#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: G*G:DP Edition


- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com

- gamesense.co
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- twitter.com/PQubeGames/status/758319336603938816
- twitter.com/icejournalism/status/758023920918421505
- techraptor.net/content/techraptor-2-0-kickstarter-live || kickstarter.com/projects/rutledge/the-next-evolution-of-techraptor
- archive.is/ZHOYc || archive.is/VUQRd
- bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-07/gawker-auction-can-proceed-on-extended-timeline-judge-rules || archive.is/QKdi1


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGateWiki.Com: gamergatewiki.com
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly reminder that this is the sort of shit that will happen to games if we lose.

Comics are dead already, we cannot let that happen to vydia.

Old bread: archive.is/tk30m





I just wanted to play vidya.



You're welcome.

why does death keep reminding me it is an appealing solution

Perhaps the Korea thing is outside the scope of this thread, officially, but still no "violent vidya" current discussion? It's getting traction in Europe and the DNC again.

No one's stopping you, just do it.

The one DQ I want the most, it is my favorite DQ of all time but I'm so worried about the script


Don't Val I like our banter and these threads would be boring with out you.

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy




I don't think there really was an E10 back then so they might have had to bump it up to a T.
I never played VII though so I don't know how mature it is.

Looks like they're toning down best girl's dialogue, either that or they injection of terrible puns and forced accents bring the ratings down.

Its getting shitcanned. And co made a pylon edit.

I want to smell the fluffy hair.


The worst nightmare and new homeroom teacher of Gamergate.

Europe seems to have a lot of problems, real problems. Like murderous and rapey type of problems by oppressed saintly snackbars. So I would not be surprised if vidya is trotted out to be a scapegoat again. Though it would be good if any eurobro can confirm if the public believes the propaganda being trotted out or what. DNC bullshit is easier to observe, hilldawg seems to want to get people to pokemon go to the polls, but I wouldn't be surprised if she also blames vidya for everything and why more censorship and more surveillance is needed and justified.


>>>Holla Forums6913423

I say we use Trump to our advantage. If we can get him to either acknowledge Gamergate or have our targets on his shitlist, it would do wonders in accelerating their downfall.

There'd be no escaping the realization that they're fucked and the collective redpills & salt will cover the Earth.


Not even hiding it anymore.

Fuck off shill. Just because no one likes you IRL doesn't mean you need to come here to cry about it.



They will use EVERYTHING as a scapegoat before going "these folks who are from less than civil, lawful countries are maybe not a good, safe fit in our country."


This is a serious suggestion.


They have nothing to lose I guess

If it's serious then it's even sadder user


For her

always remember to post


fucking gaymergays






They weren't hiding it much before. It's the year of doubling down. Regressives are starting to sense their castles foundations are built on sand, lies and bullshit. Mostly lies and bullshit. And tremors and shakes are starting to happen. So they're getting desperate.

For sure. Unfortunately I see more lethal violence continuing if not increasing before that realization is not condemned as doubleplus ungoodthink, at least publically.


If it is anything like it was in 3 it will be adorable.


Doesn't matter. I don't care if you like the guy and this isn't a call to vote for him, but rather to inform him and get someone to help out in driving the shits fucking up the industry out.

What? I am just confused by this. Are they backpedaling or just trying to get business after how much support they lost for supporting censorship?


The /gghq/ thread IS calling to vote for him. I don't care about trump, I'd say the same if it called to vote bernie, clinton, cruz or whomever else. No call to pick a specific candidate.

Rude. Spiderisland


I may have read anons post wrong, but I got out of it they were decrying the digital only censorship.

Never forget the benis

benis is love

benis is life

kek, gift keeps giving, et cetera.


The ride never ends, but maybe we can switch tracks once in a while? I thought sexism in video games was enough for the antis, but no, we got some serious necromancy to deal with. Why won't bad ideas die!

Well, because they are good at replicating, of course, and serve a purpose.

For her, the face that annexed the Slaventland.

What kinda fucking sorcery is that bullshit

I will have to dig it up, but it was right after the whole thing with playasia and calling out SJWs for preventing DOAX3 localization. They talked shit about games needing to be censored to make money and then proceeded to fellate 9volt.

The point I was making is that they supported censorship in the past and talked about how great it is and why games need to be localized. Now they are acting like it is a bad thing to censor games when they supported it.

Mark is a time traveling jew

nice try shill

Forgot pic.

Judging by the responses I'm guessing this is a burgerstan politics thing, right? I wish they wouldn't keep shoving burgershit into everyone's faces and stick to their actual jobs.

The OP might, but not me. I;m asking to consider sending in the dirt we found, all the SJW shenanigans and instances of media corruption, and then sending it his way.

He also drew Ebrietas.

Mark, forgot your owner tag.

So either a) they are changing for the better or most likly b) they are being hypocrites.

So… did the Vivian James game get released? (i dont follow GooberGays anymore because there's shitskins on my very doorsteps to take care of)

Alright then; the /gghq/ OP and your encouragement to follow that idea made you sound like a "hey guize let's vote nazi we're such right-wingers amirite everyone ? ;)", so you'll have to forgive my immediate assumption that you were being a shill.

Its a good idea, its not a surprise that Val's against it considering his own political beliefs. At the very least we should be using the DNC leaks as it clearly shows the media's corruption.

There's also >>>/vivian/6, >>>/vivian/1567, and >>>/vivian/1897 in development.

Yeah but the game's shit.

When the playasia salt mine opened Rice Digital/PQube said that the doax thing wasn't censorship, just "a financial decision".




Now everybody's calling them based. It's weird.

I don't care about political beliefs (hell, I'd advise americans to vote trump myself since the only other choice in this election is clinton), the issue was the stupid sounding OP that seemed so akin to "I'll pretend to be a stormfront and then take a screencap and post it on twitter !"


It was only me in this thread were there others in older threads, and all I am seeing is them pulling a recent notch, they are learning some lessons, but does not change the fact they were shitty at some point and still have a ways to go before they are based, I made a mistake.

I keep seeing retards on twitter buy into it even after Ricedigital shat on them directly before. They even used to retweet 9volt about shitting on those who even like Japanese games before backpedaling after losing more business.
I also saw panda retweet shit by some pro-hillary faggot. Is it sarcastic?

Retweets aren't always endorsements of their author, or even of their content.

Okay, holy shit, it gets weirder.
The guy who wrote those tweets and that article localised gal gun.


Wew, looks like you goys really got cucked out of those shekels.
still, keep up the fight even if you are cucks atleast you arent Burch-tier and have some… slight use if anything

It exists doesn't it?

I mean its not like its such illustrious projects like…feminist deck

No. GG stays out of politics for very good reason: it's D&C, it's a way to get co-opted, it's a distraction, and it makes it difficult to recruit gamers who don't care about politics or have opposing beliefs. Also that HQ post sounds like a shill and has a strong "fellow kids" vibe.

