Such a projection.
Make no mistake, Iran is a shitheap and should be colonized, BUT, not before Israel is blown off the face off the Earth.
wrong board or do you just not know what based means?
Iran has the right idea when they do Holocaust drawing contests, but making fun of Trump isn't controversial. Perhaps Trump deserves it, though, for being a Zionist who antagonizes Iran.
Trump doesn't have a bad attitude towards media per se, but against the fake Jewish news that also agitates against Iran.
wtf I hate iran now
Trump: We May Have To Fight A War With Iran For Saudi Arabia
You mean the same Donald Trump that works for the zionist isrealis who dominate his administration he selected who daily agitates for attacking Syria with an eye towards Iran, who Trump only the other day claimed are the greatest threat to world peace, you know the zionist freemason puppet Trump who for some reason Holla Forums is forced to pretend [by order of the isreali hasbara jews that seem to get a pass from the MODS on this board] is on our side, when he patently is the most cynical jewish hoax on the goy since 911.
Go away endchan goon islamic shitskin hasbarafag
I know, right
Thank God we have Based Iran to fight the evil natzees and raycizmzz
Do you not know what sarcasm is?
Since when did Holla Forums side with ZOG?
itt untermenschen making me choose between jews and muslims. Guedd what? They both need to be gassed. If someone sets your house in fire, you both deal with the fire and the culprit. You dont choose.
It's amazing that a filthy inbred paki like you has the audacity to lecture the hWhite man on how to fix his own nation while you are living at the expense of him in Britain. Go back to your goatfucking village in pakistan hasbarafag
How do you jews function when your logic is so retarded?
Did you know Holla Forums ostensibly is against (((you))) jews, yet for some reason you're all camped out here on this board, shilling for ZOG and calling anyone against (((you))) jews :
Have you ever considered that not everyone on Holla Forums is on your side?
Shill trying to turn us against Israel's enemies.
Holla Forums must fight racists and nazis
blanda upp
Don't bother reasoning with these kikes; they are literally paid to defend their Zog Emper-r from any criticism by spouting effortless retorts.
Since they poured all their hopes and dreams into a presidential candidate who then won. You would have to be delusional to think a middle management position like the US presidency would be able to resist the empire on the foreign policy it has been pursuing for decades.
In fairness Trump did ban them from entering the US, whilst saying it was fine for the Saudis to enter. Iranians have always hated Arabs, and having terrorism blamed on the Shia sect as opposed to the Sunni, despite the fact that Al'qaeda, Taliban, Al'nusra, ISIS and the mujahadeen of Chechnya were ALL Sunni. I can kind of get why Iran might be pissed off at the USA - especially considering US intervention in the country which put the ayatollah Khomeini in power and forced the nation to live under islamic law.
That said who gives a crap about Iran? They've been under the shackles of Arabs for 1400 years and haven't yet freed themselves.
See now why the God Emperor's travel ban was fully justified?
Iran sees racism as imperialism because of Israel's racial colonization of Palestine. Iran supported the Negro revolutionaries in apartheid South Africa and is inclined toward the leftist view on race since leftists are more likely to oppose Israel and support a just foreign policy than right-wing boomers. It is the mission of our generation to change this.
International Trumpism Cartoon & Caricature Contest 2017
The OP and the kikes ITT are kvetching that their man is getting insulted after trump openly called Iran the greatest threat to world peace, Iran is hosting the competition there are 381 entries, from 75 different countries, the content of the cartoons are the views of the entrants only.
Irans aren;t so stupid as to believe that trump wotrks for any interests outside of isreal, remember they are actively fighting against ZOG.
After a brief scan you can see the one's depicting Trump as a nazi are from mostly Western countries or Mexico for example, most of the cartoons entered by Iranians suitably paint Trump with a Star of David showing he works for jews, which is fair comment.
Later this year there will be a another International 'Holocaust' Cartoon Contest held in Iran, get your entries in early for that.
so what?
straight from the Iranian organizers mouth
Most of the cartoons are fairly tame and rather lame, especially the one's pretending Trump is a white nationalist but they're mainly from liberal western retards who believe the jewish psyop that jews dinjew nuffins or don't realise that jews control America.
So it's a competition open to all, many of the entries are from blue-pilled retards that don't realise that Trump is a jew-tool, while others do.
