalistic, but they still have the degenerate cancer that kills the west. I have no hope for them.

Croats are still a decent choice but there aren't that many left and nowadays it's really hard to get them to out-breed (date outside their ethnicity; back the day it was easier to get them to date outsiders) even the Croat diaspora tends to only marry other Croats until the third/fourth generation for the most part.

That's plain sad. He basically says he's the exact same dude with the exact same problems just much more self-conscious and minus the stress relief of porn.

Sorry but if that's an anti-porn argument I think I'll pass even if the addiction is real.

Turkroach extermination is always a viable compensation.


It's just natural selection. Our numbers may shrink drastically, but those who will make it will be of higher quality and will have acquired a mental immunity to their indoctrination.

This thread might be a good place to ask for advice.
I'm 27. In the last 3 years I tried hooking up with diferent girls. I can count at least 12 diferent girls from 24 to 30 years old I met.
In short: they're all fucked. I can give details if asked, but I eventually discovered that all 12 didn't had boyfriends for a very good reason.

So, today I have an opportunity. There's a 17 year old girl I've known for ages. She's too shy to say it, but I have it half-confirmed that she has a crush on me.
I realize sex will need to wait several years. That's not a problem. She's sweet, nice and playfull. Very innocent too.

I'm wondering if it's worthy putting up with the taboo of hooking up with someone 10 years younger. I'm pretty much opting out of my own generation. Has anyone here done something like this?


Since this has turned into a genetics conversation, I recently wondered if its ethical to test tube a white kid into an asian and if any some genetic fuckery will happen in the process.

Hey man, I've legit thought about dicking a cake just to see what kind of autistic kid would come out.

Don't announce that on a public forum though.

1. Random pics are not an argument

2. Your religion is dead, deal with it

I'm pretty much looking to do the same thing. The women in my age group are completely unbearable.

My problem is that people here are traditionalists.
I don't know if they'll look at this with good ideas.
Just to be clear: I don't give a fuck personally, I got a job, my own house and can take anything.
It's her I'm worried about. I might screw up her life because I couldn't find anyone else.

She's been my little loli for years, like a younger sister I wanted to protect. Only recently did I start thinking about something more.

Back in the good old days, the age gap was exactly what you're proposing. The man would need to be able to provide before a woman usually 5 years junior if not more is approved to marry him by her family. You're definitely not in the wrong unless we're talking about Christcuck "traditionalist" who wouldn't know tradition if it was burning their house down.

You already said you can provide for her and make her for life. What else would you diminish from her life? Her ability to become a successful lawyer who's miserable by 30? Her ability to go out and ride the cock carousel? Her ability to date millionaire surgeon werewolf vampire pirates?

2 thoughts about your situation:

1. Pretty much every girl a few years past highschool is pretty fucked up in the head. If it's not college it will be pop culture which "ruins" them. But if you hook up with them, you will become a big part of their environment and they will gradually allign more towards your views. That will not happen with all of them, but many are still moldable. The younger, the better the chances of success ofc. So you might have judged the situation with them prematurely.

2. Concerning your 17 year old girl: If you think it's possible, try it. Take it slow and maybe wait 1 or 2 years to make it more "official".

India still has arranged marriages put together by the fathers. What are you talking about?

They do. My brother was premature, very brain damaged. My mother wanted them to turn off the machines, but they said no because that would be murder. So my parents had to pour extraordinary amounts of resources into raising a vegetable that the doctors were all saying would never walk or talk. My mother worked phenomenally hard and got him able to eventually rudimentarily walk and talk, but he'll never ever be independent or able to do anything useful.

Kinda like that. Me and her are both christians, just not the "zealot" type.
I personally don't go to church, and I don't believe in churchs that are made of stone instead of people. They house hypocrites and priests manipulating said hypocrites.
I know I'd get some disaproving words from some people here, a minority, so I'm not worried. She might be however.
Though her mother seemed happy at the prospect.
I worry I might dimish her life in case she wanted to move somewhere else, or cares about what the local zealots might say.

Yeah, she already sees eye to eye with me on somethings. Eager to learn too.
Doesn't like that I smoke, and vaping still weirds her out. I might kick the habbit for her sake.

Yeah, at least a year. I dunno if hugging and kissing is a crime, but sex is a big no, I don't even think she's mature enough for it.

Rule of thumb. Semite religions have no tradition. If you people knew how Islam spread to Asia 600 years ago, you'll probably laugh your arse off (also it's partially why the South East Asian brand of Islam is less crazy compared to the Dunecoon ones)

You're right. Fuck'em.
I'm gonna take the loli and make her happy.
That's all that matters.

