Sam, the first educational transgender toy

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Goys its totally normal to cut off your genitals because you 'feel weird in puberty'



The website of these faggot toy makers.

Surely the Muslims will all purchase this toy for their children with their welfare benefits.

it's you're, faggot

it's not even in puberty. These fucks adovcate raising your kid as the opposite gender if your 3yo son play with a doll one evening, or if your little daughter like to play with trucks.

fuck, i'm gonna buy one of these and start sucking dicks now

in canada they'll take your kids away if you don't start giving them the faggotry indoctrination and drugs immediately at that point.

Honestly what the fuck is wrong with people?
When i was going through puberty i just wanted to fuck anything vaguely attractive and humanoid, and i certainly didn't want anything to happen to my dick.
Seriously why would anyone dare to even consider losing god's greatest gift?

I wonder if i should start seeking help for my non-stoping desire to kill kikes.

GID. The D stands for disorder. These people are fucked in the head and at least are still considered to have a disorder by the (((DSMV))). But watch for the kikes to get that pulled as well like they did with fags a few decades ago.

It's not even that 90% of the time. It's usually just an overly hormonal, emotional teen curious about how it feels to be the other gender, or those that think that being a tranny will make them interesting and net them social points, or just those that want to get back at their parents. Of course, kikes want to ruin the lives of these kids forever by jumping at the opportunity and pumping them full of hormones and telling them that anything negative they feel is because of them being the worng gender, not because they're filling their system to brim with that bullshit, no!

Why contain it?

I am sure there are lots of places that can help you.
You looking for guns? Explosives? Zyklon B Crematoriums?

Call me old fashioned but back in my day it was called being a tomboy and most of these same girls grew out of it as soon as they hit puberty and realized that they had to compete for the attention of boys.

12% is a seriously high number for GID. So high that it's obvious these kikes are changing definitions and paramaters of what is considered "expressing your gender" But I'm preaching to the choir here.

All the psychology textbooks pre 90s say that gender dismorphia or whatever, all those "gender confusion" based things go away during the teens in almost every single person who had them.

But… how do you actually play with it? I get it's one of those russian doll concepts with a faggot theme added, but I don't see how it's a toy. Are you supposed to take it apart and put it back together over and over? Is that fun? I don't get it.

No shit.

can confirm, i was actually autistic but when i went into puberty i knew i liked the opposite sex and stopped being lame

It's a Muhshiska doll

Now, thats if their parents dont cut their dick off at 3 and give them hormone blockers. Thats the point, what they are doing now is child abuse and the kikes know it.

it's not meant to be fun, it's meant so that as soon as the kid changes the doll to the dyke version it's an excuse for social services to step in with

Every day we stray further away from God.

God says this is all just a test, doesnt matter, that all there is no jew or black or greek in the eyes of god, and that they who curse the Jews are cursed themselves. God has no problem with white genocide, god has no problem with Persian genocide by Jews, either. God is not your friend, if he exists. God is okay with white genocide, if he exists.

Nah, you approach what seem like some good old boys for a good ole lynching and next thing you know it's a FBI sting operation and your kill ratio goes to shit. Lone wolf is best.

To be on the side of god, you would have to believe that worldly things are unimportant and merely part of a grand test by god, even though he already should know the results, being supposedly omnipotent. The point is, that to pass the test, you have to sit by and allow white genocide to happen. You have to serve the Jews, while they spit in your face. You have to be okay with racemixing, and hold up to all sorts of other ridiculous semitic standards, similar to how pedantic the Talmud is about daily activity.

breaks my heart user

No goy, it's current year now and the world is progressing. Now white children need to be sexualized from birth, then quickly brainwashed and mutilated so they don't reproduce and probably kill themselves.
We need to make room for the refugees you know.

And also, whites aren't having enough children.

And also being non-trans or "cis" is weird and really uncool.

And also any white straight girls that slip through the conditioning need to have sex with only brown and black men.

If you disagree, you're a nazi bigot and should lose your job and have your kids taken away.


Postmodern Protestants say that, not God.

Insofar as sin is concerned. Typical tricks, Schlomo. The Bible explicitly supports ethno-nationalism. God made man tribal, and even contains a retribution story for when man tried to stop being tribal, called the Tower of Babel. Christianity is inherently ethno-centric, nationalist, Fascist, and anti-Communist.

Christ called the Jews the children, not of Abraham, but of the devil, and said they do their father's work on this earth.

