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no, it ends. This is a sign white people already lost. It would have been a win a couple months ago when white people were energized and they'd feel remoralized about this information. Now it's just an excuse for later cracking down on white belligerents and keeping boomers in a stupor.
In other words, the alt-right is going to be claimed to be in power now and antifags will say they're counterculture again
Get gassed blackpill.
protect our trash bins
jewish mental gymnastics gone exponential
It's just the newest form of If you kill your enemies they win
They'll be claiming victory right until their last breath in the gas chambers lel
The desperation must be off the charts. I'm mostly surprised we're seeing this three weeks after the fact though.
You're right. I said "lost" which means I made it a black pill. It's not that I don't want it to be a win. It would have been huge months ago. I can't imagine that things would go so well.
This means they have at least most of their sources of funding ready for arrests. They didn't do this earlier because they didn't want the roaches scattering.
little late, but better than never
but there are many white cucks, right?
Wow. Anyway this is a huge victory.. Everyone start goading Texas:
Repeat for Kentucky and Alabama. After they do it a ton of other states should join in.
antifa is mostly
Probably because a massive base of operations is in NJ or something. Think of this less as a law going into effect and more of them priming a trap.
What does this heart mean, I wonder?
What are the direct consequences of this? Is law enforcement now allowed to act against Antifa centers / members / fundings in any way?
most likely but still, we need to goad Texas et al. And maybe we can goad commiefagnia to label them freedom fighters. Its time we took another step towards civil war.
Them being labeled a terrorist organization means that law enforcement HAS to go after them and they are all about to be v&.
What legal rights are afforded to terrorists on US soil? Does this mean burgers can shoot to kill next time they have a confirmed black bloc approaching? Please help a non burger understand more fully the ramifications of this.
Wait, did Jersey even have a antitrash rally? Great news, either way, this should get things rolling elsewhere.
Kek. They even spelled doxing correctly.
How many people even turn up to your rallies now though? I think he might have a point about white people not being motivated. If you can really call the people that turned up to those events white
Ok but who is going to act and drives the vans? FBI probably out of the loop because it's not a DHS decision on a federal level? NJ public prosecution offices / local police DPs?
Hey antifa-cuck, post yfw even your kike media betrays you:
Most of the places these idiots turn up, there aren't even any "FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISTS" there. Mostly just a bunch of boomers going on about "muh freedums" and "muh constitution".
And what even is "Far-Right" anymore? Are AnCaps Far-Right despite being ultra liberal? Are NatSocs Far-Right despite being "Left" on most if not all economic issues? I fucking hate that buzzword. It's a made up term invented by mainstream media pundits and only used by people who are stupid enough to listen to them.
This news just made my day.
The point of the classifications is to pigeon hole the group and typically to dismiss them out of hand more easily. It's why we anons here shy away from labels, we've been on the receiving end of that before with anal moose.
It's means your browser didn't load the page properly
If you have no home, no place to defend, you've already lost.
If you celebrate victory before you've even entered the battlefield, you're a fool.
Where is the white man's home? It can only exist in the future, at this impasse. The impasse of the government now preventing the war that could have energized a lot of whites. It's not like antifa won't just go join a different party for a different name. Their label doesn't mean anything when their purpose is solely destruction. They have allies in media which can culturally create them a new identity, a whole new person and slightly altered purpose, with all the fanfare of legitimacy, and the government will not be able to keep up.
If this happened months ago, people saying "you're just another antifa" would have some weight behind it. But the culture was not created where antifa was an obviously bad thing. The parasite was not expunged quickly enough and the kikes will reorganize differently.
I guess you gotta take the bad with the good sometimes.
Stop, user. While it was probably tactless for him to go there, he had the privilege of such because the governor home is on the beachfront. Also, there are sections of beach that are open from my understanding.
That ability to pigeonhole antifa is why I posted what I did. See them pigeonholing the right and white people collectively as extremist, in the same write-up.