Well i'd wager it's more of a game and more fun than Gone Homo or Life is Shit atleast.
what's that

They are far away from being based considering the shit they said and pulled. This is just pandering at this point since they used to shit all over "gross" games like this. They even supported Fates shit and FExSMT by favorites it looks like.

I think people need to play the game and see if their are any differences, as this faggot really seems to hate japanese things for being problematic and seems to shill for censorship/kotaku/polygon/etc.

I agreed, and I also think I confused pcube with rice. don't ask how, I have no clue.

Wait, what?

That's part of the superiority of being user. Twatter has the crippling disadvantage of basically being RE: RE: RE: shitposting.

It seems that some of the employees for Rice work for Pqube. One of the translators in particular seems like a faggot so we need to try and see if any shit was changed in the script.

And this is the part where we worry about valkyrie drive.

This. I had no idea about that connection, so everything just got weirder in the whole thing.

Some fatass SJW drug addict Kiva bay made cards for SJWs but ended up scamming them

PQube, Rice Digital and FunStock are all the same company.

If nothings changed, great, but if stuff is altered/censored/shit localized we get really pissed and act as the asian hornet hive kicked.

All of this seems like huge backpedaling. Now Marvelous in pushing VD after kind of ignoring so hard the Pqube had to do it and rice digital is talking about how terrible it is to censor things. This whole thing smells like shit.

IIRC it's spam post or at least shilled in other boards as well for a time. And yes it's very 'how do you do fellow —'. It reads like a badly disguised voting info gathering poll, or make your vote known scam. Secret ballots exist for a good reason.

Reading on, rice offered to do the localization for marvelous, and conjecture probably did it on the cheap for preferential store and stock rights. Marvelous treats xseed quite poorly.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC

Sorry for OT but whats this about Trump asking Russia to hack Shillary's emails? The BBC keep bringing it up but never provided a clip of the sauce

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

And looking through the ce is eu only and rices own store only.

There was a guy in vita general that had a review code for Gal*Gun a few generals back. The only thing that he noticed was a joke that couldn't be translated into English well.

I think it's more of xseed is really fucking small and they can't handle all the projects marvelous wants to and/or what the public demands for.

It's the MSM outlets trying to blame Russia, again. Anyway, glad to see that Pay-TV is dying, as it should, along with the various MSM outlets, as Pay-TV is mostly about sports, 8+ year-old movies & reality shows these days.

XSEED is 10-20 people or so. They're tiny.

That could also be it. Right now, I am pissed valkyrie drive ce is not getting a ce release for na or at least I cannot find na stocking for amazon.ca and marvelous did not give any info to one twitter user.

And yes, the occasional nip joke is impossible to translate, but as long as they convey the feeling and intent of the joke it should be ok.

Had I known all this, I would have titled the thread "Big Ass Titties Edition" and put something about Gal*Gun in the OP besides PQube's tweet about physical copies of GGDP being blocked in Australia. Sadly, I'll be absent from this discussion due to having to prepare for a two-week long vacation.

My guess is that it's the BBC bullshitting everyone.

Never mind they just showed the clip, he just said He hopes Russia finds the missing emails.

I've been looking around this OscarTK guys feed and he seems pretty close to SJW, but then he retweets about GalGun getting removed from Australia's shops and how Valkyrie Drive is gonna be uncensored, and also retweeting fucking Kotaku

It's all just really strange

More like half of them, skipping cultural context and shit, japs love their puns and their puns are basically untranslatable simply because the language works completely differently.

meteor when?

So its a joke and absolutly nothing

Sjw weeb who was reigned in by marvelous maybe. Just like how noa was reigned in with bayo2

Past tweets by him talk about why games need to be censored and how icky jap games are basically. This whole thing seems like backpeddaling on part of Rciedigital as a company since they lost business for their spergout, but the people themselves want to shit on the games with their personal accounts.

Youd be suprised, some puns have english equivalents that work very well. The hardest ones tend to involve history or celebrities, or at least thats what I noticed.

Their after-hours isn't better, either.

Honestly, I'm a bit thankful for that. The bigger a localization team gets, the worse the quality gets.

Look at aksys and their Russian roulette of localizations.

I wish I saved the post, it wasn't that big of a change and still kept the same tone.

I'll try to find it and screenshot it for you guys when my copy shows up this week and once I'm done getting some comparison screens for Shiren the Wanderer.

Could also be it. Sjwism is losing positive pr, and we made sure it is placed on the actions and the label.

Why don't you just combine it?

Japanese SJW group member (SEALDs), kills elderly in special care to protest to lack of euthanasia laws. While on weed (which is considered as bad as crack in Japan).


We can make allies in Japan explaining that we have the equivalent of SEALDs. We have common ground to explain our point, making it easier.

As for getting heard:
Got article from a friend

Look at this quote:

Basically, fans got SO in the devs face, they had to acknowledge it.

IMO, we need to get Ronin to make something that explains what SJWs are (with SEALDs as reference) + how western big devs are using them as an excuse to push out Japan from the western market.


You want to be heard? Get loud and angry- then signpost them to a well explained document.

True. It's also why XSEED have been consistently profitable even if they sell seemingly low numbers.

Might be worth pushing.


Like we should have pushed OP Rotting Meat, and kept putting Deep Freeze links in the comments of articles and tweets for articles. Like if John Balding writes an article, we spam all of John Balding's dirty laundry under the article. Sure we'd get blocked, but it'd seep through after a while.

This with the tans when?

Tiny happening, with tangential ties to #GG itself; a recent libel lawsuit, made by Agnes Kaku (a 'professional' translator) against John Schechsa Sczezzappa a 'trustworthy' journalist from Hardcore Gaming 101, has just* been thrown out of France's highest court.
It's now pretty much impossible for Kaku to re-submit the case, so John can finish the third book in the Untold History of Japanese Game Developers series in peace.
(*Yes, I'm two weeks late to this, but so is everybody else apparently)

Archive of the KickStarter post that broke the news:
Archives of the relevant posts it links to at the bottom (outdated, TL;DR, but archived for completion's sake):
archive.is/1IjkC | archive.is/yLkHd | archive.is/OfSbn | archive.is/saSyf | archive.is/9RnTr | archive.is/83RZX | archive.is/XhRNY | archive.is/mVcdk | archive.is/nXRd1

Here's a short and spicy summary of the events; John gets his KickStarter funded, plans a long trip to Japan to interview veteran gamedevs, hires Kaku (and a group of her friends) for live interview interpretations in Japan, problems occur (scheduling mistakes and mis-translations), John hires a new set of interpreters instead and gets through the rest of the interview schedule without any more of these problems.

