Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Other urls found in this thread:
i am a puppy
this is a nice site
You're going to answer your phone or what?
ok this is dave oshry's dog
where did you get this
This is not subtle
if she looked like that i wouldnt call
doggos page
calling me a brick
labeling me a liberal strawman
probably doesn't comprehend what i'm saying
doesn't like multiple sentences explaining things
but still has opinions, which are shallow.
opinions that make you feel good.
opinions that "just make sense".
I read your posts and mannerisms, and think I got a pretty good idea about who you are.
yet you probably do the same to me, and land on 'brick' and 'liberal'.
so I assume your repository is shallow, and since you can only pull from that, you end up as a basic bro.
why are you starving yourself
maybe so he can die a quicker death
starving myself would be eating nothing
lenko aggro'd out of fucking nowhere
u need to take a xanax or somthing dude, deal with ur anger in healthy way my man
it's the only correct choice
world would be far better off without his kind
do exercise.
do you mean trans people
Have you seen the long-haired duck ones?
lenko needs to stop projecting
he obviously has some issues from what i saw this morning
therapy would help
Goodnight, senpai
i have a hunch this post is dedicated to me
lenko hates anyone who doesnt flirt with him : (
Oh I see
Ioli then
I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't even know where I got these.
yup. you don't have to reply. i still don't have you figured out, but i hope it isn't tainted by the fact on some level i dislike you and think you stand for willful ignorance out of the need for simplicity or because effort towards truth isn't as useful as the truths within arm's reach.
but I never conclude my opinions about ppl.
well alright kanra
im not gonna insult u so
That is the Ioli I'm talking about
There's a filter on the word "Ioli" that replaces it with duck.
That artist is a god
Kanra, what do you think of me?
pet. -pets-
there are definitely more risque duck artists out there. they're good that they're 'bad'.
previously seemed to have life going for him, but obviously has something wrong with him if he's posting here.
at least he talked about how awesome his life was, whether or not that was embellishment or ego masturbation was hard to tell.
definitely has a way of thinking that I personally think puts him above others.
loli and lolicon is disgusting
Like who?
hurr you like men
I didn't take you for the shota type
Sick pedo fucks.
no u
I need a boyfriend. Anyone interested.
Being alone sucks
you only hit on real 14 year olds lol
Is this 2011?
Try deepthroating a shotgun.
cmere and gimie a hand and so some opiates with me
see my last post
Shotguns arent people tsunchi.
It would take 2 days to get to you driving. Would you have any left by then
when you're addicted to heroin you can suck my dick for money
what did we just talk about on steam
jk love u buddy
Like you'd know em when you see em.
pls dont self terminate before we meet
That I should just try to live my life and I'll find a boyfriend naturally
so what is this mina
We'll talk shop
grim i got this fam
check this out
we'll see
i killed a bear the other day
But Grim I'm impatient as hell.
what the fuck it looks like a cub
My things wrong with me are just the ego masturbation that I require which you mentioned below. Bad things tend to happen if I don't get my attention online
Depends. Stumpy todler looking shit is gross and a sign of being a pedo. Something like Nadeko is pretty natural in males to be attracted to
can i just do that right now
why do i have to be addicted to heroin
thats a good gig
probably not
these make me laugh so much i dont understand why lmfao
I know. It really sucks.
Well shit
Hi minami
It doesnt sound like youre doing too well sweetie
What's wrong?
it probably is
or a young adult
dont care, village put out a notice saying it was dangerous and to put dogs and cats indoors
I thought you lived in new york
oh shit
ny is a big fucking state
Ooh. I never use that expression. It's a good one.
Just kinda lonely is all. I want someone to cuddle up next to
I live in the village of maybrook now
it's in upstate new york
it's still just dead there in my friends lawn
he doesn't know what to do with it
I just assumed you would do it for less money if you were an addict
I'm well off, but I'm not that well off you know?
whats less money
lets talk numbers my man
You're a big fucking state fuck off
You know what else is a good one?
Is upstate new york where all the whole lotta nothing and buffaloes and refugee Canadians go?
butcher it
least I'm not some lolicon
It actually does a lot. I have this thing where I say really stupid and provocative shit just to get attention. It happens in real life if it doesn't happen here.