That's it, we won the first big battle against them
That's right, by the end of the year Trump should have the wall built and already finished exterminating every kike on the planet.
The boomers and other assorted mystery meat right "won", because their rallies was always them banging their head against a concrete wall. Notice that they are still called "extremisr" for being simple libertarian constitutionalists, and "racist white supremacist" for being against identity politics.
(fucking checked)
I understand, but tbh, it's a fairly thin branch to stand on. From my interactions with commies, they love to own such labels, probably because they're already in a favorable light to the msm and such. We need to make them afraid to be labeled.
In the 90s, the "militia" groups were hunted and demonized. Look at Ruby Ridge, a complete frame up, and Waco as well. I have wet dreams thinking about Sessions pursuing commies with as much vigor.
This. T_D and cuckchan faggots on this board obviously are too retarded to figure out that when the Dems get back into the white house again they'll use the legal infrastructure of this administration to go after us.
He was in Island Beach State Park. It's state property that you have to pay for admission to.
NJ beaches are already paid entry during daylight hours, but IBSP is (as the name would imply) a state park and preserved beachfront. It was closed to the public.
Bridgegate was high comedy, but outside of that the fat fuck's entire second term has been a shitshow.
Based nogs also won, maybe Cucker Carlson will have a roundtable on his show tonight with some based nogs discussing this great victory.
Then what's this stuff about the governor mansion?
Fucking hysterical shit. I think he knows how to game the system without actually breaking rules.
Nice work Jersey!
t. Justin Trudeau
Unlawful group's to the point of terrorism have hardly ever been a counter culture in stable first world nation's.
Drumpthwacket is in Princeton, a 90 minute drive from LBI and nowhere near the fucking beach (then again I'm pretty sure he doesn't even live there). He may have a private shorehouse like every other politician, but that doesn't explain how he was able to get into a state park during a government shutdown.
Getting nervous, jew?
Does it mean we can actually tip HS about the whereabouts of known antifaggots using their private info publicly available on dumblr and twatter?
NJ is a lot like Trudeau. He's both a cuck and a Chad at the same time. It's really fucking confusing living here as everyone is just corrupt and self-interested and uses ideology to get government bux
The only thing worth celebrating is that an enemy is eating an enemy. Otherwise, you're saying the one doing the eating is your friend when it labels you "extremist".
All data collection on them is now as important information to catch Isis!
Splendid. I used to know an Antifa at my school who came to class in full regalia and with a patchwork of symbols. Gotta find that number again…
any group that funds Antifa is funding terrorism
time to doxx every group company, individual that financially supports them and expose them to public pressure.
Why do people still type this, even though it's the Modern Day?
Oh boy. What does this entail for Uncle Soros?
Yes it will destroy the label, but they'll just pop up elsewhere under a different name. They have the hollyjew on their side, which means it will create a new "movement" at the drop of a shekel.
If nothing else, they'll say they are anti-racist or some buzzword like that so they can accuse the government of being pro-racism. But maybe they'll just do that with pro-fascist.
get on it lads, we know soros is actively supporting antifa both in words and in money, this is the time to increase the weight pressing down on his shoulders.
Literally nothing, he has openly funded terrorists and violent groups in a large swathe of countries with 0 repercussions.
Are they not gonna mention how many of the commies got their asses beat? Because the Battle of Sacramento was a great victory for us.
Read the .gov article. It makes sure to say racism is bad and all that bullshit throughout.
If there's one dialectical benefit, it's that now we have a government approved way of saying that there's always a third position in their dichotomy of "if you're against antifa you're a fascist" and it can be turned against them.
Non-clap here. How will this affect the US on a federal level? I assume NJ isn't exactly ground zero for Antifa sperg-outs, so how or when will this mean something for DANGER ZONES like SoCal?
Yeah, the article was retarded, and I don't think this actually counts as a legal definition.
