My Gender Creative Son’s First Pride

Satire is dead. What kind of parents are doing this to their kids? Sick shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pure and unbridled Satanism. Sickening.

There's that bullshit meme again.

It's only going to get more comical before we reverse it all. Don't worry, these people are a minority that even normal fags openly laugh at. The more brazenly degenerate they act the more fuel they add to the fire

That's a smile, that's a pained grimace. Poor kid must have been diddled six ways from sunday

Did you assume xir's gender you fucking bigot.

I dont know why i did this

because you are awesome,user.

Its cathartic, I wish we could let it to that cuck as well.

The fuck is gender creative??

Triggered. History doesn't have right and wrong sides, faggots.

It's a family of soulless gingers, did u expect anything less?

Right side of history = everything that is liberal and kike approved (same thing really)

A subtle admission that gender does not exist.

A synonym for 'confused and tired of trying to answer the strange leading questions the grown ups keep asking while you just want to play army men and watch cartoons'.

your soul is mine, little faggot.

reminds me of

So when are we reaching critical mass? When will the tidal wave of "what the fuck is this bullshit" happen?

Wow I bet those two parents get to virtue signal all day long with their liberal friends. Being supportive of your transkid is one of the most virtuous things you can do in liberal circles. Good thing they convinced their young boy that he's trans or else they would have to deal with all that nasty white guilt that plagues so many white liberals.

Fuck off, kike.

She has a whole blog about it

Another post:

Unsurprisingly not many parents wanted their kids to go to "drag brunch" with this kid.

He's going to be the school fuccboi. Dayum shame.

Fookin noice

As opposed to what? Gender destructive?

Gender apocalyptic

when do we get the DLC genders?
dunmer for life.

Let me guess (because am not clicking any vomit inducing bullshit) it's California? Ten year old… why the fuck isn't the father throwing a ball around with the kid in a park? Maybe it's his wife's son? hahaha. So ten year old boys think about sucking cocks now? I doubt that. I think Jew media has fucked this kid's up where he thinks it's something other than it is. Unless… could be watching old men have butt sex? I'm sure the parents don't mind but would a ten year old look for that? I'm not seeing it. Even 20 year old Americans are dumb as shit. So yeah, this kid is probably just thinking it's dress up day not ass2mouth today.

This is fucking child abuse, and it's fucking disgusting

It's a problem that parents aren't raising their boys to be grown, mature, and strong men. But these people are literally raising their kid to be a faggot. What the fuck?

It fits

This kid clearly wasn't taught proper capitalization and spelling
And I'm also surprised they let him write:

I can't look at that neon rainbow-colored little shit for even a tenth of a second
I feel like if I do, I might become HIV-positive

Top kek, user


Moreover, what the fuck does "gender creative" even mean? That don't make no sense even in tumblr-land.

I wanted to be a ghostbuster when I was a child. I loudly and autistically identified myself as such. I even strapped a goddamn old vaccum cleaner to my back and would run around with my "proton pack"
My parents, very notably, did not equip me with prototype electrical weapons and leave me overnight in graveyards and abandoned hotels. Because blindly indulging in childhood delusions is fucking stupid.

Is there any adjective they won't tack on to the end of "gender"?

They're not DELUSIONS, bigot! OMFGSIDFHSF do u even understand the deep need this fucking eight-year-old has to express shis truuuue self?



That's the thing, they don't realise it but they admit their narcissism. As if history will remember them, but even if it did, they admit only doing x for their image not based on morality or values.



This ride never ends. They had their son dress up in drag (makeup done by his gay uncle, HMMMM) for Halloween

Turning your kid into a freakshow: okely dokely
Wearing blackface: BEYOND THE PAAAAALE

I wish someone would go for a new high score. Multiple faggot parades near me and several gay bars.

Hahaha that's funny, wait why do i feel attracted to that little boy?

The sexual revolution of the 60s was brought about by a bunch of jews and their school designed to teach young idiots how to topple american freedom.

This shit is essentially a repeat of those times, and you know what? I don't even fucking care anymore. I'm going to sit here and wait with a thumb up my ass while I watch the world burn from my window in the attic I live in. I don't like anyone, I don't fucking like these parents pretty much giving their child a fucking gay stripper for his birthday, and I am so fucking tired of homosexuals reinforcing every fucking stereotype known to man by acting like a bunch of anal prolapsed degenerates.

These cunts could've fucking went and kept that shit to themselves but no, they wanted to fuck everything they saw with a dick, and they wanted pride parades to do so, and even marriage and adoption rights so they can fucking teach children how to do this shit.

