"Keep Normalfags Out of Weeb Games" Edition
And most importantly, are you still having fun?
"Keep Normalfags Out of Weeb Games" Edition
And most importantly, are you still having fun?
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I love anime tits but weeb games are always so fucking shallow. I'd love some lewd 4X
Monster Hunter Generations and GalGun when it comes in.
My copy of GalGun to get here, VD to be available on Amazon, PQube to announce UPPERS, and for Idea Factory to fucking give us the Asia-English version of Moe Crystal already.
Pre-ordered Hollow Realization couldn't afford the LE unfortunately
a lewd 4X game would be pretty interesting. Like Endless Legend, but with waifus you can hold hands with
Jet Set Radio. Made it to Chapter 2, it's honestly more challenging than I expected. The only thing I don't like about it is that the track "Bout the City" seems to be absent in this version. Also playing Megadimension Blanc, but compared to the Senran Kagura games it's pretty shit, especially with the amount of grinding you have to do. It's made by the same devs so these choices are weird.
That new Nep psuedo MMO game, Wipeout, a Miku and EDF game for it, lots of games.
I honestly want to finish lots of games I have on my backlog before buying more.
Yep, still having fun.
Anything that interests me
I just paid $15 to import a genuine fat Vita USB cable.
Being a Vita owner is suffering. Such sweet, beautiful suffering.
They don't even give you a box now.
Nep Art Online?
but seriously, this is the first I'm hearing of it, that I can recall at least. Sauce?
Sony's gotta save those shekels! Why spend 7 whole cents on a box when you can spend only 4 on the cheapest plastic wrap and some paper? Oy vey, what a silly goy!
I should bite the bullet and get Shiren in digital, shouldn't I? It looks great from the videos I've seen.
If you want it, go ahead. Nothing is stopping you from getting it later.
Why buy digital? You're just filling up more space on your expensive memory card. It's the same price physical, hell, cheaper if you can find it used. But no one's gonna stop you though. You sound pretty sold on it already.
How's the new Shiren?
Basically, yeah.
Here's some source if you want it.
I just hope this is going to be a Nep game with a budget, but given that it's a niche game I'm not gonna hold my breath
oh, neat-o. I wonder how they'll do the gameplay; whether it'll be active battle like NepU or turn-based like the Re;Birth games. Maybe some sort of weird mish-mash of both? I just hope it doesn't suck.
Look up some videos. They should give you a pretty good idea of how it is.
I don't usually get into rouge-likes/pseudo-rouge-likes, but every once a generation I get this fucking hardcore itch to play one. Last one I got was Izuna 2 for the DS - and despite being pretty easy, I had a lot of fun with it.
Been holding off on the remote possibility of a Izuna 3(ds) to actually make my 3DS purchase worthwhile. But that itch is growing again, and I don't know if I'll make it.
If I only get one rouge-like this generation, is Shiren going to be worth it? How much space on the memory card will it take up? I don't have much room left, and I still plan on getting Shantae Half-Genie Hero for Vita when oh, fucking god… when? it comes out.
It's less than 400MB.
Impregnate merchants
That's not too bad then, I guess. I have a demo or two I can delete to make room. If nothing else, I'll just delete FFVIII and get the Eboot for that on my PSP which has infinitely more storage space.
Just finish the game.
Can't speak on Shiren, but Omega Labyrinth was a surprisingly solid roguelike
Shiren is good.
Get it together, Australia.
Also, if Techraptor-user's around, give Grosso some thanks from a Shadow Hearts fan for giving SH: Covenant some recognition, even if I suppose it was chosen at random. That series doesn't get enough love.
Will do. I'm actually writing for Operation Rainfall now too, since one of their more active guys dipped and I've got a few friends over there. I actually did the Gal*Gun Australia article for them. Not gonna bother linking it though since I don't even get pennies from articles there. I'm mostly doing stuff there to diversify my portfolio.
Typical Australian. I can't wait to see how your tune changes when Australia is majority Chinese.
user I hope you're joking, or you misread what I wrote
Classic Australian shitposting.
I think he's just cracking one over the word you chose and Australia having some multiculti bastions in the likes of Melbourne (or maybe I'm wrong on that; burger here), the way the US has one in San Fran. But that's just my take on it I suppose.
Still waiting on Valkyrie Drive preorders in North America because FUCK paying 30 burgerbucks extra for a video game. I held off on getting Estival Versus until I could get it at a reasonable price, which it was on play-asia last week and amazon and EB recently (but both of which sold out) and I can and will do that again for VD if I need to.
Yeah, EDF 4.1 was the last remaining reason I had to get a PS4. Now I have none, and no PS4 and life is good. Also Vita-tan is still the best.
I still want to play Gravity Rush 2, but I can put it off until later. Same with Detroit: Become Human. Luckily, I mostly play single player games, so I can get them whenever.
That's not happening, fam.
That's a shame. Alas, that is the video game industry. Sometimes I wonder if I should collect DS games or not. I feel like it'd be hard to find a good number of them.
There's always emulation guy. No matter what though it never feels the same, I like the genuine article. Good luck with your fling with rogue-likes.
I mean, I have a flash cart. I just would like an actual copy of the games that I've enjoyed the most. Like Pokemon Conquest, for example.
Why? Why must it be like this?
I certainly like having actual copies of games I enjoy where feasible (or where I can get lucky on finding a below average costing copy). Main issue with DS games is if you want complete copies. While some games saw sufficient enough a print run, have low demand, or (in some cases) saw reprints, a number of them go for a lot more than they used to if you want them complete. Fucking Gamestop trashing the bulk of the cases and manuals for what DS games they still have (which is a shame, the DS had some nice sturdy cases rather than flimsy cardstock boxes). Cart only ones tend to be much cheaper and more available.
That name stil makes the Holla Forums in me laugh a bit.
funny, for the longest time shallow things with predictable humor and rampant sex appeal have been the main lure for normalfag dollars
If you want to throw in a suggestion for what SNK game to get ported next go drop it off here;
Ah well, looks like I'm getting Ys first!
Good taste user
Merchants were porn for impregnation
maybe in the past, but now it's almost a semi-niche market, since all that stuff is so "problematic" now,
I pride myself in my taste in imports. Can't wait for Mary Skelter to release, and I'm planning to grab Labyrinth of Refrain.
sorry, meant "born" for impregnation, not "porn"
For that mistake, the penalty is impregnation.
Tenso Wanderer getting an Asian English release THIS YEAR
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed this, but there seems to be a particular faggot in wikipedia who's been editing the Vita's system software list. He's erased the actual list, which includes the release dates for the firmwares with details for fixes and exploit removals.
