Possible terrorist plot in Canada averted - How deep is the coverup?

Possible terrorist plot in Canada averted - How deep is the coverup?

Last week I posted a video of Kevin "break their bones" Johnson giving an epic rant on Muslims attacking children and said I would pay a little more attention to his YT channel. I am pretty shocked at what I am watching in this video.

The biggest allegation is that the 2 suspects in the car crash were on the way to a college in Windsor Ontario to shoot it up. This is the only really questionable part of the story that doesn't seem to have sources to back it up. What happened was 2 Muslims were driving to St Claire college with several guns including a sawed off shotgun and around a thousand rounds of ammo and got into a major car accident before they could get there.

It was allahs will that we crashed and could not carry forth the jihad

Was the quote one of the men gave to the paramedic.

Kevin's wiki states that he gave several interviews to conservative candidates in the CPC race and has a loose affiliation with (((Rebel Media))) but it's weird that I have never actually seen him on any Rebel pieces before so he is at least somewhat legit.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one cares?

I care, just not enough to shitpost as input.

We care its just there are so many things happening theres no time.

Between sleeping, eating, my job, IOM research, satisfying wife and three daughters, I have barely enough time to piss.

Dont worry, we got CNN bullshit that will go absolutely nowhere that is distracting everyone. We should make a rule to ignore the garbage those alt-kikes promote.

Of course it gets no coverage if true. You figure the CBC would lower itself to informing the public with racist facts?

On the one hand I agree with you, on the other AT&T has reportedly pulled out ads on cnn so they just lost a fuck ton of money and might actually stop existing within a few years.

I found this

Fucking hell that guy looks like Randy.

Trudeau would thank them and give them ten million dollary doos if they killed innocent canadians with a truck of peace or whatever.


Only a couple of media outlets in .ca and they're compromised. Shit the main one IS the government.

It doesn't matter at this point. There is still 10+ other places just as bad as CNN and the probable replacements are all going to be controlled opposition anyway. Even if CNN eventually dies its still going to be drawn out for a year plus and its keeping everyones focus off of actually getting up and doing anything. Antifa inspired Americans to actually go out, organize, and defend their country and now were back at square one waiting for something to happen.

>3 years later CNN finally dies and guess what! We got (((OANN))) to replace them as totally legitimate journalism starring Jack Psobekike.

This is Anna Maria Tremonti with the poor Muslim lads who were brutalized by police on their way to commit Jihad. Today we're going to explore the many ways that Canada has failed Muslim youth by making it more difficult for them to kill filthy white men. Mohammed, tell us your story.

Good OP, I wonder who the couple in the car are and how they are. I wonder would they be willing or able to talk openly about it

All the Muslims and Pajeets in my program are Academic Cheaters.
Now I have to go for 1 more year knowing my college is a target…

Why are you paying the Jew for a piece of paper that claims you know what you are doing when you could just study by yourself at home and then interview and article for a job, for free?

If you only knew how bad things really are, eh?

I wish they fucking succeeded. They'd have killed nothing but leftist cuckold egalitarians at some jewversity and we'd have a shitstorm so huge it might get American media attention and thus start the great purge since CNN covers up and ignores all shitskin crime.

My college gave out identical assignments and tests year after year. The foreign students pass around flash drives filled with marked and corrected tests, as well as every assignment.

They even had their phones open with pictures of the marked/corrected copies of the test they were writing and the professors turned a blind eye.

Sigh. I'm an academic by training and inclination, but I kind of have a hard time telling people it's worth it these days. Corrupt and stupid times these.

I'm hoping a degree can actually land me a decent job I enjoy doing.
From Grade 10-12 + 1 year looking for work + 3 years in College.
I have been throwing resumes at Fast Food joints, Stores, and Factories.
Not 1 fucking call back.

It confuses the hell out of me, I was Honor Roll in Grade 10, High B's last 2 years of High School, Aces in my 3 years of College.
Yet all everyone hires are illiterate immigrants that can't cook a fucking burger.

I mostly just mow ditches and shit for elderly people as my income.

And they play the race card whenever the teacher tries moving them from their cheating buddies.
Canadian Colleges have Zero Tolerance on White Cheaters, but fully allow cheating as long as it's spoken in Hindu or Arabic

This shit happens even in America. Fucking shitskins pretend they're using their phones because they have to translate questions. My college had a special accreditation for my major that it lost the year after I graduated, good thing I still had credit for it.

We don't know how he came to the conclusion that St Claire was the target. The only time he actually gave a quote was when one of the snackbars claimed allah to a paramedic. I am wondering if he is jumping to random conclusions or where he is getting his info from. I am going to send him an email and see if I get a response, he only gets a few thousand views so I think the odds are good I will get a reply.

All these scumbags do this. It is a tactic to keep us on the defensive and it happens in every western country. Its like the Imam tells them before they shit up our country to call us racists whenever possible. They use it on girls who won't fuck them, they use it when they try to skip ahead of you in a line. Every situation possible.