I can't even begin to lay out my fucking rage at this shit. I am sick of these stupid cunts doing exactly what they claim they're not, with this stupid cancer going about with the "muh rights" and "ur a baguette xd" I seriously can't fucking comprehend the type of degeneracy that would go out of their fucking way to bring this upon others like that, and to fucking CHILDREN no less. If those cunts were in prison, and the other inmates found out about this, they'd beat them to fucking death.

This shit also applies to the parents forcing kids to be trannies for mommy's internet brownie points. Those fucks need to be gassed.

I'm just so fucking tired. So. FUCKING TIRED.

North Korea ffs just NUKE cali already.

This actually makes my heart clench in pain to look at, which angers me, as I thought that this place had already thoroughly numbed that part me.

I also feel so tired of it all. But I'm in my mid twenties, I can't give up. I hope we are Goebbels in the 20s.

Top kek of top keks, user
Fukken saved

Only winners and losers.

Not enough gas or gulags to cure this. Thankfully this sub human thing will contract AIDS, drown in student debt, take a shitty job, die alone, never spread its cursed genes and fad from history, space and time.

there are gingers who don't have red or even orange hair?
since when?

because you watch too much trap porn?

i think you're actually trying to think of this. the faggot guy in the video actually had his hands exactly in this pose at one point too

I wish I could say this was comical, but I'm honestly more disturbed by it all. I mean, I saw a kid at a pride parade dressed up like a cheap hooker in a fish net top and gaudy makeup wearing pink "hot pants". This shit is getting way too fucked up.

t. butthurt gingerboy.

i triggered my fiances SJW sister at dinner. i told her gays were a generic dead end, if we didnt allow them to thrive they would die off because they cant reproduce and pass on their genetic material. she got up and left the restaurant in front of our 4 parents.

normal people will only see this as a one off, and forget about it, then see another 'one off', then forget about it.

In no other context would society see this as acceptable. I think, tacitly, most people are against this.


These parents demonstrate pure, unbridled narcissism.


Psy Op to groom young boys for pedo shit

That sounds like a poor substitute for intelligence.

Teaching them about sex, sexual experimentation and dressing them sexually.

High heels, make-up, fishnets, suggestive dancing, revealing clothing.

Its all pedophilia, buttering up children to feed them to Moloch. (after being raped)

Truly disgusting. This gives me the same disgusted feeling I get when I read an article about children being locked up in cages raped by their parents.

This is child abuse, but it is not only made public but embraced. Properly disciplining your children is now child abuse. This world has gone fucking insane.

Fucking heresy

Confirmed, this child has already been fucked by its uncle and probably a few other sodomites

The fucking comments in that article are disgusting


I can't believe it's 2017 and people still don't know that blackface was worn by negrophile jews to promote black culture in the stead of blacks who weren't allowed to perform for whites.

Hand rubbing intensifies

Snow Elf Pride World Wide, motherfucker

It's because they're ruining children. If that doesn't anger you, you may as well be dead

And hopefully last.

That's good, though. It means you're still human, not totally dead to the world.

My parents beat the shit out of me for doing stupid shit and acting wrong until I was about 14. I bet that kid has never been smacked or even spanked. He's been on an 8yr binge of getting everything he wants on a whim.

It's going to be interesting watching how these parents react when their child gets aids. I wonder if they'll come around and realise their mistake or dig their child's grave even deeper.

Who am I kidding, it's the latter.

Yeah. It totally wasn't to make fun of fucking nogs without having to pay them.

Oh I bet he's been spanked.

Every time I see this shit I want to fucking vomit. I can't find artist friends that haven't been pozzed or apathetic to some degree and it's really wearing me down so much that I can't even find it within me to advance my work or do what I really wanted to do with it. I wish I could say anything "new" that would add onto this, so here's some doodles.


the line was crossed when they went after our children

Queers are literally sick and should all be hung by the neck before being tossed in the bog forever

>Gender… Creative


Gender creative = I fuck both mommy and daddy



Here's the Author.


CIANiggers confirmed, both the author and the kid's parents.

It gets worse



Top notch
Song source?

Gregorian Chant - Bring me to life

Does the lad have legos for genitals?


Generation Z is going to murder all these fuckers, mark my goddamn words.

So who's going to be the first one to invent a time machine to make sure Hitler wins WWII? Anyone?

uok man?

Gen Z will be less than 50% white, they've been set up for ethnic cleansing by the boomers. Whether they are the cleaners or the cleaned depends on what we do, because it's now unavoidable.

