White Male and Asian Female, the best pairing

Are white western women fucked by feminism beyond any hope of redemption? Some white nationalist has now suggested "East Aryan" women as the only option for white men.


He does make some pretty good points. What do you think, Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=blue eyes nepal&client=ms-unknown&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTxcHrg_TUAhUJeT4KHRQZAtwQ_AUICSgB&biw=412&bih=652&dpr=2.63#imgrc=_


Fucking kill yourself you insufferable faggot.

White male and White female
Asian male Asian female
are the best pairings

NO, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

damn that bitch is ugly



OP, I thought Asian women were top tier too, back when I was a teenager. Grow up.

Lurk more faggot


not if you have a fetish for asian women


Sage miscegenation NO and fuck off just because you took a chink or nip as a wife yet want to be Natsoc ….little slanty eyed ugly fucking kids LOL FUCK OFF TRAITOR!!

Do you want sons OP? Because half white half asian sons are how you get Elliot Rogers type people.
Although half white half asian girls are pretty gud.

How about no?


cash me outside, how bout dah?

my Dad was in nam all over told me the french/gooks mixes looked like china dolls that is no fucking excuse You are either with your race or you aren't period.Besides so many I mean soooo many good looking white women why fuck a chink dumbass.

If you are a white nationalist or ethnonat of some kind, it makes zero sense to entertain the idea of race-mixing. Asian women are for libertarians, (((civnats))), and betas.

remember to sage

Look, isn't it better for white men that can't find a white woman to have children with , have children with an asian woman than no one?

most white women are fucked by feminism


You're a day early, Shamberg

This bait is so god-awful, I'm disgusted. You should feel embarassed.


I dated a hapa once.. She was extremely fucked up in the head. A lot of it had to due with her fucked up parents who clearly hated each other because of their cultural differences.

havent turned back since

I know you have a fetish for white men but we don't race mix with ching-chongs.

Go back to reddit.

What next, MGTOW talking points? There are way more white women number wise here compared to asians. Have fun with kids that will not identify or be seen as white. Replace asiain with kike in your posts if you still can't see the problem.

not all of them so again no fucking excuse to lower your standards and race mix period.Stop trying to justify it it is absolutely wrong if you give a fuck about your own race,this not being able to find a white woman is a cop out trust me their are plenty of them with good genetics wishing a white man would give them a chance to be a mother and caregiver to children by a white man that takes care of business so no excuse is valid.Although I have a soft spot for nips I would never breed with them and crying you can't find anything else is you being a fucking biological failure.

MGTOW is the solution to feminism

just fuck prostitutes

Or fight to change the goddamn laws you fucking defeatist idiot.

Go back to your containment board

MRA was actually controlled opposition all along.




Shieet, this is terrible im giving this thread a bump so everyone sees this, its terrible.

This is exactly what (((they))) want you to believe.


no its the loser pairing.
asian girls are just easier to deal with, slim on average and have lower standards.
even autistic awkward white guys can get them without trying to be more masculine or confident.
But now that asian guys are stepping up their game here, starting to them with white girls.

being white alone isnt gonna help eventually. You cant be like a female and just "be" as you are. You gotta bring shit to the table

plus due to lack of masuclinity and leading their eurasian girls are sluts. WHile the sons have issues due to the pairing

I can understand if you are going out with some K-pop idol, but what the fuck are you doing going out with anything other than the outliers of that ant race masquerading as human beings? The average white slag is at least 50% better looking than the typical Asian.

OP and everyone bumping this shill thread have been reported. Enjoy ban, kikes.

How do you hook an Asian girl without coming across as a guy with an Asian fetish? I have some massive yellow fever.

no, fuck you.

memes aint gonna do it.

I second your sentiment user.

Is it from asian masculinity?

8/pol/ has officially devolved into cuckchan circa 2014. Via r/thedonald posting and alt-kike bullshit a youtube comment section has become a better forum. My question is… where do I go now?

Why do you have that image saved?
I could understand if you just had the white father/asian mother part, but what the fuck is with the love for race mixing when it comes to whitemothers/asian father?

Knew you were one. What a defeatist beta cuck.



Just shitposting m8. report the thread if you want.
But first please provide 3 examples of good thread topics and discussions that ever happened on Holla Forums.



No Race mixing period.

Now fuck off thread/over/have white babies or die/idiot/folder/

Most women are what they are told to be by who they see as authority. Basically, you just admitted you're a cuck.