Is Jesus cursed because he cursed the Jews?

No. Because your understanding of the Bible is hilariously stunted, and limited to fedoralord "gotchas" invented to stump Boomers. Because to be a Jew is to be God's Chosen People, and the tribe that calls themselves Jews have not been "Jews," have not been "Israel," for over two thousand years. They lost that privilege when they chose the laws of man over the Grace of God, when they, like their father, chose Eternal Revolution over Eternal Redemption.

God says the prosperity and future of your family and people are your primary concern, and as such God's law is explicitly Fascist and National Socialist. An argument could even be made that God's Law fully supports not only White Nationalism, but White Lebensraum as well. You know nothing of what the Bible commands or what God actually wants. You only know what you were told to believe by people who supported and reinforced your preexisting biases and preestablished views.

The only true statement you've made, albeit unintentionally. God is not your "friend." Buddy Jesus is a myth. A lie.

God is your Father. And like all good Fathers, He wants His children to grow up and solve their problems with their own strength, resolve, and means. God is not your mother. God is not going to coddle you and wipe your face and kiss your boo boos. The fact that you resent God for encouraging us to be strong and manage our own affairs is proof of your own weakness and effemininity.

God helps those who help themselves.


And that's the problem which has led to a billion true hearted and faithful Christians following their marxist leaders in destroying our peoples. If you're going to have a dogma that's so large and ambiguous that it's completely dependent on good leaders to interpret it right for the average person then you don't need the dogma in the first place.

Because then you already have good leaders.



Canada really needs to be culturally enriched.


We see here two very typical like/liberal tactics at work.

1. Get them while they are young so as to normalize something. Literally breeding concerns out of the population by indoctrination of little kids.
2. Create a problem, then offer a solution that doesn't really do anything. As other anons have said, GID goes away by itself if left alone. Instead, they are blowing the issue out if proportion and pretend that there is a need to act… Act the way THEY want you to.


they don't just advocate it, if you refuse to cut your sons dick off at that point and start pumping him with hormones it's child abuse and the state will take him away to do it for you

I wonder how fucked I would have been in CY+2, when just childs play ends up feeding these terrible parent's signaling.

I still love frilly shit.

because jews.

The leaf must get the rake either way tbqhbbqwtffamalan

Impossible. The more you "teach kids about gender identity", the more kids will recognize that they can use it to insult each other. Back in the 90s my school banned the insult "lumberjack" because it was offensive to lesbians. Most of us had no fucking idea what lesbians were, but after it was banned we were all certain our teachers were lesbians and made sure to let them know that. Kids see right through this horseshit.

Nice rare Hardy sage for off-topic

Very true. What we need are people who understand objective reality and can determine truth from falsehood.

Christianity has been controlled oposition since it was made the official religion of Rome. It started out as part of the Jewish rebellion against Rome, and after failing to stomp it out they decided it would be easier to control the rebellion themselves. That why, as they say, early Christians were persecuted.

God is an anthropomorphic representation of evolution / the natural order. So when they say we're moving away from god, it means we're are making our environment so against our psychology and instincts we can't function properly, and are unhappy because our emotions tell us when something is not right in our life according to our instincts. Evolution is real, it's an optimization algorithm. Race realism shows it's true. The people who don't want you to believe in it don't want you capable.

Stop listening to your chuck pastors and start looking at reality.

There is nothing ambiguous about it whatsoever. The Bible is exceedingly clear on all of the most important core topics, such as the nature of the relationship between Man and God, the spiritual realities of the world, and how a proper life should be lived, with the family being the center and prime purpose of society, and the Laws of Men existing to serve and support society and the family even as men themselves serve the Laws of God, i.e. Natural Law. A clear hierarchy of priorities is laid out, and these priorities are explicitly ethno-nationalist in nature and design. They are also explicitly Fascist, insofar as Fascism is the militant holistic approach to ensuring that the systems and rules made by man serve to secure the future welfare of distant descendants.

The problem is not with the doctrine at all. The doctrine is perfectly clear, to anyone who can be bothered to read the text as it is meant to be, like a book, and not cherrypick individual passages or chapters out for "study," robbing them of all context and meaning.

The problem is that people do not bother to read the Bible. The problem is that people bend, misinterpret, and misquote the Bible to fit their postmodern sensibilities. The problem is that people let others tell them what to believe because they cannot be bothered to open the book and find out on their own. People put their faith in priests telling them what to do over the Word, in society telling them what to believe over God. But priests can be subverted, society corrupted. And they have been.