Excellent 9/10, gotta dock you a point for the meme song, it sullied the purity of my rage with inappropriate chuckling.

Destroy all norms, transgress all boundaries, violate all taboos––except the ones that WE hold sacred!

I bet she thinks "Jesus Camp" is child abuse while what she does is perfectly fine. As if!

Holy shit, that takes me back a ways!

you did the right thing

I like the dad's right side of history shirt.
Ahh 'progression'

All this gay pride stuff just feels so cultic

Kids shouldn't be taught sex at his age. He should be taken from his parents until they can raise a not fucked up individual.they failed. Fuck them

Ha ha ha that was from that cartoon made by kikes. I love anti-white buzz phrases. kill yourself

Tbh that would be kind of funny

I can't wait to finally fuck kids, yes progress!

t. Faggots

Yup, that's going right into my unorganized ~/Downloads

I hope the NK or Syria conflict triggers WW3 soon. This shit is way overdue.

By that logic I sexually identified as a pirate



Fuck off.

I laugh not only at your joke but at the death of all that is good and right.

I have a mixed feeling of absolute digust, laughter, sadness and depression.

Fucking bomb these fuckers


What a poorly thought out picture.

This website deserves much deeper digging. It's all about fostering mental illness in children and pretending it gives one the moral high ground. to the more technically autistic anons, pls u know what to do

Wasn't it 4-5 years ago we just didn't give a shit anymore
about gayness because we all knew somebody at
work who seemed stable?

Nobody could have seen this coming. Normies are
revolted by this shit. How the fuck did this shit move
so goddamn quickly? Never give an inch.


but it's not the kid's childhood delusion, it's the parents'



But if he is your son, then he is not gender-creative is he, as you have assigned him a gender. Not very creative if you ask me.And just because he wears a dress, doesn't make him creative either.

You're doing God's work.


Dubs and one of the best webm ever. Very nice user.

Why do you hate me, OP? Is it because I slept with your anime pillow? That only happened ONCE and we'd both been drinking. If it helps, we both held each and cried, after. Why must you keep punishing me for one simple mistake?

I love this and I actually really like the idea of creating a webm summarizing the OP and comments/contributions. I would like to see this done more in general. Great job.


I don't see the comedy in this situation, I also don't see many normalfags publicly criticizing or laughing at this behaviour either.

That implies they're going to win. Even if they do succeed in destroying the West, that "victory" is going to be short lived when they're promptly thrown off buildings or beheaded by the rape ape barbarians they've thrown the gates open to.

There's some black humor to be found in a once morally upstanding nation with a puritanical view of sex that is now rapidly approaching Weimar-tier degeneracy.

Woa, don't these horribly bigoted parents know 'Son' is a gender-specific pronoun? A more appropriate way to describe that thing would be 'It' and 'thing'

Yeah. Usually after a marathon of Holla Forums, I'm walking around with this look on my face because I can't decide whether I should be laughing like a maniac or screaming.

A pride parade is no place for children. It's borderline pornographic. If you don't think there's anything wrong with strange men exposing themselves to children you have issues.

That would be fucking hilarious if it wasn't so true.

Again Holla Forums is to stupid to understand this and claim is some satanic degenerate pedoshit.

Yeah that's why it is exclusively aimed at white boys right?

WAKE UP it is egenics! they want to get rid of the ones they consider Inferior! it is whites hating whites, they are turning white boys in to pseudo females so the dirty negro can rejoice! remember, the left worships African attributes and see them as living Gods!


No later than 2020.

I have a 'friend' who lets her son dress up and I even know who is abusing him, but she is being blackmailed. Imagine how I feel.

In few years, there will be documentaries because they make a eunuch out of him.

Good Form Sir.


You should feel like a faggot for not doing anything.

Who the fuck wants to live forever, anyways?

Fuck is it summer already?



This actually makes me fearful having children. I can't imagine this hell being placed on unsuspecting parents.

Haha! Yes go- guy, don't breed! Horrible white offspring will just end up as freak shows anyway! It's not worth it!


You want to help me form a community of red pilled families going out into the woods to form our own enclave similar to how the Amish live?



I think this would have been a better choice of song.

Best comment yet.

Sounds like your parents werent "PC".
Nowadays grown adults go on hhost hunting trips, and in my kids kindergarten halloween show one parent dressed their kid up as ash from evil dead. I asked the kid if he even knew who Ash was, "yea my parents let me watch the show".

