I've constructed a sugar coated redpill. This will allow normies to see some (((coincidences))) at CNN. If we spread it, virtue signaling cucks will also propagate it. This allows people to see who runs the show but won't get taken down because it shows how progressive and tolerant CNN is.
Sugar coated redpill about (((CNN)))
You’re an idiot. Don’t list the propaganda. NOT listing it makes people forget it for the duration of your image.
also too much text and muh holohoax
kinda good idea though, hope you can improve upon your work
I like it, sarcasm works. Back when I was bluepilled some of the most influential memes on me were sarcastic (i.e. Meet Lucky Larry)
Drop the Star of David>>10205016 yeah
(s) mix an Israel American flag together, use the word Jewish (Jewish alliance, whatever) once, cut some of the propaganda out and let normies figure out on their own
Make it less embarrassing. You don't need to sugar coat, the normalfags will know.
What do you mean by listing the propaganda?
The whole goal of this is to share the huge (((coincidence))) redpill but be slightly subtle to normies and liberals that they won't immediately just cry racist nazi. The original would probably get deleted but this might stay up if the poster stays in character.
Too obvious. It'd be better to reformat it so that it's not just the old image with some extra text pasted above.
In fact, I'd remake it entirely so that it doesn't look anything like the original. Reformat the pictures, get rid of the jewish stars, make the background all-white, and just have something like "celebrating jewish history month by honoring all our proud jewish people here at CNN!"
I'd love to do this myself, but I'm on vacation with my laptop and don't have access to a photoshop or a mouse offhand.
Don’t list “bigotry”, “anti-semitism”, and “the holocaust” at all. Normalfags will subconsciously see this as justification for total jewish ownership of everything BECAUSE THAT’S HOW THEY WERE RAISED.
It isn't good, OP, but stick with me here. If you're creating a piece that's pointing at noses, then there's no real sugarcoated way to put it. Also, the tongue-in-cheek mockery is great, and may have a place in a future revision, but not at such lengths. Your average readers will understand the tone you're trying to set by the time they get past "Congratulations CNN." The rest just makes it look like you lack confidence in the facts you're trying to put out.
I've noticed in general that the best memetic material tends to be light on length, language, and general bloat.
Length: Most people don't like to read - definitely not for longer than a minute and especially when they can't instantly surmise the value of the content (i.e. redpill content on a presently unquestioning, bluepilled person);
Language: Complex language puts off normies and the general populace, unless of course that's part of the possible joke in question. That counts for overuse of $5 words as well as unnecessarily 'unique' grammar(ex. "whilst" instead of while, two spaces after each period instead of just one). I like to follow George Orwell's rules on writing though I know not everyone here is a fan, in that
Bloat: Even too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. If you create content of any sort, then one of your best resources would be a talented editor. What you think may be a necessary part, another person with no connection to the piece may recognize as just fat that obscures the meat. You need to cut away that fat.
We've more or less gone over this plenty of times whenever we discussed the success of our memes vs those of our enemies. Pic related is good at explaining it. Media with a tendency to quickly spread online will be simply-worded (sometimes its best to have none at all), short as to not deter the lazy, and to-the-point. That's before we even consider the relevancy of the information or feels within the media, or if there are any kind of unique spins one could put on it–for instance, comedy. Original leftist memes (key word here is original; redone Holla Forums memes don't count) are essay-length, haughtily-written ramblings that touch on every unnecessary detail before they reach their point. Don't do that.
Keep this in mind everyone, and I promise that in general your writings, videos, music, and more will stand out above the rest. And check your spelling and grammar no matter how good you think you are.
… And I know I broke all of these rules just now, but we're not making memes in the moment so it's okay.
I'm retarded and forgot to finish a part.
Language: Complex language puts off normies and the general populace, unless of course that's part of the possible joke in question. That counts for overuse of $5 words as well as unnecessarily 'unique' grammar(ex. "whilst" instead of while, two spaces after each period instead of just one). I like to follow George Orwell's rules on writing though I know not everyone here is a fan, in that you should never use a long word when a short one will do, never use a specialized or jargon word if you can think of an everyday equivalent, and never use the passive voice when you can use the active.
That wasn't sarcasm
good posts
This isn't sugar-coated at all. People will see and understand what you're doing immediately since there's no subtlety to it.
The way you should be doing it (if you want it to be effective) is to not include any information about what all those people have in common, but *very* subtly allude to it.
Leave it as an open question… "Did you know the people who run CNN all belong to a group that represents a tiny fraction of the population? What is it that group? What do they all have in common?"
Don't answer the question for them. The red pills will happen in the comment threads that the question spawns.
Exactly. It should look something like pic-related, or other "celebrating XYZ ethnicity month" boilerplate crap you might see at your typical workplace. Picture for ants, but the actual substance doesn't matter. You get the general idea.
