This is a page with 300 THOUSAND followers. Gentlemen, it may finally be happening. The CNN boondoggle may have been what it took to push T_D's base over the edge.
The "God Emperor Trump" Faceberg page just named the Jew
No. They are committed zionists who are attracted to Trump for that very reason.
Hopefully they don't delete it with an apology. What's their userbase like? If it's all boomers and based browns then they're useless to us anyway. It's the white youth we need to be worried about.
Archive for those of us without Facebergs?
Ive seen that page before, its mostly white 20 something normies or actual Holla Forumsacks. This CNN thing has woken a good number of people to the deep state and just (((who))) is in control of it.
Googled it up and caught a glimpse, then refreshed to get more comments and it was gone. Self-censorship doesn't seem their way. Kikebook censorship?
Can't find it anywhere on their page. (((Who))) is behind this?
Big facebook groups like that probably have dozens of shills ( or whatever you want to call ) actively watching them
IIRC, Facebook actively patrols wrongthink of all varieties at all times and instantly takes down anything they disapprove of without warning.
It's an algorithm. When I had a facebook, my posts would get shadowbanned because I linked certain stories or said certain phrases. By shadowbanned I mean I would still be able to see the post in my newsfeed, but no one else would. I confirmed this myself by viewing my page from a friend's house with a different IP and ISP.
pasa la salsa
Fuck off with the D&C. Yes, they are infiltrated and subverted by communist kikes and zionists. The entire US population is. The vast majority of them know virtually nothing about Israel and only support it by default because they are lemmings. We will need their numbers eventually though. The average T_D user is still easier to redpill on kikes than your average leftist. They're useful idiots for sure, but they can be our useful idiots. Shit like this will help. National Socialists are supposed to love their nation and fellow countrymen. You don't have to focus your efforts on them but you have a duty not to give up on them completely or you are not a National Socialist.
A leftist who already hates Israel is a lot easier to redpill than some Kikebart-reading "muh Reagan" retard.
fucking riiiiight
There's nothing to divide. Zionism and its sycophants have nothing for us. If you feel otherwise, you can certainly lobby the nigger faggot mods to start banning anyone who doesn't fall in line again.
This is patently untrue. Many of them are jews, half-jews, and functional jews. They see common cause with Israel and believe an Israel-oriented US foreign policy is beneficial to this nation and themselves.
That presupposes that there is this mass, overarching support of Israel that still exists in this country. In reality, support for Israel has been getting whittled down steadily and virtually none of that progress is coming from the "right" outside of marginalized White Nationalists working in the vein of the old American Vanguard. So people who go out of their way to "stand with Israel" are very deliberately seeking these positions out and politicians/corporations who will get on board with it.
Not unconditionally. The loyalty is to the race, its preservation, improvement, and lasting legacy. Subversive, criminal elements such as zionists hinder those objectives and as such can not be regarded as anything but an enemy.
You've come to the wrong place goy. :^)
Their user base is civnat faggots and the admin is a retard who bailed on Trump after he bombed a (practically) vacant airbase. I used to follow them during the election.
Most people who have Trump central pages on kikebook are The Dahnald tier. The ones who aren't get zucc'd pretty quick. I followed one, I can't remember the name, but they started posting pro Saddam and other MENA nationalist posts, naming the Jew pretty hard and were shoa'd after a week.
Yep, anyone with potential to get converted did so a long time ago. Anyone left there are blue pilled as fuck. I used to be a T_D muh based niggers muh based faggot milo 18 months ago, now I'd rather see those fucks brains splattered on a wall.
I've seen that page getting more and more jew wise when I have been on facecuck. It's inevitable
So… he has principles rather than being a Trump sycophant?
These extreme black-or-white positions could benefit from a bit of nuance.
Posting this picture to boomers is a waste?
Who is the group we need to target to get on our level exactly?
Given that many followers, I expect shit to escalate by tomorrow.