The problem is that we have abandoned the quest for Truth, the pursuit of natural science, which is ever the pursuit of God and His creation by definition, and instead retreat to a manufactured world where comfort and pleasure takes primacy over all else. God waves an American flag while drinking a beer on Superbowl Sunday and shrugging in the face of faggotry and Globalism, and all is right with the world.

Instead of society bending to Natural Law, instead God's Law is bent to society. We shave pieces off of the divine and rip pages out of holy scripture because they violate the sacrosanct assumptions of postmodern society, when we should in reality be doing the exact opposite. In this regard, postmodernism and Cultural Marxism are the great triumphs of the Enemy. It is in his nature to invert that which is right and proper, and turn the rules on their head, and postmodernism is unquestionably a Satanic inversion of everything a proper society is meant to be.

Maybe you should read the Bible sometime, the way it is meant to be read. You have nothing to lose. You may even end up being surprised by what you find, in that oasis in the desert.

Well, in the case I'm familiar with, the 'trans' kid is just baca bacci for this degenerate lawyer.

Say what? Do you have face blindness?

I think some of these parents guiding their children into this faggotry so they can virtue signal to all their libtard friends about amazing they are because they are being supportive of their transfag kid. Maybe some parents do it subconsciously and others purposefully but either way it's disgusting. We need to gas these parents now.

< 2-6% of boys and 5-12% of girls

Can we talk about how these numbers feel like bullshit? I know I would have been considered "trans" by today's standards because I asked my parents and older brother if there was a way to become a boy and what it was like. I dodged a fucking bullet.

This position is absurd when you consider the vast majority of christians to have ever lived, for the vast majority of time christianity has existed, didn't read the bible, didn't own the bible, and couldn't read the bible even if they did own one.

Everyday christians being able to read a bible is a modern innovation. What's more, all the great success stories of christianity such as the kebab-removal predate this "innovation".

show tits

It's very common for children to roleplay and question their existence. Completely natural. Those numbers are probably some estimate of how many who are suggestible enough/have abusive enough mothers that some sort of trans situation is possible.

Also, tits or gtfo.

No. Only my man gets to see them.

You're in the right place. This is basically Kike-haters Anonymous.

I actually have read the bible. That you can't admit to yourself that it's easy to misinterpret is because you're a zealot and you have to make shit fit into your worldview instead of objectively observing the world around you.

Your laughable idea that the average normalfag should be able to sit down and read 3000 pages of cryptic, esoteric shit and come to your very specific conclusions is bordering on delusional.

But good luck with that. Last time Christianity was spread it was done so with enormous resources, countless wars and torture. I'm sure your "just read the bible right" movement will spread across the world like wildfire.

Then fuck off and get your attention fix from him.

Without question when I'm seventy my grandchildren will approach me and ask if people actually let people mutilate themselves and ruin their lives while calling it "help".

society has done the same thing with electroshock, witch burning, you name it.

"transgenderism" is our generation's black stain that we will have to sheepishly avoid talking about with future generations that know better than to encourage mentally ill people from giving themselves a death sentence.


This argument is absurd. You are trying to claim that, because a statistical majority of Christians have been illiterate historically, that the Bible is not perfectly clear on the key doctrine when read correctly, i.e. in sequential order.

That is a complete non-sequitur. These two things are utterly unrelated to each other. People didn't need to read the Bible or own a Bible themselves, so long as they had a priest or monk who could do so for them. What did you think was happening in churches all across Europe in the high middle ages? Did you think they were throwing Christian rock concerts and waving pride flags? Sunday was story time, friend. The priest would read to the people chapters from the good book, and the congregation would have a fellowship.

The problem is that people still rely on this method today, when the mouthpieces are either deluded accomplices or outright liars, and they are all perfectly capable of reading the book themselves. People are lazy: they would rather be spoonfed poison than pick up a set of silverware and eat for themselves.


Wrong motherfucker! It's
now! Kikes eat shit!

The fact that you derisively use the term "zealot" on Holla Forums of all places, and are trying to peddle the Jew meme of violent Christian conquest, when the reality is the exact opposite, speaks volumes Mordecai. It's always the big lies with you kikes, isn't it?

All the success stories of Christianity happened when literate priests lead illiterate masses. You have no historical justification for your assertion that true good christianity occurs when everybody reads the bible.

