Have you ever modded a controller or system, Holla Forums?

Have you ever modded a controller or system, Holla Forums?

What's that image supposed to be?

Some jackass replaced the right thumbstick with one of those awful laptop mouse clits

Yes, I added some weapons in Oblivion.

I put an auto-fire button into a 360 controller in highschool. It was really cool how it worked, you soldered a wire from the trigger switch to one of the home button LEDs. Since the LEDs don't have a constant power supply but rather flicker really quickly, the button would pass a flickering current into the trigger button to make the controller think the trigger was being pulled quickly. Also did things like swap out cases and such. One of my controllers has the bumpers/triggers from a blue controller with black shell.


"modding" wise

No but I made a device that beeps rapidly to play over voice chat.
The beeping length/delay can also easily be changed by swapping out a resistor and capacitor. I was going to spiffy it up by actually adding some dip switches that would allow me to keep multiple resistors/capacitors on the circuit to change it on-the-fly, but never bothered with ordering the switches.
Too bad radioshack is dead.

They're top-tier when using the keyboard a lot. Touchpads are the true awful.

Modded a 360 fightstick with a PCB from a PS4 pad. I messed up L1 and R1 so I'm gonna redo it when my solder braid comes in.

Swapped the sticks top on a DS2 to have X360 ones
Swapped the buttons of an original DS with DS2 buttons because the gray looked like ass, also X360 analog caps.
I used to have some sort of "disassembled" case for a PSOne, a bit like those PC cases where everything is out and spaced out. Ended up ripping the lens ribbon cable, couldn't be arsed to fix it, it's either collecting dust somewhere in the garage or I threw it out.

Right now I'm trying to figure out a way to use DS3 guts inside a 360 pad, rewiring the analogs is easy enough but I'm stuck with the d-pad.

Also been playing with the ideas of putting PC guts, probably a disassembled laptop, inside a PS2 case, but wiring and usability are going to issues. Not to mention cooling the motherfucker, laptop heatsinks are usually too bulky and not flexible enough to work inside such a small case.

I put a chink Saturn USB controller pcb into a real Saturn pad. It was cheaper than getting an adapter.

I have several modded game consoles all done on my own. Original Xbox, 3DS, PSP, PS2, and most recently, Sega Saturn. I mostly focus on repairs and fixing things up to be presentable or sold to others. It's a lot of fun.

I used to make Xbox threads weekly discussing modding, the system, the library, etc.

Be nice to replace the buttons on a 7th/8th gen controller with the shit in a Saturn controller. Would make it much nicer.

Even if it was just the Dpad, it'd be a fucking upgrade.

I'm using a KinzuAdder right now.

JTAGed a 360 someone gave me free that had never been online so it was still on the blade dashboard, built the circuit with some components off a scrap pcb so free console, free mod, free games. Before that modded a 360 so you eject the disc without the console knowing so I could hdd install a game on multiple consoles and use one disc to boot then all. SD card serial port mod on a dreamcast, was kinda pointless, made a VGA cable for it too. 60hz, stereo audio and built in scart socket for my mega drive.

Was the chink one a playsega clone, Is the original saturn case/buttons that much better? Got a playsega one and was wondering if that's worth doing.

I guess not everybody is lucky enough to be born with good brain genetics.

I replaced a PSP shell once.
I know that that doesn't sound impressive, but it was a hellish experience

post more of that blue haired boygirl

Why not just use trimmers?

I tried using the one POT I had but it wasn't great. I usually don't have many spare components, just ordering whatever I think I need.

I miss the fuck out of them in laptops.
Touchpads are shit.

Why the fuck would you even bother?

Not gonna make another thread about this, but I've heard there are some controllers that replace a thumbstick with a trackball. If anyone has one, how well do they perform? I'm genuinely curious, and considering getting one next time I get paid.

okay, but better than a thumbstick for a video game?

I enabled piracy on my dreamcast

The PS1 I bought was pirate-modded from the store, does that count?

Radioshack isn't dead
worse, it's a shambling zombie of its former self that has been transformed into a Sprint retailer that barely sells anything DIY anymore. They don't even sell replacement soldering iron heads for their soldering iron kits anymore

No, but I did picrelated

if you want to create your own fightstick you must first invent the universe

I actually used to draw with that mouse.