Elementary, middle, and high school students and maybe college students though they tend to redpill themselves if they're of the right mindset due to the exposure to insane marxism. These are the voters, parents, and soldiers of tomorrow. Boomers are the voters, parents, and soldiers of yesterday and they did a piss poor job of it at that.
Newsflash: Not all boomers are alike. Just as not all Generation X nor Millennials are alike. Sure there are generational similarities however you will find a wide range of personalities.
Hit them with everything, something is bound to stick. Don't let the kikes chip away at what is effective by reducing our arsenal to only the types they choose. They want hardball, give them hollow points. Hell, napalm the cocksuckers. Canvas the population.
Hell the shit the boomers find funny will be spread through their networks by boomers in the know.
Who cares about them even if some small percentage can be reached? Our goal isn't political power through ballots; we tried that. Our goal at this point in time is total war, revolution, destabilization and utter destruction of America and the Western governments. Those boomers who are already awake can use their experience to help us, and we'll be glad to have them. But for the vast slumbering masses, it's simply too late. They're past breeding age and if they aren't in shape and trained now they won't be any better in 5-10 years time. All outreach efforts must be focused on the youth. They are most primed for our message because they are endlessly being hammered with SocJus marxism and surrounded by darkies at the most edgy and rebellious point of their lives.
Oy Gevalt!
a degenerate will never hate them for the same reasons we do, therefore pointless unless they are made less degenerate beforehand.
baby steps, user.
Basically that user here said. Young whites are absolutely vital to get on our side, as soon as possible. Without them there is literally no future at all. we can't waste time trying to convert ossified-brained boomercucks.
gen z user here, a lot of us don't redpill ourselves really, a lot of the overton window shifting for young'uns is purely countercultural. subversive memes like OP pic are absolutely the way to go.
I think he was only referring to college students self-redpilling.
I'm as well and I redpilled myself on cultural marxism, race, feminism, pretty much everything except jews before finding Holla Forums so YMMV I guess.
Curious, given that you're part of that generation.
Growing up, you saw the actions of my (the millennial) generation. What's the general feeling your generation has towards them?
My little sister is 14, her and her whole friend group have basically grown up addicted to memes, many derived from Holla Forums. They're ironically racist, and we all know where that leads. I've heard the same kind of stuff from other anons too, when these kids get to the end of high school many will be Holla Forumsacks without ever having been here.
Gen Z better not turn out like the embarrassment and cucks that is the millennials.
A lot of gen z kids are just as pozzed as the worst millennial stereotype. generally gen z is more polarized politically, though of course most kids are just totally apolitical and aloof. one thing that can be said for the generation as a whole is that political correctness is looked down on by pretty much everyone, and people who play the race card or get offended easily are not well liked.
yep, "really makes u think" memes and whatnot are basically the way forward right now. Just gotta hope the left keeps hanging itself and Holla Forums doesn't figure it out in time to stop the pendulum swinging.
Video related. Don't watch the entire thing just skip to 10:40 and have a giggle. I've been seeing this a lot recently with really young kids.
It's all countercultural shitposting. But it's a good sign and hopefully they don't grow out of it. Reminds me of my old days on Holla Forums when everyone was ironically calling each other nigger.
How does what appears to be a 9 year old open a PO box?
they blocked me for naming the jew
if you can change your gender that young, I would certainly hope you could open a PO box.
Lol, don't worry about the white youth. My 15 year old son said to me the other day, "There was one guy who had an answer". And I have NEVER forced my conclusions on him. I just taught him logic from infancy.
Once the boomers die & the millennials don't reproduce, shit can be rectified. Just teach your children to get married & have kids.
wtf i hate trump nao
you have to go back, rabbi
It's a pretty well accepted stance around here that trump is a kike, newfriend. Perhaps cuckchan is where you should be.
You know what I think gives you away? The use of the term "zionist"; I mean, really? "Jew" is more Holla Forums ish. There is no distinction here between "Jew" and "Zionist". Ya'll lose again.