At least I am aware of it
pretty much lol
it is the canada of america
Buffalo, NY gets like neck deep snow every year
i don't know how to dress a bear, bro
i can hardly dress deer and bunnies
there should be a page somewhere on the internet
or a video
i wanna be a duck
then i could sit in people's laps even more comfortably
That's sad as fuck
Im sorry about that
You can still talk and be cutesy with me if that helps ~
I didn't expect this conversation to go this way
Uhh, $20 if you swallowed
I don't think you legally can since there's no tags for them. I mean, I don't expect a game warden to do anything but I think that's still illegal.
25$ and you'd have a deal honestly
The two of us dripping with intrigue as I plunder the deepest part of your tender thoughts and make you feel more whole as a person
hurr currynigger inshallah pyramids
Do you like the country?
As long as you have a healthy awareness of it.
People roundabouts here tend to be more sympathetic and tolerant.
at the same time they're more brutal and honest.
((grr to close)))
I enjoy brutal and honest. I strive for conflict. I am sure you would attribute that to something in my childhood
nobody is going to lodge a complaint
it's already dead, it was threatening the village
hell it's on someone's lawn now
Hello thread.
The point was mixing three different cultures
I could probably work with that
how much for the butt tho? do I get a discount if I use both?
It's still considered poaching. It's a big issue here when mountain lions. You can shoot them in defense of yourself or property but skinning them or stripping them is considered poaching. You're supposed to call a game warden and have them dispose of the corpse.
Otherwise it's illegal.
I guess
I'll try to get it before it rots
I really doubt the village authority will care
It's pretty nice. I like the quiet.
I smiled
what a waste
I bet their fur is pretty nice
not that I encourage hunting them or anything
On here or on steam?
That... sounds like a good experience.
Nah, could very well be your adulthood. Or teenagehood.
I like conflict because I can engage and detach from it easily,
and it takes more intellectual energy on both halves.
Pointless conflict is pointless. Enlightening conflict is where it's at.
But did you wash your hands before you smiled you sick fuck
When dont need to talk about our things on steam yet, do we?
I didnt know we were that far minami!
Press your supple naked body against mine
I'm gonna be sick
Why can't more cultures value wholesome, american cleanliness llike mine
That's not that far though.
oh my god I just realized that's a jho
Eh, I more or less enjoy chaos. I don't even have to be the one arguing. I just like to see people upset. I make people cry on purpose and shit. I tell them fucked up things to get reactions. Friendly people legitimately bother me
I hate all of you
But theres just so much more lewd connotations to talking private, isnt there?
What would grim think?
What's a jho?
Haha. No. I'm a wreck. It's been an awful few months.
That's a little perverse. I only do that when I'm drunk or really high.
what would be giving you a discount
I already know what Grim thinks
Youre psychic also?
i also know what grim is thinking
did you see the thoughts he had about him and lenko?
You won't be a wreck until after I'm done with you.
Then I'll build you back up into my queen.
Fucking nerd
waffuru i didnt know you're such a duck
oh.. it's filtered
It could be one of two things
1. I can read people like a book
2. He told me already
Mine gets worse when I am drunk for sure. Never been high so can't really tell you how that effects me. I am emotionally sadistic, but not physically sadistic at all. I might want to see someone get hurt, but I am not going to have the desire to harm someone . I could do it and its not going to affect me, but its not something I seek
I know what you meant
Apparently I am
absolutely disgusting
I thought I was gonna build myself up over these weeks since I have infinite time.
I've been programming a lot. but y'know. haven't found a starting point.
Some targets are just too easy. I intended at one point to have more elaborate fun.
But I ended up telling Gilgamesh that I was Satomi all along.
WELL GUESS WHAT, you're a duck, waffuru
what's with the rampant wordfilter, i demand my manaka to anna filter back
i bet you were so happy you get to talk to irl duck
c vdffdgfdsfbfg g
I only played monster hunter some years ago on my Wii and I only played it like 4 times
I bought it because dark souls was popular at the time and I had nothing to play it on
This was supposed to be the substitute
Typically that isn't an issue with you.
She was nice I guess.
I'm sure you've already sent her your nude pictures, too
Usually the person with the commodities names the price I think
so basically less than whatever you think your ass is worth
or like a buy one get one free
it's still an amazing game ^^
Is he that dull to have not figured it out on his own?
rite? each new starting point gets me a little further, but not far enough.
so judging by my lifestyle for the last few weeks, seems that hope has been sapped.