You do realise that Trump is working for jewry. Why should anyone here give a fuck about a worldwide cartoon competition criticising ZOGs puppet?
Why should anyone here care about a competition mocking an agent of ZOG?
I prefer their holohoax cartoon competition myself, those entries are pretty much clued up and directly call out the lies of the jew
I thought Iran was based. They elect leaders that are redpilled on the holohoax and everything. Maybe Iran does deserve to be glassed for our Saudisraeli masters.
I do not blame the organizer for using a common criticism of Iran's avowed enemy ("Trump is literally Hitler"). Trump is a Zionist and Zionism is racism in the eyes of Iranians. But racism doesn't have to be Zionism and I think Iranians understand this. In 2012, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with the leader of the "racist" American Third Position party, for example.
Comparing someone to Hitler doesn't change anything. David Ben-Gurion described Menachem Begin as "Hitlerian." Do you think Begin was a "Based Zionist?"
Is this the best the Iranians can come up with? This stuff is pretty tame
Get bent, Amir. You are no longer White.
Try getting chesscucks to defend this
Hope this serves as a warning to the "muh based shia shitskins" people and for the "muh abrahamic religions, bible is da foundation of *western civilization*" people.
Iran is not our friend, their leaders want us replaced and our homelands destroyed as much as the Saudis and Arabs. They only oppose Israel for practical political reasons (it doesn't go well to support a "state" built upon the genocide of your people, who constantly bomb your co-religionists in Lebanon, and who propped the civil war in Syria, who actually sabotages Iran - which is a powerful middle-eastern country in the way of their regional dominance, with over 80 million people and an elite militia - the Revolutionary Guards - not infiltrated by (((their))) intrests). Same goes to Zionist-owned Russian elites. Russians, Iranians, they are as much globalists as the others, even if they sometimes compete for shekels.
"wtf I love Iran now" - Leftists, again
Persians are the oldest and worst enemy western civilisation has ever known next to Jews. Both must be eradicated. This betrayal, they are not longer Aryans. They are simply Arab rape babies.
Since the kike mods allowed cuckchanners, T_D faggots and JIDF to flood this place about a few years ago.
Zionism is national socialism for jews.
Zionism is the soul cause of the destruction of the West, a genocidal scheme with the longterm plan to exterminate their two greatest enemies, the white Euro goy and the arab.
National Socialism has nothing to do with enslaving the entire world under their rule, that is zionism.
None of these countries actually care about white genocide, even if they do call out Israel.
It's a shame Jewish conditioning is so bad even Iran uses Nazi as an insult.
Do you think the G-d Emperor cares about it?
Semites have no artistic ability which is why they have to stick with grotesque caricatures rather than actual art. Political cartoons are the ultimate kike "art."
Kill yourself kike.
u mad?
The musilm religion has theft and human trafficking as a premise, misleading and stealing the kufar is fair game.
If you have the opportunity to obliterate one of this fuck, do not hesitate, because they won't.
Not surprising, Iran hates Israel and Trump's America still sucks Israeli cock.
Ever wonder why these faggots come crawling out of the woodwork to defend the sandniggers doing what they jews have been doing?
They jews and muslims have the same goal.
The destruction of the white race.
The holohoax ones are pretty good
Stupid goddamn yids want cucked Whites and other shabbos goyim to keep fighting their enemies for them. Diaper wearing faggots in the IDF aren't man enough to fight their own battles.
checked, no more Aryan blood needs to ever be spilled for jews or their arab brethren.
Notice how no one here can defend this stupidity.
ids dime to bomb i-ran :DDDD
for freedom's :D and protegding israel (g-d bless) :DD
t. le american bear
OMG I fucking hate Blumpf now!
Please, stop posting Latuff's shit. He is a literal cuck, a huge leftist and just draw this kinda shit against USA to appeal to the south american communists.
He hates white people more than anything.
He moved to the region I live in Brazil and constantly push the refugee agenda, but he does not want they moving to the north of the country, he wants them here in the south to "destroy once and for all the false superiority of the white population in the south, and make the south more brazil, brown and poor!".
Persians should be slain. They b& the 300 movie.
A single Iranian holding a cartoon contest that's critical of Yael Kushner's dad means Iran is anti-White and we should nuke them for Israel?
You're the only one who said that, shitskin.
