Last EDF thread died.
Classic questions :
Last EDF thread died.
Classic questions :
poor, i'm struggling with getting good weapons for ranger when all other characters already have good 40+ guns
underground missions with electric weapons for maximum eyerape
the ones with anthills
retarius are almost nonthreatening compared to their 2025 counterparts with their radical larry branded webs
fuck you I love me tanks
I played this garbage for 3 minutes
You weebs really will play any trash as long as its made by japs
Will the EDF series expand? For me at leas they can do some minor upgrades, such as introduce minor armor changes. For example for wing diver you can pick a jetpack that uses 5% less rate or lighter armor that gives your faster flight by 7% small things but nothing too big also offer different armor sets small but noticeable for all classes like you can change your helmet/ boots etc.
I feel ranger needs to have a different looks overall, they seem to be wearing cotton jackets overall. They need a bit of a more modern soldier look. Same with Air raider, that cotton/padded jacket is meh. I am surprised or I just have not unlocked any Machine guns for ranger are there any?
Will they continue the series?
I have been maining wing diver pretty much, finally got the laser chainsaw too. So far just doing a hard playthrough after my normal one
Could be better. I've been trying to get some better drops for Air Raider, but haven't had much luck. I did get the Balam just now though.
I'm liking ranger a lot, fencer is pretty badass as well. I haven't even touched Wing Diver yet.
Also, how the fuck do you control helicopters with kb+m controls. I can't turn the damn thing.
4.1 is supposed to be GDF remake but they play like day and night
once they get around making a real new game instead of an remake we could expect more creative aliums or alien mechs/battleships
Better question is:
might as well just wait for Doom EDF, because it's one game where modding beyond eyecandy and memes exists anymore
How challenging is this game? Is it somewhat difficult or do the enemies practically roll over?
You can get pretty easily overwhelmed by large groups.
Depends, on how good your weapons are. But near the end I think it does get more challenging solo and even coop. I say it has Avg difficulty at worst and gets pretty difficult later on.
You are not worthy
need fellow europoors to defend earth with
If the game wasnt so expensive I would
All you have to do is get some decent level 20-ish guns on Hard, then grind mission 2 on Hardest. Got a few 40-ish weapons this way, including the excellent Stingray M4.
I just wish Ranger had faster movement, or at least a longer roll. Fencer has sanic dash canceling, Wing Diver gets respectable speed flying, and Air Raider gets vehicles of varying speeds. Playing Ranger is great for firepower, but it's a slog for traveling.
bad goy
Your best bet is cozying up with an Air Raider and having them drop vehicles for you
Is the fencer anything but garbage through and through?
Well, it's not like i'll delete the pirated one.
Yup, worst class in the game, 2slow to dodge most attacks while fighting.
That's why Fencers are allowed the most armor and have a shield. You're supposed to take hits, not avoid them.
which mission gives the most armor?
farm armor in split screen mode. If you select the same character and just leave it there it'll double your pickups. Doesn't work with weapons though.
What is best class and why is it Wing Diver?
found the faggot who doesn't shield cancel dashes
Sounds like a suicide gun.
You can actually contol it fairly well, you just need a little bit of thinking to aim it so that one doesn't bounce back.
The chainsaw is fucking useless, the lvl 20 rapier is way better.
It pretty much is a mobile exterminatus. Levels everything in one salvo, bug swarms, small cities, motherships, yourself.
Quite literally you fire and commence PANIC.jpg as you try to avoid where the hell the grenades come down. It's a fun and crazy weapon you use when everything must die.
chainsaw is great, rapier wastes its ammo too quick and wastes too much energy to reload compared to chainsaw. chainsaw reload is basically free so you can spend your whole time jumping around
The lvl 20 rapier takes 7% energy and 1 second to reload.
The chainsaw does too little damage and is annoying to use.
you get close, im always first to ruin bug nests because the chainsaw is actually fucking quick to kill things
The chainsaw is great, what are you talking about
Your weaponfu is shit SHIIIITTTTTTT
Also, what with argue about weapons? Everybody to their own!
In singleplayer. Haven't played multiplayer.
you need to get on that man, better drops, more drops, jolly co-operation
always on microphones so find games with chat disabled
The only thing that I want to see in multiplayer.
>microphones on
So, I will find games with chat disabled but have chance to find games with somebody hurr durring into mic?
Is there option to disable both and only use communication menu commands?
chat disabled disables both voice and typing so everyone just uses menu command chat
Air raider is fucked because I can't use artillary and only have a level 2 depth crawler or level 1 flame crawler. Rocket turrets seemed alright but I don't have time to reload them so they have limited use. My friend can last a while by zipping around with a vulcan hammer but eventually gets overwhelmed when everything else is dead. How do we git gud and get through this?
replay level 2 on high difficulties until you get some good weapons
Sounds good.
I really hope to play some EDF tomorrow, because I can't do it today.
Do you have any tips about playing multiplayer? Loadout suggestions for multiplayer sessions?
I want to be prepared.
I'm making a webm that's stuck at about 19MB. Any tips on compressing an already-created webm file?
fall back to the tunnel when you get the message that there are spiders coming, that way they're all funneled towards you
jumping spiders aren't much of a threat if they're only coming from one direction
if you're not shooting you should be rolling
Make it shorter. 10 minute long webbums don't compress to the required size.
mission 1 in hard mode for an air raider is easy as piss, by the way. Call in your starter artillery on the first wave, you should be able to reach it from the starting position, and clean up the survivors and collect your spoils. the depth crawler will carry you through the next two waves, then call in a new one and call down artillery on the big field the ants have to cross for the final wave then mop them up with the crawler
honestly i hate to say it but if you can't manage this with the crawler and the artillery you just need to ___git gud
it's like 50 seconds. i was more wondering if there was a decent cropping/downsizing program but then remembered handbrake
No fucking way it is.
