Also, people like him and Dylan Roof, why don't they go after (((the real enemy))) instead of just being negative PR with no real accomplishment other than being mentioned for a decade or so as examples of "natzees r bad goy"?
To shoot up a hundered non-kikes in the name of National Socialism?
Michael Adams
Hudson Gutierrez
The people he shot up were at a grooming farm. All those kids were scheduled to be the next generation of commie "Hey lets give our country away to brown people" politicians. He erased an entire future party of race traitors. Sad you don't even understand how big a deal it was.
The Clintons did the same thing but to the other side when they wiped out the Branch Davidians at Waco, all those kids there were being raised to be messianic politicians. The kids Hansen wiped out were being raised to be antichrists.
There are plenty more antichrist farms all over the world, operated by intelligence agencies mostly. Terrible shame that is, though.
Jaxson Thomas
killing children is more degenerate than weed which is of course tatamount to unleashing saturn from tartarus, faggots
Aiden Perez
I agree with killing commies, but how about killing the puppet master instead of the puppet? Or rather, first the puppet master, then the puppets?
Austin Baker
True, best to let them become leaders to turn the country into a shithole. Can't have native children live without being part and parcel'd.
Aaron Ramirez
Hey as long as the end result is a pile of dead kikes, who really is one to complain? AMIRITE?
Hunter Smith
hey I'm not justifying what he did, just explaining it, and stating it was an eye for an eye
Thomas Young
But lets be honest, you wouldn't risk life in jail to kill advanced Holla Forums, if you could just, I don't know, shoah even a single banker, presstitute, politician or something.
Lincoln Howard
doesn't matter if you kill the trainer when they've already trained a new generation to replace them.
Julian Rodriguez
Ok, what do you say about freemasonry?
Juan Reed
I'm not saying kill anyone, I'm just saying if you're gonna resort to killing to fulfill some political agenda, then you have to take out the infected along with the infectors. Freemasons have the nukes, and the best thing we could have happen to this world is to provoke the masons into nuking everything. Wipe out all life on earth and let it start over.
Cameron Cooper
Those kids Breivik killed were anti-Israel and that's why Breivik killed them. Before the narrative became "Breivik is a white supremacist nazi", he was being defended by Israeli extremists. He was a zionist.
Jonathan Wright
Cooper Ortiz
You have statements from them all hating it because it's kikes (even the shot twice in the spaghetti guy)? Or were they just against muh israel because palestinians?
Andrew Anderson
Leftists in scandinavia hate israel because of the palestine conflict.
Josiah Russell
I don't doubt you but I need proof.
Jack Wright
That looks like shit user.
Jonathan Richardson
He also attended a pride parade in Oslo. Fag
Josiah Ramirez
Kevin Clark
Nits make lice
Juan Martinez
"I saw one squaw cut open, with an unborn child lying by her side."
Logan James
It's because of muh palestine, but it still causes them to boycott Israel.
There's plenty of other things out there about him being a zionist and a freemason.
Nolan Cruz
Mason Cox
Breivik = proto-kike who killed white people because they were anti-Israel. Sure they were leftards, but think again.
Landon Perry
The only good commie is a dead commie. They will build statues of Anders one day. A man before his time. RWDS of one.
Connor Price
user, we are the new intelligence community. Pizzagate and RWSS are usually entangled. Marxist makerspaces are just like private socialist islands.
Joseph Jones
Explain. Weed does this or killing kids?
Blake Cook
Youngest guy was 14. He spared another 14 year old for looking too young. They werent "children", thats propaganda. Young adults, if anything.
John Thomas
Yeah, and both Hitler and Napoleon only had one testicle, according to the ever trustworthy Anglos. What a coincidence!
Adam Lee
Was he the real deal or a false flag?
James Torres
Lmao wut
David Reed
Real deal.
Ethan Foster
Jackson Carter
Getting rid of them was just a bonus… The primary goal of the killing was to get attention, so that millions of people would read his manifest, it worked!
Grayson Perry
Fuck off PR Cuck. Anders Behring Breivik was the best thing to happen ever, going after the traitors, and killing so many of them. He has been hero #1 for me for a very long time and my life's aspiration is literally to one day top his highscore. Your whole mentality is cancerous and holding us back from Racial Holy War. Anders and Dylan are examples that not all whites are cucks like you. You know who is giving us the bad PR? Pacifists like YOU.
Jose Jackson
Why do these faggots wear tees like this? Do they really think anyone looks at them and doesn't think 'you would literally piss yourself if Nazis started a fight with you'.
They also don't realise antifascism is a meme, just the Jews' ploy for declawing a movement which could potentially remove kike bankers.
David Adams
duh, read his manifest
Grayson Gray
teenagers, not kids, he even asked people for their age when they looked below 14…
John Myers
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Brandon Collins
Really activates the almonds….
Jaxson Garcia
ayy lmao
Cooper Murphy
What? Killing "children" was the plan all along. All these antifa underages, college liberals and other good goyim will hang, Shlomo. Anone supporting or sympathizing with the enemy will die. No matter their age, sex or skin color.
