New Study shows Faggots are just as Disgusting as Maggots

Faggots = Maggots

Other urls found in this thread:,”

>“This research was largely funded through a crowdfunding campaign on (, and later by the American Institute of Bisexuality. More information on how we fund some of our LGBTQ-related research can be found here:”

This basically memes itself. Men are turned away by homosexuality because it's inherently disgusting. We have such a strong natural, unlearned response to something like maggots and rotting food because we need to stay away from it for our own health. The same applies to homosexuality: we don't even need to think about how it's wrong and unnatural, the disgust response shows that we've evolved to avoid it.

Makes sense. Mentally normal people are naturally disgusted by much of the perversion in society, and those who aren't have to be really conditioned to accept degeneracy

Honestly, I'd rather stare at maggots for an hour than faggots for 3 seconds.


falseflag news from jews, good bait!


Im actually fine with disgusting things. I'm a vet student and I've done necropsy on many different animals, half of which were rotting already and the stench…

Yet this is easier to "digest" than seeing faggots doing their faggotry acts.

What do you expect when they EAT DA POO POO

It's not just straight men who find faggots disgusting.

I have a strong feeling they will never find such funding. The fact that they didn't even bother including women at all in the initial study is proof enough that this was all a got ya bigot! ruse.

inb4 kys dyke. yeah yeah, i'll go back to larping as a straight guy. see you all in another thread faggots

Suicide bomb a synagogue. Reported.

there are no girls on the internet.
get out.

I like dick and I find your kind to be absolutely disgusting, fucking drop dead, inbred manlady.

Furthermore, no fucking shit, straight people find gay PDA repulsive, ANY form of PDA whoever it is, is fucking obnoxious and stupid. I sincerely hope you fucking nigger cucks don't do this shit, cause it makes you look desperate for attention.

go find some effeminate manlet to bully and make white babbies with you waste of space

Tits or gtfo you carpet munching abomination.

You better be a woman. Tits or gtfo to you as well. If you're a faggot you deserve to be drawn and quartered.

I'm not telling you my sex. That would be irrelevant.

I have not seen a meme like this since 2006. You can fuck off to >>>/cuckchan/ and go back to sucking on Hiroshimoot's tiny gook cock.

It's the rule tits or gtfo. If you're going to have GOTIS then show us your tits because there is literally no other reason for us to know you're a girl so tits or get the fuck out.

Get the fuck out you inbred degenerate.

nobody cares what you claim to be
you brought it up

get out nigger

Are you assuming my gender? :^)

Don't steal my lines, nigger.

You stupid cunt, you made your sex relevant when you proclaimed you liked penis. Either you're a female, in which case .webm related, or your a faggot, in which case you belong in the fucking bog.

No I didn't, I merely said I like dick, if I'm a dude I can like my own dick. If I'm not I can like other dick.

You're a fucking degenerate jew trying to derail a topic to respond to someone who you assume rather than talking about the body horrors that are going to fall on humanity in the next decade.

If you aren't going to say anything useful, kindly kill yourself. Or at least sage, which you didn't bother doing, nigger.

Pay attention, this is how newspeak is introduced and disseminated.

remember that women seek attention in every group they enter. Its why they enter said group in the first place. They want to be a part of said group without understanding it so things such as the repeating of "nigger" like its some secret codeword that is used to identify as a polack,

Just look at post
No man wastes this much time to play stupid games but then complains about offtopic posting

isnt that just the dumbed down version of hetero and homo = different and equal = mixed and same ?

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

I am a narcissistic, violent, and hateful person. It's pretty much what it means. If you don't like it you can go back to your circle on /elftypol/, sipping tea and eating your cock shaped oreos like the good shitstain on society you are.

So, the real important question here is, did a man touch you when you were young, or do you have to settle for "relationships" with women because you're hideously ugly?

I'm pretty sure the person who posted that was just a fucking bait to derail, it succeeded. I am not happy about this shit.


Nobody on the internet can hear you scream, user.

Go back to raping little girls (((Rachel))), fuck off and die you contribute more to white genocide than any single faggot could.

Sounds to me that this research is showing revulsion to homosexuals isn't taught by society but is already a part of our psychology.

Reminds me of an older thread where they discussed parasites in nature that alter the brain chemistry of their hosts. The ones that make insects jump into the water and drown so the parasite can spread. Or the one that makes rats become sexually attracted to cats so the rat will be eaten by the cat and the parasite can infect the cat.