….only in the city

It has been shit for the least a year and a half. Every thread is a shill.

My memory isn't that good.

Trips confirm.

nope cuz fuck em.

the point Im making that yes asian and an white men are the most beta. However alot of white guys think they are more alpha when they pick the self hating gooks.

but in the end it doesnt cover their betaness.
The asian man at least when he does pull and marry. He has tradition, honor, discipline and standards when raising his kids.

these beta whites dont. THey basically create the same cycyle hoping that the wife will make them good kids, but it fails cuz she follows him.

Okay you're clearly not even trying. At least use an Asian woman that looks human for fuck's sake.
S-straya, is that you? I've missed your shitposting.

It's my goal to impregnate someone like in your pic

kill yourself OP

you know pics like this only confirms that white racists are a violent bunch when given the oppurtunity

that picture is 100% right though

Good luck proving it, 10%/50%

Anyone remember back when the JIDF spammed Holla Forums with blandda up threads and most of them were telling us to mix with gooks? Was hilarious thinking back on it. But it's a smart way to destroy white people, you'll only make a subhuman that can never inherit the best white features. It'll be shit hair and eyes forever.

damn straight.

GTFO you race traitor, miscegenation encouraging POS

only if given the upper hand but I doubt it.
west is older gayer an blacker then ever.
hitler couldnt remove jews or gypsys while todays war torn arab black an latinos are tougher.

wouldnt matter even 1% is considered enough just look at islamic terror.

No I meant, as in you're 10% of the population, 50% of the prison population. You fucking nigger. Neck yourself on the way out.

now you know why the lock down is harder on whites.
robbing a liquor store and genocide is a big ass gap





gook racemixing is the most dangerous kind. approximately 1/3rd of gooks race-mix with whites. Places like Hawaii, which have the highest asian populations, also have the highest rate of race-mixing. Did you know ~20-25% of Hawaiians are race-mixed hapa mongrels? That's the danger of gooks. They're not as overtly terible as dumb beaners or niggers, so it's not as "socially unacceptable" to date/fuck/marry them.

Don't even get me started on all the military dudes who come back home with some of the local fauna, along with the gookess's entire extended family.














Laugh while you can you commie sack of shit. Whites are the master of warfare, and mark my words, a war is coming.


well color me surprised

quit projecting.You are worse then a nigga. Least the nigga when hes a neet and cant get a job he tries what ever risks to make money and has a spine inditead of mooching off his parents like hes on welfare.
Have fun being a minority. WHich is still too good for you




yeah exactly, filtered.


fuck off to reddit you autist





islamic terror isnt the most common terror but its the most highlighted


Ah, yeah.
White NEETs should just start robbing people and selling drugs.
That will solve their issues and make society better.


I hear asian chicks dig guys who commit suicide. You should try it out.

It's spelled NIGGER you FAGGOT






Shitskin confirmed, nigger.







Wanna add a few more exclamation points, there, spergo?






























Let's actually not though that show was over drawn out pretentious garbage.

Nice source. Liberals can't into evidence. Hence why you believe in jewish fairy tales about more jews than had ever lived in Europe somehow being systematically exterminated in non existent chambers at labor camps with currency and full of theaters and tennis courts and swimming pools where not even 10% of the claimed casualties were ever found because apparently they were somehow incinerated at a rate of one body
every 15 minutes 24/7 for years because less than a dozen inconsistent witnesses said so nevermind the hundreds of contradictory eye witness which all tell a different story and the lack of any order or direct acknowledgement ever being found. Wew. You faggots sure do love your escapism.

East Aryan is a meme, and it needs to stop. You don't want hapa children. I love me some Japanese idols as much as the next guy, but you don't racemix with them.

So are you lumping in pajeets with east asians?



He's a britfag.


Is this fucking Harry Potter? What's next, purebloods and "muh symbol is a lion because stronk"?

Brexit in a nutshell

Yes, because your fap hand is so much better looking.

Can we just admit some Asians can be cute, it's fine to find them cute and be tempted, but your actions ultimately define you, and you can be a nationalist without hating non whites.

I'm just tired of people thinking I hate everyone or that I'm one of those blandda up faggots. Finding Asians cute doesn't make me a self loathing beta, it just means I appreciate beautiful women and have self control. I find some married women attractive, doesn't mean I'm going to try and fuck them.

Yes, because a white whore is Aryan and not cuckery at its finest

Yes, purebloods, you fucking idiot. Parents of mutts deserve nothing less than a bullet to the neck.