I see no problem.
Old men go with young women all the time in Hollywood, fuck it they can't complain, and libs defend female teachers fucking students because feminism says only men can rape.
If its legal go for it. Besides it evens out as you age.
You're here, you already don't give a fuck otherwise you would be liberal. Play their own bullshit against them, I can't judge gays and trannies because "what two consenting adults do is none of your business, love is love" well that's a two way street, they wanted to abolish judgement of sexuality they can't complain without obvious hypocrisy to call out.

Again if it's legal, go for it. It nets you a conservative qt, just no cheating or anything disrespectful towards her. Conservative women are a precious resource in today's world and they should be treated well to show others traditionalism pays off, liberalism just brings misery. And hopefully women take note, then the betas follow them and traditionalist influence increases.

No need to read further then.

Kissing a minor is considered sexual assault in Burgerland. Keep flirting with her and pounce when she turns 18. If she's in her senior year of high school, she's at risk for premarital sex and drug abuse. Are her parents cool with you and her? All you need are the parents' permission and you can date younger.

My hipster girl is 19 and I'm 25. The age gap isn't as big but definitely noticeable but there are no major benefits or drawbacks to it.
It may be easier for her to accept settling down, marrying and becoming pregnant earlier than she had in mind because of it though.

I'm 24 and I attend a uni in the UK. I can honestly tell you that none of the blue haired bitches that dye their armpit hair are worth the bother. If I wasn't focused on STEM, honestly, I would've stopped attending.
You ended up well, user. Congratz. You're truly blessed and I hope you and your family nothing but the best.
For the rest of you, dating/marrying a woman that went through college is like purchasing damaged goods. Make sure you assess the damage before fronting the cost or you'll be fucked.

Pretty fucking certain you can't un-ring that bell… western women are mostly whores that have 100 miles of cock run through them by the time they're in their mid 20s.

I'm thinking of going to uni in a few years as an adult so I am less fucked by debt. I would be 27 or 28 starting. I'm not interested in dating or socialising but I'm a britbong and I'm unsure of how pozzed our unis are, I know it has lots of degenerate casual sex and drinking, but how bad is it politically? I fear Corbyn will bring out more communists, ironically he would also make uni free and free me from potential debt.
Are our unis America tier?

as long as those cockmiles are mine idgaf.
We need to pop out children.
Time to go ghetto.
Fuck bitches bareback, fuck the next bitch tomorrow.
Tinder your way out of racewar.

Jeez m8, I hate to break this to you, but unis are 100% kike+commie controlled and are literal ground zero for the spread of pozzed thinking.


You know your professor is full of shit when he lists reasons and inserts "blablabla" in between.

and mahmoud can tell you all about his 4 wifes and 40 children, while you are raising cities at a time.

A pure coincidence, if you will.

I would argue things aren't that desperate yet. In rural America, the white birth rate is still well above replacement levels, if you're living in a big city then you're living in a bubble. Big cities are where people from all walks of life have always gone to either make it big in very rare cases, or get consumed and destroyed in the vast majority.

big cities : so parasites have higher chances of latching on to victims.

These. If you're going to kill the white race, you have to do it in one killing blow. In the same way that taking only a small dose of anti-biotics is dangerous because you'll breed a resistance and therefore large doses must be used to ensure total destruction of the group, the same principle applies equally to the white race. You can't take too long when administering the lethal dose or the target will develop a resistance and fight back. Schlomo took too long and fucked up. Or rather, one Adolf Hitler caused them to take too long. Were it not for the heroic actions of the Natsocs, the Jews might have been able to take over the world back then and it really would have been all over.

Correct, same principle be they microbes or kikes.

If you're both white and stable, then fucking do it. Do it. You won't have another chance at this. Marry her ASAP and never let her go. Make a commitment to take seriously the vow of 'till death do us part'. Pump out as many white children as you can.

Also don't wait years for sex, marry and bed her as soon as at all practical.

Too bad my medical/biology skills have been stagnant for 10 years or so.
I have been enrolled Public administration studies for 5 years, and to me it is like "treating a society" as a 'patient'.
You identify the problem, you take out the toolkit (laws, regulatory red tape, budget, governance etc) , and you solve the problem.
In this case we can just say : it is unacceptable for any person in the world to obtain wealth that is unnaturally large.
So the 8 richest persons (who own half the world's assets) should be forced to decrease their holdings, much like monopolies in the economy are treated.

A lot of people in STEM (I'm in web application and service development) are a lot older than you…
Me neither… that's why I don't have any STDs, while my colleagues take daily shots of Penicillin
You'll hate me for being a fucking immigrant, but I'm not a brit, this was the only uni in Europe that catered to my intellectual pursuits. As for how pozzed unis are… I had computer science lecturers trying to push transgenerism on us, so I'd say… very.
You don't know half of it.
Very bad. Virtually the only reason I'm not incarcerated is because I'm always silent on every issue.
There is a foundation in Greece that loans you money and you pay back after you earn more than the median income in the UK, and even then, you only pay 9% of the surplus.
Americans have a right to free speech, they have some pro-white movements, the UK has none of that. If you want to be among whites (and East Asians…) go into any kind of STEM field. Commies seem to be into arts, law and other effeminate, unimportant and pointless shit that would land you a job at McDonalds.