I first found latuff back in the early 2000s and liked his work, but I didn't like his gleeful depictions of US soldiers dying. His over all message resonated with me back then during the invasion of iraq. Saw some of his newer shit a while ago and realized he's just a faggot
How the fuck is this reality? What machine of nature creates these people? These CUCKS? I've thought about it deeply, but the answer escapes me. I'll admit I was a pretty big fucking beta in my early years, but I NEVER entertained an idea so sick as taking pleasure in being cucked. Only someone thoroughly demented can see the appeal in willingly soiling their relationship with a third party. Only someone who is incapable of perceiving the ancient beauty of man's tender and exclusive will over the woman he conquers. Such vermin need to be understood, so we may be rid of them forever.
Correction, they should be nuked at the same time as Israel.
They did the right thing for once
Why the fuck did Obama pay what, a $1b ransom? Iran isn't our friend and neither is Israel, both have some yoke on us. How some of the faggots on here can have no rage at Iran extorting us is beyond me, it is not done bastion of aryan culture it's filled with fucking ackbar filth. These are the same creatures who put on mock performances during parades of the soldiers they captured, an event that was once considered an act of war. Fuck Israel and the Jews and faggots who got us ever involved in the area of the globe, and fuck those sandniggers. Here's hoping we tactical strike either Iran or Israel, making the target an example to the other. its Independence Day, the fact we are under control and demeaned is infuriating.
He lives in your region, user? Then, you know what to do.
He didn't, it was a return of the money the jewish controlled USA confiscated Iran.
The money was always Irans.
You've been listening too much to your own jewish press.
One thing worth mentioning, it's not Iran fucking with America's shit, it's the jew controlled USA that's fucking with Iran's shit under orders of isreal.
The Persians are the worst enemy Western civilisation itself has ever fucking known since the Jews.
Look it up.
The Roman-Persian wars.
The Greek-Persian wars.
All the Persian wars and empires.
After falsely calling Iran the main sponsor of islamist terrorism and then proceeding to kiss Saudi ass, i would think he fucking deserves it
Its the systematic destruction of masculinity by the ZOG propaganda through tumblr, leftist university profs, modern *psychologists* and mainstream media.
What are you trying to do? Do you think this is some kind of super effective leftist shaming tactic that will surly bring us to our knees? You guys used to put up a lot more effort…
Nope. I still choose Trump over every other politician in this country.
Iran has every right to shit on the US, even with shitty antiracist cartoons. Also, there's no reason for them to trust Trump since he's been shilling against Iran like a good kike.
Welp, the Iran shills are totally BTFO now.
Nope, just showing you how much he knows about what he's talking about.
I like all of the yes men in the video who just nod at the dumb shit he just said and only several people visibly acknowledge how stupid the shit that came out of his mouth was. In the full video Buzz Aldrin also made a Toy Story joke and Trump blabbered like an idiot in response while missing the joke.
if you honestly think the media "dislike" Trump you are blind. Trump was completely in cahoots with the media to get elected by reverse psychology. It was all a Jewish trick you should know better than to take that shit at face value
tdlr: Israeli holds contest in iran paying people to mock trump. Israeli in media posts article making it seem representative of Iran..
Did anyone catch that at 1:18?
I mean I agree, but in our circles the majority of people consider the roots of Persia as Aryan.
lol tryharder shill. more like iran knows trump is a jewish zog puppet and they are being clever by calling him a "nazi"
Iran Air Airbus flight number 655.
We have to save these people. With nukes.
Don't cry when your shit gets all fucked up like your bitch cousins in Palestine.
ITT people who don't understand sarcasm
Didn't work before, why the fuck do you think it'll work now?
Nice technology you got there, mehmet. Got a good deal from the rabbi I see.
I legitimately think we are being shilled by kikes and mudshits at the same time in this thread. How about both of you get glassed fucking niggers.
Whatever happened to those superior Ashkenazi IQ's you rat-faced kikes always brag about?
yes because we all know words are actions, and words mean everything, which is why Trump is a kike, and based muslims in iran are going to blow them up as soon as….. I've been waiting a while already. Get a fucking grip, they are all oven worthy.
Wtf I hate iran now
We must send more welfare to israel the only dmocracy of the middle east.
Trump's a hero for what he's doing. He could be living a life of luxury on Trump island. He chose a nobler path. Anybody who disagrees deserves to burn in hell for eternity.
