OVERWATCH GENERAL: 'Bumplock When?' user can (not) advance

OVERWATCH GENERAL: 'Bumplock When?' user can (not) advance


Biotic Rifle

Primary Fire
Alternate Fire

The last threads votes have it, Mei is regarded as a cute pancake stake not a skinny titfiend in a big thick coat. Her girth cannot be ignored, surprisingly the runner up in the fat ass department is the undead dfc Mercy. Clearly Torbjorn likes Pears.

*Everyone STILL hates Genji.

Other urls found in this thread:


of course tasteless overwatch faggots like a loser like nyanners

What level did you get to before you quit the game? I got to level 51.

I KNEW i recognised that voice!

I honestly thought Nyanners an heroe'd like most trannies do after they start to get male pattern badlness.

Well her and D.va both act like cancer anyway

Who would be more insufferable in downtime, D.va, Reaper, Genji or Zarya who just wants to lift and listen to slavic technohaus?

I had no idea who this person is. Shouldn't you be concerned that you do?

I mean sure you're saying how much you hate this person, but you're forgetting the fact that you'd have to be a huge loser to know who some eceleb is.

Oh sweet bubbeleh, you just tripped a flag and don't even know.


Around the same level. Still like the game, but I've been focusing on playing other stuff.

Reaper. He'd probably be some depressed guy. No one likes to hang out with the depressed guy.

wew laddie.

I bet you actually like her.


Genji's character is kinda cool, it's the people who play him that have destroyed public image of him.
Zarya would be overbearing but not insufferably so.
D.Va would be like one of those Zelda fan girls, but at least she's a hot Asian.
Reaper would be a faggot who'd make you want to go full fucking Budd Dwyer.

Its like not knowing about chris chan or moot. You don't even know how new you have revealed yourself to be.
So SA, Reddit or gamefaqs?

i thought it said something entirely different


You should just stop user, you're embarrassing yourself.

nah man its okay that you wanna fuck nyanners

Her other leg looks way to short

Really quit now

Post Bastion.

Oh this is going to be a fun clusterfuck. Competitive is full of retarded plays as it is.

Wont be fun for the players but the circus will be fun for the rest of us watching them go nuclear.

Your eyes weren't playing tricks. They're holding two separate competitions.


One is just people debating "is Mei thick af or not?"

that is not okay
only touhou kids will get this reference

I knew it was that trash after I clicked it.


I don't know, Reaper sounds like he would be a smug guy edgyness aside. Perhaps if you avoid talking about him or overwatch, he's probably OK. Same with Dad76.

Huh. Anyone feel like signing up as a group?

If we do well enough and get popular we can probably even think of some way to form some kind of lotto site and rig the results to get tons of cash.

This game is absolute trash. If you paid money for it then I pity you.

Fuckin' Reinhardt.

yeah you mean before you rat me out and run off with all the money? you think i havent been down this road before?

id bully a black fairy
with my dick


this guy knows how to enjoy life

It's clear that you know her well and are interested in her. Probably sexually.

Need those D.Va marching webms pls

Overwatch is a shit game. Whoever bought it is a retard. Porn is OK though. Post porn.

Secondaries are loathsome creatures.

usually your posts are much much longer

Do you think Ana's heal needs a buff considering it's the only skill shot heal?

Fuckin' Reinhardt.

user you don't even have to be an oldfag. At least take time to make a single jewgle search before making a fucking faggot of yourself publicly.

they just increased her rate of fire and magazine size. if you do it right she has the strongest heals in the game and thats not even considering her grenade which doubles incoming healing.
hell no she doesnt need a buff, people need to suck less

Spotted the faggot.

Yes. I also wish she had some better mobility. Doesn't make sense to me that a sniper can't get up to high ground at all.

I think a guy who's constantly dying and coming back to life all the time would probably be pretty depressed.

Brown is only good in art, but there are exceptions. Very very very few though.

No thanks.


the next word you typed was sexy, wasnt it?

shes odd for a sniper all around, she cant headshot either.
what would she even give up for a mobility skill anyways?


user… Go look up how long that happened… And remenber that it did not even happen here on Holla Forums…
That guy might actually be here longer than any of us, if he was in Holla Forums before all that business.

Consider the fact that she can outheal Mercy, the theorically best single-target healer, with an accuracy of just about 70%.
She's strong as fuck and rivals Zenyatta in usefullness, she really doesn't need a buff.

The funny thing is, on her intro video showcasing her gameplay, she started on top of the chokepoint in Temple of Anubis, but she has no way to even get up there at all.

Check the OP, shes now top tier.

Heals AND grandma candy!


Nice one.



Good to see these threads have become shitposting with little to no discussion of the game. Hopefully they will die soon.


I haven't played since the patch. I'll give it a try today.

I never noticed people spamming they need healing until Ana came out. Do people just expect all Anas to be shit and ignore their team? I wouldn't blame them. I wish they would stand still while spamming it instead of running away and around corners though.