Violent conquest is the only thing Christianity ever got right (when it was against shitskins). That's not a "jewish meme", the fact that you think otherwise just reveals your cuck Trudeau-esque outlook on life.

You should try exploring your feelings by killing kikes around you, try having a little fun with it by wearing a SS uniform.

The only violent conquest that took place was in the baltics, everything else was a REconquest, since north africa and levant were christian before muzzies took them

So people weren't imprisoned or killed when they denied the divinity of Christ or other church positions? It's almost like they were enforcing "truth" much like the holocaust today?

Also, calling me a Christian Zealot is a tremendous compliment, and if you actually had read the Bible as you claim, or really were redpilled as you pretend to be, then you would know why.

But maybe you've drunk too much of your own kool aid, and have forgotten what Zealots actually were, Goldstein.

All the success stories of white people happened when nonwhites were a 90% majority on the planet. You have no historical justification for your assertion that ethno-nationalism serves the best interests of the white man. Clearly ethno-nationalism is misguided and stupid, and we should embrace being rendered into a 10% minority in our own countries, as that obviously brings out the best in us in all of it's forms.

God it must be easy to be a fedora, when you can just bend logic into pretzels to suit your frame. What a happy little world of ass sniffing you live in.

Stay mad degenerate.

And the problem with you fucks is that your brain gets fried in sunday school and you have to rely on logical fallacies for all your arguments.

When I say your dogma is confusing for normalfags and requires good leadership, and you reply "no it's not, just read babble dudebro," in one answer and "so long as they had a priest or monk who could do so for them." in the other that's a circular argument.

Now, you can't take this in because you're a fanatic, yes, in the bad way. You've left reason at the door and are compelled to defend your dogma before truth or reason or anything. Even mid tried post-enlightenment normalfags see through that shit. Which is why your conversion rate is about zero if you ever wondered about it.

Then you try to lie about how Christianity wasn't spread by violence and force. Of course it was. Most people have ancestors directly involved in the whole thing. Half of the then population in Norway where I lived went to war to stop the mercenary armies from southern armies when we was "enriched" by your semitism. Still. There's nothing wrong with spreading ideology by force, that's just your cucked out worldview that makes you kvetch about that. That wasn't the point at all.

The point was that last time Christianity spread, it
was done so with the enormous resources of falling Rome. Without backing, people dropped Christianity instantly, because it's not a comfy religion for white people and must be maintained with force.

How you are going to pull that off with your naive "just read bibble right" is beyond me. But perhaps your God will help you. That's what you need in any case.


The thing is, that you can't admit that the Bible is confusing and easily misinterpreted by the average person makes you a liar. Perhaps not in intention, but a liar nonetheless. It's such an obvious fact that it's hard to even take someone denying it seriously.

Sandniggers aren't people, you Jew. The Spanish Inquisition did nothing wrong, and neither did the Crusaders. Or Uncle Vlad, for that matter.

Christians show mercy, you call them cucks. Christians aggressively defend their interests, you call them savage brutes.

The two-faced nature of your arguments betrays your own nature, just as the two-faced arguments of Cultural Marxists betrays their anti-white sentiment. If you actually were a Fascist or National Socialist, which is to say, if you actually belonged here on this board, then you would be more than eager to embrace brutality today.

But I guess torturing sandniggers to end Jihad, setting feminists on fire to silence their subversions, and putting turkroaches on pikes to stop their raping and pillaging is only bad when Christians do it.

How convenient.

Nobody here has called Christians "savage brutes" for killing shitskins. In fact several minutes before you left this misguided comment I posted Vlad as an example of a Christian success story:

But when's the last time Christians impaled Muslims en masse? That kind of stuff stopped when Christians stopped listening to their natural instincts and started reading their bible.

This is a fucking obfuscation. What people complain about is that Christians historically have showed mercy to Jews and other races while being brutal and genocidal mostly against whites. It's you who are two-faced when you try to reframe what people are actually saying like that.

But that's common from Christians. A strange thing one soon notices about you "paragons" of virtue is that you lie fucking all the time.

Roman philosophers and politicians were sandniggers now? And disagreeing with obvious historical revisionism makes me a Jew? Comeplete bullshit.

It's about picking the right time to do either. Brutality to those that don't believe your political lies is despotism. Mercy to those trying to kill you is being a cuck. Christianity has done both.