I don't think trying to redpill boomers is a waste, but it's like trying to teach old dogs new tricks. They just won't budge. Remember, they were the first generation to get the "muh holohoax muh evil nazis remember the six gorillion" propaganda from childhood. When they were growing up, that had more of an impact because it wasn't long beforehand that it (didn't) happen.
This makes boomers INCREDIBLY RESISTANT to the JQ. I've been able to redpill many on things like race and "globalists" and all sorts of shit…except jews. As soon as jews come up, then they recoil and say "whoa now user, are you some kind of anti-semite??" Making fun of niggers, spics, dunecoons, and everything else is fine, but god forbid if you say anything about those jews.
Again, this is only a generalization. I still say it's important to TRY redpilling boomers, because there's still a percentage we can soften up, but a great many of them are beyond saving.
I don't think trying to redpill boomers is a waste, but it's like trying to teach old dogs new tricks. They just won't budge. Remember, they were the first generation to get the "muh holohoax muh evil nazis remember the six gorillion" propaganda from childhood. When they were growing up, that had more of an impact because it wasn't long beforehand that it (didn't) happen.
This makes boomers INCREDIBLY RESISTANT to the JQ. I've been able to redpill many on things like race and "globalists" and all sorts of shit…except jews. As soon as jews come up, then they recoil and say "whoa now user, are you some kind of anti-semite??" Making fun of niggers, spics, dunecoons, and everything else is fine, but god forbid if you say anything about those jews.
Again, this is only a generalization. I still say it's important to TRY redpilling boomers, because there's still a percentage we can soften up, but a great many of them are beyond saving.
No it's not. Keep trying though.
In my experience, it's the opposite. Getting people to hate Jews is easy and everyone I knew got pissed at Jews when the ADL made the traitorous notion that "America first" was "antisemitic". Saying that lost them some of the hardest supporters I knew and it was great. The problem is when you bring up other races they recoil. Shit sucks but I guess being redpilled on kikes is better than nothing or anything else really. More or less, every race got Jewed. "We Thought They Were White", right?
What sort of people are you talking about? I'm specifically talking about Boomers. For millennials and under, it's indeed opposite, where it's okay to hate jews but less okay to hate muds.
It plays like a Mekotur video.
People under the age of 24. The brain stops developing around 25, so we need to get them before that.
It feels similar to how brainwashed neo-germans handled old nazi survivors. Let them talk their gibberish, say "yes" and "ooh no thats bad" and they wont be a problem.
Although we still have to try indeed, as boomers are too many and too young to be irrelevant to the greater goal of defeating the jew as they have great weight in our (((democracy))) and by the time they kick the bucket the west may already be beyond saving. We need to use the current "momentum" that causes things such as the OP to happen to hammer the (((nose))) into as many dense boomer brains as possible.
We need to think elections 2020 and how to prevent the hillary replacement candidate, and boomers will be important for that, as this election was only won because (((they))) tried to get hillary into office based only on her gender. I dont think they will do the same mistake a second time.
Goybook is honestly really fertile ground for spreading redpills. There are entire communities within facebook that are ripe for radicalization. Once you learn how their reach system works (the more likes/comments you get the more people see your stuff) its pretty easy to dispense redpills fairly far and wide.
They have leftist kike mods and shills, but they are overwhelmingly no leftist at all. That's just going full retard. They're mostly alt-right/Cuckservative/civic nationalist types, not full blown leftists.
Maybe on Israel, Zionism and the Talmud but I can never get any further than that with leftists. Equality is their religion. They never accept that niggers are subhuman, faggotry is a disease, and kikes are pure evil no matter how much evidence and logic they are spoonfed or what emotional appeals are used. They're generally a lost cause in my experience.
>Zionism and its sycophants have nothing for us
True. I should probably mention my experience on the subject is primarily from talking to normies in real life who browse T_D. They've all been overwhelmingly receptive to redpills Zionism and Jews in my experience and niggers and fags with a little more work. So far I've had about a 90% success rate over maybe 10 or so hours spread out over a few conversations. On reddit is another story though, it's too strictly censored and controlled.