I fucking live in Windsor and this is the fucking first time I've heard about it.

This place is fucking cucked as shit. NDP and Liberals fucking everywhere.

Anything you can tell us about the southeast side that Kevin quotes in the video?

Is it really that dangerous and what is the ratio of english to muslim signs in the area?

Google maps from Wyandotte and Moy and go west to McDougall and count for yourself, I live around there, it used to be contained to a couple blocks between Albert and Marentette but that changed when our previous mayor was a Leb and forced our airport to install a direct flight to Beruit and quadrupled our shitskin population in 5 years, not only that moved our planned arena from downtown to a parcel of land out in the east end suburbs that is a fucking absolute pain in the fucking ass to get to, that you guessed it, was owned by his cousin, spent 8 years fucking the greeks who wanted to build their church on land that his brother wanted and told them to fuck off at every offer they made, and they just started getting that built, going to look nice when its done.

It's pretty fuckin' bad in places, the neighborhood I grew up in is all fucking shitskins now, they're starting to spread more and more every year.

I wouldn't say its dangerous, just don't start a fight with a shitskin unless you got 5-6 people with you and are ready to spend a night in the drunk tank.

Cops fucking hate them, but we keep voting Liberal and NDP here so its never going to change.

And to elaborate on the whole "southeast" side, I have no fucking idea what he is talking about, if he named a specific neighborhood I can comment on it, but South Windsor is just a bunch of suburbs full of working class whites and an airport, niggers are more of a problem than anything the further you get away from downtown although they haven't taken over the east end like they have the west, other than the Rivard Co-ops and Ghettobrook, the east end is mostly suburbs while the west is ghetto as shit, shitskins like being close to their stores and not to mention the cab company that is almost 100% shitskin, I've had maybe 5 white drivers in the last decade.

I'd move but the food here is so fucking good, pretty much the only thing besides some family keeping me here, but its a very important thing as Canadians do not know how to make a pizza once you get ~75km outside Windsor, it's really fucking pathetic actually at how bad pizza gets once you pass Chatham.

bump for morning viewers

Did you get a reply Mr 88 ID user yet?

Canada has a habit of keeping things quiet. I like to think they learned a bit from the JTF2 mentality of extreme secrecy.

Shitskins rape white girls in Calgary all the time, never hits the news.

Unless it dehumanizes white males.

Good day and thank you very much for emailing me directly about the article.

I am working with David Menzies of theRebel.Media to dig further into this as I would like to know myself if the Canadian couple is okay.

What I would like to say though on my sources is that I know for a fact as do they they will lose their job for sharing this information with me.

Since the entire country seems to be Islamic and left-wing I'm going to protect my sources as I know for a fact that they will not be sources any longer if I go against my word of Honor.

I would like to be able to speak with you if you'd like to discuss the case and if so please let me know give me your best time and phone number and I'll get ahold of you.

Kevin J Johnston

By the wording it sounds like the person has given Kevin info before so its probably someone in the Ontario Provincial Police since the Windsor fire dept/paramedics are local. I asked him about the Canadian couple that got hit and if they were ok as well as any other confirmation as to how he knew the specifics of what the terrorists were going to do.

Tell him about Holla Forums and tell him to come here and speak to us.


Was this in Windsor or Lasalle?

He mentions the specific campus address in the video.

On the 3 on their way into town/towards St. Clair so in Windsor. If it was in Lasalle it wouldnt have even made the news.

I absolutely appreciate where you're coming from, however when I give my word it is Unbreakable. I cannot divulge who these city employees are

Believe me when I heard the conversation I sat in awe Angry as hell. I need Canada to understand just how close they came to a Columbine. I'd like you to take note however that on BitChute the same videos over 37,000 views and not a single police officer from Windsor has called me to complain.

If Windsor Police thought for an instant that I was lying they'd be on my ass.

Kevin J Johnston

What the fuck is this retard shit? Why the fuck is the Fallout 3 sawed-off shotgun and videogame blood used for this? Is this niggerfaggot shilling the fake "muh vidya causes violence goy shut it down" (((narrative))) in relation to actual violence-related issues?>>10204602

Can you summon a couple more shills to keep bumping this thread?

What the fuck are you talking about, nigger?

singh sounds like a hindu or sikh

tfw CNN is harassing Trump and also some random 15 year old memester

Shutdown Twitter's CNN heh

CNN's twitter* I mean.

The kikes need to shutdown @realDonaldTrump for then he will name the Jew. The WWE wresting meme was only a few degrees away from the "Jews own CNN", he picked HanAssholeSolo on purpose as well.

