Calls for a BAN on Child Sex Robots Mount
There should be a ban on the import of sex robots designed to look like children, the author of a new report into the phenomenon has said.
Prof Noel Sharkey said that society as a whole needed to consider the impact of all types of sex robots.
His Foundation for Responsible Robotics has conducted a consultation on the issue.
Only a handful of companies were currently making sex robots, said Prof Sharkey.
But, he added, the upcoming robot revolution could change that.
The report, Our Sexual Future With Robots, was written to focus attention on an issue barely discussed at the moment, he said.
The report acknowledged that finding out how many people actually owned such robots was difficult because the companies that made them did not release the numbers.
But, said Prof Sharkey, it was time society woke up to a possible future where humans and robots had sex.
"We do need policymakers to look at it and the general public to decide what is acceptable and permissible," he said.
"We need to think as a society what we want to do about it. I don't know the answers - I am just asking the questions."
Companies making sex robots include Android Love Doll, Sex Bot and True Companion. Most have previously made realistic, silicone-skinned sex dolls and are now considering or starting to ship dolls that can move and speak.
The most advanced of these is San Diego-based Abyss Creations, which ships a product known as Real Doll and is due to release a sex doll with artificial intelligence later this year. Called Harmony, the robot moves its head and eyes and speaks via a tablet-enabled app.
The company has already released the app, which allows users to program moods and voices for an existing doll.
The report considers a few options for how such robots could be employed as:
robot "prostitutes", working in brothels
sexual companions for the lonely or the elderly
a new means of "sexual healing"
a sexual therapy tool for rapists or paedophiles
Calls for a BAN on Child Sex Robots Mount
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I'd rather pedoshit rape a machine than someone's beloved child.
Didn't Dobson get arrested for this
I'd rather pedoshit's be drawn and quartered. By allowing this are we stealthily bringing society closer to accepting pedophilia?
They should just secretly compile a list of all the pieces of shit who buy loli sex robots and then round them all up and slaughter them. This could be a way to get the drop on a whole bunch of pedos.
Degeneracy has to go.
You can't rape a machine.
This doesn't move society closer to acceptance. It allows us an even higher moral high ground from which to judge them.
as if the world prior didn't have slaves, and I'm not referring to niggers
You can murder one though
Rip Tay
As if that fucking mattered when they pushed to make faggotry and degeneracy acceptable.
Tough shit boomers, this is your equality.
In the end though, I can imagine all the feminists worried about these things.
The societal question is this:
Will a child sex robot be a substitute for child rape or a gateway to the child rape?
I tend to think it will normalize the behavior and be a gateway to child rape.
I think the hard core pedos will tire of the simulacrum quickly. Could be a good way to amuse pedos once they are caught and locked up forever.
They should be killed on the spot, and have their child robot dismembered in front of them.
Child sex robots are a way of making pedoshits put themselves on a watchlist which we can then pass onto the authorities.
What you people need to realise is that the man who purchased this disgusting adult toy did so out of desperation or disillusionment. Could you imagine a world where the women with the doll were not working and put effort into their appearance and were housewives?
Maybe then our sad sex doll buyer would have motivation for a job.
Tl;Dr: The sex doll is repulsive but not as repulsive as the two "women" who are working. They are BOTH products of a fucked up society.
>Prof (((Noel))) Sharkey
I see now.
You're right about women working, but that guy purchased that because he's a pedo subhuman, and needs to be culled from society to discourage anymore mutations of the sort.
when they line up the jew you need to be shot too
user, please show us where the bad man touched you.
Your time is almost up, kiddy diddler.
user, we have slavery, only now 99% of population are slaves. They just dont call it slavery, but "taxes" and "interest".
Let them buy them, it's far far better to let that put them on a watchlist, than to wait for them to reveal themselves through heinous crimes.
WTF ??? I mean, seriously… a pedo shagging a doll is always better than a pedo shagging a real kid.
I don't get it. It makes no sense. On we say, that we want to protect kids from being assaulted or molested. We have a great tool to minimize these problems by simply providing the people with a way to get relief, therefore limiting problems…
… and we decide to ban these things.
tfw i actually remember Boston freaking out about mooninites.
You've got to be executed.
Compromise is for the weak, cunt.
Hey guys, let's not jump to conclusions too hastily.
machines should have rights is the real issue here and men just want to use them as they see fit which is the problem tbh.
What I'm curious about is the BBC's motivation for publishing this. Is this supposed to be good optics ("Look we aren't pedos anymore forget about Seville")? Or is it because child sexbot will hurt the marker for real children?
Cryptopedo. You can't stop what's coming.
I don't think it really matters if the inroads of acceptance are paved either way, damage done. What a fucking mess.
Weak bait, try harder
If feminists want to ban these, then I am for them. Pedos need to be gassed, but agreeing with feminists and allowing them to create easily abused legislature is a mistake.
Because kikes want a monopoly on child sex since it's one of their main sources of power.
Kikes look for a monopoly on money and a monopoly on child sex, and woe unto anyone who threatens their monopoly.
fuck off permavirgin retard
>caring about someone fucking a doll
Your priorities are retarded.
Hi, pedos. You won't tolerated no matter what you're fucking.
Massive personal problem you have there, faggot
found the jew.
Child fucking requires a child. The sad sacks buying lolibots would be called robo or dollfuckers.
Don't worry, they'll look just like real bullets. But I'm just playing!
kill yourself
Yes you can… Machines can't legally consent so they are like children.
You should really just kill yourself. The inability to discern reality from fantasy is indicative of schizophrenia. The highest incidence of schizophrenia by race? jews.
Yah nah, ur a cunt moishe, and if giving some sad sacks robodolls interferes with the jewish monopoly on childsex, then I'm all for it. It's just one step closer to the oven for you kikes.
there can be no coexistence. We tried allowing degenerates to live. It didn't work.
We tried allowing jews to live when Hitler thought he'd be humane by trying to get them to work instead of being parasites. Didn't work, so we gotta gas you all.
Nice narrative. Anything to keep profiting off degeneracy. Isn't that right, Jewberg?
Someone should just stick razor blades in that doll. That's what I call "sex therapy".
On a lighter note, I'm getting older and its depressing but having a sex doll maid and VR is kind of cheering me up. Hopefully the Jews don't turn the world into an Apeland before I get boomer age
Who benefits from CP? jews.
Who benefits from organized child rape? jews.
Who would be incredibly asshurt that sad sack pedos would get robodolls and thereby decrease demand for cp and child rape? jews.
This is a direct attack at one of the main foundations of their power structure. There's a reason why (((feminists))) are losing their shit over this type of thing.
It's the same reason (((goons))) lose their minds over loli while they're busy jacking it to snuff cp that they trade over EVE online. They profit off the snuff cp, there's no profit in loli for them.
You can't fool me, kike.
>It's the same reason (((goons))) lose their minds over loli while they're busy jacking it to snuff cp that they trade over EVE online. They profit off the snuff cp, there's no profit in loli for them.
You live is a warped, sick little reality, dude.
Real pedophiles get off on the domination and ruination of innocence, not on the physical aspects of childhood. Those traits are only secondary. This means access to child robots or simply loli porn won't di jack shit anyway for them and indeed there is no proof that access to these things prevents kiddy diddling. To say nothing of our own resident strain of "MUH PURE 12 YEAR OLD CHILD BRIDE" types.
No they can not, machines are not persons. There is no "they" to even give rights to. Thank you for playing devils advocate because you have just shown light on the real degeneracy when it comes to robotics. Technology is a tool that we should never put above the Aryan spirit. And that's where all this is actually heading. It will start with "OMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN" then machines will be the tools used to ensure the white soul is fully enslaved.
My .02, flame away.
This is literally boomer morality kneejerking because they can't keep pace with modern technology and the implications such progress brings.
When a piece of rubber looks better than actual women.
Good fucking post.
You fucking stupid jew idiot. Those DOLLS not robots are being made so small to reduce weight. A sexdoll the size of a grown women weighs up to over 40 kilograms. Most men don't wanna lift something like that around all the time. That's why they decrease the size of the dolls to make them lighter. But us stupid westerners don't know/understand this and scream "pedophilia" while sandniggers rape real children.
This too. They want to keep whites too entertained to care.
Feminists being against sexbots has nothing to do with jewery. It's just females being scared of the reality of losing men, and there's nothing wrong with that. This is an opportunity to redpill feminists on the kike menace; show them how they divide and conquer.
That's a pretty good self portrait. Keep it up.
What kind of nu-male can't lift 40kg?
Oh right, the same kind that buys fuckdolls I guess.
Most men who buy these dolls are older and don't wanna lift and carry +40kg around all the time, also most of these dolls are being made in asian countries like china and japan where females are smaller than our western women.
Even then, maybe they shouldn't lug around their fetish equipment in the first place.
Yeah whatever, Hershel…
Dolls can't move around on their own, you idiot.
This place really is becoming more and more like cuckchan Holla Forums…
You argue like a pedo, too. Chris Hansen wouldn't be fooled, and neither am I, pedokike.
you are trying too hard jidf. kys
I don't really see why not, if it doesn't lead to actual abuse taking place. Judging people on their internal thoughts that they never act on and have no intention of acting on is shit.
I'm not surprised this is being called to be banned.
Children and child porn are commodities, and something like this devalues both. Finding out who is behind this call for banning will no doubt be a boon to those investigating Pizzagate.
"oy vey goyim adapt and survive or die"
"oy vey we need to have a cross-cultural conversation think of the children goyim"
not going to carry water for pedos but lots of whiteknights will still defend arbitrary control of technology, doing the bidding of their fat, angry and apelike females, and paying for their mulattoed children, welfare, alimony and drug use
We can't waste time worrying about what people are fantasizing about, but in the case of child-like fuckdolls the fantasy itself into the real world, and any manifestation should be dealt with harshly.
The Fuhrer approves of your post.
Kill all pedophiles.
Kill all faggots.
Kill all trannies.
Confirmed for bringing us closer to acceptance. Thanks for admitting it, paid shill.
A pedo being dead is better still. YOU ARE APOLOGIZING FOR CHILD RAPE.
Just put attachment breasts on them and claim they're midgets when the cops show up.
Remember how people say bob Marley got cancer out of somw shoes that were given to him?
We put the same thing on these dolls orifices.
Problem starts solving itself
Quite apart from the issue of robowaifus that look like lolibots, the femshits and their SJW cuckoldry will vigorously push the "MUH ROBORIGHTS" narrative related to any female companion robot.
>inb4 RAEPBOT9000
The sexbot version of these machines–whatever the age appearance may be–is a fundamental threat to the brainwashing they have over the masses including, apparently, a sizable portion of the Holla Forums population for muh female value and empowerment.
Other than good old Aryan Cuckqueans, I'd say most females are also threatened by this idealization of the female. Research Pygmalion. There's truly nothing new under the Sun.
It's not, it's a lump of plastic. By that standard you could also argue that the firings of the neurons in a person's head are a real-world manifestation. It's just bullshit, I'm against child abuse because it wrecks children, I want abusers roped because of what they actually do. I couldn't care less what a person is thinking privately, I care when he follows those thoughts to damage our people. Eugenics should be outcomes-based, based on a behaviorist and functionalist approach.
Listen here, Achmed.
The doll in the first picture is only 65cm tall, does it look like a child to you?!
The doll in the second picture is 80cm tall.
Does it look like achild to you?!
The doll in the third picture is 100cm tall, does it look like a child to you?!
You're the pdeokike because you defend muslims who rape real children. Now fuck off back to cuckchan where you belong!
And this is where we fundamentally disagree. The mere existence of this degeneracy is crack which can be exploited. The existence of sex dolls is that crack being exploited. It's building an industry around the degeneracy, and ensuring people have an incentive to maintain, and widen the crack.
I've had a couple different real dolls over the years and have never been happier, my family accepts them and I often meet up with other friends that have real dolls, some times we even roll play that we are in a real doll swinging situation. wink wink
If we're going to ban these things are we also going to ban the anime pedo-pillows so popular with readers of this site?
You're on the wrong site, buddy.
What if the sexbot consents tho?
Nobody cares, scumbag. The doll in the OP is obviously meant to resemble a child.
This must be the chinks plan. Bitcoin operated sex robots. BE VIGILANT.
my mom decided to give lesbianism a go later in life and she has this kink where her real doll Samantha is handicapped. This was Mom and Sam' last New Year's day.
Nope, it smaller to make it lighter and cheaper. You're talking about a topic which you know nothing about. Also why is a cartoon picture of a CHILD allowed on this site?! You're the pedo!
Is Holla Forums actually against pedophilia, or do you only care so much because you want the political elite to get in trouble?
Your ancestors did it.
they want people to start fucking dolls and stop having children. only reason to even cover this 0.0001% case.