I went out of my way to deceive. Got a girl to do Vocaroos and everything.
They neither asked me to relay this nor am I acting out of some bullshit notion of protecting them but you really did upset them with that, be it either that directly or whatever happened by the scenes that I'm unaware of.
yeaa she is, too bad she usually refuse to play with me because i have too many wins. It took me a lot of convincing to get her to play.
context please
I talked to them about it already.
Isn't something worth retelling, really.
Just was letting him know.
well that's no fun, I'm gonna go sulk at the gym then
Neru never posts dank lulu
Youre really smart so
I think its probably the first
What do you see in me?
That is pretty hilarious. How lonely is he? Soto levels? I almost felt pity for Soto the other day. He truly is a sad creature
which is the best one?
I'm sure you'll find your way.
How is your throat, mana?
I'm sorry if I hurt you.
Soto has friends and buds. Hangs out irl. Prefers drinking with others than alone.
I'm sure he's fine.
This transpired roughly 8 minutes and they signed off Steam over half an hour ago so I have no way of knowing what happened other than what was here.
Just felt like telling you whatever it was really hurt them.
Don't forget to eat your oats.
or maybe I'm one of those losers that doesn't hit his stride til he's 30.
i mean, there are many of them that live waaay better lives.
but i'd rather not suffer now.
A few things. But most importantly you're interesting.
Nah man, he is pretty fucking lonely. He is an alcoholic who can't hold a job and desperately wants companionship
Change your environment
Whoa you're gonna give me PTSD
They always said beauty isn't easy
Who was the Brit you got to do the Vocaroo?
If it's who I think, that'll answer (to you at least) who I thought Satomi was.
probs 4u.
I started with 3u, which was a bit more difficult.
Generations is coming out on july 15, you should get that one
I'm sure she expressed the severity of how upset she was to you. But yeah. I really fucked up
simple apology won't cut it
I don't have any systums
I woke up again
it doesnt hurt as much anymore, but still wet with bad stuff i'm still trying to cough it all out.
it's fine the fun was worth it!
wanna play later or soon?
If I have an extra $200 ill probably get a N3DSXL
I can sell you my normal 3dsxl for like $50 to you if you want, assuming I get a n3dsxl
Just give her space.
So? That's way more common than you think.
He has a family he's close with, friends he can trust, so what if he's single?
ik. ugh. i'd welcome it. i've made it happen before. no, it's possible. i've just been bad for a while.
Just a fact of life. Now that I've realized it in advance, that means doing something with it...
I have an image of who I want to be when I'm 25. where I am in the world doesn't matter.
so long as I'm that person.
a Chinese/British girl I used to go to school with.
used to be my best friend. i tell her about my internet fun.
she said she'd play along. i could have done it for months so long as she was in contact.
I honestly feel like I'm just another guy to her.
But she's forgiven me for everything I've done to her.
So idunno.
how big is your dick?
that will depend on the price
i said everything i wanted to on steam now im not sure what to put here
Mm nah not really too tired and chill but you should skype me again
Well, I have a 3DS, but that bitch is lost as fuck.
I should do some digging for it
You told me bout your 25 year old dream before
ohhh ok
hope you find it
Then I was just in the wrong. I assumed it was someone who always used to send vocaroos of her singing just as vocal training. And had a penchant for creating new identities.
I can't answer that for her as I don't know. If it's any consolation, I don't think she really just puts herself out hoping any and all chase her.
well first.. stop hiding!
second, talking with typed words count as skyping, right?
Second part is for you. I'm tired.
I hope I don't put it over the horizon for no reason.
Because in time, I'll be 25. And it won't be luck that made me who I wanted to be.
I don't have a penchant for it. My attention span is too short.
I could have done much more with Satomi. A part of me only tried it a few more times to impress my pet.
What a disappointment.
We both hit walls with each other once in a while, that stop us from growing any closer.
Idunno if it's for better or for worse.
Somewhere between 6.5 and 7 inches
I'm happy I have the asians beat at least
Same, that bitch is expensive.
Nobody man
Technically but I want to hear your voice
That's right.
