Holy shit anons its fucking happening Right Wing Death Squads is no longer a meme



Pro-Trump activist with White House access publishes ‘doxed’ personal information for CNN anchors

Other urls found in this thread:


stop advertising yourself here.

this faggot needs to be dealt with


top kek

toppest kek

I can only assume you mean laughing at him.

I don't mind this sort of thing, but for fucks sakes can't he name 4chan instead.

e-celeb holocaust when?

Seriously Jack, you need to understand that this is not the way you play. You name your sources, things start happening. You've made a big name, so you think, of yourself lately based off of lurking here. You go to a lot of events, and you announce when and where. Lots of people go to the same events. Be very careful about what you say and continue to do, biting the hand that feeds you is never a good idea. Posting this text on a mobile device and very unconcerned about my information, I'm a nobody. But so is everyone else here, those that are really here and not just famehounding faggots. Be seeing you, Jack.


This is truly the best timeline. I have no absolutely no problem with Prosobiec for this but let's rope him anyway

We've been found out. You know what to do gents. Time to welcome RS with gore posting.

Pozabitch is asking for rope at this point.

Back to cuckchan faggot


Shit niggers, rev up the gore folders.

You just got Probed.



Wait a second. How much are you willing to bet that 8ch.pl is going to get a shitload of new users, because newfags can only use google?


Alright faggots, lets get this war started.


Here's the thing


Yeah, laughing at him with a rope.

Best timeline. This can only end well. Google will send them to .pl

Oh no not the shield working as intended!


You're a retarded faggot

When will Jacks phone mysteriously blow up…

He denied doing this and is demanding the site to take down the article. Seems clickbait shenanigans no one will take seriously.

No wonder the board is getting shilled so hard.

WHO IS THIS Holla Forums?

Thank fuck, I was getting sick of these assholes calling us alt-right.


That's actually a really good point. I'm surprised they didn't call us alt-right, which is their usual code-word when referring to us. In fact, they usually try to avoid talking about 8ch at all costs, because they don't want people coming here.

They are realizing the gravity of the situation

You wish. You can't be supreme if you are the only race left after.

That actually went over head. Good points.

Goal as always , protect the crime boss' Obama + Hillery , talk about anything else is OK.
CNN was done anyways , why not use them as distraction and cannon fodder , Watch for flanking moves .


Where the fuck are these morons being hatched?


Who does this faggot think he is coming here and stealing our information?


White supremacist group? That's judgemental, hurtful, categorising, offensive to national socialist principles and demeaning us.
I'm literally shaking right now.

Is Raw Story even a popular news site? Also, who is Posobiec? Seen people retweet him but he seemed like a Bill Mitchell-tier nobody.

Goddamn, every time I see this, I wish I was in that goddamn audience so I could raise my hand and smile when he asks.

Do you have the full webm of the 4chan / Holla Forums raise your hands video? Can't seem to find it I need to save it.

He's some shabbos goy that came out of nowhere and is promoted by Jews.

Posobiec is a veteran, former Rebel employee. Went into Comet Pizza. Said some dumb shit occasionally. He's not a bad guy just not fully redpilled. He does push out messages anons drop him from time to time which is a pro. Con being he often says dumb shit.


He's definitely a shabbos Goy but keep in mind most of the White Men who work in the media have been manipulated by Kikes and just aren't to the next level of understanding yet.
He was also fired by Rebel after pushing the Macron Leaks and Seth Rich narrative and a long history of going into Comet Pizza and listening to anons. Personally I don't hate him but he says dumb shit sometimes.

I have it buried somewhere. Gimme a minute.

So Holla Forums are white supremacists now?

Just some Russian hacker

your dubs conforms yes

And five minutes ago we were the gamergate group Holla Forums.

By SJW standards, yes. The new left hates the old left for not being enough of sodomites. Also nice digits

Obviously. Socialism could never work with niggers around.

Pierce Brosnan's half-Japanese daughter eats noodles.jpg

Who the fuck ever mentions Holla Forums by name? Just fucking mention that the doxxes were leaked online for fuck's sake

Get fucked, Jack. You're a compulsive liar and shabbos goy who tried to false flag us.

Here ya go

Hold on to your Angus everyone. The second half of the year is always when the ride goes off the rails.


Industrial-sized kek

Checked and kek'd.

white supremacists group Holla Forums

He fucking took it like a nigger takes a TV.

Where is the dox? I need to locate the nearest CNN kikes to me so I can begin my purge of them.

Remember: when someone dies, friends and relatives are first suspects, but anonymous strangers with no real connection are basically impossible to catch


posobiec is garbage

As long as you aren't an idiot and avoid cameras and leave no evidence, yes.

The "sex" part should be much bigger, the "math" part, much smaller.

CNN is going to make a 'hackers on steroids' hit piece on us, aren't they?

