How long until Denton commits sudoku due to him facing a losing battle?

How long until Denton commits sudoku due to him facing a losing battle?

Also daily reminder that you are not Nick Denton.

I would never wish death on a person.
I hope he learns his lesson and goes on living his life telling people about the awful fucking choices he's made.


Well, at least he'll be a constant source of entertainment if he doesn't.

Whatever, man. Then cut his legs off and let him learn it that way.
Whatever works. But death lets him off with a slap on the wrist, because he'll never have to see the weight that the loss of that money has.

That's fine and respectable.

However we'renot wishing death on him. We're simply wagering when he'll pull the plug so we can laugh at it.

Go back to reddit you fucking terrorist sympathizer

i'd pay his costs myself to see him rot in jail for 40 years
you think suicide is the hard way out? that must be why so many emotionally imbalanced teenagers do it

Holla Forums disgusts me today.

Thank you for reminding me, OP.

Who the fuck is that?
How is it video games?

Is it (you)?

I hope he doesn't for a while. It'll be fun to watch him squirm and a year or so before ending it.


Well I guess its that we never would want to be in his current position, even though what he's done is worthy of his $140M punishment
By the way does anyone know what Hogan and maybe Thiel is going to do with the money, like give it to Trump or something or make a charity to help get poor kids into wrestling

Remember when it was KingOfPol that hooked us up with Hotwheels so we ended up here? Remember how he cemented himself as 'King Of Spaghetti' when he got tricked into spreading that fake Facebook post of Nick Denton?

That was a magical time, and arguably still is.The dems and SJWs continue to lose their grip and will all but physically implode come Trump's inauguration. E3 2017 might be interesting if only by the virtue of the political climate being changed so much since 8 years ago.


I can't wait for all the assmad devs putting Trump caricatures in their games. That's going to be a whole new level of asshurt.

Wishing death upon someone isn't too far, just look at that one kike who pays Black Lives Matter, but at this point I don't really care if Denton dies, he's already been humiliated in court, lost all his fucking money, and has declared bankruptcy. Unless things somehow went his way and he started being a massive fucking cunt about it, then I could see myself wishing he was dead due to the fact he offers nothing useful but suppressed information and Social Justice related rubbish.

It's already happening with Mafia 3 & Watchdogs 2, the latter of which will coincidentally be released a week after the election and exactly 10 years since Sonic 06 came out. It's a glorious supernova waiting to happen.

Stop listening to marxists user, they make you stupid.

Get the hell out of here, Denton.