It will be the magical genie.
I got mine for like 150
came with mario
How you disappeared and reappeared in a kind of set interval was a dead giveaway Satomi was someone else.
Funnily, the vocaroo was one of the few things that made me think it wasn't you. Just because I thought the voice familiar.
I've teased and given them shit about it private and publicly but honestly, they're really not a tart at all.
The N3DS regular has been out in America since one of the Harvest Moons. Just get it over the XL.
Can't remember what I got mine for but I do know it was a total impulse buy
a tart?
XL is way better for the action games. The details are easier to see.
I wanna get a n3dsxl and put some custom MH plates on it, I fucking love the series so much
Is she eating a Fruit by the Foot?
fuck. I need a genie.
lonely girls don't wander in here for no reason.
if I were playing the bigger game, doubt would be minimized or managed.
confidence would be placed where it shouldn't be etc.
ur probably that waffala tonya guy
whatever his name was
..you already heard..
my nasally, wet, dirty, agonized voice
Don't laugh at me you fanboy
I imagine it's a ribbon to hold whatever clothes she was wearing
hi manaka
Someone called it as you rather quickly, too.
Then again, they know your past far better than I.
Eh, it wasn't that bad
was it a special edition one?
now that you told me the size
that size would make it cost more honestly
u can revise the answer
Nah reg
why u gotta be mean to me
i havent even talked to you
thanks to the headset, i guess.. i can barely understand my own spoken words.
Isn't the successor to the 3DS supposed to be announced soon?
This anime is great
Michiko to Hatchin
the dub > the sub
I have this one
can i have your daughter for the rest of my life
say yes say yes please
cause i need to know
supra mayro 69
I'm not sure if I'm suppose to go up or down
yes, hello
May I be as bold as to request lulu pictures of the dank variety?
I dunno
I have not done anything, anyway.
When do you get better?
That looks pretty nice.
Why do I feel like it's gonna fade?
Would you give me one of the wishes?
I think it's "so bold"
And "might I"
how are you manaka
cease being mean to me at once and lets progress to flirting
Is that the rice rocket you drive?
the day that never comes
hopefully, this weekend i'll be in my 100% health
nno, but it's the most common one
You guys have the scooter variants of JDM cars.
wtf are u asking me
But I have no desire whatsoever to do that with you.
I'll await the call.
tfw never finding an anime like eden of the east ever again
Post your rice rocket.
Is "rice rocket" a slur?
that was merely a garden variety.
jdm version of scooter would this one
tell me to get well soon!
what did I dooo
i'd wish for the ability to do things for others.
the rest would be personal.
he tried
silver * for effort
because it probably will after a long enough time, lol
these are the plates I want
this is bullying
But there lies a hazard in possibly jinxing you
smaller is better
Post your rickshaw.
No that would be like- Alienware variety.
you never
is this where I type that I had a lewd dream about renekton and goggles saves the picture with this filename.jpg
I honestly think you just make this shit up.
The ability to do things for others is a personal wish.
If not, you'd wish for someone else to have the ability.
Looks kinda overkill
I dare you
hm. that's true. i guess they're all personal.
but they'd be tools i'd use to make myself and the world better.
you cant jinx it if i'm already ill!
it's a Honda
this is going to be the alienware
because led tail light and biggest engine of all scooters
boo seriously what the fuck was that question
maybeI have played too much luge
The animation quality of this is terrible.
That's a racing variant. Geez, ManaK. Step it up.
I'll stick with my original answer, I'm sure you'll be fine
Lying on the internet doesn't do anything for me anyway
Haven't you already posted your scooter before?
Maybe it's Maybelline.
mehbeh shes born with it
what question??
A donger?
knew joork
So you'd wish for money?
Solves everything, you know
Say please.
it happens
lowest would be like 45 then
pain makes it go up exponentially
but. that one is sold in dealer and everyone can buy it..
it has number plate mount so it's road legal
that's pretty much the thing police cares
unless there's an inspection
i dont know, have i? i've posted my key that's for sure
please, rroydo?
school gum wall ticky tackies get pretty sticky
i'd wish for things more valuable than money.
and if I wanted, people would pay me.