I suck at making webms but you're doing something terribly wrong.
for real. i'm making them in super babby mode through premiere pro though so they're automatically upscaling themselves to 1080p. i was going to render the 19mb one and then just cut it down using handbrake but for some reason that was going to take almost an hour, so instead i'm cutting a regular .mp4 and am going to webm-ify that, see if that works
pls no bully
Get the fuck out of here and fix your shit.
Well mind bullets are fun on Inferno.
Very fun
Oh my
About my 5th time playing Wing Diver
Would any gopniks wanna' gift me a copy on Steam? I'll pay you back through PayPal, I just don't feel like paying $55 for something that was on sale a few weeks ago. It's like $15 in Russia.
Anyone want the mega to download ?
I uploaded the game in the share thread.
Pretty sure even 1 blob of acid from a regular ant will kill you, you're a brave guy
A man of fine taste, I see.
what anime is this ?
For you
Yup, that's why I need to kite like crazy. But considering I can rain down a barrage of mind artillery from the rooftops it's not a big problem. Absolute kek that you send the ants into orbit and the mind arty chases them down. Still not fucking going in caves yet since not farmed enough armour.
Used Goods
Adventures of Boyonetta desu ga.
I miss midnight stages, so comfy
let's see if this worked
mission 2 is better because there isn't that last wave which usually gobbles up players.
Well you made me laugh.
you're right, i'll make another with let the bodies hit the floor
What bullshit.
dlc is just cosmetic stuff
they would be useful maybe if you were playing on easy or something
The DLC only adds anime girls to your tanks. So its really just 30 bongs.
Is there a limit on what mission you can set or something?
I've completed this one but it wont let me set a higher one (none show)
This is for online.
Looks like you forgot pic user.
It's fun sending ants into orbit.
Nah, I meant that I've completed mission 50, it shows I've completed it but it wont give me the option to select 51.
It's all fun and games until someone comes close to you.
I didn't sign up for this
I can't fall back to the tunnel, it's where they spawn. The mission I mean is the underground one where you start in a circular cavern with a bunch of AI allies and a bridge above you and tunnels on each side of it. The bugs then spawn in those tunnels and pour out onto the bridge and down onto you and your AI allies. I say bridge but it's just ground since this is all in an underground cave.
I can farm the earlier missions fine but I haven't gotten anything new for a few missions before this. Won't I just not find anything from the earlier missions now?
Wait for it user.
I wish I caught on video that one time when me and some dudes all got swarmed by a million drones and bugs, and we all piled into a giant robot at the last second while I started blaring Megas XLR
everything was a prank all along, you are in virtual reality
someone make a webm with this song please
check out
Was there any explanation given to why nuclear weapons were never used? I mean, when over half of the humanity has been killed it's sort of a null point at that point.
Varies wildly by mission, with the main factor being enemies you're facing. Terrain has some influence, for example explosives are nice to level urban areas, but they're dangerous for use in tunnels. Fighting flying drones is a pain in the ass, shotguns or missiles are desirable.
Dying happens to the best players, just feel out what works for you on certain enemies and missions. As long as you're putting out damage you're not going to be too much of a hindrance unless you're just nuking your team with Air Raider call-ins.
Air raider is awful for that mission. It would be a different matter if you had 4 players, but you're not putting out enough damage to keep up with the horde of enemies. Either switch to normal or switch to a class with better firepower.
Which data center has more anons? EU or US?
No, user. It was real all along.
So I bought the game while it was on sale and finally have time to actually play it.
Anyone up for blasting some bugs on hard ?
us or yuro?
Then i'll play with you user. Got any server up already?
Any pirate playing right now?
Not yet, I can set one up I guess.
Need to start from mission one though.
I have a brand newprofile since you can't import pirated save, so no real worry.
Alright, why cant i host a match on the last map i completed?
I'll set up a room named " V.D.F " then.
Ok, got the room up.
Join in when ready.
Ugh I just got out of a game and need food sorry
I can't see it.
I guess they even seperate in yurope. FUCK. Let me try several other centers.
I'll most likely keep going for at least few hours or more if things get going.
If not then I'll just continue playing offline.
My region is.
Seems a bit odd if you need to be that specific.
How the heck does the ingame chat even work btw ?
Good lord these later missions are getting hard with 221 armor. You are virtually guaranteed to get instagibbed by ant-acid.
Always-on mic and press T to chat. There's also a whole menu of pre-set chat messages navigable by the arrow keys, which is available even if the host disables chat.
T to type in chat. Arrow keys to select phrases. Voice chat is always on.
I'll defend those doubles.
96 on hard just is rape
I saw some guides talking about an overpass and such but even so the amount of bugs is just insane
That's the downside to wings. wait till you get dragons
The V.D.F server is running on Finland region currently.
2 of us here currently so just holla if you want in and we will delay deploying.
what mission?
4 on Hard.
Clarifying that we did start from 1 and are clearing them with relative speed.
Try remaking with a different name. Just name it VDF
And just to make it clear I'm saying this because I'm in Denmark and can't see shit no matter how I phrase the " V.D.F "
It's just V.D.F
Mission 10 now
Nope not seeing anything. Weird as fuck.
Change steam download region to Finland in steam downloads.