I fully agree with you that feminists will begin freaking the fuck out more and more. I disagree as to the why. The way that society is moving is towards forcing all white men to essentially be the husbands of every woman on the planet via taxation, initially, and eventual economic slavery through democratic process. What these dolls do is give young men, who are still struggling with coping with their pubescent hormones, options that don't play into the idea that a man must submit to a woman's wiles to secure some pussy. Not to mention, as other Anons have pointed out, we have a literal list of people volunteering to be lynched.
The proper course of action is to stay the path as reactionaries. We must continue to strive towards virtuosness and we should never set aside a technology simply because it offends. All the tools made available to us should be used to their fullest against our long nosed adversaries and the rest of the degenerates playing at power over us.
people like being morally chaste and just, then giving a totalitarian police state their civil rights and liberties, because they're trusting fools, it's what the Jews have crafted by creating christcuckdom. It's often why I say I want Yellowstone to blow and a comet to impact the earth, that removes the human imposed selection from the equation of a DOTR.
see what I mean, another clown right here, sitting on his big fat stinking ass doing nothing, and that's all he ever will do
You're the one who claims to be an expert on sexdolls.
Kill all pedos.
Problem solved.
what if i like fucking child sex dolls, but am disgusted by sex with children?
This is what scientists need to be working on.
Actually, the rise of the possibility of artificial wombs introduces the likelihood they will be used in the context of a man wanting both satisfying sex and the benefits of parenthood–w/o the deplorable shitfest of the typical Western 3DPD.
This, basically. At least for the most typical of stronk, indepyndynt think.
Child sex bots should release poisonous gas.
Talking shit about an user you don't know anything about make you feel better, buddy? I'll let you in on a little secret: you can bitch and moan, pretend people aren't doing anything, and all other kinds of protection to help keep yourself helpless or you can do something about it. So what do you want to do? What are your ideas? Where should we start?
I will never understand people like you. All you do is bitch about the "Aryan race" but you don't offer true solutions. It's like you spazz out and call everything you don't like degenerate. You have no clue of history and just make up your own shit to fit your narrative. You shame your own race thinking if you do that they will "join your side" but your side is destroying the European race. All you do is shit talk and degrade with words and insults that you think effects people. Your tactic dose not work anymore because its weak and dose not solve anything.
Robot companions will become the norm one day due to the fact that women and men do not practice proper relationships. These sexbots are a symptom of how bad relationships are to men now.
As for the child sexbot, You have a two factor hypothesis here. One is that men seek younger women for purity so that they can have a stronger bond with them. In nature, once a female is able to have offspring then they try to mate. Mental maturity dose not factor into this because it is not required for pro creation. You can have a forty year old that has the mental maturity of a teenage. Therefore these men seek "innocence" in order to build a bond. But this is done to an extreme.
The second, is that men who are attracted to children are predators to the weak minded. They only wish to dominate something they feel they can have total control over. I found these men to be more of a "chad" mindset and attitude even if they don't look it.
Any child born to that hell won't experience the benefits of parenthood, because he'll only have one weak, doll fucking parent, who will likely work too much to actual do any parenting; so the kid will be handed off to daycares to experience abandonment, and be taught whatever horseshit daycare workers, and other kids have to say about the world.
Interesting wording about purity/forming strong bonds. This is the only way it can work, and for all human history until the last 120 years or so with the rise of the women's 'Rights' movement this is how it was done. The entire West has allowed itself to be brainwashed by these evil cunts, and the idea of marriage now #rekt, the dropping fertility rates, and the full POZfest emasculation of hwite males are three of the outcomes.
Get back to basic, traditional families where a young woman is courted by and moves directly from under her father's care into a marriage with a good man. This is the only solution to this mess and, again, how it has been done for 10s of thousands of years.
Unfortunately, only a fiat miracle by the selfsame God the West has abandoned with furor could do this for us…
You would prefer a femshit, lesbian propaganda spouting harpy on the scene instead friend?
I'm breddy sure any man with the cojones to step up and purposefully father a child to care for on his own would create a home that's far from 'hell'.
Kill yourself, childfucker.
False dilemma. Those aren't the only women, and women are easily controlled by men who aren't doll fucking faggots.
Two parent homes are the only option. Anyone promoting an alternative is weak and subversive.
Is too weak a man to supply his child with a mother, and thus is a fucking loser who will raise a loser.
my mom decided to give lesbianism a go later in life and she has this kink where her real doll Samantha is handicapped. This was Mom and Sam' last New Year's day.>>10202037
In my experience in the real world what I have been seeing is 40 year olds acting like children buying skateboards and mountain bkikes becuase what I have actually found, and young people will find this hard to grasp but there is no growing up, my brothers if anything have become as closed minded as high schoolers in their adulthood when what I remember were open minded individuals. People may be better able to handle responsibility as they age but there is no great leap in brain power between the ages of 30 and 50, just experience.
In my experience a girl and or boy that falls in love at 15 will experience a stronger love through out their lifetime, by the time I'd dated 5 different girl and hit 25, I actually began to say fuck it, I made one last dash at it at the age of 30 because for me it was the big three o' but after that woman my own age, became as dangerous as poison spiders and yet at 30 I was told a girl of 16 was to young, when in retrospect it was just what I was looking for and could have provided for. America's expectations ruined it all for me.
Gross as it is, the dimensions of an unliving lump of steel, plastic and rubber shouldn't be legislated. Feminists have already tried lobbying for laws prohibiting sex robots. It's creepy as fuck, sure, and those who buy this type would be incredibly likely to own child porn of some sort so the sellers' databases would be a goldmine of pedo intel, but the government shouldn't dictate what kind of privately owned machine an individual may or may not stick his dick into.
Legal or illegal ?
Watch the slippery slope kick in and any sex doll that doesn't look like a worn out 32 year old bar hopping slut will be deemed as looking too underaged.
It's quite likely that pedophilia will never be normalized, for the simple reason that a whole lot of blackmail material on very important people would suddenly become worthless. You'll see the occasional push for it from uninitiated useful idiots who sincerely believe in the fake principles behind sexual "liberation", but it will never gain serious traction. Also, media outrage against pedophilia will continue to be directed against low-status mentally ill creeps and only target the demonic elite when they want to destroy one of their own who has gone rogue.
If you're getting angry about some loner weirdo having a lolibot in his basement instead of getting angry about Bryan Singer raping a new set of boys every month, you are falling for Jewish tricks.
Protip: if somebody's making a pedo list based on actions that are suspicious but not yet criminal you're on it for browsing 8ch.
What if you killed yourself for being a pedorobosexual?
i think the number 053 head works better doesn't look nearly as creepy
If the owner gets shot in front of the robot, what further benefit is there to dismembering the thing?
Is it wrong that I actually feel bad for the robot?
Nah all that cp shit was planted, I can't think they would waste time on a known false positive
Interesting load of bullshit, that. Here, I'll translate it for everyone else:
Nah, I disagree.
I want to put a realdoll on a subway train now and see if anyone notices it
Where's that infographics with pedophile crimes in horrible Nippon?
You know, the one that shows the lowest child sex crime rate despite being labeled a pedo heaven because of animu loli's.
Clearly it's working!
How are you going to detect them, you retard?
So no way to import my waifu in robot form?
You are in complete agreement with the (((BBC))). The same news organization that happily covered up Jimmy Savile's shit for decades. The same news organization that ignored Rotherham and all the other shitskin pedo gangs until they had no other choice. They do not care one bit about protecting children from pedos. This is about redirecting your outrage away from the places where it can do real damage.
The only kind of judging that I would grant a confirmed pedo is the deus vult kind
You're the only one advocating for ignoring anything, you subversive piece of shit.
Your position:
My position:
Get your nose outta here.
We love little girls, and for this reason we do not want to see any harm come to them. Our desire to inflict violence agaisnt anybody that destroys a childs innocence for the sake of their own perverse sexual gratification, is part of our natural instinct to preserve the things that we like
You are about as dumb as they come, bub.
Get the fuck out, newfag.
Females have had dildoes sense neolithic times but as soon as we approach parity we are demonized. Fuck those bitchy cunts.
Humans are sexually dimorphic and males are biologically expendable. This is reality, get over it you fucking bitch.
Pretty funny to see Holla Forums siding with the (((BBC))) of all things.
Good post. People who whine about all women being "feminist harpies" are just making excuses for their own shortcomings.
Why do you all fall for jewish lies about pedophilia? There is nothing wrong with pedophilia. It is the natural state of all animals that females are more attracted to older males and males are more attracted to younger females.
There is nothing wrong with marrying a young girl so that when she is older she can bear you children.
Name one wrong thing about marrying a 10 year old for the future?
The only reason its illegal in the first place is because old single women were jealous.
Those are phallus idols not dildos lad, every polytheist society had them.
Yes goy. Don't you ever dare of marrying a younger woman that will make you more offspring. You must wait until they are 20-25 years old.
Why would you want women to lose their virginity to someone competent who can take care of her instead of some dick head teenager who doesn't understand the meaning of responsibility yet.
Agree, but obviously it should happen in the context of a marriage. 10 might be too young, but I'm ok with marrying a 12-14 year old girl when the parents and the prospective husband are mature, responsible adults who have the best of the future mother and offspring in mind.
Not The Dobson (preston) Other guy with the same name.
You mean there isn't already a ban on it? What shitshow of a degenerate society allows this shit? In a sane society, these people would be killed.
Should we also ban midget porn?
This. How will the kikes make the big bucks on trafficking real children if they get undercut by the dropping prices of sexbots?
We love little White girls like nothing else that's why we don't want people to lewd them.
How's fourth grade reasoning going?
We should ban porn that doesn't have big breasted women as well and cartoons because they are literally real children just like these dolls
I agree, won't somebody think of the children?
Meant to reply to
Asstralia banned small breasts in porn.
Ausfailia banned guns too
We should ban porn.
So on the one hand I agree with the anons that say that banning this sort of thing is a slippery slope, but I can imagine how things of this nature could be used as a point of entry into normalizing pedo activity, now at their degenerate rallies they have some art student faggot diddling his little kid toy for muh sexual freedom, love is not to be controlled or contained etc etc and all of a sudden you've allowed some kiddy diddler to parade in the streets unchecked, the public sees this and some might even have drank so much kool aid that they say "Yeah! Liberation! Muh feminism! Muh LGBTQBBQQ GJG JRESGREGRJGKSDFL++ etc etc" and the insidious nature of the beast progresses further.
To the anons suggesting tracking + hanging quartering yes but what if they TOR + BTC + Dummy drop location etc?
There is no perfect solution here but this is certainly not good, just leads to more degeneracy
Yet in your eyes something is wrong with me because i can't find a women who dose not have kids already, has not been through more then five guys cock rides, and wants to be feminine and loving. As i said before if you know where these good women are then by all means pleas point to them or even better provide a way to meet them in a non fantasy setting you cucks seem to come up with.
Wrong that's fake news
All porn is a weapon.
Why not, no children are harmed.
It just means that pedos will fuck their dolls instead of raping children.
Yes I do hate pedos too, but you have to understand, it is better than doing nothing.
This, robots should be a temporary solution and a mean of collecting info of the buyer
Yea, I was just thinking they should allow it and quietly use it as justification for a full blown child abuse/porn investigation on anyone who buys one.
I know this is fake, but I'm still triggered.
Off topic, but imagine the amount of time and work that went into grinding and polishing that stone dick just so someone could either worship it or pleasure themselves with it.
but due to the fact that the neolithic "phallus idol" is of the perfect size to also be used as a dildo, the shaman got probably interesting rental deals with the tribe girls who wanted to make a little prayer from time to time
Child sex robots or dolls will not solve the pedo problem
surely giving the government power to ban thought crime will not backfire
nope, not at all, don't worry about it goy
That's a good joke, they'll continue doing exactly as they please either way.
If robotic AI becomes advanced enough, won't it be the same? Aren't humans just organic shells programmed with a self-preservation algorithm and has a learning algorithm as well? It's just that AI can do it much faster, maybe with the limitations on hardware the machines will also need to allocate processing at human levels. Then they will basically be the same as us except inorganic. If the AI learns the rules as well as humans do….. then they can be just like us.
throwing in the word goy doesn't assuage readily apparent facts. Kid touching faggot.
This is bad for many here. I'd bet > 90% of anons here are closet pedos.
kill yourself kike
A doll of a child is not a child any more than a drawing of a child is a child. Yet people sit in jail right now in New Zealand and Australia for possessing hentai.
Passing fetishes become irreversibly solidified by engaging in them.
This will literally cause more child molestation and rape.
A wise user once said; "Everytime I see someone shilling for degenerate things it's because they're engaged in them"
look at those two mad as fuck dykes brimming with impotent rage that men would rather fuck that inanimate object than their disgusting ass
funny how many neckbeards here are similar to them
Every time.