Yeah, you purposefully angled it so your plates weren't in the pic.
was it my old one or my current one? i suppose you remember what it looked like, if it's a suzuki it's the old one
How's he going going to bear your daughter anyways?
butt babies
I hope you get better, Mana
I'll pay you.
I don't remember anything about the scooter whatsoever other than you've posted it. It's why I was just asking you to repost it.
I'd probably do it at least once tbh
Butt babies are a Zionist conspiracy.
hza, pls
go throw a chair
i'd give the people i like free stuff.
specifically the ones i like before i reach nigh godhood.
He was the best injun.
Ihave not seen darwing in a while
no idea whats going on here guys....
He died and went to pedo hell, where it's nothing but stark nude, saggy grannies.
aw thanks rroydo
You asked Scarlet "can i have your daughter for the rest of my life".
We're the confused ones.
I'm sorry I'm not a scooter expert and remember what scooter you had poster.
thats different then if its not common
im about those steady streams of income my man
Is that Bebop or MFF that's "bidding" on his asshole?
im just talking about how they look
Griffy we're reaching the point in the conversation where you get all weird we gotta dial it back
that would depend on how good it was I suppose
I have a hard enough time staying grounded in reality and you literally got me all wishful thinking about genies.
We're talking about something worth more than the fortune of entire countries.
Worth billions of lives. It's okay to get a little crazy.
i was outside
happy brirthday today by the way except there is nobody else except maybe casper and sd
i wouldnt know im not a fag
it probably is though
If I had three wishes the first wish would be for simply the wisdom to know how best to spend the next two wishes.
I feel like that would also sort of protect me if it's an evil genie so that if wishing for things means you also get like ironic punishments and shit that wouldn't really incur much and I would know not to make more wishes after that.
he doesn't like you anymore
awh again
Yeah but when you get crazy you get egotistical and then you hurt someone.
Which I don't really care, but I need you to stay focused on me
I think we both know the best way to find out
I would ask for nigh limitless potential to shape the minds, lives, biologies, technology, and hearts of others.
And I'd only make adjustments according to what I knew I could reliably change without fucking too much up.
I know that everything I value is subjective and based on my biology and experiences, and I wouldn't want to lose that delusion.
I'd want to feel the natural progression of learning, so I can relate it to me, instead of being super smart in one go.
WELL at frist he disliked me but then we became pretty good friends and lately Ihave not seen him and are you telling me we no longer friends
I'll make sure the people I like have no reason to betray me.
and heck, I'd want them to live lavishly and comfortably.
since I would still be human during my first century of godhood.
eventually... after a few centuries... maybe I'd grow more apathetic.
i guess so
who am i even talking to tbh
anyone know this strange feel
All I want is a harem of cute people to do what I want
Oh yeah, just checked wikipedia for whatever's going on today.
Happy Norway day then.
Ah, it's Bebop then.
Maybe that first wish would even let me outsmart one of those trickster type genies. Regardless, the idea is if it's a legit genie I'd probably end up some kind of benevolent god with two wishes.
Were I an evil genie I would say something like "humans already have the potential" and laugh and say you lost a wish.
typical trump supporter
i want to fuck him while he tells me all he read on huffington post
So I was at WWE Raw tonight and it was fucking weird in a lovable way
tfw no wwe daddy bf
I'm just pulling your leg.
I played with him just the other day.
Send him a message.
.///. this is all i ever wanted
but the thrill of the chase would be taken away, getting any qt you wanted.
i'd start off small, give you a taste of unnatural influence, and increase the dose if you could convince me it was necessary.
I'd something that could tell me the answer to any question I asked it in a way that a human could understand.
eg. relative to the actual Universe, what does science actually end up explaining, and how close are we to the whole truth?
kanra ill fuck you until you learn to love your race
instead of lives, technology, lives.
and comfortably. it to feel the fortune of lives.
since i would ask for no reason.
i value is subjective and comfortably.
we'd want to live lavishly and based on my first century of others.
worth more apathetic.
i would be minimized or managed.
and i would ask for no reason to me.
i know that delusion.
i'd grow more apathetic.
i have no reason to betray me, instead of lives.
lonely girls don't wander in reality and experiences, and heck, lives. it to shape the bigger game, and you literally got me, lives, i can relate it to me, i't wander in one go.
since i't be etc.
we'd grow more than the natural progression of godhood.
and experiences, biologies, and i know that delusion.
i dont
do i?