Jordan Jones
This man is a genius.
Ayden Jones
You mean race; which is far deeper than skin colour.
Aiden Sanchez
It should be pretty obvious why. He wants to be able to hide a bit at least. Furthermore many inmates change names. I don't know if it's some thing that they're looking for a new "themselves".
Angel Rivera
Fair enough, politicians make better targets IMO
Sebastian Collins
Fucking lmao. Alright, assuming the rest of those are legit, I can't argue with any of those killings. Niggers, beardlets, problem hair tumblr sluts. My faith in Breivik is restored.
Robert Carter
They were all politically active anti white subversives.
Zachary Russell
Which basically means all the dudes were ignorant fools doing it for pussy most likely. Oh I know.
Adam Cooper
He is one of two men who have carried out effective attacks on effective targets. Attacks on the traitors and that is why you and your kind fear him because you don't want us to catch on to that and would rather have attacks against symptoms instead of the infection.
Matthew Martin
>would rather have attacks against symptoms instead of the infection. like killing all the kikes in DC and hanging them from lamposts by their neckties? remember that term PR?
funny, that
Cameron Bailey
Breivik heralded by jewish Defence League shortly before the jews decided to try and 'nazi' him up to protect themselves and lay the blame on whites.
etc until recently nobody white and nationalist would have ever celebrated a crypto jew terrorist trying to lay the blame on whites for what was a jewish terrorist attack, but since the (((alt-right))) came to become a thing, that's all changed now and they try and push every one of their agents as though it was one of ours.
Alexander Richardson
shhhhh don't ruin it for them.
Anthony Mitchell
Yes they would rather have attacks against immigrants or minorities or whatever, like Roof did. One fact about Islamic terrorists is that they never attack western power structure, it is always against civilians. But that is just a coincidence isn't it? Funny that.
Brayden Gomez
Oh, you're filtered jew. Don't bother
James Sullivan
I remember people shilling Breivik back on cuckchan years ago but they were a minority.
Carson Parker
What kids? Any other period of history 15+ was working class adults starting families.
Cameron Torres
Nice 8s, I saw some faggot gen x fat fuck in a "punch nazis" antifa shirt while hiking a popular spot in my state a few days ago, called him a faggot and told him to have fun being led by jews and his only response was "fuck you you nazi". His equally fat wife flicked me off and led him away while I kept yelling "first against the wall". Sage for OT
Grayson Baker
IIRC he made it look like he was a Zionist as a false flag so he didn't make NatSocs look bad. Maybe similar story with the mason shit. He's one of our best guys, not only did he wipe out the communists of tomorrow and achieve one of the highest scores ever, but he also made kikes and masons look bad in the process.
Protip: learn from Breivik if any of you go snackbar and false flag so another group gets blamed for it.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Of course. They had the 2nd one removed because it was gay. Balls were touching
Daniel Sullivan
fjǫturr = handcuffs / fjǫtra = to bind/chain (with iron) olf/ulf = wolf, from Old Norse ‘ulfr’ Fjotolf therefore means ‘chained wolf’ – a possible reference to the Fenrir wolf?
Anthony Anderson
Owen Jackson
Luke Walker
Warriors don't make White Nationalism look bad. Cowardly PRcucks make White Nationalism look bad. To me the greatest, best examples of Islam are its warriors who blow themselves up for Allah. To me, the greatest pagans were the ones that fought for their place in Valhalla. You pacifists are the ones besmirching the image of white nationalism, turning it into some kind of "I wasn't serious, it was just a joke" club of NEETs living in their parents basements and too afraid of everything to ever do anything.
Isaiah Sanders
I agree FBI but you have to realize not everyone thinks like us, the hordes of lemmings want security not totalen krieg. We already have edgelords and warriors on our side but they don't control the country, cucked faggots do.
Brandon Carter
Still, you don't go for kids. You need support to start a movement, killing kids Will never win you support from any sane persons
Carter Cox
Fjott is a common word in most Norwegian dialects for idiot, moron etc. This is the reason noone names their children Fjott"something" anymore. The fact that he does not know/get/understand this is a testament to his autism, and the fact that he got no understanding of how people see him and his "cause".
Brayden Carter
Do y'all think this is a LARP? The world has problems and we're going to solve them.
Jayden Sanchez
Except that normalfags don't associate hime with zionism or freemasonry, they just think he was a right-wing extremist and that the answer is "more multiculturalism and tolerance, not hate". He set nationalism in the Nordic countries back by years because any anti-islamic statement would invite a comparaison with Breivik. It's only now that people have begun to openly express discontent with non-white immigration and that's mainly thanks to the fact that the EU decided to flood the continent with sub-humans.
How about you address the idea of Breivik being a shabbos goy instead of just fixating on the word "kid"? Is it too close to "yid" and triggering you?
Landon Roberts
Well I guess normies think Zionism is far right white supremacy, that's why leftists are against Israel. For people deep into political theory like us and Breivik sometimes we forget how oblivious normalfags are.