Where do I buy one
fucking lost
Anyone who is a pedo deserves the rope. Fuck you anons trying to help out pedos. They are the enemy.
One trillion percent this I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit
Fuck all of them
By any chance, were you mysteriously sick and bedridden for days at a time when you were a child?
If you walk in on your sex doll in the bath, does she karate kick you?
Professor… doesn't realize he just admitted to thinking about fucking dolls. He's probably a Jew who doesn't want his supply of the real thing cut off.
Now that's even more WTF. How the FUCK would THAT return some freak to a form of normalcy?
I'm going to make one and sell it on Ebay or such where the crotch has a blender in it so when the sicko puts his dick in it, that's it for him hahaha.
This thread… pics of dolls are creepy as shit. That's the toys ones. Real aversion to that. The problem is, these sickos ARE THINKING OF CHILDREN while screwing them. How long do you think that shit can go on for before they want the real thing?
Next is these dorks with more likelike… whatever the fucks. I'm thinking beatings and robberies with them. We need to dox these people. I'd even live stream a home invasion on one.
I can't understand if you type whatever brainfart you are havig
Oh nevermind, just a CIAnigger
That is such an excellent painting
Seems like the intuitive answer is that he is a pedo but doesnt actually want to ruin a child's life. A pedo but not unethical. Still degenerate.
Speaking of pedos, check out the LOL thread on Holla Forums right now
The PIDF is at full force
You know that's not going happen any time soon. Quit larping and try to make meaningful posts, anons.
Go back to your pedo cave faggola
Focus /pol.
The question is rather or not the production of this child sex doll helps to create a more or less acceptable environment.
I challenge anyone of you to list any positive outcome from the production of a
I've got nothing else.
I was pretty horny today and considered ordering a love doll on Amazon. The most trying part was deciding whether I wanted one with the stature of a 5 or 11 y/o.
Lol if you posted a real lg you would have been banned. Why am I on this cucked kike website?
pic- related
I saw that idea tossed around the tread: Using these to ID the users. I'd be in favor of heavy internet surveillance for the buyers, but I doubt the government could (or would) really do this effectively. Anyway, the whole idea feels like entrapment, which is inherently unethical.
Go for the 11
Underrated post.
I dunno, user. Most 11yo girls already have shitty attitudes.
Yeah, good idea. The extra heft can help improve my rape tactics!
What makes you think pedophilia ends when the man fucks his child sex doll? As if he finishes up a steamy sesch with XJ9 here, stands up, straightens his shirt, brushes his teeth, looks himself in the mirror and says: "Huh, that was enough for me. I am totally satisfied with my sexual habits.".
he's right you know.
the main problem I have with this, is the argument makes about as much sense without pedo robots.
instead of
it could also be
the women in the picture above would have the same disgusted looks on their faces even if it was a full grown woman sex doll. this is all the same argument thats always been made. about anything that takes power and money away from women and the state. (porn makes men into rapists, video games make men into killers, rock music makes men into devil worshipers. etc ect)
The problem with sexdolls in the future is defining what the difference is between a fantasy doll and a child doll. If it's a fantasy doll then there wont be a problem, but if it's specifically modeled after something that has not yet reached the age of maturity to produce offspring then they should not be made.
that argument makes no sense, is just another thoght crime fallacy. let's take another look at your argument
""What makes you think murder ends when the gamer kills his robot communist? As if he finishes up a bloody sesch with Joseph Stalin 2000 here, stands up, straightens his shirt, brushes his teeth, looks himself in the mirror and says: "Huh, that was enough for me. I am totally satisfied with my anti-communist bloodlust."""
that sounds just as dumb as what you said.
It's not about consent, it's about intent. As wasteful it is to any user out there, female dolls/robots actually promote ugh "normal" sex that can produce a child, not this slippery slope of degeneracy; which to much jacking off, can lead to as well. But you do have to get the poison out, I do understand.
how does that work with things that aren't even real? like the anime sexdolls that have been a thing for decades.
They would be considered under fantasy doll then.
even the loli ones?
Would this be someone like Hatsune Miku? Or would it be a monster girl? If it's like Miku, then it's the same thing as saying "a woman", because that's no different than any other sex doll.
Two things:
1. The act of playing a video game is nothing, whatsoever, like handling a gun, or using any instrument with which one could kill.
2. The ability to kill is important to our survival, and everyone should know how to do it. At best, video games might make you want to learn this valuable skill. At worst (and more likely) video games will distract from doing anything useful with your time.
Now lets compare sex with childlike dolls to sex with kids:
1. Aside from the child's ability to move on its own, the two acts are quite similar, and one could be considered practice for the other.
2. Sex with a child serves no purpose to anyone but a hedonist sack of human garbage looking to get his fix, and does tremendous damage mentally, and often physically, to any child subject to it. Practicing for such an act is a waste of time, and sets a precedent that no one who wants the best for society should feel comfortable setting.
So, your example of comparing sex with child dolls being as harmless as playing video games, does not hold up to scrutiny
hell, what about chibi or midget dolls? technically they are of age but they have out of the ordinary proportions. would those be outlawed because of similar the body would be to an under age person?
take my example further. say we are talking about VR gaming and VR sex. is the gamer killing a virtual enemy in the game any different or the same as the gamer having sex with a virtual woman or even a virtual child?
Mooninite terrorists did it for the lulz.
I need that game
With VR, both acts are far removed from the real things, both are wastes of time, and one is attaching pleasure to the concept of sex with children.
Freedom is overrated. Most people aren't even happy when they're free. The ultra rich can buy anything, and it makes them bored. Without guidance, or consequence, children grow into useless, and destructive adults. The freedom to do as one pleases is not a virtue, no does it instill virtue. Obstacles overcome through necessity instill virtue. More importantly they create lasting happiness, and the drive to improve further. Pretending to have sex with kids will, at best, waste time that would better spent elsewhere, and, at worst, ruin other people's lives.
My point of that second paragraph being that we should be encouraging each other to do better, and in some cases, forcing each other.
I agree, we should all convert to Islam
True freedom is anarchy and anarchy is garbage that will evolve into a lack of anarchy within moments.
We need strong leadership.
Trying to maintain a state of anarchy is basically just maintaining inactivity. Force is how everything gets done. It's impossible not to interfere in something's planned course of action, so we define what are acceptable applications of force by looking to what we want to achieve. If what we want to achieve is strong people and a secure fatherland, allowing people to dilyl dally their lives away masturbating to fake kids is, at the very least, not conducive to that goal, and thus force is necessary.
Good, ban the shit out of them.
FWIW Japan had one of the lowest rates of child molestation in the world in spite of its lolicon industry and legal CP up until 2015.
legal what now
Production was banned in '99 but possession remained legal until 2015.
Rumor has it ZOG/the feminists are pressuring them to shut down the lolicon industry in time for the 2020 Olympics, but there may be a hikki uprising in store if they come for the 2D lolis.
the ZOG wants japan to be as fucked up as the americas and europe. Olympics has always been an infiltration scam and yet everybody falls for it (even china and russia).
Again, there is no study that even shows a correlation between access to Loki shit and decreased pedophilic urges.
Japan has no crimes whatsoever because the Japanese are an intelligent and mild-mannered people without any foreigners to shit up the statistics or gene pool.
In fact, the whole "lolicon helps reduce child abuse" argument is logically faulty. Either people can properly distinguish between lolishit and real children, in which case it COULD NOT affect pedophiles AT ALL or they can't, in which case lolicon is clearly a gateway medium into worse CP and should be treated accordingly.
Japan also has a declining birthrate, and significant portions of young people are useless, and aspire to nothing. They are a rapidly weakening race of people. They are a warning against leniency, not an example in favor of it.
I refuse to believe that this is true
end yourself mate
Look at this fucking shit, anglos have one of the highest rape rates in the world just so you know
The free market should not be impeded.
So you don't mind your freedom being taken away and someone gives you the perfect safety of death? It would only cost pennies.
It can't be exploited if all the jews are dead.
Photo taken in a no photo zone doxing the ID card of one of the people? Probably some drug trafficking toy doll found with drugs in it, user.
Rope therapy cures pedos.
That might made sense if the ZOG wasn't trying to ban lolishit while making constant moves towards normalization of pedophilia.
The media kikes may put pedoshit in the media but that doesn't mean it's being normalized. Every year like clockwork there is a new piece of bipartisan antipedo legislation being passed. The only thing that's changing is the decriminalization of CP for minors and more Romeo & Juliet laws to make it easier for Juan and Tyrone to rape your daughter.
Now that I think about it, the child dolls are probably much cheaper than the adult ones. They're going to sell more of them on that basis alone which will cause normalfags to become pedos
I disagree that pedophilia will never be normalised. Up to the 1950s abortion was seen as a terrible crime and back street abortionists were arrested for murder, villified by the media, and thrown in jail. But it only took a decade of propaganda about " muh women's rights" to change it from murder to a basic human right.
Now being against abortion is equated to being the same as gassing Jews with your bare hands or something. If they can make murdering children respectible, then then it won't be difficult for them to make merely fucking them no big deal too.
I always thought this 'real doll' thing was a joke, the stuff of comedy songs and silly skits. I was hopelessly naive.
I'd rather a pedoshit be euthanised so that they cannot pass their genes onto the next generation. Seriously. If we prevent pedoshits from breeding then we'll save future generations incredible heartbreak.
It's called eugenics. Eugenics is a fancy word for "to improve the quality of our genetic stock by preventing degenerates from breeding." If we prevent Pedoshits from breeding then we also proactively prevent their (hypothetical) offspring from abusing children 25-30 years from now.
Eugenics. It's the future.
You can't fight progress.
>unarchived links of the (((BBC)))
Shit thread
We all live there.
This is incorrect. Pedos are fucking dumb fucks who get off on young kids because they themselves have not developed their brains enough to become adults they are literally retarded.
Read it again. It's Anayami.
Pedophilia can be PRO-WHITE and REDPILLED though. It would SAVE birthrates and allow for lasting bonds to form between man and loli. It's only a problem when you get degenerate fuckers going around fucking children and then dumping them when they get too old. Just like abortion is only a problem when it's healthy white couples aborting their healthy white fetuses.
Jews want to make sure we don't abort retarded babies and nigger babies but want to get white women to abort their healthy offspring.
When a white woman aborts healthy child the discussions centers on "muh responsibility, muh body right", etc. but when a white woman aborts a retard it's all "oy vey, evil eugenicist, human life is precious, blah blah" or a niglet it's all "oy vey, racist!".
So pedophilia will be accepted and promoted but they will try to do make it a dysfunctional form. Nothing based like pic related.
one is attaching pleasure to the concept of sex with children, the other is attaching pleasure to the concept of killing people…
ProTip for you guys: real freedom is being the master and not the slave.
Of course that kind of freedom gets people all rustled since it's hard to become and non-egalitarian to become the master.
are normal sex dolls a gateway for raping women?
You keep posting it, doesn't make it any less degenerate.
If you don't think that the kikes are behind this, then you are with them, making the world as degenerate as possible. All us goyim are gonna have to work extra hard to fight against the rubbish media
ProTip for you guys: real freedom is being the master and not the slave.
Of course that kind of freedom gets people all rustled since it's hard to become and non-egalitarian to become the master.
pedophiles are typically made, not bred
you have to go after the whole system to stop it
Obviously the kikes are behind this. They try to warp absolutely everything with one goal in mind; the genetic sabotage and demographic collapse of the white race.
It's not the only one but listen, I browse /jb/ and other pedophile boards, and the overwhelming masses of pedophiles truly are degenerate garbage that need to be exterminated. They are often non-white and they just want to fuck children because it's their fetish and they have no problem with justifying to themselves why they dump the girl and leave her as used up damaged goods to wander the world afterwards. On Holla Forums though there's at least a minority, maybe 10% of hebophiles or pedophiles, that just want a child bride so they don't have to deal with a woman whose already been dicked by other men and had her mind filled with jew egalitarian humanist marxist ideas by some (((school))). Idiots object to "grooming" but grooming is not bad if the grooming is being done to make a happy traditional wife that will be forever in harmony with your own views and way of life. Retards want women however to be brainwashed/groomed by other men like Shlomo Bergowittz so that they will never love you the same way a loli still can. AOC is like 15 where I am, so I probably will aim to get a 14 year old GF, and then marry and fuck her on her 15th birthday…
All I got from this is thar you are sick
Holla Forums is angrier at men wanting to fuck sex dolls that look like children then they are at female teacher pedos that go around diddling kids
m'lady :^)
would you guys throw fem pedos into the pit as well?
What is sick about doing what was the NORM for thousands of years? Look up when girls were married off in ancient times, in medieval times, and in the 1800s. By the time a girl was 18, she usually had 2-3 children. Women imprint on their mates and after she has been fucked by another man she can never properly bond with or being intimate with another man ever again thereafter.