If you're on a lower firmware, you can't play games released on a higher firmware for your region. And so, this list was useful for people who wanted to buy certain Vita games while staying on lower firmwares, either because their Vitas are partially hacked already or in preparation for if the Vita finally does get cracked.
While you can always view the edit history for the actual software list, that list won't be added to anymore for future software updated - at least in wikipedia. I'm more worried for the people only just getting into the Vita and want to know what exactly are their options are when it comes to the handheld. They might not think to look into the edit history for a more detailed list.
It just puzzles me why anyone would just throw away all this documentation. I don't know if it's Sony getting involved, or whether people just irrationally hate the hacking scene to the point where they'd even erase documentation that makes no details whatsoever in the actual hacking, or whether or not it's just some faggot looking for edit points in wikipedia. It's just all so confusing.
I wish I could play my love live game on my vita, and without waiting for some bullshit energy meter to fill-up.
I've got no excuse for Summoners War, not that I have one for Love Live. I guess I'm just a sucker for nigh-endless grind and limited-time events.
I just bought a 32GB Memory Card. I could live with just my 4GB memory card and just backing everything up on my PC, but since I bum off a friend whenever I need to get PSN games on my lower FW Vita, it's kind of embarrassing and a hassle to have to constantly switch the USB cable between my laptop and my friend's PS3. I bought the Arland trilogy back in the Golden Week sale, and Atelier Ayesha and the Tron Bonne game for the mid-year sale, but I haven't gone to my friend yet to transfer them all to my Vita. So as much as I hate financing Sony's kikery more than I have to, this is one very particular instance where I'll willingly act the goy.
I saw a physical copy of Ciel Nosurge Offline in the store I bought my memory card from. I really want to get it before it disappears forever, but money's tight right now. I don't even know Japanese, but fuck it, it'll save me the hassle of importing.
> fun
I wake up grumpy and confused in the morning, so no.
Well, we can always grab whatever data remains in the history and make a new database in a new site. 3DSdb has a title database, and I found a vita title db link in that site. It lists dumps of released games (although you can't use them yet unless you got a Cobra blackfin) but it doesn't list min. FW versions.
Also, to save yourself the hassle of using your friend's PS3, I recommend you to get a Vita TV. It's quite cheap. I keep mine updated so I can get games and DLC then transfer those to the outdated regular Vita (games not compatible with VTV can still be downloaded and copied, you can't just run them on VTV).
Considering some the shit that editors have managed at wikipedia, as well as cases of outright disinformation (see pic related for an example I personally saw; HD collection doesn't exist and likely never fucking will), I suppose it's best to take what's there with a grain of salt.
That said, with that list, is it possible that there's an old archive of the Vita page it was on that could be linked for usage? Or is Wikipedia a case where they don't allow spiders or whatever to grab stuff for archival?
Anyhow, wikipedia's no stranger to edit wars. Wouldn't shock me if someone's autism got the better of them and they deleted useful info for the sake of cohesion.
What's the progress on vita hacking goys?
If this shit doesn't get hacked in ~3 months I'm getting a 3DS
Blackfin works… but it's cumbersome and 3.60 patched it.
There's no way in hell a breakthrough is coming in 3 months.
Go ahead and get your 3DS take advantage of the fact that menu/browserhax just got updated for compatibility up to 11.0! If you get a 11.0 system you'll still need a hardmod/dsiware downgrade but regardless it saves you from using a cart exploit such as zelda or freakyforms as an entrypoint
Yeah, that's about the only thing that can be done. I'd have to go on some other social media site or on a forum if I want to get in contact to the people with the right resources, but signing up to stuff like twitter or reddit just seems like such a hassle.
I've considered that before. The Vita TV's not released in my country, or at least I haven't seen one yet in my travels, even in pawnshops and online sales fora. I'd have to bother with importing, though I suppose I could ask a relative in the US to send me one. I'd also have to get a controller for it. I also can't seem to justify getting another console, no matter how cheap, just so I can use it as a download machine. At least, I can't justify it to my family so long as I still have my old consoles. I've also bought all the things I want from the PSN Store, so a download machine will just wind up collecting dust afterwards. Although, it would allow me to play some of the more recent games that I can't play at all with my outdated Vita.
I've also read somewhere that games from Vita devices with FW3.50+ can't be played on Vitas from before FW3.50, and this is regardless of the regional release dates of the games in question. My guess for why that's the case is that it might be related to the 30% reserved memory for the OS being unlocked for use by games in FW3.50. Quoting a reddit user:
I thought that a PSTV won't help me given that my Vita is on FW3.36. If this really isn't the case, then I suppose I can look again into getting a PSTV.
If only.
Yeah there's still an archive, the most useful page is probably the latest one from before the erasure and that's really all you need. It would just need to be updated periodically every time a new FW is released. Wololo does individual articles per release, but it's good to have all the info condensed in a single chart. I don't know if wikipedia blocks out site-grabbers or whatever those are called.
Yeah, that's what confuses me. It's not out of the question that someone is just that autistic about editing wikipedia, but I also can't rule out hacking/piracy-related witch-hunting or Sony fanboys or employees trying to hide as much info as possible that could be negatively linked to the Vita.
If you're concerned about getting cases with games collecting DS is suffering. Gamestop had this wonderful idea of tossing DS cases for used games to save space in their stores. Because of the volume of games they buy up it can be hard to find complete games without paying a premium.
To be a fair, a few I know of have made a slight effort to start keeping cases for some of the higher demand games (Pokemon HGSS for example) when they get them in, but display case space is limited and the moment they need the room, into the trash it goes again.
Yeah, that's the major bummer. I don't get the goodies that come with the game. Honestly wish I had disposable income in high school. Would have bought a good number of DS games.
Just buy a 3DS, man. Also, check hackinformer or wololo for that information.
I can understand why Gamestop did that, but it's still goddamn obnoxious. Next time I drop by, I might just ask about that.
Have you hacked it?
Thankfully the Vita isn't region locked so we can just import the fucking thing. It isn't ideal but there is a work around. Regardless though, the Classifications Board is haram and needs to be fucking disbanded.
Welp, ausbros get fucked over again. Thanks jewnita.
Mentioned it earlier from the techraptor article.
Honestly, I'd hate to be into niche vidya and live in a PAL country (what with delayed releases, outright non-releases, and price hikes), but more-so Australia due to stuff like that and their ratings board being ridiculous in how "offensive" they find various things, as well as getting various games pulled, censored, or outright banned. It's like they want to compete with Germany over that.
I think Gamestop single handedly did more to fuck the DS aftermarket over than anything else, at least as far as complete copies of games go. Wouldn't surprise me if they eventually do the same for PS3 and Vita games.