You literally just throw Kanra's posts into some blender, huh?
I don't need the thrill of the chase, I just need someone loyal.
Who cares about finding someone when you can blind someone from wanting to find anyone else?
Neru is creating a Kanrabot
she'll pit it against him
and if it trumps him
it will mark the beginning of the end
are we dumping our neru images?
im a girl
I think that's what neru prefers to be called
I think
I have no idea what you're asking
are you he or she
cp on the cata.
report it
I'm biracial.
They're almost sentences. I wonder how you make them.
That is, in the end, the ultimate truth. I'm not sure what it'd be like getting anything you wanted.
Something about someone choosing you of their own free will seems more romantic/meaningful.
t need the thrill of the thrill of the thrill of the thrill of the thrill of the thrill of the chase, i don't need the chase, i don't need someone from wanting to find anyone else?
who cares about finding someone loyal.
i don't need someone loyal.
i just need someone when you can blind someone when you can blind someone when you can blind someone loyal.
who cares about finding someone when you can blind someone from wanting to find anyone else?
i just need the chase, i just need someone loyal.
who cares about finding someone loyal.
i don't need the chase, i don't need the chase, i just need someone when you can blind someone loyal.
i just need someone when you can blind someone loyal.
who cares about finding someone when you can blind someone loyal.
i don't need someone loyal.
im asking who im on the line with
moshi moshi scarlet desu who is this
I don't really care if it's there, and im lazy.
what do you prefer to be called
he or she
so why bring it up..
so someone else could take care of it like if a mod saw my post, or someone could do the work for me by reporting it.
RIP in pieces in pepperoni in IP Lucy
I miss them a little
I want to punch you rn
i mean, we can keep fucking til it works.
havent been able to see ips for a very long time on 8ch even as admin
Mainly all I want is attention
Regardless of meaning, it's about of results ain't it
Far out, man.
I know
rainbow tables
when they weren't pretending to be a girl, they were pretty cool to talk to and play vidya with
Tamamo-no-Mae's casual outfit is so adorable.
havent i told you im psychic babe
the results are oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin.
I could give you an injection of those with my godpowers and you'll never want a qt or anything more from life.
she but these threads hardly make anything mattress
I'll tell you next time
She is adorable in general
Yeah, maybe. Might be simpler than managing a whole nother human being(s) too.
any good posters still left?
I bet if you botted others', they'd sound more retarded.
You would literally starve to death unless you reminded yourself to eat.
lenko is gay, silly girl
Sucks, how fairs your evening?
I can set some alarms
Oh, I forgot, sorry.
and my best friend was a huge snek and we rode around at blazing speeds to latenight stores buying candy before they closed and the car to not lose them though in the city there was a huge snek and we rode around at blazing speeds to latenight stores buying candy before they closed and the last store even gave me a plushiesnekcat and then we ran into a conductor ticket officer at the station and he said yes and we made pizza though he was stopped and everyone was happy and we made pizza though he burned his hand on the pizza and i went to the roof of the car exploded and i went to the room and i ran into skellingtons though they were all happy even had a job application for becoming a folklorist guru and people had been nagging the guru so a lot of folklorist hippies had made a human chain to block people from entering the folklorist district but the one we met had a skellington son though he burned his hand on the roof and used a dorkdetector thing to find that i had to leave for hogwarts and i swear it was the
possiblyy but few others type textwalls and selecting several posts is efforts
you'd die of endless bliss.
Yeah seeing as how I'm Not Lenko, I'd rather fuck ducks and wish.
lolE = ducks
So gimme da drugs already yo
I'm a Ioli
ayo bb duck u want sum fuk
Well, I'm glad to be part of your little experiment.
Even if it ends up with absolute nonsense at the end.
when i get my genie.
Wow, what a shit tier of poster posting at this time. Thank goodness this is usually when I am asleep. Terrible.
Only if you promise not to drag your knuckles across my pussy?
I'm so fucking sad
I care
Post lewd Suwako
But I left
i care
You didn't say words
I need lewd suwako
u like my OC gif my man?
This is pretty lewd suwako
I couldn't think of a response for that fetish of yours. GOSH
goodbye pupper..