Here is how you utilize, I've the dialectical benefit, and watch for how they'll quickly say this is racist to point out blah blah blah:
Say you're race realist but not racist. They say you're racist and they're anti-racist. You say it's a false dichotomy and ask if they're anti-fascist too (terrorist organization) and that if they're not, they must be fascist. Or something like that.
but again, this would have been extremely potent if the feds had come out and declared antifa a terrorist organization months ago. now it is not such a good idea and I don't recommend it. you'll just be scoffed at and the state authority of NJ minimized by them.
The fire rises.
Outnumbered 10-1 and the day was still ours
Fuck off and die, kike.
Why don't you fucking blow your heads out for us?
You Jews LOST, and will be wiped out.
Your posts are really, really obvious JIDF. I used to think you weren't even trying anymore, but maybe you're actually just this bad at subtlety. Getting nervous?
About time. This needs to go nationwide but something tells me the blue states will resist.
Sounds good. If this war is to be between the red states and the several blue states then you almost feel bad for them. Remove all commie leftie vermin and retake our coasts. San Diego will be white again
wtf I hate whites now
Amen brother
No. It's currently approaching maximized potency. As of now, all of the ANTIFA previous protests/counter-protests can be called terrorist attacks. Going forward we can now alert DHS of planned terrorist activities when our spies leak us ANTIFA's plans and subversion tactics.
I really look forward to all the future terrorist arrests on the liberal NJ college campuses when the next semester begins.
btfo pirate warrior kike
Yes. Win.
Now if only Illinois would do this before Friday's communist convention in chicago…
Holla Forums is always right. Fucking REKT YOU FAGGOTS
This is the fucking best timeline. >Shitposter in chief D&Cing chemical weapons with WWF and Antifa slitting their wrists with pot handles
Never wanted to brag or something, but left wing always had fails with their web dev stuff, its like they've learned "programming" just to stay trendy and shit, I mean, take a look at this, it's obviously not positioned or coded well.
I've let myself to not hide behind proxy or anything just to find the breaches, it was more fucking obvious before I even started scanning shit when I saw its being hosted on wordpress.
My point here is that if they are so serious about shitting on president Trump, they must not let things like this on their website. It looks like it was coded by shitting on the keyboard, even the theme itself sucks.
But I guess someone took atleast 1000$ to make it.
I will be posting breaches soon so we can take over the website
Holy fuck, have you seen the state of the speakers/performers? Just the ugliest people you can possibly imagine and a couple of (((nice, reasonable people)))
Enjoy commies, you're all going on the shitlist.
unfortunately, it means jackshit outside NJ. The only thing it will do is set a precedent for other states to follow. so of course only the somewhat-rational states will even consider doing it too. Cali wont even consider it.
so basically, if you arrest your enemies, they win?
Literally if you kill your enemies they win
GOD FUCKING DAMN IT NSA! You couldn't wait till TOMORROW to announce this shit!? It would have made for the best July 4th I have ever had!
What am I supposed to be looking at here? The cut off letters?
Nice work user. You sound like a smart motherfucker but if not, please remember to not alert Holla Forums publicly, until you have EVERYTHING you possibly can saved and backed up multiple anons prior.
I think I'll listen to the man whom literally wrote the book on warfare and consider the enemy of my enemy as my friend.
Exactly, and much more
I've already doxxed myself once, so why not again
It's a start, this should encourage other states to follow the same thing.
This post deserved dubs.
There was a thread recently about antifags literally training as literal terrorists in Ohio. May the *Russian sledge**hammer of justice come crashing down hard on these larping idiots and the (((puppetmasters))) that know how to push their buttons.
Please be this timeline
I have absolutely no idea. There has been no case of a US civilian shooting an unarmed member of a terrorist organization on US soil, which means 0 precedent. Really, it all depends on whether or not a kike judge presides over the court case and it's a pretty high chance that it'd be a kike.
Left-right is pretty much nonsensical terminology at this point. You can differentiate on other spectrums, like nationalism vs globalism or whatever, but arguing over what is "left" or "right" is just autism.