Also true, but I'd argue that's a very loud minority. I know you know damn well how jews use consensus cracking on social media platforms. The average T_D user in my experience in person is not nearly as hopeless as Holla Forums typically assumes. Have some hope and don't give up so easy.
That's not at all what I was getting at, the opposite actually. What I'm asserting is that the average non-Jewish right-leaning normie only has a casual, uninformed and superficially positive view of Israel. Because they are lemmings. They aren't dedicated Zionists, just lost.
Again I'm not even going to argue with you, you're right and I should have been more clear. I don't want to give up on the average white working class males that make up (if not the majority) a very large portion of communities like T_D. It's much easier in person though where kike mods and shills can't fuck everything up.
These extreme black-or-white positions could benefit from a bit of nuance.
Yeah I got pissed off and fucked up my wording a lot on that post. I guess what I'm trying to say is I think it would be a mistake to give up on any white people who are willing to listen. And more people are T_D are receptive to redpills than I think Holla Forums gives them credit for. Fuck I've even saved some complete degenerates. Hard drug users, wiggers even. I think it's a mistake to direct so much hate at our own race. It pains me to see it and I feel I have to try to help them like a father has to help his son who's lost his way.
TLDR Hate me if you all want, I don't blame you all for being paranoid about shills. If you're white and and you're here I love you like a brother. The same goes for those lost in the honeypots and controlled opposition groups. Many of them are simply lost and its our duty to at least try and save them whenever we can. Don't give up on the whole of the largest groups of white males we have. Even if you just work on one person at a time whenever you can, that's all it takes.
No, because jumping to conclusions not even 12 hours after something major happens doesn't make you an independent thinker it makes you someone who doesn't have enough maturity to wait until all the facts are clear, faggot.
It always starts as "ironic racism". I started as an "ironic racist" on Holla Forums circa 2006 having fun posting bix nood and nigger memes. Slowly it snowballs, and the humor softens you up and breaks down the taboos of caring about wrongthink.
i have friends and colleague who is a "centipede" and all of them have resentment towards kikes, one of them tells me that jews cannot be trusted, another tells me that people who have dual citizenship with (((foreign country))) should not be allowed to held strategic position, and another one tells me that he knows who responsible for migrant crisis, when i ask him, the jews? he smiles.
so i believe many of t_d'ers are secretly anti israeli
I was a total left wing cuck who couldn't tolerate even ironic racism until my mid thirties now looking forward to DOTR so late-stage redpill is possible
I'm glad to hear that there are left-wing cucks who can be rehabilitated. For most of my millennial counterparts, I think they're beyond saving and should be tossed in the oven wholesale.
if only10% took the redpill then that is still a win.
10% is about how much that will. And it only takes 10% of a population to create radical change.
Did they delete it?
Honestly it's never late for someone to get redpilled. Depends on how smart the person is, and usually what it takes is a good dose of reality, and the dose of reality needs to be strong enough to break whatever conditioning the person exposed to it has.
There are those examples like how a mudslime migrant kills a couple's daughter and they show up a week later in the news saying they forgive him and know how hard his life is and whatever other bullshit has been ingrained into them. These people will probably not be redpilled, if not even losing a daughter can break their programming. There are also people with really weak programing but that live life far away from niggers and don't suffer cultural enrichment throughout their lives, ever. People who live in white cities, in gated communities, stuff like that. These people will probably not be redpilled either, but for a different reason the first group won't be, it's because they have yet to see the worse of what lefty policies do to countries, communities and people.
Kids really are the best target for redpilling. Anyone who works with kids know they call out bullshit with no reservations if they can smell it, and we've been seeing it more and more online. They also handle memes much better than older generations, and ironic memes are one thing that the jews haven't figured out how to co-opt yet. I believe making dank macros, as superficial and simplistic a thing as it is, has more reach and staying power than any other strategy.