Yeah I still think it's a garbage show. Fuck OP this is now a lain thread. I get that lain is basically supposed to more or less either be or represent the wired but I felt they took their vague symbolism too far, to the point where it felt pretentious and try-hard. Like some hipster indie film festival where a bunch of faggots intellectually jerk each other off trying to pretend they understand all the deep underlying complexities of some steaming pile of modernist excrement poorly executed and full of lazy plot devices and shortcuts to make an idea work that just doesn't really work at all given how they presented it. Thought? Best waifu? How was the wired magically manifesting into reality exactly? Cloning people? It's not like they all had brain implants or anything. None of it made any God damn sense.

How much are whores paying you shill?

I capitulated and fucked a mountain pajeet. I need to master my urges.

Fetish are for children, baby making with a non slut is for men

Yes goy, there was no other reason for Brexit, it was just to remove poles and get more Punjab pussy. Just ignore Merkel and the EU trying to bully Poland and Hungry into letting in "diversity" and housing poor migrants in sexual emergencies. What kind of monster wouldn't offer up his daughter to the newcomers as a sign of tolerance.

Or is this one of those "who cares bro it doesn't matter your over thinking it" cop out situations idiots love to pull when they can't justify their own shitty taste?


Think you got the wrong guy. I'm just shitting up a garbage thread and calling the kikes out here and there because I'm bored and the mods are asleep. Look at my posts.

Wtf is a mountain pajeet?
I don't know my pajeet subspecies.


I legitimately think lain it shit though but would be interested in hearing your thoughts on it if you disagree. Just being inflammatory for a giggle mate.

You will always be a gaijin to the japs
You will always be a race traitor
You will be the limp-dicked cuckod who settled for second best
You will be the one to hang

You literally know nothing of brexit, you are a burger that got his news from Holla Forums. Even farage said he was OK with pajeets but not with poles

To be fair I like Nepal, much better than India.
Gurkhas are pretty based.

You do know you can always come to Europe, or go to America or some modern city/town in Asia. Speaking of which, you can always go to an Asian city/town in Australia

I'm British and voted m8.
The U.K. was fucked anyway, I voted to do what was best for Europe as a whole. That is to kill the EU even if it fucks up the uk, but as I said, the U.K. Is fucked anyway.

How was feminism in India? Are men going to be fucked on the West in the next decade?

I tried to tell you chink whores that are preg are the number one immigrants to the US so while you focus on bean eaters your getting overrun by GD chinks just like canada motherfuckers …It isnt the beans and islamymuds its the GD chinese you fucking tards..

considering that gang rape is a legal punishment passed down by the courts in India, I don't think feminism has taken off quite yet

Fuck off larper, you shoot yourself on the foot and every Nationalist group in every actual European country laughed. We want the EU gone, but UK going full retard was more funny than productive.

A lot of northern Indians have actually done a good job preserving a lot of the Aryan bloodline thanks to the racial caste aspects preserved from the Vedas from the Indo Aryans. Alfred Rosenberg pointed this out in Myth of the 20th century and its fairly common knowledge on occultism. Some of them even still have light skin, blue eyes, and dominant european features to this day. Many of them are probably more Aryan then many slavs or south/eastern europeans.

I'm not Indian m8, I just know Nepal has done more for us, and isn't a polluted, overpopulated shithole.
I may like India more when they fight Pakistan.

Don't they have monetary incentives to yell "rapist"?

Also, their birthrates got halved in 30 years, an user said that in another 30 there will be no more Indian babies.

Yeah, the modern generation of women is pretty fucked in the head. My plan is to wait through the 8 years of President Trump, see if he can turn things around, and score a cute conservative white girl as she graduates high school (or maybe even college if they're unfucked in 8 years). Also, there are good women in this generation, just really fucking hard to find.

What country are you from user?
Let's have a laugh at the "nationalist" staying in the anti European EU. You're not nationalist you're just a parasite afraid to bite the hand that feeds.

I don't think it was a racial thing user…

His dad was also a jew.

Shooting yourself on the foot is not biting "the hand that feeds you"

aint gonna matter Natsoc nothing if the chinks keep flooding in more dog eaters every day They have billions of ppl at their disposal to flood countries suck up the resources and subvert your gov while you think its coming from the middle east it is actually chinks mother fuckers

Is he gonna be ok?

Why are Jew males such cucks? How fucking hard is it to placate an Asian mother?

