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Jesus fucking christ these Holla Forums goons are exactly like jews aren't they? No matter how many sites and boards they have to migrate to after shitting up the previous one to death, they keep acting and talking the exact fucking same.
Have we ever doxxed the Holla Forums clique? Because to me it seems all these attacks since forever have always been instigated by the same group of goons. Always the same tactics, wordings and slangs.
its the mods here sliding Russia/Syria threads
Freech is a good target, yes?
not even familiar with freech or other boards but lurk here long enough and the mod bias is extremely obvious
Watch the board logs, keep threads open for long periods of time and see which threads/posts get deleted, there is a clear pattern of pro-Russia/Syria/Iran posts/threads that don't fit their approved narrative getting deleted even if they are related to current events. Not against Trump by any means either but this board is turning into a circlejerk where no dissenting opinions or questioning of the (((mods))) is allowed
Someone there claims there's a dox on him, anybody want to find it?
Ok Holla Forums nigger.
Him who?
They are not a single circle but a rather a bunch of smaller circles like foolz and such
they want to spam nigger porn that they have saved in there blacked pc\picture file that they fap to.
>(((Goons))) trying to D&C and push for an exodus yet again
Try to brainstorm together and come up with something better. You failed all election long but I'm sure you'll eventually find inspiration. Oh and before you go service Brock tonight can you remind him that he should check under his car. I wouldn't want him to have any accident (yet).
They don't even need to attack us, all they have to do is to watch the summerfags downgrading the discussion level just for being underage edgy impressionable kids that wants to belong to the evil nadzes and want to shows us the newest "female redpilled eceleb".
meanwhile any post that includes screencaps of the mods deleting threads gets removed
You don't check under the car for that shit brah.
It's for other reasons.
there favorite e-celeb redpilled female post cringy nazbol may-mays to her bull on twatter.
Holla Forums is always under attack.
And here's the bot.
i just checked Holla Forums looks like they are attacking them and i'm not bot i just like zorak.
Any links to other boards on Holla Forums get removed. Any links to archive.is get removed. They have to be killed.
There also against anons meeting up and doing anything constructive in real life any time a thread about anything like that comes up it gets dropped to the bottom of the catalog
The guy behind the attack, who the fuck else?
Well, we were discussing one of the… never mind. Can’t even say it here.
Kill yourself.
You dumbfuck /int/ brought that upon yourselves during April Fools 2015.
bout 8 shills arguing with each other here and maybe 2 actual regulars
wtf its time to move to endkikechanan now gois
Thank you merchant, you truly are our greatest ally.
I miss hotwheels
I wish I could have won the lottery, I would have funded his little ass before Jim got his claws in.
yeah, well, don't worry the DOTR is just around the corner, any day now
Just remember that the mods here are not your friends and are actively coordinating with halfchan and Reddit mods to flood these boards with normalfags.
The truth that this board sucks trump's and kek's cock? How innovative.
Hey whatever happened to that moldylocks girl?
These people can't control cuckchan so they go for the other information hubs and try to disrupt shit until they fall under their control (familiar isn't? SRS says hello). You don't see massive shilling and disruption on kikechanan or Endchan. You don't see them being DDoSed. You can say whatever you want about Jim but so far his goal is to profit selling ads and not to make the userbase work for his own interests. This is about control, is about having power over you and do their bidding
Then prove it faggot.
what am I looking at?
any posting evidence results in banning, even screencaps of threads that weren't deleted for breaking rules or screencaps of expired bans and reasons/posts for them
Holla Forums. A bunch of goons on some Discord somewhere. People aren't using boards under their control, so they started spamming Holla Forums. That's why it was hard to post earlier.
It was? I guess I slept while this happened. A gust of wind with a weak whimper of "Notice me, Senpai"
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ok, checking if end has anything involved. So far, it looks that some autist is gleefully revealing his cancerous acts. Depends if it's involved only 1 person.
What a great idea to increase the activity on other obscure imageboards which becomes even more slower than Holla Forums already is, fucking retards.
Heads up. It looks like the spammers are starting to show up here. Holla Forums got hit the hardest and is counterspamming 32 and endchan. I'm sure they would appreciate some backup of anyone else is bored.
Why won't they go hard directly against the idea guys behind the spamming instead of making other people hate us
Maybe a D&C tactic. Cripple the userbase of chans, resulting imageboards becoming slower and more cancerous in which people will lose interest and move to an alternative site as in searching for bigger quantity. What if…
…Or maybe a butthurt asperger with a 2 year grudge.
Meant for
Because it's Holla Forums. If you have any better ideas let's hear them. anyone up for ddosing somethingawful?
You think it's them? Could be since they've done those things in the past. Still, Holla Forums has lots of enemies.
It's definitely goons. They aren't the least bit subtle.
Yeah sounds pretty plausible, on this imageboard any board that is smaller then Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums is pretty slow or have no posters at all. But hey at least they get to brag that they spammed this imageboard to death and hypothetically 1 less imageboard to post on, fucking niggers.
With all the damage SA did to the internet ecosystem, i'm amazed someone didn't gas them earlier
It's literally nothing. I can count the amount of times a chan has been raided on all my digits and it's never changed anything. At worst, people will go outside for a few hours.
Why bother with SA? They're just a circlejerk. You should find /cow/ tier shit about them and plaster it all over places like dumblr for all their fans to see, if you want to hurt them.
Set them up to fight each other. We know that they're directly attacking us because we don't fit in with their tripfaggy ways, but we also know that barring some of the tech savvy ones, they're a bunch of idiots. Bait them into spamming each other for months on end, pretending that attacking 8ch was just a way for either of them to test if they could directly attack the other circle jerk.
Alternatively, just "dox" some publicly available information about police department big shots pretending it's some 8ch BO information on those sites and watch some idiots get party vanned.
Didn't even notice lol
The former /fem/ owner?
Yep, that's him.
And the spamming in Holla Forums started again
Can't they temporarily log IPs whenever shit like this happens?
All the posts have different IPs, so it's either someone rapidly switching or, more likely, a botnet. Either case he can't get banned, and if you hand the IP's to law enforcement they'll immediately forward them to the trashbin.
and cuckmonkey broke rangebans! Hooray!
Already did that a longass time ago, before they figured out how to stop hotlinking. It was pure comedy.
Oh, man. That takes me back.
a round of applause to the moderation