If homosexuality is caused by a parasite infection in the mother, then revulsion to homosexuals could be our defense mechanism. Just like revulsion to rotting meat is a protection against parasitic infection.

I'm hoping as they dig deeper into this, they actually find the cause once and for all.

Fun fact, OP. All those new strains of bacteria that you hear about being resist to antibiotics come from two sources. India, with the street shitters because having feces in the open and when it's 40 degrees isn't good for public health and second, the assholes of faggots in Northern California. You can literally find heatmaps in medical literature showing the source of outbreaks.

Faggots are a threat to humanity and as such, must be exterminated.

If it keeps going, then getting a cold or cutting your finger will be FATAL. It's going to be like Europe in 1650.


Do you think it's possible to create a virus that cause homophobia?
If everyone is disgusted nobody will do it anymore, even better if it is sexually trasmitted.

Tits. or. GTFO.

It is what I kept telling everyone!

There was 'zero' reason for you to state that you liked dick, yet you did anyways. That makes me think you're a faggot, because you fucking poofters always want to draw attention to your disgusting sexual deviance. Then again, has a point about females liking to play stupid games for attention, which is exactly what all of your fucking posting ITT amounts to.

Here's what I think. I think you're a fucking tranny. A disgusting misanthropic failure who's already fucked up faggot head is now even more fucked up off of HRT. That's why you felt compelled to arbitrarily mention you like dick, that's why you don't look at yourself as a homosexual man, and that's why the subject of your sex is such a touchy one. You can't even be honest with yourself about what you are so how can you be honest with strangers on the internet?

Just hurry up and kill yourself, you know you're going to eventually, you fucking mockery of womanhood. You grotesque abomination. Just get it over and done with.

You're not fooling anyone, Christian Weston Chandler.



I would be interested in seeing the experiment performed with pictures of race-mixers. I'm pretty sure they would find a similar reaction to the faggot pictures.

If you don't have white children with your womb, you are worse than worthless.

i hate newspeak
it's very similar to my hatred of forced memes

You went from faggot to female to tranny.

You're a fucking idiot, I'm a dude, I like my own dick, and you can get on your knees and pretend the colt .45's barrel is my dick, you stupid redneck faggot.

I'm not surprised.

that's fuckin' gay

Liking your own body isn't gay, it's self confidence, otherwise known as narcissism in the extreme, and delusion if you're a blob in a chair.

But if you're referring to the colt being my dick, yes it is very gay. It is extremely gay.

Nice backpedaling, you peter puffer. I hate homos as much as I hate niggers, and only slightly less than I hate kikes. You came into this thread and made it known you like dick and then got all upset when anons called you out on it. Typical useless nancy boy behavior. Flaunt your faggotry and then recoil when called out on it. Gays are the sexual equivalent of jews.

Kek, I'm a redneck because I don't tolerate homos? Do you know where you are, you fucking shit-pushing degenerate trash?



No straight man proclaims that he "likes dick" on an anonymous imageboard, you fucking sodomite scum. You are not fooling anyone. Bog yourself.

It really isn't if you find yourself attractive. Although I did lie about that, I look horrible.

As for your sperging about, you can tone that shit down to like, 0 and stop shitting up the thread, as no one cares anymore and the thread's pretty much derailed over some dyke who pretended he was a she just to get you riled up.

underrated post

Sage Fuck off jew take that bullshit to reddit or fag book Not worthy of a discussion amongst white men.

Sickeningly pathetic.

>I did lie

Homos are pedophiles, narcissists, degenerates and liars. Your contributions to this thread reinforce that fact. Don't try and deflect this onto the dyke either, slime. How appropriate that a thread about faggots being revolting turns into live exhibition. Die slow from GRIDS, sodomite.

Give it a rest faggot, no one will remember you an hour from now.

no way this is an actual person

Oh boy goyim we gonna see the crazy guys screaming about a dude talking shit to them.

Try harder faggots, I've been doing this shit on Holla Forums longer than you niggers even heard of hotwheels. I was here since this place was born, you're gonna have to sperg harder than that.


filtered by the way, which ever kind of cum dumpster it is you claim to be, you goddamn thing

It's too late, there's no way to undo how utterly fucking stupid you've made yourself look ITT, you flaming faggot.

That would imply I didn't deliberately shit on your thread by dragging you along the wild ride even though what was originally said that sparked all this was a response in clear satire to the dyke.

This small thread spent 2 hours screaming at an user who was thought to be gay/female/trans/cheese. If you honestly think that you won by destroying your own thread, you really have no fucking chance should a jew actually come into any thread to derail.

