I've played it since before ground forces was introduced.
They had a lot of big promises, and the consumers had a lot of misplaced trust in the developers.
The engine is excellent, giving decent frame-rates and great visuals across the board. It handles land combat and air combat decently with a good damage model for both types. Component-driven damage modeling is always superior to just simple healthbars, especially for a game that seeks to be "realistic".
The variety of vehicles is excellent, ranging from big heavy 'Murican planes to nimble and agile Japanese paper machete planes to Stalinwood composite Soviet planes. From stupid fast 'Murican paper tanks to retarded armored retarded armed Soviet death machines. In fact, the devs got so ahead of themselves with the Soviet tank tree, they had to introduce ATGMs to solve the balance problems they created.
And that's the thing with this game. The problem, is not necessarily the game itself, but the terrible direction the game is headed. The devs have now gone too far with premium tanks and direct-fire MLRS vehicles that there's no way they'd be able to remove them without a terrible amount of heart ache, nor is there a way to balance them because the maps themselves and the gamemodes lack any sufficient depth. The big hope for a while was to bring the "Enduring Confrontation" gamemode from Airbattles over into Ground battles, turning the game into a proper long-distance drawn out battle rather than the flash in the pan battles they've had since the games inception, in a docile attempt to mimic the other free-to-play tank game. It's clear to anyone that's been following this game that new game modes are not a priority, nor is adjusting the current style of battle.
There's still alot of fun to be had with this title, but if you're looking for a game that has any longevity, or has devs that actually want to listen and learn from their community, you should keep looking. The devs don't give a single flying fuck what the community wants, nor do they have any transparency with them. Any form of criticism is taken as hostile, and any form of suggestion is largely ignored. Right now the devs are not concerned with saving this dying game, they're most likely trying to squeeze what ever is left out of it for every penny they can possibly get, and to hell with gameplay standards.
Thus we have Warthunder, the game of pseudo-realistic, stupid-fragile planes and stupid-durable tanks. A game with great potential ruined by some of the most pig-headed, illogical, historically inaccurate, myopic developers a game could possibly get.