That car will smell and the putrescence can seep into the leather as it is an organic material.

Way to fuck up the interior of the car. At least put some plastic in your boot, I mean the guy is already fucking dead he's not gonna complain.

Aren't most Asian women actually really bitchy, hence the "tiger mom" meme?

Why afraid to tell us what country you're from?
Come on, tell us what a brave nationalist country you are staying inside the system hell bent on destroying your culture and flooding your country with arabs.
You're a bitch, just admit it. You want to speak of nationalism but don't want your country to take risks, bitch.

Actually yeah just search "nepal blue eyes" on any image search:
google.com/search?q=blue eyes nepal&client=ms-unknown&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTxcHrg_TUAhUJeT4KHRQZAtwQ_AUICSgB&biw=412&bih=652&dpr=2.63#imgrc=_
A lot of them look more European than most slavs. Even Hitler advocating searching for people with traces of Aryan blood from around the world to keep the bloodline from becoming stagnant and inbred like the kikes. If really have to race mix, at least do some research and find someone who's still mostly Aryan. A blue eyed indo-aryan is acceptable if you ask me.

I believe that stems from how they raise kids, rather than the husbands relationship.

Who cares, its about babies, if she wants them and you do it without a condom right away - shes good. No, she wont be your soulmate, yes, youre just a meal ticket and possible alimony cow. Dont marry to avoid it, just make babies right away - you will pay for them anyway, whether youre with her or not, child support or expenses that come with kids are normal. You want traditional marriage - its gone. Make babies as many as you can afford, and thats it.

Bro, the tiger mom thing is about the well-being (mostly long term of the child… It doesn't explain the mother shaming Elliot until he became a beta and allowing the sister to enjoy her liberation with Chads

I cannot emphasise this enough: Elliott's sister was an enabled great whore!

France, parents from Germany

Some asians are hot but at the end of the day white women are the best. Also chinks are fucking gold diggers.

Where do these newfags come from anyway I thought we agreed a long time ago making hapas wasn't acceptable.

As for the hapa question would I breed an Asian girl? Only a Japanese gal or a gothic lolita but when you think about "Why are these kinds of girls appealing to me?" you get the answer because they are trying to look European.

Also the kid won't look like you which is sad. I don't want my sons to post on /r/hapas or /r/incel or even go on leddit fucking cuck faggot website.

I haven't read much about his sister. Can I get a quick, but through, rundown on her?

the day after bombing japan both china and russia should have been nuked Now you think these shit skins are a problem wait till china moves in like they are doing in africa for minerals and resources yet the boogie man isis who never been a threat getting center stage for the jew who are communist and would love china to take over everything

you need to realize what is going on and step back from the targeted meme energy and realize china is trying to take over bitches.

Take the insufferable ego and childishness of a nigger woman and add the entitlement heaped upon "pretty girls", and you have the monster that is your average asian female.
They all deserve to be made into comfort women for the Norks tbh.

She was pretty much just your average teenage girl and was getting fucked by some guy while Eliot listened from the next room over and got jealous. It's all in his manifesto. Used to have it saved, but my hard drive shit the bed

Enjoy Macron, and you say we fucked up.

Lead by example user, knock up a feminist and pay for her to indoctrinate the kid.

If the husband disappears (or is a cuck doll in the marriage), then she will try to get his attention by beta-ing the male child… That's how hapa males are born.

Note: that's my believe, but open to see evidence of the contrary. I've seen "evidence" but it's the usual Holla Forums anecdote

They are far too incompetent to do anything too threatening. Best case scenario China and India nuke each other.


I mean if some guy was fucking my sister right the fuck next to where I was sleeping I'd kick the shit out of him, so at least that makes sense.

Yeah, your average teen girl is a slut only "alphas" know about

White americans are pairing with flips

Jewish Americans are pairing massively with chinese they meet at university.

When going with an east Asia atleast go with a real with east-asian with as much European facial structure and high intelligence not a cheap knockoff like the flips. For some reason the WM/Flip female usually take the ugly flips as well, really don't understand.

yes they are stupid dog eating insects however billions and the flood of their preg women to the west is not to be taken lightly UNDERSTAND WHAT I A SAYING!! or …..abyss

Anime was a mistake

It's cause flips are easy pussy, plain and simple.

lain spam is best spam

Western ones anyway.
Japan and China they seem to wageslave like men instead of just demanding money.

China aren't incompetent, currently colonising Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

I have seen some Euro looking Japs, pretty sure they were Ainu.