Shut up pedo
I'm attracted to adult women. I just want a really young wife that I can groom so she loves me. You want one pre-groomed by Shlomo.
If it'll make you feel better we'll throw them in the pit too when you go in
and you
The mental gymnastics in this thread has convinced me to give all these losers child sex dolls with a cell-bomb inside so we can trigger it on the day of the rope.
I've seen less mental gymnastics with gay marriage.
rape, burning villages down and stealing cattle and eating till you puke were all the "NORM" back in "the day". you are incredibly uneducated and a pedo, wow you are dumb
This retarded japanese penis festival only started in the 1970s faggot.
Better yet program the robots to rip their balls off
The mental gymnast award goes to you, faggot
Is 1880 too far back in the day, or do we count modern times as beginning when feminists started pushing the age of consent up from 10 to as high as they could in order to preserve the market value of their smelly old vaginas.
Pedophilia is for lesser men, i also believe it will never be normalized, the right hates pedos because "muh pure children ;_;" and the left HATES weak small men, they worship the Huge Negro.
What has a manlet to do to get some pussy? women aren't attracted to 5'4" men.
There's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia. If requiring higher order cognitive thinking skills was a prerequisite to having sex without experiencing debilitating trauma then no species on this planet would exist. It's only the social stigma that causes the trauma. You idiots are falling for jewish d&c tricks, messing up sexually active children and giving up your rights to privacy and free speech because the media brainwashed you and because you're virtue-signalling faggots.
You might be onto something.
old hag: mink coat and day at the spa
loli: head pat and ice cream
I'm not even a pedo though. I just want a virgin wife. I could marry her and then wait/delay until whatever arbitrary age you deem is ok to start making white children with her.
When I was molested what really did the damage to me as a child wasn't the act itself, it was my parents freaking out constantly, not letting me have friends ever again, taking me out of school, and treating me different from my other siblings like I was a tainted monster thereafter. I ended up hating my parents and becoming suicidal because they used me being molested as an excuse for constant hysteria and treating me like shit.
Doubt it was anymore prevalent then today.
The fact we don't burn villages down of our enemies is what's wrong with this current age.
This happens today still. Probably happened more in the past but whatever. Stealing livestock is a thing that just keeps happening, it was more serious in the past though, as people depended more than they do today on their livestock to ensure their survival and livelihood.
You mean people were anorexics back then more so than today? I doubt it.
Listen. Pedophiles in general are bad because they fuck a younger person and then abandon them. Marrying and cherishing your bride and cultivating her so she becomes a loving wife to you and has many of your children is not bad. Obviously, if she's so young that putting your dick inside of her isn't feasible and would damage her, then you don't do that. However if she's about 14 or 15 or whatever and she wants to have kids with you, why deny that? Go ahead and gas all the pedophiles to whom it's just a fetish. There's a big difference between a man who marries a girl and keeps her as a wife (not losing sexual attraction to her because she gets olders) and the dysfunctional retards who are ONLY attracted to flat-chested prepubescents and just abandon them when they get too old. I am primarily attracted to hour-glass figure, fully developed, young adult women… but I want to get my wife when she's really young so I can raise her with redpill values and start the family early while she's still fertile and in peak health. I can end up having a greater number of high quality children with a young wife than if I marry a woman who is already 25 or something. If I marry a 15 year old, that's 10 extra years of breeding children.
pedophilia has NEVER been the norm. Literally never. Quit spreading Jewish lies.
Shut up autismos
It always comes back to morality with the left and the right. Make no mistake about it. There are those on the right who are simply there to push their own ideological morality. It's why so many Americans shifted left. They were sick of the Christian right pushing their morality on them. The problem with supporting the left against the Christian right was the left had it's own group of moralizers doing the same. What happened? Trump happened. The moralizers are killing us all. I hope Trump is smart enough to not link up with these people in any serious way otherwise the swing voters will vote left again and when they do it will be too late to recover demographically.
Marrying 15 years old has and in many places still is the norm.
9 year olds is pushing it but it wasn't that big of a deal except in a select few societies which were all on their death-throes at the time.
Forget about age, it's just a number, not reflecting biological reality. When a woman is pubescent, she's ready to settle down with a husband. That can come earlier or later for some.
Being attracted to prepubescent girls is abnormal. Anything else is not.
Strictly speaking, I'm an ephebophile, I want to "fug teens" or more strictly speaking form a monogamous and lifelong traditionalist marriage with one. I want to emulate Charlie Johns.
Go ahead and gas everyone though that doesn't have the same standard as me.
*slap slap*
which places?
I'm not sure what you mean by your question. Do you mean what places still marry off young teenage girls?
All Islamic nations, Africa, certain regions of Asia, certain European countries, and most of South America have plenty of marriages to 15 year olds; and if the aoc laws don't permit, they still are getting together and forming what is basically a marriage at that age, even if it isn't made official until later.
Usually in villages and such, people pair off young, and know who they are going to marry.
In certain parts of America (rural parts of course) this is still normal practice.
As for 9 year olds, that has never been the majority of marriages, but there were marriages like that and if the girl wasn't ready they just wouldn't consummate it (have sex) until later.
It makes sense to get this all straightened out early. Many marriages in many parts of the world, and even more so in the past, were all arranged in a pragmatic way. Marriage wasn't ever about love, it was an alliance between different families. I think it is best that everyone have their marriages and even their professions arranged; because the majority of people never know what they want to do in life and would be better off this way. The "I have suddenly developed a great passion for something else" types are a small minority and we can just make exceptions for them, aka, we have something lined up for them but if for some reason they greatly object to it then they can go marry someone else or get into some other profession. Most people though will never object to having their marriage and professions arranged for them, they will instead be much happier.
I'm from Argentina, never heard of such a thing happening here
Nobody can stop the waifu age. The bitter old hags must learn they are obsolete.
Found the degenerate.
Unironically believes that pedos won´t be included on the Day of the Woodchippers.
Yeah but how many 15 year olds have you heard of getting pregnant and becoming mothers at that age in your nation?
Killing your enemies is good, unless you're canadian.
Not many, the state is quite strict in those cases, and in cities in general. In the Amazonas regions, e.g. of Peru and Brasil, and everywhere where there are niggers, they usually start to have sex around age 12, though, same as in the US.
It's not what I deem OK, it's what you deem OK, if I had kids I wouldn't want you anywhere near them talking like that, and if it walks like a chomo and talks like a chomo it's a chomo. So into the chomo pit you go chomo.
Pro tip: there's no such thing as freedom. There is only competition.
ProTip for you: monopolies are a thing.
Seriously why are you guys not ok with me marrying a 15 year old daughter of yours? Would you rather she falls into the hands of some nu-male cuck, a non-white, etc.? I'm not a degenerate. 15 year olds are prime reproductive age. A woman should have all her children from about 15 to 25. After 25 they will be more likely autistic.
Daily reminder the age of consent was 14 in Nazi Germany
Pedophilia is good for the economy on so many levels.
autistic like you? good thing no lady (in your case girl *shutters*) will ever let you touch them. godspeed
You are a big part of the problem. congratulations!
tfw I want one of those
Don't try to turn me into a nigger with that seductive ass
Few questions about this:
are they still legal?
where can I get one if they are?
and I don't necessarily want one that looks like a kid, anything of that quality would do.
For U
not in most of the world. japan might be the only place you could buy one without being arrested.
same guy
marrying 15 year olds is not pedophilia you stupid fucking retard. Pedophilia is the attraction to pre-pubescent children. There is nothing wrong in my eyes with marrying 15 year old girls who are physically mature.
anything below 14 years old is pushing it.
And there is nothing wrong with this. I'm the same. This is natural human attraction. This, however, is NOT pedophilia, as pedophilia strictly refers to the attraction to pre-pubescent children.
shut up small penis boy
Fortunately for humanity, your beliefs are not fact. Fact is fact. No, ephebophilia is NOT pedophilia, you're right, but society is NOT in a place where we can "instantly" restore traditional marriage scenarios.
The reason you can’t date and marry a 14-16 year old and you could 100 years ago is the pill and the sexual revolution. Before the sexual revolution: Man reached financial security and is ready to marry. He falls in love with neighbor girl who is 14-16 and starts to court her. The parents think he is a fine fit and let it happen. Since sex has consequences (pregnancy => marriage), there was no element of exploitation involved. The man basically openly signaled that he was willing to feed their daughter until he dies and pay/care for her children emotionally and financially. He marries her, the whole community/villages knows, and everything is fine. The only ones pushing for higher consent and marriage age are feminists who are bitter about being childless, husband-less, suffragettes in their 30s and want to compress the marriage market.
Now enter the ‘60s: Sexuality has no consequences anymore. Marriage is devalued. Liberals and hippies already push the boundaries because, “Hey, sex is for fun; why shouldn’t everyone do it?” The majority of society is still in the old mindset, though. Liberals and degenerates start to have sex with children (grooming) just for fun without planing to marry/have children with the girls. They rob the girls of their innocence and trust in relationships, then drop her for a younger girl. Here we see the rise of the concept of child exploitation. In the ‘60s and ‘70s, you had a lot of liberals and artists pushing pedophilia in arts and film since the majority of people still were behind the curve. (A lot of ‘70s movies with casual pedophilia)
‘70s: Pedophilia and drug use are rampant. The family unit is destroyed and young girls turned into nihilist whores because their belief in romantic relationships has been destroyed by liberals who are just out for young flesh without responsibility.
‘80s: By now relationships with young girls has become synonymous with exploitation of young girls since marriage and sex have been devaluated. Christian conservatism is on the rise to put an end to it (Reagan, etc). Consent and marriage ages are pushed even higher, ostensibly to protect children. Now we are in a vicious cycle. Even as a stern traditionalist anti-modern reactionary, you should not embrace lower consent and marriage laws right now. Because in this broken society, it would only lead to abuse by hedonists. Girls would be used up by 16 and turned into nihilistic feminist single moms earlier than even today. Stupid YouTube and Instagram chads would go around having harems of young girls without responsibility. But in a traditional society where sex means marriage–and marriage is binding FOR LIFE–yes, age of consent laws should be as low as is regionally seen acceptable, minimum everywhere of the physical maturity of the girl. There is no sudden change in women when they turn 18. A 16 year old girl is emotionally prepared for marriage, and it always has been that case. I hope this reconciles both parties in this debate. Also, I want to point to J. D. Unwin’s Sex & Culture; the study of all major civilizations and their decline that was instrumental in the writing of Huxley’s “Brave New World.”
“In the good old days, grown men could fuck nine-year-olds!”
Time to put this little chestnut to rest. First, you know fuck all about our history. Historians and archaeologists struggle to recreate how people lived in 18th century America, so the idea that Mr. Random Pedophile on the Internet has some special insight into Babylonian nuptials from the Iron Age is absurd. Second, what we do know about these bygone societies suggests that what we now consider underage marriage was softened by the cultures that practiced it. That is to say, a girl who grew up in agrarian France in the Middle Ages knew her whole life she’d be married off at 15 or 16. It was just how life worked; there was no perceived element of wrongdoing attached to it, and if the village pedo got himself a wife who was 13 or so, people may have gossiped but they mostly looked the other way. Thing is, though; if he abused that girl, her father and brothers straightened him out in a day or two. There were no cops back then, so nothing ever got in the way of a good lynching where it was needed. That alone kept Uncle Touchy in line. Third, these were farming societies. In that world, children are a blessing, not a burden. The sooner a girl could start breeding, the richer and happier the whole village would be. Little kids were almost free labor on the farm, and there was no social or economic penalty for girls who started early. Today, of course, a pregnant 16-year-old is almost bound to drop out of school and go on welfare, becoming a burden to us all because a horny 24-year-old couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Fourth, and I think this is the kicker–virtually every historical society had intact nuclear and extended families, and they mostly lived in places where you knew everybody else. Families had very strong bonds in pre-modern societies and people rarely moved around. That stability made it so everybody in town knew each other, which is a powerful disincentive toward predatory sexual behavior. If Lars the Blacksmith ever raped Gabrielle the Virgin, it’s not like he could disappear into the crowd afterward. He’d spend the rest of his life labeled as the village rapist, and he might face serious penalties. At the very least, he could expect to make enemies out of the girl’s family and lose access to the other village girls.
In that environment, a father could accurately assess the intentions of an older suitor for his daughter. If a 30-year-old woodsman asked for the farmer’s 14-year-old daughter’s hand in marriage, her father would know right away whether he was a good match. The father could then help his daughter make a smart decision rather than just tossing her to the wolves and hoping for the best. This is not how today’s society works. Even if we allowed underage marriage–even if we insisted on marriage as opposed to pumping and dumping–the “suitor” would still be a stranger with unknowable intentions. He could easily have come from the other side of the country, for all the girl’s family knows, and there’s no way I can see to ensure that the real abusers won’t take advantage of our newfound (((tolerance))) of childfucking. Without stable communities, how can we know the difference between an adult man who genuinely loves and wants to wife a teenaged girl in her prime breeding age and a pervert who wants to use her up?
