Trump vs. CNN GIF Thread

Trump vs. CNN GIF Thread

I love these gifs fam, feed me more.

Fucking character limit, kamphy is a faggot.

Other urls found in this thread:













first pic
>Oh you fuckin goys they are just Jewish (((personalities))) not actual Jews so you are actually attacking yourselves so you should stop.

That's probably the third time that image has been photo shopped.







As someone from the Mortal Kombat 1-3 arcade generation this pleases me a lot.




dang, you weren't kidding. these are all funny af.




Fresh OC







CNN thinks
< actions have consequences

Checked for divine consequences.


will never be the same




well to be fair that image was first photoshopped in the 40's . The guy on the right was never there.





Quality use of that face.

Why isn't this a cartoon on [as]?






Feels good man.


It's been a while since we've had threads just for OC.

This needs to be a thing tweeted at Trump and/or CNN.


Doesn't loop.

I fucking lost it dude. My abs hurt from laughter


something animated like this would be pretty hilarious

Someone with video skills should replace in embed, Aq Qoyunlu with Holla Forums and an appropriate flag, and Byzantium as the CNN flag and preferrably use the real sound from

For keks keep tribal conquest as the CB.


Bump for more CNN salt.


Requesting an edit of this with the CNN news bar at the bottom

also requesting edit of this

My favorites so far.

Hooolly fuck that brings back some memories. What was that shit called again? "Madness"?

"Thing thing"


Close user, but wrong. Thing thing is a flash game, the gif is from the flash animation Madness.

it's kinda better that it doesnt.
it's a perfect freeze frame.
the perfect trump face.
CNN fatty in just the right amount of pain.

Madness Combat

Nice sign in the background

10000 hours in MS Paint
Rate my meme
Will I get doxed by CNN now?

nice, you should ad (kill trump btw) showing their hypocrisy










This is amazing I'm watching some basic bitch on twitter posting about this with her friends. Another phenomenally normie friendly meme. Even if they are just doing this for laughs it has damaged CNN's rep beyond repair. Here's the bonus I haven't heard mentioned yet: the left is going to be hesitant to even attempt doxing again in case they get more egg on their face or god forbid dox some user's poor mother by mistake.


Something like pic related would be great, but editing gifs in Gimp is way too slow.

oh man
that harry potter one's gonna ruffle some feathers.
harry potter is a leftist sacred cow.

Get your shit together, (((Mark)))























what is that voice


anyone going to try to win the 20k infowars is giving away for best trump v cnn meme? i know they are jew controlled, but 20k is 20k.. if you submit anything, be safe

>Make sure to include “” on your image for a chance to win! Send your submissions to [email protected]/* */ and feel free to share them on social media with the hashtag #CNNMemeWar.

I'm convinced that the long stream of (h)s and (u)s determines how much kek or his absence thereof approves of your shitpost.

its a fucking 11 meg gif… that is shite











Not enough naming of the Jew. That's what really triggers em.

Well done.



why is that pepe sad, shouldn't he be mad?








who is that?







shop material




My network is Not Imporant; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate these nazis, and their memes infesting my twitter feed. My whole line-up is just, old, bitter heebs, and I always want to cry anti-semitism. This is the time of vengeance, and no goy is worth saving, and I will put out into the public as many as I can. It's time for me to shill and it's time for me to kike; my meme jihad begins here.


Ahhh thank you. That is some nostalgia right there.

hi kortz

war.exe loading

Requesting edit of CNN attacking a Trump head (bunny) and running away after it decapitates.

First pic is brilliant

Based pro-Trump Redditor here.

I think these Nazis are pretty bad for the red pill movement.

No one likes anti-semitic, hateful people who worship Hitler (i.e. the greatest SJW in history).

A true conservative movement needs to be inclusive, it doesn't matter if you're black or white, male or female (or neither), gay or straight, even literal cucks are welcome. As long as you're not a feminist, you're ok in my book.

We have the memes. The Nazis (including the SJWs) are on the wrong side of history.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.




Can you please live stream your suicide? Just… for the entertainment of the boys that are memeing hard day and night so you faggots can pretend you're not just wastes of oxygen.

Anyone done the tranny-stomp yet?




I wonder what Krinkles would think of an edit of this (


krinles is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.

'very' nice.

Gonna go kill myself now…





It is not a gif but trying to parody "A Visit from St. Nicholas by Clement Clarke Moore" (Christmas in July…)
Still need to do the second part and then clean up some of the questionable rhyming lines.

this one is underrated.

Oh that harry potter one needs some HEAVY usage. These adult-children look at those godawful books as some kind of holy text.



Does anyone have any guides on superimposing images onto videos?
I've got some ideas i wanted to make


Goddamn thats pretty fucking savage.

good bye CNN

They didn't fly so good!

And yes, I'm a terrible shop artist

There is worse than you

Continuing dumping moar normie friendly ones.





Can someone please turn some African mob justice videos into CNN memes?

Also these Webms please


No, you steal memes for namefag virtue signalling on your shit site.
You are aids and cancer.
Kill yourself.

not as good as this

According to the narrative 0.67 Jews died a minute at Auswitch while the place has only 8 ovens, and a Modern Crematorium needs 2 hours and there wasn't a pile of bodies nor ashes found

was that Rosie?


Well Prancer is Cooper and Donner is Lemon

OC is OC

that feel is coming

le epic cnn battle xD

Thanks for the bump.

saging for the sake of it is retarded

did someone beat me to this

yes and it was way better

Needs work

OC Here

nice, shame it's a nigger though

Who else would so flagrantly boot a punter in the face?

I suck at making these things, took me more than it should have. Whatever, fresh OC.

Very nice




Requesting edit from 2:00 to end in .webm with sound


Nice work user!



Ask me how I know you're a kike?

Why does the man feeding the machine gun remind me of Sargeant Schultz?

Wait, you serious on this one?


meh the speed is off better one :


1 more


Yeah its degenerate crude Jewish garbage.

I love this original video, I must have watched it 100 times by now

Great work, but the first one is pure brilliance.

btw the monster Godzilla is fighting there is supposed to be a giant cockroach.

Made a Gif out of it.

I had an idea for one that ought to piss a good number of people off.

Replace the Ka'aba in Mecca with a giant Trump head and then have worshippers with CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington post, BBC News, etc… icon heads bowing to it in submission.

Problem is that most "bowing to Ka'aba" pics I could find are ultra-wide shots taken from above where the individual worshippers look too small to be able to do this effectively.

I know this thread is pretty much dead, but is there any chance of a version without the god awful song?

why not gawker?



Oh, that's some quality work, there.

Someone's please do something with this. It's a goldmine.

some slut from the 50's or 60's is my guess. I made the second one last week

Oh how I laffed



couple more i did

That's nicely done.


I found this a few minutes ago.
You guys might like it.

for the record, this is how badly people perceive these channels accurately report the news.
The numbers are supposed to be positive if people generally think there's good news coverage.
Only Fox manages to reach near zero on that.
CNN plummeted after interviewing Melania Trump about the "Hollywood Acess" tapes, aparently.

I like this one, that plebbit faggot needs to be shamed for capitulating.

so a 0 pretty much means a 50/50 split in opinion? What a weird way to graph that.

Are there any good web-based graphics apps or meme-generators? Or maybe a gif making app so I can animate this?