From Denmark?! Holy shit that's fucked up.
Trying, can't see friends. Worked yesterday, won't work today. Really weird.
He and I joined the same game and played with the same people but could not see each other.
Anyone playing in Europe ? This stupid system where you need to change steam country each time is anoying.
The Finland server named V.D.F is still up and running.
Steam has download regions for LAN Events tor Asia, Europe and USA, maybe it's possible for people to use those to easier coordinate playing together.
Making A "VDF" room Canada/NA Region.
Starting at lvl 39 on hard.
why is sm filtered?
That's not a bad idea actually, if we could make players use it there would be a good amount of them and it should let us avoid switching region each time.
I'm having a serious love/hate thing with tunnel missions, they are great and all but whenever I try to use chokepoints my allies cannot resist jumping directly in front of my barrage and getting annihilated leaving me vulnerable as fuck in the open caves.
Anyone got the link to the unlock guide?
read the thread
Couldn't see it for looking.
I really wish Air Raider's gear was all one pool you could just bring two or three specialized vehicles instead weapons, I always feel the need to bring a general purpose vehicle like the vegalta and gigantus just to avoid slow boring limpet lob phases.
Welp, I guess thats that then for tonight.
Was a pleasure anons.
I'll maybe host more tomorrow at some point.
Fucking hell
Better late than never: It's the link in
Yeah night, user. I was tired as fuck too and i fucked up more and more by the end. Thanks for the ride though, i tihkn i'll grind some better weapons and some armor in single tomorrow. Well technically today but whatever.
I managed to one shot that one, was rocking duo gallics and lance+power fist.
Lance+power fist seems to get me through pretty much any close-up engagement.
Anyone hosting ?
Country and room name please.
That's what you second weapon slot is for.
If you have a specialized vehicle, you take a support ability that makes up for the holes left by the specialization.
For the brain fight you take a whale or satellite cannon that recharges by clearing out the trash with your vehicle.
If you have something like a rail gun, you take an aoe blast to deal with the trash. Your limpet gun is for emergencies or clearing out the stuff not worth your vehicle ammo
On hard it takes two shots to take down both the hectors and the shield bearers so they become a real pain when you're also swarmed with ants.
I just gave up and switched to normal when those fucking drones arrived. Holy shit.
This weekend. I can host VDF Infinite (I'm the original host of the other threads)
Great thing about that is we are running Hard and up. Even better than that? I have the ability to turn off limits.
No armor or weapon limits on hard is fun as hell!
Can you disable the civilian voices? It's too irritating. Terrible sound design.
vdf room going up
anyone playing on ps4?
is it playable?
Is there a way to disable bloom? Playing as wing diver and getting headaches from all the laser bloom.
fucking WHY
I kind of wonder if they'll ever introduce some new classes? I want to see some sort of rollerblading ninja that either uses duel smg's or chainsaws to slice up bugs.
Jet Set Radio combined with EDF when?
I think they're supposed to sound like scared people in old monster movies
Is anybody hosting a game right now? Would be nice to play with anons after work.
That sounds really gay.
I have a game going called Running this hard.
No limits on armor or weapons (Yes, I am that host for VDF Infinite) Come join for weapons and fun
Actually. Gonna farm level 81 inferno for weapons. Come join, same room name
Can air strikes from raiders take out drop ships?
I'm pretty sure they can't but a few times I've seen dropships go down when the only thing that seemed to hit them was a strafing run, maybe if the planes doing the run pass through the ship so the bullets avoid hitting the top they can kill it but I wouldn't bank on that being a reliable way to kill them. If you want to get really fancy you can do it with missile strikes by aiming the missiles under it and then up into the opening but that's not much more reliable.
Alright. I just thought there might be some sort of bunker buster thing they can call down since it is used in the campaign. I really want to try and get into air raider more, but I always seem to have trouble dealing with drop ships and hills.
Sorry to ask this, but how much help would I be with level 40 weapons for this? I wanted to try and farm for some inferno weapons, but have been having difficulty getting them by myself for my ranger.
Once you get a decent Vegalta the dropships arent too bad but it gets kind of old using Vegaltas on every single mission.
Nah, a new class with a classic tokusatsu feel would match EDF's cheesy monster movie theme much better. And if it's going to be a "speed melee" class, then something like Kamen Rider-style cyborgs would be perfect. It could even be explained as the male counterpart to the human experiments using alien tech that created the female Wing Divers.
Someone who uses Vegalta a lot here, is there any real good option for anti-dropship, or perhaps even anti-air option?
I mean I use tanks with 'power-ups' and shit for hectors and on most missions Vegaltas for general use. But I always switch class when there are bees and shit.
The best thing against the bees is still the vengeance missile launcher. Splendor launchers also work ok as a weapon in a pinch.
Missile Vegalta - Lots of missiles and two exceptionally powerful autoguns that can tear a dropship apart in a few seconds, It's good in general as it destroys anything with ease.
jesus this is just too perfect, Sandlot pls
Not really, despite being billed for it I find the Naegling and the missile launchers on the Vegaltas are actually worse for anti air than the standard Vegalta revolver cannons because the Naegling is made of paper and both missile launchers on the missile vegalta lock onto the same 6 targets instead of 12. Your best bet for both dropships and anything flying is to just spray revolver cannon fire at them from below.
If they could run of walls and buildings isntead of flying, that would be amazing. Make them have a ton of short range heavy hitting shotguns, explosive weapons, or melee weapons. Maybe make it a mix of ground classes and wing divers where they use regular reloads but have a meter the decreases based on going fast and running up walls.