In the time between the Japan trip ending and the first book being published, Kaku had a massive falling-out with John, and has spent the last two years trying to sabotage the project by any means necessary, including:

- Contacting everyone John met with in Japan, and trying to get their interviews retracted so that John would have no content to publish.
- Contacting the backers of the KickStarter, trying to get them involved in the libel cases through scare tactics. (ie. individually e-mailing the ones who signed up with their real names / had LinkedIn profiles)
- Contacting media outlets to tell them "stay neutral on the matter", and using clique connections to try and keep the book itself in a media blackout. (John sent free copies of the book to all major outlets, and only the places that knew he wasn't a dick would even mention its existence)
- Attempted to sue for libel four separate times, all of which have been denied or thrown out of court.

Bonus links:
- John made a statement about the boook's media blackout… on Ralph's site (pre-burnout): archive.is/k0KA6#selection-261.0-261.142
- Cirsova (a name you might recognise from artfag stuff last week) interviewed Kaku to try and balance the story: archive.is/heUOM
- Usher's summary of events: archive.is/lAPwv | archive.is/EMa7S | archive.is/CV3eE
- Kaku follows a bunch of low-end clique members on Twitter (Topkek, Megaphone, Bombchu), and wrote an article defending A.Rapp: archive.is/3v4o2
- The books themselves are too big to upload direct to Holla Forums, but most of the good shit from the companion DVD is available here: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKAlBDOVnpivBW8UokMEVJx9fdOZkrpOG

Just the press pretending Trump is a Russian spy & shilling for a war with Russia.
Clearly, we need to go to nuclear war with Russia like Hillary was pushing for while practically every candidate in the republican primaries was shoveling the same shit. Seems our ((greatest ally)) is really aching to destroy western civilization given all these blatant attempts to turn Russia & the United States against each other over Russia-backed Syria fighting ((ISIS)) & the massive flood of Islam into Europe.

he asked for the e-mails clinton deleted but hackers supposedly got. he's not asking for any (new) hacking.
actually he's just mocking the democrats and clinton about their leaks but media thinks he's serious.

Wait, Isn't she the one that fucked with the MGS2 translation? Talking shit about her employer and doing a poor job because she wasn't paid enough?

I ment trymp cracked a joke and the joke ment nothing except to thin skinned sjws.

At least it's better than Windows 2000 and the devs lacing profanities in the code.

I doubt it was the pay that made her an unstable bitchy prick

And russia would make a far better ally and not hesitate to attack as an enemy since they do not need america or the west to thrive. This goading is retardation.



Yeah, "anonymous" along with a ton of plebbit shills were planning on raiding it and got plowed by the mods

I will never understand this shit. They realize that the region will descend into chaos once the west falls, right? Its not the most fertile region and the death cult mentality of Islam doesn't help. ISIS is also made up of brutal mother fuckers who will turn on them the second they no longer have a use for the Israelis.

Given the way things are going, we might see Turkey, ISIS and Iran going to war against each other to see who is the true caliphate.

SquidViv hugging SquidGirlda :3


Are you per chance squidphobic?

At least the best squid won in the end.


Is self patting patsturbation?

Agreed. Gonna miss Splatfest.

This might be a problem, didn't one of mombot's associates say that the Japanese find it very rude and hate being bombarded like that at once?


They do. Mombot said to avoid tweet barrages.

Yep, and they will dismiss us if that happens. We need to pick and choose and be civil at times.


Should we try this with the aGGros? I'm sure it will work :^)

Off topic but funny

Mombot and voQn said: Do NOT bombard Japanese tags ever. They'll take care of it on their end, let us gaijins do our thing.

Wow, so SJWs are literally taking jobs overseas to sabotage imports.
I can't believe I'm shocked.

IMO, we spread info on this.
- It's "juicy gossip" so it'll spread like a meme.
- Free advertising for his book.
- Shows how crooked SJW can be.
- Follow Up: Find SJWs working in Japan, and work out how to tell their boss that they're lying (possibly after this is done as well: )

OP: According To Kaku?

Wait, I'd have thought the mods would have let people run riot on "racist" trump?

Simmer down and instead of spamming the nippon so they pull away from us, read these:

Collect info, share with mombot and ronin, and let them work their magic with their fellow nippon.

Milo is using EU law to fuck over Jack
This: archive.is/NEXfQ. Holy shit.

Aww shit. Ok, avoid doing that then.

How do we politely inform them? Make Jap accounts and head to forums?
I do trust Mombot and voQn, but (for sake of argument) if Japan pulled out the west entirely, vidya in the west would go the way of comics.

That has nothing to do with imports. That's about a guy trying to do interviews with game devs and his original interpreter being shit and then trying to sue him to try and sabotage his piece because she's butthurt it happened without her.


We already knew it was a flop but its interesting to hear from someone who works in the business and knows what he's talking about.

I seriously hope the tide is burning folks, if you saw the crazy shit the dems are doing right now, its like holy shit.

holy shit

i remember one of our wiki-allys using that to revert bans

Tweet Mombot and Roninworks about these new findings and let them spread it around. We do our end by telling Twitter about this since most of them speaks English.


Send a jew to jew a jew

Dude, the dude talks like an user
And I love his ideas for concequences

>mfw NOW they care about the email leaks and are making it a big deal because god emperor told russia to leak the rest, therefore taking attention away from the DNC and baiting them into making his point for him after they said they aren't important
The man is shitpost incarnate and i'm loving every second of it

They're trying to deflect it by focusing on Trump telling some female reporter to stay quiet cause she kept interrupting him.

I know the media is shit and biased but wow, its just amazing to see it so blatant and in action, here are the dems spewing bullshit non stop in their convention and the media is falling over itself to yell at Trump for telling a supposed professional to shut up while he spoke.

You sure you're replying to the right post? I dunno how you went from Ghostbusters to email leaks and DNC.

Yeah, turns out, it's a completely bad idea to shit on people in an effort to push units. If only there was some precedent that proves that point.

Did you not read the last two lines?

and now

I can't recall a year, or even a month being this bizarre ever.

When the bottom makes you the bottom, you know you fucked up.

I expect hillary's daughter to jump in front of his limo or something, because nothing is working.


I'll be honest, I stopped scrolling after the crotch.



Fuck off paco

Is it just me or are webms, in addtion to not allowing to skip forward or backward and not loading half the time, now not even playing sound?

Milo tops from the bottom though, so it isn't all that unusual.

Missing the point on history, we are not supposed to learn about every little thing and person, only significant events really matter, and even then it is more about the effects, how the events happened, and how we can reproduce/prevent the event. I would love to learn about how the muslims almost conquered europe yet were held back, why black people in africa sold their own as slaves when they had no real need for money, how hispanics lost new mexico to the white folk, and how bizzare it was that they viewed spainards as gods. But its not white peoples fault that thwy kept better records of the good and bad of thwir history.