I can embrace brutality for defense, not for forcing my lies of corruption on others. ==Jesus was a rebel leader against Roman corruption== Rome lied about him.

Before you gtfo please inform your husband that you've been a naughty girl and have been out whoring for attention from degenerates on anonymous israeli dreidelspinning forums. Tell him user requests you get a thorough disciplinary spanking.

Quality fedoraposting. Low effort, no substance, and a five second image in paint that shows nothing and conveys zero actual information. Are you going to post the "we could have been exploring the universe by now" graph next? I bet you have it saved, don't you?

I already debunked this logic , but like a typical Jew, you keep using the same disproven arguments over and over again, hoping to browbeat and frustrate your opponent into ceding victory. All the pilpul in the world cannot turn a false equivalency into a good rebuttal.

Read the war letters written home by sixteen year old soldiers two hundred years ago. Their literacy and use of language is beyond college level by today's standards.

It's not confusing. The relevant parts to this discussion, which is to say, how society should function and how man should live, are perfectly clear. Children and young adults from centuries past could understand them just fine. You're just a quasi-illiterate pseudo-nigger who didn't read enough good books as a child. Maybe you should try and rise beyond your Cultural Marxist education, instead of demanding that the Truth be dumbed down to a form you can chew with your baby teeth.

I don't want to rise to meet the world, I want the world dragged down into the mud with me! And you wonder why we call fedoras spiritual Jews.

When's the last time your bible study group impaled muslims?

Why can't we just start labeling these fucking retards as "Heterophobic" and turn the tables on them?

Well, you haven't presented a single argument against my position in that entire post. You've said I'm dumb, I'm illiterate, a pseudo-nigger, something about baby teeth, that I'm a nihilist and a Jew. That's fine. Insults are the baby blanket of the out-argued.

Not much point in going on since your actual arguments are nothing more than "no u." But as a parting tip I'll say that you are a very angry and irrational person and you should read some of the things Jesus said about proper behavior.

The Roman philosophers and politicians who were alive when Christianity began to assert itself were the very degenerate whores and spineless traitors who were responsible for the fall of Rome. They were rightfully crushed, and deserved worse than what they got for their crimes.

That you cuck for the Neocons and Trotskyists of the ancient world just to try and get cheap jabs in shows either a profound lack of knowledge about history and the timeline of events that were taking place, or a hilariously Jewish double standard of values where Christianity is concerned.

Also, fuck off summerfag, and learn how to fucking format. Two minutes of lurking would have told you how to format your text correctly, but you're too much of an intellectual nigger to even check before vomiting your halfassed newfag opinions everywhere and trying to make them look fancy with emphasis. Stop posting and start lurking. Filtered for newfag incompetence.

Yeah, and maybe we can start calling lefty kikes "the real racists" too. I'm sure that'll work great.

Those people only use this "logic" because it gets them what they want. You can't use their own arguments against them because 1) they are not arguments, 2) they ignore logic if it prevents them from getting what they want.

The only thing that works is to stop giving in to their bullshit.

Pay attention, leftists with their infighting have already started calling each other racists and have been eating each other alive over it. We don't even have to do anything with that.

Because you have yet to actually present a position. "Most people couldn't read, therefore reading the Bible doesn't work" is not an argument. And it is easily shown to be false regardless, since the Bible was read by those who were literate to those who were not, and it worked perfectly fine for centuries, until Catholics started skewing things.

When's the last time a White Nationalist movement actually succeeded?

You literally ooze Jewishness with every kike deflection argument you throw out.

Can we please get this shit back on track?

This is the second "educational toy" that has come out of Canada recently. In all honesty I can't even see a kid wanting to play with this shit. Same thing with that "diverse" family creator. I am beginning to suspect that there might be part of something bigger. Not just the whole Cultural Marxism shit, but this recent push of toys from Canada. Both we have seen thus far are cheap low effort products that are likely to go for premium prices. I have a feeling (((certain people))) are trying to make a easy buck out of cucked parents while pushing their ideology.

Christianity was forced by Rome, it didn't fucking organically assert itself.

Faggot filtered me because he can support a single fcking thing he says, "but luckily I see you made a typo" bullshit.

I want six for my Lizardman army.

That wasn't my argument and that you feel the need to lie that it is makes me sad for you. Only insults and lies comes out of your vile mouth. You are acting too irrational and hateful to have a discussion with and I'll stop responding to you now. I'll leave you with a quote you can go reflect on.