I try my best user, overwank needs to die

At least we both hate overwatch. Shame about your obsession with ecelebs.

Yes, mostly because most Anas are shit and ignore their team. You have wannabe Widowmakers playing her so because the team needs support, and then they do jack shit. Honestly with the new buffs Ana shouldn't even be using her scope, just stay a little bit back from your team and keep shooting at anyone who's low on health.

That's because a fair chuck of the thread (such as me) don't even play the game and just like the art.

I got you fam.


D.va is so much fun, since the last patch. I always liked her style, but now she´s actually really useful for her team. And now that her ult timer is decreased you actually get a lot of kills with it.

shame her shotguns still blow ass

Keep up the good work

Porn and art is all this game is good for. Keep posting.

If you ram and use them to pepper shes good. Shes like a tracer/reinhardt hybrid. fast harass that peppers till up close and big heavy and tanky as well.

Well, if they buffed her shotguns, she would be incredible overpowered in my opinion. D.va is more supposed to harass the enemy team with her flying ability and her defense matrix until her ult meter is finally full, so she can get some kills. Also she´s incredible good at holding down chokepoints with her unlimited ammo.

I don't doubt that, there's a shocking amount of fanart.
People I know have drawn stuff of the game, and they don't play it either.

if you want maximum dps you better stop just short of ramming them. you have to be touching people to do real damage, its kind of silly.

When I said "MORE BASTION" I did not mean this kind of Bastion.
Do not sexualize the robot

I see that you also clang. Got anymore?

post more reaper


.>Do not sexualize the robot
I don't have to. :^)

Sadly no, just those three images.
Best robot sadly doesn't have too much porn.

No the rams for ledges.
Pure. Sodium.


Robots are lewd beings user. It's disrespectful not to sexualize them.

The best ones never do. Keep posting what you got though. I'm adding to my collection.

thats funny, theres plenty of roll and xj9 porn.

Ana should be given a ledge climb, not a full wall climb like Hanzo/Genji, just grabbing a ledge and climbing over.
Gives her a bit of extra mobility, but still not anywhere near the other snipers.


but she'd break her hip

Thats what the heal grenades are for





Great, now Mei is fat And autistic.

I really like the third pic. Who is the artist?

reverse image search-kun

Don't be ridiculous, I think a talentless loser like nyanners is a great choice of a VA (stand-in) for a Mt. Dew-chugging, Dorito-chomping gremlin like D.Va.

A furry piece of shit named "Lycisca".
I just found the image on Pixiv, looked into the artist and they seem to be a total faggot. Their avatar is furshit and their Tumblr lists preferred pronouns.


Fur is the enemy of all things clang. Disappointing, but wouldn't be the first time I liked a single piece by an artist and found out the rest of their work is trash.

you are one and the same



>implying the opinion of a guy who actually bought and plays OW matters

You might as well just treat the game as a reference for drawings, references don't have to be followed 100%.

Like I said, go be a fan of the fandom over on >>>/tumblr/ with all the other human garbage.


Feels really, really, REALLY bad man.

I don't exactly like the people who play this game or the game itself, I just like the art.


i just meleed more when close range folks got grenade debuffs.

Exactly. That's barely anything in comparison to everyone else. Not how you can see the start of the curve in towards the waist? The girl's skinny or at least not "thick".

more like healthpackhog

Is there something I am missing when it comes to team coordination? My team mates are almost perpetually not near me.


That's what it is: you don't care about the source material, you just care about fan-created content. That's a fan of the fandom. You might as well be a brony while you're at it.

thick applies to hips not waist.

Then everyone but zarya is thick.

wew lad

anybody want to buy this game for me?
t.poor man

Weren't you complaining about secondaries earlier? How is this scenario any different?

Is TF2 that bad after the patch?

Send timestamped nudes.

O-oh user~


im not even playing tf2

gice me a second i will whore myself out

touhou secondaries were the lifeblood making games, fan art, music, videos, you name it.

Touhou is actually a decent bullet hell series. Not the pinnacle of the genre but quality nonetheless. Overwatch is polished dogshit. You are all equally cancer, actual blizzdrones and the secondaries alike. The fact that you think you aren't is laughable. Don't even bother to claim you didn't pay for and play this shite like a good little blizzdrone. No one else would defend this games honor so desperately.

Bumplock when?

I was worried when you didn't show up!

But I'm not defending the game's honour at all. I'm just saying that tumblr-tier chubby chasers need to accept that this game is low-fat. If someone came up to you and insisted that the sky is orange with green polkadots you'd want to correct them for being retarded, wouldn't you?

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about

rate and subscribe
also please buy the game for me

Post your BNet tag, it'll take me a while to buy anything right now as I'm busy.

im sad to report that i know all too well


thanks man

i dont really want my benis floating around on Holla Forums

Absolutely pathetic. Get in shape you tubby bitch.

and you think blocking it off behind an imgur link is going to help that, user?