I thought something was up. There have been a few times when I couldn't find a thread in the catalog when I was still in it and knew it was still going but understood. Fuck, how long has this been going on? Is there a source somewhere on 8ch mentioning the feature? No one talks about this, it might be good to let people know.
Lol can someone post that meme here, I don't have it
This. The thread about the kike who owned a shit-load of pron sites, for example.
I can't see the tweet, even though I'm looking for it.
Twatter is at it again!
hi whats up
Op, these (((Faceberg))) pages tend to have sister groups that post content for the admins to steal. This is nothing new as GET is filled with memes ripped straight from here
It's one helluva ride user.
he meant on facebook, you nigger
I guess the Streisand effect IS named after a jew.
This is from the real Trump Twitterpage
Do you think you can defeat the Jew by showing outright disdain for them? You know nothing of political strategy. Although in this case, Trump loves Jews because his daughter gets fucked in the ass by one.
His daughter along with his sons are the children of Ivana Trump a biological jew.
>> You know nothing of our jewish political strategy
our jewish political strategy
You fucked up, JIDFniggerkike, enjoy the gas.
Fuck off spamming that same bread and circuses trump is a gud goy shit in every Trump/CNN/Syria thread. You try and divide us like every other jew tactic but we are not buying it because war actions speak louder than your kvetching agenda. Go outside and get some fresh ISISrael air, Aaron.
Hitler was a gud goy by your shilly semetic logic too.
she (it's a girl right?) even makes fun of commies. our girl
You understand he was quoting your mate or you if you hopped IPs
Poster he replied to didn't write that, 'our jewish political strategy' was written by the poster I responded to.
No user would write that.
Let alone I can recognise them because they've been shitting up threads with the same image and writing style for weeks.
I've just recently found out that my grandmother is based af. Four of her brothers fought in WWII. Both campaigns. She brought it up once and I said to her, "Yeah but you were all duped into fighting your brethren on behalf of the jews." Her response was, "You are right and Jews and Israel are the reason we have had endless wars ever since." She said they always knew the numbers were inflated and that Nazism was a direct response to being oppressed by Jews in positions of power and influence in their own homeland. We have pretty regular conversations on this shit now. It's like she has had to wait a lifetime to be able to say these things to someone without reprisal. We really should get these stories from that generation before they are gone since they are the last living witnesses. Fuck Boomers though, they are a lost cause.
While quoting your jew mate
What is that comic from, and is there an English version?
This. I'm convinced all the anti-T_D sentiment here is just D&C. That or everyone has forgotten that other forums are shilled just as hard as this one and their leadership structure is far easier to subvert. Kike mods may shut down any overt attempts to discuss the JQ but I've always come away with a win when subtly bringing it up in the comments.
She got a nose job but that is not a jewish noes you idiot. It's not the right curve that's just a small bump which many europeans have. You think it looks weird because yoi watch too much jewess media no doubt
We have been hearing this same shit argument for years. We only need votes when relevent, catering to normalfag kike servants for anything else will always be fuckall useless
gif related
check out what this account got banned for and how many upboats it got.
Rule 3 = anti semitism and racism iirc. There was no anti-ism'ing in the post, no offensive handle. They always use rule 3, even if you have jew shit in your handle.
Why the fuck should we act against/cut off groups that are a reasonable portion of the way towards being fully redpilled?
If we had any sense we'd actually embrace these people and push them towards our position. We all started as totally bluepilled normies, it's our duty to redpill whoever is receptive.
I wouldn't be surprised if anti-T_D sentiment is propagated by shills.
Yes let's ignore hundreds of thousands of potential political converts who are primed for red pills. Remember guys we should wait for the brownshirts to just appear out of nowhere that's how it happened for Hitler one day they came out of nowhere! Just disengage from right-wing politics and remain on your containment board do not I repeat do not try to spread your ideas or influence anywhere else :^)
Nobody said don't redpill them, Schlomo. That doesn't mean we're going to love them like you so desperately want. Never mind the fact that they treat us with disdain and ban us the moment we reveal ourselves on their kosher civnat subreddit.