NPC planes can kill flying enemys by flying trough them. So can the hydra transports.
They must be made of superior nippon steel that's been folded over 4.1 times
Is someone hosting right now?
If only we could pilot them in game.
wow you must really hate rangers
i d like that but well … when you see the recoil when you use heavy hand canon ….
it really surprised me at 1st , i thought thoses power armor would wandle it much better and no go "WOAAH!"
Unless Sandlot improves wheeled vehicle traction, no one deserves this. Still, it might not be so horrible to give some very light vehicle call ins to the Ranger to help him keep pace with the other classes at speed. Jeeps, armored cars, bikes, the like.
Now we're talking. That's actually a very interesting idea. They're special infantry forces, so it's a little odd that they don't have any kind of light AT or heavy MGs. It'd give the ranger an interesting new niche; mobile, effectual infantry, which has the potential to lock down a disproportionate area at range with a tertiary weapon at the cost of set up time and immobility. Mortars, TOW missiles, .50 tripod machineguns, carriagebound recoilless anti-tank guns. The Wing Diver has the generator management dynamic, the Air Raider handles heavy ordnance call-ins and proper armored support, the Fencer is in theory although not as much in practice his own heavy ordnance support with a moderate movement pace for how much gun he has, and the Ranger would go from being plain infantry to plain infantry that very consistently, reliably bleeds bugs and Hector formations white if he can set up a secure firing line. Moreso than he already does, at least. Something like the Gundam MS Igloo 2 OVAs' first episode, except less disastrous.
I just done it not too long ago. Three WD and one AR. One WD using a Mirage to stun lock enemies (stops being swarmed) and stay by AR as his backup. This role could be filled by a Fencer or Ranger. Two WD at sniping and killing stun locked enemies. These WDs also is the main people to kill gold ants and white spider. AR is calling things in to kill hectors and hives.
You can stay out in the open. For the stun locking character, leveling the city is helpful.
Man I just want to have an assault rifle that shoots miniature black holes
They have though. Snipers are a lighter anti tank, later assault rifles shit bullets like fencer gatling guns, sticky grenades or grenade launchers function like mortars pretty much, there are TOW missles like the prominence, and again later ARs shit bullets, and rocket launchers exist. What you are describing sounds good, but they already have them in their arsenal AND they aren't limited to be stationary.
The problem with this is friendly fire, since fencers and wing divers like to use speed and get very close to the swarm, that would just fuck them up. I can't count how many times i was about to use something like firecrackers because they act like a one shot explosive shotgun that reloads in like a sec and couldn't because others kept getting in front of it so i just used my ar, so you are effectly limited to certain weapons.
Guard posts and limpet splendor.
Depth crawlers are generally shit because of how fragile they are, its a shame they're the only vehicles that can be used underground.
Get used to the limpet gun, it'll be your best friend. Limpet sniper has basically unlimited range.
One of these days, the scale will get stupid enough that they add this sort of thing. Mark my words.
Yes, but are there larger, non-handheld versions that pack even more disproportionate kick? With how many gunline missions there are, you would think the EDF would develop and bring in some nonmotorized support guns. Probably has a lot to do with Japan's small military being able to put everything on wheels, I'm not sure.
Sure, but neither are said hypothetical deployable guns. Break it down and pack it into a backpack/hip carrier rig with conspicuously more capacity than exterior volume.
I'm guilty of trying to be too tricksy about getting close in sometimes. But that comes down to coordination. There's plenty of stupid big weapons that have little practical use in a split party frontline knife fighter/backline sniper arrangement, this hardly changes if rangers get ma deuce to supplement AF-RAR sprinklerhead fire.
You can use bikes underground as well.
Yea thats not much of an improvement. Its a shame too, the sidecar gun is hella powerful.
If you are playing multiplayer then you can just drive one to a choke point and then get in the sidecar.
Just give Rangers the power of versatility: let them carry 3 weapons (or 2 weapons and a grenade at least).
Problem solved.
3 weapons is a good idea, actually.
Interplanetary Attack Force
You go and beat the shit out of the aliens on their own turf.
The thing is that there are deployable guns and stuff but they are with air rider, and that makes sense, since they are the support class. Giving it to rangers besides the arsenal they already have would be kind of useless, since the'd most likely take up a whole spot in the loadout, and then why take them if you can get the same but as a weapon, and giving three slots for the ranger would be too OP, considering that there is too much of weapon variety, so ranger could pretty much carry a whole team with that amount of firepower. Why want a deployable turret or missle launcher when you have things like splash launcher that fucks shit up like a motherfucker. If you actually don't shoot up, but aim it down and bounce it before yourself at an angle, you can pretty much control it.
Argueable but that would defeat the purpose. If you would need to switch to them to employ them, that's wasted time, and if they would auto target and fire, then they would be useless. First because they nerf everything that auto lock on like for example nereid autocannon, second they wouldn't do it with explosives for obvious reasons so you could only use shit firing bullets like ar's, shotguns or snipers, but that defeats the purspose of it since it will be a worse version than the actual guns.
If you had some bloodthirsty rollerblading high school girls then you are on to something.
I wish for a mahou shoujo class with flashy but highly impractical spells and transformations, summon ancient demons and shit
sort of Wing Diver meets Air Raider
It's an idea, certainly. Weapon/weapon/deployable or special.
Those are little hand case auto turrets, though.
Because it's the splash launcher but bigger and with full auto fire. Just plop a little spacefuture Mk. 19 down and go to town. Before you have the thought 'but it will kill too many bugs,' that's why one spawns even more bugs in the next iteration of the series.