If only Holla Forums actually believed this, we may have some common ground to build an alliance upon. Oh well.


Jack is a BASED reporter who worked in Naval Intelligence and although he posts a few stories that are maybe not 100% true, what's a few fake stories if you're taking on FAKE NEWS CNN?

He also works with BASED Laura Loomer who is helping SMASH anti-semitism! :)




We're evolving in the memeospehere.

Posobeic/Loomer 2020 LETs do THIS anons!!!!1!!!11

Woah, big if true! Posobiec was also the one who found that HanAssholeSolo was underage right? He is doing Gods work, I hope to see more out of him.

So what do we do about RawStory? Do we meme attack them for calling us White Supremacists, or what?

Is he friends with this hacker known as 4chan?

Quick change chinese cartoon girl back to Hitler. They will laugh at us otherwise.

the hacker 4chan has teamed up with the white supremacist Holla Forums to #HackTheFax

Why does this so often appear to be the case? In the recent Robert David Steele interview with filterman, you've got yet another ex-intelligence operative (CIA) who does the same thing. The entire interview he's just dropping hardcore truth bombs left and right, and then out of nowhere he claims that NASA has been sending child slaves to mars. Even Alex was taken aback by that, and in one of the following shows he questioned why Robert would just throw something like that in there.

Do they do that shit to try and discredit all of the other things they mentioned that are actually happening? Are they paid disinfo agents?


Exploding vans when?






underrated post


Remember user


Someone make this into a banner

you make sense, but here is another potential avenue this can go. it's a form of conditioning.

as you said, truth bomb after truth bomb was dumped, the finale being the slavery on mars thing. everyone fixates on the slavery on mars thing and goes nuts with it. the truth bombs pass through, everyone is focused on the space stuff, which helped it go extremely viral

tippety top


except Holla Forums is new left RPing as old left
You can't tell me Soviets were trans neckbeards.


I know, but it's a struggle to not slip into blackpilled cynicism with that worldview.

I'd like to hope that's what's actually happening, but I suspect that those most in need of being woke the fuck up with the real shit are going to discard everything else that was said under the same umbrella as the Terry Davis-tier shit.



Am I the only one who thinks we should start ironically using phrases like "golly gee wilikers" and tippety top?

r'ing the original clip for hilarity -

should I sage myself for being offtopic or no?




"ski mask"

if these jews will not fear the cross…

>Sir, we've captured these (((journalists))) attempting to flee the building


Was /baph/ becoming cucked a sacrifice to appease Kek and bring forth Trump's election?





Does anyone else remember the Holla Forums invades all boards meme with the Europe map?


Fuck outta here with your degenerecy


Looks h'white to me.

yall don't want this to get dark

Who do e-celebs do this?

Thanks user


Kek I'm not Jack faggot and I agree the false flag was pretty kiked but I personally think he's more a dumbass than intentionally false flagging

reposting autism

nice work user


I hope someone pozz's his ass sometime. Hes probably someone beta bitch.

Wasnt he doing something like this during Hwndu or sort of related? Compared to cernobitch this guy feels like a nobody.

Pizzagate wasn't fake, but I admire the keks. Also he was fired by Rebel. My personal opinion is (((Ezra))) manipulated this obvious low IQ Shabbos Goy

How many you got?

Jack just fuck off. You're not riding on our coat tails, just accept this you sad fuck.

kek, I always wondered about that shit his time spent working at Gitmo.

At least he hasn't raped and beaten an ex like Cernokike did, he's really got to stop reporting whatever topic he thinks will generate hype though, makes him a tool.

And through a crowd. But only in self-defense, of course.



This will be in the history books next to Trump's CNN tweet. All of Holla Forums will be remembered as white supremacist, Holla Forums on suicide watch.

Haven't you seen our exploding vans?


I laughed too. Its the hacker known as 4chan all over again.


hail hortler



you fail faggot

Had to check this retard's other articles, lo and behold, they are fucking shit.


The delusion is strong with their circlejerk commentators



I should have specified that I believe he reports multiple true stories such as pizzagate, seth rich, etc, and then throws in some incorrect stories which is used as leverage to destroy the credibility of aforementioned important stories he reports. He's either a fucking idiot or controlled opposition


They've really lost their marbles haven't they?

It's true, here is a photo of our leader the Grand Dragon.


Well fucking done lad

about a hundred more than these unsorted

shit that was the wrong image

Rightly so. The NS anime thing is cringe inducing.




Did someone say we need to post more nazi anime girls?

It's not



Stupid fuck.

Funny how we actually have diversity, many countries and races, together fighting kikes while shitposting with chinese cartoon girls and frogs.

That cocksucker is trying to take credit and leadership? Holla Forums is perfectly safe.

Never heard of them.

Damn you.

White supremacist monster girls.