I like it too. If you just throw out JEWS HAVE INVADED CNN people will just look at the original image and instantly think its fake and racist.
It's not a bad angle, or a bad redpill, but fails as a meme. Could potentially be very effective on few but not effective at all on most, possibly even backfirng since you're reminding them of le 6 million maymay. It needs tweaking and simplifying but don't give up. You have to choose whether you want lots of good information or you want it to spread easily. Or do one version for image board for anons to share with people they know will be receptive and a simplified men version for miscellaneous social media propagation.
Lures in liberals
straight to the point, hasn't said anything mean, no acknowledging the holohoax
Disarm them with some sarcastic humor that makes light of hitler and sets up for the jew stars for maximum effect.
That's it, no more text. This is already pushing it. There are several directions you could go, this would work well enough though.
Case in point
IsraelsupportsisisandgivesthemweaponstherearevideosfothemtheyhaveneverattackedIsraeletcetcetc/wall of text/
This attack on CNN appears to be the equivalent of the recent shift into attacking the left from the jewish neocon right angle.
Why not OC including details of FOX, MSNBC, and all the others equally owned and controlled by jews, being used to manipulate the masses into serving jewry, or is that too antisemitic for nu/pol/?
Nice trips. You've got the right idea user but the execution lacks finesse. Going forward, the way to expose jewish nepotism will be to highlight the "lack of diversity" within their organizations, while pointing out their jewish racial origins (not calling them whites).
In this case, I would go more with "How can CNN's staff be so lacking in diversity?! It's the Current Year!!". HanAssholeSolo was just trying to help them get with the times" etc… etc… you get the idea.
Because this is CNN. If we spread out it just becomes irrelevant during peak meme/newscoverage.
What do you think happens next time we do this? We can then start tacking shit on as you suggest. For now, stick to topic, red pilling on JQ there will naturally make questioning types look elsewhere…
This is the lure really. We're only at the beginning of this fishing expedition TOTALEN KRIEG
Excellent posts. Agree on everything. I'm even carrying some of these language rules into real life. I would add:
1) No swearing ever: it shows immaturity and a lack of emotional control. It shows insecurity and a need to draw attention to a point that would be weak otherwise.
2) Brevity: The most powerful memes use the shortest words and phrases. A 2 syllable word has more punch than a 4 syllable one. It's sad, but we live in the age of the masses. We must tailor the language to them. If it isn't short and sweet, it doesn't stick. If they think they have to make an effort to get something out of a meme, they won't. HINT: This is why leftist memes are fail incarnate. That and a lack of truth and humor.
Like said, the masses hate reading. That's why twitter and video remain popular formats but books are shrinking. There will always be a spiritual aristocracy that likes to read and think in any society (wink wink) but right now we don't have the power. The masses do because of their numbers. Studying Jew-jitsu propaganda techniques is paramount. They mastered controlling the masses a long time ago. Their grip is slipping because they are destructive, leaving us an opening.
Derp. I should have capped in earlier post.
Nice, user. Very nice.
There, I fixed it.
A much better photo than ops took me a while to make and fix
Not bad but it's too small to read any of the text.
Alright the thread is still going so I figured I'd get off my ass and contribute. Any and all criticism is welcome.
i like this one
I-i d-don't think Anthony Bourdain is a kike
checks wikipedia
How 'bout that. You learn something new every day.
Drawfag reporting. What should I draw Trump doing to CNN?
your wordplay is superb in this one, user. i like it a lot.
Please oh god let MSNBC be next, let them do something as fucking stupid.
Stick with the wrestling theme. Draw Trump giving CNN a shining wizard.
Good idea. Starting work now, will post later.
Just say 64% of CNN is Democrat
You've taken it on from a good angle here but this is far too much text. Websites that normies dwell on (kikebook etc) have algorithms to ensure that posts with too much text get less attention.
Re-make it but with 10% of the text.
Nice trips, I'll bite.
It seems counterintuitive, but you should drop ALL the jew stuff and just say they employ 99% white men.
Then the onus is on them to either acknowledge their "privilege" or distinguish themselves from white men.
Democratic party is more Jewish than it is Muslim. Think about it.
Just name the kike tbh.
when people have to fill in some of the blanks for themselves it makes it stick better in their heads. dont connect the dots for them, but do show them all of the dots
Nice oc, op. But you really need to combine that with screenshots of the countless articles CNN has published lamenting the overrepresenation of whites in everything from Trump's cabinet picks to people who showed up for the old Tea Party rallies.
What happened to the pizzagate scanda threads?
check the catalog, they're still here.
Don't just compile a list of every jew at CNN. Normal fags will think:
Perfect. It captures the tone of OP's experiment without going overboard on text or design. Simple, sleek, and to-the-point. My only recommendation?
check your spelling and grammar user holy shit its okay to screw up in a post but I get embarrassed if I fuck up with actual marketable material. "commited."