Maybe, but that's why you bump up the other classes and the enemies to match. Fencer gets a dodge button & sustained speed boost on a weapon independent basis plus quad fire and more controllable recoil on his weapons, Wing Diver is more or less good already for being a hypermobile death machine, and the Air Raider can have his vehicles boosted up to not be matched by Ranger support guns by giving vehicles their own loadout screen of chassis & weapon options rather than inevitably outmoded static-stat vehicle variants. Adding more crazy is always the best option.
Well, if you're in a pinch it is. They're for gunline use, when you're good to sit and plink without too much worry. They're a supplement.
Stupid but fun sounding, if too clashing to ever implement. Why is there no fantasy EDF? Or magical girl EDF? Or both in one? Not quite a musou, something along the lines of the action TPS formula EDF uses.
there's one: Zangeki no Reginleiv on Wii
from the same devs
Is it motion-control heavy?
I guess you whack enemies with a wiimote so yeah
It seems the game was a huge inspiration for Fencer melee weapons
Holy shit, it really is fantasy EDF to a T. I skimmed the wiki article before, but didn't give it any real investigation.
When are we getting more?
The point i was trying to make is that what you are describing would fit air rider better, since it already has deployables.
First off that sounds like plain suicide, because of the mechanics of the weapon. And "balancing" shit just by adding more bugs isn't a balance, not to mention that it would push system requirements way up, not to mention that even then you have a tipping point, that's why difficulty options really only influence HP and behavior, not numbers.
You want to balance something out by making everything stronger and more enemies? Technically it IS balance, but then again that doesn't solve the problem.
The balancing would ultimately spiral out of control, and either make it a no-fun strategy game or a no fun 10 seconds per map game.
Supplement sure but there isn't really a time when you aren't advancing for more than 20-30 seconds outside of cave missions. The constant but slower mobility is the key to ranger, to adjust to the others. For example if there are close ranged players then you switch to long/mid range weapons to back them up, if there are long range players you switch to close/mid range. The whole shtick is that you have a very versatile arsenal to choose from. Adding turrets and whatnot would expand it sure, outside of cave missions i don't really see the appeal.
My idea to boost rangers would be the ability to call in weaponry (selected before mission begins). The way it would work is like the air ranger, you'd have a third slot, in which you could select a weapon to drop. You'd drop it like air rider's vehicle, but insted of waiting around, a bomber just flies overhead and drops it on the location requested, so it would be much quicker and would just spawn a chest in cave stages. However, you wouldn't have three weapons, but you'd permanently switch it out to a weapon in your two slots until the end of the mission, and you could do it only once through a mission. So let's say you go in with an ar and a sniper. You could switch the sniper out to another weapon which you air dropped in. The kicker is that you could request shit for air riders, but only lesser versions of guns. (let's say you select an af19ra, then if an air rider picket it up it would turn into a af18ra PROVIDED you have that weapon in your inventory. That way you could cover a weakness of another "weaker" ground unit.
Looking that up, looks like it could be fun as shit. Although I think a few Mount and Blade mods could fill that niche.
Nonsense. The Air Raider is a mechanized/armored/artillery observer element. The Ranger is plain, ground pounding infantry. And ground pounding infantry generally have some direct fire guns through much of the twentieth century.
And we'd both still use it.
It is when the problem is that the bugs are being killed too quickly.
True, but better systems continually arrive and are used with the series. The next entry could jump up a little more. They might even put a little effort into optimization if the PC port is going well in sales.
And it works. But new series entries on new hardware have generally added more enemies.
Beachhead missions. Inferno-style encirclement missions. Tearing down dropships. There's a good number of places where you just want to sit back and plink, although certain elements like drone rushes and plasma hectors encourage you to move at times.
That seems really dodgy. There are niche uses for swapping out a particular weapon that will see only a particular use at the start of the mission for one that could be used at the end, but otherwise it'd never see use. Furthermore, how exactly is it useful or wise that Air Raiders- and not other non-Ranger foot classes, just Air Raiders, since Fencers can't use them and Wing Divers with jetpack independent reloading is just heinous to consider- can replace their equipment with lesser versions of your current Ranger equipment? Why not just give Air Raiders a PDW line for direct-fire kinetic weapons if limpets don't strike their fancy? A redeployable support gun slot changes up the class dynamic, but one-time weapon swap boxes seem like a worse version of the same general concept.
Air rider is literally support, did you miss all those deployable posts and literal gun turrets and whatnot? It's true that people don't really use them because you doN't need them in lower difficulties, and people in higher difficulties are more often than not skilled already to not need them.
Again, hp and behavior changes adresses that. I love the missions like the beach red ant swarm one, but adding more would just clutter shit, and gameplay changes would be needed too, not to mention if a single one catches you and you doNt have something none explosive on higher difficulties, you are pretty much fucked if people who do don't come to rescue you. I mean even with air strikes and weapons of mass destruction, the biggest radius is like 40-50m? Against a swarm that may not be the best idea. If they would ramp up enemies too fast, then exploding stuff would be abandoned quick out of the dangers of it.
I'd disagree since even then you are moving to adjust to incoming fire or insects and such but i do see your point. However, considering that playing in the majority of mission alone or in multi, you need to be almost constantly on the move, since playing with 4 players, the number and palcement of enemies change quick. Dropping a stationary support (if it needed to be manned) would change the whole dynamic and would further slow the class down, and if it didn't then they would pretty much be wasted on the majority of maps.