Where the hell are minorities required to learn history in the US that isn't the history of the fucking country? Don't white people have to learn about the civil war and the civil rights movement aka black history? How are movies "required learning of white culture" ? This fucker is retarded.

Also there's black history month. I want to see that taco explain that.

Considering they advocate whitewashing history, not covering some of the darker aspects of it for feefees war of 1812 comes to mind and advocating for segregation, they are indeed retarded.




You know, I have to admit I'm a little let down.

Let me get something straight.

Farachi leaves Twitter, comes back protected and nobody fucking archived the meltdown?

Because archive.is has almost nothing recent and tweetsave only has 1 tweet from today

Archive-chan would be ashamed

wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/15571 Robinson thinks the only reason people play games is because they're too poor for sports

I guess

Someone on Wikipedia is salty.
>>>Holla Forums6918994

A basketball or football is ten bucks. A baseball and glove is twenty, maybe an extra twenty for a good aluminum bat. A new video game is sixty, plus fifty bucks in DLC.


He means real sports like Polo or Parachuting

Oh, right, rich people sports.


So tolerant, so progressive!

wait what
what did I miss

I have not had issues with sound, but yeah, the player appears to be fucked.

I just throw the URLs at mpv now if I want to skip around.

Let right wing and trump fan groups on social media know.
They'll raise hell.

Also, check to see if the person who did it was an antiGG person. Especially if they're already on thin ice like that other guy who really pissed off the head mods.


how can you be such an idiot? and you just know this person would be as corrupt as shillary if she was in power.

He'll just say he's born again like Top Kek.


>I don’t care about Sanders supporters, most of them are going to vote for Hillary anyway.

Most I think will not vote at all or vote green. They hate hillary far too much.

rip in piss fanboys ;_;7

God, it's been years since I last checked it. Did it stop, or is it still shambling along as he does those stick figures for the Extra Credits hipsters?

Now the Democrats are doomed than ever before.


Wikileaks just put it on Youtube for everyone to hear!

To follow up on my post about Trump:

There's got to be someone else to send the information we've uncovered in order to throw another huge wrench against the journos?

Understand where I'm coming from, a Senator from my state is going with the violent video game narrative and is supporting the Clintons & I'm going to contact her about this ASAP. It's going to be infinitely more difficult for Gamergate to continue and dev freedom to prosper if they take the White House.

Can you name that senator and what's his/her ideological leanings are? It could explain us on why that senator pushes that narrative against video games.

Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand of Jew York.

Is there a chance that milo will win his Twatter war? I really hope wikileaks comes up with their own alternative.

I'm not from the US so I ask this: How the fuck is Obongo allowed to show support for Clinton? From the place I'm from this is illegal as fuck.

Because American politics are incredibly corrupt.

Well, there's your problem.
the other pic is for fun

The easy excuse: democrat supporting democrat. The actual reason:
Got it nailed.


Sweet mother of fuck.

God forbid, the dissonance of the people in the replies! They are scared but still in this disillusion that the DNCLeaks and now the voicemails aren't significant. I can't wait for them to fall flat into the pavement.

People are this retarded.

Don't forget that more is coming. The last thing is supposed to be shit that is supposedly undefendable and will get clinton arrested.

The ones begging he releases trumps emails are kinda silly. They'd be simple emails and buisness emails. Although, I am suprised that there have not been any mention of organized crime family collusion.

NY in general is corrupt as fuck. IIRC, it's the most politically corrupt state in the union. Seems like most of said corruption comes from downstate.

And its a shame, I liked my visit 7 odd years ago.

The president is the defacto leader of the party and ultimately a political figure. I don't really care much that a president can endorse a presidential candidate, but I find campaigning for one rather tasteless.


That tweet was so stupid I just had to call that woman a moron.

These people are so goddamn retarded, I weep for her children.

If nothing else, it's really inspiring me to want to clean up my home state even more.

I looking up what Kirsten allegedly said at the DNC here:


But I can't seem to find it. She voted against the TPP in the past at least; I called her and a few others for that.

Do me a favor guys, can some of you try to enter Sad panda and see if it let you enter, I cannot enter and I want to see if it is just me.

So, who's going to be blamed again for the latest Wikileaks' revelations? Us again, of course!

Works for me.

Well might be a problem for me, I have the plugin and I have an account since Two years and for some weird reason it doesn't let me enter.

Working on my end.

Blame canada. We hacked the dnc under turd and the liberals. Why else would turd not condemn trump when asked? :^]

Restart your browser, login at g-ehentai, then go to sadpanda. They had an update, and it screwed up the plugin.

I see, I'll try

King Nigger just said this at the DNC.

Sweet mother of fuck

I remember someone saying that the people calling out the DNC on their bullshit also support/supported Gamergate, therefore basically Gamergate did it.

What a fucking faggot.

Ahhh what? He just said that in the DNC? Wow, just wow, if people didn't get the message that he's really supporting the Islamization of USA and switch to Donald Trump, they're bunch of fucking idiots who needs to be exiled away from the Land of the Free.


Obama has quite a bit of family who is islamic
He is as islamic as you can get without converting.



Is this what it feels like to be triggered?

c u l t u r a l M a r x i s m i s / ab ou t consumerism

r e a d a f u c k i n g b o o k


How can you have consumerism if people doesn't have the will to buy on free markets?! Marxism is such a klutz!

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to listen to a NEET talk about economics.

It's like listening to Bob Chipman about moral values while he's an actual bigot himself. The hypocrisies are strong enough to make my brain bleed.

Most unified convention ever.

Definitely American!

>>>Holla Forums6927985
Some jackass on wiki put the nazi flag beside trump. I hope he sues wales.

God, imagine the smell of a burning bernout, fucking horrendous
Still a beautiful sight though

Is it just me or is it feeling


in here?

Also, shit's slow right now, you want us to ignore asshurt?

She was actually trying to put out the flag burning but caught on fire herself. There's a bunch of different protesting groups at the convention. All pissed at the DNC but with different leftist ideologies.

I wonder which party's plans for a better America are worth listening to

As far as I heard, trump tried to talk about the issues, hillary sofar has been nothing but appeals to emotion and hypocracy.

They've been having to arrest some people and there's been non-stop protests.

Democrats are indeed in touch with the problems of the USA, guys!

That's because she has no policies, she changes her policies based on whomever she's trying to pander to.

995d09 definitely seems like a shill, not sure about the others.


These people live among you.

They breathe your air, they use your resources.

Be an informed consumer and bleed all of these people dry. Any SJW influence = no purchase. Zero tolerance.

They didn't watch the DNC didn't they?
I fucking loved how everyone was screaming for their heads on a platter in their own convention.