Antifa isn't even a threat here because they're just smart enough to realize they'd get shot in a heartbeat.
You are the reason the right is almost dead in the US. Too man fags like you that don't have the balls to take risks and move against our enemies. The same shit you say about our actions also theoretically applies to the actions of the Jews, and yet, the right NEVER uses their tools against them because we're so full of Christian sheep and muh-constitutionalists.
It also means that, if enough state follow suit, Trump can get away with labeling them terrorists nationally.
He could do that anyways. My guess is he wants state leaders to start stepping up and contributing to turning this country around.
If they're classified as terrorists and someone opens a case against him, then King George will likely go to prison.
He has the power, but not the political capitol to do so.
Ah so a temper tantrum on the floor wiith a black dildo up your ass marked black pill is the new mental gymnastics for you.
King George would only ever parachute to Israel, never to be seen again.
we're coming for you kikes >:)
What's the point of labeling antifa then fucking talking like them? Also seems like DHS tried justifying antifa by claiming there were "kkk" recruitment flyers, but doesn't actually show any.
There's something fucky with this.
NJ fag here. No they did not list Antifa as a terrorist organization. This is typical Alex Jones yellow 'journalism.' (The man used to get overarching geopolitical battles, but is either unable to grasp a particular point, or does not care to do so.)
Antifa is simply listed as an extremist group. In this exact same write up, the NJ Homeland Security office also calls Vanguard America a 'white supremacist' organization and makes significant reference to "Far-Right Extremists."
Antifa is not getting v&. In fact, NJ (despite a government shutdown) is all hands on deck over a sheet draped over a (((HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL))) monument, perhaps put their by some Vanguard guys.
AJ is simply trying to real people like us back in to his 'operation.'
Sorry for the typo, fam.
Some big shit will shitted tomorrow and the salt will be harvested on an industrial scale
cuz he's the Governor, BITCH NIGGER
They are literally state funded here my country and they useful idiots for the EU superstate.
for once in my state's recent goddamn history, it does something right
What happens to groups funding terrorists organizations such as Antifa, like the Open Society Foundations? Will they face criminal charges too?
Pretty much what this guy said. Lemming public perception of the words has distorted them so far away from their original meanings, that left and right really doesnt even mean anything anymore. Its ambiguous, it means whatever the user wants it to mean at that point in time. Marxists love things like that, its like the term "alt-right" - except we have done a lot to nail that down and set its definition in stone, define its lines as something we are not.
Anyways, right and left has its origins in the French revolution. Absolute left would be anarchy, absolute right would be tyranny - and according to GLR, both of those are terrible. Communism, and National Socialism, and liberalism even - fall into the right. Libertarianism, thats left.
Perhaps the man who has been declared a terrorism sponsor in Europe will be given a lawsuit where his only refugee choice is Israel for doing the same shit in US of A
It is awareness that is gathered the most - so should share with friends and send letters to your ombudsman to alert them once more of the issues.
Just a game of perceptions - never underestimate your enemy.
Not a Americlap but i realy hope somthing comes of this and starts a trand, spreads to all the west. Its a blackpill view but even ISIS is a Terrorist Group and you have all seen what they get away with in my homeland.
Soros tier kikes tend to be above the law, why isnt Hillary in prison? Until she, and the rest of her group are eating shit sandwiches behind bars, Im just going to assume laws are only applied to people kikes dont like, and that they really dont matter.
Libtard anti-gun NJ does it first but Sessions is still being a bitch.
While I agree in part, I still don't accept mudslimes on my side, even those who *actually* kill kikes
Its about time.
That's Asuka, check the red buns.
My god… As I watch that video I'm completely dumbfounded by their stupidity. How is such a level of incomprehensible stupidity possible? They're dumber than nigger. Seriously. You don't see niggers running around just grabbing random newspaper boxes and shit and knocking them over, or lighting trees on fire. I don't even know how to react. It's so fucking dumb.
uh, guise - i think NJ might have a couple pics wrong.
that's clearly an iron sun.