It was just an idea. The thing about air rider is that the limpet guns are shit. You could give him alternate weapons, but they made it so he depends on his vehicles and/or classmates. I considered giving air rider weapons because first, he'll be mobile too and in the case that he's caught in a downtime/ shitty situation he can still help out, and he would gain points faster. And since the ranger can use vehicles, the courtesy could be extended back so they would have interdependence. I guess you could call in other class' weapons but having every weapon be accessible to everyone defeats the purpose of specialized classes like fencer/wing diver.
Alternatively you could just expand on the whole medic and teamplayer aspect of the ranger and solve both issues.
And so on and so forth, again all of these ideas could be further evaluated and improved upon.
They're there, but they're not the main event. Vehicles are obligatory. The Air Raider is a mechanized sapper.
Unless adding more would make individual enemies less practical to kill in general than desired in the process of trying to make them less practical to kill with so-and-so new weapon, in which case more bodies is the answer as performance allows.
Somewhat, but it's an addition to the weapons already there is the idea.
They're not that bad, but I'm not very fond of them personally.
This is a little more practical and natural than carriage guns in a box as far as making the class more flexible & adding more firepower. Rangers being able to call in their own meatshields is pretty radical, beside any gameplay benefit.
More games need player-usable support weapons, in any case. The Outfit was pretty great about this. It's maybe not the best fit for EDF to have them, but it was fun to spitball from the other user's brainfart.
They could even throw some quotes in there
bugs is a religion of peace
I really want a high mobile power suit for the air raider.
I want to do more chrazy stuff
My whole problem with deployable turrets and whatnot is that it would not compliment the already existing character. Let's take your ideas for fencer. Him being able to fire 4 weapons at one if 2x2 weapons are the same compliments the dakka that it already possesses. or him having weapon independent dash. That compliments his melee and sanic build. Air rider getting a useful weapon compliments his build, because then he doesn't get fucked in the downtimes. But giving ranger a hang back approach completely changes the way he plays. This has to do with the fact that pretty much any class has a weapon type for any short, medium and long range, except maybe the air rider because the vehicle's HP kind of gets less than desireable for anything other than mechs, so he could technically go close range but he's medium/long range, os he's already somewhat hanging back.
The main positive in ranger is that he rally doesn't have anything negative, and that his armory is versatile as fuck, compared to specialized classes like fencer or wing diwer air diver is kind of midway. A weapon type for a ranger is like the whole tree for air rider vehicles. My main point is that rangers having a whole style for deployables would be completely against the basics of the character, since they could not offer versatility. At best they could be seperated to short-mid-long range like the ZE guns. Like why have a "shotgun turret" if you have "gatling gun turret". Or why have "missle turrets" when you can have "sniper turrets", they are too specified. They could be interchangeable, and only damage output would really matter, whereas ranger has weapons like the MLRA-30 which fires 30 lock on missles with as little as 50 damage each, but the lock on is like 0.1 sec and it reloads in like 1. Or the emerald which needs time to lock on but lock onto a few wnwmies but deals decent damage, or the prominence which lock onto one enemy in 5 seconds but deals massive damage. These weapons, their characteristics and their uses are specific and diverse enough to consider them wholly different weapons. A right tool for the right job basically. Restricting them to be "stronger but immobile" makes the fact that the ranger has decent constant mobility, whereas you can roll over shit and doN't need to wait for your fuel to reload or need a weapon just for faster movement void. You can have the best tools for the job if that job is out of your reach.
You've only scratched the surface of what's coming.
REMOVE ANT remove ant
you are worst insect. you are the insect idiot you are the insect smell. return to outer space. to our outer space cousins you may come our erth. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,alien we will never forgeve you. retiarius rascal FUck but fuck asshole insect stink ravager sqhipere shqipare..insect genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead insect..ahahahahahRAVAGERS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget 2025 .ants we kill the queen , ants return to your precious planet….hahahahaha idiot insect and ravager smell so i can smell it. REMOVE ANT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. ranger+wing diver+air raider+fencer=kill ravager…you will 2025/ hero alive in earth, hero making album of earth . fast rap hero earth. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of hero… you are ppoor stink insect… you live in a tunnel hahahaha, you live in a hole
hero alive numbr one #1 in earth ….fuck the retiarius ,..FUCKk ashol insects no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and planet. hero aliv and real strong ranger kill all the insect farm aminal with rap magic now we the earth rule .ant of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and ravager wa;s born. stupid maggot form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. earth greattst plante
good shit
I've hit a wall on mission 43: annihilation with the fencer. I've got weapons from the next hardest difficulty and it still isn't enough.
Oh, it was another one of those 'survive x amount of time deals'
I kept getting myself killed trying to down the advanced dropships.
I have made an interesting observation
Unlike reloading, rate of fire value refreshes independently of which weapon you're currently holding. It also doesn't affect whether you can change your weapon or not
This means, with weapons with obscenely low rate of fire you can toggle into another weapon and switch back when it's ready for another shot. This also means alternating between two weapons with low rate of fire makes them shoot faster than if used independently (for example, a sniper weapon and acid shot)
I went to the /edf/ thread on halfchan.
All they do is want about the fencer because they think being able to dash cancel is mastering the game.
They also continuously state that air raiders are the worst class and can't play solo.
I don't even have a face for this. They are now worse than reddit.What the fuck happened?
The real question is why the fuck are you still going to cuckchan?
I hate to say that user but the dragons are going to be the least of your problems when the game hit's maximum awesome drive.
Accordion DLC when?