I really want to argue this out with an insanely liberal friend of mine. Why it is great people can speak their mind and create any game they want, except for games that dont drive a political message home and promote diversity. like he argued that free speech is a horrible idea since it allows people to say mean things to others. And that we should have limited free speech to only say nice and pre-approved things. I can't believe I lived with this guy for a year
But also, besides gamestop, I blame these stupid carrying cases. So many normalfags got them and chucked their game cases too cause why bother keeping all that when the game is all you need? I know it was mostly gamestop since they threw stuff out on a massive scale, but retro stores I frequent have so many loose disks that come in that I know are because people used these cases.
Oh, and that attempted call for people that already have the game to bring their copies back and be given a refund is fucking ridiculous. It's like, not only do they not feel the game should be available, but shouldn't be played even by people that have it, as if it's contraband or a product so unsafe it needs to be recalled. What's next, trying to get it pulled from the PAL PSN too?
Maybe for console games that use discs. For handhelds, I think what did more damage was how for a long time, handhelds had flimsy cardstock boxes that would get crushed or bent or lost easily, left a mindset where most people are fine with cart only copies. I myself am to an extent, but only for systems that had cardstock boxes instead of sturdy protective plastic (that, and trying to buy complete GBA games and the like is a fucking pain in the wallet since so few boxes have survived). But with the DS, PSP, and on (admittedly I'm not sure what type of thing Sega's Game Gear or Nomad games shipped with, given that they were using actual cases for console games LONG before Nintendo was), they've got sturdy protective cases. And yet, people are still readily prone to just trashing them in favor of cart only (or UMD only in the case of the PSP), and in some of my experience Gamestop is all too happy to push that logic ("it's the game itself you want, why should the case and/or manual matter?") to justify saving shelf space, though thankfully they aren't doing so with the Vita just yet, as they still have a row or two on the shelves devoted to it.
It's pretty rare that I buy cart only with the DS. Only occasion being a game I wanted to play that some copies of have a game-ruining bug, and I was more willing to drop $5 on a cart that may or may not work than $35+ on a complete one that also may or may not work. Unfortunately trying to find a manual and cover is going to be bitch, but the US cover missed the point of the game anyhow (hearkening back to days of old; the Japanese cover has a muted sepia scene o the characters staring into the distance), so I've been trying my hand at hybrid cover design.
Ok, true. For anything that is a disc I need an actual plastic case for it. Cartridges are different. DS, psp, vita, etc yes I need a case for those too. But GBA, N64, NES, I dont mind not having it complete. I love getting the cardboard boxes when I can, but they are so much more expensive. The other issue I find is that the cardboard boxes are more packaging than case. Whereas plastic cases open to allow easy access to the game, the cardboard ones are more of a pain to open, without damaging the cardboard. Then you have to pull all the carboard inserts out, and then you have the game. Then all of that stuff needs to be put back in the box. first world problems, right? but the point is it takes longer to get the games out. And the cardboard themselves isnt so much protection for the game, as something you want to save an collect. I have a complete majoras mask in a protective plastic sleeve. No way am I putting the game into that and taking it back out each time I want to play.
I am trying to make alternate cases for everything though, like my GBA games I was able to use cassette cases and printed out cover art and it looks amazing. Im trying to see if maybe VHS cases will work for N64 or SNES stuff as a good alternative. Would need to make some custom box art for them to fit in those size cases though.
Vita homebrew coming for everyone soon. yifan.lu
I'll be pissed if Sony makes another update, though. i still want to play online.
Forgot I had do not bump on.
And you're friends with this guy how? Seriously, if he wants freedom of speech taken away, ask him how he'd feel if that left people unable to criticize the government if they start doing things he dislikes. Freedom of speech at least allows voicing of dissent, which I suppose in some ways prevents things from boiling over into actual revolt (though if he's a commie, a revolt may be what he wants).
Just my thoughts.
I use old model DS cases with the GBA slot, and TCP has scans formatted for use with DS sized cases. I got a whole bunch of them free a while back at a yard sale. Bigger issue has been access to a printer to run prints from in the first place, and as such I've only got a few made thus far and a big folder of ones to still print.
I want redditfags to leave
Is there anything in those cases, or is it just the game?
Oh boy Oh boy.
Wait, what? Fuck what do I do? That means giving up my PSP exploit and I don't want to do that just yet.
Get a PSP. You're going to have access to the same homebrew on PSP minus the actual PSP games.
Just the game cartridges. GBA manuals are unfortunately too long to fit in there, though I seem to recall hearing that if you remove the bar on the inner left top, you can put them in vertically. Also, I think that some of the custom made cases I know someone started selling some years back (with the DS cart slot gone and one big slot sized to fit either GB/GBC or GBA games) might have the bar out as a default.
And PS1 games.
Are people wising up to how awful yurishit games are?
Delete it and never think about that filth again. Trust me.
EDF is on Steam, though. Pirate that shit if you want to do the right thing and not give the fat kike any money.
If you honestly care about supporting the devs, I'm 99% sure you can buy shit from the PSN store on your browser. I did it before when my PS3 was out of commission.
Seriously fuck Valve.
So besides an inevitable Doom engine port, what should I be excited for?
Hell, I might actually get a pdf/cbr reader someday. I'm stoked.
PDFs? Just use Fox Reader or whatever it's called.
don't tell me you buy PSN games then pirate them on PC because you don't want to give money to valve
I mean I pirated 4.1 too because I already bought 2025 and it's pretty much the same game but still
I can't use that on a Vita, m8.
Nah man. I bought it on PS4 because I need a reason to play it. I'm gonna sell it after I 100% EDF though, to be honest.
Personally I'd pirate and not even bother with supporting the devs, but if it's against your morals or whatever, I'm taking your excuses away. Fuck Valve.
Well, yeah, he is a commie also. But spoiler for blog posting I just made friends with him since he was my DM during college. Roomed with him one year since he seemed cool enough then. We just never interacted with each other while living together and he actually dropped out sophomore year because he stayed up all night playing Civ, and slept through all his classes. He then has been working retail at a clothing store since then. Which explains why he wants to be paid more since he did nothing with his life, and isnt making any money now.I keep him around just for laughs at his stupidity. Im waiting for him to post something video game related to just shoot him down though
But those cases are super cool. I thought about going that route but I didnt like that my GBA stuff would be in the same style case as DS. For my autism i like different style cases for different system games. Just makes each stand out a bit more on my shelf. I wish I had a good pick of my GBA cases.
Will this mean I can get the Muramasa DLC? Probably all I would really want besides maybe fan translation patches for stuff like omega labyrinth.
Refrain is easily one of the best games on the Vita period, good call.
Is that Parn and Deed? I don't remember a scene like this.