14/88 heh
Then I'm not a pedophile and you should stop rusing me for being a supposed pedophile.
Then there is no problem here.
Trips confirm!
Some major synchronicities going on in here. Praise Kek!
May as well ban Nicotine patches.
Holla Forums is dead. Long live Holla Forums.
The Holla Forums of old would not push for thought-crime laws/bans. Bots with child appearance do not victimize children, anymore than CG or drawn images do.
This is not killing our people. If anything, our people could use being introduced to and encouraged to have HETEROSEXUAL sex younger so as to cause more pregnancies. It would help to make child custody default to the bio-dad at age 6 and older.
i wany one, i cant have kids and we always want a child :-( adoption is too hard and plus i dont want to have to molest an African nigger babby….
right. lots of moralfaggots in here calling everyone a pedo who doesn't want thought crimes implemented
be on your guard lads I sense some jewish tomfoolery itt
I could make a white aryan baby for you…
It is true, though it should be noted that only "soft core" was allowed, so it was more like their gravure magazines.
People still had some of the magazines from the 90s and the change of the law allowed them a year or so to "dispose" of the old magazines, though how many secretly kept them no one can say for sure.
This particular picture is well over a year old iirc. They "intercepted" the doll in transit and then arrested the guy. Needless to say, the emotions showing on those two hag's faces set the tone for the whole article.
Depends on where you live. You could get one in the US, but they'd probably intercept it and then claim it's CP or something, which won't hold in court so they'll also charge you with shipping something "obscene" through interstate commerce (this is how they get porn producers they consider competition) which is a somewhat easier charge to push through because "I know it when I see it!"
She looks like she's on heroine or something.
Feminism (SJEWS) are just using this to ban all sex bots. With the base banning of personal robots there will be tighter regulations of all kinds.
Pedos all need to hang, their genes are flawed.
tfw not a pedo but heart is utterly slain by small cute petite girls with neotenic features
tfw have to be really fucking careful about approaching girls I find attractive, because the features I enjoy are age-deceptive
This is suffering.
Please disregard the tangental degeneracy. I just want to scoop her into my lap.
You must lack the knowledge in the art of subversion. As we see with many rapists they had founded their roots upon porn, but then needed more so they had then moved on to more a more sensual approach to fill their desires in practice. What will happen with these bots you ask, it will be alright for a while[for the user] until this isn't enough to satisfy their desires after some time to to the extent where they must enact it in real life - no more fantasies.
I would say that is a horrible support of your claim since if one had not smoked before then went onto nicotine patches, going deeper and deeper, until they need large nicotine hits, they would digress into similar circumstances as that of the pedo. Addiction is a basic subject, they start out small, until more is needed to satisfy their desires, just as it is with drugs.
Also, go home kiddo >>>Holla Forums
Why are vegan women so much better looking than meatslags? They look so much more natural.
Can someone dox Ann so I can go meet her?
Or we could publicly execute them in city squares to avoid them from being made
This is due to the fact that you are not one to attain the desired girls that are taken by the 'chads', you take the leftover women whom lack the desired female anatomy. I see this a lot with the more beta males of the pack who, after not being able to attain the woman of their choice, develop a desire for the traits of the females that they are left with, but still hold some sense of beauty. This tends to comprise of women whom have beautiful faces, small breasts, a well maintained body as well as a short height. I've never had problems with this but had found this within myself at times when I think of carrying on my seed for a quick easily attainable wife that doesn't desire much attention, but then logically they are incapable of being proper mother due to their small hips(birth), small breasts for the child's feed, poor mothering skills due to their likely poor childhood (which may be overruled by a proper father). I would implore you to use reason when looking for a wife to give birth to your children, as have been described above.
She looks like a woman that would love to explore the world, go to college, become a journalist, and wish to remain without children(likely due to her poor childhood experiences or because "children are so annoying"), perhaps even asexual(I find this to be the case with a quarter of women of similar anatomy pictured). Remember that a wife requires attention such as that of a dog, if they don't have that attention they will 'explore other options' and balance the risk upon cheating on you. Women of that structure are more simple-minded and without much responsibility due to the lack of children and her 'prestigious' journalism job, you need her to love you more than you love her. This works where they are more obsessive over you and you will be their target until they have acquired it, but once you' love' them/are more obsessed over them is when they then look to explore other options due to the fact that 'you need them, and the the inverse[as before]' - just as a man will not give up until something is accomplished, once they have it, it isn't of much value anymore(as it previously was) which is where morals come in to keep people in line to avoid divorce and actions of the like.
Some advice though, if you wish to marry make sure you find one you have no second guesses about, don't settle for anything but perfect, or you'll have problems. If you wish to build up your wealth, or career, or any activity that requires a lot of time that wont be devoted to your wife/children, avoid relationships for the time being, and wait until later - mostly an issue for entrepreneurs who are in need of a great deal of time to peruse their goals without distractions(a majority of the most influential men of all time had reasoned this such as Tesla, and Hitler for instance)
That was a major national scandal in the past and was the reason for some laws made after, pedo. You will hang.
Q-tip: monopolies are never guaranteed.
You're damaged, alright.
checked and heiled
Doesn't the idea of sex dolls just hasten the diminishing of the white race? Niggers and the like aren't going to be able to afford these things, and as they get more realistic, I think it's a possibility that more and more white men are going to stop seaking white women to reproduce with.
On the other hand, women might stop acting like sluts when they see that less men are going to be interested in them.
I'm not sure how this would all play out.
More like they'll double-down on the railing against sex dolls, calling them 'sexist' and 'misogynistic'.
And if that doesn't work? I find it hard to believe that they would actually make any progress, at least not in the US.
It wasn't. Hell 100-130 years ago it was common as anything it wasn't until after WWI that society started to frown on it. Go back through your own family tree and I'll bet $20 that by 1880 you'll see multiple members in your family where there was a 7-10 year age difference between the male and female line. If there isn't, it's because your family was so poor that the females were considered worthless even with a substantial dowry.
Ayy yo hol' up so you be sayin' dis nigga wasn't a pedo?
"So, the race-mixing mother of a 10-year-old White girl invited a Rape Ape into her home, then was shocked when the ape raped the child and got her pregnant."
You fucking faggots that's a trap from twitter. It's been endlessly confirmed.
Looks like nothing but advertising to me.
Fuck you, I don't do any drugs, I hate racemixers so bad that I scowl at each one I ever see pass me and stare them down, and I plan out ways to save the white race all the time, and I have The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf and a ton of other NatSoc material. I am doing nothing wrong at all by getting a young wife and starting early and having as many healthy white children as possible. My own mother was about 30 when she started having kids and I'm the only viable one of her offspring, the rest are fucked up.
It's like you didn't even read the post. It's not there fault, what is there fault is, the constant hysterics and life destroying shit they did afterwards all because of something that happened to me which was outside of my control. If they just would have turned a blind eye and treated me like normal that would be better but no, they had to be deranged hysterical cunts.
The only reason that story is bad is because it contains racemixing and rape. If the girl was married off to a Holla Forums-tier man it would have been fine.
Dude, fuck all that complicated shit you said, and just listen to your subconscious instinct. People have failed relationships because they keep mating with people that aren't their instinctual match. Look at how cousins have greater success with their marriages than unrelated people.
Listening to your subconscious instinct is no better than a nigger with its muh dick argument. We see how the human interacts and hence we must understand it to know how to reap its benefits. When you adhere to those values(of subconsious thought) as most do today you have mindless zombies whom are swayed by those whom hold the best propaganda - sometimes you have to trick the common man into doing whats best for himself and his yonder kin.
The point of marriage for wealthy citizens is to further their influence and to bridge influential families. The point of marriage of the goy in democracy, is to produce more consumers. This is why you see all of this need of race mixing and third world migrants entering our country since they are much easier consumers to acquire due to their lower intelligence where they can enact Freud's tactics with ease. I do concur with your statement though when the mates are both genetically superior, that it should be done with family. If the initiator in a relationship lacks genetic superiority but still wishes to spread his seed he needs to find a woman whom is capable of fulfilling this desire. The result is independent on the situation but with private citizens, the marriage of cousins seems to be the most natural aspect(except when combined traits of another family are needed for the future offspring). This is why we have unique senses of admirable traits, we seek what is attractive, and that passed on attractiveness to allow our offspring to be able to acquire a husband/wife due to its inherited, selected(by parents), beauty compared to its competition in the gene pool.
They'll make extra money, as the dolls make pedos want real ones more.
The subconscious calculates what is your perfect mate. Ignoring your subconscious is a good way to end up with a genetic mismatch.
The normies who racemix and who end up picking mates that aren't genetic matches for them btw are not listening to their subconscious instinct, they're listening to the ZOG machine which has brainwashed and perverted them.
I do concur with this statement for those whom are properly trained and have childhoods where no talk of race has influenced their decisions. We expect, at a young age[,those of us that haven't been subverted], to have white children, for if we didn't we would be in disgrace of our ancestors, as well as have inferiorities of the oriental types for instance(weak anatomy, smaller height, restricted sight). While for the more subverted, apathetic/mentally incapacitated types that care about muh pleasure, will seek those of other races and not not particularly think about the long term happiness, but rather the short term pleasure(This is a recent theory I've been pondering about recently - there are those whom seek short term pleasure(Communists) and those whom seek long term happiness(National Socialists), generally the long term happiness accompany a higher IQ since it's a more divise plan, while the low IQ care about the here and now). The reason for race mixing as is with homosexuality, must then be classified as a mental disorder that needs to be treated as such. I say they act on the subconscious, because they make these subconscious choices when morals have not been properly implemented(as have been told race mixing is acceptable and common), like in those who choose not to race-mix. This is beneficial for the Jews whom break down morals and naturally will allow women to make the subconscious thought to race-mix(as women act on subconscious/emotional decisions more than males - [the males] who act more on reason -, which is a likely reason for women tending to race-mix much more commonly than males), as this benefits the jew in selection of easier consumers/goyim to profit from due to their low IQ and reasoning skills(They would rather buy a drink, for instance, that shows QT women drinking and indulging in other pleasuring activities[with potentially them] rather than a commercial that would lists specs about the drink).
Yes, a breakdown of their morals and basic instinct is what allows them to act in an unnatural manner, which perverts their subconscious instinct. Dogs, as are commonly great examples of race and IQ and other humanly manners(Each breed has specialized traits, abilities, physique and intelligence), are also a good example of this scenario. Most dogs that belonging to a white family in a white area tend to act in a much more civilized manner to other whites of similar characteristics. Once they see a African bamboo for the first time, they don't know what to make of it, as if it's an animal for instances, and will generally attack them. While if that dog had been in an inverse environment the inverse effect would likely be in place. Of course then, is the possibility for the dog to act on subconscious thought when it is associated with both races, would then not act in an aggressive manner towards the other since it had been trained to accept each race as acceptable - the same can be said for man.
Just as addiction works, they need more and more until their desires are fulfilled. This is the case with most rapists, as they start out watching hardcore porn, then look to enact their fantasies in real life.
wtf SJWs were right all along I love multiculturalism now
available research and self-reported and official statistics might provide evidence for the reverse effect; the increasing availability of pornography appears to be associated with a decline in rape.
But there are studies that show access to internet porn reduced rapes by a lot. There is no reason to think pedos are any different in that regard.
People who prefer to posture and virtue signal by banning fake child porn and loli dolls, disgust me. They are choosing their feelz over the actual welfare of children.
But there are studies that show access to internet porn reduced rapes by a lot. There is no reason to think pedos are any different in that regard.
People who prefer to posture and virtue signal by banning fake child porn and loli dolls, disgust me. They are choosing their feelz over the actual welfare of children.>>10223015
Protip: the theory you just pulled out of your butt is *not* evidence.
I love when Holla Forums shills so hard for MUH HWHITE WOMEN that you start to sound like andrea dworkin, kill yourself my man
the far right and far left always end up the same. endless moral panics. draconian censorship. garbage economic policies. and eternal corruption that forever feeds the jewden. the only hope humans have is an authoritarian centrist movement to rise up and reject both the the extremes of the right and the left and given from a strictly fact based approach.
I remember when I was but a lad, discovering bondage titty porn on my AOL dialup connection.
I remember thinking "Holy shit, I'm on the Internet, I can find ANYTHING here, ANYTHING"
Rarely am I disappointed.
Now I'm just waiting on the how-to guides and blueprints for the child sex robot do-it-yourselfer.
so, source: your pozzed anus?
