Brand made a video about karl marx and socialism

Holy shit, he actually did it. He's always been roundabout it, because he was deathly afraid of labels and red baiting, but I guess he was like, fuck it. You can really tell he's been studying hard on his year off. I'm quite impressed

Keep in mind before you yell about him not defining socialism as "seizing the means of production" because these videos are made for his audience, which is mostly young girls who follow celebrities lives.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's hope for prickly yet :^)

Jesus OP you made it sound like he had a lecture on Marx to deliver.

He's just explaining why Bill O'Reilly is stupid, if anyone here isn't aware of that.

Yeah, pretty decent considering. I'm sure he will get plenty of haters, but his key point was 'young people aren't happy and are looking at options to help their lives outside of capitalism'.

I think that's a good message.

I'm just glad he's warming up to the ideas.
Those victims of communism types need to be countered by someone, even if that someone is a rambling, jittery, drug addict.

Despite his surface level flirtations with Marx and Socialism, Brand is still a wholesale buyer of the whole Leary/McKenna/Esalen "psychedelic revolution" nonsense (propagated by the CIA to convince impressionable halfwits that "the whole material world is an illusion, maaaaaan).

In fact, Brand himself is probably a joint CIA/MI5 psyop. Fuck him.


Source on any of that CIA-pushing-psychedelic-revolution thing

Was pretty funny.

Will put him on the "no wall" list.

Leary was a CIA agent. McKenna was an FBI informant. Esalen was started by the Tavistock Institute.

It's a very deep rabbit hole. But beware going down it, because despite most of the research being sound, a lot of it is done by reactionaries with ulterior motives (e.g. Jan Irvin).

We should send him material to read. He's a decent guy, who wants to find answers, and has the power to communicate them to a wide audience.

Now that you point it out, that seems incredibly possible, all things considered.
It is strange that he's suddenly turned his attention to socialism. He was just one of those "We need a balance between capitalism and socialism" type liberals for a while.

>Looks at book and shoved it to him and nearly picks it up
I think he has got the stuff man.

epig. xD

Why do I subject myself to this shit? Am I a masochist or something? I even have a script that by default hides Youtube comments but I always go there just to see for some reason.

So I'm guessing you think that buying Che shirts is a revolutionary act?

I'm really so proud of him tbqh

RIP my sides.

Fight them, user. The comments section is the front in the information wars.


Prickly became a woman.

What a faggot. That's not a political statement by the way. I'm in favor of unity in the class war, but in my personal life I like to be a bigot who hates minorities.

Honestly, I can't wait until we achieve a socialist society, but I'll keep waiting, waiting until we have FALC, and then I'm going to go back to being a racist sexist transphobic bigot.

I will hold back the Holla Forums inside my heart, so that the Holla Forums in my brain can win the workers the world that belongs to them. I will do it all for you, but when it's done, it's done.

Pfft. I'm on your side for NOW kids.

Thanks for your contribution to usefullidiotism.

But in all seriousness, I will take any and all allies I can. I will even fight side by side with nazbols if it means I can achieve socialism.

If Russell Brand is who we're looking to for spreading leftism we might as well kill ourselves right now.

Maybe he should have done that studying BEFORE writing a book about politics.

Not really. He's been talking about anarchy for a while. He just never really read theory. Did you come out of the womb with Capital in one hand and a molotov in the other?

Do you have sources or not?

Karl Marx never took into account my patriotism.

We're soulmates

ITT Holla Forumstards prove they'e even dumber than Holla Forumstards

really makes you think

Yes I did.

How does capitalism create global warming?

the truth is that carbon based fuels were just the technology available at the time.

true different flavours of authoritarianism

Something something oil industry and keeping their muh privileges

He spoke about Ideology many times.

i love vivian

i wish some of the Holla Forums artists would do something with her

even the people who like socialism are dead wrong. what the fuck is this meme world?

You know what has to be done, comrade.

also what the fuck is with the rothschild comments? I don't think they're Holla Forums memers. I talked to one of em and he said he wasn't an anti-semite, he just thinks the powerful bankers are using judaism as a front.

I keep seeing this "informational vid" on my recommended bar and I can't help but think this has something to do with the new Rothschild meme:

This is why we need nuclear war