It's not just the Vita's system software history that's been erased, the 360 and PS3 got this treatment too.
They both had tables listing every single firmware release and all changes, and now they just have a summary.
Compare to the PSP article which still has a table:
I don't understand why they removed it. More information is always better than less. It's not like they're running out of space.
I used to like browsing these lists. I always found it fascinating how these platforms changed over a decade. Did you know that the PS3 didn't have a trophy system until 2008? Or that the 360 UI was completely redesigned twice? All that information gone.
Is it still in the history at least? Those autists can't completely purge it can they?
I mean, Im assuming that with homebrew it can eventually lead to downloading games and running vita stuff on your vita. So all I really would want to play is the muramasa dlc.
OVA series ep 5 I think.
Of course they can. If it's deleted, then it's deleted.
You didn't actually read the post, did you? It potentially could, but there is nothing in place for that as of now.
Neptune is getting some sort of F2P crossover game, featuring characters from other Compile Heart games.
Christ I'm getting old, I don't remember it at all. I need to rewatch it.
So yeah, HENkaku just got announced. I'm torn on what to do, since my Vita is on 3.51 it means I have ark-PSP and the failmail exploit (although recent changed in common email services rendered it less reliable).
I find it a bit funny that this gets revealed mere hours after I said that there wouldn't be a breakthrough in 3 months as said…
This could be interesting indeed.
I got PS+ for a year yesterday, so Vita will probably be fully piratable in a week.
You're correct, 3.50 is where the extra RAM was made available. Muramasa for example becomes an unstable mess on 3.50+ unless you install update 1.06. Since the physical version stores updates in the cart (as Sony actually designed them for, fucking devs why don't you do this with your games too?) trying to run Muramasa in a 3.36 console or lower would ask you to update (updates can have increased FW requirements, which I guess is what happened to Terraria)
HENkaku just got announced. I'm not sure about how far we'll get with this, but it does state to have FTP support for the memcards… Does this mean I no longer need to use CMA? That would be kickass.
Beat Ray Gigant, game is good but only like 5 people played it so I will definitely be in a thread 5 years from now complaining no one bought it when people complain they don't get RPGs with new original mechanics.
Now playing Atelier Totori Plus, it is fun.
Tokyo Xanadu
Aegis of Earth, if I had any money, so it will have to wait.
Go back to playing your feminist western moviegames, reddit.
I don't think you want that, man.
Confirmed that this FTP access basically makes Failmail exploit obsolete.
This means:
How was this done before?
What was bad about Aegis of Earth? It wasn't bad for a budget title, just make sure you pay budget prices.
Enemy AI is awful, which results in a painfully easy game; there's far too much dialogue between gameplay sequences; city management just gets repetitive, and the gameplay doesn't help. It's also 40 bucks new for a title that should be half of that, if not less.
It's a pretty big disappointment, considering the premise looked really cool.
Yeah, good luck with that on the Vita version. You can pick up the PS3 version for around 10-15 bucks, though.
Oh, apparently the game dropped to 30 bucks new. Still pretty pricey for what you get.
I got it on Vita for $20 and felt that was cheap enough for what I got. Guess I got lucky.
Looks like a pretty good deal to me. I really wonder if people fall for this
I love the game, but hell naw.
The PSN login info in a memcard is held in a DB file contained in it. id.dat IIRC.
Tutorial that mentions how to use id.dat with failmail.
You can change who 'owns' a memcard this way. Pretty sure that digital games won't work cross-accounts however, since the license check would fail.
Granted, the Vita's flash system could have another file that links the memcard and account, so it might not be possible to fully switch unless we can write to said filesystem.
You'd be surprised at what you can find people posting shit for on ebay or Amazon at times (I saw a used copy of Yakuza listed for $1000 back when I was looking for a copy). Makes me wonder if they're trying to launder money, actually hope some fucker is dumb enough to take the bait, or perhaps just showing off.
It Begins.
about fucking time
soon i can play all the weeb games i missed FOR FREE
NISA on suicide watch
Kind of funny how people respond to this, expecting piracy. No one has made a backup loader, folks. Given the low number of people that actually understand how the Vita works, it probably won't even happen, especially not in a forseeable future.
Well you still bought a Vita
Odinsphere remake. Its just as good as i remember it.
Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment and Digimon CyberSleuth physical copies that are not an arm and a leg to buy
Having a lot of fun, glad i found these threads, bought a ton of vita games off user recommendations. Between my Vita and 3DS I have an endless amount of games to play along with my PC.
By the way whats the consensus on Grand Kingdom
I know but ive read good things about it
August 2 is the release date.
"Play the demo"
So is this just so we can play doom or can we actually pirate games now
If so I'm going to hunt down a 16 gigabyte card and let loose
You would have your answer if you simply read the post.
I played the demo im looking for something more substantial does it get any better or is it just the same thing over and over again
It's basically that with more missions and classes.
I didn't see anything explicit until I read the gbatemp link
this makes sense
at least I get it tomorrow, I guess
Maybe they somehow messed up updating the tracking until now?
From the official site.
They need more than 1 package to use the Teleport pods
> still have 4GB free on my 32GB but really more like 30GB.
I'll never fucking update this. I made that mistake with my 3DS before, I won't make it again here.
Step it up, nigger.
When the Vita is fully hacked, Yifanlu's tears will be even sweeter.
I don't care about piracy, though. I just want homebrews for now, while the console is still alive.
You can downgrade and install CFW on the last firmware, fag.
As long as I can play undubs of games I own and use DLC for imported games I'm fine.
O-oh my. This is wonderful news to wake up to. I'm not updating just yet. I'll wait to see how far this goes first.
Hopefully, yifanlu worked on the enabler for long enough that Sony won't patch it out in a week or something. Maybe he should've sat on it longer before going public, at most sharing it with the amateur devs he trusts. Then again, this might just be the thing to revitalize the rest of the hacking scene.
I just assumed there was something in the game installation that would cause it to detect whether or not it was a 3.50 device or not. That game patches causing the issues didn't occur, but that makes sense. I might have to look into getting a PSTV, and then to just be careful not to improperly patch my games.
Yeah, that's how the editor's justifying it for the Vita's table. Rather than reversing the erasures for any of the pages, he's invoking the wiki hivemind to just keep deleting.
Is there a specific reason for this?
Maybe I'm biased, but NicheGamer is shit that literally only gets love because they went full GG pandering early on. The actual site has shoddy coverage, especially nowadays when they either miss or are late for big news like MeiQ being banned in Australia or Gal*Gun being pulled.
I don't understand why people still give a damn about them.
Eh, that's fair.