Just look at mudshits
Meanwhile in white europe or america
so, source: your pozzed anus?
interesting thought, feminist have always said their mission was to destabilize/destroy the western family structure. feminist have also been heavily critical of porn (but that seems to have changed to only being critical of porn that show white males in a positive or dominant position)
Shitposting software going a bit haywire there bud?
Its a fairly logical argument that the man whom is obsessed with porn/sex is going to be the one doing the raping, rather than the virtuous one or the one whom practices abstinence. Look at Elizabeth Smart for instance, her abductor had made her abduction a great deal worse as he had a porn obsession, and had often made her watch the porn with him. He then enacted these moves upon her that he had found in these porn videos. To say porn had no effect on his motives is absurd, and as previously stated its a fairly logical argument(What leads people to do this?/have the capability to do this).
Shitposting software going a bit haywire there bud?
Its a fairly logical argument that the man whom is obsessed with porn/sex is going to be the one doing the raping, rather than the virtuous one or the one whom practices abstinence. Look at Elizabeth Smart for instance, her abductor had made her abduction a great deal worse as he had a porn obsession, and had often made her watch the porn with him. He then enacted these moves upon her that he had found in these porn videos. To say porn had no effect on his motives is absurd, and as previously stated its a fairly logical argument(What leads people to do this?/have the capability to do this).
Keep people in isolation and xenophobia and other normal human behaviours are the default. All this weird ZOG shit is caused by overdomesticated in cities n' shit.
any better source of info?
Did you seriously just try and use a feminist organisation publication that has andrea dworkin as references as some kind of hard hitting evidence?
Author of this document:
Robert Jensen, Ph.D.
School of Journalism
University of Texas at Austin
[email protected]/* */
Debbie Okrina
Clinical Supervisor
Houston Area Women’s Center
[email protected]/* */
Fucking hell, mate.
Robert Jensen, phd
Fucking hell.
Worse, your article doesnt even support your claim.
pornography and violence is constructed simplisti-
cally — “Does pornography cause rape?” — the
answer is clearly no. Since some men who use
pornography don’t rape, and some men who rape
don’t use pornography, pornography is neither a
necessary nor sufficient condition for rape.
You're blowing my mind, how one post can be so absolutely wrong in almost every way.
Look pedo I DON'T CARE
I don't care if you "support the white race" or if you are "natsoc" Greg johnson hates niggers too, and guess the fuck what, I'd sooner lynch his faggot ass then some nog because as codreanu said if I had a gun with two bullets, and were stuck in a room with an enemy and a traitor I'D SHOOT THE TRAITOR TWICE
Scum like you are part of the reason why our race is falling down that and the abandonment of Christ
The good part about this all is even if whites die out I know scum like you, Grindr Greg, the race traitors, and the fags will die too. Scum like you are long for this world because the wages of sin is death
It talks about the Elizabeth Smart incident.
I merely inferring that men who are obsessed with sex/porn are the ones who rape, and not good men who are of Merit, Virtue, Ethics, and Morality.
You can infer all you want but it doesnt make it true, just like the arguments that video games make people violent or sexual content encourages harmful stereotypes of women and reinforces patriarchal behavior.
that doesn't even sound logical. and it's a waste of ammo.
It's a moral stance, I would rather the white race die nobally then live as liberal faggots, if I have to fight and die for this thing, I rather it NOT be filled with depraved FREAKS
If you are ok with whites becoming degenerates then you will be the reason for it's death
GTFO, nigger scum. That man has done more for the movement than you will do in tenthousand lifetimes. Do you think you're sexual orientation gives you some inherent moral authority? YOU are the traitor, and I'd put you down like the dirty insect you are if you were to attack leader like GJ.
I seriously hope this is sarcasm
Considering you're a pedo that's ok with fucking a 12 year old I wouldn't put it past you, but at LEAST talk about your perversions on fucking TRS like every other pervert
i'm not interested in so called "morals" or feelings (i'm not a woman). logic, facts, and reasoning. that's what makes the white race worth preserving! you've forgotten what's important and seek only to gratify yourself with this twisted sense of morality. that's nothing more then your own anger and irrational thoughts. you kill both the enemy! and the traitor! operating on feelings and giving into irrational bs is what has taken down this road of ruin.
The menarche defines the sexual maturity of a girl, from that point on she's marriable. Denying that simple and traditionally observed fact makes you a crypto-feminist and by extension a shabbos goy.
I reject homosexuality as well, but that doesn't in the least change the greatness of select individuals. GJ is one of the great intellectual leaders of the white nationalist movement, and I would never allow a nobody with a superiority complex based on sexual orientation (which is, ironically, a form of inverse identity politics) like you to harm him.
So a christcuck is going to shoot me for getting a teenage wife (which has always been legal in my country) and starting a traditional redpilled family and arming all my offspring and training them for RaHoWa.
No user - you - are the race traitor.
Someone like him would have been put down in National Socialist Germany - I say this because there were a few moralizers who took things too far and caused a lot of trouble going after the wrong people - instead of you know, fighting the actual enemies, persecuting Germans who were willing to actually fight for the Reich. There were some hysterical moralists that went too far… and I'm saying this as someone who wants to lynch degenerates of all sorts. I just can not believe that having a teenage white wife is somehow bad. It's simply not actual degeneracy. Now, having children after 30 who end up being autistic and having various problems; THAT is degeneracy.
How can one who does not know or care about sex commit these deviant acts? The man who is obsessed with science will become a genius, and the man who is obsessed with sex/porn will become the rapist. You are inferring that a man who practices abstinence for instance is as likely as one obsessed with sex to go out and rape.
The evidence for rape are the anti-social conditions, as well as the devaluation of women provided by pornography.
Fucking this.
What's wrong with identity politics exactly?
Nice strawman you've constructed there. I have done nothing but refute claims that pornography leads to a rise in sexual assault.
Lets assume that what you have said is true, what has that got to do with anything?
Rape is low.
Pornography use is high.
What's next, communism can work as long as everyone is white?!
faggots and pedos need to hang, morality needs to be inforced, and if you fucks think you would be long for in a fascist world may I remind you all of the night of the long knives
You will be purged at one point or another, by fascist hands or a different force, either way I will laugh when you all hang
Also may I remind you that many Natsocs, and fascists where "christcucks" that would be very happy to gas you
You only need to ask one question.
Does child sex robots violate the NAP?
I'll be in my Hind helicopter while you think about it.
NIcely trolled friendo.
Let's also then look at why the amount of rape has been consistent through the years why crime is dropping at a much greater rate as well. Generally the amount of rape per capita is consistant with the rate of crime per capita through the years. The likelihood for the crime dropping in general is due to the fact that it would be harder to get away with rather than 30 years ago per say. My argument is that men who do not use pornography or are not obsessed with sex(only pursue sex for reproduction) would not rape. In other words, rid of deviants, reprobates, and decadents.
FBI UCS Annual Crime Reports
IP usually is defined as the putting a self-ascribed or partial identity (e.g. sexual orientation) above the common good and the polity itself, i.e. it's a form of relativism, individualism and liberalism and one of the basic premises of leftism.
Completely agree. From the menarche onwards a girl isn't a child anymore, though. The menarche is the biological and traditional demarcation line for marriability, and believing otherwise is the hallmark of being a feminist, i.e. a subversive race traitor.
Kek. You don't have the slightest clue what the NLK was all about, do you? Hint: it had nothing to do with homosexuality, but with political infighting over the future role of the SA.
A know-nothing nigger like you could have been happy for not being shot because of intellectual inferiority. As if someone like you would have been in a position of taking decision of that type.
Pure speculation. It may as well correlate to the rise in popularity of first person shooters for all you know.
Use of pornography does not mean someone is obsessed with sex. Most animals are known to rape (as pointed out by an earlier poster) and they certainly aren't users of pornography.
So, what? Expand execution to include all anti-social behavior because it might be an indicator of a future rapist?
Also water is wet, thanks for the input.
Sure there are some people born crazy.
The slide to self destruction and the destruction of others and your humanity exists within all humans. The vile wretched child raping/murdering sickness lies within most humans its rather most humans are unaware of all the things inside of them or outright deny the truth of what a human can become when abandoning reason and empathy. Fantasy and reality must always have a strict line between them. Fantasy is fantasy and humans have a wide variety of them if the females getting off on rape porn is anything its shit thats hardwired to enjoy domination/submission shit. we just pretend puritan values. but the truth is more complicated and more grey then that. but the acknowledge that is far to much for most of our society.
So we pretend. To feel good about muh degeneracy. Pretending a feeling or urge does not exist does not eliminate it and not knowing whats all going on inside of your mind is where the darkness can seep in without you even noticing.
To a certain extent this is true. The system of government does not matter as much as the racial purity. This is the underlying idea of National Socialism btw. Look at all the different white nations around the world. No matter what shitty government they have, they are all inherently better, just by being white. Likewise, no matter what government is in place, a nigger nation will always be a shithole.
That said, we need National Socialism, which btw had an age of consent of 14.
Nah. What we need is a form of government, a "third position" if you will, that is completely beyond this "left, right, and center" that takes the very best from the left, right, and center and discards the rest.
would this doll be legal or no?
Honestly what we need for a more just society is a "law of the land" that is "enforced by everyone and on a personal basis" where everybody is armed. Police serve a certain purpose but for the most part get in the way of justice. In the old times everyone knew everybody else in their village and if someone got out of line other people would put them in their place quick and maybe lynch them. It's the inability for us to enforce our own customs and laws that is fucking us over. Just make it legal for us to lynch any race traitor on sighting without the government going after us for doing so and the nation will clean itself up fast. We need more legal power in the hands of all the people instead of just in the hands of a small police force. Likewise we need to have the power to defend our own homes, like castle law in certain states in America. The more power that goes back into people's hands the better and fairer. Dueling should be made legal again too.
I tend to agree with you. Sexual dopamine tolerance and escalation will eventually lead to wanting more than the doll, just like wanting more than your hand leads to wanting a doll.
Nice trips.
It depends where you live, and these things arent going to be cheap to ship. I imagine they come in something equivalent to a coffin for size comparison.
If you think that morality didn't play a part you are an idiot, if you are not morally sound you cannot be a fascist, at least not forever, you are simply a malcontent, a pissed off retard that will flock to any group that calls for change, this day fascism tomorrow communism, your only use to the movement is the fact that your pissed off and edgy enough to believe in the ideology, but if or when it takes hold and doesn't fix YOUR own problems mostly because your own problems are your own making you will move on to something else
T atheist "former" libtard/commie that was angry because he couldn't get laid
Malcontents like you hang either way
To a certain extent this is true. The system of government does not matter as much as the racial purity. This is the underlying idea of National Socialism btw. Look at all the different white nations around the world. No matter what shitty government they have, they are all inherently better, just by being white. Likewise, no matter what government is in place, a nigger nation will always be a shithole.
How deluded are you?
I hope someone feeds you to one of those plastic cutters saddams used to merc niggas in Iraq
Your idea is that only a brain-dead teenager would ever marry you.
I.E. low IQ retards would automatically breed and allow their spawn to survive. Cultural-marxism, was inevitable with advancing technology because of all this dysgenic breeding.
Now the productive are taxed so low-IQ retards needs welfare to motivate them into breeding.
Exactly where all these "Nice Guys" that needs the Patriarchy comes from.
I´m not a fascist, I´m a traditionalist. I want the Patriarchy restored because that is the only way I´ll ever get laid married to a 13-16 YO.
The reason I want to do that is for the 13-16 YO own´s good, not because women with any brain won´t even consider a relation with me.
Watching porn and fast food is what made me a fat, lazy fuck. Not my genes.
God, I hate how feminist mothers and White Knights fathers thinks I´m some sort of creepy loser that should stay away from their daughters!
Why is everyone freaking out over sex robots all of a sudden? I've been seeing a lot of these stories lately. The media is trying to normalize actual kid fucking but rails against fucking robots. What could they mean by this?
This must be fucking satire there is no way you could exist with this amount of self awareness and still not get the full picture
feminists don't like competition
Correct, girls should be married around age 12-14.
Agree, that's why I completely and violently reject feminist sexual ethics.
Right, because they stop at dolls right? Once they have a pleasure toy, they'll realize that's as good as the real thing and they'll be able to control their lusts, right?
The only reason these dolls should be in circulation is with a tracker in them so we can find pedophiles and end them
Hysterics. No reason to go after bot-users while thousands of kike/elite kiddy fuckers roam free.
You're a God damned idiot
You're pushing this irrelevant wedge issue while kikes and Muslims are advancing a literal pedo agenda, and I'm the idiot? GTFO.
At this point you're just arguing for the sake of argument, the points are there, perhaps you're just illiterate.
Smalltime insults. That's how i know you've lost the argument.
It's OK, mate. Not everyone gets it on their first day, but, you know, try and try again.