Nice slide, you idiots should be banned for this bullshit.

Yeah because homosexuality has been a part of white culture for thousands of years, right (((Richard Spencer)))? Lots of faggots in here that really need a bogging.

And the rest of you, replying to the fucking attention whore: shame on you. Ignore and move on instead of "haha I caught you lying about dicks lol!"

The thread is fucking dead, retard. Just make a new one or something, let this one rot.

At this point what could've been a great thread turned into cancer. Sage to keep this shit off the front page so we can have actually good threads

Top kek

The only cancer here is you, gayboy.

>Sage to keep this shit off the front page so ~~we can have actually good threads~~ anons don't see how much of a fool I've made of myself

Ftfy, homo.


No shit. You think dicks are gross to begin with, so why would you want to watch one get sucked by a dude who also has one?

How can you call yourself a Holla Forumsack and not be willing to fill your womb with white seed?

Does this now mean I can sue the media for willfully causing me duress by having all these faggots on TV?

You said you like dick, dick in a general sense. If you claim you like your own dick you would've said you like your own dick. Licking dick is very often meant as saying you like other men's dicks, not just your own.
Suddenly saying you just like your own dick is you autistically controlling damage.


I think you're a straight bisexual lesbian



You made it relevant by saying you like dick when no one fucking asked. So you stated you're either a faggot, or a woman. Stating either when no one asked makes you an attention whore. Women don't get a pussy pass on an image board unless they admit they're actually in like a whore by offering tits in exchange for the special treatment they demand. Men respect an honest whore more than a lying whore. But you already knew that, because you're clearly a man. Well, almost anyway. You're a faggot. Now fuck off.

This pure pilpul if I've ever seen it.
Coming from the faggot who started talking about how he loves dicks when one asked.

So you're a kike then?
Projecting your kike nature while you larp and as le ebil nahtzis to gas light.
You are so fucking transparent, are you even trying? Go hop in an oven.

Damn, good catch.

Did you forget user? Traps aren't gay.

If you're actually serious about this then you need to fuck off to cuckchan or some other shithole where your kind is accepted.

Fags are a crime against humanity.

isn't that the whole point? I mean they like all things degenerate, and 'pushing limits'

Science tells us what people have known for thousands and thousands of years. Great work, keep it up Science.

Cats, fags, parasites, and schizophrenics have a lot in common.


wew, i didn't see this

Maggots serve an actual purpose. They break down rotting material into smaller organic matter.
Faggots can do nothing but consume, get diseases and die.

There is already a fair bit of research on this. Conservative views are associated with and increased by disgust. Disgust not fear/phobia. Nobody is afraid of fags they find them disgusting. Disgust is a protective emotion of both the self and the group and, it's hard wired. We wretch at rot, decay and, foul smells to protect ourselves and our group from poisoning. We are disgusted by and shun the sick to prevent ourselves and the group from getting sick. We are naturally disgusted by faggots because they harm the group by not producing offspring while draining resources and spreading disease. Those not disgusted by faggots are the same type of people in the past who would eat rotten meat and drink poison water. If you want to redpill someone disgust them. Why do you think the (((news))) won't show the white victims of terror attacks? Force the liberals to look at children smeared across the pavement or twerking for an group of horny faggots if you want to change them. Most are to far gone and love the taste of poison though.

Disgust Sensitivity and the Neurophysiology of Left-Right Political Orientations

Disgust and the Politics of Sex: Exposure to a Disgusting Odorant Increases Politically Conservative Views on Sex and Decreases Support for Gay Marriage

Right. It couldn't be because as a biological organism, we're just a vessel for our genes to perpetuate, and just like rotten food disgusts us because of the danger to our health, gays disgust us because they mean no reproduction.

Gandalf the Gay

Do you have a source for that?

I saw this nasty butch dyke at the store the other day. First time in my life. I live in the mountains. Not only is the negro section 8 housing population growing, thanks to the government, but people like this are popping up these days. All the rats are leaving the cities and infecting the rest of the country.

Interesting take on things.

You don't need to larp as a man to be here. Just have something to say that is worth saying without being an attention seeking whore.

the virus you're looking for is called common sense

The interesting question is if faggots show the same disgust response. The official theories about homosexuality would say they wouldn't (except possibly as a result of "internalized homophobia"), but I'd bet money that they would. Male homosexuality isn't merely being attracted to men, it's being attracted to transgression, violation, and objectively disgusting things.

kys dyke