I would fucking hate to see what blatantly obvious look like to you. I assume it involves a shitload of airhorn and strobelights.

Don't know much about the subject, but who is the best choice to race mix?

I'm not worried about marrying a young virgin in her early teens because I plan to go to a poor country for that. The first one her parents are OK with, I'll get.

this issue seems sorely unaddressable talking with pol they seem to think only ppl out to get us are jews and halals when this is a tactical mistake all I am saying.

Thanks user I needed that laugh, this blog is giving me cancer.

There isn't, faggot. Fuck off.

I know flips are easy due to sex market, but what about virgins?

I'd be slamming that perfectly tanned and manicured pussy on the daily buddy and making her ahego.

I'd give the boy one of those youth rifles and let him play outside all day.

Yeah I know right. If I was gonna mix I'd go for one of those Japanese tanned gals and a young one too prime teen breeding age.

The whole point of going gook is that you can get a 10/10 of their kind easily.

But I wouldn't do that.

WTF I love Lain now

They are doing that because they are allowed to. The moment Anglos wake up they'll drive them back (or they won't and then just be wiped out).

You really need to find someone special, it's making you angsty like Elliot being alone.

as you can see no address just fucking fuzz niggers jacking their own dicks about basically nothing

Objectively disgusting

You're a true gentleman

You're a true father.


You will be ok, like any of these beta fags would tell me or my kids face that we should not have mixed… We are creating a new race of Asian Euros, I want to find an island we can put them on to make a new perfect culture. haha. Take the (((haters))) with a grain of salt. My son and daughter have light brown hair and look white. Not that that matters. My son is doing great at math (surprising as I am terrible at math.) I never intended to marry a Korean It just happened.. Dated many white girls before (all stuck up cunts) I get stopped once a day saying my kids are cute (in Taiwan.. Japan.. and Korea of course.. and America NC now CA)… even when the wife is not there. My Korean Father-inlaw… is bro tier. We drink and bitch about black people.. I mean we drink do Karaoke and drink more… I love him almost more than my actual father.. Best decision ever.. Just watch out for Asian gold diggers.. Or materialistic Asian women which their are plenty..

you posted this cuck chan too you fucking shill

Yeah that sounds great except I could never live with myself knowing that I made my future sons physically weaker and less aggressive by breeding with an Asian.

Also are you guys reading this blog post holy shit is it a trip.

The only ones that are cute have had eyelid surgery and puts on fuck tons of makeup, dye their hair and put in contacts. Hardly ever a natural qt. That's why I'll stick with my race.

well what they are being allowed is far worse than the bitching about beans crossing the border ….don't negate the problem claiming they are allowed and if they are someone needs to be axed on our side like these fucking clintons gave them open door to fuck us.

Any tips (aside from obvious ones) on how to filter out the non-spouse material?

Less aggressive… so you are a nigger?

The reason flips are such whores is because they were never virgins. It's kind of like A Wyatt Man cartoon where mexican women are born pregnant, but what's happening here is that flip people have sex while pregnant and it penetrates the child in the womb. Looks kind of like this

Go Asia.. if they speak too good English.. they are base hoes… My wife LOL hated Americans until she met me.. She cheated on English tests because she thought she would never be in America so why learn….

Race mixing is degenerate, the penalty for degeneracy is the same as what it leads to.

yea those illegal from mexico har har those evil terrorist from ME yet not a fucking peep about these god dam chinks and their preg whores flooding in Oh ok

I'm not a race mixer guys this is all hypothetical.

Maybe if you cut open my head with a circular saw and dissected my brain you'd see the neural pathway that makes me think the tanned body and fake nails with bleach blonde hair is a good thing.

Or you could use that new brain MRI machine.

Gotta teach the boys how to shoot and use hand tools and drive manual cars otherwise he will be a faggot.

Just the normal red flags. No hymen no diamond is the easiest and most important to remember.

You do know all Italians I've met think of illegal beaners as more white than Anglos right?

I mean, I'm not Basque, but I see their point. Naturally, I favor the Polish argument on that.

And people pretend that 8/pol/ hasn't gone to shit.

My sides! Everyone read this, you won't regret it.