I'm almost back on the Chess meme train again, its been all so weird. Covefefe.

implying anybody carefully researches the reddit post histories of every redditor that has posted a meme in the past before posting it themselves

one more bump before i let this topic die

story checks out. but theyre not being charged with any terror related charges

they were .22 calibre rifles can any /k/ommando explain what these are to a leaf who knows nothing about guns.

A good friend of mine would have been at St. Clair college that day. I spend significant amounts of time in Windsor and can confirm it's becoming a Muslim colony in the outskirts of downtown. It's disgusting. Whites have all fled the downtown area and live in the suburbs 10-15 minutes outside the downtown core.

Hey maybe it will be Canada's first sharia zone. You know its coming.

It's a rimfire round for plinking and varmint hunting. Not something you typically shoot people with.

seems to work just fine

Remember there was a sawed off as well.

Well, it is a firearm, user. I'm just pointing out that it's not exactly the first choice of anyone looking to go on a murder spree.

While that would have likely proven mostly useless, it's still incriminating evidence.

Every bullet on that list can easily kill a man. When people talk about calibers that can take down certain game they don't mean that smaller bullets simply bounce off. Its more a matter of how quickly and humanely it will kill and how close you have to be to actually make the shot.

Sawing the barrel off doesn't make a weapon more powerful quite the contrary actually since there is less time for the gas to dump energy into the bullet it will tend to have less force.

Point to me where I said that or fuck off. It's a suboptimal round for a massacre.

If a round is capable of killing someone it is capable of a massacre. You are trying to imply that this couldn't have been a plot to kill people because they had the incorrect bullets even though said bullet could still kill a person.

If a motor vehicle is capable of hitting people, it is capable of a truck attack. There's a reason it isn't the most popular round for murderers and rampage killers, jackass.
No, I was trying to explain to the leaf what a .22 caliber was. You, for whatever reason, think that means I'm an apologist for a foiled school shooting. Learn to read before you attempt to infer intent.

Maybe thats all they could get their hands on. How geared up do 2 men have to be to kill unarmed 18-22 year olds?

CNN isn't the target. All media is the target. Once nobody believes a word coming out of their lying jewish mouths, no matter the situation or medium, then our work is done.

Most likely because you can get 30 round mags or more with .22 in canada while everything else past 5 for center fire rifle is prohibited unless you're police or military. No round limit with rimfire cartridges. You could do a lot of damage with proper shot placement and enough spare magazines.

A legitimate point. I have no idea what kind of gun laws the leafs even have. I wouldn't be surprised if they cucked there as well.
They'd hopefully have a better arsenal than these two teenage chucklefucks, who bankrolled their operation from part-time work at a cut-rate pizzeria. Apparently not.

Wow and there is our answer right here. If this is true it actually adds to the proof that this was well thought out and their intention was mass killing. Can you tell us any other rounds you can buy in Canada with large magazines?


The funny thing is that you CAN buy 30 round centerfire mags, but they're pinned at 5 rounds. My guess is the shitskins were too fucking dumb to buy a cheap CZ rifle and take the pins out of the mags, so they went for the gopher genocider instead.

Fuck. I go slightly down the rabbit hole and find out the RCMP is changing laws and slowly taking away our guns.


What is it with government sites all blocking Tor and many proxies? Why do they not want people reading their sites from Tor?

Update. As you can see the video was shoahed by youtube. Where theres smoke theres fire.

Kevin's response.

Oh and since they censored him I am going to spend the next week spamming this on every Canada cuckchan post I see.


Heres the video that got taken down.


Feel free to help get this story some attention.

As a Canadian Nationalist, I care.

Diversity point, and why would they hire somebody with potential, who in a fantasy world, could just leave and get another job anywhere? This is mainly because women are in HR, and don't use logic to determine if someone will be a benefit or liability to the company on an individual basis.

when applying to retail/labor positions, don't include your college shit, just send them a one page resume that is simple and not overwhelming and details your work experience. If you need time off for class, tell them that in the interview instead of trying to cram all that info in your response, this will also give you something to talk about in the interview. If you tell a potential retail/labor employer face to face that you're in college still, they are more likely to support you if they like your character. If they see it on a resume or an application, there's a good chance they will project their own life failures onto you and put your application in the trash because they are a bitter lifer.

Already 404'd and archived.

Agreed. CNN is just a useful example of the kikery. They push the bullshit a bit harder than the others, but nothing on tv, radio, or newspapers ever even approaches the truth.

Things are starting to get juicy. Kevin just put up 2 new videos talking to the Windsor Star who is trying to discredit him. Kevin launches this bitch out of orbit


New thread up.

Sorry if I am annoying you guys for constantly bumping this but I can't let it go. Heres an actual person fighting for this country and not some mossad agent like Lauren etc. This story has to get out.



lol the guy thought "singh" was a muslim name and he's supposed to be an anti immigration journalist? this guy must be controlled oppo setting himself up to be torn apart so easily, trying to claim a hindu is a muslim seems like a terrible headline