Can we just lay (((common core))) to rest once and for all? Let's look at a basic subtraction problem

Can we just lay (((common core))) to rest once and for all? Let's look at a basic subtraction problem.


Under normal people mathematics, the answer is clearly 169. Under (((common core))) mathematics, the answer is 159. Under base 8 (((common core))) mathematics, the answer is 147.

I guess the important thing is to think you understand what you're doing, as opposed to actually learning anything or getting the right answer.

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The answer is 159.
Now fuck off, Holla Forums isn't here to do your second grade homework

Fuck, meant to say 173.

wat do

It also can never be base 8 if there's an 8 there.
lrn 2 octal

"Easy", you just convert the equation to base eight first.

So-called Common Core us a deliberate poison. This isn't just some half-assed way to "make money".
It took time, energy, and a ton of money to produce it, much more energy and money than would be devoted if it wasn't intentionally designed this way.
There is only 3 ways people can think:
Logos - logically
Pathos - emotionally
Ethos - ethically
Teaching kids math in that way fucks up their ability to do math, it makes it too hard to understand. Why is that important? Well aside from everyday uses (sure a calculator can solve most problems anyway) mathematics is derived in entirety from LOGIC. You cannot use logic unless you know some math and vice versa.
It's the same with them trying to teach kids how to use emotions to 'win' arguments instead of actual, factual, evidence. Instead of teaching them to think and use logos (logic) they're forcing them to use and think pathos (emotion). This means they'll be more susceptible to emotional than logical thought and arguments.
The Soc-Jus bullshit filler is their way of instilling their own dogmatic ethics into the populace, also known as the social justice ethos.
Now, simply killing logic is bad enough, truth is logic, logic is knowledge, knowledge is power, nescience is slavery and ignorance is voluntary slavery. Without logic you cannot be free, you are at the whim of others.
But, we see them not only killing logic, they're trying to instill their emotional thought processes as well, thus hammering the nail in deeper. If you are taught to believe compelling arguments are based on emotions, it is much easier to sell the victim narrative.
"Those evil racist whites and their horrible logic and facts are trying to enslave the poor, defenseless blacks."
It's a funny parody, but as we've seen this shit can become all too true all too soon.
We all know you can't argue with a SJW, we all know the frustration of trying to:
It's because they lack logos they cannot see it, it doesn't register in their brains.
Now, I know I've explained this backwards so it might be confusing; anyway, the left has always had pathos (emotion) on their side. It is easy to stick your head in the sand and pretend if we all held hands and said kumbaya life would be perfect, but it isn't true. Facts, logic (logos) get in the way of that. Then Karl Marx came along and dreamed up a set of ethical standards that if we all just lived by we could hold hands and sing kumbaya and life would be perfect. This twisted ideology had some logic behind it (you cannot have ethos without logos), but the logic was faulty.
You see, logos is our only tool left. With the leftists' Marxist ethos instilled in the brains of themselves, we cannot use pathos to argue because we are ALWAYS the evil ones, in all circumstances, all the time. We have "power", "privilege", et cetera, as per the commie doctrine, so no matter how hard we try to bring the leftist to the truth using their tactics (every. single. leftist. argument. is. pathos. all. the. time. every. time.), we're always wrong. Point out a white woman got raped by a black man, you're racist, it's her fault, and she deserved it because he is less privileged than her. Literally even leftist rape victims themselves will spout how they 'deserved' it for being white.
It pains me to say it, but it's not hypocrisy, because they're not wrong, if you're a kike Marxist.
So, for the most part we can't use pathos against the left. (Someone crafty I'm sure will find a way though, I hopeā€¦).
We also cannot use ethos (ethics) because it has been ingrained in these people for years since birth. The 70s really did a number on us.
So, 2/3 of thought processes have been stolen by kike ideology.
We have one tool, and it's the most important tool with which none others can exist, Logic.
It doesn't surprise me at all the kikes are trying to do away with it, logic is the only thing that can absolutely destroy their communist ideology and hence their power. Unfortunately for them logic is here to stay.
If you study Marx, you'll find his writings and 'logic' are identical to common core mathematics, long, drawn out, frivolous bullshit that SOUNDS good, but in reality is a complete heap of utter shit.
Instill logos into your progeny, and you ensure they won't fall victim to the kike and his tricks.

Take your shitty bait back to cuckchan. Also reported.

well said

We wouldn't want anyone committing wrongthink, would we?

show your work OP


Normal, common core or base eight?

normal math as far as I know heh.
2-3=? so borrow from tens place, 12-3=9
3-8=? so borrow from hundreds place, 13-8=5

answer: 159

Am I a retard lads?

Normal math

The answer is 1488.

Now gas yourself, Jew.


possible slide thread meant to frame us as tards who can't do math. that or OP really can't do math

Stupid people math.

Step 1) Understand the problem.
Step 2) Reduce.
Step 3) Calculate.
You failed step 1, user.
You know what? So many fucking typos, I'm just going to post my sauce.

Again, sorry for the typos.

It's minus 183, not minus 173. Nice try, Schlomo.

"My cock is yuuuge like my bank account."

"You're hot."

"Are you 18?"
