I need a laugh
Help me laugh
I need a laugh
Help me laugh
Here you go op
The only funny one is the heavy full time job
This is absolutely digusting and you should kill yourself
I dont normally deal with normalfag facebook shit but tasty vids are my jam.
Enjoy a bigger version
Is Halo online finally updated to the point of being fun?
Its all pig faggot.
I don't know never really played just love the webms
not only are the Wbm threads a waste of bandwidth, it's not even bringing anything worth the time of the day
Well how about you make webms of your own user
there already exist lots of video sharing websites and you can already embed youtube videos and post links.
So you aren't going bring in anything new to the table then user?
Updated version
So why are you even fucking here asshole?
this is what heaven must be like.
… they are discouraging people from actually playing the game in depth and reporting on it. These people man.
If its not insanely obvious to you, they were all bought out
I mean, really really bought out
Since when were onions and capsicums randomly assorted vegetables? Are deep fried potatoes all you eat?
Notice how half of them were wearing pip boys?
Yeah they did roosterteeth really went to shit after a while
The worst part is that they bought those for themselves
still, it's crazy just how blatant these people can be. It always gets me listening to how unprofessional video game journalists have become.
Also I don't think they were shilling. I think the truth is they actually have horribly shit taste which is even worse.
They don't care that adding a voice to the main characters lowered the dialog options by 75% and ruined the feeling of you being the protag instead of a random person with a voice you can't change. They are just happy they don't have to read which is too hard for them.
Don't hold your red focus attack for too long (uSF4)
Most of that fan show seems decent, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable looking at her.
I wish I had video editing skills.
Why do you keep posting these shitty review webms? This retard mumbles like an annoying faggot, stop shilling him.
Fuck. This would have been the funniest boner.
k have have one more
Wrong WEBM
That's some serious production value for a fan film, except for the horrible cg.
He looks like he's holding back from telling the guy to cut that shit out.
Cracked up at the file name.
Wait, didn't the filling have raw egg in it? Is that normal?
Wanna know how I know that you live off mommy's tendies and 5 minute noodles?
Fuck you, then have rock tits.
Actually I pretty much live off mini mall piroshkies and sandwitches.
What's the game in the thumbnail ?
Duke nukem forever
Can someone explain to me what this is about?
Like I have no clue what they're talking about and I don't know what to search to find info
Silverman fucked up by insulting bernouts at the DNC.
Thanks laddie
People are trying to cudgel bernie supporters into the Hillary camp, they're less than thrilled because the most they can argue is she may not be as bad as Trump.
She's totally right though, they need to stop complaining about losing democratically.
Say what you want but Bernie managed to be the kike that other kikes hate.
Shillery may be white but we all know in her heart is pure goldberg.
Someone didn't hear about the DNC email leaks.
I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic
What a statement fam, of course someone didn't hear about the DNC email leaks, not everyone gets every spec of news you know.
Guess that went way over your head
Why are you sad?
I'm going to need the homosexual pictures soundclip before two minutes for mic spam purposes.
Oh come on bud, your reading level is low and you didn't get the joke about democracy. You can't just pass it off by pretending the other person is retarded.
It is clear to me that he is mocking Bernouts for having faith in democracy itself. Follow a reading guide to improve your comprehension, and just shut up.
if your gonna post wakfu can you at least post that cool fight from the movie?
Do you perhaps enjoy sonic and Thomas the Tank Engine?
I can't believe somebody would put so much time and effort to make something this unfunny.
I guess the answer for this is the usual one:
And like said, Heavy's full time job is the only funny one.
Fuck it, here's some oc of mine
It was pretty funny for me
Nice OC
are webms not working for others? like you can't skip through?
I guess it might be 8ch fault
Yeah, .webm files do play but the bottom progress bar is fucked up, you can't skip through the video unless you watch it all.
well, for some reason it didn't attach. Here's the first one
it's too easy , i almost feel sorry for them
you know you live near the end of times because nature is fucked up , the natural order is no more
Does she want to fuck him or what?
someone upload the six trillion shuffle webm
That's just a technique jews use to psychically reinforce other jews, it also exchanges ideas aiding in maintaining the hive mind.