Into the trash it goes, pretty much amazed on how a fucking British newspaper is pretty much ideologically invested on the US elections.

No wonder they keep losing money and readers.

It's more likely disgruntled insiders than Russians. Democrats are committed to their anti-Russian narrative, and their talking points about wikileaks etc not leaking on the Russians are trivially false, with hundreds of thousands of documents on them also being available.

So, it's official the duel of fates is Trump vs Shillary?

I wanted bernie, he looked more like a worthy opponent for the emperor

Steven Colbert's on with Jon Oliver, oh swell.

It was always going to be Clinton, Bernie never stood a chance as it was rigged from the start.

Bernie is more of an indecisive cuck.
Shillary is a demon to be slain.

No, he's just going back to the Senate as an independent, which is how he was elected. He's not running.

As much as I hate siding with the €fag, that's the d&c shill for sure.

Way to take the bait, anons, as if Trump's your Savior. He'll sell you out faster than a bankrupt resort.

Samefag as:

Vote for Trump all you want, but don't think the ride will end, even if he wins against all odds.

Oh Fuck I was misinformed

OK one of those was a (you). Billy the mobilefag.

go to sleep nerd

that triggered me


He's a liberal, what did you expect?


your life is pathetic and miserable

Bernie is acting rationally from his perspective. His first goal was to be president. Well, that shit has come to pass, so his second goal is to prevent Trump from being president. A bunch of whiney Berniebros and gleefull Trumptards don't seem to understand (((priorities))).

It is incredible to me that so many people didn't understand that this would be the outcome. From the time the candidates announced, it was clear that Trump and Hillary would take the primaries.

The uncertainty only begins now, since I cannot tell exactly how unscrupulous the Democrats, especially under Hillary, will be. It might only be limited to massive voter fraud, or Trump might have an "accident".

There is a historical precedent for the latter in the late Roman Republic, where Trump's analogue, the Gracchi brothers, attempted to use popular support to introduce reforms that benefited the middle class, mostly by bringing jobs back etc by giving teeth to old legislation regarding how much land the rich could own, since they were buying up large amounts and using slaves to farm it hence economically ruining the farmer-citizen and driving them out. Both of these were murdered by the senate. But, then came Caesar.

Total bullshit.

You dropped this.


You know what they say about traitors, if I had one bullet and had a traitor and an enemy in front of me you'd know damn well who's getting shot.
I can't blame bernouts for going for Trump, I'd do the same in their position.

I keep forgetting pic related

Fair point.

There is another…

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm voting Stein now because what the DNC did was disgusting, the left deserves a better party, and my state will go Trump anyways. May as well help the Greens get 5% they're aiming for.

That is really retarded logic, friend.


Nah, I'm pretty sure you're the retard.

Sounds strategic. As I've said in 2 previous breads, my state will go to Trump, and I expect Clinton to win. My vote for Johnson is a vote of no confidence in the GOP or DNC. 2020 is the election I wish to influence.

That said, the salt of Trumptards come Nov will fuel me.


I fucking hate twitter.

If Clinton wins I'll probably shoot myself in the head. Not even joking.

Or we can get gay married in Canada.

They sound absolutely wonderful
Like America's Justin Trudeau

Invading Iran will trigger WW3.


I think their policies are absolute shit but its better than the democrats and a hell of a lot less corrupt, democrats deserve to lose their base. If I lived in a state that wasn't a completely safe red state then I wouldn't do this.

I don't expect to be schooled by such an user like you on a subject i I have personal experience with. I've been to Iran. Has anyone else here?

Yeah, then trump loses by 1 vote. Your not in canada, your system works on total votes.

Wait, so you are saying women have been voting illegaly
Happens to both genders assholes.
Yeah, because it never happens the other way around. :^[
Not how society sustains itself.

So you can get forced into being trans muslim?

there are no gradients here, its fucking cancer and it needs to be purged branch, root, and seed.

No our system works on the electoral college.

Please tell me it is not similar to vanadas "seats"? Because that shit is broken as fuck.

This is one I think most Americans agree, the founders got it wrong.

I'm not sure how vanadas seats work but basically the electoral college is setup so that each state gets a number of votes based on number of congressional representatives. They vote how the state votes, in most states all votes go to the winner of that state but in a few they do it proportionally.

I'm one of the few people that actually likes it I think but I'm a big proponent of states' rights.

I'm unfamiliar with how Syrupland's seats work. but the electoral college works like this. And they can say fuck you voters and pledge to someone that didn't win the vote, but it's generally considered bad form and rarely, if ever, happens

I'm not aware of a single time. Things people usually say is where candidates lost the popular vote but won the election but there the delegates still went with their states its just how the math worked out.

You know it will happen. I can smell it. I suggest digging into the college since they are the ones probably getting the most bribes.

im not a burger, when is the damn elections going to be over?


When you start sucking this cock
you suck it gud

reminder that Al Gore had the popular vote in 2000

no, without it politicians would just pander to high population centers. with it they at least have to pretend to give a shit about other places. As someone who has grown up in the country I have seen how some big cities screw over some people in rural areas without considering them.


Is this supposed to be funny?

Fucking Destructoid.

Renegade voters haven't changed an outcome. Yet.

Notionally it gives small states a fighting chance, but effectively, IMO, it eliminates the relevance of any non battleground state, i.e. almost all of them.

Where did you get this?! Archive, NOW!

Preaching to teh choir.



The idea was to give more power to smaller areas via weighted votes so they aren't completely drowned out, and also restrict the power of larger ones, but a lot of states are shitty and employ a winner-take-all system anyway, which means that the opinions of the few are completely discarded.

It's fine when you have runaway victories, but when you have a split population with a lot of 50.X/49.X results and you're throwing those 49.X% of voters in even one state, you might have changed the outcome of an election.

They generally can't.
If the electoral college representative votes different than the district they represent, their respective state can oft void that vote and/or punish the elector, depending on whether or not they keep a public record.

The last time an elector did not vote as pledged was in 2004, where it did not affect the election in any meaningful way and appears to have been an honest accident.

More specifically, the most extreme case if what you describe is NY and NYC. The proper solution there, I think, is having the red state of NY and the clusterfuck blue state of NYC.

Completely disagree here. All states are still relevant the safe ones are just overlooked as their effect isn't as sexy since they're predictable. Meanwhile if you did it strictly on population small states truly would be irrelevant.

>the Wikipedia power-trip circlejerk squad are still defending the "honor" of three scam artists just because they each have a vagina or at least a hole

Seems to be a part of this. It isn't the exact page screenshotted though

Oh shit moar fair pointz.! Yeah winner takes all exacerbates the problem for sure.