Flips are beautiful kind women.. unfortunately they have a sex trafficking nightmare that turns your daughter into a whore… and pretty soon they are too far gone. My buddy had a habit of making Flip bar girls cry due to their visa status and hooking.. The world is fucked up…

I was specifically talking about chinks asshole you know this and puke a non issue into what I am talking about.As far as Italians hahaha doubt you know address the GD chinks nigger.Mafioso

I don't care as long as I can marry a virgin. I'm curious with what leftover you'll end up with

Kek, they're the niggers of Asia

Bar girls don't have feelings? What the hell lol.

I reported this hours ago. Imkikey probably masturbates furiously when shit like this gets posted. God, I hope some random nigger kills him.

Keep forgetting my sage for anti-white racemixing shill thread

bots ..as I said before pol goes silent on the chink ? dissapoint

I was introduced to my father in law thinking it would be bad.. an American asking his daughter in marriage.. like "we would like to get married" him.. pours a shot of Soju… "ok"… we get drunk and at end of day I am throwing up sashimi fish.. as a Korean Grandma shakes her finger at me because the sun is still up. And my father in law yells at her to eat shit. Ahh I love him.

Because they are Chad's leftovers. You being an inferior man might find pleasure in attaining what Chad threw away (one man's trash is another man's treasure), but not all of us are like you.

All non-Whites will be exterminated from our lands. And remember proper ROE: raping non-Whites in our lands doesn't matter. That's only important in their lands. All non-Whites must die.

is cuckchan down again?

Are Eskimos white?

I Do not understand they do not understand that the "entertainment Position" They are applying for is actually a hooker.. But they go and that place takes their Passport and tells them they have to make X money before we give it back.. In Bahrain wall to wall hookers with the same thing.. Human trafficking.



Lurk 167 moar years, kiddo.

…….they're inuit user, brown ass "indians"

Imagine doing that to a virgin, and you marrying that virgin.

Sure but the Spanish and Chinese had their way as well making a decent lloking upperclass.

See pic, anui and okinawans are old proto-mongolian stock which have more European facial structures, even beards without being genetically close at all. Okinawans also live the longest on the planet. migrations from mainland korea/china brought Agriculture to their very rich and already somewhat high populated sea coast. anui and okinawans (yomon) interbred a lot. leaving the japanese with more European facial structures then the mainland.

If you really need to, my first choices would be caucasus, persians, upper class middle east (A lot of fine highly intelligent muslim women here that don't want their loser male counterparts, and you might fuck the inbred out of them basically only mix I expect to see a hybrid vigor. upperclass probably already has higher European DNA due to ottoman/barbary slavery, the slave kings liked their european women) and left over christian groups in the middle east (Assyrians, Druze, alawites, coptic egyptians, closer to European gene pool and those migrants usually florish in western society). High caste Indians (they usually already have 10% North-European DNA due to the indo Europeans), East-Asians with European facial structures. And perhaps very perhaps the Nigerian Ogbi, which basically are the Jews of Africa.

Just make sure whatever you pick is intelligent and a good mother. Brain mods will still be out of reach for the future due to the brain actually being a complicated organ. Plastic surgery though will become easier and easier.

ps, I have a local girl I will probably impregnate many times with very few red flags.

Very much seems like it.That, or we're being raided.

Worse, I have a Navy friend who married. His wife gave the clap to 3 people on base and the other half had fucked her.. They are Married to this day with 2 kids… I cant get too drunk with him might say something stupid.

That was helpful, though like I said I'll be looking in poor countries.

Say what you will but my girl and I are soooo happy. We have a traditional relationship and are now expecting our first child. We are so in love and it's GREAT


Just do it

11/10 relationship right there. Hope I get loli hunting soon.

We god our powerword:name dropped by normie media due to the CNN shitstorm. Newfags and Cuckfugees are a-swarmin'

(((they))) dont want us to mix. Asians and Euro are cousins.. we both share Neanderthal DNA we are cousins. Our kids have the creativity of the whites with calculations of Asians… Only negative thing my wife did to me was say "you only make X money others make more your age" I pushed now I make 100k. If not for her I am contempt at having a small house and beer money.. Now I live in Asia and America one year at a time.. I own property in the Bay Area… My son is in advanced classes… Haters gonna hate.

Die, niggerfaggotcuckold. I'm feeling wonderful catharsis at the thought of stringing you up myself.

hell yeah

I would love you to see me in real life… You would look your eyes to the ground and say my kids are cute.

Just be carefull bringing them back. Woman pair with you and will share more of your opions and views. But, Woman talking to each other telling their stories to each if what they did was socially acceptable to the group. Place them out of their old group in a western group and if she is very impressionable to group thinking she will adapt very fast to western society, and probably the media variant of it. You definately want to meet her friends to see if they are ok, if they are not there is a big chance she is not. from 3rd world poor to western poor and above is also a shock she might not handle well.

