On this 241st Independence Day, we should remind ourselves to never revere men as gods. Throughout history...

On this 241st Independence Day, we should remind ourselves to never revere men as gods. Throughout history, there have been individuals that have done all in their abilities to seize power for their own self-interest. Over the course of their conquest they have created a persona, a lie, to recruit others to enforce their will. Men such as this were present even at the birth of the United States. Washington, along with the immigrant, Alexander Hamilton, were instrumental in laying the groundwork for globalist institutions, central banking, oppressive government, and taxation. Resistance against such things were met with military force.
Others should never be relied upon to maintain your God given rights. Instead, the fight for Liberty must be taken into your own hands. The only men that you should be deifying within your minds is yourself; all who clamor to sit in thrones of power must be kept under a watchful eye, for they seek to undermine your freedom for their gain.

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Does this include Hitler and Trump?


And this is the part where I sage this Christcuck bullshit. I thought we fucking drove you mind-virus-infested drones back to /christian/, but I guess you don't ever learn…


American rights stem from the second ammendment, not from god.

Don't you know, our rights come from a semetic dessert god! And his disciple, Yeshua Bar-Yosef.

Of course. Why would you allow the will of another to dictate your life, or the life of your family?

Instead of arguing against the main point, allowing yourself to be subjected by others, you refuse to listen because the post does not conform to your beliefs.

Kill yourself Christcuck.

I am my own god, but if other people want to have gods outside of themselves, so be it. So long as they do not attempt to limit the liberty of others, nor assault and antagonize others for the crime of disbelief, then whatever.

Global report for intl.

Global report for intl.

Global report for intl.

Global report for intl.

Reported for not being an American.

Kill yourself desert nigger.

Here comes the Yeshua IDF.

Global report for intl.

Global report for intl.

"God" can mean more than just the christian god. In this case you just replace it with "self", or "truth", or whatever the fuck fits your worldview. Many religious texts work just fine as straight philosophy if you do this; it's just that philosophy meant for broad consumption in a religious context is often written so as to be understandable to those capable of abstract thought.

Fucking mushy keyboard.

Don’t engage with proven paid shills.

And if there was any other evidence needed that you are a Christcuck apologist, possibly one yourself…

Global report for intl.


Guess what my stick kike worshipping enemy…
I am not going to be banned. Full stop. The mods do not coddle and protect you kikes anymore. Fuck off to your fucking semetic circlejerk on >>>/christian/. You and your ilk belong on Holla Forums no longer.

We are the new paradigm. Semite tribe gods control Holla Forumsacks no more!

Global report for intl.

And where is this proof that anyone saying mean things about Yeshua is a paid shill? Hmm? I'll wait.
You can't bear to consider that not everyone worships (((your))) god, so you claim everyone who says anything remotely negative about it is a paid shill. Pathetic!

Global report for intl.

You can report me again faggot but you can't force anyone to like and worship the retardation your follow.

Still waiting on that evidence!
Let's be honest with ourselves. We both know you have none…

Global report for intl.

Global report for intl.


You overestimate the semite worshiper. He does nothing but spam muh intl when someone points out he worships the Jewiest Jew in all of Jewishness.

Reminder not to engage with proven shills.

Global report for intl.

I disagree with your beliefs.

Global report for intl.

The problem is that your very video proves that the USA was founded on this kind of propaganda, and we will have to deal with retarded burgers who will always worship the first idiot with the right kind of propaganda campaign. Then most of them simply abandons rationality and buy into the cult of that person. They've been conditioned to do this for more than two centuries.

The Christcuck shows us the true colors once again (hence the "cuck" part).
America was founded, at the very most, by a bunch of deists.

I disagree with your mass report as well.

Reminder that intl has never had any refutation to the content of these links, in whole or in part, and that they are paid to repeat the same lies every single day for years.

General: pastebin.com/tzcKvSa0
Not Jewish: pastebin.com/2rE83qNV
Judeo-Christianity: pastebin.com/sYYMff3e
Fundamental Question: pastebin.com/VMBdJ9Rf
Zionism: pastebin.com/CQ9YVb2U

Global report for intl.

Could you be more of a cuck if you tried?
Still waiting on that evidence btw.

Global report for intl.

Global report for intl.

Well, it looks like I've successfully derailed this Christcuck thread. I hope you kikes have learned your lesson.

Bye now!

What made you think this thread was going to be anything other than a shitshow, OP?

You speak truth. Both propaganda and cults of personality have poisoned the well for generations; not just in America, but within all western civilization.

It's too bad it didn't, it could have been a good conversation to have.

I'd say it was founded by a bunch of "enlightened philosophers", mostly under the influence of freemasons. It's not their beliefs that matter but their goals. And they wanted to build a "new Atlantis" to show the world how an "enlightened" country should work. Of course it devolved into a puppet of world jewry rather quickly, with a population of rootless individuals it was inevitable. You can argue if it was by design or just an accident, but in the end of the day it doesn't matter.