Matthew 5:21 “You have heard that it was said to our people long ago, ‘You must not murder anyone. Anyone who murders another will be judged.’ 22 But I tell you, if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be judged. If you say bad things to a brother or sister, you will be judged by the council. And if you call someone a fool, you will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Christianity was popular in Rome and other places before Constantine converted. Study history.

Yes, but wasn't it opposed by the government until it was instituted as the state religion, i.e. Taking it over?


Thanks for posting all this user. Articulated better than I can. I have capped all the posts and have shared them with some other Holla Forumsacks I know IRL who are still suffering from kosher cognitive dissonance on the subject of Christianity.

Would also appreciate knowing your opinion on the Orthodox church vs the other (imo) cucked and heretical denominations

mmm aaah, thought it would already have reviews or somethings… This looks like a choking hazard, especially after i've sucked it out of my boyfriend's anus. I'm pretty sure if my genderfluid little xir got his hands on it, he may be infected and therefore I think this is a terrible campaign to promote.

The above is an autistic work of fiction and is not giving any ideas to potential reviewers/commentary about the product.

It sure is nice summer weather in here, you newfags. I'll bet you've never even seen actual tits nor spoken to an actual woman, or else you would have been smart enough to realize that that wasn't attention whoring. I guess we are going to have to come up with a phrase for you faggots, if anything.

Off my board, Chaim. Christ insanity is not European. It has nothing to do with our pantheons. Fuck off with your literal wordism and literal scrolls from Rabbi Shekelstein, you Gods-damn retarded degenerates. How can you even believe that bullshit here, of all places?
You should be at least fourth position if not fifth position (the end of wordism) and already know this, unless of course you are also a fucking newfag that didn't lurk moar. Fuck off with your "learn the truth from books" shit. I can write that your mother is a fucking whore in a book. I guess it's The Word of G-D!
Yeah…get the fuck out.

Anti-white, EVERY time.

Indeed. Every pastor and churchfag is a corrupt shit.

Fuck skykike.

Yes, goyim, follow the imposter religion. Never ever follow your real religion.

This. It used to be normal for that to happen but now (((they))) hold up this strawman of what (((they))) want you to think a woman should be, and when that doesn't fit these girls to a T, (((they))) offer up a solution to the problem they created. I wouldn't say 12% of these girls are some tranny variant but it's higher than you or I would like to think. The point is, fucking kikes are turning our girls into dykes and trannies and no one ever seems to care. This is white genocide in action, these are future white wombs that are being put in remission by Marxism. Look at any LGBTHIV+ parade and you see the majority are women. Not that I'm saying they have full responsibility for this because we all know (((who))) did it but there's no denying that they're affected by societal and cultural change more than men are. It wouldn't surprise me if that was one of the foremost reasons why there are so many young single men around.

Meanwhile I don't know if this is just me but I feel like faggots are much less common than they were. I know less than I can count on one hand. They could still be around, but I feel like ever since (((same-sex marriage))) was passed they crawled back into their caves and didn't return, not to mention libtards seem to be throwing them under the bus in favor of Islam. I see all sorts of mentally ill dykes every time I leave my house though, fucking washed up old bitches and their "wives", Schlomina Goldenberg and her blonde freshman girl to perform her pedophile fantasies on, etc.

I feel like this guy right now. Now I have no interest in any violence of course but dammit I want the kikes responsible for this to be punished.

Good times. My older sister used to dress me up like a girl. It was awesome. I loved it.
I still dress like a girl from time to time, in private only.

Like all faggot toys you put it up your butt.

>(((Moller, Schreier, Li, & Romer)))

They're the canary in the coal mine.

Yeah I wanted a Barbie doll when I was 3. If I had been born today, they could have potentially put me on hormone blockers.

Have some history.

Summer fag having a meltdown. Beautiful.

Is there a button on the back you can push to make it perform Real Suicide Action! to simulate its realisation that it's a monstrosity with butchered genitals that still feels the same crushing emotional problems that it did before it got itself mutilated?

Why even live?

It was against religious law to read the bible in anything but latin for centuries.

tits or gtfo

sounds like the plot of Apt Pupil.