I think the only reason people still give a damn is because we don't know where else to look for our news. The default assumption to gaming news sites here on Holla Forums these days is simply to avoid them so as not give views. I'm speaking for myself, but I'm sure a lot posters are automatically distrustful of new sites in general after what happened with GG.
*news sites in general
It works perfectly after the first few fuckups installing. Tried realboyVITA and it sucks ass, but that's probably because its a proof-of-concept. Gonna go try Genplus & SMS Plus.
Installed fine for me but not sure what to do with it since I can emulate all of it on pc already.
worked on first time
tried to play with gamefiles and removed other languages from a game so save memory card space 4gb ;_;
so holy fuck it worked so prepare for mods
by the way dont play with the gamefiles when you dont want to lose your savestate from it. my savestate got displayed as damaged after it and got overwritten
Do they expect a good goy award because they said this or something? I really don't get the purpose
Translations, nigga.
We'll finally have some of those never evers if people are willing to work on them. I know that Ciel Nosurge at least has an English translation up on youtube, so now there's a way to finally play the game without learning nip.
Yeah, I'll never understand yifanlu for that. It's like he doesn't even see emulation as a form of piracy despite how vocal he is against piracy.
Probably so they don't get a million "I CAN PIRATE GAMES NOW!?!?" questions.
What mods you guys install? I'm grabbing MOTHERFUCKING DOOM for sure, what emus work well? GBA's shit for now as confirmed.
I need the SNES and NES emulators ported. Genesis is nice, but I'm in the middle of some games.
Not just translations, but undubs too!
You mean Snes9xVITA? Already there. No word on NES though.
So I tried Genplus and it wouldn't any rom I throw at it, and all the .md files werent detected. SMSplus ran perfectly but audio is pretty poopy at the moment. Snes9xGXVITA ran slowly unless frameskip was on.
I hope things get better emulation wise.
Guess I'll stick to VHBL for now.
As a poorfag I was holding on to some credit to see what august's free PS+ game would be
better blow this 20 dollar before they patch Henkaku and won't allow me to access the store
I got 4.1 on Steam because I want to play online and support the devs. Also are you implying that Sony is any better than Steam? Compare me supporting any part of Valve with anyone supporting any part of Sony, and then see all the things Sony does wrong compared to all the things Valve does wrong. If you still think Valve is a bigger bogeyman than Sony then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should go watch their new ghostbusters movie a few times to give Sony some more cash bruh.
Heard Ray Gigant was a little bit too easy and short so I was not the least bit interested. What is unique about it?
Weird, the shitposters came in early this time. Just hide the shitpost ID's and move on, don't get caught by that. Vita-tan is chill, be like her.
I haven't given Ciel a watch yet, but did the guy that did the video set effectively translate everything in the game, or just the actual character/story scripts as they occur? Either way, I suppose if he were to let someone use his script for a patch, it could cut down on time needed a lot.
Heya vitagen, quick opinion polling
Should I shell out and go for Bullet Girls 2 or keep it low cost and go for the first Bullet Girls?
Ecchi shit ain't really my thing, but I fucking love dumb action shit with guns and cute girls. So does anyone know which is better for the price?
The first one is shit, the second one is less shit. If you just want cute girls, then it doesn't matter. Get the cheap one.
installing it now, what homebrew is there?? there a psp game player yet??
The SNES emulator runs well (turn on the frame limiter otherwise it's way too fast) but the sound can be shit. DOOM has no sound but runs perfectly. mGBA is shit so far, don't bother.
It's really easy to use HENkaku and just move over files with FileZilla, I'm really surprised this happened. Now we just wait and see what competent people will do with this.
How are you supposed to install the mGBA emulator on the vita? the package on the website mgba.io
That information is on the website.
alright, can't see anything about psp so will assume its not available yet.
Also I'm getting an error message when i try to get on the website (C2-12828-1). Gonna try turning it off and on again see if that does anything.
While the homebrew is finally nice to have, I always feel sort of iffy about it. Emulation holds no interest since I collect physical copies of games anyway and would just play those. Homebrew on 3DS was great for region unlocking, but vita is already import friendly.
I guess I'll really just wait for full piracy and fan translations of games. I would love to be able to play criminal girls uncensored.
That's an SJW tactic, why do you hate video games? Also at least people call out Sony's shit. I know what to tell you: Fuck off Gabe.
Check the Henkaku website and don't install mGBA, it's shit.
Anyone who loved Japan of video games would be disgusted by animu. Animu is not Anime. Anime is the highest standard they can reach, animu tries to take credit for things and victimise the watcher.
The Japanese weren't stupid people, neither were Americans or anyone else. This shit is not ok. Those doing it are forfeit, the punishment to that is inherent in the doing. They make life fake for them.
Should be filtered out for people's sake. Especially kids. Same with most shit, X idol etc. good stuff doesn't suggest it's fake because it isn't, it is being something.
Suppose scum are more accepted the more shit is out there. Just more victims. Should kill you all.
Try being something. Have a fucking self.
Do you guys think with the new homebrew it will eventually be possible to present a physical game as a copy from a different region to the vita so that you can use DLC from your region with an imported copy? Practically killing the last bit of region locking without full blown piracy?
Not anytime soon, if at all.
You may as well just learn the language.
Dragon's Crown and Demon Gaze, the only two games I have right now
A better dungeon crawler. Demon Gaze feels pretty easy. That said I'm still early in but even old DCs and Etrian felt challenging pretty early on. Also would love PSO2 coming to America but pipedreamlol and maybe a site to find some decent wallpapers I don't have to pay for
Payday today so I'm planning on sifting through PS1 classics and finding a good couple of RPGs to catch up on since I missed out on those growing up. Shame Ape Escape isn't on there.
Implying I'm not already teaching myself.
But yeah, once I do actually learn it I really won't have a use for hacking my vita either. As much as I love to play games for free, I much prefer collecting physical copies.
Probably because that game doesn't work without dual analog sticks.
I wasn't, but good for you. My point was more so that expecting fan translations for unpopular games is moot. Even on the 3DS fan translations aren't very common. Fire Emblem IF is really one of the only efforts to translate an entire game. Something like Criminal Girls being translated is highly unlikely. Doesn't help that the homebrew scene for the Vita is much, much smaller.
Right, my point exactly. I would have only really wanted vita homebrew for niche fan translations, but I know it wouldnt happen anyway. So I am just learning japanese myself as best I can and will then just import what I am looking for.
Where do you think we are?
I'm pretty sure PS1 classics don't have dual analog built in natively on the handhelds. The PS3 gives you the option of using analog controls, but for the Vita you only use the other stick for button mapping. Unless Sony wants to provide an update and rework how PS1 classics play on the Vita, it won't work normally.