You didn't even post your full benis
now get it erect and take a pic of it

Apparently he's getting a new line when he charges people off of cliffs.
He's supposed to yell "IT WAS SO WORTH IT"

im not even fat


Nigger you skinnyfat as fuck. Your body is a wasteland suitable only for dumping hazardous mmaterials.

So /cuteboys/ putrid jism then.

such as?


Girl ratings


That's tumblr in a nutshell.

I keep hearing stuff about Mercy being an old lady and shit, but I can never find anything about it on the wiki or on the official site, someone care to fill me in?

I love Mei's thickness but young Ana is god tier. I can't find one criticism like symmetras manjaw or mercys giant plastic looking hair.

Probably joking about her being past 30.

Everyone else is someone who joined after that or is old as fuck.

Everyone except Mercy who was also there from the start and only 10 years or so younger than 76 who is clint eastwood tier "my first tv was black and white"

Basic math, if she was part of the original overwatch team as doctor and knew phara's mom there's no way mercy is actually 37, five years younger than phara, unless we add time travel to her list of witchcraft

I think its because she was around when Overwatch started and Morrison looks like an old fart but she still looks young.

Probably nanomachoines.



N'ana needs more Pharah group up comments.

It's just a theory.

A Game Theory

So people found papers in Dorado showing an image of the upcoming predator style cloaking stealth hero.
We know Shes pals with reaper so femedgelord seems right. A ryuko to his shadow.

How long till the mistakes into miracles variant shows up?

Thanks, that cleared it up a bit

it looks like a pacman ghost with human legs and a giant baseball cap


Also a purse

But shes a latino robutt

I hope they nerf Reaper and Mercy TOMORROW

Could also be a very strange looking duck

Pretty sure that's a different character

Who is that bird locking thing as it a semen demon?

Put the cloak on her. Sombra in the ongoing ARG is a master hacker leaving a trailer of encoded messages and lurking around dorado where there is no omnic presence because "GET DEES PENDEJO CLANGERS OUDDA HERE ESE" so she hides in a cloak.

edgelord alt costume

That would be Ripper, no?

I hope it's the little girl from the 76 video and/or reaper's kid

Ripper you say?

I think the next family member hero is Doomfist as Lucios swole as fuck brother.

You might not be too far from the truth…

why the hell do people pick hanzo?


Oh by the way, you guys might want to look at that bot a bit harder. See that symbol on her head? It's the same symbol Athena, Winston's AI, has on her monitors during his Short.
That Robutt is quite possibly her physical form, and her physical form plus her female voice? Bastion's gonna have some very serious competition for rule 34 or a new partner
Really can't wait to see what she's gonna be like gameplay wise, but also lore wise. AIs in Overwatch tend to take over Omniums and produce their little army of Omnics to take over the world, broodmother style. Having an AI that's actually supposed to be part of the good guys is bound to be interesting.

Too bad she ain't the next hero, Sombra is soft-confirmed as the 23th hero so far.
Seeing how both Tanks and Supports are 1 hero short of 6 characters, I'm betting Sombra is gonna be a Support character, while the 24th hero, whoever he is, is gonna be a Tank, so possibly Doomfist.

Weebs/Beginners who die once to the "please dont step 5 feet left or right" ultimate who think hes OP.

Honestly i would say Hanzo is the shittiest character, i've never seen him go 1v1 against any other character and win. If you are hanzo and you get in close range of another character think about what you want to change to in 5 seconds.


Now you know what Reaper was really doing here…

Sombra has been hinted at from the start. They've added voice files all the way up to season 6 or some shit, so just adding more sombra stuff only really fits into his ARG and doesn't confirm anything.

You give them too much credit. They don't care the least about gameplay reasons other than "arrows kill everyone in one shot, XD"

It's a sniper, something that already atracts a lot of terrible people because "I can get tons of kills and you can't hit me!" but not just that, he's also a stealth sniper, since his arrows barely make a noise or leave a trace like Widow.
He's also japanese and a samurai so "MUH HONOUR" for backstory.
And his wallrunning makes him look really fucking agile "just like my CoD!"
They also probably fell to the bait about "instant kill" Ultimate and think it's the most OP ability in the game.

He's essentially the CoD Genji. Cool aesthetics and he looks fairly easy to pick up and get tons of kills, which is the only thing that matters for those retards.
Ence why I get tunnel vision whenever I see one in the opposing team and it's 1v1 until he is dead. Doesn't work well for him, ever.

Melee needs a buff in general, it can't even be spammed, either give it some stun or knockback, it would make a ton of heroes a little less shitty when someone comes too close.

wall climbing

Fast offense character who can wallrun/wallride like Lucio when




I fucking love Gremlin D.va

Nah, it's implied in the Short that Reaper only wants the database with every old Overwatch registered agent, possibly to hunt them down.
I know the entire map of Gibraltar is about delivering a message from Winston's lab to a satelite on the other side, so they can recruit more agents and the N'Ana comic shows that Soldier was trying to recruit her.
It seems former Overwatch menbers are trying to kickstart the organization again, while Talon and Reaper are trying to murder every agent they can find before that happens.