When I was a young child, I remember asking my father if I would ever get to be a woman when I was older. When he said no, and explained to me that boys are born and turn into men and girls are born and turn into women, I felt kind of odd. It seemed to me that it was limiting, in a way, that such an important aspect of your life is determined at birth and you're powerless to do anything about it. This was at a time in my life, of course, when we're told we can be anything: poor children can end up rich, I could be a firefighter or the president, and I could basically select any skill and be a master if I practiced enough. And I thought it unfair that I could never be a woman, because it seemed that half of the skills and careers in the world were basically barred to me by no fault of my own.

Of course, I forgot about that soon, and went on to lead a normal life where I participated in masculine activities and dressed and acted like a normal heterosexual boy with no issue. When this stuff about tranny children came into the news, I happened to remember that discussion with my dad and the way I felt at the time. Obviously, that was just the nonsensical mind of a child trying to make sense of the basic facts of life and was no indication that there was anything wrong with me. But it chills me to the bone to think about the fact that there are children today coming up with (or being taught) the same ridiculous idea, and being taught that they actually *can* become girls, and growing up to be freaks instead of normal people. If I had been born just 15 years later, my parents might have put me in a dress that day instead of telling me the truth. And I might have ended up as some mentally ill tranny.

My older sister dressed like a boy, loved sports and played with he-man and GI-joe action figures. later she did fashion modeling then went to school for nursing got married has a bunch of beautiful blond children (she still loves he-man and lets her kids play with the new versions of that toy series) thank god she grew up in the 80's or some feminist/big nose doctor would have destroyed her life.


Fuck that. It's our duty to make sure no one ever forgets the horrors of our time.

You are a man of refined tastes. I like that in a person. Have a Slann telling warm blooded vermin to get the fuck out of Lustria.

Sage for off-topic.

Errors every time.

I'm pretty sure we've already lived to see that. I don't know any traditional tomboys, they all go full on dyke/tranny these days.

So anons, any estimates on casualties? I'm sure many a qt, has been tricked into thinking they are men and ruining themselves.

Do you ever feel this world is an elaborate hell made specifically for you? I do. Not sure what I did to piss off God.

So you're a socially conservative, tomboy shitposting on Holla Forums. That guy is lucky, where do I find someone like you? Because tomboys are dead in my experience.

I pretty much feel the same way. Maybe I"m biased but I've felt the affects of this firsthand so I always chime in when the topics come up. Try meeting a tomboy who's a real qt and takes a shine for you almost instantly, only to later find out that some older jewdyke got to her first and convinced her that she was a (((lesbian))) and they're probably going to stay together forever. It almost felt like I could see a small little bead of light in her that was begging to come out and all I could do was watch it fall down a bottomless pit. And the realization that anyone who clicks with me like that will probably have similarly fallen to this mental illness.

I've chosen not to go full defeatist in the face of this, but god dammit some kikes are going to have to pay for this.

It's a good thing I very much believe in a hell beyond this world, I'm not good enough for paradise, but I'm going to enjoy seeing those far worse than I held accountable. Especially the deceivers and the people who think they are untouchable, I can't wait to see justice hit them hard.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white tomboys.

Damn straight.

Well, if you've already checked all the corners, then outside.



As someone unfortunately autistic enough to grow up with Teletubbies instead of stuff like G.I Joe or He-man, I honestly worry about the kids who grow up with these kinds of """""toys""""", doubly so if they didn't know until it's too late. Shit like teletubbies can turn you into the kind of soft boy person that plays friend simulators like Undertale and do shitty fanart. Toys like these, however? You'd be lucky if they didn't end up with severe self-esteem issues by middle school.

If your parents allow you to play with toys like this you probably didn't have much of a chance in the first place.

What is the big deal about Undertale? Isn't it just some shitty indie game where you don't kill anything? I haven't followed anything about it. The only pc game I play is Crusader Kings II.


I'm not convinced Constantine didn't convert fot at least mostly political reasons. Sure, you could appeal to historians. You could also do that for the holocaust.

By making Christianity a licit religion after being opposed for so long was probably to get a measure of control over it, because they could hold their new privileges over them as influence.

He should have just pulled a Muhammad, make up your own monotheistic religion, just copy Neoplatonism for mysticism. Morals are Roman virtues, paganism for rituals.

Or just go the Islam route and make yourself Gods voice, given you're already emperor it shouldn't be hard to spread, that's how Christianity spread.

Yes. There used to be tomboys. Now, tomboys run the risk of being "encouraged" to live as boys. If they are put on puberty blockers, they might actually believe they are meant to be men.