That will literally never happen, because it's female nature to not marry men who cannot provide resources. Saying "we need to fix that" is akin to when communists say they need to fix human nature to make communism work properly.

Yeah, as nurses, secretaries, elementary school teachers, babysitters, and other womanly work. I'm obviously talking about the current model of women competing in the same job market as men.

Not nonsense. Women have caused great harm to our economic function. They hold men back from working to the best of their abilities. If a team composed of men has x efficiency, add a woman and it will become 0.75*x. Add two women and it is 0.5*x. Add more and it just goes down further. This has numerous causes. Reducing male competitiveness (men will not try as hard at a task if women can do it because they then subconsciously view the task as being below them), females being inferior in basically everything, etc.

Why is computer science ground zero for trannies? The amount of trannies in compsci is easily 20x higher than in any other field.

I didn't meet any trannies, it's all white men (we had a Somalian nigger, but he dropped out after a couple of months, he didn't understand terms like "sequence" and "selection") in my class, but the lecturer still tried to push this acceptance down our fucking throats.

fucking delusional homo

Except after 5 years she gets bored of your dick and either wants an open relationship or she leaves you, takes your life earnings, and you have to slave away for a paycheck to her. Even worse, if you had a kid, she'll take the kid to, and you can't do single thing about it, and if you try you go to jail, because the state has given her privileges in return for her support for their expansion of powers. Any man who marries a slut is a fool. Once a slut, always a slut. It's like a guy that watches porn but worse. She'll only get turned on by you for so long and then want something different. 100% of the time. You can't change a woman like this. The only way she'd ever be loyal is if she were outcast by general society because she got really fat or something.
Fucking a glorified fuck toy that two dozen other men used is the best thing you can imagine? Clearly you're a cuck.
>If you think sororities aren't the last bastion of white uteruses, you're probably one of (((them.)))
You're the one sitting here advocating for whoredom and cuckoldry.

no thanks
no thank you. i dont plan on having the mother of my child as my wife, and not a "bitch"
no thanks
race war is inevitable and necessary regardless of how many children you have
no, we are *procreating* for war

i plan on having the mother of my child be my wife*
poor phrasing anyways but whatever you know what i meant

All girls today are whores though. You can't really say a sorority girl is necessarily worse, when the majority of females take multiple dicks before even becoming legal age. You simply aren't going to find a pure virgin wife today, unless you married your high school gf. Those who are virgin after 18 today are usually obese or deformed in some way.

Yes you can. They're not a part of general society, they're a part of a university "clique." I can't even imagine how amped up on feminist ideals this brand of whore is. I'd rather have a working class girl who dropped out of high school than some whore from a university who probably blew Tyrone just to "experiment," "because that's what college is for." I wouldn't even want to talk to a whore from a university let alone date or fuck one. They're among the worst brand of whore out there. College girls, new and old, basically account for the entire amateur porn industry. They're whore meets Cultural Marxist liberation. Fuck them all. They can all rot for all I care.

154 IQ here.
I think you've hit the nail on the head, my friend.

meant for

Besides this is all under the assumption that you'll only find a =100.

Population density's a bitch.

Eastern European women have much less patience, often more open - but almost exclusively still just as sneaky as other women.

There's no difference, honestly.

As an example, they will ask for advice. As a courtesy.

They will NEVER listen to this advice if it goes against what they want.

Stop being a salty peckerhead faggot, feel me?

Thot is already in use in other languages, finnish for example. It has spread and cannot be contained anymore.

Roastie sounds too burger, too usa.
Thot has abstract, lyrical beauty. It's a dance of letters, an onomatopoetic statement that contains shallowness and ugliness of thotness.

In all honesty, anyone who isnt a faggot calls em what they are, whores. No need to fancy up what words we use to describe whores.

33 here dating a beautiful 20 yo

38 here, have zero interest in women anywhere near my age, for a number of reasons. Grab that 17 year old cutie before you grow old and regret it. Fuck what the goyim say, shes ripe for the pickins, OLD IF YOU MARRY HER. If you're gonna just pump and dump, fuck off and KYS.


Which is why we need to cleanse and colonize foreign land as well as travel space.

This thread reminded me of a time where I dated a model when I was younger. She was great, but I ended up losing her because I wasn't at the point in life where I could handle a marriage, so we ended it.

