So, Yo-Kai Watch 3 released a week ago. a new Layton game got announced for phones, Inazuma is still dead, and LBX is still dead, a Yo-Kai Watch event happening in FFXIV online, weapons look tacky as shit and Yo-Kai Watch 2 being released overseas in September 30th.
Not much else of note. Discuss.
LEVEL-5 Games
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Links to the 3ds games for CFW users:
>Yo-Kai Watch 3 Sushi [RF]:
If a cia says USA on it, don't worry, you can just use NTR or Luma to make it work on your out of region 3ds.
Yo-Kai apparently getting a 2 new mobile games, and a direct port of the first game to IOS/Android.
Lady layton is also available for the 3DS
Oh, fuck, is it? At least they're not going full smartphone dev, I guess..
LBX is meh
I thought they recently realeased another one for Inazuma
They announced an anime and a new game yesterday. I wasn't aware until now, actually.
Oh, I was thinking about this one:
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy, I mean, it wasn't in english and they are bring it to Europe
Phone-Kai Watch could be genius marketing, but will be mechanically dogshit. Phones lag way too much for speedy team rotation, tagging and Soultimates. God knows Wibble Wobble ran like shit.
I can't imagine fighting the hospital boss on phones, and activating Soultimates using the spin/draw methods with no stylus would be really uncomfortable.
Still, it gets a full game in the public's hands with no commitment, and gets them looking at the series in a new light. If they time it around Yo-Kai Watch 2 this could be a big deal.
I wonder if the AR gimmick will still be there? That could be fun.
I've never played this series before. Is this compilation worth a pirate (I know Nipponese).
Layton 7 is NOT the new layton game they announced.
As long as it isn't micro-transaction filled then we should be good, that's my main concern.
Oh and Fantasy Life 2 is ios/android.
I'm going to go drink heavily.
Well that's surprising, i always thought they were setting up for a professor layton game starring an older Luke or something.
Welcome to 2016, newfriend.
Thanks to the waifufags who only think with their dick in the east and the emasculated cucks on the west, now every single game has to have some fucking Mary Sue whore in it.
Thanks god Dragon Quest XI is too far in development to pozz it too much.
god fucking dammit.
Anything I should know before playing? Any missables?
Yeah, sure. After your first real full football game you will quickly figure out if you want to keep going for all 3 games or of if it's not for you.
Nothing kills my interest in a game more than learning I've missed something really useful and can't go back for it (FUCK YOU DARK DAWN!)
So, yo-kai watch's anime is okay and downright references professor layton, why doesn't layton have an anime again?
Rouge Galaxy 2, when?
After Dark Cloud 3
never ever
Smartphones were a mistake.
Pretty sure there is at least 1 professor layton animated movie.
There was in 2009. I haven't actually watched it though, I'd want to see if there's a way to watch it with a bunch of anons first
Either way, that was 7 years ago and one singular movie.
It's pretty good. Has a nice soundtrack, too.
Reminder that the second movie seems to have gone the way of Layton 7.
We need smart phones to cancel out all the dumb people
Layton is now pozzed and soon to be dead, a shame really.
I think that's a reference to a different Nipponese anime…
Where the fuck are sequels to dark cloud and rogue galaxy? Or a new ip that's a spiritual successor to either games. After the turd that is WKC, Level 5 seems to be scared of making an actual rpg or at least on consoles and milking the casual handheld audience. Professor layton was cool for a while, now they just seem to be milking that franchise to death, same with yokai watch and inazuma eleven. Don't get me started on what they did with fantasy life either, but at least LBX was a pretty neat if lacking custom robo clone. I don't think making a game similar to their earlier works is that hard to do, but I guess in (((current year))) its asking for a miracle.
By the time Lady layton comes out it's going to be around 4 years since the last layton game came out(3 in america/europe because it took them so long to release Wright vs Layon, and also because NoA held off on releasing Azran legacy until a full year after i came out in japan.)
I don't know what happened to them. Their PS2 games were great, but it's like they suddenly turned to shit once the PS3 came out.
any reason as to why? did fantasy life not sell well or something?
"I’d say Fantasy Life has elements and mechanisms which adults find soothing. Although children play games on dedicated game systems, recently many adults have been playing on smartphones … The supported hardware for this game was decided based on thinking of an environment where more adults play." - Akihiro Hino, CEO of Level-5
It was a shitty offline mmo with shit combat, shit grind, and even in-cart dlc. Level 5 are hacks.
The game was comfy though.
Actually it's a reference to terminator I think.
you know I just now realized that I never quoted
I am an idiot who sucks many many dicks.
It's a really comfy, weeb Runescape.
inb4 thread derailment
Did someone say….DERAILMENT?
I'll post the rest later.
So, how's the english version?
DC2 has its good tracks too, but I love the Shipwreck & Wise Owl Forest dungeon tunes from DC1 in particular.
Gundorada Workshop's probably my favorite from DC2
And now some jams from Rogue Galaxy
Life is suffering.
The dubbed anime is censored, but does have some funny moments. It strikes me as even more children's cartoon though, it lacks jokes that I found funny in the subbed version.
The english game isn't censored, but the voice acting can get grating.
Also, speaking of english versions, how are they going to eat your hamburgers away Yo-Kai Watch 3 which heavily relies on american stereotypes that not even americans know they do/
Speaking of translations, who translates most of Level-5's games anyways? Have they historically had any horrible translations?
I already know about fantasy life's throw the original script out the window translation, I was wondering earlier than that.
The first Dark Cloud had a pretty bad translation. Not a meme'd translation like Fantasy Life, but just plain inconsistent. It's like they had multiple translators working on the game at the same time without communicating with each other.
That scene is surprisingly intact; you'd think that would be one of the many things they ripped out since it's a cat getting a rise out of being stabbed.
I think they're doing it inhouse now.
Well, the nips did bring this up, but I honestly can't tell if they learned their lesson because like 40 episodes later they did it again
This show looks fun as hell, I rarely pay attention to shows like these.
Either the letter is fake or those nips are fucking insane
It's real, Ren and Stimpy did this too.
Yes, it's a PR nightmare, but holy shit are they based.
They seriously thought this shit could be the next Pokemon. How in the fact did they think something so fucking jap that it makes sushi look British succeed? Then when Pokemon Go was released they were completely finished.
I don't doubt you, but I have to ask, sauce?
bump with barely related content
Where's the porn of this slut?
do not sexualize the pure maiden
Don't make me ask again. Gimme the goods.
>tfw one your favorite newish developers turns to shit
Still waiting.