They also fucked with Auerbach pretty hard, he's pretty upset about it if you check his twitter.


it is on the party's website saying their official platform

honestly, I expect worse

Boys forced to be sexslaves for perverted ugly men. though i would not dought there are women who buy from the trafficing too.

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */399cb#.nnxgz3apv

sorry if slowpoke


i miss when these threads were viv crazy

some more choice stuff

This would be nice, if we could actually convince the backers that it is a scam, but we all know how cucked they are.



>He is banned instantly.


But Satan, the author IS one of Wu's backers

I'll commission something next pay I suppose
I'll find a lesser known artist that charges below normal prices

Call me degenerate, but this is the only part I find insane. At some point, doctors and parents have to make a choice.


Reading the whole platform of the Green Party and I'll give my first guess: The founders of this party hail from either San Francisco, Portland or Seattle. Because holy shit, the platforms are insanely cut-out cookie cutters from every feminist/social-justice rhetoric that we ever encountered so far. I've seen some shit man, but this takes the cake.

A) already in the law
C)ditto again
D)thats retarded
E)does that include cis and straight people or no? Because if no, you are a fucking hypocrite and against equal treatment
F)coersion, because that worked so well with the toilet issues, oh wait, it did not
G)all including ones that do violate the pedophile and bestiality laws? So you will let outsiders be welcome as violaters of our law and yet punish those who are here already for violating the same laws? And do not give bullshit on "they do not know better" neither does a child who treats an animal roughly, thats why you punish the child and explain why what they did was bad
H)end survaillence on all groups or no groups, equality remember

They recognize all marriges done outside the country, including child, and animal.


St. Paul Minnesota actually.

The fuck?

You sound like you've got some kind of axe to grind. Let me lay it on you:

That Holla Forumsack two breads ago that came in digging for Daughters of Mageria, no talk, all info request? That's Uncle Holla Forums. You smell of newfag talkery.

Referring to g.? Seems like a stretch. I'll stick with the demonstrably stupid.

I like the baby viv one, but strangly want to see both Holla Forums and viv have large angry brows.

They might go after animal marrige, but will definitly thumbs up on child marrige, only to say "you cannot do that, they are special"

It's just someone dumping Vivian images, at least look at his ID first.

Well… What are we talking about, the 15+ majority or the 9+ degenerate minority? Cause for concern, certainly, but the distinction is important.

Don't underestimate how many people SJWs pissed off and continue to piss on today.

Both. If they do not specify, and bend the knee to muslim culture, then both.


Says that when the wii was a thing.

They knew exactly what they were doing.

Please let this be a joke article, we do not need flopedbuster 2.

Just speculation user.



I wonder how many sites share imageboard culture. Know any places that would be good for letting people know about GG on the 2nd anniversary? Guess we could always use more on the Escapist.

They can't even get the language straight. More convoluted and vague than that isn't possible.

I thought I was the only person who knew about scrolls of lore.


A well liked guy who posted on another forum that I still visit gave a link to this site in case any of us wanted to talk with him again.

Something related to our interests happened recently which I know would pique his curiosity, so I decided to head over there today and the Trump discussion with Pepe and Wojack there caught me off guard.

you mean facebook frog and sad guy

They mentioned 4chan in one of those threads. It's still the more popular imageboard, for better or worse. Brings me back to when there was a more unified feeling amongst GG. Shills were laughably bad like with the Haruhi/dragon "Gaymergay" spam and there were no insufferable burnouts to speak of.

Maybe it's just me, but I wish we still had our personal archive, it was nice.


Don't do that


I just had to archive this over at cuckchan.

Reminder you escaped.

well I guess it's a creative way to declare your newfaggotry

Well, I'm way late, but an user asked me something a while ago concerning music. May as well write now on the slim chance he'll see this

I'm actually still recording all of my own work, but I've got some offhand jams recorded. It was this kind of playing that grabbed people's attention. chirb.it/anBqyA

If you're thinking of learning an instrument, don't stick to one genre. Learn multiple styles if you want to take up music professionally. Perfect them as much as you can. People who start young have a high advantage. Only then will your music be dank enough

I think I stopped playing in the middle of the song on that recording. Had to adjust my volume because I couldn't even hear myself.

His wife happens to be Jewish. Oi vey what a coincidence!

fucking u wot



Is GamerGate finally dead?

It's always been dead.

gookanon here. the daughter of megalia shit rode the ride of mainstream media.
the prosecutory authorities begun search and seizure operation on megalian headquarter bulding. sjws went full damage control. countless celebrities, politicians, artists, commentators, all kinds of shitheads declared "im megalian too" and saying this is oppression against feminism and women.

the whole country divided. the chaos scale is helluva bigger than gg. it's nationwide gamergate. all tv channels broadcasting megalian shit now. half of channels pick a side with megalians, saying megalians are feminist heroes and anyone who oppose are misogynists. rest of channels saying megalians are nothing but batshit insane cultists. they're fucking beating each other brutally.

we're nuclear. we're wild.
we're breaking up, inside.

Time fixes everything gook. Things will be better. It will be remembered and it will teach everyone what it is that hurts and what it is that breaks. Have no fear. Things will be alright.

Remember it only going to get worse before it gets better and you're lucky this is happening now. When there's a bombing that's when you know it can't possibly get any worse and people are going to leave like rats on a sinking ship.

What do you mean? We have the thread repository, do you mean a general Holla Forums archive or something else?

About to leave for at least two weeks to visit my extended family. Not sure if I can keep up with these threads while I'm gone but I'm due for a break.

Hope all goes well and you guys will keep spreading and digging up important information now that we've entered our 23rd month of Gamergate since the hashtag was used. So surreal to see how things have progressed since then-maybe that could be the name of the next thread?

Besides the Current Happenings, you guys will fill /gghq/ with all of the stuff going on in my absence, right? I'm sure you will all come up with something good when I get back in time for the 2nd anniversary. Something we can all do across the boards of Holla Forums, and from multiple other sites, strong.

Like this, I'll still pray for you and tell your tale, user.

Wish me luck. See you all in two weeks!

Brianna Wu's patreon account states that the money raised goes to paying a person to do a Butters and give LWu a safespace. If the person doesn't exist, then LWu is defrauding patreon donors (ie obtaining money through dishonest means). Has anyone contacted the FBI to get them to investigate LWu?


Good luck.

Fuck off Swami!


go tell him/her/it that.


Hi swami. You'll notice both the lack of name/capcode and different ID from mine in that same thread.

I bet you think about me when you cum, like that one other betacuck does with #GG.


fuck off swamii

use those vpns to give gghq more UIDs.

Here's another ID : get fucked swami. Nobody likes you. I'm a namefag and even I'm tired of your attention whoring. If you died no one would be sad and many people would be happy.