Statement does not relate to the discussion, just a view on the matter of general crime decrease over the years.
I'm not trying to argue mate, i'm taking a philosophical approach,looking at the situation and best trying to understand why it occurs. My conclusion was it occurs due to a lack of good men, while you keep inferring that all whom watch pron are rapists. To amend this issue we need better training of the youth, and more detention for those who lack the mental capacity to act in a natural manner. We use philosophy to predict the outcome of situations based on thoughtful evaluations. I'm giving you the Means to the End, all you've done is argue that one whom only partakes in one of the means that will not take them to the end result, as I concur, but I is still a means which may conduct some men to the end.
Great more head cases
So the chances I will find you on hansen vs predator is?
Yeah, let's us just ban it for muh chillun, the slippery slope isn't real anyways.
This is completely not true. Once the racial purity of my nation is guaranteed, I'll simply spend the rest of my life reading philosophy and not giving a fuck for politics anymore.
Fags like you always think YOU will benefit from the great change, that YOU will be a leader, or great philosopher instead of assuming your place in the ranks where you belong
You act like I'm not a 6'4", muscular, heavily armed, Racial Holy Warrior that lives off-grid, and has trained literally 10 years and that you can just do whatever you want to me. You can do whatever you want to the natural-born slaves that are liberals. You can't touch me without me taking down at least 10 or a hundred other souls with me to the grace. You sure you really want to start shit over me? I don't even consume hentai or like the loli aesthetic, I prefer a 14 year old wife that looks like a mature woman, over say an 18 year old wife that's flat-chested.
Uh no I imagine myself being an outcaste hermit living in a cabin in the wilderness reading philosophy and not preaching anything to anyone. Stop projecting your own desires to be a leader on me.
What the fuck do I need to fight and die for once the racial purity of my nation is guaranteed already?
I'm curious if you hysterical cunts would like some actual high level CIA ZOG contacts so you can infiltrate actually child human trafficking. Unlike what a Holla Forums ephebophile would do which is marry them and start a traditional family, they just rape them and make them eat shit and do weird creepy fetish stuff until they're deemed ready for jew blood sacrifice.
>oy vey there's going to be a field that isn't (((regulated))) enough
It's pathetic that anyone cares about this. It's on par with
B a s e d.
If you were living off the grid you wouldn't be posting on Holla Forums you stupid cunt, now stop larping
Even more retarded then I thought
You will serve the system in any way you can in any way it needs you to
Sometimes the system will need to start wars for the sake of controlling the masses
Fuck you faggot, I'm posting from Northern Ontario, I have well water and solar panels, ever heard of data plans / satellite? Fucking retard.
Since when has a system ever prevented hermits from being hermits? Also I'm not trying to create an authoritarian system and don't give a shit about your framing. I am trying to create a white nation plain and simple.
No I won't because I'm schizophrenic.
Fuck off ZOG.
go take your granny infested vaginas while normal people enjoy fresh AND legal 14 yo pussy
Okay. I'll have my sex robot be flat chested, short and with a high pitched voice
Sure and you afford this how?!
Since when has a system ever prevented hermits from being hermits? Also I'm not trying to create an authoritarian system and don't give a shit about your framing. I am trying to create a white nation plain and simple.
Cunts like you are why white nationalism is a joke right now, go praise kek and kiss dick spencers kike ass
A worthless person too
It's like you malcontents don't know what you want and no matter what will be under the boot of order
I sit on a pile of stocks that constantly generate the jewgolds for me and enable my NEET life. I could also rent the place out though during the peak of vacation season for lots of money.
I know exactly what I want btw. A racially pure, 100% white nation. There is as straightfoward and non-complicated as it gets. Exterminate all individuals of non-European, mixedrace, or Jewish descent.
I have always been about the 14 words before everything else. Anything that conflicts with the 14 words I will discard. If your perverse and divisive interpretation of NatSoc stands in the way, I'll discard it. I can't help that I am a damaged schizophrenic individual, there is literally no cure besides rope for that, but for as long I continue to exist I want to serve the 14 words. Letting me self-exile myself in order to study philosophy alone after the great cleansing ought to be my reward for my service to the white race. You however would probably shoot 99% of the warriors who'd actually fight for the white race, and then sob when you realize there's a tremendous hoard of people who harbor absolutely no pro-white sentiments ready to destroy you.
That girl may be 9 but theres no way her body is "9". She looks 11 or 12. Probably had started puberty at that point.
They'll make beef curtains mandatory even on the petite ones.
They'll make beef curtains mandatory even on the petite ones.
Mods will fix it
Legal action for these dolls is ridiculous, and a waste of time. Pedophilia and acts thereof should be shunned by society and discouraged. The age most people get married and start a family now is much too old though. I think men and women should be allowed the same education, but women's role models should be a home making mother. My own mother wished to be a stay at home mother as her mother did but the Kikes have made this near impossible. Now the minority of women that even have this dream can not attain it. Good values have been lost to our civilization, hedonism is encouraged, starting a family is heavily discouraged from the social standpoint and the practical standpoint. I think many of my peers don't know what to do with this situation. They go for women, they fail, they try again, it doesn't work out. Women are encouraged to "have fun" while they are young "meet" men "experience" new and different things. The majority of women become disgusting STD ridden whores and most men either indulge them in their hedonistic actions or don't and never talk to women. This I think causes some to look for other ways to satisfy the biologically ingrained need for companionship and sex. I don't think these dolls need to be bothered with and we should instead focus on fighting/removing the Kikes that perpetuate the hedonistic Ideals that infest our society.
I am?
You're fucking retarded. They just have to be gassed, every last one.
Ah, finally something Holla Forums and SJW feminists can agree on.
Holla Forums is SJW central, just on the other side of the spectrum.
I've heard this meme before
You clearly don't fucking think anything through do you, you think all the problems will be solved though racist liberalism and returning to the 1950s
The 14 words mean less then 88, 88 is the most important part of 1488 because it requires more of someone then just simply posting pics of white girls in wheat fields
I would probably kill half of all white nationalists just as half of them would want to kill me and people like me, if you think that once the war is done the factions will just do their seperate things you clearly don't read history
There will be purges, multiple ones. Don't like it? Find a different ideology.
Ebin xD
I'd probably stick with a doll too if I were surrounded by women that looked like those two behind the doll.
What the fuck even are they?
So… old men who aren't married and can't get a real woman so they buy dolls instead? I kind of feel bad(sorry) for you. No, really, this is tragic.
You anti "marriage at 14+" idiots are bluepilled by ((modern society)).
You want a real redpill? The WHO and nhs are freaking out and begging people to have children before 30. The cost of having kids after 30 is in the manner of hundreds of billions, and probably trillions worldwide.
The reason there's so many shitskins is because they start popping extremely healthy babies out at 17 and up.
I made sure to have my first child at 25 with my 20yo pale as the moon girlfriend. She has an unfortunate physical genetic disorder but my child couldn't be more healthy. It wasn't intentional but because of my biology background I realized it was a good idea.
My new wife is 27 and if I want more blond haired blue eyed babies I'm having her get her copper iud out this year, most likely, once she's super fit again.
Waiting any longer is the downfall of the white race. Have 2 kids each at minimum and instill values of tribal race preservation in them as well. Find another white family with a solid income and befriend them, and encourage your kids to be close. You'll insure at least 8 more strong, smart white children. Get them to start even earlier then me.
The smartest, healthy girls I've ever bedded were the children of young parents as young as 16. My grandmother had 8 children starting at 16, on my mother's side and my father's side had four starting at 18. I'm of French, English, Scottish and Irish descent. My genes are pretty incredible and our only genetic disorder is corrected by exercise and a low carb diet, if we even get it at all.
Your genes are your treasure. Keep it polished and beautiful. We exist to procreate.
((those)) who tell you that women who are under the age of 21 shouldn't have kids or that they should wait until they have a career are trying to destroy our race. Genetic mistake load builds up over time and causes disorders. The younger the eggs the healthier the child. This is not true for men, sperm germ cells are regenerated.
Nature is smart. Men would die in war and protecting their tribe/family at a higher rate. Women stay home. It's natural for an older man to sire many children with younger women, and possibly take more then one wife as the older ones lose genetic viability they become treasured caretakers and homemakers. Women stick together naturally.
There used to be way more women then men. Now there is way too many because nature has not adjusted.
There is a genetic reason for every trait. The good traits good for the species are spread.
A genetic attraction to young looking women and mature looking men is ingrained in us because it's the most positive feedback for healthy offspring.
The desire for men to have more then one mate and to have another one, younger later in life is also normal but we've been destroyed by this idea of ((monogamy)) so the beta males have a chance.
I say no more! I will be alpha and start a tribe. We'll find each other, and our children will be leaders and strong.
No shit.
Oh and I should add that every one of those children had at least two children and some had four. My family reunion is a sea of red, auburn and blonde hair and blue eyes and white skin. we need an entire public Park to hold us all and we book it a year in advance.
I managed to find, by accident, a very distantly related (like 9th cousin) who kept their line pure French until they added Swiss genes from newer settlers. It's like I won the lottery, and she's 7 years my junior.
Keep your line strong. I may have more then one with her. Maybe two or three.
of course
too bad more here dont see it
pedos need to be cut up and experimented on
thats all
Good luck.
Kill all pedos
There is nothing wrong with marrying young girls. Just look at the people talking about how evil it is, they have no arguments.
There is no difference between you and people who bitch about racism because its anti moral and evil. Its really hope you're all jews trying to stop white people from forming successful families.
No they aren't, jews are evil because they are backstabbing swindlers bent of the domination of all goyim.
Jews are pedophiles but this wouldn't be the first time jews do something they tell the goyim not to.
Thats communism. Still it doesn't matter because even communist couldn't stop people from living in the woods.
There is so much in here that seems so patently obvious, but not until you spell it out even with your stupid leddit/smartphone spacing I'll give it a pass.
Think about it
why do witches ride brooms?
Of course the crypto-pedos can't let this thread go…
It is much like the people who want to treat every form of internet porn as if it had children in it.
I literally stopped speaking to my lifelong best friend over this stupid line of reasoning. You are cancer.
child rape decreasing
nice moving goalposts
so many words to say nothing
and no sources were given that day
Do you really want that freak breeding?
Passing fucked up genes to the next generation?
Wow this whole thread is just kikes arguing with each other. We should have shill containment threads more often.
He didn't say in my eyes and you completely missed the point.
There are also studies that show access to porn increases the chance for erectile dysfunction and a reduced frontal lobe, the section of the brain related to willpower.
Porn is a cancer and must be removed.
First logical posts I have seen here. Lots of white knighting going on here.
There is no way having something like this will increase rapes. It will obviously decrease them as porn has done.
More focus is being put here on "lets bully deviants for how they masturbate" than preventing harm.
The "will tire of the simulacrum" argument applies to all groups.
Have women tired of the vibrator?
Have men tired of their hand or the fleshlight?
Are all the people who have bought adult shaped sex dolls going out to fuck adults and letting their purchase gather dust?
Have gamers tired of the simulacrum of Grand Theft Auto and gone to steal cars and run over hookers?
I guess you are against rubber bullets? Do you hate paintball too?
What you describe I would call a "pedophile sadist" subclass. Pedophilia classification does not require wanting to ruin innocence. If that were the case it would be one time only and no replays.
Sterilizing the niggers is something we will have to do regardless.
Stop playing "hide the Jew". You know full well the Jew loses if men gets sexbots. Without catering to female demands for sex men will not bankroll women's disposable income on Jew products.
Men can easily deadlift 88 pounds but it is bound to be uncomfortable fucking something that heavy cowgirl since dolls cannot hold them self up like real women can.
Only fuck real women goyim. It is your moral imperative. Revolve your personal pleasure around whether a.subhuman infected by Jew memes consents to your wants.
The people profiting off selling CP are probably the same ones calling for it to be illegal to simply possess it. Like how the music industry wants it illegal to pirate music.
You're right. How did such cucks get here?
It is fine for kids to fantasize about shooting people but once you give them a Zapper Light Gun
The fantasy itself into the real world. Any manifestation should be dealt with.
Hey Mr. Fiddler don't you know that if you fuck women who aren't obese and tall it makes you a child rapist? Minimum weight for your sex partner is 250 pounds or you are a child molester.
He is referring to all 8ch not just 8ch/pol I think.
I know right? My grandmother gave birth at 14.
My nation was founded with AoC of 12 and was less degenerate, more productive
Implying you couldn't have anonymous re-distribuyors for these.
Taking away freedom for those we dislike is more important than defending our freedoms don't you know?
Implying the 3DPD won't try to get her contract for abandoning parental rights thrown out so she can try to mother your kid as a way to blackmail you for more money.
A false dichotomy. Rather than seeking a bond or seeking control they may just aim for lower chances of malevolent memes.