She now works at the top of her field, making tons of money, and is very successful. My struggle is that I question whether or not she would have stayed with me if I stuck with her. I think a model is one of the perfect jobs for a woman. It idealizes feminine beauty and fashion, and unlike an office job, doesn't require extreme mental competition or stress. I would want my wife to be someone like her, someone that could be successful and still make money while staying true to her roots as a woman and being able to raise a family. But I don't know if that's possible.

You only have to wait a year or less, why not go for it?

It's a toxic industry from what I've heard that leads to mentally damaged women

Also talk about being put on a pedestal of options for hypergamy

Sure, happy to help: Kill them, and then yourself

You know, for all the times I get called FBI, it's obvious YOU are the actual alphabet soup / lea. What do you need to know where I am for except to prevent me from doing anything?


Here’s my story. I was 27, had some money, made myself physically fit, and decided to give dating another try after the disaster that was my school years. But all the women “my age” are absolute garbage for every reason you can imagine a 24-32 year old woman had run her life into the ground. It was pretty hopeless–women either just wanted me because I’m a checkbook and a penis and they’re out of options or because they have adorable modern “strong, independent woman” opinions that are complete deal breakers.
I floated around for about a year, feeling pretty lonely and stupid that I had given life another try and this is all I’d been rewarded with. I was sitting around after gym one day dealing with the testosterone-spiked, lonely, sad, mad, no girlfriend feelings. I pondered suicide, ponder moving to another country… All the women my age and older are used goods or still single for that or other good reasons. If only I could have not been a piece of shit at 16-20… So I was sitting there, thinking, and finally fixated on the point. “My age and older.” Hmm. Well… I have money, I’m attractive. Short of a little middle school-tier rejection by girls who have no idea what a real man is supposed to be, what, exactly is preventing me from enrolling in the 16-22 dating pool at 28?
As luck would have it, I needed to get next week’s food from the local market and there was a QTP2T of young but indeterminate age who worked the express lane (seriously, she could have been 15, could have been 22; she had a face that made it hard to tell) who I loosely knew because I don’t buy much at the chain markets so that was always my lane. As she was ringing up my stuff, I asked how her dating is going and she let out a big sigh. “I’m getting fed up, actually,” she says.
“Oh, really?” I say, with slight bemusement. “Why?”
“Guys my age are stupid nobodies, and look at my job; no older guy is gonna want me.”
I blue screened temporarily at this point. Had to be shaken out of it. “Your… career?” I asked. “What does that have to do with anything?!”
“Oh, everybody knows older successful guys want an established woman who has a career and stuff,” she said.
“Uh, I make enough money for the both of us. You could stay at home and raise the children, even, if you wanted. Why on Earth would I care as long as you were a good person and we liked each other?”
“Well, I mean, I just heard all the ladies say that… I can’t say a date a lot of older guys, y’know.”
I dropped the topic, but by the time I got to the parking lot, I realized exactly what the fuck has been happening. Older women and feminists are telling younger women to stay away because “old men don”t want them unless they’re some co-equal murphy brown power executive” while simultaneously telling men their age that younger women don’t want them and will think they’re creepy pedophile crib-robbers for talking to them if there’s an age gap greater than 3 years.
It was clear to me now. So I immediately threw away any notion of dating a woman over 24 and completely shifted my dating focus. The entire world is new again; women I am interested in are interested in me, and there is a chance for these dates to become successful marriages built on mutual attraction without a leeching partner. A lot of these women either haven’t been through feminism 101 (college) or are starting it and are questioning it, but I’m there just in the nick of time to rebalance them, where without me they’d question but ultimately accept the groupthink–as all women do, devoid of authority. Never mind the fact that I can actually find virgins in this group.
This was a redpill right up there with the jews, guys. You have old women and feminists pulling a divide and conquer strategy equally as destructive as judaism. But now that I see it, I can sidestep it completely and preempt the perpetuation of this cycle in, at least, mine and at least one woman’s life. I haven’t found quite the one yet, but I’m so much closer to the mark and all my dates are so much more productive. If nothing else, I’m a prominent feature in a few young women’s lives and a point of stability that they will remember and seek out in other men. You’re welcome for that, by the way. Now go do it for others. I’m free from the last layer of mental chains that held me down. I’m finally free.

Should I give a disclaimer? In that I'm this Holla Forumsack's age and saved it because I'm this Holla Forumsack's age but will never be able to act on it myself because of conditions in my life which prevent it? Or does it matter? I guess it doesn't matter. Literally my only reason for staying alive is teaching people about the true nature of the world. If I couldn't do that, I'd just suicide bomb a synagogue, because there's nothing left in this world worth fighting for to me. I can't have a woman, I won't have children, but I can help save others and hope for the day that I can help by actually shooting the demons responsible for this shit.

Truth is more important than freedom.