I feel like this been tired before.

for what it's worth I like your art
t. non-artistic autistic programmer


they are napping in that pic

Apex Kek


He has a good point. Walk up to the parents and first ask them, "Is that your son?" then reply to whatever they say with, "I find him very attractive. Can he come over my house?" freaking them out.


Just homeschool them user. Make sure you find homeschooler groups so they can still get social experience.

>Mary Had A Little Clam

Just found this.

Don't worry; a great schizm is comming. Remember, there is little overlap between liberals who legitimately care about fags, and those who only prentend to for virtue signaling points. The latter is much more numerous than the former. A time will come soon where the legit fag lovers start pushing for these young trannies to have full sexual autonomy including sex with adults. This is the moment the virtue signalers will stop, for many of them have kids and if there is anything I have learned about virtue signalers, it's that the beliefs they claim to support do a complete 180 the moment their agenda actually impacts themselves.

There is but one context where this expression is acceptable.


Could you describe the exact characteristics of this Mmmkay ultra eye?

I guess the less retarded way to put it would be sanpaku or thousand yard stare. It is an empty gaze often seen on shell shocked, or otherwise traumatized people.

James Woods is my favorite crypto-Holla Forumslack tbh.

Not to be a nitpicky little fuckstick, but sanpaku is technically when the resting position of the eyelids is raised enough to show the whites above the iris. It usually is more of an indicator of BPD or Homicidal tendencies than MKultra rape conditioning.

i don't know which on is gayer


Exactly this. Also beware, because once the pendulum has fully swung these exact same faggots are going to go around larping like they were fascists the entire time and act like the worst type of insufferable, tryhard no fun allowed newfags imaginable. Stern, eternally vigilant leadership will be required to keep them in line at all times.


Wew laddie

I'm straight but I'd like that kid suck my cock

Based James.


Is anyone else going to ban their children from using the internet? I think I am. Can't have them being influenced by this poison.

Nah, I'm just gonna use parental controls to block every site that isn't Holla Forums or a vintage ROM archive.


That's it
All done




top jej

Honestly, the overwhelming majority of the country still find this unacceptable, they don't voice their disgust more often to avoid being targeted by those lunatics and because normal people would rather mind their own business. Those children need help and authorities should be flooded with complaints about this though.

I doubt he has either. Something that needs to change, for him and other children who are undisciplined.

This is somewhat related. It shows what happens when you accept trannies, but on a much smaller scale.


Very nice.

I can't read shit in the beginning.


Someone get a microscope.

Faggots are in a race to produce the most fucked up shit possible, like a sick and twisted game of show and tell, and society is their audience.

Why are these on your HD?

I wonder if we can turn the first one into a pepe.
Same reason we keep gore and pee pee poo poo on our HD user. Hazing.

In a hundred years time or so there this will be in some schools history class under the title of "Why the western world collapsed"

Hopefully this picture will be in it.

is there any way that rubber ball prison can be weaponized?

put commies in it and fill it with concrete?

The guy that made that video is an edgy tacticool faggot that LARPs as ZOG. I don't think he's on our side.

Feels good man.

Yeah, there's no way we can spare any of them. Too much thought went into all this to make it possible. Shows a deep sickness within.

I hope all these trans kids commit suicide.

Of course he doesn't think about sucking cocks. He probably spends a lot of time with his mother, or for some reason he's had occasion to socialise with girls more than boys.
Poor kid probably wanted to spend time with his mum one day and started carrying a purse and instead of ignoring it and moving on, they've decided he's confused about his gender and rammed this gay shit down his throat.

Is the last one a hairy woman or just a giant fag? Genuinely not sure.

May as well wish for the fish to swim or for the birds to fly.

It is a male pedophile. A gigantic boy molesting fruit. A prancing lala homo man.

They're literally jusy making terms up… but then again thats what theyve always done

Cant wait for the day of justice to come in August

Details, please.

Worth it

In August theres an eclipses, and rituals faggots are going to try and use it as am opportunity to do some powerful meme magicks

Forgot to turn sage off sorry

Oh. I was hoping something real was happening.

Take him to your place and de brain wash him with dank memes and red pills

user did you forget meme magic is why Trump is the president

Noooo…but I didn't forget the last time we put our faith in celestial bodies, either.

Remember what happened though?
Wasnt that around the time of the great exodus of 4chan?
Some times evens dont happan the way they think they are going to happen but they still happen
Eaither way its going to be a cool event and who knows mayve something nice will happen

Well just have to wait and see
< :^)

This is a good thing.