Anyway, I'm done arguing with shills.
And filtered.
Dang, I really like this meme, good job user
Example 1: "This is art!" says the media
Example 2: "This is threatening the lives of journalists!" Says the media
Post shit from this album (
I'm convined reddit kike loving faggots are trying to take over Holla Forums over. Kill yourself promptly.
Anti-reddit is code for anti-right, goy! Oy vey!
They really don't make shills like they used to.
The based black pedes meme never gets old. It's hilarious/sad how reddit whores a media to the point of making it lame/unfunny. Karma/username system is truly a terrible thing.
Is this you?
Why don't you ever assblast people for using twatberg or some other shit, but leddit, omg its kiked. Almost like you don't want Holla Forums shitposting and redpilling on the #6 biggest social site and 25th overall? e.g
T_D already has a big undercurrent of knowing goyim. It just needs to be massaged out.
Toppest keks were had when they tried shoahing to voat and then quite a few came back 'cuz da nazeees'. However, as voat and Holla Forums behave similar, it's like a critical lump of fissile material in close proximity, seems that since then the redpill rate skyrocketed, more and more glorious NS leaning comments. .
Can you imagine a decent chunk of 20million people daily suddenly filtering through to voat and to some of the containment chans to check it out? That's a large, growing mass of red pilling that went/is going on.
Like a meme this NS/JQ infection will spread through T_D and supporters, over time if we play our cards right, we need really slick, simple, glorious red pill memes this time to break the holohoax for good.
At least he didn't go full neocon "MURICA FUCK YEAH BOMB ASSAD" like Shill Bitchell and other such Hannity-tier cuckservatives.
T_D is interesting.
The mods of T_D are Jewish and this has been proven multiple times (since any criticism of Israel or the JQ gets an immediate ban).
The (((mods))) try their hardest to subvert the T_D goys into hating Hitler.
Examples from this week (these get boosted and stickied to the front page to make the Goys hate Hitler).
CNN and T_D… both run by Jews
2 sides of the same coin
The closest I got with my boomer grandma is by saying "fucking kikes ruin everything." She thinks it's funny
My grandma was secretly 1488 this whole time. I never knew until I brought up Hitler defying the (((banks))) as being the main reason for WWII. She's greatest generation though, not boomer. They fucking know though, they know they were duped into killing their brethren.
She went to Europe about 15 years ago with a bunch of other old people including a jewish woman. She told me that when they were in a French cafe the waitress reused to speak to the jewess. Dropped the plate in front of her, gave her the stink eye, the whole shebang. She said everyone was delightful to the rest of them, except the jew. It was made completely clear that she was unwelcome. They probably spit in her food too. Anyway thought I'd share one tiny ray of hope for France.
apologies for blogpost
Always view your posts from a different machine to verify this. We especially need to put pressure on the faggots that shadowban.
does the west wall really belong to juden? Or was it just another lie that was assimilated and forcefully taken over?
Make sure to kiss your grandma.
Funny thing is that I was redpilled on Jews since my childhood yet I was a hardcore leftard for most of my life.
It's not blogpost. It's doubledubs.
have Holla Forumsacks infiltrated the kikebook grou[p or something?
Whatever you say Holla Forums.
This is gonna go great.
starting a business is so 2016, smirking silently in the back of your SJW classes is in now
That isn't true. Read their comments, they know of the nose. Mods are kike shills though.
You all realize T_D fucking worship all forms of Holla Forums right? They're your easiest created and molded ally.
It's Jim's little brother. Gotta be.
My boomer aunt thinks DEMOGRAPHICS are fake news. Just work around them, they are going senile and will be dead soon.
I used to work with retarded kids. Sometimes one would go insane and start smashing shit if you triggered them with a word or phrase.
Just treat kikes like this.
(There is a really funny video of Super Dave Osborne kvetching about being named at a golf tournament. Yes, Super Dave is a jew.)
The French, despite their outward reputation, are quite redpilled on kikes.