Do you not read Holla Forums. I honestly thought everyone here did.
I was like: "hey, let's help that person".
She was pretty upset and nervous when she realized she got the bernouts angrier instead of calmer.
Don't be a fucking retard.
welcome to soviet russia
enjoy your stay, cyka
>Making a joke at the expense of people who were literally cucked by the system, and right after the wikileaks went public
What the fuck did she think was going to happen? How stupid does she have to be? Oh right, she's a shillary libcuck.
Anyway, Video games.
No? It was (albeit just simmered on a low heat to get everything to homogenize and dissolve) cooked before it was chilled.
You can eat eggs raw. The problem is with the diseases the chickens get and shit all over their eggs, there is nothing wrong with eggs themselves that will make you sick except maybe the texture if you're sensitive to that kind of thing. Wouldn't eat factory farmed eggs raw for that reason.
Also all of the recipes that faggot makes are SHIT.
I swear to god that fucking faggot fucks at least one thing up every time.
And this is why you should never roll with a 0 intrigue heir.
Is it just me or is she drunk?
sauce for music?
That's ok, I do
you can do better than that, user
I want to make a game with the lore being a amalgamation of this and SMT.
I don't know, she likes to get spanked and sometimes has to wear diapers.
Still the best thing about that movie. No name, no backstory, just the divine will to get shit done…before some jerk got a cheap shot in.
I had a huge crush on Nicky. Goddamn she is so fucking cute.
too bad. she had to be paired with Stewart Waldinger and Milo
communisms's funeral anthem ?
Are there any browsers that are still vulnerable to this?
being cornered is a fucking death sentence in GGXrd
I don't get why people were upset that there were mass killings of stray dogs in Poland and thee Czech republic shortly before the European Championship. Stray animals literally worth nothing, they are a physical danger to anyone on the street, and spread diseases. They are pests that should be exterminated.
It's just for the trailer since it runs full speed all the time. i believe it's still pre-alpha, but they have full games going.
I got something for ya
It's funny to me that Democrats in the USA is having a leadership kerfuffle at the exact same time that Labour in the UK is having a leadership kerfuffle.
how else would you fuck her?
user, this is a funny thread. Why do you have to go make me depressed?
are you sure that wont damage her?
It's basically what most of Scandinavia was like 10 years ago when you were 12.
I did assume she would enjoy getting groomed and smooth to the point of ecstasy, as a way to demonstrate that holes nor soft parts might be required.
Or you could just drill a hole and fill it with extra-thick lube.
I'm afraid to ask how it is now.
this is disgusting everytime I watch it.
The fact that she thinks other opinions are just irrelevant if they are different
the fact that 7/10 is considered a low score
Letting publishers get away with shit like releasing a broken buggy game
Is this from one of those Chinese fighting man serials?
What I want to know is… where's the caveman?
tf2 is a post-fun game
get out of here stalker
I still wonder how something so original became so cancerous and generic.
why does that first video have tumblr comments attached to it? get out you fag
snowy San Francisco with extra poz loads
what is crouchjump
doing some experiments here, can someone explain to me why this shit webm always looks like crap? Surely 970 bitrate is enough for a 500x1185 video right? I mean even 1080p videos look decent with 800 bitrate.
wtf i am an ogre missle now
I never heard the context of this one
did they have too much fucking hairspray on or something?
was it all just a prank, bro?
Well that was painful to watch
well that sucks
Holy fuck. Looks like a gas leak or something since the WHOLE CAR lights up.
there must be more to that
that faggot pulled a lighter for some reason
So photorealism simply means lots of puddles on the ground?
If you're gonna cut out the middle part of Oreos I'd rather just eat that.
Space is so big.