This and the new jersey (((vandal))). Put two and two together.
I thought it was suppose to be Rei too when I saw it. Why would an Asuka tank be wearing a Rei dress?
Have some candy.
delicious, but it's soooo fattening, though!
I better go take my cholesterol medication.
Glorious salt.
So does this mean we can start reporting antifa as terrorists now?
Pretty sure that's not how it works. This is just being done to rile these faggots up even more and spread more violence across the country.
It's fucking New Jewsy, Soros is upset his golems haven't given him his civil war/martial law yet so he's prodding them real hard now.
Best timeline.
We need to make this happen on a federal level and encourage other states to follow suit.
This is actually a great idea.
If everyone who would label you an extremist is dead what does it matter?
I remember there being a photo of some slimey heeb antifa controller smuggling that in.
Soros funds antifa, user
is there an antifa reddit?
It's funny how every reference point leftists have for orienting themselves in reality is false. It's hard to understand how anyone can be so factually wrong about everything.
Why did I never hear about this on Holla Forums? This guy is a hero.
Boy, talk about a persecution complex. Sure, antifa retards might not have organization (because MUH HIERARCHIES) or resources they create (other than communal hellhole "safe houses"), but they have the support of mainstream left organizations. I mean fuck, they literally have lawyers follow them around to protect them from cops and bail them out when they get busted. They have radical leftists all over the institutions. They have allies in the media working to downplay their actions and paint them in a sympathetic light. They have huge (((sponsors))) to bankroll "peaceful protests" that just happen to coincidentalaly produce "direct action" on the side every single time.
Drown this faggot in butter.
I believe that's called fractal wrongness. No matter what scale of their worldview you view it from, it's just as wrong as the whole picture.
Sure is hard to type with those tears in your eyes, eh
These next days ought to be fun
Because he was a fucking Berniebro nutjob who went around LARPing at free speech rallies. It's clear from viewing footage that nobody wanted him there.
North carolina
Kek, Rhodoks are actual commies anyways, they're basically the Florian Geyer/peasant uprising faction. I love crushing them with heavy cavalry and other aristocratic troops. Swadia is the overpowered noble faction.
can you make one of these for every state?
Either California is going to have to cave and impeach their Antifa Administration or they'll double-down and this state will become an even bigger safe haven for terrorists. Something tells me the ladder will happen, in which case the Federal Government will have to step in
Please just Nuke the entire Northwest coast out of existence already
Wow its fucking nothing
I like this guy, he's pretty funny. Someone should make him a necklace to show him some appreciation :^)
about fucking time
THere is an implication in this post that seems to illustrate that the southern west coast is somehow, inexplicably less pozzed than it's northern counterpart, which makes me suspect that you are some insufferable breed of southern california faggot with enough cognitive dissonance to try to defend his gaped asshole of a hometown despite being a regular poster here..
Socal > Norcal
And I consider everything north of Carlsbad to be Norcal
NJ is still shit user, don't forget
The phrase doesn't mean they're automatically your allies…
Still didn't stop my neighborhood from buying them off of pennsylvania. Wish I could move there too.
It's called a double digit IQ.
Yeah the far left tyranny that resulted in Trump's election was totally freedom.
Stop, user! You're giving me hypertension!
Well that's what everyone does, but they should just be fucking legal
I want to fuck that alien
Are you retarded?
Here's a few. You're exposing yourself to a heavy concentration of autism, so browse in small doses.
It's okay to make shit up about people I don't like.
Is this why there's a media hit on Chris Christie now?
PDXfag, its mostly bullshit. They dropped the Evil Nazi narrative when they realized he was a Bernie supporter but also all over the fucking place in his views. He was also a homeless drunk who harassed people around town, and went to the "alt right" picnic to show he was more badass and committed to free speech than the picnic goers.
This also happened in the middle of a string of stabbings around here by crazies, but everyone forgets that part.