Also even if you're not swami my post still stands

Have you ever been so pathetic that you shitposted a GG thread past the bump limit in the ass end of the morning?

val and acid are cancer.

when people say they hate GG it's because of people like them screaming shill/swami/whateverboogeyman.

Kill yourself and blame them for it. That'll show them!

bu.. but wat if swami is futanari?

Swami doesn't know what swami is. Remember Rule 14

Just stick with S/H/It and good.

futanaris are not real you homo

It's something.


How deep does the conspiracy go?

Deep enough to stick your entire arm in.


Anyone wonder how these faggots breathe? Goon accounts now use, "think of the children" as an argument against the DNCleaks and talk about how everyone know about it yet it was somehow super horrible to expose those good, corrupt democrats.

It also looks like the new MRA bigot faction isn ow Team instinct after so many people used to shit on Team Valor. You have a majority of the company of Riot games talking about how the only people in Valor support Milo and GG and MRAs and Trump etc.

The worst nightmare of GamerGate
And now displaying a reason I might want the full version of DoAX3


These people are so pathetic on so many levels.

was this posted already?https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */399cb#.u4g3aio3u also brte retweeted it





Well it's been over 24hours, are we betting when the next kebab attack will be?

Remind them.

Remember that last attack on Japan?


A literal lunatic. Bet he liked video games.

Talking about running out materials.

Why OC when you can pasta?

Wait, wasn't that two years ago when they first showed it off at E3? I remember some SJWs comparing it to Splatoon because they thought at that time it was a girl only game.

sorry, I didn't know

Walls don't work. :^)

Oops, forgot my link.

How is your house standing up then you fucking idiot

Man, there are some angry little meme trolls in star trek online. Servers going down in 5 minutes, little meme troll tries to 1 v 1 me. I decline, since I don't plan on spending the last 5 minutes of gameplay satisfying his urge to be a dick. He broadcast my refusal, claims I have no balls. What is it with free2play MMO players?


lol what are u a pussy ? lol not even 1v1 him i bet u cant even play noob

Really is gamergate 2.0

They only have one set of arguments. Doesn't matter what's actually happening.

He was calling people noobs, then someone called him a noob and he started spamming all his gear in chat. Shit was just sad.

FTP games attract minors, that can't pay with mom's credit card, in mass. So you end up with a huge fraction of the player base being technically retarded.

Its never enough for these people, anything to the right of pure communism is bad

The SJWs went after him for that. Chased him off Twitter. They always eat their own.

Quads confirm that the reason they only have one look is because they only have one thought.

Not entirely correct. You forget the arguments and misgivings between the U.S.S.R. and China.
They both argued that they were the correct, proper, and only utilitarian interpretation of communism.
Even though they've done exactly the same thing over and over and over again.

And a set of checked trips for you, too, user–
I believe we've found today's champion of the patriarchy. Ara, ara~

Wanna see something cool?


that's because they ARE the problems.

Denton won a reprieve, posting errors are back, the thread is dead, the elections are rigged by the media and tech hipsters.

I know I say this a lot, but this time it's for real, it's over guys, we have to admit defeat. We couldn't take down a single outlet in two years and even with the intervention of a millionaire like Thiel, Gawker is still getting away with it.

We never stood a chance, it's time to #CloseTheGate

Thats me

How about you suck my dick?

I know you're sad user, but we have to face reality. We lost, it's all over.

tell reality to suck my dick

Brexit won when everyone said it would lose. Ghostbusters bombed, when everyone said it wouldn't. I'm confident that Trump will win, with the entirety of the media against him.

We have SJWs on the run, we've memed an ancient egyptian god into existence, Polygon, Kotaku, SJW hipsters, goons, Gawker, ALL LAUGHING STOCKS.

I've told you guys before, and I'll tell you again. Gamergate doesn't matter. How gamergate is remembered, DOESN'T MATTER. Gamergate is disposable. Gamergate is a fucking wet nap, and we've gotten a shitload of use out of it. All that matters is the goals we accomplish. That's it, and we've done quite a bit. But most importantly, we started a fucking fire, a fire that's burning so bright, the entirety of the media is trying to fight it.

This gate can't be closed! It's snowballing now. It's out of our hands. Kick up your feet and laugh. I know I will.


what now ?
Also I know it's bait but just as a reminder there are NUMEROUS outlets that died since gg started…

shitposting is great but some you can't differ from the real crazies

Harmful opinions is having lots of fun poe-ing in it

Everything is fine.

New post on my board

It's like a white-guilt ebay

This would be neat if those people who do not believe that LWU is a scam artist wouldn't be all be cultists who can not even comprehend the idea that a tranny could do anything wrong.


Even if they understand fully what kind of a scam it is, they'll still throw money at LWu just to virtue signal.

meh, just giving him more time before death basically. I don't mind. I doubt he's having good days lately.

Here ya go.


Holy fuck. It's been less than 24 hours.

Meanwhile, just this afternoon, Merkel said that she had no plans to change her refugee policy, and that taking cares of the refugees was Germany's "historic challenge".

What did you expect?


I wonder how long until the next one?

Probably at some public event on Friday. Can't keep those dirty infidels waiting, can we?

After the Friday prayer.

Who Tom Woods on Holla Forums?

Thisa is the point of view of a libertarian economist on the matter. Good insight, and it's nice to see other fields of interest on the internet take notice and a sane reaction to SJWs.





They're going all out.

I want off this fucking ride



But what if Zelda Halo was a girl???

Yes, I know its old. Saw it on Twatter, couldn't help but laugh


holy shit

These people are to the right of Bernie, and he is to the right of communism. Ffs, Hillary is basically a neocon


still butthurt

How the fuck would FemDuke even work? No, seriously. I want to know at this point.
Any attempts to recreate a female version of him end up with SJW problem sunglasses power fantasy.

GG capcom, G fucking G.

What are the chances that SJWs will blame this on the game being terribly, terribly misogynistic?

100%, even though Capcom bent over for them.

If she was just a hyper lesbian who objectified women as much as Duke did I would be 100% okay with it.


She's gotta be /fit/ as fuck, too.

What about that bombshell character?

Socjus cultists never seem to be able to genuinely smile. They can smirk, or do that retarded overexaggerated gaping maw expression. Has any of them ever smiled in a sincere genuinely happy way in current year.

SJWs are the new Carrie A Nation teetotaler, and wannabe fiction sharia squad.



the game flopped, nobody knows about her

I just thought about her when I read "female dook".

That's wonderful, DNF flopped so they couldn't even run around going

Oh my God, it's not even a fps, it's some diablo clone.



Holy shit this is perfect


Not Duke enough.


b… benis?

But, raising hell about it could get Japan to look more closely at the quality of translators they have.

Japan doesn't like it when westerners raise hell. Mombot said no.

Oooooh, I see now.