Errors have been made and we should learn from them.

If he wanted a serious thread, he should've left his Christcuck shit out of it. I will always try and derail a thread that has even the stench of Christkikery in it.

No, historical figures and cultural figures should be strived to emulate if the qualities they possess are worthy. Some good examples are Marcus Furius Camillus, Cincinnatus, Cicero, I'm a Romeaboo, get over it Hitler, etc. What you are proposing is the further destruction of any European culture who has great figures to look them. Societies need them; it's our job to become them for future generations to admire.

The "roots" of the population were not for nations, but for the ideals of freedom and liberty. Freedom from the will of kings and nobles, to pave their own paths through life. The fall into puppetry was by design of the previously mentioned.

The "qualities" and "examples" of these figures is false. It is true that to maintain a free society, certain values must be exhibited by the people. These values do not come from men, but from God. By striving to emulate many of the listed men, you choose to enforce their will, not your own.

nah, faggots

Although waiting for some kind of a messiah is indeed an integral part of most people's psyche, but I'd still like to argue that in the USA it's much stronger than in most other places. Elsewhere you might find people worshipping a king or a political leader, but in the USA you can easily dress up anyone as a god among men, even if he did nothing to deserve it. I think "Mad Dog" Mattis is a good example. He might be a good commander with good ideas, yet people act like if he was the hero of a thousand battles, who singlehandedly saved the USA from some great threat.

What we can learn from the mistake of the USA is that you shouldn't turn a loose collection of colonies into a country for the sake of having a country. An other good example is what happened to the various colonies of South America.

Also, listen to Molyneux's words. He wasn't a great man, but a terrible human being. He's not worthy of admiration, yet back then they had no other choice but to make a hero out of him. After all, they had no history to inspire people with, so they had to summon an army of lies.

Global report for intl.

Global report for intl.

Great job, faggot.

And qualities are manifested in those men. No one will fall in line to abstractions unless they are exemplified in men and the tales of them.

Are you saying that America, isn't it?
As opposed to any other culture? I'm sure there are numerous examples of men whose negative qualities were ignored/forgotten in Europe. And so far in the video, I've not heard anything making him a "terrible human being".

Oh, you are right, da YU-ESS-EIGH is the greatest nayshun ever that did a lot of good things. They stopped da gnadzis and gave us Isreal! G-d bless them, what a great people!

No such thing exists, you retarded fuck.

Hermes trismegistus was a faggot, jahbulon told me

Leaf please go

Perhaps this drive, in relation to Americans, stems from the tradition of deifying men which dates back to the foundation of the country with George Washington. Whether Americans are more susceptible to the wills of others in comparison to the rest of the western world remains to be seen.

The true man is the opposite of all that he supposedly embodies. His actions, committed in his pursuit of power led to the deaths of countless men and women. Families had their lively-hoods stolen from them to fuel his army, for the war he helped create. After supposedly fighting for freedom from oppression, he exerted his will and hunger for money on his citizens. When they resisted, they were put down by military power. He allowed the establishment of central banking within the New World, leading to the control that banks now have over the citizens. Is such a man truly one you wish your children to emulate?

Fuck you buddy Hitler did nothing wrong.

Still got a good 9 years left before we fall to the fate of empires.

Great going, shlomo.




So you are a jew, I see.

Reminder civilized man set foot on the soil in 1492, a colony was only ever pursued because it was deemed profitable; and most likely subvertible in the long run. Which it was. The downfall is going to really entertaining.

That is the most sickening way to downplay the part of which individuals and our race played in history. There is more evidence that suggest our virtues and values to be instinctive drives from generations of evolution than it is with your kike god.

No wonder christianity is dying so quickly with little effort as possible. Besides positing ALL its values in the next world, the kingdom of heaven, and god as the universal truth, along with undermining its people, all Mordecai had to do was pull a single thread and watch christianity undo itself along with every Aryan tradition it tried to uphold. Your religion is nothing but a strawman waiting for the kikes to tear down with ease. Kill yourself christcuck.

Violence begates violence, and war never changes. Any country that liberates itself from tyranny through violent revolution only saw worse tyrants take the mantle.
America tried to free itself from English suppression, and ended up being a copy.

Not that there is an alternative, history has proven there can never be a "free" society. You're either a big fish in this world, or a little one.

rights are imaginary, just like your god.

"god-given rights" are the direct opposite of natural, dumbfuck.

No, myth of Washington is what I'm talking about. But let me explain something to you. If you let this get out there and it promulgates to the point where the faith has dissolved in the culture, this will spiritually cripple Americans, i.e., whites/Europeans, and accelerate their eradication because then they'll see it as justified when Jamal and Jose topple their society.

If anything this has taught me, it's that Molyneux proves himself a Jew by being equally destructive.