Holla Forums BTFO?

I pray as fucking hard as I can that these pure girls are not tainted by the cancer of the nazifur.

They're not, but if I'm remembering right, the one on the left has some truly monstrous teeth.


I will never know what attracts furries and horsefuckers to our aesthetic.

Oh 8ch why do you keep doing this to me.

can be read as:

the latter is saying Anonymous Wing Death Squads. anons need to start, like lone radicals, start bloodshed and be their own personal death squad.

Imagine 1000 user serial killers of mudshits and kikes. the time is coming when law enforcement will be so filled with shitskins and inadequacy of mind, that lone wolf white killers will get away easily.

Paco and other shitskins should hurry back to their own countries if they don't want to die

user, I'm not sure if disgust is the right emotion to feel over that. Fear would make a little more sense, but sharp teeth is possibly one of the least disgusting monster girl features to give a woman.

Uhh didnt even call it hatechan, what a faggot

user because anons have no human face, dehumanized face

It's a strange concept, but those same degenerates also come from the chans, where instead of being put into a box of sjw cancer like the rest of the fags, they try to strike against the system.

The problem is they're still degenerate, because in my opinion they still try to cling desperately to what they know, what they're so used to, and they can't figure out a way to cleanse themselves of the filth they picked up. So instead, they take it with them, bringing about an era of ridicule.

The only good thing that comes from this is the amount of tears that come from the rest of their degenerate groups that don't want to associate themselves with these people. See: Rocky Mountain Furshit Con 2017, who canceled because a shit ton of nazifurs were planning to arrive.

Unless it's a monstergirl, humans should not have that kind of teeth and expect to be taken seriously. Tho, maybe wrong gif.

we are going to use them to redpill the masses via youtube

Last night on the news I've heard that the police in my state only manage to catch something like 9% of house invaders, even with cameras installed. As long as our stand alone complex keeps slowly killing non whites and degenerates on a person by person basis instead of shooting up a cafe in the inner city, most of us would probably get away with it without any issues.

Well the issue is he's not doing the t. right.

should work with anyone

Where are the teeth located?

Poor .pl, they don't deserve that. They are gud boys. They dindu nuffin.

That's classic controlled opposition, however he was fired over the Seth Rich story from Rebel. Anyways I'm still pissed over the false flag, and I'm not defending the guy but I think he's pretty much a useful idiot

I'm gonna need a closer look at that animu grill working that French bread. For science.

Did someone just said "white supremacist group Holla Forums"?!

Truly a bastion of pure evil.

we are going to use them to redpill the masses via youtube>>10202696


Thank you berry much :3

Elaborate for a curious user?

WE don't want people coming here.


Full image, slightly smaller.


rawstory is the online equivalent of grandpa's newspaper. Nothing to see here. We kill them along with the Salon's and the rest of the faggot and Jew trash out there.


I must have missed when (((Foxman))) stopped being in charge of the ADL and it's odd but I miss him and want him back. He was much more idiotic and not so good at spreading his message.

Before I saw what he looked like I got the impression that (((Greenblatt))) was one of those kikes that you see at the gym who tries to get really big to overcompensate for his genetic weakness and mutilated dick and walks around shoving his chest in manlets' faces which in itself would have been funny. I pictured him running around like PC principal going

Instead it's this milquetoast faggot.


sides = orbit


8ch is a site of peace.


>Holla Forums is fucking btfo again

The same thing that attracts fat weebs who have shit taste in anime and who like garbage shit like boatsluts.


Furries are almost all gay men, and gay men are into anything that's transgressive.
MLP is an intentionally degenerate/subverted version of CGDCT, so you get some portion of people who are into it because they don't know any better, and naturally there's going to be some aesthetic overlap with us there.

When do we get the Unedited 1488 version of Happy Party Train?


RawStory. Fuck I hate them and their userbase almost as much as CNN (if not more so).

How did project rainbow turn out? Did Holla Forums succeed in taking back the rainbow? I assume so since faggots recently started using a version with black and brown colors in it.

It got some limited spread by looks of things as was co-opted by halfchan also.
It may have been indeed the genesis for the fag flag subversion, which is far easier, it's already working without our input - the fags are DIYing it now kek.

So I'd say a success in destroying the fag flag, taking back the rainbow… well fuck it. It's ours and they can't have it, not that they can do much.

TBH reckon wait for the fag flags to totally turn into a million stripes, then we re-launch and take the true rainbow back, kek willing.

This. Look out, Jack. Loose lips get you benis'.

Read it again and lurk the fuck more.

jacky boy needs to take a long walk off a short pier

Deep down inside, everyone knows that Nazis are the coolest and most stylin' fucking thing ever. Even Jews can't help but desire Nazis; Israel had to outright ban and crack down on Nazi-themed porn because so many kikes were jerkin' thier cut weiners to concentration camp-styled BDSM porn. Schlmo secretly WANTS to be shoah'd.