There has been some more audio datamined from the PTR about the Winston's "launch the message to the satelite" mission, so I'm sure the story is gonna go forward a bit with that, but it most likely only comes in the end of October. Judging from the other voices, it's indeed gonna be an Halloween update, with a spooky castle as the new map.

You know what's the best part? Competition with Valve. That used to be a big thing for them in TF2. I wonder what they are gonna do this year and how are they gonna compete and fair against each other.

Is Symmetra first?

Technically, he runs up the wall. :^)

I think we know who has the sir mixalot ratio down.


That's some weapons-grade autism you got over there, pal.

The only things I know is Junkrat and Roadhog coming from Shitpostland where it was nuked and turned into Mad Max world.

I like robots, androids, cyborgs, AIs and transhumanism not that kind :^). Fite me.
We are all gonna be exterminated by Google, once it manages to manifest itself in a physical form (self driving cars are one of the first steps) might as well start practicing to grovel at machines.

modern internet connections suck, they're not made for stability they're made to advertise high speeds by any means necessary.

They use a cache system to buffer out things to give you the illusion of higher bandwidth. When you quickly switch your usage, the buffer needs some time to adjust and get back in balance before things become normal again hence your ping skyrockets. Back in say 2009, draining 50-80% of my connection with torrents didn't even give me that high of a ping.


If you don't know how it got nuked:
People from around the world granted the Omnics a piece of land in STRAYA as an offering of peace, to end the war with them. Aussie cunts didn't like that one bit, since they had very profitable solar farms there, so they got together a nice mob to sort that shit out.
They went to the local Omnium, sabotaged it thinking it would stop it from making more rust buckets but instead it blew the fuck up, nuclear style.

That's why Junkrat and Roadhog and I'd guess every other STRAYAN hates Omnics. They one-upped their entire fauna in terms of danger.

It's especially funny thinking how Australia started as a penal colony for Britain where they'd send criminals sentenced for life, thinking the wildlife would do them in, and in-universe they kinda treated it in the same way, but with Omnics instead of criminals. And the aussies are the abbos, I guess. What a twist!

Nice trips.
I'm sure you could regale me with the worthless minutia of your uninteresting interests for days at a time. What a waste.

I was on something of a hiatus when that came out. Basically I don't have much knowledge of most things that occurred in the internet between '07 and '13.

I actively avoid anything related to this game outside of actually playing it and sometimes skimming these threads when I see them.
I didn't know Mei was Chinese until I heard her faggot ass ingame.

If I'm autistic, you're autistic^2

I know you are, but what am I? Nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo.

Anyway, is it just me or has gaining rank in competitive easier than when it launched? I must have gone up like 8 levels the other day in like 10 solo queue games. I feel like there's less shitters around, both allied and enemy.

Some stuffs changed in the backend i'm sure.

Not all for the better, i often see teams of one player near 100 and the rest 8 or lower.

I don't mind it, I just don't care to look into it. As long as these threads don't turn into muh lore for 400 comments I don't care.

I am a contributor to your rank maybe, cuz I have been on losing teams a little too much, three matches so far had a ragequitter in the middle of a decisive match.

Sounds better to me, if that's the enemy team. It's a free win. On the flip side, it's a free loss if that's your team.
The only time I see large discrepancies in level is when there's a couple dudes that queued up together, and not more than, say, a difference of twelve.

opposite for me, i dropped from 64 down to 55 in the last week

I haven't played in like a week, so I doubt it.

That's unfortunate. Perhaps in a year, everyone will gravitate within 10 of 50, because averages.
Assuming anyone still plays at that point. Flip a coin on that, if you ask me.

symmetra needs a major change. she is useless right now

I added you a while back, nigger.


i see nothing man, dont why why battlenet doesnt want to show me that you added me.
Maybe i should add you?

what regions are you two from? because it won't show up as long as you have battle net set to different continents like America and Europe, both of you have to make it the same like both America, or both Yurop.

It was pretty great starting up a brand new game and not knowing jack shit about it. Made me feel like a kid again for a moment, sitting in the back seat on the way home, absorbing that fresh instruction booklet smell. Kinda.
And now I'm just trying to shield myself from the cancer I know has to have developed in the "community".

Symmetra is great, as long as you aren't on a team that's retarded and fails to bring someone who can actually heal as well. Spread your sentries around and spam your alt-fire. Ambush people who come around corners with primary fire and hope they die before they turn around and murder you.

wew thank you blizzard
im yurop



America. Am I supposed to set it to Europe using the dropdown menu next to 'PLAY'? Because that didn't seem to do anything unless he just didn't notice.

I think, but I'm not sure.

What a fucking obnoxious voice. That's a set of vocal chords that badly needs a fistful of steak knives jammed into it.

Also make sure you don't have parental controls enabled. I had this same problem with some gay fucking Britbong until he realized that and disabled it.


theres nothing to notice, no one is one my friendslist or "wants to be your friend" list

maybe i should just make another account with region set to america and then change back to europe by contacting customer support?

they are not enabled dont worry

I really hope parental controls are enabled by default in Europe but not in America. That'd be hilarious and somehow fitting.