I was calling you a gorilla
That poor dog must have been terrified
in bed and darwin was a ruse and i closed the door there were tons of pelle politibil drove past but that did not want me to put the spice mix and things kind of narrates "and finally i hit the ground", which i kind of found a bit ahead.
i tell everyone to swim, and say i would not jump so i moved to the cooling room so i worried and decided not to risk it and then i saw a ligthhouse and i swim (the car was so i went there and he banned me from entering the folklorist district but the one we met had a gun, start to drive but accidentally start towing
i turned on the other scale, and we followed it
and the manager came and he told us
a workaround was to breed tiny yellow birds and give them away so
you get to bring the pastries out of my bicycle
and the earthquakeplayer said that she lived there.
i had this dream that someone took the middle of grass).
okai so i had to
I missed the whole gorilla thing. Guess it makes sense because they do kinda drag their knuckles along.
me too. but you brought up genies and got us on this track to nowhere.
Who needs pupper
welll my posts tend to somehow pass through it just fine and still be almost as readable
Not surprised you missed it.
Not my fault.
I only wanted a naked embrace.
Yes, go on
Almost readable, just on the cusp of comprehension
Hi goggles
Wow, that's rude and unwarranted. Shame on you Lloyd.
Is this what u wanted? h-hentai
colby can you give me the link for this?
but who was talking to me earlier?
i still dont have an answer!!
You forgot words.
ok goodnight
Someone that wasn't me and is therefore jrrelee
Holy shit phone, auto correct correctly next time
I'm sitting in a cold room. another human would be nice.
idk who that is
that entire conversation was turning me on
This is good
If you got any taller ones of her I'd like it
I did not
awesome thanks.
Sure thing
its not irrelevant
ur the only one irrelevant right now
unless u wanna gay4pay
boo and kanra are fucktards
-squeaks at the little boxelder bug as it lazily climbs its way up the window frame.-
source on this (wo)man?
kanras a retarded leftist like you actually
into multiculturalism and all that retarded shit
you should like him
tfw no islamic rhodesian scoot gf
I know these are fake but still post all of them.
Should I make more coffee, or actually sleep?
go to sleep
You just flipturned my world upside down right there, I'm hurt
disgusting, sorry for your feels.
try suicide
Oh. yes. a human I know would be nice too.
boo has a trump hat
and it's part for irony, part meme, and part genuine support
nobody should like him
Did it squeak back?
Not all it cracked up to be.
I should, but I don't want to though.
What do you plan to do if you don't sleep?
-didn't know anyone else heard it and looks embarrassed as he turns, quickly hiding the bag f gumdrops behind his back. A lone gumdrop inches its way up towards the ceiling, carried by a hungry boxelder bug-
The question isn't whether you'd want to, but if you should.
That being said, pretty late, eh?
i see we're back to bullying
I bet Sonata is a Trump supporter.
id a kuus
tit for tat.
I would a kuus
Lloyd you like this?
i dindu nuffin
No plan really. Occupy myself with something so I don't sleep. That's about as far as I'd gotten with the whole plan.
Depends, late by how long I've been up, or when I usually sleep?
What I should do tends to frequently hinge upon what I want to do.
It's cute
The bandaids are cheesy though.
What is the first 'something' you're going to try?
What about this?
People still eat gumdrops? I thought they were made up for old-timey poems and whatnot
The irony that he's screaming "SHUT UP" in this scene is palpable
you didu sumfin
maybe she hurt both her nipples and her clit.
There's also the factor of variables to come.
Sleep before school maybe?
Simon's a fucking champ, miss that dude
Why's that one a thumbnail?
posting my thoughts is NOT bullying
ur just being mean to me to be mean ;_;
something i would never do
-holds out the bag to you, they're spearmint!-
Nah, not my type of guy
Then she should be in the hospital
Get these out of my face, you disgust me
wow. i wouldn't even call those my genuine thoughts. i was just getting back at you.
but i guess you're the sort of person to think that way of another person.
real classy, boo.
she went. they're the ones that put the bandages on.
Weed and shitposting seemed a good place to start~
Most of it's online for the summer.
I'm pretty tired, just don't want to sleep.
I'm assuming that's Boo's.
sleep ♥
top kek
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Is that your MAGA starter kit?
8ch just shit out on me again.
I don't know.