And your mongrel offspring **Implying you aren't Holla Forums virgins/.

I'd tie you to a chair and dismember them before your eyes.

33yr old Veteran with 2 kids there…. What is the weather in Tel Aviv?

So in Israel you would do a blood offering?

Because people here should walk around and constantly reveal their powerlevel. You would get a disingenuous smile and a "Oh your kids are just so cute!" but you'd know it is fake.

What are you gonna do try to smash a dude because he didn't give you a sincere complement about your poor life choices?

Grow up idiot.

Maybe your kid will have proper diction and differentiate between contempt and content, though living in that household; who knows. Kek.

DO NOT bring a foreign woman back to America. She will use the anti-male divorce courts to destroy you

Because that's how much I love my people. You're all silly shitposters, trying to ruse us; I understand. But I ask God that I may be carry the hardest burden, that no man wants to carry, so other righteous men don't have to. In all honesty, I expect it to destroy me, mentally.

We have IDs, here, you worthless semite.

Just kids… My kids question everything.. and I cant wait until they are called into a principles office for saying "nigger" while beating up a kid that punched them first.


No just saying you all are pussies or (((them))) doing [email protected]/* */ as normal.

Shalom yourself, faggot. We don't care about your kosher, happa mongrel children. You, and your worthless, disgusting, repulsive offspring will die.

the only thing you are feeling is the mind bending pressure of trying to control yourself not to fap to the picture of my girl and I. You impotent loser, kill yourself.

Sure is 4chan in here, slopes aren't people.

no fap faggots are gonna hate while we are making superior babies. dumb cucks

Not me I'm just talking in the DESIGNATED thread? It's cool. I suppose we ought to stop bumping though.

Drink a beer with me you will be my friend.. Their are bigger fish to fry than my beautiful kids.. is all I am saying.. I am the fun/nice drinker due to my Navy years.. we would prob be buds… All I am saying is if you saw my kids would you say "racemixer must die" We have almost won the right with Trump their are bigger fish to fry… Marry a white girl… if you want.. the white girls I met were cunts… I never had an Asian fetish or anything like that. Met my wife.. she was super nice.. cooked for me, always asked what was on my mind… If I was mad she calmed me down.. It just happened. But to say IF YOU RACE MIX YOU NEED ROPEEEEE!! is autistic…


Your bait is so goddamn shitty. I'm bored taking it. Fuck off and die, Holla Forums, then resurrect as niggers and kill each other over rats as your entire population starves to death.

Jeez why are you posting pictures of these random people do you know them personally or something?

Bit mean to laugh at those less fortunate than yourself.

nofap loser

I think you should go fuck that pig you call a mother, OP. That's if her boyfriend Tyrone is done with her for the night.

Racemixing is illegal in Holla Forums cyber micronation.

oh you little paranoid freak, practice good opspec, I have nothing to be ashamed of, my girl and I are happy walking down the street in broad daylight while you hide in the shadows afraid of tyrone.


Ya Koreans do alot of surgery… my sister-in-law. has had eyes, and chin surgery.. My wife still looks better than her and she married a Korean Special forces guy who is my best friend. We get drunk wrestle and he chokes me out.. sometimes I do ok though… not really….. Anyways… Yes it does happen..

Why would you claim I am a good user and in the same comment tell me it is actually you in the photo?

Well in future newfriend you should know no one here believes anything if we're entertaining the idea that you may be the person in the photo then that is all it is just entertainment.

I can't wait to kill you dumb niggers. Yes, I know you are faggot white commies posting shit-teir bait. And yes, you will still die.

Slide thread. I'm not gonna have a squawking chink birth my children.
If your children don't look like you, you are a cuck, and you have failed at the basic biological function that is survival and propagation of your people

err my wife has no surgeries. my Korean Brother-in-law is awesome. Last October we hung out in Tokyo at a fishing bar.. and I caught the most "fish" and won a drone… Cool yah, but it flew up and into a tree then into water and died the same day.

Says brown hair brown eyed jew….

What a real drone like a Phantom? Are you a drunkard? Have you been drinking right now?

Why are whites that go to Asia all wanting to drink booze? Do Asians drink loads of alcohol or something?