The lies and myths are to be torn down, as it must be to live in a civilization that values truth. Once this is done, all that will remain would be the values and traditions that made western civilizations thrive into the greatest that have ever existed. It is not untruth that strengthens us, instead it poisons us. Faith has already been destroyed, it will either be revived, or civilization will be destroyed entirely. It cannot be revived through myth, but by truth.

This reads like it was written by a 6th grader. No one is going to read your retarded essay, and the fact that no one is interested in you isn't proof of anything. No one refutes the flat world either, because it's a waste of fucking time.

not an argument

It cannot be done when we're dealing with the soul of a civilization, esp. at this junction. Moreover, you clearly do not understand the aftermath of such an action. If a society cannot see itself and its highest founder as a moral agent, it will collapse. This is unfortunately necessary to maintain.


Then society does not value truth, if it is founded upon lies, and must perpetuate them to continue its existence. What value does the society have if it is such?

You see what this says here, it says niggers can be Christians too. Wow, so progress. Phillip the the MLK of his time.

Fuck off faggot.

fuck off GWIDF

ITT: The inevitable black pillers and liars who planned to ruin this glorious Independence Day fall for the most obvious containment thread.
Dumb dumbs.


Is this April Fools day?

Global report for intl.


filtered for being a mong, and not saying anything of worth

We were here 19,000 years ago. And we landed again in 998 AD. Don't fall for jewish lies.

Holy fucking shit, your' retarded.

Global report for intl.

fresh OC. nine hours in photoshop

Cry harder, you jealous bitch.

Proven wrong. Global report for intl.



here's a better one. six hours of improvements and minor adjustments

I've never seen a christian refute the fact that their god explicitly sent Phillip to baptize a nigger. On purpose, a nigger, to convert a nigger country to the faith, which happened. Ethiopia one of the oldest christian nations, filled with niggers. Did I tell you it's all niggers? And that your god wanted them to be christian? Please explain this.

This shit gets bumplocked but not the flat earth bullshit. This board is a fucking joke.

God gave man dominion over beasts.

That's because idiots actually take THIS bait.

Haha, that's really funny. As I stare out into a nation of fucking slaves.

Faith is not necessarily poison. It's the faith in something that isn't substantial that is poisonous as it relies heavily on lies, immorality, and herd instincts to upkeep a blind faith.

In every primitive religion, whether it be paganism or shinto buddhism, they rely on the natural world as its foundation to spirituality and its philosophical evaluation. The natural world is substantial for developing meaning and evaluating the values in life.

Now compare that to a religion, whose (((founders))) never had soil of their own, never had need of the natural world because they adapted to integrating into other people's society. You'll have a religion with a loose cosmopolitan interpretation of the world (we're all the same) with very anti-naturalist views (world is suffering), a weak foundation as there's nothing substantial to reinforce your values. This leads to nothing but disappointment and nihilism because you're stuck with evaluating the real world as a place of suffering and evil, but the good of the next "world" is always shaky. Christianity is indirectly the cause of the nihilism we see today, and when you point this out to them their response is always the same: "the people should of kept a better blinded faith."

Thanks for the insight Satan.


This is completely wrong. The Hamiltonian model of central banking was intended to leverage the credit of the nascent republic in order to build massive infrastructure projects that generate novel wealth to be shared across the population. Things like dredging waterways, building highways, bridges, dams, etc. These were all big ticket items back then. Can you imagine the positive effect building a road the magnitude of I-95 would have had in the 18th century?

Washington and Hamilton were both good dudes. I think you are forgetting the "stay behinds" that happen in any revolution as well as British Intelligence. If you desire to examine an actual conscious traitor you need look no further than Thomas Jefferson.

What did his model of government actually look like? An aristocratic white land owning class running the nation with a weak central government easily subverted by British Intelligence. Hmmm. That sounds nothing like British colonies 2.0… You might also enjoy looking into his role in the assassination of Meriwether Lewis.

Thomas Jefferson was a traitor. He may have branded himself as a patriot, but he was nothing of the sort. Have you really never heard a politician lie? Look at their actions not their words.


Global report for intl.

Hahahaha, I didn't think you'd refute that, because you can't. Have fun with all the niggers in heaven, there's going to be a lot with this population boom about to happen.

This thread has taught me how infested with low IQ fedoras this place is. Is your only god really just Adolf Hitler? I mean, don't get me wrong, Hitler did nothing wrong but you've been tricked if you think God and Satan do not exist. God once blessed America and it is no coincidence that the further this nation drifts from Him, the further we are literally cursed. See the WBC page godhatesfags dot com for more info - they're 100% right

Holy fucking shit, you're retarded.

One of my ancestors signed the declaration of independence. Seriously If he were alive today, he would think that you were a fucking disgrace. Seriously. He would think that you were a low-life cock-sucking tranny faggot.

Fuck you.

That is all.

You're arguing the framers of the constitution didn't set out to build a nation? Srsly?



that get tho