All this means is we're going to have more effective traps and less hons

Combined with sex bots this will send womens' value on the sexual stockmarket crashing

This means increasingly fewer ugly feminazis will get to breed.

The remaining women who aren't hideous see increased competition on the sexual marketplace with faggots and robots.

I can't see that as the good news. Tbh the broken society need to collapse so we can purge all of the degenerate stuff away.


mild disgust.

This is what happens when you listen to commies

Lori Duron

Her husband is a retired police detective.

Uncle Michael
911 N Kings Rd, Apt 216 West Hollywood, CA 90069

Say I live close. What do i do with this info???

Be creative

Leave a bible at their doorstep
Make sure the bookmark is on the page where it says you should not lay down with a man as you do with a woman

Or do pic related.

You mean a death threat in the name of Allah? Get on with the times.

Notice that this applies to women as well as men. Women were the first crossdressers, and feminism is the root problem of transgenderism, as with homosexuality.

Aw shit, let the games begin.

Great video but in the future when you record a post, make the website less wide so you can read the text from the post without going full screen.

You made my day user! Saved this one for the future!

Fuck! I want to punch them all in their faggot faces.

oh my god get out

Not that I can recall, especially if you're talking about the August 2014 exodus. All I remember was the Chinese market dipped briefly and everyone was figuratively holding hands and screaming "Praise Kek!" And then it righted itself.

My wife gave me shit for insisting we stock up on canned goods, beforehand, even though it's a perfectly sane thing to do, considering that one should always have a couple of weeks' worth at any given time. I think it's just because she was scared I was right and the tension coming out sent her off the deep end.

Like you just did?

That's pretty telling.


Well that's the problem right there, once society tolerates such behaviour, they act out on it. That's why it was never allowed before, if you were a fag, you had to keep qiuet of it without getting your head bashed in at the weekend nights.

The "what happens in their bedroom is not my concern" logic of thinking is detriment to a white society, and if you were to draw it to the logic conclusion that would include accepting zoophiles and pedophiles aswell, as long as they keep it behind closed doors.

That's what happens if you listen to and follows CIANiggers into the woods.

Bearing in mind that the mother is just a total fucking whackjob attention seeking whore you can kind of understand her narcissism. But what of the father? How the fuck can he indulge this?

can we have the USA 1960-2017

The classic


Maximum degeneracy


This sort of thing used to make my blood boil, but now I feel nothing. It's like gore. Years ago I'd cringe myself inside out and it, but now seeing some cucked up parents raising their kid into a fudge-packer doesn't make me feel any different than watching chinese people apathetically crush each other with cars or construction equipment. It's just a little twist in my stomach, and then it's gone.

When SHTF these sorts of people will pass quickly. The misery of their existence will be mercifully extinguished because nature cannot and will not sustain them. Only a degenerate society can, and it is all too mortal. Do not despair over these people. Remember them, so you may teach your children what horrors superfluousness leads to. But do not despair.

I'd say the odds are 50/50. That or suicide.

Just take white veiled women for 1960 and take degenerate photos from this thread for 2017 and there you have it.

fixed the fourth image

I can't begin to describe how furious this kind of shit makes me.

isn't it "wife's"?

(Nice quints user)
There they go again, indiscriminately affixing the word "culture" to whatever it is they're trying to shill
Why are they so obsessed with doing that shit?

Enjoy your AIDS

they love using the word 'community' too, to make out as if it's not just a cult of autistic outcasts

I chuckled when I saw that.

When I was five years old I spent a week pretending I was a bee. My folks didn't decide that I was now a trans-bee and shove my face in a fucking hive.


This is exactly why the church burned witches. The corruption they brought would have caused what is happening today.

Sexualizing kids is going to be the final frontier of LGBT acceptance before we accept that the dark ages were a GOOD thing, and modern 'culture' is little more than rotting cellulite hanging from the corpse it once was. Video games aimed at "adults", movies portraying fags as protagonists against the system of "systematic oppression" and ideologies of the fringe left are all contributing to the downfall of the west.
Let it all happens, allow Anita Sarkeesian to kill video games and cause men to grow the fuck up and move on from a state of arrested development.

Bring back masculinity; make the west strong again.

of course those fag-enablers have solar panels

you can still contribute to Holla Forums's propaganda machine. even simple drawings, when done well, can convey more meaning and serve a greater purpose than another image macro. don't pressure yourself to become the next great philosopher or center of political thought.
we each can contribute in our own ways. we must. to withhold action is to surrender, so don't take the blackpill.

This is fucking sickening. Kids will do anything if they get that much attention and support from their parents and peers.