Has anyone played Uppers? Wondering how viable it would be with minimal (read:no) knowledge of Japanese.
Okay, I'll apologize for that. I actually wasn't aware that was the case. That's pretty retarded in all honesty, why would they design it like that? Literally the only consoles that can play PS1 classics have dual analogs
The PSP does not have dual analogs. The Vita, despite having two analog sticks, is lacking shoulder buttons. Allowing dual analog games on either would just result in non-functional controls. It's altogether easier to just not include such games on PSN. I suggested the possibility of an update changing things, but unless everyone wants to buy those shoulder button peripherals for their PS1 games, it wouldn't be a wise decision.
It's a beat 'em up. Unless you care about the plot, you should be fine. You might have to look up some text to figure out a particular condition you need to meet, but the rest is pretty simple. Go here, beat up enemies, use these button prompts, fight boss, etc.
Speaking of PS1 classics…
I just remembered I have Harvest Moon on here. Bought it for a buck back during a flash sale. Never played the series before, but I decided to start it up just now.
This game is comfy as fuck. Just in the first ten minutes:
Fuck, man. All that impact in less than ten minutes. I hope I like this game. I usually don't like doing mundane things in games, but it's kind of got me in the mood for it.
More PS1 flash sales when? Kind of want to pick up some more games.
PS1 games seem to get mixed into general ones every so often. Not sure if they've outright done PS1/PS2 Classics specific flash sales before. Also strikes me that Sony owned IPs are the ones more apt to get into general flash sales (while not exactly common in them, I've seen Wild Arms 1 and 2 get into them infrequently, for instance), whereas ones owned by companies like Square or Atlus might be more prone to getting into company-specific temporary markdowns.
Do you guys think with this CFW, we could see uncensored Criminal Girls 1 & 2? ie, the Jap versions with English patches?
I would install it, but I got work in a few hours and I have no idea how to install it yet, so I'm just gonna do it in a few days.
Go for the first one, may as well, since it's cheaper. I had fun with it, it's not a hard game at all though. But running around as a cute girl in printed panties and shooting down helicopters and other cute girls with a big-ass rocket launcher is too fun. I haven't played the second one yet, waiting for the price to go down.
Well damn, I was looking forward to the GBA one. Hopefully that shit will get fixed. At least the SNES one works fine.
Welcome to Harvest Moon friendo. I haven't played Back to Nature myself, if you have a PS2 give A Wonderful Life a try, that's my personal favorite. HM has a nice number of games on DS and 3DS, the 3DS ones are fairly weak, and Harvest Moon DS is pretty buggy. There's Hero of Leaf Valley for PSP, which is basically a super-enhanced version of Save the Homeland on PS2, and HoLV is infinitely better than StH. Friends of Mineral Town on the GBA was pretty damned good, one of the best Harvest Moon games there is. And if you're looking to get into the more modern entries later on, avoid Grand Bazaar. A New Beginning was "okay", as was Tale of Two Towns. I don't know if you knew, but Natsume stopped publishing Bokujo Monogatari (the real Harvest Moon games) in favor of making their own farming games called by the same name Harvest Moon. XSEED picked up Bokujo Monogatari now, and the games are called Story of Seasons. The new "Harvest Moon" games by Natsume suck major dick, and should be avoided completely.
didnt they make the rear pad the l2 and r2 buttons?
Literally takes about a minute to install. It's done through the browser.
Thanks. I definitely don't have time for all those, though, so I'll see how Back to Nature turns out.
That's an option, but would you really want that to be standard?
Wait, what? So when CMA copies to the PC, the gamedata gets packed in a .img file, but in the card the files are out in the open?
And since we can write to them, this means UNDUBS. Oh god please, yes!
3DS games installed to SD cards are all packed up in a couple files so I thought it was similar on the Vita
Today is a good day.
Seriously? For what reason? That people could steal 1's and 0's?
Maybe after Cobra Blackfin is reverse engineered.
Wait, are they seriously? This is the single most interesting thing to happen to the Vita since I even bought mine. It sits there collecting dust waiting for exactly this.
Well, it's not like /vg/ wasn't a cancer containment board from day one.
Isn't Vita basically dead anyway?
This is the equivalent of PSP getting piracy way late into it's lifetime, by the point where everyone didn't give a shit anymore.
Sony is basically making all the important sequels on PS4, in japan everyone has a 3DS and even that is dying, eaten up by smartphones.
Not trying to shitpost, i know full well how scummy 3DS owners were towards Vita generals in the past, but i'm just stating the simple truth here, this shit is dead and buried, who gives a fuck if it's craked now?
Is the Genesis emulator any good?
oh okay sweet, that was fast. I like this kind of shit, piss-easy to do.
Hahaha seriously? That's hilarious.
Only in the west, sort of. It's still getting regular releases, so it's not dead yet.
so how do I get the roms to the vita now? Do I need to make a folder for them in the ux0? or do I just have to put them on there somewhere and I find them when I open whichever emulator?
> tfw my proxy keeps jumping because they disconnect a server for a few minutes, automatically reconnecting me to another, then reconnect the previous server
Each emulator should have its own directory after you install them. You would just transfer the files into their respective directories. If there isn't one, then I guess you could just make one.
ah okay, thanks!
I brought fresh salt, enjoy!
have some more
absolutely delicious salt
to be honest family, one of those posts makes a valid point
Same people making fun of Vita NOGAEMS, is going to be all over the Vita as it wasn't a good handheld before this.
People who want continued releases, considering it's not dead yet. Cue the "why don't you just learn Japanese" brigade.
I'd rather not have Vita threads end up like 3DS threads, either. Those are a complete mess.
tell me more
i want my ps vita brick to be useful beyond shitran kagura
PSP was getting games well after it was cracked, though they were mostly japanese because the west bailed as fast as they could
There are plenty of games that, as things stand, simply don't count. The amount of DLC and online passes that exist on the Vita makes its library of games worth caring about incredibly small. (I myself only own two games for the thing, and one of those came with it since I bought it used)
Opening this up to piracy means that the library does expand quite a bit.
But it's still not very good.
I wonder if that's something we can do ourselves? I mean change the pictures on the Vita bubbles…
That might be but cuckchan salt is cuckchan salt and I will enjoy it and the homebrew regardless. I worry about potential consequences when and if it comes to that.
Hope it's easy to translate and patch in the future. Heard localization is a tough job.
Yeah, simply FTP new icons in the sce_sys folder for a given bubble. There you can access the icon, the livearea rectangle image and other resources.
But you see all those small localization studios are going to be ditching the Vita if the already tiny sales numbers drop.
So you will have to actually learn nip for new games, as they won't take the risk anymore.