I don't know what the fuck is going on.

i send a friend request

Isn't Big one of the Skullgirls artists?

Sage for offtopic

try changing the regions and restarting the client

Yeah I did that. Still nothing.

Fuck it, just post a throwaway email or something here.

[email protected]/* */



Thank you man

Game mode restricted queues when
Sometimes I just want to play Payload and not touch KOTH

Absolute madman.

At least he's not FR.

I've realized just nudes aren't humiliating enough.
I might still do giveaways like this in the future but whoever asks is going to need to do even more shameful things.

Why do a lot of people think this game is a competitor to TF2?

Even if they're both competitive class-based shooters and some aspects of them are similar, overall they're still really different and I definitely don't think they're competitors for the same audience.

INB4 OWG fills with BR's doing some dirty sanchez tier self debasement for waifuwatch.

I'm getting tired of this TF3 meme. It's Dirty Bomb 2.


would she be a secret loli? like shes on stilts or maybe theres another loli holding her piggyback?

In all honesty it really is closer to dirty bomb than TF2. I didn't really like Dirty Bomb, but I like Overwatch, so Blizz must have done something right.

cuz for some reason, any other class based shooter is automatically a rip-off or something and is just an unoriginal idea when "perfection" exists already (read TF2)

Maybe is actually her mother.

Everything is a ripoff. I can't imagine there are ideas that can be thought that have never been thought before.

It wears off.
FPSs for a long while were all called DOOM clones despite other FPS games existing beforehand.
Overwatch is a bit closer to TF2 than a given FPS might be to DOOM but inner city sandbox crime games all used to be called GTA clones too.

life is the real ripoff

Because Valve actually treated it as one.

They practically shat the bed trying to copy Overwatch's matchmaker system. Shame they couldn't have copied the parts of Overwatch that was actually good instead. All they've managed to do is convince me to buy Overwatch and I'm fucking glad I did.

I initially read that as "sweating nigga be fishing for data".

Luckily we humans only live a handful of years, and our brains are performing at decent capacities for even less than that. It'd be annoying if someone kept saying "this is just a shameless ripoff of that time Krog fought those sabreteeth."

why would they copy the worst part of the game?

I haven't touched TF2 in some years. What's the scoop on it today? The last thing I remember was that man vs machine update.

mostly silence for years and lots of bugs unfixed, promises competitive years ago, shat it out just after overwatch did and killed the goodwill for even diehard valvedrones.

Mostly because it's the same genre of game, a class-based team shooter. But in reality, it's because it's a very underepresented genre and TF2 is just the poster child for it. A bit like most RTS being called Starcraft clones or AoE clones.

Unfortunnaly for Gaben, you are correct, they don't compete for the same audience. The kind of people that likes TF2 doesn't mind paying 100$ for a hat but you show them a queue line instead of a server browser and they are out. The kind of people that likes Overwatch couldn't care less about the community, they just want to play the game and rank-up.
They are fundamentally different and there are some things you can and can't do with each of them, as the Meet your Match is showing.

Datamined audio from the PTR has a "Point E is now available for Capture" with the announcer voice (who also happens to be Athena, funny stuff). Point E implies 5 points so maybe we are gonna get something quite different from the linear design we have now?

Each character is much more different than the other in cartoonish proportions. Being walking caricatures surely helps.
The focus of the game is on how you use the abilities and the weapon your hero has with each weapon being quite unique.
Meanwhile Dirty Bomb has boring average guns that everyone has seen already, shotguns, assault rifles, revolvers…
It's fun for people that apreciate gun autism, but those are more likely to be playing CS instead.
There's also no dumb shit with cards defining your perks and loadout that did nothing but give the game a very "pay2win" look (even if it wasn't) and less autism with picking cards for style instead of gameplay reasons.

Dirty Bomb is a neat game, but not memorable in the least. Certainly better than TF2, has some cool characters and mechanics, but it never brushes off the generic feel it has from military shooter.

Fuck it, they need to force line of sight for mercy's revive.

I can say as a mild gun autist the guns in Dirty bomb are retarded. I actually hated all the guns in Dirty Bomb, felt like they were nerf guns.

they convinced me to buy Overwatch over time even before its existence apparently, in the end I couldn't even hit anything on TF2 when I was able to do it consistently in the past, then I checked stuff about how their hitboxes work and all, is a mess, is archaic and unoptimized.

Because they wanted casual shekels from crates.

I've noticed Overwatch appeals more to rpg, fighting game and weeb audiences -with a little old school sega and incredibles fans thrown in.

TF2 seems to be the poorfag loxbox grind now, load it up and grind the time away.


Maybe they'll drop Temple of fucking Anubis and replace it with a map that is less retarded. If there's an alternate route to going under that fucking first arch, I don't know what the fuck it is.