This has potential. I can already think of at least three or four spins on this. Fill the half chan side with traps and BLACKED cancer and the right with quality memes, put shit tier smugs on the left and smug nazi Anime girls on the right, etc.

Are you fucking serious sauces?



For any newfags lurking, this isn't the first time this has happened.
Remember this man, he is your friend

Can I get a link to that?

Link to what? The original interview?
There you go. Its too big for me to webm without shitting up the quality too much.
Never forget that a cripple stood up for us when no one else would.


No problem.

He will be remembered.

Damn, I completely forgot how ugly that tranny looks. And I never knew he even sounded this bad.


Anthem should really be




God damn it



Where did everything go so right in my life?

Rate my OC

Use the Holla Forums.pl home page.

It probably started with Maus and went downhill from there.

Normalfags won't know it's not Holla Forums.pl. What if I just do this.

i hope they really live with fear and this isn't just cheap victimism

Fix.dat and it's good

Only issue is 8ch sticky logo is pretty visible but they won't know what it is yet anyway I guess…

If we're a group, why didn't I get my membership card? Fucking faggots, I want my card.

share that folder


How outdated is that analysis?




There where only 2 guys from 8ch. Merri-Bane and DJ Kalled.

I would be sorely disappointed if I went to a Holla Forums meetup and those untermensch were the only ones there.

to be fair Any meet up will have disproportionate amounts of Shitskins and wymyn saying they can be nazis too

Is that Assad?


Ok last one. Replaced the homepage, cleaned up edges. It's not perfect but it's the message that this guy is a massive faggot that counts. Now fly little meme into the memosphere.


That appears to be a rare as fuck Assad.
Tiny Syrian flag left of image, writing and star confirms.

How are you enjoying fighting for Israel

Gentile, never forget Syria is at war with ISISrael so that'd be a little tricky. you fucking troll ^_~

Enjoy your ban.

Maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea for some anons to go pretend to be leftists and try to get a ton of normalfag leftists to 'come to 8/pol/ to tell the evil racists they need to stop it" I miss the good old days of mass amounts of unsuspecting normalfags coming here and getting brain raped.

Maybe theres a way it could be tied to posobiec so anons start realizing what he is


maybe real anons went, saw a bunch of shitskins and said fuck this?

This still happens, but we stepped our game up beyond those days. We wuz red pillz an shieeet!
Just instead of being plebs, they're often paid shills who find it very demoralising to work here, very high turnover rate (according to shariablue insider etc) and other shills have admitted coming here red pilled them.
Kek, plenty of bans today, funny how the 'trump is a gud goy, goy' shills are practically silent and the shitty broken spambot is also gone for now.

everybody knows this place is run by Jews

Time of exposure eventually has faggots, even ones that are sent to lurk and investigate or initially try to shill spam eventually become entranced with more and more redpills until they can't go back to their leftist groups. They'll come back here going "fucking you Holla Forums I used to be x until I started coming here" and then that's when the red pill of doubt has taken them. And then our (((enemies))) will have moles on the inside continuing to provide us with information. (((They))) don't want people coming here because the redpill will keep spreading and spreading to whoever comes here over time. First it'll seem like a joke to them, then they'll see the truths.

Good work lad

"alt-right" was a controlled OP assimilation attempt that was meant to be a group specifically groomed and cowed into being a sacrificial lamb whenever necessary; like when hillary gave that hilarious speech about the "alt-right" followed by someone in the audience shouting "pepe". Then that was quickly buried under by the news.

Self checked and thank you kek for the digits

LEL that's probably a possibility too. TBH I hear halfchan is quite full of muds and shitskins so could be perhaps cross contamination? Some of them definitely post here though, because the tone of conversation in most NS/segregation/WP orientated threads is different to the rest.
Basically it seems they STFU and sit on the side on them.
Maybe I'm just feeling things?
Curious if anyone else has noticed this.

Paper bag mutt princess




Fuck off Jack – you are irrelevant.


moar smug pls


Still waiting for Trump to hit Obama with Logan Act violations.

Serious as a gunshot.

Style And trolling is my answer.

I fuck jewish girls and I don't care who knows it.

Anne Frank / Stormtrooper roleplay is hot.

They are gay, twink gay. The air of authority and power turns them on.

fresh, original, smugs for you

Well the issue is he's not doing the t. right.


Not a huge anime let alone furry type but this was TOP KEK user. Well done. Might do a shop on it later if I have time - will leave it in the thread.

I almost spat my coffee out you cunt


This so fucking much.
Also the reason they mentioned 8ch is because they already took over 4chan.

Fuck off yellow journalism kike



maybe >>>/4chan/ is more your speed, newfag