This. I can understand why some on the right give them credit for their Aryan history or opposition to Israel, but we all need to remember they will forever be our enemy, and it's not even because they're opposed to Israel. They are the chief enemy BECAUSE they are one of the only capable nations in that region. They are the best the middle-east has to offer.
Well, the thing is I think most Jew's minds tend to be further far separated from reality then most people, which is why they are so obsessed with utopias, and why so much of their art is so abstract and devoid of truth or realism.
Kinda ironic tbh, because with that kind of a mind, the Jews can only be at their best in a pragmatic and truth oriented society that is capable of reining them in from their impossible daydreams. In a vacuum they would destroy themselves, which is why they always need a host.
But Iran held the World holohoax exposure conference (forgot what it was called exactly).
What do they have against the US? Are they just against the ZOG?
English clearly isn't your first language. Iran has exposed the Holocaust hoax, which is the keystone of White Genocide. That's more for the White race than anything Trump's done, including the wall that's yet to be built with its "big beautiful door".
Nobody claims Iran's going to blow anybody up except kikes and those who serve them.
what did I mess up this time kike? point it out to me nice ad hominem
alright mohammad I'll entertain you
then whats the point of supporting them? they are an enemy, but they haven't been very useful except being a good boogyman for the world. Should just do something already and take one for the team then.
and so have plenty of kikes. Plenty of people in the US have also done it, there are also plenty of scholars who point out inconsistencies. So I must support based Iran, who hates Nazi's now and is anti Racist.
never doubted for a second that you were a shill and not a good one at that
Because Israel says so?
No kikes really have (David Cole doesn't count, he claims it happened), and nobody has held an event on the scale that Iran has.
And many of them attended the conference in Iran.
In the past 6 months, what has Donald Trump done for the White race on par with drawing attention to the fact that the Holocaust was a hoax, and exposing the fact that jews (including his buddy Lucky Larry) did 9/11? What about in the 30 or so years since he's been in the public eye?
But that is the opposite of what he wrote? Iran is very hostile towards kikes.
I agree. Their "art" is eerily similar.
So /pol now is a Jew propaganda machine against Trump.
They're against both, they are part of their own faction. This has never been an overall black or white situation, even though sometimes ideological enemies temporarily join together under 1 banner to fight an enemy.
Ahmadinejad himself, the infamous Iranian president who was skeptical of the Holocaust, also famously said that America belongs to all races. Iran itself is very multi-ethnic, the Persians may be the biggest group, and thus dominant, but barely make up the majority, if even that.
"the contemporary U.S. belongs to all nations,"
Just because a virus kills your enemy doesn't mean you should welcome that virus into your own body or treat it as a friend.
There are still some actual Persians left, although dwindling in number. There are a lot of similar peoples in the mountains of Afghanistan. A lot of them still practice Zoroastrianism. To say that the mudslime government of Iran represents these people is not accurate. The Arabic population must be removed from that area of the Earth as well as the shackles of Islam. Also, could you explain how exactly Persians are anywhere near as bad as Jews?
thanks for clearing things up muhammed
but they have, they also do it by accident quite publicly
how about implementing domestic agenda that have already helped to reduce the flow of shit into our country, it takes steps muhammed. Also, I know you are a shill but you could at least acknowledge current events a little bit.
lol nice try buddy, trump has so many established ties to kikes zionism and israel, how you could even try to say that proves you're being paid, or jewish
Achaemenids were the first multi-cucklturalist.
Just because they WERE White doesn't mean that they had not always been race traitors.
have you forgotton who trumps inlaws are, or that his own DAUGHTER converted? and it's not a big surprise the way trumps grubbed shekels his entire life she's basically been jewish since birth
is this the best you kikes/sandkikes got, ever?
its so old, its like the horse is decomposed at this point and you are still beating it.
lol supporting jews and israel, you'll get yours on dotr buddy
It's liberal diaspora jews against right wing zionist jews and their God emperor!!!
try harder
Bu…but the MSM told me Trump is literally Hitler and wants to gas jews so therefore that makes him /ourguy/!
wtf, I hate nazis and racism now
This, exactly. That and the fact that they are actually a capable people compared to their neighbors is why they are a threat. The Neo-cons hate Iran for completely different reasons. The fact remains that Iran is a firm believer in Islam and the equality of races.
pathetic when a candidates biggest seller is they are not the other candidate which seeemed to be the reasoning on both sides. which makes it obvious they are the same side
wtf, I love jews now!
pathetic when you beat a dead horse for 2 years and it still doesn't work but you still do it anyways.
