Are you a healslut Holla Forums?

are you a healslut Holla Forums?

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I started with UO in 1997 and there were no healsluts. You just healed yourself.

It's amazing how many games cloned EQ. It's to the point where you get images and memes like this OP.

I don't play MMOs because I'm not a massive fucking faggot.

No, I'm a DPS slut.

no, I'm not cute enough for it.


the churning out of new healslut threads is really getting out of hand

The healers back in the day were so rare, they could run the show with how important they were.

isn't the last shitposting thread you made still in the catalogue?

Really? I'm a casterslut

Not really. I go healer because it means I almost never have to wait in queues.


fucking lurk more

I like DPSing when I get gay as hell because it's even easier to play one-handed than healing is, and plus people badmouth DPSers just as much, if not more, than healers.


80% of the threads currently on this board are shit.

I do every role.

nope im a paladin. whatever role paladins take in any game I will play them.

You know, this sounds fun. I'll try it with my gf as she supports me in MH.

I need new pictures to add to my white mage folder

This just in: faggots continue to be loud, annoying, and ruin everything they touch.
In similar news: Water is wet, and fire is hot.

I like to play a support class but I'm not a faggot about it

I love white mages. they are so cute.

So, you're saying neo/v/ is actually improving?

I got something for you to heal.

Its try healing your white blood cell count.

what a dumbass lmao.

jesus christ I'm a full on degenerate healslut that likes to wear fucking girls clothes and even I hate these garbage threads

anyone who doesn't sage is a raging faggot

That is a very pussy vuvla




Fucking faggots ruin the honorable name of healer.

Am i the only one here that has never played an MMO?.

that should be puffy vuvla

Fuck off

I kind of want to play TF2 some more, and I want to play as Heavy and I need a Medic.



Healers are fucking champs! The rest of you are clingers on to our awesomeness.
Beg me more for my pity! for I hold your life in my hands!

You also hold my cock in your mouth.

I miss the healslut threads with the fanfiction-tier descriptions. They are long gone and this thread should be gone too.

no heals for you.

This. They were pretty fun, but the time has passed.

Nah, I'm a support bro.

That and it's turned into this full on /cuteboys/ faggotry thing. In the old threads some at least pretended to be girls, which is where half the fun was.

Same here fam

r8 my healslut
I'm probably not even going to heal.

shit taste fam.

thats a nice daisoujou but this is screen capped from master LL's video isnt it?

that's your fucking problem pussy

I dunno. I just googled daisoujou and picked that out.

*Yahoo image search.

Nah, they just mentioned having cocks less. These threads were always gay as fuck

it looks like it's one of the first things that comes it when you google it or yahoo it and it is his from his video

I am a healer, but I'm not a twink fag healslut because I'm not a whiny homosexual nerd

How can you be a good healer if you don't have your face stuffed in medical books?

S H I T/endyourwilltolive/ M E M E

What are you, gay?

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that any reliable medical professional should be well educated.

Man I remember rolling a priest in Nostalrius.

I tried TERA once but it was pretty shit

I heal people

video games in general are for fags and thinking otherwise is delusional

I hope you all die of AIDS.

you cannot deny dicks are the objectively superior genitalia though

It's called hiding the thread retard, it takes all of one second.

I can deny that you have a normal white blood cell count, queer.

This is what faggots actually believe. Pic related.


Don't worry son, if you're careful, mom won't find your gay cuck porn. You don't need to overcompensate quite this hard, we all know how much you 'hate' faggots, user.

Threadly reminder that some of us play healer because the vast majority of people playing healer/support are fucking retarded and putting your HP in their hands is suicide.

The GRIDS is already deteriorating your brain.

God sent AIDS to this Earth to rid us of these faggots and the sinners who would mingle with them. That's why humans will never be able to cure it. Fuck all these mentally ill faggots in this thread. Get to >>>/christian/ NOW and save yourself.

You seem to think an awful lot about the grosser sides of gay sex for someone who hates it so much.

Bug catching is pretty gross user, I suggest you seek Jesus.

>Play Dragon Nest as Guardian
>Doing Typhoon Kim Nest
Everyone is fucking retarded. It's a wonder to me why they play games if they can't perform the simpliest tasks to survive.

I don't care if you're gay. I don't care if you're a healer. But god damn can you people fuck off with this heal slut faggot shit.

people who play video games are among the most retarded to exist user, you have to understand that while a big number of us play for fun the majority plays because they're mentally challenged on day to day tasks and have no other way of spending hteir time because it's too complex

I used to believe (and still want to) in Christianity, but, simply put, I find much of the supernatural stuff hard to reconcile.

tip as many fedoras as you wish but if you're trying to reason with religion as opposed to listen and believe you're just doing it wrong



God healsluts are annoying.
>They're off in clan chat ROLEPLAYING in some corner with the other healer
If you're a healslut, do your party a favor and kill yourself so that someone competent can take your place.


Thanks, OP.

I only play heals because there are so few MMOs that let you actually play a legit support role. So heals is the next best thing.

I just don't understand the appeal of playing a healslut. Like are you a masochist or something? Everybody knows the best class to play is tank, getting spanked and taking in all that sweet damage and argo. All chats are always looking for tanks above other classes too, nobody wants to play but if you do you're the hero. Meanwhile, everything is always the healer's fault.

confirmed for never playing an mmo
its always healers in short supply, then tanks, never dps

I only play heals because I don't need to worry about keeping aggro or being the top of the dps boards.
It's so fucking ez

Healers and tanks have always been in charge. If anything it's healdom or healhighpricedescort.

Talk about MMO classes, what the fuck is a shaman supposed to be?


EQ Shaman was a HoT + DoT + BUFF + SLOW but no REZ or CH.

The worst part about these threads is that nobody who posts in them has ever talked about a game with a good healing system.

They don't exist, is why.


You're part of the problem.





none of you are worth healing. in fact if you need healing youre bad


spectral armor pls go

People keep getting mad at me when I'm killing people instead of healing their asses as Mercy.

if your healer is attacking something you might want to pay more attention

Remember folks: gay or straight, 3D is still PD.

Wouldn't healers be suitable as team leaders?
They're always keeping an eye on each team member's current condition and their health so they always know when to make the important calls.

Potentially, but most people who play healers are terrible

I'd say leadership depends on the player rather than the class.

if the tank dies its the healer and the tanks fault
if the healer dies its the healers fault
if the dps dies its the healer and dps fault, most of the time its the dps


whenever i make a pub grp i take control of instructions for the raid and marking what targets to kill in order for some fights

I reckon being a good healer on a terrible team is even worse.
Yesterday I played Ranked Overwatch as Lucio and ended it with Silver eliminations. It was quite painful.

post more white mages!

What if you're damage AND healer? like Discipline Priest.

Disc priests are wishy washy sluts who need the uppity fucked out of them.

for the last couple of years you'd need 3+ players to fuck the uppity out of them in pvp though

that is just blizzard being retarded and not jknowing how to balance.



This thread is for cute trap healsluts. Take your shit vaginas elsewhere.