(However if this means I can get Trails and other games undubs,by all means proceed)
anyone else got velfs to compile and run on the vita with HENkaku?
i got the velfs made into eboot.bin files with the toolchain and generated a param.sfo. then once i packaged them up into a vpk (essentially a zip file), MShell did install them but the vita seems to not want to run it.
with GenplusVITA you need it to be smd, gen or bin and they need to be in zip files.
it's got some crackly sound, as does smsplusVITA but runs relatively well otherwise.
The Vita library at all is an acquired taste, I don't think the opportunity for piracy is really going to alter perceptions of that, merely make it less of a hassle to just try things you aren't sure if you might enjoy.
I've got nearly two dozen games for mine and theres no doubt I'd have another handful or so if I didn't have to pay through the nose constantly to import.
And you'll also have people who wouldn't normally buy a game try it out, enjoy it and spread the word to others which results in more sales. It goes both ways and trying to prove one has a greater impact than the other is a futile effort.
??? Online passes were predominantly on Sony titles within the first two years of releases. DLC, to a large extent is either optional (DoA 5+, Akiba's Trip, Ragnarok Odyssey, etc) or an actual expansion to the game that came later (Hot Shot Golf). Although if you have some examples of dubious DLC, I'd like to see it. Haven't come across it much myself.
To each his own, I guess.
Well, you need an actual team of people working in sync to translate and rework text/graphics, so yeah, it can be tough. A lot of projects get cut just because people are too busy and can't get the job done.
This is fair, but there were still a number of games way back then that I looked at and promptly dismissed because I don't support that shit at all.
If you make excuses for it, all DLC is acceptable anyway, so there's no point continuing this conversation.
I don't accept that bullshit in my games. I don't support it with my money.
You do.
To each his own, I guess.
Or more pirates. I'm fairly sure the people most enthusiastic about piracy on the Vita are the ones that claim that their Vitas are "collecting dust," which kind of seems oxymoronic.
And in saying they were on Sony titles, I mean to emphasize that that was not a high number of titles. Most were relatively early releases. The issue of online passes also did not apply to digital/new purchases. Thankfully, that practice stopped. Well, that might actually be due to Sony stopping completely.
That's not an excuse, it's a fact. They were either actual expansions or optional. I understand complaining about DLC if it's blatantly kept out of the release in order for you to purchase separately (see: Destiny), but optional bonuses I really don't see as problematic, especially if it's something like a hat. Of course, I do prefer unlockables to DLC.
There's also the case of DLC being released due to file size issues, but that's free in most cases that I've seen.
That's fine. You don't have to. I just found it weird that you claimed the games not worthwhile just because of the occurrence of DLC. We can agree to disagree.
Don't feel like making time for it right now, but it might be a thing later.
Fact: All DLC is optional.
It's okay, we all know you can't learn Japanese anyway.
Oh neat. I wonder what the needed resolution is for the icons though, gotta be pretty small either way.
I can live with that. At least there IS sound, unlike Doom.
Wait, since we have Doom, does this mean we could also see the possibility of modded Doom/Doom 2/Hexen/etc such as Pirate Doom or HDoom on here as well?
Yes, please.
holy shit this is so great. I think I'm gonna just buy a 16GB memory card for JUST homebrew stuff. I got plenty of roms to transfer, but only 4GB left on this card.
Thank you!
I would think 4GB is enough.
If this were JUST for roms and emulation, sure, but there's bound to be plenty more great homebrew stuff down the line, and I want plenty of space for that, whatever it may be.
Aren't homebrew programs typically smaller than the average game? Well, it's your choice. Do you have an 8GB card now?
The only one I've ever had is this 32GB card, it's lasted since I first got my vita a year ago. I don't have any other cards though, so I just went for that 16GB card. It was about $38, compared to the $27 8GB card.
Yeah, maybe so, but still, I like having plenty of wiggle room.
There's been homebrew for a while. It just doesn't require Rejuvenate anymore. Thank goodness for that.
what the fuck
I was wondering why my unzipped genesis roms weren't showing up. That explains it, it's retarded as fuck though. Why doesn't it just support the game file unzipped? So odd.
Why not both?
Right, but like I said theres that monetary barrier which dissuades people buying things on a whim. Take that out and you will get people playing (and enjoying) things they wouldnt have normally which leads to recommendations and sales.
The availability and effects of piracy are not so black and white else you'd have to explain how anything available on GoG (if not PC at all) turns a profit.
FUCK. OCD kicking intp overdrive. I can't stop looking at it. Help.
Now I can finally give できないちゃん my full attention
It can be both. It's just largely freeloaders.
To themselves or to publishers?
Done just that. Thanks Vitabro. Even the best rooms accumulate trash, gotta do our part to take it out.
So is Gal gun worth the cost? Not a big fan of gallery shooters but a big fan of waifus.
Then no.
You have other options.
My copy of Ys VIII is here! Didn't get the mini-OST though, unfortunately.
Did the collector's edition come with the dog?
but seriously, how is it? I want to check that series out but just never get around to it
Sounds like I'm in for disappointing gameplay but cute girls
Well I'll go for the cheap one, many thanks then
You should be walking your dog more and watching his diet. He is too fat. Do you want him to have joint pains, a bad back, and diabetes? A dog doesn't know that laying around and stuffing his face will cause him to hurt and have health problems, that is on you. Be good to your dog because who else loves you?
It's just the perspective, man. He's not actually fat.
Dude, that is a fat dag.
It's the perspective.
God look at how fat he is. Even the shitty res on you Verizon HTC One M8 can't hide the rolls of fat on him.
Why do you hate our dog so much?
what vidya are you playing, user?
How can I be expected to play when I have to sit here and know that some faggot is abusing his dog like this?
This may be h8chan but we still have standards.
The better question is why don't you hate dogs?
Because I am not a cuckime watching weebfag
Don't make this about East vs. West, the truth is the same regardless.
I regret posting my puppers.
you do know that Cobra were the bad guys right?
Bad guys hate dogs.
You have a fine and happy looking dog. Tell your dog I said that.
And so was Dio, your point?
I'm saying you're a faggot.
I seem to remember you posting him a while back.
Yeah a few months back, in a "post a picture of your favorite game and your pet" thread I think.
Says the guy defending keeping a parasite-infested creature that defecates uncontrollably and destroys expensive equipment in one's house but enough about children, dogs are just shit
I want to hug that doggo
Just as I said, a big faggot.
His name isn't G.I. Joe, it's Duke. Which is also a kick ass name for a dog.
Nice dog. What breed is it?
Let us know how Ys VIII is.