Almost like democracy is a big fat mistake huh?
Nobody on here implied that Iran is an ally, just that neither is Israhell. We shouldn't be involved there, period. Or, better yet, destroy both nations and have whites colonize the land. But that's a pipe dream.
wtf, I want Moslems to fuck my wife now.
jesus christ, this summer might be the worst one yet.
here's that line again.
I bet you would want that cuck! LMFAO!!!
holy shit can you fucking niggers at least try, that's all I ask.
Can you really not see the hypocrysy there? Come on now.
are you retarded?
This thread is getting derailed hard.
and you?
Look, we can reach a compromise. We nuke Israel and bomb Iran. Now nobody on Holla Forums can complain, right?
Lol just go sign up for the army already if you support Trump and democrazy and go die for Israel, maybe Trump will make a nice speech about your heroism when you come back home in a body bag. Maybe Jerry Kushner will take time out of his busy schedule to attend your funeral and give his condolences to your family Lmao.
do you know what the phrase, 'to beat a dead horse', even means?
fucking summer
no fucking duh, they don't like it when you point out that neither the kikes or the muslims are friends and whites should look out for themselves because muhammed and crew want to be the new rulers. I'm sick of this, 'if you aren't with us then you are with them' bullshit, this line of shilling needs to be put in its place.
Sure. You are beating a dead horse by trying to convince someone with a tactic that has failed.
what have you devolved into, you went from not trying to something worse.
So you would dodge the draft if Zog emperor sent you to fight the Iranians for our greatest ally?
Yes, fuck this either or bullshit. You can be opposed to both Iran/Palestine and Israel at the same time. There's a third way to choose, and (((they))) are doing everything in their power to make sure you only see option A or B.
Other than that they aren't very good at killing kikes, what reason is there for any White gentile to oppose Palestine?
the draft hasn't been used but once back in Vietnam. Even if we somehow went to war with them, which is unlikely, and I got drafted, which is unlikely, I wouldn't dodge it because I'm not a fucking pussy. I am not going to support Iran even if I don't' want to go to war with them, and you said it yourself, they aren't even real enemies of israel.
You should really enlist, you'd make a great green nigger.
no you are right, I should support all the moslems in their fight against 'zionism' we just call them kikes so I can help one group of semites destroy a different group of semites and then continue to rape whites in their homelands.
I should have chosen a better word then "opposed".
What good reason is there to support them? It's still easy to fall into the either or trap. It's possible to not give a fuck about them if they're not working against us. If Palestine were to win the scenario, they would likely turn their attention to the West for being "racist".
They're Muslims, and that makes them as bad as the ones that go full jihadi and spread their shit.
Because it's a way to weaken Israel and draw attention to the nature of the jew. They'll do everything they're doing to the Palestinians to us the second they get the chance.
Fake Persian Semite/Arabs are mind mindbogglingly stupid.
Even though David Duke is a conman, he's right, if we're going to oppose world jewry we must stand in solidarity with the Syrians, Palestinians and Iranians. They're good people.
Anyone here watches Press TV? They have on some great guests on occasion.
They're Muslims who are trying to stay in the Middle East, and fighting kikes to do so.
are you blind? they have been doing it already for 60 years you fucking stupid sandkike
That will never fucking happen, and you know it. Not only will it not happen, but the government of Iran is not at all in any way our ally. They were, at one point, but I am sure that you wouldn't know that. The Shah of Iran was the last ally in that country that the United States had, and the sandniggers overthrew him. The same sandniggers that you are now defending. Once the Shah said what he did in vid related, they decided that he had to go and imposed muslim rule. Before his downfall, Iran was on the path to becoming 1950's America. Now, they're supreme ragheads and the Arabic population has grown significantly.
Because they're sandniggers. I would not doubt that most people don't OPPOSE them, per say, but couldn't care less what they do as long as they stay the fuck out of our countries. Just because Israel bombs some sandniggers, we should admit them as refugees? I mean, it's very clear that the wars in the Middle East are started by Jews, so does that mean we have to support all of the sandniggers that are affected?
This enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.