Followed a google link tring to find the later stanzas of the EDF song. Then the shit materialized all around me. I couldn't even find the song
The last missions are so depressing, the poor guys hangs to anything to give them a bit of hope.
Anyone playing ?
I can host a game where every pickup I make can net you 1000 weapons and 2500 armor but I am not sure if anyone wants their grind sped up.
Any takers?
Tell me your secrets.
Man you haven't even fucking heard the final songs the soldiers make up.
I don't remember much but one verse goes something like
'Despite our friends and families dying we'll fight until the end'
Grinding Air raider is such a pain in the ass.
Couldn't that get you banned though?
Look for a room named VDF Infinite and you shall get your weapons
I'll pass, if I wanted to cheat that much I would just use cheat engine.
The only cheat I use is making so that all classes share in the armor pickups.
There is no anti cheat in place. So… No.
How do you do this one? It sucks when I have one class at 1200 armor but the others are only just barely above 200.
They don't?
Just farm machine squad with a railgun. It's the easiest thing ever
I was surprised too, found it a bit too harsh but then again I am used to 2017
got any info on your region?
It does not seem to be showing up.
I mean whats your steam download region?
It is not an automatic cheat unfortunately.
The game counts how many armor boxes each class has picked up, you just need to equalize them.
The easiest way to do this to first equalize the armor pickup numbers and then after each session compare the number of armor pickups of the classes you have played with the one you haven't played in this session.
fucking hell, mission 77 is retarded, how do you even beat that
I think I did it with a Vegalta, dragons are pretty stupid and tend to just dive bomb right on top of you so as long as you backpedal and keep shooting forward you'll mow them all down. Air Raider auto turrets are also really good against them since they aim so fast.
Shoot the dragons
While simultaniously avoiding their attacks
how much armor would you anons reccomend for Hardest? Me and my buddies have been running it with around 600-700 and we struggled with one of the level 20ish missions with the damn survival ant gauntlet. Shit is getting tough.
anyone wants to try co op with the pirated game? does that still work?
Ye it does, I wouldn't mind playing some myself.
You got the RVT files already?
i havent got shit to be honest, any guide i could check?
I'd prefer you tell me how to do it myself. I've got a legit copy if that matters at all
this game is to depressing, where are the fencer lewds?
You'll want to go to the revolt forums, and download the crack from this page here:
Needs a registration, but just use 10 min mail.
That was fucking neat.
I've been doing that with two Lysenders since I noticed I still have that old Counter-Striek habit of switching weapons after shooting with snipers. It ultimately doubles the rate of fire, magazine capacity and reload times for Lysenders, but damn it makes soloing Inferno missions with Hectors/Deroys easy.
Writing for my own use, but if you guys want.
To save our mother Earth from any alien attack!
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back!
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack!
Our soldiers are prepared for any alien threats!
The Navy launches ships, the Air Force sends their jets!
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets!
3-X (this one's kinda weak)
Our forces have now dwindled and we pull back to regroup.
The enemy has multiplied and formed a massive group!
We better beat these bugs before we're all turned to soup!
The EDF deploys!
X-X (?)
A legendary hero soon will lead us to glory!
Eight years ago he sunk the Mothership, says history!
Tomorrow we will follow this brave soul to victory!
The EDF deploys…
I'm still looking for a recording of that one to confirm it actually exists. But Ive seen that sequence written somewhere as:
Two days ago my brother died next day my lover fell
Today most everyone was killed on that we must not dwell
But we will never leave the field we'll never say farewell
The EDF deploys!
You can get those songs by having a Ranger and a Fencer leader under your command. They pretty much sing what players can't whenever they are close to each other.
alright pasted the files in the edf folder, what next?
alright now mess around with the config files if you have to, after you're done open the botnet that operates by the name of "steam", launch EDF and create a room for MP, then tell me the room name's/password
Roger, imoutos, eliminate the incest and save the oniichans.
This is my fetish
Missed chance right there
what do
click accept, the game will launch.
You need to have steam running on the background
it's not launching, something else i should have done?
Try downloading the rvt files again, drop them all on your edf folder that has the .exe, and remember to replace them all.
Also, go into the revolt.ini file and change the save type to 1 if you're using the 3DMgame pirated version.
If all that doesn't work, restart your pc and try again.
Wouldn't just buying the fucking thing be easier since it still needs you to install the fucking steam anyway?
im poor
some people are poor user
Yup, changing back to yurop
You could fucking buy it, nigger. It costs as much as 2 of the pizzas you buy to feed your fat face.
Look nigger, this game costs 1\10 of the fucking minimum wage that I get monthly on this goddamn third world country
I can't believe there's still people who post here that get this assblasted about people pirating a fucking game. Where do you niggers even come from?
You do not deserve those double dubs.
I noticed something kinda weird. The word filter in this game. I can say 'fuck' all day long, but I can't say 'bitch.'
I probably laughed harder at that then I should have.
Japan doujins use "Bitch", english and all, alot to mean "slut", maybe thats the reason? (ie its an english word used as a curseword in Japan)
Ded singing. Heh. Thanks! No idea why I never found this before!
now we are talking
i'll reinstall it and try again
Anyone knows where the fuck are the saves located if you use the revolt thing?
Stay mad faggot. Some people can't afford it or want to test it or just don't want certain people to be paid. I say this as someone who bought the game and has played it nearly every day since the amd CPU fix launched. Go be a totalitarian asshole to your dick or something.
The Finland fag here from yesterday.
Anyone up for blasting some bugs ?
Starting from mission 25 Hard and going onward from there.
I'll set the room if I get a yes.