So he wanted the temporary protection so he could try appealing the 140mil verdict. If he wins the appeal, all the money from Gawker's sale would just go back to him and his stock holders, and he could probably just buy Gawker back, or at least pieces of it.

He really doesn't want his finances out in the open, and bankruptcy would do just that.


What did xhe mean by this?

We don't even listen when foreigners in our countries do it. It's considered extremely disrespectful in Japan for outsiders to "raise hell". You'll just push people away like that

Oh, fuck you.

pretty much

Fuck, OK after my last post I know raising hell is bad.

I meant bringing to their attention in a polite manner.

But yeah, tangentially related, and odds are the the middle companies (since the big ones already hire the best translators) are catching wise.

Why would nips give a shit about an internal dispute between an interviewer and his shitty translator? This has almost nothing to do with video games and certainly nothing to do with the problems plaguing localization. This is a dead end.


She sat on her balls when she got in the car. Obviously not written by a male because she didn't even flinch.

I think imgur is blocking direct url uploads from Holla Forums. Every time I try I'm getting a failure message no matter which picture in which thread. I tried with another random image and it worked perfectly.

I know image uploading directly from Holla Forums urls was working like a day ago at most.

that's a dude

Uh, the filthy splurting globs of cum at the end didn't give that away?

that is how Chis-chans fancy new vagoo works(not him)

Y-you watched to the end? I closed it immediately after seeing what it was.

Can someone repost this in the next bread- but alter the last bit
So instead of "raid every Japanese thing" it's "let Mombot know and organize an OP where we send this info out in a respectful manner."

I feel nothing these days. I'm comfortably numb, medicated with weeb games and whisky.


Should I ask Mombot via Twitter/sealion.club?

Good thing there are alternatives.

Holy shit, that's even worse than I thought. Voxday's just bad I swear.

Don't always rely on mombot. Although she's a great and competent gal, she's not always there and doesn't on her own control the opinion of all of Nihon. Get stuff ready to make her job easier.

no I just forgot to add it

So, now that the kickass is dead, where can i get my torrents?

You wouldn't want Sterling and MovieBob to be paid more than actual fucking journalists, would you ?!


Also, reminder that TechRaptor is having a kickstarter as well. They've been funded already, so give away to make them even more relevant and efficient at what they do. They're getting game servers ready at 5K !


extratorrent.cc ? ETRG is good for Mini encoded movies.

from your anus

but they're not

How are they not ? They constantly push for anti-censorship stuff and actually try to build communities to demolish the harm kotaku and polygon have caused


He is so going to die from some horrific infection it's not even funny anymore.

someone on /cow/ said he could die or his genitals will start to rot and they have to make him a new vagina.

Werent most of wikileaks leaks against right leaning people? Were they somehow not biased then?

Someone get info on this so we shove it in the faces of the paid shill claiming bias.

You know damn well they will ignore it.

But others will see it.

More legitimate evidence against them should always be welcome.

That is true. But its not rubbing it in their faces as it is convincing the ones to the sides that "chocolate ice cream is best"

Really Capcom just fucked up royally with SFV, the game was barely a beta on launch, it was broken as hell, its currently riddled with micro transactions, its a lot more casual than the rest and then they went full retard with censorship because they want to "go legit" and be e-sports friendly.

The FGC has had a community for decades, well before Evo was barely a thing or even when EVO was done in a tiny center and wasn't the thing it was today, you don't need to go legit or clean it up, the people are there and will go to your events.

Basically Capcom did this:

Released an incomplete game lacking even the most basic features.

No single player content, there's a reason Mortal Kombat sells so much and that's due to the wealth of SP content it has.

Most casual SF to date.

Fucking Guile is DLC

Poor animations


Exclusive to the PS4 for the console people.

The game was one giant fuck up and I'm glad it failed.



someone spoonfeed me too

That's just… mean…

How did xhe cum out of a flesh wound?

Go the fuck back to fucking reddit you autistic cuckold retard jew faggot. Seriously you are going to sexualize all of them except the reddit guilda one or what ever the fuck, and you think people are not going to notice, nigga vivian a shy, loving caring young woman who has shame and is a confirmed virgin with low libido/sex drive who cares about video games, guilda is a a disgusting std infested nigger loving cumdumpsterslut who will do anything for a le ebin upboat and only cares about what will get her attention and what is currently trends.

Kill your self.


Both Kaku and Sketcz are fucking insane. It was really great when he had to leave the HG101 forums (for wishing death on another forumgoer) because he's an insufferable twat. Then again, he and HG101 deserve each other.

It was on PC too though

What's the next step in xir master plan?

I am aware but most fighting games have the biggest communities on consoles.

How could it even be considered state-sanctioned? Did everyone forget that Assange is spending the rest of his life confined to a foreign embassy due to rape charges that the supposed victim openly retracted?

I thought he was mostly living at an embassy to hide from assassins.

Because it paints the party that they so rabidly believe in as being no better than the boogeyman they built up.

No no, the Narrative will be something like:


BLM doxing



How rude I've never tweet this h'whitey before

Well, Do you remember me anons, the one with the problems with windows 8, I have to install windows 10 and Luckily i got the professional edition, no spywares and anything else, and the windows antivirus that comes with it is really good.

I'll keep seeing if this will create problems and relate you and Holla Forums about it, let be my recommendation help you install or not this pile of shit as you usually call it

Pro is one of the two editions that has the keylogger. Enterprise and Education editions are the ones that don't have the keylogger.

Unless something has been changed, or you mean Enterprise or Education edition, win10 home and pro edition still has those bullshit.

I don't think that's true, as far as I know. Try this:


Time to go request some smug DF twins rigging American elections

How long before Trump accuses Hillary of wanting to start WW3?

So… Who's baking, should I bake?



Strange, I thought Russia was considered a very good customer when Hillary sold them a lot of uranium.

Welcome to the world of politics.

It just keeps getting better and better.

Seems like "blame Russia for everything" isn't exclusive to Call of Duty/Battlefield plotlines.

Welp, I'll be baking


Thank you generous Baker

So this is the new dem strat.

They know they're losing badly so they're going to resort the communist boogeyman and paint Trump as being in leagues with him.

Whaaa? Next you'll tell me that black=white, 2+2=5, there are 5 lights instead of 4, ignorance is strength, and we have always been at war with eastasia. :^)

I'm wondering if they can keep the boogeyman routine straight in the remaining months. It would be sensible chuckle worthy if they slip up and say something like russian gaytors brocialists.


I wonder if they will just go back to the first argument again or if they'll come up with a new wacky way to taunt the Russians.





Anticommunism is prevalent in the left, not just the right. It's pretty much the American state religion.

Their ultimate weapon is a mix of that and Obongo doing PR.

Just woke up, knew it wouldn't last for atleast 2 days.