Good news! Hopefully other states will follow suit.
That's true.
There were two threads about him. The first one was when the rally he was at he was obviously a plant, and got his own thread on it. He started off showing up at the rally waving a bat and running at a White cop with it yelling fuck niggers. Then by the end of the night was saying that he was an ashkenazi jew and could speak hebrew. Then he had a thread again after he stabbed a couple of cucks after posting on his kikebook account that pretending to be a White Nationalist was a psyop. He didn't even hurt the mudslimes, and the act itself was likely brought on by feds
how long until an antifa riot gets shut down with machine guns?
I'll be happy if just rubber bullets were used.
On their kneecaps.
i'll be happy once one of those DIY venues are given the waco treatment and hundreds of antifa are burned alive due to poor safety standards
tfw I'm gonna wear my SADF stuff out tomorrow
Dis iz veeeeery gud. One means others will follow. Need it Federal though, then it's supermax time for these fuckers. Deepest, darkest holes where electrodes get shoved up their anuses. Not sure how DHS NJ is separate from the rest of them though. Anyway this month or next they'll do something really dumb that will seal their fate. Kek bless.
The fire rises in Kek
In His hand, all is peace
The end is near for Soros
A hero comes from the east
Pill me on this? Maybe some kind of mass mind control or meditation shit or solar flares upped the occurrences of stabbings in the area.
Go after their organizers, like BAMN.
Even I'm not as blackpilled now. People are getting their shit pushed in. It's glorious. Everyone's triggered as fuck. It's comforting to know that no matter how miserable I ever get, I'm not any of these reporters, leftists, or kikes that are toppling from such lofty, delusional heights.
That's how you can tell they're shills.
Pests, not terrorists.
I think this is rediculous. Paid protests is not terrorism. It's shady, annoying, subversive, but not enough to be terrorism.
Unless they start blowing buildings up (pls do this).
except they spelled doxxing wrong.
It became terrorism when they used their violence to intimidate and actually harm voters. Pretty sure using violence to affect political change is one of the meanings of terrorist.
Whatever Holla Forums. You're officially terrorists now. And the budget to watch us just dried up. You're targets now.
Hue. Hue. On. You.
But now I'm becoming convinced trump is a false flag to sabotage the right.
The goal. This was always the goal.
Bollocks. Protests have always been violent to an extent. Only when they're properly armed as a militia do they reach the threshold of terrorist.
Calling them terrorists is fucking retarded. They're subversive propaganda at most.
The militia characteristic is still missing.
What a strange way to categorize antifa. It's like you know nothing about this topic.
You're a fool if you think funding will dry up. Soros will find a way.
Listen up you limey fuck: here in the USA it's terrorism to use violence to affect political change. It's terrorism to use violence to harm a voter. It's terrorism to use violence to intimidate a voter. It's terrorism to use violence to suppress a vote.
Smashing a man in the head with a bike lock to alter politics is terrorism.
Modern antifa is a paid group of soros. Fuck off with that crap.
Antifa fits this definition. The other user doesn't know what he's talking about.
Antifa's tactic of using violence/the threat of violence to silence views they disagree with is the relevant point here, not their source of funding.
The threshold of violent activities needs to be established. "Any violence" is waaay too broad. It needs to be militant/guerrilla violence. Not simple melee in the streets.
Otherwise football fans are terrorists.
Stop being bitches then. This shit is fucking nothing. Let them make the mistake of going too far. That's a necessary future casus belli.
Moving the goalpost is a favorite tactic of (((theirs))). Let's get back on the topic. Using violence to affect political change is terrorism. Which political change are the hand-egg fans trying to affect?
Merely trying to get political change is not terrorism user.
While that aspect differs them from football fans, the violence and threats are too meager to differentiate into a category of militia.
Terrorism has militia or militia-esque characteristic.
U.S. Code:
>(2) the term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents;
So i was half right. A militia-esque characteristic. A combatant characteristic.