What are you talking about? you need to have their souls in sight to revive teammates.

I'm like 90% sure that you do need line of sight.

You don't. You only need proximity. You can revive people through walls.

It's proximity, you can effectively revive your whole team through walls and it's bullshit

Because for about 3 centuries now their playerbase has been requesting a competitive gamemode where players can engage in a more serious playstyle. Where everyone joins up and actually tries to do the objective, no friendly Hoovy and similar shit.
Also, give it some matchmaking so people are paired with someone with equal skill.

This was what most of the professional community requested and they never delivered because there never was serious competition. It would also dilute the playerbase, removing the actually good players from the pub servers.

So Overwatch comes along, Valve sees it as serious competition and tries to copy it in it's entirety, except it was clearly so fucking rushed, it wasn't even funny.
All they had to do was the Competitive option, leave Casual as it was. Instead they added a gay medal to it you can farm and with that shit all the rules about leavers and other retarded shit that made the Casual mode actually very far from Casual. You're just a step below fully Competitive.

Oh, I guess there's also the problem that only 4 classes are seriously viable in TF2 and the meta is incredibly strict because tons of different shit have been tried and literally the same strategy has been proved over and over again to be the best one.
2 Soldiers, 1 Scout, 1 Demo and 1 Medic, that's all everyone serious in Competitive runs. The only thing Competitive is gonna do is show even harder how unbalanced the game is that that combination wins almost always.

Shows how much I know.
I generally go Lucio if I get cornered into being support (see: almost always).

When a game devolves into people doing the same thing constantly, what's the point anymore?

The alternative is to gitgud. If you can't get past the first arch, you're bad at the game. Pick Tracer and Blink inside one of the houses, or Dash with Genji for the same thing. Get a Reinhart to shield you as you cross with literally any character at all, go above as Pharah, Dva or Winston, take down their defense with any sniper.

Or you can even just slowly tear them away. There are 3 Big HealthKits on your side of that chokepoint, while they only have 2 or 3 small kits that force them out of the chokepoint. And every death on your side sees a very short travel time back to that point, while every death on their side has to walk 3 times as long as you have.

The competitive matchmaking beta started before overwatch was released, and a lot of people who've played the beta complain the final version isn't much different from the beta.

I'm not saying it's impossible, it's just fucking annoying. Easily the map I hate the most, specifically because of that. Otherwise it's mostly acceptable.
I'd say Nepal is probably a close contender, or just any KOTH map in general, because I hate that mode.

I fucking love KOTH.

Except Lijiang Tower.
That one's alright.

The only acceptable choice in in almost every situation.

I havent laughed so hard in ages.

Question time!


I am not sure on the correct dates, but I'd bet it started production as soon as Overwatch's closed beta started as well.
TF2 has been quite the petri dish for valve where they test loads of shit that they implement on their actual cash cows later on (CS:GO and Dota2), matchmaking being something they are porting from CS:GO
However, I'm saying it's rushed because it's missing basic shit like placement matches that even CS:GO had.

They seem to be just reacting to competition as fast as they can but it's simply not fast enough. This Halloween, if the update is lackluster (as usual), that could certainly spell doom for TF2. Now wouldn't that be a spooky night?

It's one of the maps I love the most specifically because I murder so many people as Symetra there, on defense. On attack, I only like it because it makes me feel like the underdog and it's quite possibly one of the hardest maps, I'd agree with you there. But it's still good fun once you figure out there's more to map control than just killing the other team.

KOTH is pretty great since everyone converges to a point and it's a bloodbath around it the whole time. Those maps keep me tense till the last second, I seem to finish most games 100/99 or 99/100 and it's where I've seen the longest overtimes too.
Except for the chinese map with that circular gazebo in the middle. Dunno why, that map is just bullshit.

It doesn't matter anymore. One hero limit in competitive. Quick play is for going full retard.

I've done the research. The correct term is "bufferbloat".

games use UDP which is meant to be packet loss tolerant. however the infrastructure of the modern internet/routers etc excessively buffer data. This is a problem that is amplifed with congestion. Rather than losing packets when met with a bottleneck(which it should do) the packets are delayed and saved into a buffer and sent out when there's enough space. This is quite terrible because it creates even more congestion on the network since you're cramming in very old data rather than leaving the space for fresh data. This is a terrible practice for real time applications such as games resulting in ping spikes.

In your specific case, your router is saturating your net connection for youtube. In otherwords, it's downloading too fast without limit, exceeding your rated ISP connection and the game gets buffered so that the packets can be sent out in the small gaps it has, but way too late to be viable for good gameplay.

I'm gonna go with Winston.

Yeah, I feel like I'm cheating when I defend Temple of Anubis.
That gazebo bit does seem to be a steamroll more often than not, for some reason. Like whoever gets their team on the point first is probably going to win in a landslide.

No. He's a very serious threat, if you don't take him seriously, you'll get killed. He's as OP as the other team lets him be.
No, seriously, fuck off. He ain't OP just because he devours Genjis

Considering how she needs proper timing with her shields to make them usefull, the amount of mindgames she has to pull and despite all that, her damage is still just "really nice", no.
You can counterplay her somewhat easily if you actually try.

