Tech tips thread

>download PNGGauntlet if you're a windowsfag
Be aware, the program WILL cause issues with APNGs since it cannot detect them and it does not optimize them.
The entire process might last long for instance i've been doing pic related for 7 hours
On the odd case that it does make a png better than a JPG and you told it to ovewrite the file it doesn't actually do it and you end up with both a .jpg and .png

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Nvidia has released fastsync and it's available on the latest drivers but the option is hidden for some gpus.
Fastsync works on fermi and up and you'll have to either edit registry files or use nvidiainspector like my picture shows with underground 1 as an example. set vsync to 0x18888888

OptiPNG is free as in freedom and works just as good

most of my examples are nvidia since that's what i have, but this one also aplies to AMD.
Both AMD and nvidia have horrible fan curves by default since they set their gpus to be silent even on high end parts, download a program such as msi afterburner for better part life, cooling and sometimes performance.
for instance i live in a 3rd world shithole where every day is between 25c and 30somethingc and my gpu ran at 85 degrees constantly for a long time

PNGGauntlet isn't floss but it is just as good as optipng since it's simply an interface that runs optipng and other png optimizers on images you feed it and then automatically picks the best result

Yeah, Gauntlet has a nice GUI.
I'm just mentioning Opti for any stallmanfags.

if you're running an old game or a game that's light on hardware, throw as much anti aliasing as you can at it and your eyes will thank me
Be aware that using post processing anti aliasing will increase display latency since the added step on rendering takes time, expect something on the order of 1-6ms
My screenshot shows the highest setting of combined MSAA and supersampling the nvidia control panel allows on underground 2, it brings my GTX 780 into 60-70% use in a game made 12 years ago but it does improve image quality severely

It means how many frames your cpu is allowed to queue up to be processed by the graphics card. Every pre rendered (or rendered ahead) frame you add means a single frame your cpu can queue up for the graphics card to do what it has to do which means you get a frame's worth of display latency. (for instance at 60fps and 4 maximum pre rendered frames it means 66ms~ of added delay between a frame being rendered and displayed on your monitor or 16ms~ a frame).
Now you might ask why something so horrendous exists and it's a valid question.
It exists because it's very hard to perfectly feed the gpu what it needs in time and the gpu will then spend time idling while your game is frozen since there's nothing to put out and so every frame rendered ahead you add means less stuttery gameplay, less game freezes and less average GPU use. It also however increases CPU use. I personally care very much about latency since it disturbs me and i always leave it at 1 frame rendered ahead or 2 if the game presents issues with it (if you're a madman and the game allows you to change it since AMD/nvidia drivers don't, you can also set renderahead to 0 but i've had that fail on me and cause issues playing video games from the 90s)
If you're fine on both fronts or at the very least your gpu doesn't peak in use you should lower it for more responsive gameplay. There's a catch though very few games have this setting and so if nvidia is not compatible or AMD won't allow you might have no choices
Have a cat webm

What I don't like about it is that it is single threaded. But it does a good job optimizing PNGs and stuff.

you can tell it to run multiple compressors at once on the options menu, that setting means for every core you have it optimizes an extra image at once and so the proccess is multithreaded

Ah I see. It is on by default. I was just using it to compress an image I had earlier (unfortunately not to 8mb), and it took forever and only used one thread. But I guess it would work if you're compressing an album.

Yeah, it would be pretty nice if it could run multiple compressors if you don't have multiple or enough images

Use this program to download webm/mp4 from youtube or even porn sites.

JDownloader is pretty good too, in fact i make most of my non-torrent downloads with it the exception being if the files are just a few megabytes

SPOILER:Windows is shit and anything below 2 doesn't change shit
Nvidia is double awful and forces 2 at REGARDLESS of what you say because muh Gsync

I prefer this.

Losslessly optimize jpgs, gifs and pngs.

Just don't remove the color profiles.

the jpg one looks really nice

i tried the jpeg one and got around 500MBs of saved space and the gif one failed on most of my gifs but it did save 30MBs total


I remember doing 1600*1200 16xCSAA 90hz/fps on DMC4 on a 9800GT, also CSAA having barely any affect on performance in CSS.

good info, but my settings let me change it to 0?