Only against a non combatant. Missed that part of it. If a combatant was attacked, it's a battle or war isn't it? So the amount of violence characteristic of war, military battles.
Not street violence.
Sending your enemies to Gitmo, or a place even worse is being a bitch? Okay.
I see it more like you were all wrong.
I don't see the word militia in the law anywhere.
Now you're just Jewing the actual letter of the law.
Non sequitur.
Correct. ANTIFA are not street thugs committing random acts of violence. ANTIFA are terrorists carrying out premeditated, politically motivated acts of violence against noncombatant targets.
Ie, ANTIFA are terrorists physically harming voters and rally attendees. Since ANTIFA is international they are defacto terrorist groups.
I am sick and tired of these fucking communists scum projecting their class hatred onto us and saying 'b-but they do it to'. Yes, we are race realists, yes we don't want anything to do with these others races. They can live out their happy lives in mudhuts, i don't care, they have no business being in Europa or or in North America. Stop trying to portray us as a retarded KKK.
Too long
You probably thought the patriot act was cool too because it had a nice ring to it. The entire DHS syndicate is a modern day NKVD. And while everyone was busy gloating about this, they didn't even see that the same office publish this article on the same exact day
Fucking retards. I didn't know this circlejerk required earmuffs and blinders.
What about them also making Identity Evropa a terrorist organization too?
You're never getting your shekels back, Holla Forums.
I can only hope this leads to the feds investigating and arresting the Mayor of Berkeley.
It is not a crime to be in ANTIFA no matter what the government says since noone can stop freedom fighting revolutionaries brave enough to speak truth to power and label anyone who stands against them as nazis.
Wew lad.
Couldn't make it through the first pic. Why in the fuck do they all type like that?
However, what this means is that, if the trade marked Skeptics get rid of SJWism, the (Nietzsche's) Last Man will arise. If no overman comes, then they will be conquered by barbarians who cannot into civilization, because traitors in the nation keep excusing them as "not their fault" and instead blame the host populace through things like "racist global warming"
That moment when reality confirms hollywood is bullshit.
Is that the communist level of Mario Odyssey?
Their advice was not about you. It was about keeping the passwords and crucial hacking info to yourself until you have DL everything and backed it up. Once you let out passwords 100 people try to log in at once, it alerts the target, freezes the account etc. DL everything first
We need to engineer more BLM vs. An-Tifa violence
there were no fucking aztecs in southern california you mexifags
Fuck off, cuck. All niggers deserve to be exterminated.
Bud Andyfa r drying so gard to nod be Fashisd Thad dhey are real fashids :DDDDD DDDD
Perhaps leave the revolutionary theory to those who are successful at things like, say, revolutions.
NJ is home to key military bases (Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, Picatinny Arsenal), numerous national landmarks, key transport arteries (sections of I-95, Northeast Corridor rail line), refineries and many, many other pieces of key infrastructure and critical resources.
It severely escalates how antifa are handled in the legal system. Let's say you're a rank-and-file antifa shithead that gets arrested at a protest. Normally you'd get slapped with a disorderly conduct charge and sent on your merry way until the court date arrives. Now, you're part of an extremist group and will get handled accordingly. A suspicious activity report gets opened on you by the local PD that arrested you. You're forever labeled as a suspected terrorist. A copy gets sent to the New Jersey Regional Operations and Intelligence Center. the state's DHS-funded fusion center. DHS gets a copy by way of the info-sharing agreements in place with all the fusion centers. They hand it off to all their contractor pals. Now you're not just another arrest. You're in the system. Any time a cop interacts with you and runs your ID, they're going to see that they've come in contact with a suspected terrorist.
It sets precedent, at the very least. Expect a domino effect as other red states (yes, NJ is heavily conservative despite the DNC-sanctioned tumor that is Hudson County) start quietly adding antifa to their terror lists.
You're correct! Christie has hardly used Drumthwacket during his time in office. He's preferred to stay in his home in Mendham.
This fucking thing.