Between those 2, it would be Zarya.
Between all characters, I'd say Mercy. Her healing is very nice but constantly puts her in harms reach. Her damage boost does the same thing but it's a bit worse than Zenyattas ulti since it can only affect one companion.
Her movement abilties are very good for situations where you don't need them. If you have a teammate you can dash to, odds are you don't need to abandon the fight.
Even her Ulti, often leaves her dead afterwards and her companions will have headshots lined up as they are revived.

if you learn how to play her properly and hit most of your shots zarya is an absolute unstoppable monster.

Winston used to be crazy good but now that Zenyatta and D.Va have been buffed and Roadhog has had his ult battery problem diminished, those are four new solid picks against Winston.

the least overpowered? that would mean overall weakest right? thats hard to say, winston is usually not very scary

But it wasn't just competitive, they also made the casual play also work by matchmaker despite no one asking for it.

And to make things painfully obvious they even implemented a fucking exp system. I think the insulting thing is that Valve couldn't be assed to get replays working again so they could implement their own version of play of the match.

The nail in the coffin would be if Blizzard was to do a Halloween update for Overwatch.

I've put in over 100 hours so far and I had not touched a few heroes until recently.

As edgy as reaper is, I absolutely love him.

overwatch is bad

lots of stuff is suggesting a "fuck you tf2" halloween update. I mean this is Blizzard you know "prepare yourselves, the bells have rung, shelter your weak, your young and your old" y'know?

It is fun and good user.

Give in.

overwatch is SERIOUSLY bad

it is boring and bad, user
give up

Fuck off avatarfag. Go back to your TF2 (stealth MLP) thread.

you need to seriously get some taste, user

That's grounds for a report. Bye bye user ;)

Yes, tell the people that actually paid for the game when it was new to fuck off harder.
Holy sweet Jesus.

It's weird to think that TF2 has existed for almost a decade now.
But then I'm not terribly surprised since there are faggots pathetic enough to be addicted to something as boring as gambling.

i-it's not gambling user! those items are purely cosmetic and optional!! they are also not money!!!

Is this post supposed to be irony? Because everything you´ve just said is true.

This, I love Dirty Bomb but Overwatch has completely grabbed my attention away from it for awhile. I've never really played TF2 that much because I never enjoyed it, I think that just goes to show Overwatch has a lot more similarities with Dirty Bomb than TF2. I still think Dirty Bomb has a higher skill ceiling though since you have to aim pretty well to be decent at it while in Overwatch your aim could be complete ass and you could still do good playing half of the character roster.

I wonder how many kikes that never even play the game flocked to TF2 just to idle and harvest shekels off the mentally defective.

I think even I thought at some point that I would get lucky with a random key to get something and sell it for loads of money, then I kept playing…

I'm fairly certain it absolutely is gambling, unless it's become less Jewish in the last couple years, and come on, you're not going to convince me of that.

I want to say they gave away a single key at one point, because THE FIRST ONE'S FREE HEH HEH, and I got something dumb like a huntsman from it and was like "I guess that saved me twenty minutes of playing the game" and threw it on the pile with the rest of the duplicate junk.

A few years could have past from the video because the power plant on the map is missing from it

thats not as exciting as a loli

Actually over time the tables basically get diluted, first you must get the right crate, and then the item you want that will never recoup the key's investment most of the time.

she's lots of fun, and her giant hitboxes make up for my shitty aim

I'm… not sure what you're trying to tell me here, honestly.

I've never played Ana, since I pretty much exclusively play competitive now and I don't want to fuck up. Seems right up my alley though. Maybe I should give her a spin in the training area and get used to her right now.

Basically, as time goes on is harder to get a good item.

I didn't like the odds in the first place.
The one time in my life I got roped into going to a casino, I just played blackjack, since I'm pretty sure that's the best odds in the house. They didn't have roulette, and it's like a 2% difference anyway.

luckily we can just quickmatch to play with character we want to practice if we're concerned about our ranks

i only play comp when i have a few buddies on, so most of the time i don't even turn my mic on to play so i pub it up


One who plays Overwatch

Have fun in prison.

Can someone explain to me why the fuck there are separate voice chat channels in Comp? I just spent a few games playing and every fucking time, there were people who grouped up, they wouldn't change the fucking channel to team so that we could actually coordinate. Everything had to be typed out to them and they then got shitty that we lost because they refused to respond in any way at all. No typing, no channel changing (even after being told how to change channel), no character call outs, fucking nothing.

This shit needs to be fixed, when a group joins a game with people not part of the group, it needs to make the only channel available be the team chat. It's fucking infuriating having this shit happen.

Just get your own group of six and don't play with randoms.
I mean, I solo queue more often than not, but I hate myself, so.