Otherwise, all anons should look upon this image as an example of what to do when compiling info-graphics and other redpill material.
I'm not inclined to agree. That list shows anyone willing to read the names that the whole company is stacked from top to bottom, as the image is arranged from the president all the way down to the lucrative, prestigious title of "political contributor" (i.e. blogger; i.e. even their throwaway, little-more-than-an-intern staff are also of the tribe)
Oh shit thanks for pointing that out. I also capitalized the second 'community' for no reason.
Here I fixed the grammar and spelling and tweaked the wording a bit. Please shred any copies you made of my initial draft and burn them with fire to hide my shame.
this one is the best
Thank you, please don't save it though I fucked it up, use this one:
What happened to the pizzagate scandal
nah, tagline on the first one is better, "think about the jewish community" has a better double meaning
I really wish we had some Fordist meme assembly line
and so on.
sage for big ideas but no contribution
The problem with that is creativity cannot be automated - memes do not have interchangeable parts. And to be honest, what we have right now is good enough and follows that process.
I think its pretty solid op. I just made something similar but going a different angle. cant post it yet I want there to zero reverse image search capability when I unleash it, you'll know it when you see it :^) One thing I would say though is read it over several times with the mindset of "this isnt good enough". The second paragraph comes off a little 'odd'.
Maybe rewrite it as something like "The most important part about diversity is ensuring that the most oppressed and victimized among us are included in our great social experience. And what group of people is more oppressed than those of the Jewish faith? They are only 2% of the population because white men killed the rest of them! Kudos to CNN for being the first major corporation to fill all important positions with Jews!"
Dank original memes can be created by a single user.. But those are pretty rare. The hivemind is our most important tool.
I like the idea kind of, but I really really don't like the execution. You should be more sarcastic then that. And not say anything even about the holohoax
Underrated post. That's exactly what it should be, Celebrating Jewish Heritage, maybe remove the stars of David because it might conjure up images of Nazi Germany. Instead throw in some Yiddish or Hebrew phrase לחיות זמן רב ולשגשג to make it feel sort of alien/foreign
I dont have a good thumbs up picture but
Thumbs up for knowing who kamen rider is
Good point, didn't even cross my mind. That line completes it perfectly. I think this is as good as this angle is going to get at this point.
Any more resolution? Mostly the smaller text. If people are printing it will be tricky to read.
Nope. What we need is to remove all those blue stars, and then hook the viewer first by saying CNN does NOT have diversity - "look at all these white people". Then at the very end, casually reveal they all happen to also be Jewish.
no that's dumb.
leave the blue stars in.
People notice faces + symbols way faster than they read words.
the message would be lost
I think this is the strongest meme.
It needs to be 100% fact-checked though, apparently some of the names dont check out.
Referring to the "Who Controls the MSM 2013"
"Attacking the 1% is attacking 44% of the Jewish community", and then add sources. Use Jewish accounts and feed it to antifa shills. Easy peasy.
When you look at this chart what do you see? A loot of (((whites)))! But what would a normie see? Just a WHITE organization.
By using the "X organization is too white" meme but replacing the star of david with an asterisk symbol(*) we could bypass momentarily the normie mental conditioning that refuses to associate anything bad with a star of david and instigate people to read the footnote that explains that they are all jews, every high-ranking employee at cnn is a jew.
Also proof of concept meme, so no bully.
I like them all, but methinks this one is best.
Points for trying but it doesn't work.
People never fully read a picture.
They will just look at your poster and assume it's all "white people" (aka. your poster actually benefits Jew propaganda)
Truth doesn't need sugarcoating. That's what's powerful about it.
Shit image, shit thread. Saged and reported.
Well that's the point. Use their own shit against them. You can remove every (((white))) from power by forcing the diversity card.
Okay, so we make the Media in all Western countries non-white, although the majority of the population is white European.
And not just ban Jewish ownership of Western media?
Shekels for the good goy.
The JQ is obviously a huge thing, but we have to consider our audience; even when confronted with all this they can not go full 1488 (yet). It's a bit like pointing out some clearly weird fact that is ultimately of no consequence because they can't act on it. They will as a last resort mentally just shrug and say "ok, well, sure that is odd but it's just because they are smart af, and nepotism is not illegal. Sure they run Hollywood and banks, so what. I'm not some nazi."
There is nothing they feel they can do, at best they smolder against them but will never admit it, same as for lots of hidden feelings.
As for me the JQ really took a turn when I saw the philosophy of the left and is degenerate subversive nature; the whole infiltrate academia/ entertainment then brainwash society.
See i was primed because I've seen the CNN jew type facts, prior to that I'd have regarded other aspects of the JQ as wild insane bulshit. Now wars for Israel is obvious. The USS liberty was a huge turning point for me too. It was a slow incremental process. The CNN stuff is great but what does a normie then do with this revelation?