True, but ideally things shouldn't be being cut out from a main game release in order to make DLC out of it (part of why I'm fine with the Muramasa DLC as it was made long after the basic game release, though admittedly I got mine in a markdown). I know I miss it with Tales back when costumes were all just unlockables or rewards and not "pay $4 a piece for a single costume."
And then there's the occasional issue of where an original game release was left unfinished or otherwise has a poor ending, with a new ending/epilogue being DLC.
Total mutt. Like, we have no idea what's in him.
Ys VIII is great so far. Feels like a good mix between the 7-style games and the Napishtim-style games.
Not much. Other then some old PS1 games,
Not sure.
Vita piracy when?
So I just installed VHBL via HENkaku and I was wondering what are the best emulators to get for it? I already have NesterJ btw.
You talking about putting PSP compatible versions of emulators on there, or does the Vita need ones specifically for it? Just curious.
VHBL runs (signed) PSP homebrew, so yeah, I'm talking about the PSP compatible ones.
Literally Not for 2 years.
Isn't there already a page for PSP emulators? Just download the latest version of what's available.
Found that in 3 seconds.
Well, looking at my PSP, I've got Picodrive 1.51b for Genesis and SegaCD games, Snes9xTYLmecm 0.4.2 (Mod Rev.26) for SNES/SFC, and Temp GBA for GBA games on mine, though admittedly I'm not sure if there's better ones at this point. Haven't exactly updated the homebrew on my PSP in a good while.
Ok cheers anons, now I have a use for my vita.
Goddamn. It has been a while, huh?
Most likely (think I got my PSP maybe two or three years ago now). If there's better emulators for use on the PSP at this point, feel free to tell me.
gPSP has been the go-to emulator for a long time.
I see, I guess I'll look into that then. Thanks.
So can I emulate PSP games with Henkaku? Or would I still have to do that shit with Rejuvenate?
Have fun!
Nice taste there friend-o
i'm pretty tired of posting Leafa all the time actually. It's a good thing the other SAO girls are cute though.
Hi there. Again
Heyo again
What PS1 games you playing?
Just some SRPGs. Like Front mission 3 or Vanguard Bandits.
PSP games require a separate exploit, which is only available for 3.50 or lower.
How is Vanguard Bandits anyhow? Translation work okay, considering how things were still prone to be a bit hit or miss back then?
It's alright.
The biggest reason I wanted to play it was because I was trying to look for any and all Mecha SRPGs. Translation stuff is what you would expected from WD(So Jokes ect ect) the game itself is a pretty average SRPG so far.
damn, that's disappointing.
oh neat. I've never played either of those before. Front Mission is a mech series, isn't it? I'd never even heard of Vanguard Bandits before though.
I can understand that. I didn't know about it until a few years ago.
Well, it's not PS1, but I recall hearing that a SFC one named Galaxy Robo got fan translated a while back by Dynamic-Designs. Not sure how it is, but might be worth patching a rom of.
Front Mission is a Square developed mecha themed tactical RPG series, with main series entries on the SFC, PS1, PS2, and DS (as far as a remake of the SFC original goes). FM1, 2, and 5 have all been fan translated, as has a spin off called GunHazard. Not sure why Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness hasn't seen an effort though.
Hm. Thanks user. I will.
Oop, just found one in wololo, time to hack this PoS
They're not even refused classification. EB Games are just being retarded. Niche and weeb vendors will probably still sell it.
Anyone here ever play Breach & Clear?
If it's ever on sale for a price you consider cheap, pick up MOTHERFUCKING CYBERSLED as soon as you can. Very light game but goddamn is it fun.
The 2P mode sucks if you're not playing the original arcade version, so I've heard. So don't worry about that.
Will keep in mind user.
But Estival Versus does have drug use.
You can't do that with either. Where did you get that idea?
Which is better? Digital or physical?
That's a matter of opinion. Both have their benefits and drawbacks.
Such as?
How about you use your head for a second?
Availability, card space, possible future downward compatibility (like psp games), possible future store shutdowns/restrictions, breakage/loss of cartridges, account ban, government restrictions, waiting time, price (sales).
All these factors favor one or the other and affect you differently in one or another region and there are probably some more.
I was thinking the same thing. It's really not that hard to piece together. Digital is convenient, physical is cheaper with more security as to the shit that you have access to. You might luck out with a digital sale, but I wouldn't count on it.
I thought Rejuvenate was the PSP exploit.
I'd say physical, since you don't take up nearly as much memory card space. I've gone the all-physical method for collecting my Vita games, and my 32GB card has lasted me almost a whole year, still has about 4GB free.
And that's actually with a few digital titles on there like Senran Kagura Bon Appetit, Atelier Ayesha+, Resogun, Risk of Rain, and one or two others.
The PSP exploits are VHBL, ARK, and TN-V. The latter two allow you to play PSP isos. There is no emulation involved. They are also not available for use with Henkaku. They require more privileges than Henkaku allows at the moment. A kernel exploit would probably be able to fix that.
Ah okay, so the Vita is able to run PSP isos natively? If so, I'd love to be able to bring some of the isos on my PC to my Vita, like MHP3rd and Parodius Portable and Fate/Extra CCC, if it ever gets a fan-translation released. I'm hopeful though, iwakura.p posted an update on May 28th this year saying they had made progress to some degree, but still no definitely release window; though I'd imagine those exploits require me to be under 3.60, correct?
And a Kernal exploit is what we'd need for piracy as well, yes? Like what Smegmum did, or rather, opened the way for because he's an anti-piracy fag
I'm looking forward to what will be done with Henkaku though, I mean the 3DS started out sort of like this too, you know? Only having the Homebrew Launcher, not getting piracy and such until a while later. It's only a matter of time now
If you have access to the exploit (or just bought the available game), yes.
I believe the highest advisable firmware is 3.30.
With fewer layers of more easily understood security, yes. It's only a matter of time, but it'll be a long while, if at all.
Oh, and there's pretty much no better time to get a PSTV now. You can get pretty much universal Vita game support now.
Well there goes that then.
Why am I not surprised that 3DS wasn't very secure?
Yeah, it's about $40 on Amazon now.
I just don't really see myself using it though.
Did someone at sony go on a warpath and tell all the devs to implement alt controls for things that would use the touch screen?
Last homebrew comment.
People want a PS2 emulator and shit, but I just want that DS. That would be excellent, and I think it might be doable. PS1 support with HENkaku would be great, too. All those on one device would be insane.
Can't you use dual shock 4 for that?
I just remember there were some Vita games that arbitrarily said "does not support Vita TV" and assumed it might be because of touch stuff.
Maybe, but the whitelist bypasses that. Whether or not it works properly, I don't really know. It's worth a shot, I guess.
Just how different are the two in the context of video games?
new thread here lads