That's a solution that requires you knowing six folks with Overwatch who want to play at the same time and want to play comp. The simple solution is not having a separate voice channel.


he has an ability that instantly kills roadhog

Roadhog has a basic combo that instantly kills Hanzo.

People did that with CSGO right?

My friend keeps wanting me to buy it so he doesn't play alone. Man, I can hear the buyers' remorse every time he brings the game up. I just don't feel too hot about giving 40 burgerbucks for the game right now.

the porn is grape though





idk why i have a shit ton of this shit saved

Almost always my situation, and I am not even a good player, I just know when to take cover.


Because you're a fucking faggot.
Do people actually eat doritos, like unironically in real life? I don't think I've ever seen anyone eat that peasant garbage, or even getting it at the store.
They're like the particle board of chips, and chips aren't that good to begin with.

Are you legitimately autistic?

I think doritos are pretty tasty, but they're horrible for you so I don't eat chips.

Doritos ew fuck no
pic related best chips

Afraid not. I just don't associate with lower class garbage.

Those are pretty decent, but Tim's is top tier, as far as salty potato flakes go.

Oh, so you're just a newfag
That's not much better

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, etc.
I'm sure you have some faggoty logic behind that, but fortunately for me, what you think doesn't change reality.

It sure doesn't
You being incredibly mistaken due to your lack of knowledge doesn't either

Whatever you need to tell yourself to keep your fragile ego intact, user. Not everyone buys their groceries at 7/11.

I like the spicy ones, but I might buy like 2 or 3 bags a year, if that.

Just did my first placement comp matches. It was first a piece of cake but after 6 matches or so it got ass clenchingly hard. Is 53 a respectable rank?

I'd say it's about average. The scale is 1-100, and pretty much everyone is around 50, as far as I know.

ya 50-60 is usually the starting area.
bads will drop below 50 good players will go above 60

Bumplocked and porn filled Overwatch threads bring joy to my empty sad filled life

Yeah, see, that's what I was talking about
You have no idea what you're talking about

That's nice. At this point, I don't give a shit about whatever you're talking about. Doesn't seem like anyone cares but you, nigger.

post moar

Why would a nano boosted D.VA use her ultimate? Doesn't seem like it would change anything since everyone within the blast radius of it would of died anyway.

And yet, it happens all the time.

Well, your simmering colon anger seems to disagree with you

Something I never figured out: Does Mercy's damage boost work for things like Junkrat's tire and such?

I'm going to have to seek a second opinion, doc.

Whoops, i'm late.
Bumplock when?

When you stop being a faggot.

Is that duck trying to do the CIA pose?


How'd that happen?

So lately as Ana i'm getting boosts from Mercy, does her damage boost bump my shots both offensive and healing?

Mercy's damage boost only applies to damage dealing, not healing. That said, all sources of damage that you cause, even indirect, are boosted by Mercy. That includes Mei and Hanzo's ultimates, Junkrat's traps, Torbjorn's turrets, etc.

really really late. the op even put it in the subject field you senile old coot

REAL TALK: Is Symmetra qt or not?


well that can happen i guess.

Bad children get no grandma candy.

It should.

I know for a fact that I can generate ult by boosting Hanzo's ult. I've gotten as much as 30% off of a single one of his ults, and it wasn't even a triple kill.

Ana with a mercy boost 2-shots characters with 200 health. Not only does that make her very effective as a sniper, but it helps both supports generate ult charge. Faster ana ults are always good.


I don't think it does. The buff I believe is applied to damage caused by player entities and the tire is a separate player entity.
On a semi-related note, before release the tire could receive buffs on it like any other player entity. So Mercy could damage boost it directly and Symmetra could apply what was then 75 shield to it.

I know Mei can still freeze it.

This is why I go Zenyatta, to use my ult whenever I see someone get nanaboosted and make them look stupid float around with my majestic balls

It can also pass over health kits to receive healing, if it was damaged.
In fact, all turrets can do it too, you can drop a turret on top of a Medkit and it will heal itself as the kit respawns.

Please, don't make extra threads about Overwatch, one is more than enough.
You make extra threads, you're gonna get in trouble with the hotpockets since they are the ones that have to deal with the rage fits every autist throws their way.

Hell, Junkrats traps can also pick up health kits.You can place a bear trap on top of a health kit to either force an enemy to walk into it or break the trap and let it take the health kit instead if they can't one-shot it.

god damn, even the packaging itself looks pretentious af.


Played the most fun match I've ever had yesterday. KOTH on Nepal, we had 2 Reinhardts and 4 Anas. Dealing with the Reinhardts was impossible because of all the heals and ults they were getting, but trying to hunt down Anas would leave the Reinhardts free to destroy whoever was left on the point, and most people who tried hunting down the scattered Anas would get ripped apart by sniper fire. It was fun as hell.

you can't just use the pot kettle proverb for whenever you have nothing to say

It's a joke, you dip. Check the pic again.


You are probably right. I get absolutely no ult charge off of boosting riptires

I like teaming up with junkrat with her to team kill with his tire. It's funny.

new thread: