HENRY DE LESQUEN - The choah of french children





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Democratie Participative talked about it as well.
The episode who those who haven't listened to it: democratieparticipative.biz/index.php/2017/07/04/democratie-participative-s02e25-les-mysteres-du-grand-remplacement/


The webm

This is only a 7 minute clip, they talk about this for much longer. DP got kicked from Youtube (and Soundcloud) a few months ago so now they only upload a short "extrait" and have the full episode on their website.

Ok thanks.

No problem and bumping for exposure vous êtes où les francophones?

lol ta yeul cris te po vit vit si tu pens kon et ici pour ecrir en fransai tbk

Translation pls. Looks like some sort of abortion… presumably on a white woman.

Basically, the woman in the pictures is a jewish abortionist who killed 200.000 French babies per year for decades. I mean do the maths, she killed millions of French babies…

This is one of the methods she used.

Don't forget that, as Valery Giscard d'Estaing himself said, the regroupement familial (family reunification) law was also pushed by Simone Weil.
So basically this bitch killed millions of white children while importing millions of shitskins to replace them.

Bah j'suis là moi !

Exactly correctly.

Salut à toi.

Sorry I couldn't watch past the 22 weeks baby holding his head between his little hands. How can they pretend he's not suffering is beyond me.

They know, they just don't care. The kikes are heartless monsters who revel in suffering of the goyim and the leftist traitors are heavily brainwashed.

I know I shouldn't be so affected after all this time, but… When will the pain stop, Holla Forums ?
I want a better world for my children.

Its good user. I still wince and empathize. I'm glad you told me about that bit with the baby, so I can definitely avoid watching it.

Perhaps our greatest strength is our empathy, our compassion. Its what drove us to so many heights, however it is also our biggest weakness as the kikes have exploited it for decades now.

Be glad you still care, be glad you still feel guilt, sickness, rage, sadness at the suffering of our people. The moment you don't is the moment they win.

after watching things like this sometime is feels like the only thing holding me together is hate.

But I don't deserve to fucking feel guilty, holy shit I'm doing my part, I've got a house in a gigantic forest, I'm learning to grow vegetables, taking care of laying hens and goats and we're having our first baby in December. I should feel proud and fulfilled, not miserable and helpless.

You're doing more than me, that's for sure. Your feelings are natural, especially with a child on the way. You see a baby in distress, in pain and your paternal instincts are kicking in.

Empathy is what the Jews used to destroy our empire and they're using it today to destroy our race. I would like to remind you that right-wing movements in Europe and America are being discredited by waving around pictures of dead shitskin chilluns and platitudes about muh human rights. I see no point in clinging to empathy that will only be used against you apart from vague sentimentalism and a Trudeauesque "if you kill your enemies, they win".

Tu es revenu finalement.

There just french babies, what's the problem?
SAGE! for slide thread!

Judging by this user's reactions and comments, I don't think it's a man.

Calme-toi, c'est pas bon pour le bébé.

Simone Veil will also have a place in the Panthéon (Paris mausoleum containing the remains of distinguished French citizens), alongside other (((shoah survivors))) and Marie Curie. The French Republic is desecrating its own symbols (after having done the same with the Ancien Régime ones, like the Saint-Denis Crypt in 1793). So, just poetic justice.

Good picture.

Nan mais je passe juste de temps en temps, comme quand un nouvel épisode de DP sort. D'ailleurs je parie que Boris traîne par ici. Mais j'ai plus assez de temps pour animer la communauté.
Et puis, ça s'est pas mal tassé depuis l'élection.

Vous faites chier à me dire tous ça.

Ils ont disparu. Même sur jvc.

One day whites will dig up her remains, dissolve them in holy water, then burn them. But not before doing a DNA analysis and adding it to the database.

Il semblerait que Gandalf et compagnie trainent sur halfchan. Du moins c'est ce qu'ils ont laissé entrendre dans le passé.




Pourquoi donc ?

Je vais faire mon fanboy mais je suis content de te revoir Perco. Je te souhaite plein de bonheur avec ton futur p'tiot.

Le Holla Forums de halfchan est mort maintenant.

Mort non, noyé sous les shills et la modération catastrophique oui.

Ouais c'est mort.

Fuck off this has to be the saddest shit ive ever seen in my life, literally in tears right now
Why the fuck did u post this user

Il y a encore beaucoup d'activité, il faut simplement avoir le radar à shills infiniment plus développé qu'ici.

Just re-watch the first 30 seconds user. She didn't go without a fight. She had her revenge.

Good, it means you are a human, left with a soul, and strong enough to take action when the time is right.

Freedom have a price.

Mais pas de qualité. C'est ça le problème.

Je dirais qu'il y a presque autant de qualité qu'ici, mais avec dix fois plus d'activité selon les périodes. Du coup, la qualité se voit moins.

Je suis désolé mais le délire avec bogdanov…

Les gars, vous pouvez m'accorder 5 minutes? J'ai besoin d'un conseil.

Mon cousin vient de me téléphoner pour me dire qu'il s'ai fait licensier. D'après sa voix et tout il a l'air de le prendre plutot mal et a vrai dire ca me fait de la peine pour lui. C'est quelqu'un de bien.

Il va venir me voir durant la soirée (il habite pas très loin de chez moi) et je sais pas quoi lui dire pour lui remonter le moral. Donc si jamais vous avez un bon conseil à me donner…

Merci, sincèrement.

Haven't had a rage thread like this for a while.

C'est plus un esclave maintenant.

C'est vrai d'une certaine manière…Mais ce n'est qu'une face de la médaille… L'autre face c'est le chomage, la précarité etc.

Sacré bordel quand même.

"T'es un homme maintenant"

C'est la meilleure chose à dire. Dorénavant il peut prendre soin de lui et se recentrer sur l'essentiel. Bosser au black et/ou suivre une formation en apprentissage. S'éloigner de la ville autant que possible. Renouer avec des valeurs d'homme puis se marier et faire perdurer la race.
C'est peut-être même le moment de lâcher quelques pilules rouges.