Anyway, I have a tip to reduce congestion on your network. You need to disable TCP autotune window scaling which helps cause buffers to get over filled and increases ping and congest. This will only really affect your games indirectly since it those use UDP, so it's best when you're using multiple things at the same time; but youtube sure as hell is alot faster with window scaling turned off.

And there will be no real difference in delay between 2 and zero (likely because it reset to two internally or something) because Nvidia drivers are not optimized for latency and Gsync requires that to work properly (even with Vulkan/DX12 you're forced to have it despite the spec letting you explicitly specify what you want over the driver that's the one thing that's enforced over your choices), AMD used to be able to do 1 reliably but they changed shit and now it's worse only way to get 0 (and even then it's not really 0) is XP + hacked AMD drivers.

tl;dr 1 and 0 are placebo especially with Nvidia, if you care about latency kill aero compositing instead

my drivers are pretty old though, so it might work

either way the default was 3 so it should be atleast be reduced by one, so it helped thanks user!

If you don't feel like installing FileZilla, you can use windows explorer to connect to FTP servers by typing the FTP socket (ip adress:port) in the filepath bar.

Uh, how? By definition, JPG is lossy.

So I just realized how unsecure Chrome can be. Not Chrome itself, but the users that use it.

Anywhere someone is signed into Chrome, you can access their Google Chrome settings, which could affect their browser, cell phones, etc. I just went into my password manager, and saw I had about 30 sites saved. It was trivial to click a single entry and have it display the password in plain text.

This is not okay.
You could literally go over to your friend's house, and in the 5 minutes they go to the washroom and leave you on their PC unattended, you could have full access to every password they've used in their life.


I don't know why people don't just write passwords down in a book or have a good system to remember.

only time you need true security would be top secret NSA pls don't look stuff, in which case you should remember 10 passwords which unlock each other which unlocks the encryption which is used to unlock your power button.


tumblr users also use crome what a surprise

I don't understand what the point of your point is?

By the very nature of the JPEG specification it is a lossy format.

You can optimize something without incurring additional loss. A lossless optimisation of a lossy file. It'd only be a lossy optimisation if the optimisation added additional loss.

Most compression formats have three stages: Pattern recognition (detecting repetition in randomness), sorting (isolating randomness), and entropy encoding (eliminating repetition).

Only the first stage can be lossy or specific to any one type of data, the other two use literally the same code as a file archiver like 7-Zip.

JPEG is very old, originating from work in the mid-1980s, and most JPEG encoders are not very good, so even the lossy stages can be beaten easily by a modern encoder. As for the lossless stages? They date from the time when the original DOS versions of ZIP were the hot thing.

This is possible because, while a newer format like JP2K or WebP is of course vastly superior, the JPEG standard is flexible enough that it allows multiple "solutions" to produce the same output, some much more compact than others.

delete system32 to double the amount of ram available to vidya.

Just use KeePass nigga

I'd rather not have a single point of failure.

How is a book with your passwords in it not a single point of failure? Back up the password database to a flash drive or your phone or a fucking floppy if you want.

it's easier to burn the book than to take a saw to your HDD.

If you want to use a dual shock 3 or 4 with windows, this is by far the best utility if you can stomach the fact that it's maintained by a horsefucker

is it better than DS4Windows?

OMFG i just saved like 30mb of space, now this is what i call a fucking tip


you really should update those graphics drivers anonymous, nvidia doesn't shit on your performance with drivers but by going heavier on things only new cards are good at when a game dev partners with them.
Like crysis and tesselating invisible parts of the world

What are some programs to look for duplicate images on your drives?

ccleaner lets you look for duplicates in general

Image Dupeless, but i haven't tried any other and even this one used mb once or twice. it werks, though, and have options about % similarity and auto outsource files that met criteria for it.


If you have a lot of images you'll save a lot more than 30mb, also helps with often uploaded images.


Just use DS4windows and the old SCP driver it's way better in every case unless you run Win10.

you don't.

Install imagus and you will never have to click on another image ever again.

Twitter resizes images but if you install that you can download the original image with a single click.