Yes, but like I said in the post you replied to, that can easily backfire on you as well. By defending Palestine, you're indirectly attacking "racism" and ethno states. It's a pretty complicated issue, and we should tread carefully in it, because neither side is our ally.
We helped the radicals in Afghanistan to hurt the Soviets, and look where that led to. The Israel/Palestine issue can easily lead to the same results. Palestine still hates the West, even if they may hate Israel more.
I mean we only overthrew their democratically elected leader back in the 50's for (((Big oil))) and install a brutal dictator that enabled the mullahs to come to power because of our foreign policy, can't really blame the Iranians to be pissed off at us too for shooting down one of their airliners as well.
the CIA is not we nigger
Kikes aren't openly killing Whites the way they are the Palestinians.
Being an ally to ZOG isn't a good thing.
No, we should support them staying in Palestine, and use what's happening to them to expose the nature of the jew.
Not really. It's defending nationalism and opposing kikes.
no you are right, they've been doing it with demographic replacement instead, which is far worse and harder to point out.
If Palestine and the Grand Mufti was ok for Hitler then it's ok for me as well.
Obviously, but that isn't their endgame. They fully intend on killing us openly.
Wow JIDF really has it out for anyone wanting to ally with the countries that are on the Rothchild's shit list.
Hitler was too soft on Semites on the other side of the Abrahamic coin. Besides, if he saw what was happening to Germany now, he'd lump them in with Jews as they rightly should be.
why, when if they just stay silent they can let it run its course and shitskins and birth rate will do it for them.
all semties in the oven.
Iran has obviously fallen like Germany.
Yeah, (((civic nationalism))), I agree with that part, but it still doesn't mean they are our friends and they will turn on us once Israel falls, just as the Mujahideen did.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in Hitler's time was not your average Arab. And even then, things have changed a bit since then. You wouldn't support Germany of today because Hitler was once in charge of it would you?
Gee can you blame them for hating the West? Our tax monies only go to making sure that they get slaughtered like dogs.
I can't blame them for that part, but the hate is far deeper then just that.
Try saying "muh based sandniggers" in a Assad thread and see what happens.
Of course I don't support Germany's government but it doesn't mean I don't support Germany and it's spirit of a people. Hate the sin not the sinner fam.
Blending Whites out isn't good enough for them. In the end, they want all the goyim who aren't following their laws and existing solely to serve them dead.
Palestine for the Palestinians isn't civic nationalism.
Then don't support Palestine just because Hitler did.
It only remains Palestine for the Palestinians if you prevent them from reverting back to Islam. Their entire existence and attitude of "Palestine for the Palestinians" only exists because of their opposition to Israel. Israel falls, and so does their ethno-statism. X for Xians is impossible through Islam.
They are a shithole whose brainwashing goes far beyond what fake news does here.
So you admit to being Jewish?
Forgive me, then, if I assume that you are criticizing the previous government of Iran that was actually friendly to us, (i.e., the Iranian government under the Shah) in support of this current one, which you've openly made assertions that other anons would good goyim for enlisting in a fight against (which won't happen). The current government that you are defending (and let's not forget, this is all because they bee tee eff oh'd le drumpf xDD for being a nahdzi in a fucking drawing contest, defense of which makes you a fucking shill anyway) was imposed by an effort from the CIA (which was a Mossad op from day one) helping the sandniggers implement muslim rule.
I agree, they do need to stay in Palestine. However, I am not in any regard going to devote energy to assisting or supporting any group of sandniggers because that would remove me away from the time I spend devoted to assisting my own White race. If there is any one chance that I do see which would end in a result of more White persons becoming aware of the Jewish parasite, then yes. But on the norm, support of sandniggers for sandniggers only, for any reason, I cannot abide.
It's defending sandniggers
OP is probably an AIPAC/IDF paid shill, and this thread was made to spike up support for bombing Iran and sending foreign aid to Israel.
They must have seen the word "based" thrown around. Pathetic.
MEMRI TV is Israeli run and owned news agency for the sole purpose of mistranslating Arabic speaking news outlets in the middle east.
Nice try Schlomo and your astroturfing is proof positive that Holla Forums certainly has been taken over by a bunch of JIDF/hasbarat kikes.
The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon. Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.Aug 12, 2002
Once Israel and the jews are gone, whatever unlikely threat the Palestinians might pose to us would be easy handle. Until then, we need to do whatever we can to break the back of jewish power, which includes supporting the Palestinians' struggle against Israel.