Now I'm curious, given how the camera is still going I don't think they burned to death it there, it was probably more fear than actual pain (though the guy int he drivers seat looks like he has his entire head engulfed for a second)
I think the little idiot in the back seat must have smelled gas and thought it'd be funny to burn it up, thinking it would just make a pretty poof and didn't consider that the entire vehicle was filled.
they were huffing butane, dickhead was high enough to test the air quality
social darwinism
Fresh autism from the DNC
Carpenter Brut - Paradise Warfare
At least the face of the jackass on the screen in City 17 was able to make some fairly convincing arguments.
Probably because he had the mental ability to say more than 3 lines.
saving with original name is also a option
the qt 3Dbuggirl movie is out? what was the name? i forgot
Cyclops look ugly in 3DPD.
After her first sentence I thought she was going to complain about people rating a game 0 or 1 and call them trolls.
here you go fam, a even better version
You are quite wrong my friend.
Wait they forced Murray to do a cameo? I thought they only forced him to not say anything negative about the movie or else they will sue him. But this is even worse.
i think all the old ghostbusters gang made cameos in the movie
I've got some hot OC on the way and believe it or not its actually vidya related only gonna be a lifetime before the encoding is done
That shit was funny.
And if nothing else, the animation was superb.
Reminder that this kike cunt worships literal shit.
fuck I never realized the king was John Cleese
Looks like every night I had in the zone myself
That gets me every time. Thanks user, I haven't seen it in a while.
A pleasure
How the fuck is this consitutional? It's a fucking CONVENTION, and they're doing a fucking call and respond vote, which is highly inaccurate, and he called for it 3 fucking time because he KNEW it was a NO.
No ballots, no fucking count, just pure fucking insolence.
is this only for consoles?
why are they trying to make this game a copy of CS ? next they'll start bitching about muh spray patterns
It's constitutional because who would dare speak out against them?
Nobody with any power, that's who.
I despise what this country has become
Are you seriously saying its okay that the hitboxes are shit? wtf
say hello to my shitty /wsg/ meme
Lucky niggers and their rocket launchers, I wish I had an RPG-7 too. ;_;
We have the power, we just need to stand up.
To hard in this climate
do i have to had play tf2 to find its memes funny?
In this episode, niggerfaggot loses what little faith he had left in humanity
Is this from a movie?
what possible use could you have for a soundless Holla Forums bumper webm?
What the fuck is that?
He's a lazy faggot with a shitty sorting system, this is the third thread at least with his faggotry in question.
you just described 8outta10 users of 8ch
True but he's basically a namefag at this point, and should be treated as such.
ok what the fuck is wrong with my webm player, it won't let me fast forward unless it has already played the content previously. If I'm being retarded and it's just a setting I'd like to know, otherwise, what the fuck is going on
I've got the same issue. Which browser are you using?
it's a Holla Forums problem
Does anyone have that "This isnt my flightstick" webm?
Its specific to Holla Forums
waterfox latest build
thank fuck, I thought my browser install got hosed, the last thing I want to do it fuck around in that shit trying to make it work
Is opera really that bad?
It's not terrible, just nobody uses it.
Honestly Siege of Dragonspear was pretty fun, but I can understand why some people were unhappy that they released something that should have been released years ago.
Posting Vidya
it's a private event, how an event that determines who will eventually become president could ever be allowed to be a private one is the real question that needs to be asked here. The RNC and DNC colluded together to maintain a balance of power years ago, the current iteration was cemented when Ross Perot almost became president.
Use this instead.
whats the story behind that one? im genuinely curious
This better be bait
boy i must be on the cutting edge cause mines not even on there
one of you has more of this guy? I remember seeing more posted here.
My favorite song from this album!
got it as webm too
literally just made this one
next time please crop those black bars.
There was a version with sound and it sounded like a tutorial video. Does someone have it?
No, the driver fell asleep at the wheel. He was an older gentleman, I believe.
That's the only part I find hard to believe. Starting fire like that is next to impossible. I'd have fashioned some kind of fire bow.