Yes and yes.. its is like Las Vegas 24/7.. But the streets are all alive… always people moving talking.. singing. Go back to USA and even a big city is closed by 9pm…. Asia always alive.

l o l

Tokyo 2AM always commotion. People waiting for cab talking… And people walking down the street returning to home/bar.

Would you sincerely hate me if I say me and my gf are one of those pairings? What's your reasoning behind this hatred?

If this is true can you reveal to me you name, phone number, home address and email address please

What a waste. If I had a Phantom I'd look after it. They are the best drones.

So… Whites in Korea are mostly military or teachers right? Can your average guy go over to Korea and be a slayer with ease?

A few months ago my wife and kids were asleep I was in Shinjuku and watching people walk around. Drinking Chuhai and shochu.. Smoking overpriced japanese cigs.. Recently (last year) Japan cracked down on cigs.. cant smoke anywhere.

Fuck off, Holla Forums outsider.

Bet you wish a fucking gook would fuck you, virgin.


Dont listen to this thread. (((they))) do not want us to have kids… as a white/asian kid would empower the race… So no.. "day of the rope" etc.. etc. because I am worse than what is happening in Sweden or France… I am number one most top tier.

A white/asian kid would kill themselves or go out on a killing spree

A lot of asian women are sexy no doubt, but think of your future low test son.
If I knew I was only going to have daughters I'd be fine with it.

Virgin……… ok…. Come and break bread with me you will be my friend.. To the young rightwingers out there thank you for your enthusiasm.. We need you.

Ya just like Timmothy Mcvey… right.. right… look.. see one guy… see it… Muslims are awesome!

Been on Holla Forums 4chn 8 11 years.. yup..

great job, lad

Why was this thread not deleted immediately? Why are racemixers not struck swiftly with the banhammer of the Fourth Reich?

OP is literally a cuck.

seriously kys


Because safe spaces are for Redditors.

Yes… so go bars and white Canadian teachers will want to have sex with you.. so much so I had a story I was a "Gay helicopter pilot who was also a fireman"… Made up stories to keep them away.. Also Korean Women will throw themselves on you so be careful… Sucks I was with my wife and a 10/10 said she would do anything I asked… damn you marriage!!!!… Not once but many many times.. remember you are a Unicorn.. they want to fuck you to say they had sex with a Unicorn. …..

Who do they list when they list home grown??? name me?

Get the fuck out if the first name that comes to your mind in this isn't Elliot Rodgers

What the fuck, mods?

I'm guessing Imkikey is trying to hit some hongkong mattress being the degenerate he is

Threads like these amuse me because it shows how naive and bluepilled some Holla Forumsacks who should know better still are.


I'm not writing this to demoralize anyone but you need to be realistic. We weren't born in the same circumstances as our parents or grandparents were, were you could just live your life, buy a house, buy a car and raise a solid family. Sucks, yeah sure, but that's how it is.

Who do they list when they list home grown??? name me?>>10206754
My son is in the 90th percentile for weight/height… Korean men are often 6 ft or taller I am smaller 5'10 when my brother family is over 6ft…

They are D&C people… unfortunately… Their are people payed. Lots of money to post this.

I wonder if I called them out would they leave

Great point OP. How could I have been so blind?

There is nothing wrong with race mixing with based Japs, tbh fam.

That pic really is from asian masculinity, nicely done there spreading propaganda that is pro racemixing for white women you pozed fuck.

Are these supposed to be examples of beautiful Asians?
Try again.

Japanese are whiter than whites. Marry up.

chinks will should be fucking quarantined fucking subhumans

He had blue eyes, faggot.

I love fucking asian women

stay mad Holla Forumsacks

I'm guessing it's because they live in a limbo between hating and wanting to punish themselves and trying to find a woman that will tolerate them.

She-imps. They reside in Hell, so you'll have to kill yourself to get to them.

They're nonwhite so they still need to be sterilized, at minimum.

Your children are nonwhite. The entire point of civilization is to propagate whites. Ergo, all nonwhites (including your children) must be depopulated. I don't really care how. Ideally it'd be very humane, but since I don't expect nonwhites to just let themselves die out it'll probably be more horrific and bloody.

You just disproved your own point. You could at least post mildly attractive Asians.

Nothing to do with hatred or emotion. Just the simple fact that your wife and children have interests that come at the expense of me and mine, and therefore must be eliminated.

Anyone who wants to fuck any other race has a mental disorder

Mods are busy with a 7-hour furry porn masturbation session.

Why does this thread still exist and the OP have 9 posts?