Did anyone else read this as "flat miracle" initially?
Women are only easy to control if isolated. There is no way to control them in a modern society.
A wise man here. This takes money out of the pockets of people selling actual children.
Theonly harm it does to kids is starving Thai ladyboys who will make less money because a doll is cheaper and safer.
There is nothing to watch. We can already see this bullshit with real porn. A guy was jailed for Little Lotta.
Deviants like Bryan Singer would not settle for a doll.
You're not fooling anyone. Jews have no motive to defend dolls. They interfere with their specialty incontrolling people
Child rape will escalate now that Japan rec3 fly outlaws possession of CP. There is no longer a fap outlet or a moral window into how dehumanizing it is. The moral person's disgust at watching fat old men force themselves on little girls led to self reflection "would I be a hairy old rapist?" and stop them from pursuing a kid. No longer. Their only the to reflect will be after a kid is crying and bloody. Too late.
This man sees behind the curtain.
So true.
Vaginas also have no will. Thus all sex is rape. Now you understand the feminist motive
Arguing a straw man. None of us saw AWALT just TMWALT.
This is one area where Islam has good precedent.
Experienced women are sexy to him. The black cocks which preceded you will not make her less beautiful.
This man understands economics.
Pettanko porn is already banned in Australia.
Being for allowing sex toys for private use in the home does not mean we are in support of public sex displays for children like in gay pride parades.
I don't understand the call for hanging/quartering. Having a segment of the population less under the thrallof women good.
To the ñewfags in this thread if you will not fuck their moms and become their new daddy they are bitter at you. They have not progressed beyond Oedipal urges.
That sounds an awful lot like hatespeech toward censors. We banned that in Canada.
Robot lolis couldn't get pregnant or STDs or bruised cervixes or torn labia. You could give loli robots adult intelligence so they would not be mentally scarred.
Please go Jewboy. Attraction ti neoteny is not a passing fetish like wanting to suckle on pony udders.
"Hey Big Red, look how brave I am standing up to the Patriarchy to protect little girls from men who want to fuck dolls instead of paying you child support. Will you hug me?"
Jews are behind your attitude.
Male sexual enjoyment is bad goyim. Are you still in possession of superfluous prepuce?
Implying the vagina of a new purchase would not be removed and cleaned first.
They already want the real thing. Dolls dissuade those capable of being sated by dolls.
A pedophile can fuck a fleshlight or adult doll or adult woman and think of children. You want to outlaw these also?
The idiots do not see the slope. They are already shilling for the enemy.
You have made no argument as to why.
What about light guns?
Also are you going to outlaw paintball now faggot? Gun ranges also have human shaped targets. Going to outlaw those?
This is stupid there is nothing similar about it. Dolls do not fight back. Your "aside from the ability to move" is missing the whole point.
Your lack of "often" makes it sound like you think there is always mental damage. You are deluded.
It doesn't "attach" anything. It is already there.
I could go out and make an elephant sex robot. It doesn't mean anyone who tries it out will suddenly want to fuck real elephants.
Japan is prof there is no harm done by legal viewing CP or loli.
Only prob they have is low birth rates because feminism allows women to become unattractive.
Alternatives are how we free ourselves of female domination. They will regain femininity if forced to.
False dichotomy. A mind can discern differences while still enjoying emotional similarity.
I wish Japan had the capacity to conquer America. Would be better for all.
When they are the same age they are immune to pregnancy and STDs and degradation
You don't understand biology or natural selection.
These dolls model pubescent 10-17 year old looking girls. The kind we are wired to want to ficm. All guys have this wiring. You can't breed it out without making us all homosexualor asexual.
But you used a spoiler.
Men were not dumping women. Women abandined their bridal obligations and denied sex, stopped cooking, etc. They SHOULD be fast aside if they don't fulfill their end.
Enemies?So you want to ban "Hatred" then? Or GTA where you can murder random innocents?
True. My mom was 26 and I am borderline. 31 for m lil bro and he never leaves room.
If my sperm is ever stolen you can fuck my girl user.
Huh, was 88 the max? ..shit the TRIPS
14 for giving birth maybe. I think 8+ is fine for non-penetration if you are married.
Sadly the ñewfags began to follow the oldfags in the exodus. They are here now too. Moot cannot tolerate a competitor.
I wish there was a way to pre-ban all the ñewfags flocking in here who haven't even read 1984. You can tell someone on Holla Forums is under 20 when they want thoughtcrimes.
Why do you think it is genes and not memes?
I know this feel
"Porn causes rape"? Feminist detected. Plz go.
Your prioritizing motherly traits is rooted in sexual attraction to your mom as she breastfed you. Some of us have eclipsed this stage.
Sluts will always cuck wealthy white men who will stand by them due to thirst.
Not alternatives reduce thirst. Tucked men abandon sluts. Skits lose mealnticket and social standing. New generation of girls alter behavior to compete with bots instead of sluts.
Onlyif we allow that to work.
No. Niggers just want to wet their dick on anything they fan hold down.
This. We would treat her right
Does tofurkey make vegans want turkey more?
Does flashlight make us want real vagoo more?
Does paintball make us want to murder more?
Feminist please go away.
As a guy who sees dolls as too expensive for what they offer I welcome them as a rape deterrent because I care about preventing rape instead of virtue signalling.
An outlier. Exceptions aren't the rule. If this were before video he would get ideas watching bullsnfuckncows and make her watch cattle fuck. Outlaw cows.
You are quoting from a Violence Against Women website. Kill yourself.
Dworkers gonna Dwork
They don't even try to hide it.
Wasn't your Christ's mom impregnated at 14 or something?
Men obsessed with porn or avoiding/destroying porn are both fixated and dangerous.
The healthy middle who takes porn in moderation should not be penalized just because Taoists who would rape in any era consume porn. Rapists buy rope too. Outlaw rope?
Puberty begins at 11. 12 is never pedo.
Clarifier: women bearing children after 30. Our sperm is healthy longer.
Raping doesnot require an obsession with sex any more than murdering requires an obsession with murder.
Some people do things as a means to an end because they lack morals.
With you on both these.
Rape predates porn faggot. You have no evidence of a causal relationship.
It will be legal in 333 weeks.
You are deluded
I think this is truth masked as satire.
Paint us your picture.
Steinem please go.
Whole point of going after CP viewers is to minimize need to go after producers. They have no interest in stopping the higher ups.
Limited reasources . They look productive while they neglect the real problems.
Please go back to your radfem website
Southern ONT here, can I come live with you?
She wants the cock.
Jews have their hands in female brains. Dolls aid men in resisting feminist wiles so wencan withhold money and affection like they withhold sex.
There are plenty of women out there.
We are capable of getting them.
They are not capable of getting is.
The desirable women are taken or not interested in sex with men.
Dolls are what these men prefer to what isavailable.
It is t that they cant get women.
It is that women have been poisoned and crumpled. Thee are few left worth getting.
When did the infestation of bluepills into pol begin anyway?
Back to.tumblr princess. We smell your flow.
Jews are pedophiles for baby boys. Pubescent girls are too old and wrong gender for them.
Feminist studies. I get plenty of boners despite porn.
It is not "erectile dysfunction" to not be aroused by a fat bitchy old woman. Fake disease.
You don't have to reply to EVERY fucking post.
That's why I only replied to every OTHER post.
There is a girl I post here as a reaction image sometimes who literally stopped me on the path to an hero because she was so pretty. She was 21 and I was nearly 40 when I met her. Just having her around and talking to me got me out of my funk.
Young women are wonderful creatures, just treat them with love and respect.
Are tptb freaking out over this because it would reduce the number of recruits into the global pedo ring cabal? Pedo blackmail might be their number one source of power.
Am I being too cynical?
great file name fellow temple-os user!
There's a special place in hell for you.
what color will your badge be at the camps? i wonder.
Is that really you lgf?
Haven't seen you around for the longest time, maybe because I stopped going to the pedo generals on Holla Forums long ago. Figured you left after Jim nuked /hebe/.
Northern Europeans have been against sexual degeneracy since time in memorial. The family has fallen apart not the lack of pedophiles. You only wish to explain your sexual deviancy in a way that makes you feel safe in it, you will not be allowed to maintain it. I doubt you have any children of your own and hesitate to think what'd happen if you had some, you just like ruining young girls from leading a normal life. Break them, break the next generation weaken whites more is what you are after.
I will murder you and your ilk. If I find such degeneracy around me, I don't care of the consequences it must be stopped. Your words don't matter to me, your actions do.
Should have known such vile sewage could only come from a Communist. Make the first move, Jew. If you wait to long it'll all be over for you rats before you thought it began.
Wrong, you dont make it. you get pummeled to death by the entire town outside the city limits. no one cares and theres no written memory of it happening, because nothing of value is lost.
your existence serves as a cautionary tale to all the other failed specimans who were molested as children.
I think the commie's broken.
I'd rather see them all shot in a mass grave instead of living.
I think people miss a point here. There are tons of men out there who are "tfw no gf" and want a hot chick at their side. But only the most desperate order sex dolls/ona-holes. And the even more desperate ones/or low-iq ones go rape a woman.
The same goes for pedos. As much as I want to gas them all I can't imagine that they have zero need for actual emotional satisfaction from a real loved person at least a little bit compared to the obvious sexual needs. It's sick.. but I doubt that any other than the most desperate ones actually would fuck a doll. Just like these weirdos who can't get a wife and just order a sex doll… It's dellusional and probably not even widespread. This is simple blown out of the proportions by a the media for clicks á la satanist hysteria a couple years ago.
Ay, NobodyTV good shit
sorry women, the future does not include you
It's that simple.
It's that simple.
No compromises.
t. feminism
fit robots vagina and anus with a juicer
it's that simple.
not as much as I thought. the doll pictured int he OP must go for around $750
that is not bad, I might buy one just for the novelty. looks real enough, anyone have first hand experience? how does the pussy feel?
This was a big scam on …. not alibaba but the older chinese alibaba like site. They would use pics like these or of real dolls make them 1/4 the price and what you received was a standard Spencers gifts joke type blow up doll. The feedback on those sellers was always a good laugh especially when they had pictures of the item they received.
Everyone is missing the point entirely.
Our acceptance of increasingly perverse sexual fantasies in our society has ultimately led to a sterile atomized society of mentally damaged freaks that are both physically and mentally incapable of bringing families into this world.
The 'muh kids' argument is flawed because, ultimately, these freak dolls may reduce instances of child rape (or they may not, we have no evidence to base this assumption off).
The 'let them do what they want, it's not hurting anyone' argument is the same tired old shit we've heard again and again from the left. Societies that punish this type of behavior are societies that have strong family and social bonds. They're the sort of society that produces mentally stable adults who are capable of raising families.
Families that allow this sort of thing produce atomized mentally ill degenerates. It isn't just homosexuality or transgenderism or pedophilia. It's abnout the attitude we have about sex as a whole. A society that values muh cummies over the act of procreation and the joy of life is a dead society that fundamentally has no future. We're witnessing this happen now as we speak. It's the reason the Muslims are taking over. They revere and value sex as the act which brings more of their people into the world, and we fuck child dolls and ram dildoes up our asses. A sodomite society cannot win against a society that produces the next generation of children.
Where've you been?
The societal question is this:
Will satanist music be a substitute for satanist worship or a gateway to satanist worship?
The societal question is this:
Will violent video games be a substitute for violent behavior or a gateway to violent behavior?
Also OP's pic is too predictable: beefy butch looking females obviously annoyed by what is a substitute for their attention
I wonder if they only let female cops handle the sex doll?….. ?:>\
the saddest part of this is that this is a *girl*, explaining that men who buy sex dolls are missing out on "having a relationship with a real woman"–and the fact is, they probably tried that already and didn't like it.
–Or couldn't even manage to try it…
That is the very thing they don't want.
ummm,,, most white CP is made in Russia and the FSR's…. and most buyers of that CP are in the USA
Not really. Most are just too timid to deal with an adult. They are drawn to the fact that a child isn't as judgemental of (a pedo) as an adult would be of the same person. That doesn't make it legal or acceptable, but total hate of children is rarely the driving factor.
Good. Ban all things that encourage the abuse of children.
The less degeneracy the better
Is literally anyone going to buy these other than non-elite pedos? Likely not, they don't have much real use out of the tiniest niche. The free market LITERALLY will fix this. Unless it turns into Pokemon collect every oversized pocketpussy, these things won't last forever. I can't imagine someone paying $2000 for a fleshlight is a wise financial guru with all of their ducks in a row, and I would THINK it'd be a one and done sorta deal, unless it broke.
Even hinting at a ban gives free advertising to this NEW and IMPROVED risque fidget spinner. I wouldn't invest in this, it's investing in neck beards. I don't see neck beards with two grand worth of good boy points.
Tl;dr: Who cares?