Leftist SJW Gamer Forum KIKE Mod BUSTED For Child Porn

This Kike Is A Mod @ NeoGaf Which Is A Leftist SJW Gamer Forum Who Was Busted For Child Porn


NeoFags BTFO

So here's the scoop. This Ashkenazi is actually a mod directly tied to the site. The owner is Tyler Malka twitter.com/NeoGAF

Tyler Malka was once accused in a rape scandal

I'm posting this thread to gather dirt. I need somefags to assist and use this thread to gather whatever the fuck we can on these kikes for memetic warfare purposes and exposure.

On VOAT there is apparently a subverse dedicated solely to trolling the NEOGAF Kikes

Any help is appreciated anons.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shameless self bump this is important and the board is being slid by Endkike nigger spammers

So is it really child porn or those child models media types?

Pic related was Goldbergs personal Twitter. Can possibly find some of his pedo ties via his followers etc

Pic related is from the VOAT sticky about this guy. They're trying to dig over there but Holla Forumsacks are 1000x more successful

Holy fuck my boss has a cabin minutes away from this kike in Tonyhanna

A cabin? What's the terrain like in this region? Sounds like a great place for these pedo Kikes to take their pizza and eat it

Yea his cabin is in a gated community. You can't just stroll into his neighborhood. He says there are a lot of shitskins from NJ and NY in there though. He got the place for cheap but there are some very expensive homes in there too.

This is the same guy that banned people for posting Senran Kagura because "Anime is CP" or some shit. Then he goes on and does real pedo shit.

Deviants often need to conspicuously alert others around them that they don't like, partake, tolerate the deviant behaviors they engage in when they are alone.


Whether something is pornography (legally) or not is largely determined by the creator's intent. That's why a picture of a naked person taken for artistic purposes, or used in an anatomy textbook, is not considered pornographic. It wasn't created for someone to jack off to. In the case of this kike, it sounds like he downloaded a bunch of pictures of naked kids, which he was obviously jerking off to, since no one just saves pictures of naked kids for their artistic merit. I'm assuming his case is going to rest on whether or not the creators intended the images to be used in a sexual way. That may be irrelevant, if the prosecution can prove that he intended to use the images of children in a sexual way, but I'm not too familiar with burger law.

Here you can see what he downloaded
Really useful tool

Child porn doesn't have to depict sexual acts. In fact, child porn doesn't even need to have nudity. Child porn is literally whatever pictures of children the courts decide are "lewd" or "lascivious." If a seven year old is dry humping a teddy bear, it's considered cheese pizza.


Then why wad this kike show from Fox which depicts a child wearing a ball gag not being treated as such? (((Oh right)))

Hang on while I play my copy of Pretty Baby to confirm there are no sex acts depicted in it. However, it'll be hard to make this defense when the feds have often said that they believe suggestive images of children with their clothes on can be pornographic.

Left gaf due to GG. Does anyone have any election day salt from there? I didn't bother to check for that.

Everyone responsible for a boy wearing S&M gear should be hung, no exceptions.

Kikes sliding hardcore

This is kind of old news actuslly

No. The arrest just occurred a few days ago and to combine it all now it can bring down the entire Leftist SJW forum and expose them for their pedo antics

It was already discussed where it belongs

>Christopher John (((Goldberg)))


AOC is a kike/cuck doctrine.

Neofag was shit long before Gaymer Gays.


I wonder (((who))) could be behind these posts?

Me, this already had a thread on Holla Forums

USA laws are totally retarded

This is the CON chatlogs proving they were the ones saving and spamming Child Pornography on the chans all over again.

Simply put, SJWism is just a sick sick slippery slope path for them to achieve their dream of pedo normalisation. No fucking way, I'm calling Sessions.

Gee… I think you're a kike protecting, don't know why.

He gloated when he thought the patriots were going to lose


>T-That's art goy!


Like pottery.


He's on his way to Scranton Pennsylvania
With thirty thousand pounds
Thirty thousand pounds
Of cheese pizza


IKWYD isn't even a very reliable tool anyhow. I use torrent protocol with my bare IP for all sorts of high volume incredibly low risk transfers and it's showing zero hits for my IP. For him to have that many hits of that kind of content on that service I can't imagine how much shit he must have downloaded and seeded using TPB or isohunt or similar bottom of the barrel public trackers. I know Neofags are dumb but holy shit this guy's a goddamn mongoloid.

is everything i need to know in this picture

and, pray tell, why would a non pedo want such pictures saved to their hard drive, or this one?

how true

I don't like poopdick or cocaine user, and I let my coworkers know that. It's not virtue signalling.

Trump looking extra THICC

KEK strikes down yet another sick fuck.

What happened with this page?

Delete fucking everything(tm)

Every time.

What the fuck is going on here! The only times I see kikes up here is when they bus the kids in for their jew camps in the woods.

The terrain is mountains and woods. With housing developments built everywhere. Unless you buy massive acreage you are pretty close to your neighbors in one of these communities.

Those communities are hit or miss. What happened in the area is that they used to be very nice vacation homes for wealthy city folks. But then the economy and tourist industry took a shitter and many of those homes were foreclosed on.

You can get a very nice house in these communities for dirt cheap now. They really are gorgeous cabin homes… but since they are so cheap now what you have is a bunch of niggers from NYC and NJ moving into them. So these communities are now giant ghettos. It's all a big shame.

BTW, they arrested a scapegoat in that red truck road rage case.

Sounds like the perfect place to live if you want to blow the breakfast out of a home invader with a mossberg

Well well.

Goldberg. Of fucking course.


Is that child molester tranny fuck "butts" in the follows?

Oy vey, naked body is sin and crime, destroy your art now, goyim!

so what's his sa account?


I will never understand the mind of retards like this.


Bump for complete lack of surprise. He probably got the filth from other mods there. Heck there's probably a hidden section on the forum full of the stuff.

Americox is a kike pedo? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

This is the faggot who beat up his mother and robber her so he could buy drugs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Amir0x went on vacation to Puerto Rico for two weeks, from March 17th to April 1st.


Wonder what he was up to for 2 weeks? Maybe a he took a side trip or two to the Dominican Republic if you catch my drift.

Man, I wish my good goy grandpappy was alive, so I could tell him that his brothers died in WW2 so that kikes could go on child rape vacations in peace.


For posterity.

What is this, Israel?

What the fuck does that even mean? Between 24 and 90 percent? What a retarded statistic.

This explains so much.


methinks the cucks doth preach too much

Maybe we should send Detective Webbe imkikey's dox?


So why do kikes love diddling kids so much?

Oh right, I forgot: They all get their dicks sucked when they're literal babies by Mr Rabbistein.

Kek, jews are retarded. What did he expect would happen?


Somebody needs to send Kurt Eichenwald a link.

Every time

Same with SA. They were projecting all along.