Looking for something to do while a gang of sandniggers culturally enriches your wife?
Say, is it just me or the NPCs level up? Ive been grinding Mission 28 Brute Force and noticed the NPCs seem to be having a progressively easier time with the stage.
That's Sweden.
Sweden, Finland. Same difference. All of Europe is pretty much overrun with roaming gangs of jawa rapists anyway.
Oh well, I'll just go solo and monitor the thread.
you got some decent taste there user. Only thing that drags it down is hypershit drifter
NPCs will have easier time with bugs when they aren't completely swarmed with them. if you keep NPC soldiers alive and healthy they are great help during the mission
This is the worst game I've played in some time. Not even worth the pirate.
There are many good games there but you only listed two of them
Fuckoff xeno scum
Sentai megazords when?
Be a Ranger and keep them alive no matter the odds.
Remember that the majority of the population survives even though many cities were destroyed, which means that their families are probably still alive but hiding.
I always figured that it was the third-world hellholes that get demolished like Africa, India, and maybe China. America, Japan, and most of Europe would do much better fending off against the giant insects.
Starting up a VDF room on hard. DL region is St.Louis in 'Merrica. Haven't hosted much MP, so I'm going through low levels.
vdf room going up
Apparently, the Ravager invasion was focused on cities and other high population-dense regions, so when everyone evacuates the cities most of them survive.
I need to watch this. What is it this shit. This music is snazzy.
So what are Ravagers, exactly? Are they reptilian, or insectoid, or are they entirely robotic?
I ask because got me thinking that allied hectors might be pretty cool.
It make sense.
I'm guessing they're AI. If they aren't, then they probably are pretty meek, which is why they use insects and robots to fight their wars.
Unless the next game has the Ravagers personally come to Earth and be an even bigger threat than the Earth Eaters.
hyper advanced hive mind robuts
Going to make a room called VDF Infinite
If you want I can make it so we can get 1000 weapons and 2500 armor per run but I don't know if anyone wants to run it that way. So if you want to join, look for the room!
Over half the population of the world is dead by about mission 50 something though. And by the fact that the soldiers talk becomes more and more about how they lost their families and such, it would suggest that almost everyone is dead by the last mission.
I hope they make a PC version of 2 someday. I like the alternate aesthetic and enemies not in 4.
Thats an estimation, though, and the final word makes it seem that more people survived than was initially thought. Plenty of people died, thats for sure, but I don't think the world was depopulated to apocalyptic levels.
You mean of EDF 2017 or GDF?
Because EDF 2025: Shadow of New Despair 4.1 is what we got, which is a "remake" of GDF.
The one they recently rereleased on Vita with a bunch of extras. 4.1 doesn't have the rolling bugs or centipedes, or jet bikes.
Thats an EDF 2017 re-release, and yea, I'm hoping that 4.1's good release will either prompt a PC port or a DLC pack where you can play those missions in 4.1.
No it ain't. 2017 is EDF 3. This is EDF 2.
Well, I hope they both get PC ports.
The only other EDF game for PC without emu is that mediocre americanized version. Headcanon is that thats what the EDF in America look like, each region has their own EDF aesthetics.
But what about the Ravagers? Did they also bother to send units with different aesthetics to different regions?
Sure, why not.
Well, I meant more the general design rather than the whole aesthetic.
I actually rather liked the look of the americanized EDF forces, though.
Jet trooper was also significantly better than wing divers. Being able to glide fast across the ground was wonderful.
There's Dynamarisa 3D which is a pretty good EDF2 clone. Up until now that was the best PC EDF game.
You're dumb
During the last mission the reporter says that "lol apparently almost everyone is alive innawoods and they mount a resistance if the EDF fails.
To be fair, when was the last time you saw civilians outside the first couple of missions?
Now, whether or not there's going to be a lot of death as a result of the massive destruction of infrastructure, housing, and so on, is another matter.
Who isnt going to be in the EDF by then?
Old men and children?
True enough. Even women aren't left out of the mass alium-killing draft, apparently.
I'd bet unless you're crippled or braindead, you'd be stuck into a powersuit and thrown at some ants.
Oh yeah there will be death but it's not an apocalypse. Even the city we fight the brain in is still up somehow.
According to the wiki the 2017 EDF had 300k soldiers out of 8 billion people in the planet. There's bound to be many more men to join the infantry.
The game wants us to feel desperate but hopeful at the same time and rewards us with cheesy yet heroic lines.
At the end we have the trope where everyone is united and we'll survive no matter the odds.
Well, let's be realistic here: Literally every single enemy we come across, the vast majority of the time we outpreform tenfold. Hector units are no match for our tanks, and those tanks are cheap as hell. Single soldiers can take on most anything thrown at them, so long as they aren't completely swarmed, and Wing Divers have some of the most retardedly powerful weapons in the game.
We beat the ayys at most every single turn, technologically, funnily enough. Only real issue is the amount of enemies.
Indeed, numbers are the issue now imagine if the civilians also had guns like people do in the US, and the civilian population outnumbers the EDF in the billions.
I think the ending is supposed to tell the player that we saved everyone but everyone also made sure to stay alive so they could be saved and all of it wasn't for nothing. Cheesy but the game is supposed to be fun and cheesy.
That's literally the first available airstrike. Should've waited for something better before jizzing all over.
Protip: nobody cares about your meme songs shitting up the voip channel.
If only you could aim the machine guns properly.
Also I just tried out a titan for the first time, that was amazing. Need actual people to properly use though.
What do you mean? later assault rifles have A+ accuracy, basicly pinpoint accuracy.