"Us" as in our jew-controlled government.
No, it's because they stand up to world jewry and support others who do the same. Believe it or not, but everything doesn't come down to which kosher candidate was selected to play the role of president.
Against jews, the eternal enemy of the White race and all gentile peoples.
Fucking this. They're not even subtle about it any longer, their mask is off for all to see.
you are the ones not being subtle here.
White they rape White children in Europe.
And it looks like they forced the president of Iran to make a fool of himself by announcing Iran found a cure for aids. The place is a shithole.
I want them to leave Europe and go back to the middle east and also I want JIDF to stop astroturfing on Holla Forums
Yes, fucking this. We all know the jews work 24/7 here building support for Trump.
Tehran looks like a clean and orderly city unlike your home town in Tel Aviv.
Glad you're actually telling the truth for once.
Look at my earlier post.
Also another quote by him,
"The contemporary US belongs to all nations."
Ahmadinejad hates everything Holla Forums stands for, except for Israel. He believes in Islam, and the end to homogeneous nations.
The only thing that unites them is their opposition to Zionism and global Jewry. Take that away, and they are once again enemies.
A people raised in an extremely tough situation, essentially a prison, drilled in military affairs, taught to hate the West for creating Israel and opposing Islam, with modern weapons. Just as the Mujahideen turned, so will they. They WILL become a threat, I guarantee it. They will look at you as a puppet master, using them as tools to fight Israel.
Allying with Islam to take down Zionism and Jewry is like infecting yourself with a virus just so you can cough on Israel and get them sick too.
It's not our fight, let them take care of it themselves, we have our own heavy burden to work on.
Lol I actually wouldn't mind visiting Tehran.
All the countries without any freedoms display only the best parts of their countries.
Any fight against jews and Israel is our fight. Hamas quotes the Protocols in their charter, they have pretty good idea of what's going on.
Wtf, I want to visit Tel Aviv now!
Ok had fun exposing you hasbarats in this thread, hopefully your boss gives you a raise, I have a nice ribeye steak and brats I'm about to throw on the grill. Afk.
Iran doesn't actually do that. Places like NK and Cuba have given the "special tour" to people who are visiting, but anyone who visits Iran has pretty much free reign to wander around without any sort of government interference. They (Iran) also doesn't confiscate your film or cameras.
I mean, it's still a nation of mudslimes, but they have no problem with tourists.
t. American who has been to Tehran.
It's paradise for niggers. Where else can a woman be hanged for killing her rapist?
wtf I love sandniggers now
Yes it does you fuckin liar.
Whatever, I've said my piece, if you want to ignore it, that's your problem. Go ahead and ally with Islam and people who believe countries belong to everyone, and that no ethnic group gets to own a country.
Wasn't a tourist, you fucking nigger. He's an Iranian citizen who broke Iranian law.
Tourists only go to the landmarks, nigger.
The draft was used during WWII and I am not sure of WWI but maybe. Vietnam ushered in the lottery number for fairness my number was 53 and they took up to the low 40's high 30's the first year I was eligible. Two years later the war ended.
But they're not limited to going only to the landmarks, unlike NK and Cuba.
Like the pathetic piece of shit left scum you are you've just found some more confirmation bias for your own inability to adapt to a scary world. At the start of the fukken speech you can see Buzz start to shift around a bit and then he looks to an audience member and gestures for pills with the pill roll. You fukken cunts. You people are turning more retarded and nasty every day. Congratz, you've turned international attention to someones health issue just for some petty laugh at Trumps expense like you're thinking that THIS TIME! This time I'll show those Trump people!
This time, last time, next time, you're still pathetic and you're still obvious. You're obsessed with your own farts. KYS.
It's a worthless shithole. Did you miss the video of the woman of getting hanged for killing a rapist? Did you miss the post about a filmmaker of Jafar Panahi's Taxi getting jailed? Is YouTube banned from where you are posting?
That's like anudda shoah.
Nope, but I'm not giving your account clicks. If you can't webum, then fuck off.
Bullshit. You can't watch it because your Ayatollah forbids it.
Sandniggers are the enemy? Oy vey, what a surprise, almost as surprising as the megooka/endkike/ /polk/ike shills spamming the thread.